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The Ultimate Marketing
Automation Playbook
to 3X Conversions
Dan McGaw - CEO @EffinAmazing
Dan McGaw
CEO @EffinAmazing
Dan McGaw is an award-winning entrepreneur and
speaker. He is also the Founder and CEO of Effin
Amazing, a marketing analytics and marketing
technology agency that helps marketing teams get
data driven and optimize their funnel.
Just a handful of our amazing
The Ultimate Marketing
Automation Playbook
to 3X Conversions
Dan McGaw - CEO @EffinAmazing
Marketing Stack Growth.
Over the past few years martech has
grown like crazy.
150+ martech tools
#Stackapocalypse 5
350+ martech tools
1000+ martech tools
#Stackapocalypse 6
2000+ martech tools
3500+ martech tools
#Stackapocalypse 7
5,000 martech tools
6,800 martech tools
Source:		http://chiefmartec.com
Source:		http://chiefmartec.com
#Stackapocalypse 8
With so many companies coming on to the market, the landscape can be hard
and overwhelming for any marketer. At this moment we are seeing lots of
consolidation. Adobe has being acquiring tools like crazy, let’s just hope this
does not create a #stackapocalypse in your stack.
7,040+ martech tools
Source:		http://chiefmartec.com
Talking about changing your stack is
effin scary.
 The Ultimate Marketing Automation Playbook to 3X Conversions - Dan McGaw, Effin Amazing
How many tools are in your stack?
1	-	5 6-10 10-20 21+
How many tools are in my stack?
My inbox - Gmail
4 Social Automation tool – Buffer, Revive Old Post,
Zapier & Quuu
LinkedIn message blast tool - GPZ
4 Lead capture tools – Prospecthive, Snov.io, Toofr,
Webinar tool - Zoom
Video Meeting tool - Zoom
Hosting - Pantheon
CMS - Wordpress
2 Data piping tool – Segment and Zapier
Tag manager – Google Tag Manager
CRM – Salesforce
Contract Signature - Nitrocloud
4 marketing automation tools – Klenty, Mixmax,
Mailchimp and Autopilot
How many tools are in my stack?
Marketing Automation Stack
Choose tools based upon
integration and connectivity.
Most tools are
Marketing and Sales tools rarely talk to each
other. In most cases, the leads are just sent
from one tool to another without knowing
where the lead came from, why they were
interested or even where the lead entered
their information.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Company Statistic
Ease of integration is critical for marketing success. Growth teams and
marketers need to take action without a developer. Pick tools which minimize
developer integration time.
An Integrated Stack Data Pipeline
Use a Tag Manager
Tag Manager’s let you add analytics tags,
conversion pixels and custom scripts
without ever having to talk to a developer.
Finally, getting a new script added takes
less than a week.
Customer data infrastructure tools allows
you to implement once and connect 100’s
of tools. This allows you to not be
dependent on lengthy integrations to get a
tool up and running. You integrate once,
switch tools whenever you like and remain
agile with your entire stack.
Use a CDI
Integrate in the 21st centuryCDI
Use Clearbit
Clearbit is the modern enrichment
provider. With an API you want to use and
a sexy Segment integration, you can pass
your new firmograpahic, technographic
and demographic data into any tool.
Enrich in the 21st centuryClearbit
Use Autopilot
Autopilot is a newer marketing automation
platform which threw out the rule book.
Instead of being a big clunky beast, they
are lean, yet a powerful multi-channel
marketing automation platform.
Automate in the 21st centuryAutopilot
Use Salesforce
The #1 CRM is #1 for an effin reason. The
platform is not cheap, but with the
ecosystem of tools and integrations it has,
you are an idiot if you choose something
else. Even startups with no money should
use this tool.
AppExchange. Lead Tracking.
Deal Tracking. Customer Tracking.
CRM in the
21st century
Use Amplitude
Amplitude by far is the most powerful
analytics tool. Their innovation cycle on
new visualizations and reports is
astounding. They are also the cross-
device tracking leader say me :)
ABM Analytics. Dashboard Analytics.
