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                   The Art of Effective Evaluation
                           Presented to the Faculty
                           and Students of UPHSD –
                           Molino Campus

Presented by:
Arnel O. Rivera

     An Old Buddhist Tale
   Bruce Lee, the legendary
    martial artist, once told a
    story about a highly-
    educated man who went
    to a Zen teacher to ask
    and acquire knowledge
    about Zen.
   As the Zen teacher began
    to explain things, the man
    would frequently interrupt
    with remarks like, "Oh,
    yes, we have that too…”
   Finally the Zen teacher
    stopped talking. He began
    to serve tea. He poured
    tea into the man’s cup.
   He poured tea into the cup
    until it was full, and then
    kept pouring until the cup
    overflowed. "Enough!" the
    man once more
    interrupted, "No more can
    go into the cup!"
   “Indeed, I see," answered the Zen teacher, "If
    you do not first empty the cup, how can you
    taste my cup of tea?"
   A full cup cannot accept
    anything more. Similarly,
    a person who believes
    that he had learnt a lot
    cannot learn anything
    else & will stagnate
    quickly and not move to
    higher levels.
Why is there a need to study
13% of students who got low
grades in exams are caused
by faulty test questions.
            The Philadelphia Trumpet
                        August 2005
It is estimated that 90% of all test
  questions asked in the US are of
       “Low level” - knowledge and
                     (Wilen, W.W., 1992)
“Low level” doesn’t mean easy:
   Write an essay explaining the decline and
   fall of the Roman Empire incorporating at
   least five of the seven causes discussed in
   class from the writings of Gibbon and
“High level” doesn’t mean hard:
   Which movie did you like more, WALL-E or
    Cars? Why?
Sample Test Question:
     Principles in Test      Preparing Matching
      Construction             Type Questions
     Steps in Preparing      Preparing Sentence
      Test Questions           Completion Questions
     Preparing Multiple      Preparing Essay
      Choice Questions
                              Other types of Test
     Preparing True or        Questions
      False Questions
                              Wrap-up/Things to
“The evaluation of pupils’
 progress is a major aspect of
 the teacher’s job.“
            Evaluating Educational Outcomes
                         (Oriondo & Antonio)
Explain the message of the comic strip.
Our students were trained
to memorize information.

After they have memorized
facts, then what?
Old belief about teaching .....

    Education is a process where the
    notes of the teachers or the
    contents in the books are
    transfered to the notebooks of
    the students, without
    understanding them.
    (Wiggins, 2009)
In your lesson plans, did you
ever bother to ask this
• How do you know if
  you have achieved
  your desired result?
What is testing?

“A test is a sample of behavior, products, answers, or
performances from a particular domain” (Carrington, 1994)

     “… it's a systematic method of eliciting performance which is intended
     to be the basis for some sort of decision making" (Hughes, 1989).

 “A test will predict performance levels, and the learner will somehow
 reconstruct its parts in meaningful situations when necessary”
 (McCann, 2000)

        “ Testing is generally concerned with turning performance into
         numbers.” (Baxter, 1997)

                Guidelines for Test Construction
What are tests for?

Inform learners and teachers of the strengths and
                                   weaknesses of the process
Motivate learners to review or consolidate specific material
Guide the planning/development of the ongoing teaching
Create a sense of accomplishment

Determine if the objectives
              have been achieved

Encourage improvement

          Guidelines for Test Construction
Ms. Alanganin            – confusing statements
Mr. Highfalutin          – difficult vocabulary
Ms. Madaldal             – excessive wordiness
Ms. Magulo               – complex sentence structure
Ms. Malabo               – unclear instructions
Mr. Pulpol               – unclear illustrative materials
Ms. Foringer             – linguistically bound words
Ms. Colonial Mentality   – culturally bound words
Characteristics of Good Tests
         Validity – the extent to which the
         test measures what it intends to
         Reliability – the consistency with
         which a test measures what it is
         supposed to measure
         Usability – the test can be
         administered with ease, clarity
         and uniformity
Other Things to Consider
        Scorability – easy to score
        Interpretability – test results can
        be properly interpreted and is a
        major basis in making sound
        educational decisions
        Economical – the test can be
        reused without compromising the
        validity and reliability
“To be able to prepare a good
 test, one has to have a
 mastery of the subject
 matter, knowledge of the
 pupils to be tested, skill in
 verbal expression and the
 use of the different test
                Evaluating Educational Outcomes
                             (Oriondo & Antonio)
5 Most Commonly used
           Test Format

