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David Chiu @ 中興大學
Co-founder of NumerInfo
Trend Micro Engineer
What is Social Network?
Why to Analyze Social Network?
How to Analyze
Social Network Connection (Oauth, Oauth2, OpenID)
Social Network Analysis With R
Social Network Visualization (Gephi)
Facebook Post Liked Analysis


Who knows whom, and which people are common to their
social networks?
How frequently are particular people communicating with one
Which social network connections generate the most value for
a particular niche?
How does geography affect your social connections in an
online world?
Who are the most influential/popular people in a social
What are people chatting about (and is it valuable)?
What are people interested in based upon the human language
that they use in a digital world?
OAuth Flow
Oauth v.s. OAuth2
Open standard for authorization. OAuth provides a method for
clients to access server resources on behalf of a resource owner
More OAuth Flows to allow better support for non-browser
based applications
OAuth 2.0 no longer requires client applications to have
OAuth 2.0 signatures are much less complicated
OAuth 2.0 Access tokens are "short-lived"
OAuth 2.0 is meant to have a clean separation of roles
between the server responsible for handling OAuth requests
and the server handling user authorization
Open standard that allows users to be authenticated by certain
co-operating sites


User Data Permissions:
Friends Data Permissions:
Extended Permissions:
Let's Hack
General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface for R
JSON for R
Tools for parsing and generating XML within R and S-Plus
Network analysis and visualization
Bitwise Operations
i sa lp ca e( ( rs n,Ru l ,X L, ir p'' io s) dp ne c e= RE
n tl . ak gs c' jo ''C r' 'M ' ' g ah,b tp ' ,e ed ni sT U)
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i rr ( ga h
l ba yb tp )
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r ed r us nm - a py fi n go p$ aa u c inx $a e

# Gt Fi ns If r ai nF o F
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f in s< m $r ed
r ed - e fi n s
# Et at Fc bo I s
xr c a eo k D
f in si < sp l (r ed $a a fn to ( )x i)
r ed . d - a py fi n sd t , u ci nx $ d

# Et at F Mt I fr ai n
xr c B ea n om t o
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r ed . ae - ni ts p l( re d$ aa uc in x
c n( $a e t= UF 's b " ) )
f in sg ne < s pl (r ed $ aa fn t o( )u ls ( fi . u l x gn e ) " o e e
r ed . ed r - a py f in sd t, u ci nx ni ti (s nl ( $e dr ) nn " l
f in sl ct o. d < u l s( ap yf in s dt,f nt o () xl ct o$ d )
r ed . oa in i - ni ts p l( re d$ aa uc in x $o a in i)
f in sl ct o. a e< u ls (a py fi n sd t , fn t o( ){ f( s n l ( $ oa in
r ed . oa in nm - n it s pl (r ed $a a u ci nx i i. ulxl c to$
f in sh mt w. a e< u ls (a py fi n sd t , fn t o( ){ f( s n l ( $ oe on
r ed . oe on nm - n it s pl (r ed $a a u ci nx i i. ulxh m tw$

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rn ( Gn rt n re d hp a rx)
N< l nt (r ed .d
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fr ( i 1N {
o i n :)
p it ps ei f in sn m[ ] )
r n (a t( ,r ed . ae i)
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m - a e o k a h p s e " e m t a f i n s , r e d . d i , e =/ )
c es tk
m ta fi ns < sp l (m $a a fn to () xi)
u u lr ed - a py tp d t, uc i nx $d
f in si .a r xi fi ns i %n m ta fi n s < 1
r e dh pm ti [, r ed .d i % u u lr ed ] }
#C et c ne to sw t m fi ns
r a e o nc i n ih y r ed
fi ns cn < c1N
re d _o - ( :)
fi ns cn ]< 1
re d _o [ #A dt i vc o a a c lm t te fi n si m ti
d hs et r s
o un o h r ed hp a rx
fi ns i. ar x < c i df in si .a r xf in sc n
re d hp mt i - bn (r e dh pm ti ,r e d_ o)
#A pn m fi n si w t m s l
p e d y r ed hp i h ye f
fi ns i. ar x < r i df in si .a r xa pn (r e d_ o, )
re d hp mt i - bn (r e dh pm ti ,p e df in sc n 0 )
rw ae (r ed h pm ti )< a pn (r e d. aemn m )
on m sf in si .a r x - pe df in sn m,y ae
cl ae (r ed h pm ti )< a pn (r e d. aemn m )
on m sf in si .a r x - pe df in sn m,y ae
rt r (r ed hpmt i )
eu n fi ns i.a rx