Free Analytics. Real-time Analytics.
Analytics in the
21st century
Use Zapier
Zapier is the the fastest way to connect
over 1000 different tools together. Not
only will it pass data from a CRM to your
MAP tools, it can also do wild automations
in Google Calendar, Twitter and a 1000+
other tools.
Hack it in the 21st centuryZapier
Automation Case Study
RealThread.com was able to completely
reinvent their automation to increase
Custom T-shirt printing has never felt so
good. Real thread is a custom t-shirt
printer which has some of the softest inks
to ensure your customers enjoy wearing
your shirts. The print for fashion lines,
startups and all sorts of businesses.
Online OrdersProblem
Offline OrdersProblem
Lots of inbound leadsProblem
Doing lots of outbound prospectingProblem
Luckily when we got to Real Thread they were already using some of our
favorite tools, Segment and Salesforce. To really accomplish the job though
we needed a marketing automation tool, improved communication and better
Original Real Thread Stack
Automation Reporting
Marketing rarely knows what happens to
a lead after it is sent to sales, but it is time
for that to change. We should know when
sales picks up a lead and integrate that
into our analytics.
Lead Scoring
People who have given us their email, but
do not appear ready to purchase. Many of
these folks need to be identified or
Personalized Automation
Each buyer personas has their own
desires and needs. By personalizing their
journey we can push them farther down
the funnel while keeping engagement
Increase customer
conversion rate
When focused on the Real Thread business we
agreed to improve their rate of acquiring new
customers. Instead of spending money on more
reach, we wanted to take advantage of what we
already had. LOTS of LEADS!!!!
Your stack should work together as one cohesive unit. Each tool
should be able to collect and send information to others tools
when possible.
New Real Thread Stack
Lead Scoring
Turn thousands of prospects per
month into marketing qualified leads
Identity and Behavior driven.Create Lead Score Model
Segment >> Clearbit >> Segment = Identity Data
Clearbit >> Segment >> Autopilot << >> Salesforce = Complete Integration
Building Lead Score - Salesforce << >> Autopilot
Building Lead Score - Salesforce << >> Autopilot
Automation Reporting
Marketing rarely knows what happens to
a lead after it is sent to sales, but it is time
for that to change. We should know when
sales picks up a lead and integrate that
into our analytics.
Lead Scoring
People who have given us their email, but
do not appear ready to purchase. Many of
these folks need to be identified or
Personalized Automation
Each buyer personas has their own
desires and needs. By personalizing their
journey we can push them farther down
the funnel while keeping engagement
Increase customer
conversion rate
When focused on the Real Thread business we
agreed to improve their rate of acquiring new
customers. Instead of spending money on more
reach, we wanted to take advantage of what we
already had. LOTS of LEADS!!!!
Personalized Automation
Turn hundreds of MQL’s per month
into sales qualified leads (SQL).
Collect Customer Information - Autopilot
Collect Customer Information - Autopilot
Collect Customer Information - User Experience
Graphic Designer
Send Personalized Journey - Autopilot
Designer, Apparel
Send Personalized Journey - Autopilot
Business Owner
Send Personalized Journey - Autopilot
Automation Reporting
Marketing rarely knows what happens to
a lead after it is sent to sales, but it is time
for that to change. We should know when
sales picks up a lead and integrate that
into our analytics.
Lead Scoring
People who have given us their email, but
do not appear ready to purchase. Many of
these folks need to be identified or
Personalized Automation
Each buyer personas has their own
desires and needs. By personalizing their
journey we can push them farther down
the funnel while keeping engagement
Increase customer
conversion rate
When focused on the Real Thread business we
agreed to improve their rate of acquiring new
customers. Instead of spending money on more
reach, we wanted to take advantage of what we
already had. LOTS of LEADS!!!!
Create analytics integration to give
leadership more data on what the
customer automation is doing.