1.   Multiple Choice
2.   True or False
3.   Matching Type
4.   Fill-in the blanks (Sentence Completion)
5.   Essay
Source: Turn-out of Test Questions in SSI (2003-2007)
General Steps in Test Construction

                 TEST       ANALYZE

Table of Specifications (TOS)

  A two way chart that relates the
  learning outcomes to the course
  It enables the teacher to prepare a test
  containing a representative sample of
  student behavior in each of the areas
Test construction edited
Tips in Preparing the Table
of Specifications (TOS)
  Don’t make it overly detailed.
  It's best to identify major ideas and skills
  rather than specific details.
  Use a cognitive taxonomy that is most
  appropriate to your discipline, including non-
  specific skills like communication skills or
  graphic skills or computational skills if such
  are important to your evaluation of the
Tips in Preparing the Table
of Specifications (TOS)
  Weigh the appropriateness of the distribution
  of checks against the students' level, the
  importance of the test, the amount of time
  MATCH the question level appropriate to the
  level of thinking skills
Examples of Student Activities and Verbs
for Bloom’s Cognitive Levels (Jacobs &
Chase, 1992:19)
Bloom’s Cognitive   Student Activity          Words to Use in Item
Level                                         Stem
Knowledge           Remembering facts,        Define, list, state,
                    terms, concepts,          identify, label, name,
                    definitions, principles   who?, when?, where?,
Comprehension       Explaining/interpreting   Explain, predict, interpret,
                    the meaning of material   infer, summarize, convert,
                                              translate, account for,
                                              give example, paraphrase
Application         Using a concept or        Apply, solve, show, make
                    principle to solve a      use of, modify,
                    problem                   demonstrate, compute
Examples of Student Activities and Verbs for
Bloom’s Cognitive Levels (Jacobs & Chase,
 Bloom’s Cognitive        Student Activity           Words to Use in Item
      Level                                                 Stem
Analysis             Breaking material down        Differentiate,
                     into its component parts to   compare/contrast,
                     see interrelationships/       distinguish ____from
                     hierarchy of ideas            ____, how does
                                                   ____relate to ___, why
                                                   does ____work
Synthesis            Producing something new or Design, construct, develop,
                     original from component    formulate, imagine,
                     parts                      create, change, write a
                                                poem or short story
Evaluation           Making a judgment based       Appraise, evaluate,
                     on a pre-established set of   justify, judge, which would
                     criteria                      be better?
Tips in Preparing the Table
 of Specifications (TOS)

   The following array shows the most common
   questions types used at various cognitive
Factual Knowledge     Application      Analysis and
Multiple Choice     Multiple Choice   Multiple Choice
True/False          Short Answer      Essay
Matching Type       Problems
S. Completion       Essay
Short Answer/RRT
General Rules in Writing Test
  Number test questions continuously.
  Keep your test question in each test group
  Make your layout presentable.
  Do not put too many test questions in one
  test group.
     T or F: 10 – 15 questions
     Multiple Choice: max. of 30 questions
     Matching type: 5 questions per test group
     Others: 5 – 10 questions
Some additional guidelines to consider
when writing items are described below:
1. Avoid humorous items. Classroom testing is
   very important and humorous items may
   cause students to either not take the exam
   seriously, become confused or anxious.
2. Items should measure one’s knowledge of the
   item context not their level of interest.
3. Write items to measure what students know,
   not what they do not know. (Cohen & Wallack)
Multiple Choice Test
What to Look for on
Multiple Choice Tests
When checking the stems for correctness:
 Ensure that the stem asks a clear
 Reading level is appropriate to the
 The stem is grammatically correct.
 Negatively stated stems are
Anatomy of a Perfect
  Multiple Choice Tests
What is the effect of releasing a ball in
positive gravity?
a) It will fall “down.” correct
b) It will retain its mass. true but unrelated
c) It will rise. false but related
d) Its shape will change. false and unrelated
Multiple Choice Questions
 1. Use negatively stated stems sparingly and
    when using negatives such as NOT,
    underline or bold the print.
 2. Use none of the above and all of the above
    sparingly, and when you do use them, don't
    always make them the right answer.
 3. Only one option should be correct or clearly
Multiple Choice Questions:
4. All options should be homogenous and
   nearly equal in length.
5. The stem (question) should contain only
   one main idea.
6. Keep all options either singular or plural.
7. Have four or five responses per stem
Multiple Choice Questions:
7. When using incomplete statements place
    the blank space at the end.
8. When possible organize the responses.
9. Reduce wordiness.
10. When writing distracters, think of incorrect
    responses that students might make.
1. Sheldon developed a highly controversial
   theory of personality based on body type and
   temperament of the individual. Which of the
   following is a criticism of Sheldon's work?
   a. He was influenced too much by the
      Freudian psychoanalysis.
   b. His rating of physique and temperament
      were not independent.
   c. He failed to use empirical approach.
   d. His research sample was improperly
Better: (Eliminate excessive wording and
  irrelevant information)
1. Which of the following is a criticism of
  Sheldon's theory of personality?
1. The receptors for the vestibular sense
   are located
   a. in the fovea.
   b. in the brain.
   c. in the middle ear.
   d. in the inner ear.
Better: (Include in the stem any word(s) that
   might otherwise be repeated in each
1. The receptors for the vestibular senses are
   located in the _______.
   a. fovea
   b. brain
   c. middle ear
   d. inner ear
True or False
What to Look for on
True/False Tests
   Each statement is clearly true or
   clearly false.
   Trivial details should not make a
   statement false.
   Statements are written concisely
   without more elaboration than
   Statements are NOT quoted exactly
   from text.
Tips in Making True/False Tests
   Give emphasis on the use of quantitative
   terms than qualitative terms.
   Avoid using of specific determiners which
   usually gives a clue to the answer.
       False = all, always, never, every, none,
       True = generally, sometimes, usually,
        maybe, often
   Discourage the use of negative
   Whenever a controversial statement is
   used, the authority should be quoted.
   Discourage the use of pattern for answers.
Find the errors, and/or problems with the
following true-false tests.
____ 1. Repetition always strengthens the
        tendency for a response to occur.
(Using "always" usually means the answer
        is false.)
_____ 2. The process of extinction is
         seldom immediate but extends
         over a number of trials.