f in ga h< f nt o( r ed hpmt i ) {
r ed r p - u c in fi ns i.a rx
f i n s i . r p < g a h a j c n y f i n s i . a r x m d = (u d r c e " , w i h e =
re d hp ga h - r p.d ae c ( re d hp mt i, o ec"n i et d) e g tdN
Vf in si .r p )g ne < a pn (r ed .e d r m s l$ ed r
(r e dh pg ah $e d r - p ed fi n sg ne , ye fg ne )
V f i n s i . r p ) l c t o < a p n ( r e d . o a i nn m , m s l $ o a i n n m )
(r e dh pg ah $o a in - pe df i ns lc to . ae y ef lc t o$ ae
V f i n s i . r p ) h m t w < a p n ( r e d . o e o nn m , m s l $ o e o n n m )
(r e dh pg ah $o e on - pe df i ns hm tw . ae y ef hm t w$ ae
Vf in si .r p )L bl < Vf in si . rp )n m
(r e dh pg ah $a e - ( re dh pg ah $ ae
rt r ( re dh p ga h
eu n fi ns i. rp )
f mt i < f in s is )
_ ar x - re dh p(
f ga h< f in ga hf m ti)
_ rp - r ed r p( _a rx
w ie ga hf ga h "r e d. rp m" fr a =g ah l )
r t. r p ( _r p, f in sg a hl ,o mt "r p m"
Using Gephi
Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation
Measure of the structure of networks or graphs. It was
designed to measure the strength of division of a network into
Networks with high modularity have dense connections
between the nodes within modules but sparse connections
between nodes in different modules

r qi ep y)
e ur ( lr
p ss < f_ on c( ah " ep ss ,a cs _ oe =c es t kn ot o sl s( fe d "" i
o t - bc ne t pt =m /o t " ce st kn a cs _o e, p in =i t "i ls =l
p s. ie < sp l (o t$ aa f nt o( ) xl ks
o tl k s - a py ps s dt , uc in x $i e )
p s. ie .a a< s pl ( ot lk s fn to () x dt )
o tl k sd t - ap yp s. i e, uc i nx $ aa
l =l s (
it )
f r( i 1l nt ( ot lk sd t ){
o i n : eg hp s. i e. aa )
fr ( i 1(e g hp s. ie . aa [])1)
o j n :l nt (o t lk sd t [ i]- ){
l < a p n ( i p s . i e . a a [ ] [ j ]n m )
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oc l( bn . aa fa e i
c la e( f < c " ae )
o nm s d) - (n m"
d py d, .n m) s ma i e N m us =l nt (a e )
d l( f ( ae , um rz , uS b
e g hn m)
Interesting Fact Abour Friends
Value Behind The Network
Statstic Is Worth More Than Thousand of Words
Find Popular Checkins Among Your Friends
Common Interest Between Your Friends
Female/Male Distribution of Your Know Friends
Most Pupular Photos Being Liked
Asociation Rule of Friends (Gossip)

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Social Network Analysis With R

