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A Proven Marketing Strategy and Plan for Financial Advisors

A How-To Guide to Creating and Implementing a Comprehensive Advisor Marketing Strategy & Plan

                                Overview Presentation – April 2013

                   Authored and Published by The Entrepreneurial Advisor (David Finley)
Growth Driven

The essence of strategy is in activities – choosing to perform activities differently or to
 perform different activities than rivals. Otherwise, a strategy is nothing more than a
             marketing slogan that will not withstand the competition.

                                    Michael E. Porter, 1986

Presentation Outline
                                                                                                                           Growth Driven

   1                         2                        3                         4                        5
   About the                 Why a better              A new strategy           A framework               Resources
   Author                    marketing                 and a better             for execution
                             strategy is               way forward

  © 2013 David Finley. No part of this content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission. All personal
  opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to David Finley and are not those of an employer, commercial sponsor or third
  party.                                                                                                                         3
Growth Driven

About the Author

Meet the Author
One of North America’s leading wealth management marketing and sales professionals   Growth Driven

                                                         David Marshall B. Finley

My Professional Bio
Professional experience and highlights                                                                                                             Growth Driven

•    Over 20 years of practical experience in the full service brokerage industry as a financial advisor, manager and owner.
•    My passion is marketing and business development for financial advisors, focused on helping them meaningfully grow their assets and revenue.
•    I’ve generated over 125,000 qualified leads of highly desirable and hard to reach investors.
•    I’ve implemented referral partnerships with American Express, The Globe and Mail and the University of Toronto (50+ since 1994).
•    I was an early adopter and leader in content marketing for advisors, including; videos, webinars and eNewsletters.

         1993                  Investment Executive at ScotiaMcLeod

         1995                  Founder and President, Affinity Investments (Boutique Investment Dealer)

                               Affinity Investments was sold to Canada Trust (TD Financial Group) in 1998.

         2002                  Founder and CEO, Clearsight Wealth Management Inc. (Boutique Investment Dealer)

                              Clearsight Wealth Management was sold to Wellington West Capital Inc. in 2006.

        2006                   Senior Vice-President, Marketing and Advisor Services, Wellington West Capital Inc.

        2012 -                 Senior Vice-President and Branch Manager, Raymond James Ltd.*

*I’m currently the branch manager in the downtown Toronto office of Raymond James, known as ‘The 53rd’, for more information visit www.the53rd.com
About this Presentation
A five step plan to building and implementing a proven marketing strategy and plan                                                               Growth Driven

•  This presentation is designed to be an overview of content on The Entrepreneurial Advisor (www.theentrepreneurialadvisor.com).

•  More specifically, over the next 3 months, I will delve into each topic in this presentation extensively, providing information, insight
   and tools to help you build an effective marketing strategy and plan. While there is a great deal written about marketing for
   financial advisors, I have yet to see a comprehensive marketing strategy and plan framework that’s intuitive and useful.

•  I can be reached at david.finley@theentrepreneurialadvisor.com for any questions, feedback or comments you might have.

Marketing Strategy and Plan Framework

Planning and                Competitve                   Designing Brand              Content and                    Reaching your Target
Organization                Strategy                     Identity                     Marketing Hub                  Audience
Clarify your goals          Define your client niche      Find your big idea           Create great content           Find your target clients

Identify your resources     Define your value (why you)   Utilize great design         Partner for leverage           Leverage the influencers

Budget for ROI              Determine your positioning   Determine your collaterals   Utilize your website/blog as   Take an integrated approach
                                                                                      your marketing hub

             1                          2                             3                           4                                 5
Growth Driven

Why is a Better Marketing Strategy Needed?

Marketing is a Priority
Many Financial Advisors consider marketing a priority but lack the experience to execute effectively                      Growth Driven

                               Marketing and Client Acquisition

       Areas where surveyed advisors seek to improve:
        Marketing and Client Acquisition                                                                               73%
                           Time Management                                                                       57%
                    Client Communications                                                                  50%
                Knowledge of HNW Issues                                                              38%
            Staff Development/Retention                                                         33%
                           Strategic Planning                                                  33%
                 Mentoring/Coaching Staff                                                   30%
                              Client Education                                             30%
                  Technology/Data Access                                                  28%
             Knowledge of Retiree Issues                                      18%
      Knowledge of Investment Options                                     15%
                    Wide Range of Services                                15%

      Source: Advisor Benchmarking 2009: Annual Survey Results , Rydex Advisor Benchmarking, 2009.

                          … Growth is critical to any businesses success, without it, you quietly and slowly fade away.
There is a Growth Dilemma
More than ever, several factors are simultaneously converging to make advisor marketing more difficult                                                               Growth Driven

                                                       Hyper-competitive oversupply of advisors (80,000+),
                                                            all attempting to pursue a relatively small
                                                                  cohort of high net worth clients.

                                                                                                        Unfolding structural shift in the industry; clients
             Declining direct client acquisition support from
                                                                                                     moving from accumulation to preservation and payout;
                     distribution and manufacturing
                                                                                                      resulting in fewer assets in lower margin products.
                       (ex. bank branch referrals).

