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Social Network Analysis:
Practical Uses and Implementation
Presented by Wael Elrifai (WAEL@PEAKCONSULTING.EU)



New York

- Dubai - Hong Kong - Mumbai

Table of Contents
o Metrics and Implementation
o Social Network Analysis with Relationships
o Social Network Analysis with Transactions
o Conclusions
Introduction to
Social Network
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Definitions: Social Network
Social Network: A social structure composed of
individuals (or organizations) interconnected by one
or more specific types of interdependencies such as
friendship, kinship, financial exchanges,
communication exchanges, etc.
Definitions: Social Network Analysis
Social Network Analysis: The application of graph
theory to understand, categorize and quantify
relationships in a social network.
In the representation of a social network, nodes in
a graph represent the individuals or organizations
(actors) and edges in the graph represent
interdependencies. Edges may be either directed or

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Why should you care about SNA?

are sceptical: if you want to sell your products
to your customers, convince their friends.

you want to sell lots of stuff to your customers… do it
in a viral way (target the “right” customers).

social network analysis to understand more about
your customers and their communities.

existing reports, modelling
methodologies with social metrics.

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Why should you care about SNA?
Traditional marketing practices are becoming obsolete.
Test and control group methodologies no longer work as


exchange between individuals within an online social
network is extremely high.
•Difficult to keep control group “pure”.

Need to understand behaviour across and within
communities rather than focusing just on individuals.

Leverage (and protect against) high velocity of
information exchange within on-line social networks.

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How does a Customer with the Role of an Influencer in
the Social Network Work?
Influential user adopts a product or behaviour.
o Influential user tells (and influences) his or her
immediate contacts within the community.
o These immediate contacts tell their contacts.
o ...and the viral marketing spreads.

It is important…
• To identify these people.
• To influence these people.
• To monitor the behaviour of these people.

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Roles in a social Network
Malcom Gladwell characterized key actors in a social network
in his seminal work The Tipping Point:

Connector: people who “link us up with the world … people
with a special gift for bringing the world together”. Gladwell
characterizes these individuals as having social networks of
over one hundred people.
Salesperson: people who are charismatic with powerful
negotiation skills. They tend to have an indefinable trait that
goes beyond what they say, which makes others want to agree
with them.
Maven: people who are “information specialists” or “people
we rely upon to connect us with new information”. They
accumulate knowledge, especially about the marketplace, and
know how to share it with others.
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Social Network Analysis
Recommended Approach

The Social Network


Identify the Social Network
•Who contacts whom?
•How often?
•How long?
•Both directions?
•On Net, Off Net?


There is no ‘general’
Identify Influencers for each Topic
•Who influence whom, how much,
on what purchases?
•Who influences whom, how much
John’s father
on churn?
•Who will acquire others?

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Definitions: Social Network Analysis
Rather than treating individuals (persons, organizations) as
discrete units of analysis, social network analysis focuses on how
the structure of ties (links) affects individuals and their
Not a new science:

in the social sciences.
oFormalized by J.A. Barnes 50+ years ago.
oSix degrees of separation small world phenomena.
• Stanley Milgram’s post mail experiments.
• Watts, Dodds, Muhamed email study.

A boom of popular press:

The tipping Point
oWatts: Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks Berween Order and
oBarabasi: Linked: The New Science of Networks
oWatts: Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age
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Definitions: Graph Theory
Directed Edges: Captures the “direction” of a
relationship. For example, A calls B would have a
different direction than B calls A.
Non-directed Edges: Relationship has no direction.
For example A is married to B is the same as B is
married to A.
Edges can be binary (e.g., exist or not) or weighted
(e.g., representing a count of the number of calls
between two individuals).

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Definitions: Graph Theory
A scale-free network is a network whose degree
distribution follows a power law, at least asymptotically.
That is, the fraction P(K) of nodes in the network having
k connections to other nodes goes for large values of k as
P(K) ~ K-Y where Y is a constant whose value is typically
in the range 2 < Y < 3, although occasionally it may lie
outside these bounds.
Node connectivity is defined by power law.

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Definitions: Graph Theory
The shape of a social network can influence its behaviour
and usefulness.

“Closed” social networks are tightly knit with many
redundant ties.
• In-breeding of ideas: persons who only interact with
each other share the same ideas and opportunities.
• Characterized by a (near) fully connected graph.

“Open” social networks have loose ties (weak links)
across multiple communities.
• More likely to introduce new ideas and opportunities
to their members.
• Requires connector nodes to bridge across.

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Definitions: Graph Theory
A clique is a fully connected set of nodes within a graph.
o An N-Clique is a subgraph of N nodes (actors) which are
fully connected (“closed” network).
o Maximum clique detection within a graph is an NPcomplete computational problem.
o A K-plex is a less strict subset of the graph.
o A giant component is a connected subgraph that contains
a majority of an entire graph’s nodes.

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Social Network Analysis
Circle analysis:
o Neighbours of a node.

Count neighbours (degree).


Count those in circle@
• Who churned,
• Who have a product P,
• Who became customers after node A,
• …..


Enrich node label with these metrics.

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Key Observation: Few Isolated Communities
Exist in the Real World

subscribers are part
of a single mega-community.
Splitting them up requires
artificial decisions.
oFive random starting
oCount number of new subscribers in degree 1,
degree 2, etc.
• Peak numbers between degree 5 and degree 7.
• Very few new subscribers after degree 8.
• Most subscribers are interconnected, rather than in
discrete communities.
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Key Observation: Few Isolated Communities
Exist in the Real World
An example with real world data:






From 5 to 22 nodes:
- 320 communities.
- 1905 nodes.


Large Component of 1.1M nodes
(with off-network nodes = 3.6M)

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Metrics and

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Calculation of Metrics from a Social Network

In networks, connection is power.
• Centrality is a key measure.
• “Social Degree” measures how well a node
is connected.