Automation Reporting
Report Role in Analytics - Autopilot >> Segment
Report Role in Analytics - Segment >> Amplitude
Report Role in Web Analytics - Segment >> Kissmetrics
Automation Reporting
Marketing rarely knows what happens to
a lead after it is sent to sales, but it is time
for that to change. We should know when
sales picks up a lead and integrate that
into our analytics.
Lead Scoring
People who have given us their email, but
do not appear ready to purchase. Many of
these folks need to be identified or
Personalized Automation
Each buyer personas has their own
desires and needs. By personalizing their
journey we can push them farther down
the funnel while keeping engagement
Increase customer
conversion rate
When focused on the Real Thread business we
agreed to improve their rate of acquiring new
customers. Instead of spending money on more
reach, we wanted to take advantage of what we
already had. LOTS of LEADS!!!!
Your automation is only as good as
the people you hire to build it. Don’t
be stupid, Build Cool Sh*t
Get my new book!
Build Cool Sh*t
A blueprint to creating your marketing
technology stack
Text “traction” to (415) 915-9011
Thanks For
Dan McGaw
CEO at EffinAmazing.com
Dan McGaw
CEO at EffinAmazing.com

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Traction Conf
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Traction Conf
The Ultimate Product Strategy to Deliver Billions - Sara Hicks, Mailchimp
 The Ultimate Product Strategy to Deliver Billions - Sara Hicks, Mailchimp The Ultimate Product Strategy to Deliver Billions - Sara Hicks, Mailchimp
The Ultimate Product Strategy to Deliver Billions - Sara Hicks, Mailchimp
Traction Conf
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The Ultimate Marketing Automation Playbook to 3X Conversions - Dan McGaw, Effin Amazing

  • 1. Keynote The Ultimate Marketing Automation Playbook to 3X Conversions Dan McGaw - CEO @EffinAmazing
  • 2. 2 Dan McGaw CEO @EffinAmazing Introduction Dan McGaw is an award-winning entrepreneur and speaker. He is also the Founder and CEO of Effin Amazing, a marketing analytics and marketing technology agency that helps marketing teams get data driven and optimize their funnel. Just a handful of our amazing clients
  • 3. The Ultimate Marketing Automation Playbook to 3X Conversions Dan McGaw - CEO @EffinAmazing Keynote
  • 4. #Stackapocalypse Marketing Stack Growth. Industry Over the past few years martech has grown like crazy. 4 2011 150+ martech tools http://chiefmartec.com/2016/03/marketing-technology-landscape-supergraphic-2016/
  • 5. #Stackapocalypse 5 2013 2014 350+ martech tools 1000+ martech tools http://chiefmartec.com/2016/03/marketing-technology-landscape-supergraphic-2016/ http://chiefmartec.com/2016/03/marketing-technology-landscape-supergraphic-2016/
  • 6. #Stackapocalypse 6 2015 2000+ martech tools 3500+ martech tools http://chiefmartec.com/2016/03/marketing-technology-landscape-supergraphic-2016/ http://chiefmartec.com/2016/03/marketing-technology-landscape-supergraphic-2016/ 2016
  • 7. #Stackapocalypse 7 2017 5,000 martech tools 6,800 martech tools http://chiefmartec.com/2016/03/marketing-technology-landscape-supergraphic-2016/ Source: http://chiefmartec.com Source: http://chiefmartec.com 2018
  • 8. #Stackapocalypse 8 2019 With so many companies coming on to the market, the landscape can be hard and overwhelming for any marketer. At this moment we are seeing lots of consolidation. Adobe has being acquiring tools like crazy, let’s just hope this does not create a #stackapocalypse in your stack. Summary 7040? 7,040+ martech tools Source: http://chiefmartec.com
  • 9. Change Talking about changing your stack is effin scary.
  • 11. 11 How many tools are in your stack? Quantity 1 - 5 6-10 10-20 21+
  • 12. 12 How many tools are in my stack? ??
