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Nancy Fawley, University of Alabama
Nikki Krysak, Norwich University
About our presentation
Webinar Outcomes
• Understand the unique qualities of discovery tools in
order to better instruct students in the classroom
• Learn how to maximize discovery tool features in
order to teach students to fully evaluate search
• Understand how discovery tools integrate with
subject-specific databases in order to meet upper-
level course needs
• Acquire new ideas for teaching in order to fully
capitalize on the benefits of teaching with a
discovery tool
Poll #1:
Understanding Our Audience
Does your institution have a discovery tool?
a. Yes, we have one
b. Not yet, but we will be implementing one
c. No, and we have no plans to implement one
Poll #2:
Understanding Our Audience
If you have a discovery tool, when did your institution
implement a discovery tool?
a. Less than 1 year ago
b. 1 to 2 years ago
c. 2 to 3 years ago
d. More than 3 years ago
Understanding Our Students
Digital Natives
• Love to customize and personalize
• Often visual learners
• Say what they think
Digital Natives
• Collaborative
• Multitaskers
• Crave speed and entertainment
“Google’s simplicity and single search box seems
to have created the expectation among students of
a specific search experience within the library”
Asher, Andrew D. and Lynda M. Duke. 2011. “Searching for Answers: Student
Research Behavior at Illinois Wesleyan University.” In College Libraries and
Student Culture: What We Now Know.” Ed. Lynda M. Duke and Andrew D.
Asher. Chicago: American Library Association.
…Which means that they rely too
much on simple keyword searches.
Digital Natives as Information Seekers
• Adept with technology as a tool, but lack critical
thinking and evaluation skills
• Lack the methodological understanding to search
for and evaluate resources in the library
Poll #3:
Understanding Your Institutions
If you use a discovery tool, is it positioned as a
main default search box on the library homepage?
a. Yes
b. No
Benefits of Teaching with
Discovery Tools
• One-stop shop model (also a drawback)
• Unified search platform
• Intuitive, Google-like interface
• Accommodates broad keyword searches
Benefits of Teaching with
Discovery Tools
• Facets and limiters
Benefits of Teaching with
Discovery Tools
• Interdisciplinary-friendly
• Encourages critical thinking (also a drawback)
Benefits of Teaching with
Discovery Tools
• Overwhelming number of retrievals
• Relevancy rankings
• Lack of controlled vocabulary between databases
skews rankings
Challenges of Teaching with
Discovery Tools
• Requires critical thinking (also a benefit)
• One-stop shop model (also a benefit)
Challenges of Teaching with
Discovery Tools
• Spotty interdisciplinary coverage
• dependent on topic/subject area
• Obtaining buy-in (from faculty & library colleagues)
Challenges of Teaching with
Discovery Tools
Getting others on board
• Include librarians in the decision-making process
• Write the discovery tool into learning outcomes
• Work with tech services to customize discovery tool
• Be ready for surprises!
Challenges of Teaching with
Discovery Tools
Teaching: Best Practices
• Focus on keyword development
Teaching: Best Practices
• Focus on facets and limiters
Teaching: Best Practices
• Emphasize critical thinking
Teaching: Best Practices
Teaching: Best Practices
• Use as a scaffold for discipline-specific databases
• Develop supplemental subject guides
Teaching: Best Practices
• Highlight link resolvers
Teaching: Best Practices
• Emphasize interlibrary loan
Teaching: Best Practices
Lesson Ideas
• Keyword development
Teaching information literacy with discovery tools
• Evaluating sources
Lesson Ideas
• Flip the classroom
Lesson Ideas
Selected Bibliography
Buck, Stefanie, and Margaret Mellinger. "The Impact Of Serial Solutions’ Summon™
On Information Literacy Instruction: Librarian Perceptions." Internet Reference
Services Quarterly 16.4 (2011): 159-181.
Cmor, Dianne & Xin Li. “Beyond Boolean, Towards Thinking: Discovery Systems
and Information Literacy.” Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences (2012): Paper 7.
Debonis, Rocco, Edward O'Donnell, and Cynthia Thomes. "(Self-) Discovery
Service: Helping Students Help Themselves." Journal Of Library & Information
Services In Distance Learning 6.3-4 (2012): 235-250.
Fagan, Jody, Condit. "Discovery Tools And Information Literacy." Journal Of Web
Librarianship 5.3 (2011): 171-178.