   Increasing investor pushback and poor results
                                                                       Advisor                                     Obtaining clients after they’ve reached high net
    to old prospecting methods forcing advisors
          to adopt new forms of marketing.                             Growth                                            worth status requires greater skill,
                                                                                                                        greater effort and significantly higher

           Wild market swings, scandals, negative media
             and a flat decade of performance causing                                                      Increasing regulatory and compliance requirements
                                                                                                        only to increase further in the years ahead, taxing more
           investors to rethink who should manage their
                               money.                                                                                time and resources on advisors.

                                                            Clear and meaningful differentiation among
                                                               advisors not readily apparent to most

Results Haven’t Met Expectations
A significant portion of marketing spend is not leveraged effectively or efficiently                                                              Growth Driven

                The advice channel in Canada spends

            $1 Billion*
                  annually in marketing and client acquisition costs.
                                      Stop throwing money out the window. There’s a better way.

               *This includes an estimate of costs incurred by advisors, firms and direct support from industry suppliers and manufacturers.
Growth Driven

A New Strategy and a Better Way Forward

Build a Convergence-based Marketing Strategy
Leveraging the best of the old with the best of the new                                                                                                                     Growth Driven

 The strategy outlined in this presentation is the convergence of two proven marketing tactics; referral networking and content marketing. It offers a
  systematic approach to generating word of mouth as a comprehensive marketing strategy. In a larger sense, it proposes a new and better way of
                                                                    doing business.

                                                           Strategic Partners                    Articles / Blogs

                                                           Social Networks                      In-person Events

             Referral Networking                                                                                                         Content Marketing
                                     Referral Networking

Traditional marketing models                                                                                                             Authentic content that educates

                                                                                                                     Content Marketing
generally go out and hunt for                                                                                                            or is seen as valuable to your
clients.     They do it with                                                                                                             t a rg e t a u d i e n ce a n d m o re
advertising; they do it with cold                           COI Networking                            Video                              importantly the influencers
calling; they do it with trade                                                      The                                                  within that audience is the new
shows, etc.                                                                                                                              currency of marketing.
The emphasis in this model is
moved from finding to being
                                                                                 Marketing                                               Yo u r n o - s t r i n g s - a t t a c h e d
                                                                                                                                         content allows you to break
found. Working with a network
of referral channels, you leverage
                                                            SEO (Google)          Strategy          Webinars                             down built-in sales resistance,
                                                                                                                                         build trust and demonstrate
the “influencers” within these                                                                                                            expertise in your field.
groups who lead your target
audience directly to you.                                                                                                                Content is the most trusted form
                                                                                                                                         of marketing.
                                                            Existing Clients                    Email Newsletters

                                                             Community                        White Papers / Books

                                                             Local Media                          Case Studies
Leverage the Influence of Trusted Referral Networks
Focus your marketing on where your target clients congregate                                                                                         Growth Driven

The greatest sources of affluent prospects are affluent clients and their professional advisors (collateral professionals such as
accountants and lawyers). No other sources come close. These two methods have been the drivers of new client growth for
decades. Other referral sources have also demonstrated success, including strategic partnerships, direct relationships with local
journalists/media and more recently online social networks and organic search rankings (Google). The key is that all have influence
with your target audience, through a direct recommendation, practice advocacy or online ranking. I strongly believe that you can
build your entire marketing strategy around a set of formal referral networking tactics.

       Importance in Finding Primary Financial Advisor



20%                                                                          13.5%

10%                                                                                                4.4%
                                                                                                                          3.5%              3.2%

             Accountants                   Referral                   Seminar or                Read About                Direct           A Cold
                 And                    from another                  Conference                Them in the                Mail             Call
               Lawyers                      Client                                                 Press
      N=1,417 affluent individuals; Russ Alan Prince and David A. Geracioti, “Cultivating The Middle Class Millionarie”, 2005

                                                                Trusted Referral Networks

          Strategic Partners     Social Networks       COI Networking                  SEO          Existing Clients     Community     Local Media
                                                       (Accountants, etc.)           (Google)                            Sponsorship                      14
Content Marketing as the Driver
Establish your authority in your chosen area of expertise                                                                                                     Growth Driven

The most successful marketers today tend to be part marketer and part publisher. They generate an ongoing stream of high quality
content to demonstrate their expertise. Content marketing is the process of creating video, blogs, articles, ebooks, how-to-guides,
social media updates, picture galleries, infographics, webinars or other forms of media about your practice. Ultimately, you’re building
a leadership position for your practice as a trusted resource in specific topics.