An “influencer” is a node that is well


Capable of propagating information to
lots of people via Word-of-Mouth

There exist many measures to identify
the power to influence.


Depending on your data, some might be
easier to compute than others.
• Some might bring more useful information
than others.
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Overview of Social Network Analysis
Count the number
of contacts.
• Rank best contacts.

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Profile contacts.
• Describe each
customer by its
• Social boundaries.

• Add each customer
to its community.

Social Leader
Identify social
• Analyze impact of
the social leaders.
Recommended Approach: Key Steps


• In-database conversion of data to Node: Edge model.

Data filtering.




In-database calculation of SNA metrics.
• Degree, Centrality, Betweenness, etc…

model creation: inverse cascading model.
oSNA model scoring.

and control group creation.

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Data Preparation Example:
From XDR to Node/Edge Graph

can communicate with B in various ways:
Voice, SMS, MMA. Thus, we allow a separate
Edge for each type of communication.

Master Out 8
Voice Out 6
SMS Out 1


The Mater Edge defines that a
communication exists, and is irrespective of
the actual type.

MMS Out 1

MMS In 2
SMS In 3

Voice Out 20
Master Out 25

Performed for on-net
and off-net numbers.

Of course, B can reciprocate communicate
with A in various ways also: Voice, SMS or
MMS. Thus, we allow a separate Edge for that

That means from A’s perspective there could
be a maximum of 8 Edges associated with A if
all communication types are used and
reciprocated with B.

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Edge IDs are unique system wide.
Data Preparation: Filtering

Not all numbers are valid:

Non-human numbers are identified and filtered.
• Service numbers are identified and filtered.

Some links are trivial:

links that are infrequently called.

Different filters can be applied for different

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Data Preparation: Target Data Model
Graph Theory concepts are the foundation of a good
model for use in Social Network Analysis.

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Metric Calculation
Social network metrics are calculated directly from
the ‘graph’.

Social Network metrics describe nodes and edges, and
attempt to give meaning to position.


Metrics are typically calculated in-database.


Metrics are created using scripts that use:

SQL for simple metrics.
• UDFs for complex metrics.

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Social Media Metrics
Identity confidence
o Group detection


• First/second
• On-net/off-net
• Peak/off-peak
• Etc.

o Betweenness
o Closeness
o Triangles
o Authority
o Cohesion
o Prestige and trust
o Many more…

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SN Metrics: Degree
D1: Size of the degree 1 social circle.
D2: Size of the degree 2 social circle.

Degree 1 Circle = 5

Degree 2 Circle = 7

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SN Metrics: Centrality
Centrality measures how ‘important’ an actor is in the
social network.

Highly Central

Very low centrality indicates:
•Social network isolation.
•Low impact on calling circle.

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Appropriate segment
for classic approach!
Centrality According to Philip Bonacich
Being connected to many people is good, but what indicates the
most influence is to be connected to ‘important’ people.
• Similar to Google’s page rank.
o Bonacich Centrality measures the total number of paths starting
from a node, with a decay factor favouring shorter paths over
longer ones.
• C is vector of centralities
• A is graph matrix.
• Alpha is a scaling factor.
• Beta is decay factor between 0 and 1.
• C = alpha * SUM _ (k = 0 to infinity) Beta ^ k * A ^ (k + 1)
• If Beta = 0, this is degree count.
• If Beta = 1, this is eigenvalue centrality (page rank).
Ideal for computation in parallel!

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Examples of Bonacich Centrality
(with decay factor of 0.5)
















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SN Metrics: Reciprocal Degree
RD: Reciprocal Degree.
- Communication in both directions.


Reciprocal Degree = 2

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SN Metrics: In-Network Degree
RDNetwork: Reciprocal Degree within the network.
- Communication on-network in both directions.



Reciprocal Degree within Network = 1

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SN Metrics: Triangles
TRG: a count of the number of triangles within a
social network involving a particular focus node.
Degree of interconnectedness in the social network.
In this example, four triangles
exist within the social network
– three of which involve the
focus node.
Triangles = 3

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SN Metrics: Betweenness
Betweenness: The number of node pairs that have only a
direct link through the focus node.
This is a simpler (faster) calculation than the more precise
definition that involves an all node pair shortest path
Betweenness is a measure of how essential the focus node
is to facilitate communication within the social network.
Betweenness = 6
These subscribers
need the focus node
to communicate
with each other.
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do not..
SN Metrics: Density
DEN: Density is the number of actual edges divided by
the number of possible edges (n * ( n – 1 ) / 2) within a
social network (simplified).
How dense is the calling pattern within the calling
Low if many nodes in the calling circle are not
connected. Usually low when calling circle is large.
Inversely related to Betweenness.

Density = 3/10

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Only three edges for a
calling circle of five nodes.
Social Network Model Creation
Models are created using SN metrics and other

Apply the inverse cascading model: Edges are
modelled for the chance that a message or behaviour
will be transmitted.


Example types of models:

Churn risk: how likely is churn spread from A to B?
• Product/service spread: if A uses product/service X,
how likely is it to be taken up by B?
• Viral marketing: if we send A an offer, will they pass
it to B?

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Example: Product Affinity Model Timeline
Focus Node


Training ADS






At t0 the subscriber is still active.
o He does not have product X.
o Has a non-trivial centrality score.
o Positive target:

• Within

30 days of t0 the subscriber adopts product X.

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Example: Viral Adoption Model Timeline
Focus Node

Adjacent Node



Training ADS






At t0 the subscriber is still active.
o He does not have product X.
o Has a non-trivial centrality score.
o Positive target:

• Within

30 days of t0 the subscriber adopts product X.