  • 2. ABOUT ME Co-founder of NumerInfo Trend Micro Engineer ywchiu-tw.appspot.com
  • 3. AGENDA What is Social Network? Why to Analyze Social Network? How to Analyze Social Network Connection (Oauth, Oauth2, OpenID) Social Network Analysis With R Social Network Visualization (Gephi) Facebook Post Liked Analysis Conclusion
  • 6. WHAT DO WE WANT TO KNOW? Who knows whom, and which people are common to their social networks? How frequently are particular people communicating with one another? Which social network connections generate the most value for a particular niche? How does geography affect your social connections in an online world? Who are the most influential/popular people in a social network? What are people chatting about (and is it valuable)? What are people interested in based upon the human language that they use in a digital world?
  • 8. LESSON 1: CONNECT TO SOCIAL NETWORK OAuth Flow Oauth v.s. OAuth2 OpenID
  • 9. OAUTH FLOW Open standard for authorization. OAuth provides a method for clients to access server resources on behalf of a resource owner
  • 10. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OAUTH AND OAUTH2 More OAuth Flows to allow better support for non-browser based applications OAuth 2.0 no longer requires client applications to have cryptography OAuth 2.0 signatures are much less complicated OAuth 2.0 Access tokens are "short-lived" OAuth 2.0 is meant to have a clean separation of roles between the server responsible for handling OAuth requests and the server handling user authorization
  • 11. OPENID Open standard that allows users to be authenticated by certain co-operating sites
  • 15. PERMISSION LIST User Data Permissions: user_hometown user_location user_interests user_likes user_relationships Friends Data Permissions: friends_hometown friends_location friends_interests friends_likes friends_relationships Extended Permissions: read_friendlists
  • 18. REQUIRED PACKAGES RCurl General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface for R rjson JSON for R XML Tools for parsing and generating XML within R and S-Plus igraph Network analysis and visualization bitops Bitwise Operations
  • 19. REQUIRED PACKAGE i sa lp ca e( ( rs n,Ru l ,X L, ir p'' io s) dp ne c e= RE n tl . ak gs c' jo ''C r' 'M ' ' g ah,b tp ' ,e ed ni sT U) l ba yr sn i rr ( jo ) l ba yR ul i rr ( Cr ) l ba yX L i rr ( M) l ba yi rp ) i rr ( ga h l ba yb tp ) i rr ( io s
  • 20. FACEBOOK CONNECT f _o nc < f nt o ( p t = " e, ac s_ oe = tk n ot os { b cn e t - u c in a h m" ce s tk n o e, p in ) i ( !i sn (p i n) ) f m si go to s { o to s< s rn f "% " ps e nm s o to s ,"" ul s( pi n) c la s =" p i n - p i t( ?s, a t( ae ( pi n) =, ni to t os , ol pe & o to s< g u( ,, "2 " o to s p i n - s b "" %C, p in ) u l< s rn f "t p: / r p .a eo kc m% % &c es tk n % " pt , ot os a c r - p it ( ht s /g ah fc bo . o/ssac s _o e= s, a h pi n , c }e s { le u l< s rn f "t p: / r p .a eo kc m% ? ce st kn %" p t, a cs _o e ) r - p it ( ht s /g ah fc bo . o/sa cs _ oe=s , ah c es t kn } dt < gt R ( u l s l vr fp e =F LE ) aa - e UL r , s. ei y er AS fo JO (d t ) rm S N aa }
  • 22. EXECUTED RESULT > f_ on c( m" a cs _o e) bc n et "e ,c es t kn $d i [ ]" 72 48 " 1 7 8 28 9 $ ae nm [ ]" ai C i" 1 Dvd hu $ is _a e f rt n m [ ]" ai " 1 Dvd $ at nm l s_ a e [ ]" hu 1 Ci" $ ik ln [ ]" tp :/ w. a eo kc mC i Y" 1 h t s/ ww fc bo . o/ hu W $ sr ae u en m [ ]" hu W 1 C i Y"
  • 23. GET FRIEND LIST > fi ns < f_ on c (a h" ef in s,a cs _o e=c es tk n re d - bc n et pt =m / re d" c es t kn ac s_ oe ) > fi ns re d
  • 24. GET FRIEND GROUP LIST f in go p < f _ on c( pt = m/ re di t" a cs _ oe =c es tk n r ed r us - bc ne t a h" ef in l ss, ce st kn ac s _o e) f in go p. d < sp l (r ed ru s d t,f nt o()xi) r ed r us i - a py fi n go p$ aa u c inx $d f in go p. ae < sp l (r ed ru s d t,f nt o()xn m) r ed r us nm - a py fi n go p$ aa u c inx $a e