Selection Criteria of Affluent Individuals in Choosing Advisors

 Selection Criteria                                                      Weighted Total

                                                                                                                                 Demonstrate your Expertise
 Overall expertise of advisor                                                   91.0

 Care advisor takes to identify needs                                           89.0                       In-person Events

 Investment management style                                                    84.1

 Trust in advisor                                                               82.0

 Discretion of advisor                                                          81.1

 Attentiveness of advisor                                                       80.2

 Advisor’s desire to establish long-term relationship                           74.2                         Articles / Blogs

 Reputation of advisor                                                          65.2

 Quality of proposals                                                           55.1
                                                                                                          Books / White Papers
 Quality of presentations                                                       51.9

 Quality of promotional materials                                               33.9
                                                                                                              Case Studies
 Investment performance / track record                                          26.6
Source: Russ Alan Prince and Karen Maru File, Cultivating the Affluent
The Winning Combination
It’s the combination of the referral with the strength of quality content that drives growth                        Growth Driven

                              REFERRAL NETWORKING + CONTENT MARKETING


                     Referrals from                                           THE STRATEGY
                     and colleagues                                           Leveraging the
                                       Referrals                              best of the old
                                      from other                              with the best of
                                        service                                   the new
                                       providers     REFERRAL NETWORKING

       Traditional                                                                                        New
       Marketing                              Strategic                                                 Marketing
                                                                                  ONLINE MARKETING

                                         In-person                                     Newsletters
                        Cold calls
                                                                          Books                      Articles
                      from financial
                                                                           and                         and
                                                                         eBooks                       Blogs

                                                            Ineffective                                                   16
Growth Driven

A Framework to Execute

The Entrepreneurial Advisor Marketing Framework
Having a framework with an integrated structure is the critical starting point
                                                                                                                                                       Growth Driven

                                           The Framework                                              The Process
      The following framework is a proven best-practices                      1                       Clarify your goals
      approach to creating and implementing a                                                         Identify your resources
                                                                   Planning & Organization            Budget for ROI
      comprehensive marketing strategy and plan. It will
      help you identify your niche, position your practice
      successfully within that niche and effectively engage
      your target audience with the endorsement and                           2                       Identify your client niche
                                                                                                      Define your value (Why you?)
      advocacy of trusted referrals.                                 Competitive Strategy             Determine your positioning

      This framework guides advisors through a step-by-
      step process. It is made up of 5 core steps with 3                       3                      Find your big idea
      deliverables per step. Over the course of the next 3                                            Utilize great design
                                                                         Brand Identity
      months, I’ll be highlighting each deliverable,                                                  Determine your collaterals
      providing further insight with examples to help you                  and Voice
      with your strategy and plan.
                                                                              4                      Create great content
      The information and commentary can be found on                    Content-Rich                 Partner for leverage
      my blog at www.theentrepreneurialadvisor.com.                    Website and Blog              Utilize your website/blog as your marketing hub

                                                                                                      Finding your clients
                                                                                                      Leverage the influencers
                                                                                                      Take an integrated approach
                                                                      Referral Networking
                                                    Local                                            Community
                                                    Media                                           Involvement

                                                       Strategic                                Social
                                                       Partners                                 Media

                                                                   Existing               COI
                                                                   Clients             Networking

Step One è Planning and Organization
Where are you taking your business and why                                                                                                                   Growth Driven

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

              I. Clarify your goals                                II. Identify your resources                                 III. Budget for ROI

  What are your financial and leadership                        What resources do you need to help                      What are you willing to invest to
    goals to elevate your practice?                              execute your marketing plan?                         achieve your goals and objectives?

 •    What are your client goals this year? Do you        •    You must first determine how much time and         •    A conservative marketing budget should be 1 to
      need one client, or 100?                                 energy you can commit to marketing.                    5% of your annual gross production.

 •    Are you viewed as an expert in your field?           •    You must then evaluate your internal resources,   •    If you’re planning on growing aggressively, you
      Does the media come to you for insight?                  which include your team and firm capabilities.          might need to consider upwards of 10 to 15%.

 •    If you hit your sales goals, how will that impact   •    If you need to reach beyond your team and firm     •    Alternatively, you can budget or invest to a
      your team? Do you need more administrative               to execute effectively, you’ll need to consider         specific goal or initiative.
      help, producers, or more business development            external resources, such as marketing agencies
      support?                                                 and web development firms.

Step Two è Competitive Strategy
You are your biggest advantage                                                                                                                            Growth Driven

“The art of marketing strategy is knowing how to take pieces from others’ success and creating your own.” – David Finley

                I. Own your niche                                    II. Define your value                           III. Determine your positioning

   Who is your ideal client and where and                     Why you? What are the values that                     How are you positioned relative to
         how are they influenced?                                make you uniquely different?                               other top advisors?

  •    A niche enables you to stand out against the      •    Be crystal clear that your value proposition     •    Positioning is the battle to own a distinctive
       competition who are usually generalists.               belongs to you and you only.                          place in your target market’s mind.

  •    It is easier to become the go-to choice and       •    It’s best built around your persona and not a    •    Define your competitive landscape (see
       authority within a niche market.                       product or firm. People buy from people.               example on next slide) and stake your claim.

  •    Referral partners are easier to find because you   •    Your value proposition must include your role,   •    With a defined niche and a clear unique value
       can work with those who also work within your          your skill sets (especially your top 3), proof        proposition you must now determine your
       niche, leveraging their networks and resources         (credentials, a book you author, etc.) and            positioning strategy that creates a point of
       to build your practice.                                results you’ve delivered for clients.                 reference in the marketplace about you.

Determine Your Positioning
Find the right market position and stake your claim                                                                                                      Growth Driven

Positioning is about what makes you different and where you fit in the marketplace.