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Example: Model Inputs

Affinity Model

Viral Model

Usage History
SN Metrics

Focus Node:
Usage History
SN Metrics
Adjacent Node:
Usage History
SN Metrics
Historical Edge
Edge Usage History

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Measurement and Testing

Need to define target and control groups.

The number and size of control groups will vary
according to the effect being testing:
• Control group for direct take up.
• Control group for viral take up.
• Control groups for different messages.


For example: to control for a X-sell message and model
• A group of high scoring customers should not be
contacted ( control of message).
• A group of low scoring customers should be contacted
(control of model).

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Data Mining Using Social Network Analysis

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Output of Social Network Analysis

set of metrics than can be input to other analytics and
directly to marketing actions. These metrics are applied to each

• Centrality
• Betweenness
• Triangles
• Etc.

SN Metrics along with traditional attributes are used to derive
characteristics such as influence, but these should scored
relative to specific topics (price, technology, churn, etc.)

o Analysis

is often done in the context of specific
domains…defining time horizon for the analysis, customer
segments, types of call to consider, weekly vs weekend call
patterns, filtering outliers calls, etc.
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Social Network
Analysis with
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Social Networks are Not New to Analytics
The idea of understanding relationships to enhance
analytic capabilities is not a new idea.
o Householding, for example, is something that most
sophisticated analytic organizations have been doing
for years.
o Most common use cases:
• Marketing analytics.
• Risk analytics.
• Crime investigation.
• Health care.
o Householding is a very simple form of network

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Traditional Householding
Construction of ‘decision-making units’ based on social
relationships (marriage, co-habitation) for the purpose of
marketing and risk analytics.
Traditional relationship indicators:
•Common address.
•Common last name.
•Marital (or other) relationships.
New scoring variables:
•Pooled assets.
•Pooled purchases.
•Pooled behaviours.
•Derived ‘head of household’ variables.
Used to construct new variables for the purpose of propensity
scoring, risk scoring, segmentation, etc.
Tracking of relationships over time to give visibility to life stage
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Classic example: 15th Century Florence Family
Politics (Padgett, 1994)







Geodesic distance.




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Links are marriages.

Beyond Householding
Extend an understanding of name, address, and
marital relationships to other kinds of relationships:
Investment accounts
• Credit card accounts
• Mortgages
• Insurance policies
• Frequent flyer accounts
• Buyer-supplier relationships
• Many other possibilities…

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Beyond Householding
There are many different kinds of relationships:
Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship versus
primary owner on a financial account.
• Credit guarantor (co-signer) versus recipient on a loan
or credit card.
• Custodian versus trustee on a financial account.
• Beneficiary versus owner on a life insurance policy.
• Insured versus payer on a driver’s insurance policy.
• Sponsor versus recipient for frequent flyer status.
• And so on…

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Marketing Analytics Use Cases
Customer acquisition.
o Cross Selling.
o Customer retention.
o Price bundling.
o Profitability management.
o Customer segmentation.

Key concept: Derive new variables for analytic
purposes based on characteristics and events related
to a group of individuals (social network) rather than
looking at individuals in isolation.

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Marketing Analytics Use Cases
Simple extension of model variables from an individual level to a
household level gives significant uplift in predictive accuracy:
• Total

customer value by product category
• Total number of accounts or purchases by product category
• Date of last account open or purchase by product category
• Date of first account open or purchase by product category
• Date of last account close or purchase by product category
• Date of first account close or purchase by product category
• Date of last inquiry
• Date of first inquiry
• Total number of inquiries in the last three months
• Total number of inquiries over customer lifetime
• Date of last complaint.
• Date of first complaint
• Total number of complaints in last three months
• Total number of complaints over customer lifetime
• Etc..
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Customer Retention by Identifying At-Risk
for Defection Relationships
Individual defection impacts household defection:
When one individual closes all accounts or has a bad
experience, all individuals in the household may be put at
risk. Retention programs identifying these situations can be
put into place to ‘save’ at-risk for defection customers.
Broker defection impacts customer defection:
If the broker for a customer of a financial or insurance
company takes a job with the competition, the customer is
likely to be highly at-risk for defection. Again, explicit
retention programs can be used to ‘save’ these customers.
Important note: roles in the relationships matter.

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Risk Analytics Use Cases
Better understand financial risk of incurring bad debt
based on relationships:

Scoring for consumer loans/collections based on
household characteristics rather than on an
individual in isolation.

Scoring for commercial loans/collections based
on supplier and/or customer relationships with
insight related to industry or customer
concentration as a measure of risk.

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Crime Investigation Use Cases

Fraud rings.
• Likely suspects.
• Terrorist networks.

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Terrorist Network
Shows the
among the
9/11 terrorist
• Example of

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Health Care Use Cases
Understanding relationships helps to determine
how diseases spread and therefore how to
better perform disease management:
Tracing epidemics to their origin.
• Prioritizing vaccines and health education.

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Social Network
Analysis with
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Social Network Analysis with Transactions
Relationships can be inferred through transactions.
There are many different kinds of transactions:
• Telephone calls.
• Messages (SMS, MMS, etc.)
• Emails.
• Package Shipments.
• Financial transactions.
• Physician referrals.
Cardinality of transactions can be used to indicate
intensity of the relationship.

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Employee Retention
Google was given a ‘2010 Best HR Ideas’ award from HR
Executive for using analytics to improve employee retention.
Social network analysis can enhance algorithms used to
predict risk of defection.
Use intra-company interactions to understand social network
within the company:

•Messages (SMS, MMS, etc.)
•Meeting interactions.
•Organizational Structure.
•How ‘connected’ is the employee to the company?
•If one employee leaves, what is the risk of defection for adjacent
nodes in that employees social network.