  • 25. FACEBOOK ELEMENT EXTRACTOR # Gt Fi ns If r ai nF o F e r ed n om to rm B m < f_ on c( a h" e, ac s _o e= ce st k n o t osls (f ed ""d nm ,o e - b cn et pt =m " c es tk na c s_ oe , pi n=it " il s=i, a el c m nm < m$ ae y ae - e nm f in s< m $r ed r ed - e fi n s # Et at Fc bo I s xr c a eo k D f in si < sp l (r ed $a a fn to ( )x i) r ed . d - a py fi n sd t , u ci nx $ d # Et at F Mt I fr ai n xr c B ea n om t o f in sn m < u l s( ap yf i ns dt ,f nt o () i ov xn m , o' T 8, u= " ) r ed . ae - ni ts p l( re d$ aa uc in x c n( $a e t= UF 's b " ) ) f in sg ne < s pl (r ed $ aa fn t o( )u ls ( fi . u l x gn e ) " o e e r ed . ed r - a py f in sd t, u ci nx ni ti (s nl ( $e dr ) nn " l f in sl ct o. d < u l s( ap yf in s dt,f nt o () xl ct o$ d ) r ed . oa in i - ni ts p l( re d$ aa uc in x $o a in i) f in sl ct o. a e< u ls (a py fi n sd t , fn t o( ){ f( s n l ( $ oa in r ed . oa in nm - n it s pl (r ed $a a u ci nx i i. ulxl c to$ f in sh mt w. a e< u ls (a py fi n sd t , fn t o( ){ f( s n l ( $ oe on r ed . oe on nm - n it s pl (r ed $a a u ci nx i i. ulxh m tw$
  • 26. GET FRIENDSHIP MATRIX f in si s< f nt o( { r ed h p - u c in ) pi t" ee ai g fi ns i mt i" rn ( Gn rt n re d hp a rx) N< l nt (r ed .d - e gh fi n si ) fi ns i. ar x < m t i(,, ) re d hp mt i - ar x0N N fr ( i 1N { o i n :) p it ps ei f in sn m[ ] ) r n (a t( ,r ed . ae i) t p< f cb o( pt = at (m /u ul r ed " fi nsi [ ] sp"" , ac s _o e m - a e o k a h p s e " e m t a f i n s , r e d . d i , e =/ ) c es tk m ta fi ns < sp l (m $a a fn to () xi) u u lr ed - a py tp d t, uc i nx $d f in si .a r xi fi ns i %n m ta fi n s < 1 r e dh pm ti [, r ed .d i % u u lr ed ] } #C et c ne to sw t m fi ns r a e o nc i n ih y r ed fi ns cn < c1N re d _o - ( :) fi ns cn ]< 1 re d _o [ #A dt i vc o a a c lm t te fi n si m ti d hs et r s o un o h r ed hp a rx fi ns i. ar x < c i df in si .a r xf in sc n re d hp mt i - bn (r e dh pm ti ,r e d_ o) #A pn m fi n si w t m s l p e d y r ed hp i h ye f fi ns i. ar x < r i df in si .a r xa pn (r e d_ o, ) re d hp mt i - bn (r e dh pm ti ,p e df in sc n 0 ) rw ae (r ed h pm ti )< a pn (r e d. aemn m ) on m sf in si .a r x - pe df in sn m,y ae cl ae (r ed h pm ti )< a pn (r e d. aemn m ) on m sf in si .a r x - pe df in sn m,y ae rt r (r ed hpmt i ) eu n fi ns i.a rx }
  • 27. FRIEND GRAPH f in ga h< f nt o( r ed hpmt i ) { r ed r p - u c in fi ns i.a rx f i n s i . r p < g a h a j c n y f i n s i . a r x m d = (u d r c e " , w i h e = re d hp ga h - r p.d ae c ( re d hp mt i, o ec"n i et d) e g tdN Vf in si .r p )g ne < a pn (r ed .e d r m s l$ ed r (r e dh pg ah $e d r - p ed fi n sg ne , ye fg ne ) V f i n s i . r p ) l c t o < a p n ( r e d . o a i nn m , m s l $ o a i n n m ) (r e dh pg ah $o a in - pe df i ns lc to . ae y ef lc t o$ ae V f i n s i . r p ) h m t w < a p n ( r e d . o e o nn m , m s l $ o e o n n m ) (r e dh pg ah $o e on - pe df i ns hm tw . ae y ef hm t w$ ae Vf in si .r p )L bl < Vf in si . rp )n m (r e dh pg ah $a e - ( re dh pg ah $ ae rt r ( re dh p ga h eu n fi ns i. rp ) }
  • 28. DRAW FRIENDSHIP GRAPH f mt i < f in s is ) _ ar x - re dh p( f ga h< f in ga hf m ti) _ rp - r ed r p( _a rx w ie ga hf ga h "r e d. rp m" fr a =g ah l ) r t. r p ( _r p, f in sg a hl ,o mt "r p m"
  • 31. GEPHI Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software
  • 32. MODULARITY Measure of the structure of networks or graphs. It was designed to measure the strength of division of a network into modules Networks with high modularity have dense connections between the nodes within modules but sparse connections between nodes in different modules
  • 33. LEARN MORE ABOUT GEPHI https://www.udemy.com/gephi/
  • 34. GET LIKES COUNT OF POSTS r qi ep y) e ur ( lr p ss < f_ on c( ah " ep ss ,a cs _ oe =c es t kn ot o sl s( fe d "" i o t - bc ne t pt =m /o t " ce st kn a cs _o e, p in =i t "i ls =l p s. ie < sp l (o t$ aa f nt o( ) xl ks o tl k s - a py ps s dt , uc in x $i e ) p s. ie .a a< s pl ( ot lk s fn to () x dt ) o tl k sd t - ap yp s. i e, uc i nx $ aa l =l s ( i it ) f r( i 1l nt ( ot lk sd t ){ o i n : eg hp s. i e. aa ) fr ( i 1(e g hp s. ie . aa [])1) o j n :l nt (o t lk sd t [ i]- ){ l < a p n ( i p s . i e . a a [ ] [ j ]n m ) i - p ed l, o tl ks d t[ i] []$a e } } d =d. al ri dd t. r m, l) f oc l( bn . aa fa e i c la e( f < c " ae ) o nm s d) - (n m" d py d, .n m) s ma i e N m us =l nt (a e ) d l( f ( ae , um rz , uS b e g hn m)
  • 35. CONCLUSION REMARK Interesting Fact Abour Friends Value Behind The Network Statstic Is Worth More Than Thousand of Words
  • 36. YOUR TURN TO DO SOME ANALYSIS Find Popular Checkins Among Your Friends Common Interest Between Your Friends Female/Male Distribution of Your Know Friends Most Pupular Photos Being Liked Asociation Rule of Friends (Gossip)