                                                                                                                                           Size of tree
                                                                                                                                           represents revenue

                                                                                                                                           Age of tree
                                                                                                                                           represents trend

                    Premium Service                                                                                Wealth Solutions

                                              Standard Service                        Investment Solutions

   The positioning map above is for example purposes only. Advisors should consider the competitive landscape they wish to compete in and map accordingly.
Step Three è Designing Brand Identity
Branding isn’t about market share, it’s about mindshare                                                                                                      Growth Driven

“A brand image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality
profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.” – Danie J. Boorstin

                   I. The big idea                               II. Great design and creative                            III. Packaging your brand

      What’s your one big idea, the central                    Are you investing sufficiently in the                What supporting tools and collaterals
       theme and essence of your brand?                            right creative and design?                    should you have to market your brand?

 •     You should have an idea or theme that captures     •    The vast majority of advisors “go cheap” on       •    Less is more.      You should concentrate on
       who you are and what you stand for.                     creative and design.                                   having the right collaterals for your audience.

 •     The right idea can be translated into your         •    Great strategy and great ideas are often wasted   •    They should reflect the quality of your practice
       overall marketing campaigns, including tag              by a poor image. First impressions matter!             and be updated on on a quarterly or semi-
       lines, logos, etc.                                                                                             annual basis.
                                                          •    Creative and design goes beyond brochures
 •     Ensure that whatever your big idea may be, it           and websites. It includes how you and your        •    Look for collaterals that are “out of the box”
       must align with every aspect of your business,          team dress, your office set-up and even the              and not simply the standard fare you see from
       including your solutions and service experience.        language and tone you use on the phone.                most firms. If you can do a custom or premium
                                                                                                                      website versus a template, do it.

The Big Idea
Identify a single, big, unifying idea that inspires all stakeholders to get engaged                        Growth Driven

     Think Different – Arguably one of the best “big ideas” in history. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple
     in 1998 he needed an idea, a campaign that reflected the philosophy he thought had to be reinforced
    within the company he once co-founded, but which was struggling at the time he came back … and the
                                                rest is history.

         “Apple isn't like other companies. It doesn't follow the rules. And the essence of the company
                     isn't any more complicated than that. And so was born Think different.”
                                                 - Ken Segall

  What is your big idea that best captures you and what you stand for?
Step Four è Content and Marketing Hub
Produce valuable content that attracts your audience and engages them                                                                                    Growth Driven

“Content is marketing.” – David Finley

           I. Create relevant content                               II. Partner for leverage                         III. A website as marketing hub

       What is most relevant to your target                     Who can you leverage for both                       Is your current website a central hub
                   audience?                                   marketing and financial support?                       for your content and prospecting?

  •    Demonstrating your expertise through creating     •    Don’t go it alone on your content development.   •    Your website should be your primary hub of
       great content is the most important marketing          Leverage third-parties as best you can.               content “housing”.
       initiative you can do.
                                                         •    Focus on both content production and financial    •    Go with a premium or customized website
  •    Leverage multiple forms of content, from               support. Whether it’s sponsorship of an event         option if available from your firm. A template
       traditional books and newsletters to online            with a speaker or economic considerations,            site makes you look like everyone else.
       functionality such as blogs and webinars.              align with the partners that will provide the
                                                              best compliment and support to your efforts.      •    Ensure you have content publishing
  •    Find the right partners and support to help you                                                              functionality built into your website
       create and publish your content. It is a very     •    Use your firm, if they have a strong content           environment, so it can be active and updated
       necessary but time consuming initiative.               production facility.                                  frequently.

Your Website as the Marketing Hub
Make your website and blog a destination as a marketing hub of valuable content   Growth Driven

Step Five è Finding and Reaching Your Audience
Promote yourself without pestering people                                                                                                                 Growth Driven

Self-promotion is the key to advisor marketing success. Your goal is to be recognized as a leading authority in your chosen field. You
must market yourself to achieve that.

            I. Find your target clients                          II. Leverage the influencers                        III. Take an integrated approach

  Where do your clients congregate both                     Who has the most influence with your                     What are the best methods and
           online and offline?                                         target audience?                              mediums to reaching this audience?

  •    Identify where you target audience              •     Who are the key influencers within each of your   •    Your marketing channel strategy is entirely
       congregates, both offline and online.                   target audience groups.                               based on how best to reach your audience.

  •    This should be a broad approach, ranging from   •     Is there an approach or relationship that you    •    Make sure each channel can leverage one
       community involement (clubs, charities,               can uniquely build with these individuals and         another.     For example, that your in-person
       churches, etc.) to online networks such as            groups?                                               events can then be translated online via video,
       LinkedIn and Facebook.                                                                                      pictures, etc.
                                                       •     Make sure you clearly understand what matters
  •    The foundation of where your clients                  most to these individuals and organizations to   •    Start small with two or three approaches, if you
       congregate will ultimately help you identify          ensure you put your best foot forward.                spread yourself too thin, you won’t get the
       which referral networks to build.                                                                           most out of each approach.

Leverage the Influencers
The foundation of the trusted referral is your connection to those who can influence                                                                                         Growth Driven

                             Find your target audience through your networks
     A multi-dimensional referral networking strategy should be your primary means of reaching your
     target audience. It is generally the most effective and efficient model.