Combine SN Metrics with traditional metrics (salary, years of
service, performance evaluations, commute distance, etc.) to
build predictive models.
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Organizational Effectiveness
Social network analysis can be used to build algorithms to identify
dysfunctions within an organization.
Use intra-company interactions to understand social network within
the company:
Telephone calls.
• Messages (SMS, MMS, etc,.)
• Emails.
• Meeting interactions.
• Organizational Structure.
• What is the level (intensity) of communication between departments that
should be cooperating?
• What is the richness’ and ‘diversity’ of the communications between
• Always email with no face-to-face meetings or telephone conversations
may indicate a problem.
• Are there a small number of connectors between the departments?

• At

what level are they within the organization?

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Social Network Analysis (SNA)
in Telecommunications
Social Network Analysis (SNA) is focused on the relations
between subscribers (customers); traditional propensity or
segmentation models are based on individual subscriber attributes.
Map of ties among subscribers provide a useful framework to
identify role played by each individual within the network.
Ties between two subscribers can be identified using voice, calls,
sms, mms, etc.

SNA is often used to:
Define targeted treatments based on network roles of an
individual to encourage/discourage specific events (churn,
acquisition, product adoption).
Monitor new product adoption by studying diffusion within a
social network.
Identify unusual behaviours (fraud detection).

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Social Network Analysis for Mobile Network
Mobile communication is an essential and basic
form of communication between persons in a
social network.

There are many communication
channels/mediums; call data captures just a portion
of communication among people.

Data availability is quite good for mobile
network operators who capture CDR data – more
data leads to better results.

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Application of Social Network Analysis
Critical success factors for effective
social network analysis:
Need a critical mass of mobile
phone penetration within the country.
Market share matters:

New versus established operators.
• The flower pattern.

Data collection: Need detailed and cleaned history
Understand the profile of your customers
segments (consumer, small business, corporate,
pre-paid, post-paid, etc.)
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Application of Social Network Analysis
Challenges with high returns:
• Uncover hidden social network information in your data

– such as phone books in the phones of subscribers.
• Identify key parameters of measured call data
(normalization, skew elimination).
• Separate random connections and weak connections.
• Understand the size and density of the social network.
• Understand the dynamics in the social network: stable
versus volatile communities.
• Target selection, test/control groups, and measurement.
• Read correctly and understand the results of the Social
Network Analysis.

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What Kind of Social Networks can be created?
CDRs (Call Detail Records) are generated for each call:

Node 2




705 626 2002

416 414 6454

1 Dec 07



778 388 4363

604 805 5682

1 Dec 07








From these CDRs, many different social networks can be built:

•Voice Network (Individual A calls Individual B on voice)
•SMS Network (Individual A sends a SMS to Individual B)
•MMS Network *Individual A sends a MMS to Individual B)
•All services Network (Individual A calls or sends SMS or MMS to B)
•Intensiity focused:
•At least 5 communications; duration at least 15 seconds.
•Period focused:
•Interactions during this month, or week, or day…
•Directed or Un-directed

Using different definitions to calculate links gives different networks
for different purposes.
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Network Structure
Weak ties: Connection between
communities; connection to the rest of the
Strong ties: Communication ties with high
call frequency and/or high call duration.
Importance of ties from the perspective of:

Information diffusion..
• Networrk integrity.
• Kind of tie (driend, intimate, parent/child).

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Calculating Social Network Attributes

for incoming and outgoing contacts.
•Triangle counts (centrality measure).
•First Circle Statistics: counts, averages,
proportions. Separate counts for nominal variables
(gender, brand).
•Counts and ratios for neighbours on-network and
•Sums for link labels (total minutes between
•Statistics for the community of a user (more than
first circle).

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Conclusions on Social Network Analysis

Social Network Analysis is not a silver bullet:

Can enrich existing marketing, fraud detection, and
other analytic capabilities…
• ….but does not replace traditional analytical
• Combine SN Metrics with traditional metrics for

Social Network Analysis provides insights as to
how individual customers behave in the context of
larger communities.


Need to think differently about test and control groups.
• Viral marketing opportunities.
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Conclusions on Social Network Analysis
The success of marketing with techniques based on Social
Network Analysis will depend on many factors:

Success rates will be different in different cultures and
demographic groups.
• What works in Europe will be different from what works in
Asia or the United States.

The answers are in your data!
For marketing activities to have a viral component there has
to be value to both the A and B nodes:
• Value

can be in terms of prestige (true viral marketing) or can
be financial.
• Most marketing messages have no viral component.
• Any viral marketing must have a fulfilment method to match.
• Product and offer characteristics can have a dramatic impact on
effectiveness of program targeting.

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Conclusions on Social Network Analysis
Data! Data! Data!

all about the data!
•Don’t under estimate the amount of work and time required to
cleanse and understand the data.
•Want to combine event data with SN data to maximize impact.
•Scalable solutions needed when dealing with large volumes of

Social Network Analysis is different than traditional

lingo, new concepts.
•Many different forms of SNA.
•Lots of market confusion between social network analysis and
social media analysis.
•Want to track how networks change over time.
•Measure, learn and improve.
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Contact PEAK for more information
You can reach me directly at WAEL@PEAKCONSULTING.EU
or by calling me directly at +44 74 4743 0757.

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Recommended Reading
Gladwell, M. The Tipping Point. Little Brown, and Company.
Green, H. The Rise of Niche Social Networks and that Money
Question. Business Week. On-line Blog. March 15, 2007.
Finkeldey, D. and V. Liu. User Survey Analysis: U.S. SocialMedia Adoption Across Industries. Gartner Research Presentation.
Pandit, S., D. Chau, S. Wang, and C. Faloutsos.
NetProbe: A Fast and Scalable System for Fraud Detection in
Online Auction Networks. Proceedings of WWW 2007. 2007. pp.