  • 13. 13 My inbox - Gmail 4 Social Automation tool – Buffer, Revive Old Post, Zapier & Quuu LinkedIn message blast tool - GPZ 4 Lead capture tools – Prospecthive, Snov.io, Toofr, Grouply Webinar tool - Zoom Video Meeting tool - Zoom Hosting - Pantheon CMS - Wordpress 2 Data piping tool – Segment and Zapier Tag manager – Google Tag Manager CRM – Salesforce Contract Signature - Nitrocloud 4 marketing automation tools – Klenty, Mixmax, Mailchimp and Autopilot 31+ How many tools are in my stack?
  • 14. Marketing Automation Stack Choose tools based upon integration and connectivity.
  • 15. 15 Most tools are Silo’d Problem Marketing and Sales tools rarely talk to each other. In most cases, the leads are just sent from one tool to another without knowing where the lead came from, why they were interested or even where the lead entered their information. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Company Statistic
  • 16. 16 Ease of integration is critical for marketing success. Growth teams and marketers need to take action without a developer. Pick tools which minimize developer integration time. An Integrated Stack Data Pipeline
  • 17. Use a Tag Manager Tag Manager’s let you add analytics tags, conversion pixels and custom scripts without ever having to talk to a developer. Finally, getting a new script added takes less than a week. 01.
  • 18. Customer data infrastructure tools allows you to implement once and connect 100’s of tools. This allows you to not be dependent on lengthy integrations to get a tool up and running. You integrate once, switch tools whenever you like and remain agile with your entire stack. Use a CDI 02.
  • 19. Integrate in the 21st centuryCDI
  • 20. Use Clearbit Clearbit is the modern enrichment provider. With an API you want to use and a sexy Segment integration, you can pass your new firmograpahic, technographic and demographic data into any tool. 03.
  • 21. Enrich in the 21st centuryClearbit
  • 22. Use Autopilot Autopilot is a newer marketing automation platform which threw out the rule book. Instead of being a big clunky beast, they are lean, yet a powerful multi-channel marketing automation platform. 04.
  • 23. Automate in the 21st centuryAutopilot
  • 24. Use Salesforce The #1 CRM is #1 for an effin reason. The platform is not cheap, but with the ecosystem of tools and integrations it has, you are an idiot if you choose something else. Even startups with no money should use this tool. 05.
  • 25. 25 AppExchange. Lead Tracking. Deal Tracking. Customer Tracking. CRM in the 21st century Salesforce
  • 26. Use Amplitude Amplitude by far is the most powerful analytics tool. Their innovation cycle on new visualizations and reports is astounding. They are also the cross- device tracking leader say me :) 06.
  • 27. 27 ABM Analytics. Dashboard Analytics. Free Analytics. Real-time Analytics. Analytics in the 21st century Amplitude
  • 28. Use Zapier Zapier is the the fastest way to connect over 1000 different tools together. Not only will it pass data from a CRM to your MAP tools, it can also do wild automations in Google Calendar, Twitter and a 1000+ other tools. 08.
  • 29. Hack it in the 21st centuryZapier
  • 30. Automation Case Study RealThread.com was able to completely reinvent their automation to increase conversions.
  • 31. 31 T-shirts RealThread.com Custom T-shirt printing has never felt so good. Real thread is a custom t-shirt printer which has some of the softest inks to ensure your customers enjoy wearing your shirts. The print for fashion lines, startups and all sorts of businesses.