     Transferred trust is the power of the referral and why it’s so much easier and quicker for advisors
     to win business from referrals than any other method.

                                 Referral Networking Model – Transferring Trust from Multiple Sources

           Local Media                       COI Networks                   Existing Clients               Strategic Partners               Social Networks
     Become a key content source         Work with other professionals   Leveraging your most satisfied    Strategic joint ventures with   Build and leverage connections
     for local media or relevant         like accountants and lawyers.   clients who also have the most   organizations that represent    through key social networking
     publications that align with your                                   influence.       This should be   your target audience. Affinity    platforms, including; LinkedIn,
     target clients interests.                                           approached in a formal manner    programs, sponsorships, co-     Facebook and Twitter.
                                                                         and not left to chance.          branding initiatives, etc.

     In order to have the means to influence others, a person needs to be in touch regularly with other influential people
     and opinion leaders. You can be the most knowledgeable person in world about a particular topic, but if you are a
     loner and don’t interact with others very often it is hard for your ideas to spread. The size and breadth of your real
     world networks is central to your influence. A large network of people you interact with in your everyday life gives
     you the means to engage actively in the conversation.

Follow the process and see the results
                                                                                                        Growth Driven

                                                     Planning & Organization

                                                       Competitive Strategy

                                                           Brand Identity
                                                             and Voice

                                                         Website and Blog

                                                        Referral Networking
                                    Local                                              Community
                                    Media                                             Involvement

                                         Strategic                                Social
                                         Partners                                 Media

                                                     Existing               COI
                                                     Clients             Networking

                  … Please don’t hesitate to contact me at david.finley@theentrepreneurialadvisor.com.

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A Proven Marketing Strategy and Plan for Financial Advisors