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  • 1. Social Network Analysis: Practical Uses and Implementation Presented by Wael Elrifai (WAEL@PEAKCONSULTING.EU) London - New York - Dubai - Hong Kong - Mumbai 2013
  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction o Metrics and Implementation o Social Network Analysis with Relationships o Social Network Analysis with Transactions o Conclusions o
  • 4. Definitions: Social Network Social Network: A social structure composed of individuals (or organizations) interconnected by one or more specific types of interdependencies such as friendship, kinship, financial exchanges, communication exchanges, etc.
  • 5. Definitions: Social Network Analysis Social Network Analysis: The application of graph theory to understand, categorize and quantify relationships in a social network. In the representation of a social network, nodes in a graph represent the individuals or organizations (actors) and edges in the graph represent interdependencies. Edges may be either directed or non-directed. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 6. Why should you care about SNA? oCustomer are sceptical: if you want to sell your products to your customers, convince their friends. oIf you want to sell lots of stuff to your customers… do it in a viral way (target the “right” customers). oUse social network analysis to understand more about your customers and their communities. oEnhance existing reports, modelling methodologies with social metrics. Confidential - not for redistribution tools, and
  • 7. Why should you care about SNA? Traditional marketing practices are becoming obsolete. Test and control group methodologies no longer work as intended. o •Information exchange between individuals within an online social network is extremely high. •Difficult to keep control group “pure”. Need to understand behaviour across and within communities rather than focusing just on individuals. o Leverage (and protect against) high velocity of information exchange within on-line social networks. o Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 8. How does a Customer with the Role of an Influencer in the Social Network Work? Influential user adopts a product or behaviour. o Influential user tells (and influences) his or her immediate contacts within the community. o These immediate contacts tell their contacts. o ...and the viral marketing spreads. o It is important… • To identify these people. • To influence these people. • To monitor the behaviour of these people. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 9. Roles in a social Network Malcom Gladwell characterized key actors in a social network in his seminal work The Tipping Point: Connector: people who “link us up with the world … people with a special gift for bringing the world together”. Gladwell characterizes these individuals as having social networks of over one hundred people. Salesperson: people who are charismatic with powerful negotiation skills. They tend to have an indefinable trait that goes beyond what they say, which makes others want to agree with them. Maven: people who are “information specialists” or “people we rely upon to connect us with new information”. They accumulate knowledge, especially about the marketplace, and know how to share it with others. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 10. Social Network Analysis Recommended Approach The Social Network 1. Identify the Social Network •Who contacts whom? •How often? •How long? •Both directions? •On Net, Off Net? 2. There is no ‘general’ Identify Influencers for each Topic influencer! •Who influence whom, how much, on what purchases? Price •Who influences whom, how much John’s father John on churn? •Who will acquire others? Technology Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 11. Definitions: Social Network Analysis Rather than treating individuals (persons, organizations) as discrete units of analysis, social network analysis focuses on how the structure of ties (links) affects individuals and their relationships. Not a new science: oStarted in the social sciences. oFormalized by J.A. Barnes 50+ years ago. oSix degrees of separation small world phenomena. • Stanley Milgram’s post mail experiments. • Watts, Dodds, Muhamed email study. A boom of popular press: oGladwell: The tipping Point oWatts: Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks Berween Order and Randomness. oBarabasi: Linked: The New Science of Networks oWatts: Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 12. Definitions: Graph Theory Directed Edges: Captures the “direction” of a relationship. For example, A calls B would have a different direction than B calls A. Non-directed Edges: Relationship has no direction. For example A is married to B is the same as B is married to A. Edges can be binary (e.g., exist or not) or weighted (e.g., representing a count of the number of calls between two individuals). Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 13. Definitions: Graph Theory A scale-free network is a network whose degree distribution follows a power law, at least asymptotically. That is, the fraction P(K) of nodes in the network having k connections to other nodes goes for large values of k as P(K) ~ K-Y where Y is a constant whose value is typically in the range 2 < Y < 3, although occasionally it may lie outside these bounds. Node connectivity is defined by power law. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 14. Definitions: Graph Theory The shape of a social network can influence its behaviour and usefulness. “Closed” social networks are tightly knit with many redundant ties. • In-breeding of ideas: persons who only interact with each other share the same ideas and opportunities. • Characterized by a (near) fully connected graph. o “Open” social networks have loose ties (weak links) across multiple communities. • More likely to introduce new ideas and opportunities to their members. • Requires connector nodes to bridge across. o Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 15. Definitions: Graph Theory A clique is a fully connected set of nodes within a graph. o An N-Clique is a subgraph of N nodes (actors) which are fully connected (“closed” network). o Maximum clique detection within a graph is an NPcomplete computational problem. o A K-plex is a less strict subset of the graph. o A giant component is a connected subgraph that contains a majority of an entire graph’s nodes. o Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 16. Social Network Analysis Circle analysis: o Neighbours of a node. o Count neighbours (degree). o Count those in circle@ • Who churned, • Who have a product P, • Who became customers after node A, • ….. o Enrich node label with these metrics. Confidential - not for redistribution A