(Words like "seldom" usually indicate a
         true statement.)
_____ 3. The mean, median, and mode are
          measures of central tendency,
          whereas the standard deviation and
          range are measures of variability.

(Express a single idea in each statement.)
          e.g.“The mean and standard
          deviation are measures of central
Matching Type
Parts of the Matching Type Test
(Vertical Type)
Column A         Column B
(Premise)        (Response)
Parts of the Matching Type Test
(Horizontal Type)

What to Look for on
Matching Type Tests
 The list of responses should be
 relatively short.
 Response options should be arranged
 alphabetically or numerically.
 Directions clearly indicate the basis for
    Can responses be used more than once?
    Where will you place your answer?
    Can students infer relationships or are
     they based on real word logic?
What to Look for on
Matching Type Tests
Position of matches should be varied.
Avoid using patterns.
The choices of each matching set
should be on one page
There are more responses than
premises in a single set if responses
cannot be used more than once.
What to Look for on
Matching Type Tests
The premises are homogeneous as well
as the responses and are grouped as
one item.
    Example:
      Set A: Provinces in Region I
      Set B: Provinces in CAR
If responses can be used more than
once, it should be proportional to the
number of premises (3:5 or 4:10)
Directions: Match the following.
1. Food               A. Primary reinforcer
2. Psychoanalysis     B. Sigmund Freud
3. B.F. Skinner       C. Operant conditioning
4. Standard deviation D. Measure of variability
5. Schizophrenia      E. Hallucinations
Better: (Use homogenous material in matching items, and
if responses are not to be used more than once, include
more responses than stimuli.)
Match the theories in Column A with their proponents in
Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
               Column A                     Column B
___ 1. Psychodynamic Theory         A. Albert Bandura
___ 2. Trait Theory                 B. B.F. Skinner
___ 3. Behaviorism                  C. Carl Rogers
___ 4. Humanism                     D. Gordon Allport
___ 5. Social Learning Theory       E. Karn Horney
                                    F. Raymond Cattell
                                    G. Sigmund Freud
Sentence Completion /
Fill-in the Blanks
What to Look for on
Sentence Completion Tests
Only significant words are omitted.
When omitting words, enough clues are
left so that the student who knows the
correct answer can supply the correct
Ensure that grammatical clues are
What to Look for on
Sentence Completion Tests
Blanks are at the end of the statement.
The length of the responses are limited
to single words or short phrases.
Questions are not lifted as verbatim
quotes from text.

1. An animal with six legs is called _________.
The item is so indefinite.It can be completed with
  answers such as bee, mosquito or any other
1. Animals with six legs are called ___________.

1.The __________ is the answer in _____.
Too many key words are omitted. Lines are
not in equal length.