  • 1. A Proven Marketing Strategy and Plan for Financial Advisors A How-To Guide to Creating and Implementing a Comprehensive Advisor Marketing Strategy & Plan Overview Presentation – April 2013 Authored and Published by The Entrepreneurial Advisor (David Finley) david.finley@theentrepreneurialadvisor.com
  • 2. Growth Driven The essence of strategy is in activities – choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than rivals. Otherwise, a strategy is nothing more than a marketing slogan that will not withstand the competition. Michael E. Porter, 1986 2
  • 3. Presentation Outline Growth Driven 1 2 3 4 5 About the Why a better A new strategy A framework Resources Author marketing and a better for execution strategy is way forward needed © 2013 David Finley. No part of this content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission. All personal opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to David Finley and are not those of an employer, commercial sponsor or third party. 3
  • 5. Meet the Author One of North America’s leading wealth management marketing and sales professionals Growth Driven David Marshall B. Finley 5
  • 6. My Professional Bio Professional experience and highlights Growth Driven •  Over 20 years of practical experience in the full service brokerage industry as a financial advisor, manager and owner. •  My passion is marketing and business development for financial advisors, focused on helping them meaningfully grow their assets and revenue. •  I’ve generated over 125,000 qualified leads of highly desirable and hard to reach investors. •  I’ve implemented referral partnerships with American Express, The Globe and Mail and the University of Toronto (50+ since 1994). •  I was an early adopter and leader in content marketing for advisors, including; videos, webinars and eNewsletters. 1993 Investment Executive at ScotiaMcLeod 1995 Founder and President, Affinity Investments (Boutique Investment Dealer) Affinity Investments was sold to Canada Trust (TD Financial Group) in 1998. 2002 Founder and CEO, Clearsight Wealth Management Inc. (Boutique Investment Dealer) Clearsight Wealth Management was sold to Wellington West Capital Inc. in 2006. 2006 Senior Vice-President, Marketing and Advisor Services, Wellington West Capital Inc. 2012 - Senior Vice-President and Branch Manager, Raymond James Ltd.* 6 *I’m currently the branch manager in the downtown Toronto office of Raymond James, known as ‘The 53rd’, for more information visit www.the53rd.com
  • 7. About this Presentation A five step plan to building and implementing a proven marketing strategy and plan Growth Driven •  This presentation is designed to be an overview of content on The Entrepreneurial Advisor (www.theentrepreneurialadvisor.com). •  More specifically, over the next 3 months, I will delve into each topic in this presentation extensively, providing information, insight and tools to help you build an effective marketing strategy and plan. While there is a great deal written about marketing for financial advisors, I have yet to see a comprehensive marketing strategy and plan framework that’s intuitive and useful. •  I can be reached at david.finley@theentrepreneurialadvisor.com for any questions, feedback or comments you might have. Marketing Strategy and Plan Framework Planning and Competitve Designing Brand Content and Reaching your Target Organization Strategy Identity Marketing Hub Audience Clarify your goals Define your client niche Find your big idea Create great content Find your target clients Identify your resources Define your value (why you) Utilize great design Partner for leverage Leverage the influencers Budget for ROI Determine your positioning Determine your collaterals Utilize your website/blog as Take an integrated approach your marketing hub 1 2 3 4 5 7
  • 8. Growth Driven Why is a Better Marketing Strategy Needed? 8
  • 9. Marketing is a Priority Many Financial Advisors consider marketing a priority but lack the experience to execute effectively Growth Driven Marketing and Client Acquisition Areas where surveyed advisors seek to improve: Marketing and Client Acquisition 73% Time Management 57% Client Communications 50% Knowledge of HNW Issues 38% Staff Development/Retention 33% Strategic Planning 33% Mentoring/Coaching Staff 30% Client Education 30% Technology/Data Access 28% Knowledge of Retiree Issues 18% Knowledge of Investment Options 15% Wide Range of Services 15% Source: Advisor Benchmarking 2009: Annual Survey Results , Rydex Advisor Benchmarking, 2009. … Growth is critical to any businesses success, without it, you quietly and slowly fade away. 9
  • 10. There is a Growth Dilemma More than ever, several factors are simultaneously converging to make advisor marketing more difficult Growth Driven Hyper-competitive oversupply of advisors (80,000+), all attempting to pursue a relatively small cohort of high net worth clients. Unfolding structural shift in the industry; clients Declining direct client acquisition support from moving from accumulation to preservation and payout; distribution and manufacturing resulting in fewer assets in lower margin products. (ex. bank branch referrals). Increasing investor pushback and poor results Advisor Obtaining clients after they’ve reached high net to old prospecting methods forcing advisors to adopt new forms of marketing. Growth worth status requires greater skill, greater effort and significantly higher costs. Dilemma Wild market swings, scandals, negative media and a flat decade of performance causing Increasing regulatory and compliance requirements only to increase further in the years ahead, taxing more investors to rethink who should manage their money. time and resources on advisors. Clear and meaningful differentiation among advisors not readily apparent to most investors. 10
  • 11. Results Haven’t Met Expectations A significant portion of marketing spend is not leveraged effectively or efficiently Growth Driven The advice channel in Canada spends $1 Billion* annually in marketing and client acquisition costs. Stop throwing money out the window. There’s a better way. *This includes an estimate of costs incurred by advisors, firms and direct support from industry suppliers and manufacturers. 11
  • 12. Growth Driven A New Strategy and a Better Way Forward 12
  • 13. Build a Convergence-based Marketing Strategy Leveraging the best of the old with the best of the new Growth Driven The strategy outlined in this presentation is the convergence of two proven marketing tactics; referral networking and content marketing. It offers a systematic approach to generating word of mouth as a comprehensive marketing strategy. In a larger sense, it proposes a new and better way of doing business. Strategic Partners Articles / Blogs Social Networks In-person Events Referral Networking Content Marketing Referral Networking Traditional marketing models Authentic content that educates Content Marketing generally go out and hunt for or is seen as valuable to your clients. They do it with t a rg e t a u d i e n ce a n d m o re advertising; they do it with cold COI Networking Video importantly the influencers calling; they do it with trade The within that audience is the new shows, etc. currency of marketing. Convergence The emphasis in this model is moved from finding to being Marketing Yo u r n o - s t r i n g s - a t t a c h e d content allows you to break found. Working with a network of referral channels, you leverage SEO (Google) Strategy Webinars down built-in sales resistance, build trust and demonstrate the “influencers” within these expertise in your field. groups who lead your target audience directly to you. Content is the most trusted form of marketing. Existing Clients Email Newsletters Community White Papers / Books 13 Local Media Case Studies