  • 17. Key Observation: Few Isolated Communities Exist in the Real World Most subscribers are part of a single mega-community. Splitting them up requires artificial decisions. Experiment: oFive random starting osubscribers. oCount number of new subscribers in degree 1, degree 2, etc. oConclusion: • Peak numbers between degree 5 and degree 7. • Very few new subscribers after degree 8. • Most subscribers are interconnected, rather than in discrete communities. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 18. Key Observation: Few Isolated Communities Exist in the Real World An example with real world data: 73,277 Singletons 15,666 2,658 653 pairs triangles From 5 to 22 nodes: - 320 communities. - 1905 nodes. squares Large Component of 1.1M nodes (with off-network nodes = 3.6M) Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 20. Calculation of Metrics from a Social Network o In networks, connection is power. • Centrality is a key measure. • “Social Degree” measures how well a node is connected. An “influencer” is a node that is well connected. o • Capable of propagating information to lots of people via Word-of-Mouth (Mouse). There exist many measures to identify the power to influence. o • Depending on your data, some might be easier to compute than others. • Some might bring more useful information than others. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 21. Overview of Social Network Analysis Circle Analysis: Count the number of contacts. • Rank best contacts. • Confidential - not for redistribution Connection Analysis: Profile contacts. • Describe each customer by its contacts. • Social boundaries. • Community Analysis: Identify communities. • Add each customer to its community. • Social Leader Analysis: Identify social leaders. • Analyze impact of the social leaders. •
  • 22. Recommended Approach: Key Steps oData preparation. • In-database conversion of data to Node: Edge model. • Data filtering. oMetric calculation. • In-database calculation of SNA metrics. • Degree, Centrality, Betweenness, etc… oSNA model creation: inverse cascading model. oSNA model scoring. oTarget and control group creation. oMeasurement. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 23. Data Preparation Example: From XDR to Node/Edge Graph oA can communicate with B in various ways: Voice, SMS, MMA. Thus, we allow a separate Edge for each type of communication. Master Out 8 Voice Out 6 SMS Out 1 A The Mater Edge defines that a communication exists, and is irrespective of the actual type. o MMS Out 1 B MMS In 2 SMS In 3 Voice Out 20 Master Out 25 Performed for on-net and off-net numbers. Of course, B can reciprocate communicate with A in various ways also: Voice, SMS or MMS. Thus, we allow a separate Edge for that too. o That means from A’s perspective there could be a maximum of 8 Edges associated with A if all communication types are used and reciprocated with B. o o Confidential - not for redistribution Edge IDs are unique system wide.
  • 24. Data Preparation: Filtering o Not all numbers are valid: • Non-human numbers are identified and filtered. • Service numbers are identified and filtered. o Some links are trivial: •Remove links that are infrequently called. Different filters can be applied for different metrics. o Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 25. Data Preparation: Target Data Model Graph Theory concepts are the foundation of a good model for use in Social Network Analysis. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 26. Metric Calculation Social network metrics are calculated directly from the ‘graph’. o Social Network metrics describe nodes and edges, and attempt to give meaning to position. o o Metrics are typically calculated in-database. o Metrics are created using scripts that use: • SQL for simple metrics. • UDFs for complex metrics. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 27. Social Media Metrics Identity confidence o Group detection o • Degree • First/second • On-net/off-net • Peak/off-peak • Etc. Centrality o Betweenness o Closeness o Triangles o Authority o Cohesion o Prestige and trust o Many more… o Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 28. SN Metrics: Degree D1: Size of the degree 1 social circle. D2: Size of the degree 2 social circle. Degree 1 Circle = 5 Degree 2 Circle = 7 Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 29. SN Metrics: Centrality Centrality measures how ‘important’ an actor is in the social network. Highly Central Very low centrality indicates: •Social network isolation. •Low impact on calling circle. Confidential - not for redistribution Isolated Appropriate segment for classic approach!
  • 30. Centrality According to Philip Bonacich Being connected to many people is good, but what indicates the most influence is to be connected to ‘important’ people. • Similar to Google’s page rank. o Bonacich Centrality measures the total number of paths starting from a node, with a decay factor favouring shorter paths over longer ones. • C is vector of centralities • A is graph matrix. • Alpha is a scaling factor. • Beta is decay factor between 0 and 1. • C = alpha * SUM _ (k = 0 to infinity) Beta ^ k * A ^ (k + 1) • If Beta = 0, this is degree count. • If Beta = 1, this is eigenvalue centrality (page rank). Ideal for computation in parallel! o Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 31. Examples of Bonacich Centrality (with decay factor of 0.5) 0.64 1.12 1.12 11.28 0.76 0.76 1 0.64 1 1 0.76 1.77 1 1 1 0.73 0.76 0.76 1.30 0.73 Confidential - not for redistribution 1.46 1.30 0.73 0.73
  • 32. SN Metrics: Reciprocal Degree RD: Reciprocal Degree. - Communication in both directions. Reciprocal Edge Reciprocal Degree = 2 Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 33. SN Metrics: In-Network Degree RDNetwork: Reciprocal Degree within the network. - Communication on-network in both directions. Reciprocal Edge Network Reciprocal Degree within Network = 1 Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 34. SN Metrics: Triangles TRG: a count of the number of triangles within a social network involving a particular focus node. Degree of interconnectedness in the social network. In this example, four triangles exist within the social network – three of which involve the focus node. Triangles = 3 Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 35. SN Metrics: Betweenness Betweenness: The number of node pairs that have only a direct link through the focus node. This is a simpler (faster) calculation than the more precise definition that involves an all node pair shortest path calculation. Betweenness is a measure of how essential the focus node is to facilitate communication within the social network. Betweenness = 6 These subscribers need the focus node to communicate with each other. Confidential - not for redistribution These subscribers do not..
  • 36. SN Metrics: Density DEN: Density is the number of actual edges divided by the number of possible edges (n * ( n – 1 ) / 2) within a social network (simplified). How dense is the calling pattern within the calling circle? Low if many nodes in the calling circle are not connected. Usually low when calling circle is large. Inversely related to Betweenness. Density = 3/10 Confidential - not for redistribution Only three edges for a calling circle of five nodes.