 1. The product is the answers in _________.
1. If a mango weighs 250 grams, 10 mangoes
would weigh ______.

There are two possible answers – 250 grams
and .25 kilos.

1. If a mango weighs 250 grams, 10 mangoes
would weigh ____ grams.
Essay / Short Answer Test
Types of Essay Items:
Extended response type
 The test may be answered by the
 examinee in whatever manner he wants
     Example: Do you think teachers should be
      allowed to work abroad as domestic
      helpers? Explain your answer.
Two Types of Essay Items:
Restricted response type
 The test limits the examinees response
 may be answered by the examinee’s
 responses in terms of length, content,
 style or organization.
     Example: Give and explain three reasons
      why the government should or should not
      allow teachers to work abroad as domestic
What to Look for on
Essay Tests
The task is clearly defined. The
students are given an idea on the scope
and direction you intended for the
answer to take. The question starts
with a description of the required
behavior to put them in the correct mind
E.g. “Compare” or “Analyze”
What to Look for on
Essay Tests
The questions are written in the
linguistic level appropriate to the
Questions require a student to
demonstrate command of background
information, not simply repeating
What to Look for on
Essay Tests
Questions regarding a student’s opinion
on a certain issue should focus not on
the opinion but on the way it is
presented and argued.
A larger number of shorter, more
specific questions are better, than, one
or two longer questions.
Proposed Criteria in Grading
Essay Test

  Ideas (20%)
  Weight of Evidence Presented (40%)
  Correct Usage (20%)
  Logical Conclusions drawn from the
  evidence (20%)
What is wrong with this question?
 Describe asthma?
Better: (Clearly explain what is expected of
   the student.)
Describe asthma. Include in your answer :
a. the pathophysiologic features of asthma
b. the clinical manifestations associated with
   an asthma episode
c. the management of an asthma episode.
   (10 points)
What is wrong with this question?
Who is better, Rizal or Bonifacio?
Better: ( The students are given an idea on
the scope and direction you intended for the
answer to take.)
Compare and contrast the method used by
Rizal and Bonifacio in promoting
nationalism. (5 points)
Other types of Test Questions
Restricted Response Test (RRT)
Test takers are not given choices as possible
  answers. Items ask for a specific answer to
  each questions.
    Example:

       Who discovered the Philippines?
       What are the four elements of the state?
Principles in constructing RRT
  Do not ask for trivial facts or details. It is not
  only useless but also frustrates the students.
      How many balls are used in a 9-ball match?
  Questions should elicit facts not opinions?
      What do you think Pres. GMA should do for the
       country to recover from its’ economic deficit?
  Minimize questions that call for sheer
  memory work unless if the answer has
  important analytical significance.
      When will the next president be sworn to office?
Chronological Sequencing Test (CST)
  Test takers are asked to arrange items
  in a systematic or logical order.
      Arrange the presidents according to their
       term of office.
        _____ Fidel Ramos
        _____ Joseph Estrada
        _____ Corazon Aquino
        _____ Gloria Macapagal - Arroyo
Principles in constructing CST
  Items should be homogenous and are related
  to each other.
  There should not be more than 5 items in
  each set.
  Do not number the items. This confuses the
  All items to be arranged should be in the
  same page.
  Directions should be clearly stated and that
  each set should be labeled about their
What is wrong in this test question?

 Arrange the following events in their
     chronological order.
 1. Bataan Surrenders
 2. The Japanese attacks the US fleet in Pearl
     Harbor, Hawaii.
 3. Hitler invades Poland
 4. The US declares war with Japan.
 5. Gen. MacArthur escapes to Australia.
21-25.) War in the Pacific
    Arrange the following events in chronological order.
    Write the numbers 1-5 on the blanks provided.

___ USAFEE forces in Bataan surrender to the Japanese.
___ Japanese forces attacks the US fleet in Pearl Harbor,
___ Japan breaks diplomatic ties with the US.
___ The US declares war with Japan.
___ Gen. MacArthur escapes to Australia from Corregidor.
Proposed Arrangement of Test Items

  True or False
  Multiple Choice
  Matching Type
  Sentence Completion
  Others (RRT/Analogy/CST)
Things to Remember:
         Making a good test takes time
         Teachers have the obligation to
         provide their students with the
         best evaluation
         Tests play an essential role in the
         life of the students, parents,
         teachers and other educators
         Break any of the rules when
         you have a good reason for
         doing so! (emphasis mine)
                             (Mehrens, 1973)
A good lesson makes a good question
A good question makes a good content
A good content makes a good test
A good test makes a good grade
A good grade makes a good student
A good student makes a good COMMUNITY
                                  Jesus Ochave Ph.D.
                 VP Research Planning & Development
                         Philippine Normal University
For questions , comments or if you
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Test construction edited