  • 34. Lots of inbound leadsProblem
  • 35. Doing lots of outbound prospectingProblem
  • 36. 36 Luckily when we got to Real Thread they were already using some of our favorite tools, Segment and Salesforce. To really accomplish the job though we needed a marketing automation tool, improved communication and better reporting. Original Real Thread Stack
  • 37. 37 Automation Reporting Marketing rarely knows what happens to a lead after it is sent to sales, but it is time for that to change. We should know when sales picks up a lead and integrate that into our analytics. Lead Scoring People who have given us their email, but do not appear ready to purchase. Many of these folks need to be identified or qualified. Personalized Automation Each buyer personas has their own desires and needs. By personalizing their journey we can push them farther down the funnel while keeping engagement high Increase customer conversion rate When focused on the Real Thread business we agreed to improve their rate of acquiring new customers. Instead of spending money on more reach, we wanted to take advantage of what we already had. LOTS of LEADS!!!! Goal
  • 38. 38 Your stack should work together as one cohesive unit. Each tool should be able to collect and send information to others tools when possible. New Real Thread Stack
  • 39. Lead Scoring Turn thousands of prospects per month into marketing qualified leads (MQL).
  • 40. Identity and Behavior driven.Create Lead Score Model
  • 41. Segment >> Clearbit >> Segment = Identity Data
  • 42. Clearbit >> Segment >> Autopilot << >> Salesforce = Complete Integration
  • 43. Building Lead Score - Salesforce << >> Autopilot
  • 44. Building Lead Score - Salesforce << >> Autopilot
  • 45. 45 Automation Reporting Marketing rarely knows what happens to a lead after it is sent to sales, but it is time for that to change. We should know when sales picks up a lead and integrate that into our analytics. Lead Scoring People who have given us their email, but do not appear ready to purchase. Many of these folks need to be identified or qualified. Personalized Automation Each buyer personas has their own desires and needs. By personalizing their journey we can push them farther down the funnel while keeping engagement high Increase customer conversion rate When focused on the Real Thread business we agreed to improve their rate of acquiring new customers. Instead of spending money on more reach, we wanted to take advantage of what we already had. LOTS of LEADS!!!! Goal
  • 46. Personalized Automation Turn hundreds of MQL’s per month into sales qualified leads (SQL).
  • 49. Collect Customer Information - User Experience
  • 50. Graphic Designer Send Personalized Journey - Autopilot
  • 51. Designer, Apparel Send Personalized Journey - Autopilot
  • 52. Business Owner Send Personalized Journey - Autopilot
  • 53. 53 Automation Reporting Marketing rarely knows what happens to a lead after it is sent to sales, but it is time for that to change. We should know when sales picks up a lead and integrate that into our analytics. Lead Scoring People who have given us their email, but do not appear ready to purchase. Many of these folks need to be identified or qualified. Personalized Automation Each buyer personas has their own desires and needs. By personalizing their journey we can push them farther down the funnel while keeping engagement high Increase customer conversion rate When focused on the Real Thread business we agreed to improve their rate of acquiring new customers. Instead of spending money on more reach, we wanted to take advantage of what we already had. LOTS of LEADS!!!! Goal
  • 54. Create analytics integration to give leadership more data on what the customer automation is doing. Automation Reporting
  • 55. Report Role in Analytics - Autopilot >> Segment
  • 56. Report Role in Analytics - Segment >> Amplitude
  • 57. Report Role in Web Analytics - Segment >> Kissmetrics
  • 58. 58 Automation Reporting Marketing rarely knows what happens to a lead after it is sent to sales, but it is time for that to change. We should know when sales picks up a lead and integrate that into our analytics. Lead Scoring People who have given us their email, but do not appear ready to purchase. Many of these folks need to be identified or qualified. Personalized Automation Each buyer personas has their own desires and needs. By personalizing their journey we can push them farther down the funnel while keeping engagement high Increase customer conversion rate When focused on the Real Thread business we agreed to improve their rate of acquiring new customers. Instead of spending money on more reach, we wanted to take advantage of what we already had. LOTS of LEADS!!!! Goal
  • 59. Advice Your automation is only as good as the people you hire to build it. Don’t be stupid, Build Cool Sh*t
  • 60. Advice Get my new book! Build Cool Sh*t A blueprint to creating your marketing technology stack Text “traction” to (415) 915-9011
  • 61. Thanks For Coming. Dan McGaw CEO at EffinAmazing.com
  • 62. Dan McGaw CEO at EffinAmazing.com Questions?