Fawley, Nancy & Nikki Krysak. “Information Literacy Opportunities within the
Discovery Tool Environment.” College & Undergraduate Libraries 19 (2012): 207-

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Teaching information literacy with discovery tools

  • 1. TEACHING INFORMATION LITERACY WITH DISCOVERY TOOLS Nancy Fawley, University of Alabama Nikki Krysak, Norwich University
  • 3. Webinar Outcomes • Understand the unique qualities of discovery tools in order to better instruct students in the classroom • Learn how to maximize discovery tool features in order to teach students to fully evaluate search results • Understand how discovery tools integrate with subject-specific databases in order to meet upper- level course needs • Acquire new ideas for teaching in order to fully capitalize on the benefits of teaching with a discovery tool
  • 4. Poll #1: Understanding Our Audience Does your institution have a discovery tool? a. Yes, we have one b. Not yet, but we will be implementing one c. No, and we have no plans to implement one
  • 5. Poll #2: Understanding Our Audience If you have a discovery tool, when did your institution implement a discovery tool? a. Less than 1 year ago b. 1 to 2 years ago c. 2 to 3 years ago d. More than 3 years ago
  • 7. Digital Natives • Love to customize and personalize • Often visual learners • Say what they think
  • 8. Digital Natives • Collaborative • Multitaskers • Crave speed and entertainment
  • 9. “Google’s simplicity and single search box seems to have created the expectation among students of a specific search experience within the library” Asher, Andrew D. and Lynda M. Duke. 2011. “Searching for Answers: Student Research Behavior at Illinois Wesleyan University.” In College Libraries and Student Culture: What We Now Know.” Ed. Lynda M. Duke and Andrew D. Asher. Chicago: American Library Association. …Which means that they rely too much on simple keyword searches.
  • 10. Digital Natives as Information Seekers • Adept with technology as a tool, but lack critical thinking and evaluation skills • Lack the methodological understanding to search for and evaluate resources in the library
  • 11. Poll #3: Understanding Your Institutions If you use a discovery tool, is it positioned as a main default search box on the library homepage? a. Yes b. No
  • 13. Benefits of Teaching with Discovery Tools • One-stop shop model (also a drawback) • Unified search platform
  • 14. • Intuitive, Google-like interface • Accommodates broad keyword searches Benefits of Teaching with Discovery Tools
  • 15. • Facets and limiters Benefits of Teaching with Discovery Tools
  • 16. • Interdisciplinary-friendly • Encourages critical thinking (also a drawback) Benefits of Teaching with Discovery Tools
  • 17. • Overwhelming number of retrievals • Relevancy rankings • Lack of controlled vocabulary between databases skews rankings Challenges of Teaching with Discovery Tools
  • 18. • Requires critical thinking (also a benefit) • One-stop shop model (also a benefit) Challenges of Teaching with Discovery Tools
  • 19. • Spotty interdisciplinary coverage • dependent on topic/subject area • Obtaining buy-in (from faculty & library colleagues) Challenges of Teaching with Discovery Tools
  • 20. Getting others on board • Include librarians in the decision-making process • Write the discovery tool into learning outcomes • Work with tech services to customize discovery tool
  • 21. • Be ready for surprises! Challenges of Teaching with Discovery Tools
  • 24. • Focus on keyword development Teaching: Best Practices
  • 25. • Focus on facets and limiters Teaching: Best Practices
  • 26. • Emphasize critical thinking Teaching: Best Practices
  • 27. Teaching: Best Practices • Use as a scaffold for discipline-specific databases
  • 28. • Develop supplemental subject guides Teaching: Best Practices
  • 29. • Highlight link resolvers Teaching: Best Practices
  • 30. • Emphasize interlibrary loan Teaching: Best Practices
  • 34. • Flip the classroom Lesson Ideas
  • 36. Selected Bibliography Buck, Stefanie, and Margaret Mellinger. "The Impact Of Serial Solutions’ Summon™ On Information Literacy Instruction: Librarian Perceptions." Internet Reference Services Quarterly 16.4 (2011): 159-181. Cmor, Dianne & Xin Li. “Beyond Boolean, Towards Thinking: Discovery Systems and Information Literacy.” Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences (2012): Paper 7. Debonis, Rocco, Edward O'Donnell, and Cynthia Thomes. "(Self-) Discovery Service: Helping Students Help Themselves." Journal Of Library & Information Services In Distance Learning 6.3-4 (2012): 235-250. Fagan, Jody, Condit. "Discovery Tools And Information Literacy." Journal Of Web Librarianship 5.3 (2011): 171-178. Fawley, Nancy & Nikki Krysak. “Information Literacy Opportunities within the Discovery Tool Environment.” College & Undergraduate Libraries 19 (2012): 207- 214.