  • 1. TEST CONSTRUCTION The Art of Effective Evaluation Presented to the Faculty and Students of UPHSD – Molino Campus Presented by: Arnel O. Rivera http://www.slideshare.net/ArnelSSI
  • 2. EMPTY YOUR CUP An Old Buddhist Tale
  • 3. Bruce Lee, the legendary martial artist, once told a story about a highly- educated man who went to a Zen teacher to ask and acquire knowledge about Zen.
  • 4. As the Zen teacher began to explain things, the man would frequently interrupt with remarks like, "Oh, yes, we have that too…”
  • 5. Finally the Zen teacher stopped talking. He began to serve tea. He poured tea into the man’s cup.
  • 6. He poured tea into the cup until it was full, and then kept pouring until the cup overflowed. "Enough!" the man once more interrupted, "No more can go into the cup!"
  • 7. “Indeed, I see," answered the Zen teacher, "If you do not first empty the cup, how can you taste my cup of tea?"
  • 8. A full cup cannot accept anything more. Similarly, a person who believes that he had learnt a lot cannot learn anything else & will stagnate quickly and not move to higher levels. WWW.SIMILIMA.COM
  • 10. Why is there a need to study TEST CONSTRUCTION?
  • 11. 13% of students who got low grades in exams are caused by faulty test questions. WORLDWATCH The Philadelphia Trumpet August 2005
  • 12. It is estimated that 90% of all test questions asked in the US are of “Low level” - knowledge and comprehension. (Wilen, W.W., 1992)
  • 13. “Low level” doesn’t mean easy:  Write an essay explaining the decline and fall of the Roman Empire incorporating at least five of the seven causes discussed in class from the writings of Gibbon and Toynbee “High level” doesn’t mean hard:  Which movie did you like more, WALL-E or Cars? Why?
  • 15. Outline:  Principles in Test  Preparing Matching Construction Type Questions  Steps in Preparing  Preparing Sentence Test Questions Completion Questions  Preparing Multiple  Preparing Essay Questions Choice Questions  Other types of Test  Preparing True or Questions False Questions  Wrap-up/Things to Remember
  • 16. “The evaluation of pupils’ progress is a major aspect of the teacher’s job.“ Evaluating Educational Outcomes (Oriondo & Antonio)
  • 17. Explain the message of the comic strip.
  • 18. Our students were trained to memorize information. After they have memorized facts, then what?
  • 19. Old belief about teaching ..... Education is a process where the notes of the teachers or the contents in the books are transfered to the notebooks of the students, without understanding them. (Wiggins, 2009)
  • 20. In your lesson plans, did you ever bother to ask this question: • How do you know if you have achieved your desired result?
  • 21. What is testing? “A test is a sample of behavior, products, answers, or performances from a particular domain” (Carrington, 1994) “… it's a systematic method of eliciting performance which is intended to be the basis for some sort of decision making" (Hughes, 1989). “A test will predict performance levels, and the learner will somehow reconstruct its parts in meaningful situations when necessary” (McCann, 2000) “ Testing is generally concerned with turning performance into numbers.” (Baxter, 1997) Guidelines for Test Construction
  • 22. What are tests for? Inform learners and teachers of the strengths and weaknesses of the process Motivate learners to review or consolidate specific material Guide the planning/development of the ongoing teaching process Create a sense of accomplishment Determine if the objectives have been achieved Encourage improvement Guidelines for Test Construction
  • 24. BARRIERS IN TEST CONSTRUCTION Ms. Alanganin – confusing statements Mr. Highfalutin – difficult vocabulary Ms. Madaldal – excessive wordiness Ms. Magulo – complex sentence structure Ms. Malabo – unclear instructions Mr. Pulpol – unclear illustrative materials Ms. Foringer – linguistically bound words Ms. Colonial Mentality – culturally bound words
  • 25. Characteristics of Good Tests Validity – the extent to which the test measures what it intends to measure Reliability – the consistency with which a test measures what it is supposed to measure Usability – the test can be administered with ease, clarity and uniformity
  • 26. Other Things to Consider Scorability – easy to score Interpretability – test results can be properly interpreted and is a major basis in making sound educational decisions Economical – the test can be reused without compromising the validity and reliability
  • 27. “To be able to prepare a good test, one has to have a mastery of the subject matter, knowledge of the pupils to be tested, skill in verbal expression and the use of the different test format” Evaluating Educational Outcomes (Oriondo & Antonio)
  • 28. 5 Most Commonly used Test Format 1. Multiple Choice 2. True or False 3. Matching Type 4. Fill-in the blanks (Sentence Completion) 5. Essay Source: Turn-out of Test Questions in SSI (2003-2007)
  • 29. General Steps in Test Construction DRAFT PRODUCE A T.O.S. ORDER TEST ANALYZE SUBMISSION