  • 14. Leverage the Influence of Trusted Referral Networks Focus your marketing on where your target clients congregate Growth Driven The greatest sources of affluent prospects are affluent clients and their professional advisors (collateral professionals such as accountants and lawyers). No other sources come close. These two methods have been the drivers of new client growth for decades. Other referral sources have also demonstrated success, including strategic partnerships, direct relationships with local journalists/media and more recently online social networks and organic search rankings (Google). The key is that all have influence with your target audience, through a direct recommendation, practice advocacy or online ranking. I strongly believe that you can build your entire marketing strategy around a set of formal referral networking tactics. Importance in Finding Primary Financial Advisor 60% 54.2% 50% 40% 30.1% 30% 20% 13.5% 10% 4.4% 3.5% 3.2% Accountants Referral Seminar or Read About Direct A Cold And from another Conference Them in the Mail Call Lawyers Client Press N=1,417 affluent individuals; Russ Alan Prince and David A. Geracioti, “Cultivating The Middle Class Millionarie”, 2005 Trusted Referral Networks Strategic Partners Social Networks COI Networking SEO Existing Clients Community Local Media (Accountants, etc.) (Google) Sponsorship 14
  • 15. Content Marketing as the Driver Establish your authority in your chosen area of expertise Growth Driven The most successful marketers today tend to be part marketer and part publisher. They generate an ongoing stream of high quality content to demonstrate their expertise. Content marketing is the process of creating video, blogs, articles, ebooks, how-to-guides, social media updates, picture galleries, infographics, webinars or other forms of media about your practice. Ultimately, you’re building a leadership position for your practice as a trusted resource in specific topics. Selection Criteria of Affluent Individuals in Choosing Advisors Selection Criteria Weighted Total Demonstrate your Expertise Overall expertise of advisor 91.0 Care advisor takes to identify needs 89.0 In-person Events Investment management style 84.1 Trust in advisor 82.0 Video Discretion of advisor 81.1 Attentiveness of advisor 80.2 Advisor’s desire to establish long-term relationship 74.2 Articles / Blogs Reputation of advisor 65.2 Quality of proposals 55.1 Books / White Papers Quality of presentations 51.9 Quality of promotional materials 33.9 Case Studies Investment performance / track record 26.6 15 Source: Russ Alan Prince and Karen Maru File, Cultivating the Affluent
  • 16. The Winning Combination It’s the combination of the referral with the strength of quality content that drives growth Growth Driven REFERRAL NETWORKING + CONTENT MARKETING Effective Referrals from THE STRATEGY clients and colleagues Leveraging the Referrals best of the old from other with the best of service the new providers REFERRAL NETWORKING (COIs) Traditional New Marketing Strategic Marketing Partnerships ONLINE MARKETING Email In-person Newsletters seminars Cold calls Books Articles from financial and and advisors eBooks Blogs Ineffective 16
  • 17. Growth Driven A Framework to Execute 17
  • 18. The Entrepreneurial Advisor Marketing Framework Having a framework with an integrated structure is the critical starting point Growth Driven The Framework The Process The following framework is a proven best-practices 1 Clarify your goals approach to creating and implementing a Identify your resources Planning & Organization Budget for ROI comprehensive marketing strategy and plan. It will help you identify your niche, position your practice successfully within that niche and effectively engage your target audience with the endorsement and 2 Identify your client niche Define your value (Why you?) advocacy of trusted referrals. Competitive Strategy Determine your positioning This framework guides advisors through a step-by- step process. It is made up of 5 core steps with 3 3 Find your big idea deliverables per step. Over the course of the next 3 Utilize great design Brand Identity months, I’ll be highlighting each deliverable, Determine your collaterals providing further insight with examples to help you and Voice with your strategy and plan. 4 Create great content The information and commentary can be found on Content-Rich Partner for leverage my blog at www.theentrepreneurialadvisor.com. Website and Blog Utilize your website/blog as your marketing hub Finding your clients Leverage the influencers Take an integrated approach 5 Referral Networking Platform Local Community Media Involvement Strategic Social Partners Media Existing COI Clients Networking Search (SEO) 18
  • 19. Step One è Planning and Organization Where are you taking your business and why Growth Driven “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu I. Clarify your goals II. Identify your resources III. Budget for ROI What are your financial and leadership What resources do you need to help What are you willing to invest to goals to elevate your practice? execute your marketing plan? achieve your goals and objectives? •  What are your client goals this year? Do you •  You must first determine how much time and •  A conservative marketing budget should be 1 to need one client, or 100? energy you can commit to marketing. 5% of your annual gross production. •  Are you viewed as an expert in your field? •  You must then evaluate your internal resources, •  If you’re planning on growing aggressively, you Does the media come to you for insight? which include your team and firm capabilities. might need to consider upwards of 10 to 15%. •  If you hit your sales goals, how will that impact •  If you need to reach beyond your team and firm •  Alternatively, you can budget or invest to a your team? Do you need more administrative to execute effectively, you’ll need to consider specific goal or initiative. help, producers, or more business development external resources, such as marketing agencies support? and web development firms. 19
  • 20. Step Two è Competitive Strategy You are your biggest advantage Growth Driven “The art of marketing strategy is knowing how to take pieces from others’ success and creating your own.” – David Finley I. Own your niche II. Define your value III. Determine your positioning Who is your ideal client and where and Why you? What are the values that How are you positioned relative to how are they influenced? make you uniquely different? other top advisors? •  A niche enables you to stand out against the •  Be crystal clear that your value proposition •  Positioning is the battle to own a distinctive competition who are usually generalists. belongs to you and you only. place in your target market’s mind. •  It is easier to become the go-to choice and •  It’s best built around your persona and not a •  Define your competitive landscape (see authority within a niche market. product or firm. People buy from people. example on next slide) and stake your claim. •  Referral partners are easier to find because you •  Your value proposition must include your role, •  With a defined niche and a clear unique value can work with those who also work within your your skill sets (especially your top 3), proof proposition you must now determine your niche, leveraging their networks and resources (credentials, a book you author, etc.) and positioning strategy that creates a point of to build your practice. results you’ve delivered for clients. reference in the marketplace about you. 20
  • 21. Determine Your Positioning Find the right market position and stake your claim Growth Driven Positioning is about what makes you different and where you fit in the marketplace. Size of tree represents revenue Age of tree represents trend Premium Service Wealth Solutions Standard Service Investment Solutions 21 The positioning map above is for example purposes only. Advisors should consider the competitive landscape they wish to compete in and map accordingly.