  • 30. Table of Specifications (TOS) A two way chart that relates the learning outcomes to the course content It enables the teacher to prepare a test containing a representative sample of student behavior in each of the areas tested.
  • 32. Tips in Preparing the Table of Specifications (TOS) Don’t make it overly detailed. It's best to identify major ideas and skills rather than specific details. Use a cognitive taxonomy that is most appropriate to your discipline, including non- specific skills like communication skills or graphic skills or computational skills if such are important to your evaluation of the answer.
  • 33. Tips in Preparing the Table of Specifications (TOS) Weigh the appropriateness of the distribution of checks against the students' level, the importance of the test, the amount of time available. MATCH the question level appropriate to the level of thinking skills
  • 34. Examples of Student Activities and Verbs for Bloom’s Cognitive Levels (Jacobs & Chase, 1992:19) Bloom’s Cognitive Student Activity Words to Use in Item Level Stem Knowledge Remembering facts, Define, list, state, terms, concepts, identify, label, name, definitions, principles who?, when?, where?, what? Comprehension Explaining/interpreting Explain, predict, interpret, the meaning of material infer, summarize, convert, translate, account for, give example, paraphrase Application Using a concept or Apply, solve, show, make principle to solve a use of, modify, problem demonstrate, compute
  • 35. Examples of Student Activities and Verbs for Bloom’s Cognitive Levels (Jacobs & Chase, 1992:19) Bloom’s Cognitive Student Activity Words to Use in Item Level Stem Analysis Breaking material down Differentiate, into its component parts to compare/contrast, see interrelationships/ distinguish ____from hierarchy of ideas ____, how does ____relate to ___, why does ____work Synthesis Producing something new or Design, construct, develop, original from component formulate, imagine, parts create, change, write a poem or short story Evaluation Making a judgment based Appraise, evaluate, on a pre-established set of justify, judge, which would criteria be better?
  • 36. Tips in Preparing the Table of Specifications (TOS) The following array shows the most common questions types used at various cognitive levels. Factual Knowledge Application Analysis and Evaluation Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice True/False Short Answer Essay Matching Type Problems S. Completion Essay Short Answer/RRT
  • 37. General Rules in Writing Test Questions Number test questions continuously. Keep your test question in each test group uniform. Make your layout presentable. Do not put too many test questions in one test group.  T or F: 10 – 15 questions  Multiple Choice: max. of 30 questions  Matching type: 5 questions per test group  Others: 5 – 10 questions
  • 38. Some additional guidelines to consider when writing items are described below: 1. Avoid humorous items. Classroom testing is very important and humorous items may cause students to either not take the exam seriously, become confused or anxious. 2. Items should measure one’s knowledge of the item context not their level of interest. 3. Write items to measure what students know, not what they do not know. (Cohen & Wallack)
  • 40. What to Look for on Multiple Choice Tests When checking the stems for correctness: Ensure that the stem asks a clear question. Reading level is appropriate to the students The stem is grammatically correct. Negatively stated stems are discouraged.
  • 41. Anatomy of a Perfect Multiple Choice Tests Example: What is the effect of releasing a ball in positive gravity? a) It will fall “down.” correct b) It will retain its mass. true but unrelated c) It will rise. false but related d) Its shape will change. false and unrelated
  • 42. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Use negatively stated stems sparingly and when using negatives such as NOT, underline or bold the print. 2. Use none of the above and all of the above sparingly, and when you do use them, don't always make them the right answer. 3. Only one option should be correct or clearly best.
  • 43. Multiple Choice Questions: 4. All options should be homogenous and nearly equal in length. 5. The stem (question) should contain only one main idea. 6. Keep all options either singular or plural. 7. Have four or five responses per stem (question).
  • 44. Multiple Choice Questions: 7. When using incomplete statements place the blank space at the end. 8. When possible organize the responses. 9. Reduce wordiness. 10. When writing distracters, think of incorrect responses that students might make.
  • 45. Examples 1. Sheldon developed a highly controversial theory of personality based on body type and temperament of the individual. Which of the following is a criticism of Sheldon's work? a. He was influenced too much by the Freudian psychoanalysis. b. His rating of physique and temperament were not independent. c. He failed to use empirical approach. d. His research sample was improperly selected.
  • 46. Examples Better: (Eliminate excessive wording and irrelevant information) 1. Which of the following is a criticism of Sheldon's theory of personality?
  • 47. Examples 1. The receptors for the vestibular sense are located a. in the fovea. b. in the brain. c. in the middle ear. d. in the inner ear.
  • 48. Examples Better: (Include in the stem any word(s) that might otherwise be repeated in each option.) 1. The receptors for the vestibular senses are located in the _______. a. fovea b. brain c. middle ear d. inner ear
  • 50. What to Look for on True/False Tests Each statement is clearly true or clearly false. Trivial details should not make a statement false. Statements are written concisely without more elaboration than necessary. Statements are NOT quoted exactly from text.
  • 51. Tips in Making True/False Tests Give emphasis on the use of quantitative terms than qualitative terms. Avoid using of specific determiners which usually gives a clue to the answer.  False = all, always, never, every, none, only  True = generally, sometimes, usually, maybe, often Discourage the use of negative statements. Whenever a controversial statement is used, the authority should be quoted. Discourage the use of pattern for answers.
  • 52. Examples: Find the errors, and/or problems with the following true-false tests. ____ 1. Repetition always strengthens the tendency for a response to occur. (Using "always" usually means the answer is false.)
  • 53. Examples: _____ 2. The process of extinction is seldom immediate but extends over a number of trials. (Words like "seldom" usually indicate a true statement.)
  • 54. Examples: _____ 3. The mean, median, and mode are measures of central tendency, whereas the standard deviation and range are measures of variability. (Express a single idea in each statement.) e.g.“The mean and standard deviation are measures of central tendency.”
  • 56. Parts of the Matching Type Test (Vertical Type) Column A Column B (Premise) (Response)
  • 57. Parts of the Matching Type Test (Horizontal Type) (Response) (Premise)
  • 58. What to Look for on Matching Type Tests The list of responses should be relatively short. Response options should be arranged alphabetically or numerically. Directions clearly indicate the basis for matching.  Can responses be used more than once?  Where will you place your answer?  Can students infer relationships or are they based on real word logic?
  • 59. What to Look for on Matching Type Tests Position of matches should be varied. Avoid using patterns. The choices of each matching set should be on one page There are more responses than premises in a single set if responses cannot be used more than once.
  • 60. What to Look for on Matching Type Tests The premises are homogeneous as well as the responses and are grouped as one item.  Example:  Set A: Provinces in Region I  Set B: Provinces in CAR If responses can be used more than once, it should be proportional to the number of premises (3:5 or 4:10)
  • 61. Examples: Directions: Match the following. 1. Food A. Primary reinforcer 2. Psychoanalysis B. Sigmund Freud 3. B.F. Skinner C. Operant conditioning 4. Standard deviation D. Measure of variability 5. Schizophrenia E. Hallucinations
  • 62. Examples: Better: (Use homogenous material in matching items, and if responses are not to be used more than once, include more responses than stimuli.) Match the theories in Column A with their proponents in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer. Column A Column B ___ 1. Psychodynamic Theory A. Albert Bandura ___ 2. Trait Theory B. B.F. Skinner ___ 3. Behaviorism C. Carl Rogers ___ 4. Humanism D. Gordon Allport ___ 5. Social Learning Theory E. Karn Horney F. Raymond Cattell G. Sigmund Freud
  • 64. What to Look for on Sentence Completion Tests Only significant words are omitted. When omitting words, enough clues are left so that the student who knows the correct answer can supply the correct response. Ensure that grammatical clues are avoided.
  • 65. What to Look for on Sentence Completion Tests Blanks are at the end of the statement. The length of the responses are limited to single words or short phrases. Questions are not lifted as verbatim quotes from text.
  • 66. Examples: 1. An animal with six legs is called _________. The item is so indefinite.It can be completed with answers such as bee, mosquito or any other insect Better: 1. Animals with six legs are called ___________.
  • 67. Examples: 1.The __________ is the answer in _____. Too many key words are omitted. Lines are not in equal length. Better: 1. The product is the answers in _________.
  • 68. Examples: 1. If a mango weighs 250 grams, 10 mangoes would weigh ______. There are two possible answers – 250 grams and .25 kilos. Better: 1. If a mango weighs 250 grams, 10 mangoes would weigh ____ grams.
  • 69. Essay / Short Answer Test