  • 22. Step Three è Designing Brand Identity Branding isn’t about market share, it’s about mindshare Growth Driven “A brand image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.” – Danie J. Boorstin I. The big idea II. Great design and creative III. Packaging your brand What’s your one big idea, the central Are you investing sufficiently in the What supporting tools and collaterals theme and essence of your brand? right creative and design? should you have to market your brand? •  You should have an idea or theme that captures •  The vast majority of advisors “go cheap” on •  Less is more. You should concentrate on who you are and what you stand for. creative and design. having the right collaterals for your audience. •  The right idea can be translated into your •  Great strategy and great ideas are often wasted •  They should reflect the quality of your practice overall marketing campaigns, including tag by a poor image. First impressions matter! and be updated on on a quarterly or semi- lines, logos, etc. annual basis. •  Creative and design goes beyond brochures •  Ensure that whatever your big idea may be, it and websites. It includes how you and your •  Look for collaterals that are “out of the box” must align with every aspect of your business, team dress, your office set-up and even the and not simply the standard fare you see from including your solutions and service experience. language and tone you use on the phone. most firms. If you can do a custom or premium website versus a template, do it. 22
  • 23. The Big Idea Identify a single, big, unifying idea that inspires all stakeholders to get engaged Growth Driven Think Different – Arguably one of the best “big ideas” in history. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1998 he needed an idea, a campaign that reflected the philosophy he thought had to be reinforced within the company he once co-founded, but which was struggling at the time he came back … and the rest is history. “Apple isn't like other companies. It doesn't follow the rules. And the essence of the company isn't any more complicated than that. And so was born Think different.” - Ken Segall What is your big idea that best captures you and what you stand for? 23
  • 24. Step Four è Content and Marketing Hub Produce valuable content that attracts your audience and engages them Growth Driven “Content is marketing.” – David Finley I. Create relevant content II. Partner for leverage III. A website as marketing hub What is most relevant to your target Who can you leverage for both Is your current website a central hub audience? marketing and financial support? for your content and prospecting? •  Demonstrating your expertise through creating •  Don’t go it alone on your content development. •  Your website should be your primary hub of great content is the most important marketing Leverage third-parties as best you can. content “housing”. initiative you can do. •  Focus on both content production and financial •  Go with a premium or customized website •  Leverage multiple forms of content, from support. Whether it’s sponsorship of an event option if available from your firm. A template traditional books and newsletters to online with a speaker or economic considerations, site makes you look like everyone else. functionality such as blogs and webinars. align with the partners that will provide the best compliment and support to your efforts. •  Ensure you have content publishing •  Find the right partners and support to help you functionality built into your website create and publish your content. It is a very •  Use your firm, if they have a strong content environment, so it can be active and updated necessary but time consuming initiative. production facility. frequently. 24
  • 25. Your Website as the Marketing Hub Make your website and blog a destination as a marketing hub of valuable content Growth Driven 25
  • 26. Step Five è Finding and Reaching Your Audience Promote yourself without pestering people Growth Driven Self-promotion is the key to advisor marketing success. Your goal is to be recognized as a leading authority in your chosen field. You must market yourself to achieve that. I. Find your target clients II. Leverage the influencers III. Take an integrated approach Where do your clients congregate both Who has the most influence with your What are the best methods and online and offline? target audience? mediums to reaching this audience? •  Identify where you target audience •  Who are the key influencers within each of your •  Your marketing channel strategy is entirely congregates, both offline and online. target audience groups. based on how best to reach your audience. •  This should be a broad approach, ranging from •  Is there an approach or relationship that you •  Make sure each channel can leverage one community involement (clubs, charities, can uniquely build with these individuals and another. For example, that your in-person churches, etc.) to online networks such as groups? events can then be translated online via video, LinkedIn and Facebook. pictures, etc. •  Make sure you clearly understand what matters •  The foundation of where your clients most to these individuals and organizations to •  Start small with two or three approaches, if you congregate will ultimately help you identify ensure you put your best foot forward. spread yourself too thin, you won’t get the which referral networks to build. most out of each approach. 26
  • 27. Leverage the Influencers The foundation of the trusted referral is your connection to those who can influence Growth Driven Find your target audience through your networks A multi-dimensional referral networking strategy should be your primary means of reaching your target audience. It is generally the most effective and efficient model. Transferred trust is the power of the referral and why it’s so much easier and quicker for advisors to win business from referrals than any other method. Referral Networking Model – Transferring Trust from Multiple Sources Local Media COI Networks Existing Clients Strategic Partners Social Networks Become a key content source Work with other professionals Leveraging your most satisfied Strategic joint ventures with Build and leverage connections for local media or relevant like accountants and lawyers. clients who also have the most organizations that represent through key social networking publications that align with your influence. This should be your target audience. Affinity platforms, including; LinkedIn, target clients interests. approached in a formal manner programs, sponsorships, co- Facebook and Twitter. and not left to chance. branding initiatives, etc. In order to have the means to influence others, a person needs to be in touch regularly with other influential people and opinion leaders. You can be the most knowledgeable person in world about a particular topic, but if you are a loner and don’t interact with others very often it is hard for your ideas to spread. The size and breadth of your real world networks is central to your influence. A large network of people you interact with in your everyday life gives you the means to engage actively in the conversation. 27
  • 28. Summary Follow the process and see the results Growth Driven 1 Planning & Organization 2 Competitive Strategy 3 Brand Identity and Voice 4 Content-Rich Website and Blog 5 Referral Networking Platform Local Community Media Involvement Strategic Social Partners Media Existing COI Clients Networking Search (SEO) … Please don’t hesitate to contact me at david.finley@theentrepreneurialadvisor.com. 28