  • 70. Types of Essay Items: Extended response type The test may be answered by the examinee in whatever manner he wants  Example: Do you think teachers should be allowed to work abroad as domestic helpers? Explain your answer.
  • 71. Two Types of Essay Items: Restricted response type The test limits the examinees response may be answered by the examinee’s responses in terms of length, content, style or organization.  Example: Give and explain three reasons why the government should or should not allow teachers to work abroad as domestic helpers.
  • 72. What to Look for on Essay Tests The task is clearly defined. The students are given an idea on the scope and direction you intended for the answer to take. The question starts with a description of the required behavior to put them in the correct mind frame. E.g. “Compare” or “Analyze”
  • 73. What to Look for on Essay Tests The questions are written in the linguistic level appropriate to the students. Questions require a student to demonstrate command of background information, not simply repeating information.
  • 74. What to Look for on Essay Tests Questions regarding a student’s opinion on a certain issue should focus not on the opinion but on the way it is presented and argued. A larger number of shorter, more specific questions are better, than, one or two longer questions.
  • 75. Proposed Criteria in Grading Essay Test Ideas (20%) Weight of Evidence Presented (40%) Correct Usage (20%) Logical Conclusions drawn from the evidence (20%)
  • 76. Example: What is wrong with this question? Describe asthma? Better: (Clearly explain what is expected of the student.) Describe asthma. Include in your answer : a. the pathophysiologic features of asthma b. the clinical manifestations associated with an asthma episode c. the management of an asthma episode. (10 points)
  • 77. Example: What is wrong with this question? Who is better, Rizal or Bonifacio? Better: ( The students are given an idea on the scope and direction you intended for the answer to take.) Compare and contrast the method used by Rizal and Bonifacio in promoting nationalism. (5 points)
  • 78. Other types of Test Questions
  • 79. Restricted Response Test (RRT) Test takers are not given choices as possible answers. Items ask for a specific answer to each questions.  Example:  Who discovered the Philippines?  What are the four elements of the state?
  • 80. Principles in constructing RRT Do not ask for trivial facts or details. It is not only useless but also frustrates the students.  How many balls are used in a 9-ball match? Questions should elicit facts not opinions?  What do you think Pres. GMA should do for the country to recover from its’ economic deficit? Minimize questions that call for sheer memory work unless if the answer has important analytical significance.  When will the next president be sworn to office?
  • 81. Chronological Sequencing Test (CST) Test takers are asked to arrange items in a systematic or logical order.  Arrange the presidents according to their term of office. _____ Fidel Ramos _____ Joseph Estrada _____ Corazon Aquino _____ Gloria Macapagal - Arroyo
  • 82. Principles in constructing CST Items should be homogenous and are related to each other. There should not be more than 5 items in each set. Do not number the items. This confuses the students. All items to be arranged should be in the same page. Directions should be clearly stated and that each set should be labeled about their relevance.
  • 83. What is wrong in this test question? Arrange the following events in their chronological order. 1. Bataan Surrenders 2. The Japanese attacks the US fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 3. Hitler invades Poland 4. The US declares war with Japan. 5. Gen. MacArthur escapes to Australia.
  • 84. Better: 21-25.) War in the Pacific Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the numbers 1-5 on the blanks provided. ___ USAFEE forces in Bataan surrender to the Japanese. ___ Japanese forces attacks the US fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. ___ Japan breaks diplomatic ties with the US. ___ The US declares war with Japan. ___ Gen. MacArthur escapes to Australia from Corregidor.
  • 85. Proposed Arrangement of Test Items True or False Multiple Choice Matching Type Sentence Completion Others (RRT/Analogy/CST) Essay
  • 86. Things to Remember: Making a good test takes time Teachers have the obligation to provide their students with the best evaluation Tests play an essential role in the life of the students, parents, teachers and other educators Break any of the rules when you have a good reason for doing so! (emphasis mine) (Mehrens, 1973)
  • 87. POINTS TO PONDER… A good lesson makes a good question A good question makes a good content A good content makes a good test A good test makes a good grade A good grade makes a good student A good student makes a good COMMUNITY Jesus Ochave Ph.D. VP Research Planning & Development Philippine Normal University
  • 88. For questions , comments or if you want to download this file, log-on to: http://www.slideshare.net/ArnelSSI