  • 37. Social Network Model Creation Models are created using SN metrics and other data. o Apply the inverse cascading model: Edges are modelled for the chance that a message or behaviour will be transmitted. o o Example types of models: • Churn risk: how likely is churn spread from A to B? • Product/service spread: if A uses product/service X, how likely is it to be taken up by B? • Viral marketing: if we send A an offer, will they pass it to B? Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 38. Example: Product Affinity Model Timeline Focus Node t0 Feb Mar Training ADS Apr May June July Target At t0 the subscriber is still active. o He does not have product X. o Has a non-trivial centrality score. o Positive target: o • Within 30 days of t0 the subscriber adopts product X. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 39. Example: Viral Adoption Model Timeline Focus Node Adjacent Node t0 Feb Mar Training ADS Apr May June July Target At t0 the subscriber is still active. o He does not have product X. o Has a non-trivial centrality score. o Positive target: o • Within 30 days of t0 the subscriber adopts product X. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 40. Example: Model Inputs Affinity Model Viral Model Usage History SN Metrics Focus Node: Usage History SN Metrics Adjacent Node: Usage History SN Metrics Historical Edge Information: Edge Usage History Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 41. Measurement and Testing o Need to define target and control groups. The number and size of control groups will vary according to the effect being testing: • Control group for direct take up. • Control group for viral take up. • Control groups for different messages. o o For example: to control for a X-sell message and model • A group of high scoring customers should not be contacted ( control of message). • A group of low scoring customers should be contacted (control of model). Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 42. Data Mining Using Social Network Analysis Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 43. Output of Social Network Analysis oA set of metrics than can be input to other analytics and directly to marketing actions. These metrics are applied to each customer: • Degree • Centrality • Betweenness • Triangles • Etc. SN Metrics along with traditional attributes are used to derive characteristics such as influence, but these should scored relative to specific topics (price, technology, churn, etc.) o o Analysis is often done in the context of specific domains…defining time horizon for the analysis, customer segments, types of call to consider, weekly vs weekend call patterns, filtering outliers calls, etc. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 45. Social Networks are Not New to Analytics The idea of understanding relationships to enhance analytic capabilities is not a new idea. o Householding, for example, is something that most sophisticated analytic organizations have been doing for years. o Most common use cases: • Marketing analytics. • Risk analytics. • Crime investigation. • Health care. o Householding is a very simple form of network analysis. o Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 46. Traditional Householding Construction of ‘decision-making units’ based on social relationships (marriage, co-habitation) for the purpose of marketing and risk analytics. Traditional relationship indicators: •Common address. •Common last name. •Marital (or other) relationships. New scoring variables: •Pooled assets. •Pooled purchases. •Pooled behaviours. •Derived ‘head of household’ variables. Used to construct new variables for the purpose of propensity scoring, risk scoring, segmentation, etc. Tracking of relationships over time to give visibility to life stage transitions. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 47. Classic example: 15th Century Florence Family Politics (Padgett, 1994) o o Degree. o Centrality. o Betweenness. o Geodesic distance. o Influence. o Confidential - not for redistribution Links are marriages. Pressure.
  • 48. Beyond Householding Extend an understanding of name, address, and marital relationships to other kinds of relationships: Investment accounts • Credit card accounts • Mortgages • Insurance policies • Frequent flyer accounts • Buyer-supplier relationships • Many other possibilities… • Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 49. Beyond Householding There are many different kinds of relationships: Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship versus primary owner on a financial account. • Credit guarantor (co-signer) versus recipient on a loan or credit card. • Custodian versus trustee on a financial account. • Beneficiary versus owner on a life insurance policy. • Insured versus payer on a driver’s insurance policy. • Sponsor versus recipient for frequent flyer status. • And so on… • Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 50. Marketing Analytics Use Cases Customer acquisition. o Cross Selling. o Customer retention. o Price bundling. o Profitability management. o Customer segmentation. o Key concept: Derive new variables for analytic purposes based on characteristics and events related to a group of individuals (social network) rather than looking at individuals in isolation. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 51. Marketing Analytics Use Cases Simple extension of model variables from an individual level to a household level gives significant uplift in predictive accuracy: • Total customer value by product category • Total number of accounts or purchases by product category • Date of last account open or purchase by product category • Date of first account open or purchase by product category • Date of last account close or purchase by product category • Date of first account close or purchase by product category • Date of last inquiry • Date of first inquiry • Total number of inquiries in the last three months • Total number of inquiries over customer lifetime • Date of last complaint. • Date of first complaint • Total number of complaints in last three months • Total number of complaints over customer lifetime • Etc.. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 52. Customer Retention by Identifying At-Risk for Defection Relationships Individual defection impacts household defection: When one individual closes all accounts or has a bad experience, all individuals in the household may be put at risk. Retention programs identifying these situations can be put into place to ‘save’ at-risk for defection customers. Broker defection impacts customer defection: If the broker for a customer of a financial or insurance company takes a job with the competition, the customer is likely to be highly at-risk for defection. Again, explicit retention programs can be used to ‘save’ these customers. Important note: roles in the relationships matter. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 53. Risk Analytics Use Cases Better understand financial risk of incurring bad debt based on relationships: • Scoring for consumer loans/collections based on household characteristics rather than on an individual in isolation. • Scoring for commercial loans/collections based on supplier and/or customer relationships with insight related to industry or customer concentration as a measure of risk. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 54. Crime Investigation Use Cases Fraud rings. • Likely suspects. • Terrorist networks. • Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 55. Terrorist Network Shows the associations among the 9/11 terrorist and their colleagues. • Example of social network analysis. • Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 56. Health Care Use Cases Understanding relationships helps to determine how diseases spread and therefore how to better perform disease management: Tracing epidemics to their origin. • Prioritizing vaccines and health education. • Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 58. Social Network Analysis with Transactions Relationships can be inferred through transactions. There are many different kinds of transactions: • Telephone calls. • Messages (SMS, MMS, etc.) • Emails. • Package Shipments. • Financial transactions. • Physician referrals. Cardinality of transactions can be used to indicate intensity of the relationship. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 59. Employee Retention Google was given a ‘2010 Best HR Ideas’ award from HR Executive for using analytics to improve employee retention. Social network analysis can enhance algorithms used to predict risk of defection. Use intra-company interactions to understand social network within the company: •Telephone calls. •Messages (SMS, MMS, etc.) •Emails. •Meeting interactions. •Organizational Structure. •How ‘connected’ is the employee to the company? •If one employee leaves, what is the risk of defection for adjacent nodes in that employees social network. Combine SN Metrics with traditional metrics (salary, years of service, performance evaluations, commute distance, etc.) to build predictive models. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 60. Organizational Effectiveness Social network analysis can be used to build algorithms to identify dysfunctions within an organization. Use intra-company interactions to understand social network within the company: Telephone calls. • Messages (SMS, MMS, etc,.) • Emails. • Meeting interactions. • Organizational Structure. • What is the level (intensity) of communication between departments that should be cooperating? • What is the richness’ and ‘diversity’ of the communications between departments? • Always email with no face-to-face meetings or telephone conversations may indicate a problem. • Are there a small number of connectors between the departments? • • At what level are they within the organization? Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 61. Social Network Analysis (SNA) in Telecommunications Social Network Analysis (SNA) is focused on the relations between subscribers (customers); traditional propensity or segmentation models are based on individual subscriber attributes. Map of ties among subscribers provide a useful framework to identify role played by each individual within the network. Ties between two subscribers can be identified using voice, calls, sms, mms, etc. SNA is often used to: Define targeted treatments based on network roles of an individual to encourage/discourage specific events (churn, acquisition, product adoption). Monitor new product adoption by studying diffusion within a social network. Identify unusual behaviours (fraud detection). Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 62. Social Network Analysis for Mobile Network Operators Mobile communication is an essential and basic form of communication between persons in a social network. o There are many communication channels/mediums; call data captures just a portion of communication among people. o Data availability is quite good for mobile network operators who capture CDR data – more data leads to better results. o Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 63. Application of Social Network Analysis Critical success factors for effective social network analysis: Need a critical mass of mobile phone penetration within the country. Market share matters: • New versus established operators. • The flower pattern. Data collection: Need detailed and cleaned history data. Understand the profile of your customers segments (consumer, small business, corporate, pre-paid, post-paid, etc.) Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 64. Application of Social Network Analysis Challenges with high returns: • Uncover hidden social network information in your data – such as phone books in the phones of subscribers. • Identify key parameters of measured call data (normalization, skew elimination). • Separate random connections and weak connections. • Understand the size and density of the social network. • Understand the dynamics in the social network: stable versus volatile communities. • Target selection, test/control groups, and measurement. • Read correctly and understand the results of the Social Network Analysis. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 65. What Kind of Social Networks can be created? CDRs (Call Detail Records) are generated for each call: Node1 Node 2 Date Class Duration 705 626 2002 416 414 6454 1 Dec 07 Voice 00:04:22 778 388 4363 604 805 5682 1 Dec 07 SMS 00:00:12 … … … … … From these CDRs, many different social networks can be built: •Product focused: •Voice Network (Individual A calls Individual B on voice) •SMS Network (Individual A sends a SMS to Individual B) •MMS Network *Individual A sends a MMS to Individual B) •All services Network (Individual A calls or sends SMS or MMS to B) •Intensiity focused: •At least 5 communications; duration at least 15 seconds. •Period focused: •Interactions during this month, or week, or day… •Directed or Un-directed Using different definitions to calculate links gives different networks for different purposes. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 66. Network Structure Weak ties: Connection between communities; connection to the rest of the ‘World’. Strong ties: Communication ties with high call frequency and/or high call duration. Importance of ties from the perspective of: • Information diffusion.. • Networrk integrity. • Kind of tie (driend, intimate, parent/child). Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 67. Calculating Social Network Attributes •Counts for incoming and outgoing contacts. •Triangle counts (centrality measure). •First Circle Statistics: counts, averages, proportions. Separate counts for nominal variables (gender, brand). •Counts and ratios for neighbours on-network and off-network. •Sums for link labels (total minutes between phones). •Statistics for the community of a user (more than first circle). Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 68. Conclusions Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 69. Conclusions on Social Network Analysis o Social Network Analysis is not a silver bullet: • Can enrich existing marketing, fraud detection, and other analytic capabilities… • ….but does not replace traditional analytical techniques. • Combine SN Metrics with traditional metrics for scoring. Social Network Analysis provides insights as to how individual customers behave in the context of larger communities. o • Need to think differently about test and control groups. • Viral marketing opportunities. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 70. Conclusions on Social Network Analysis The success of marketing with techniques based on Social Network Analysis will depend on many factors: • Success rates will be different in different cultures and demographic groups. • What works in Europe will be different from what works in Asia or the United States. The answers are in your data! For marketing activities to have a viral component there has to be value to both the A and B nodes: • Value can be in terms of prestige (true viral marketing) or can be financial. • Most marketing messages have no viral component. • Any viral marketing must have a fulfilment method to match. • Product and offer characteristics can have a dramatic impact on effectiveness of program targeting. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 71. Conclusions on Social Network Analysis Data! Data! Data! •It’s all about the data! •Don’t under estimate the amount of work and time required to cleanse and understand the data. •Want to combine event data with SN data to maximize impact. •Scalable solutions needed when dealing with large volumes of data. Social Network Analysis is different than traditional analysis. •New lingo, new concepts. •Many different forms of SNA. •Lots of market confusion between social network analysis and social media analysis. •Want to track how networks change over time. •Measure, learn and improve. Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 72. Contact PEAK for more information You can reach me directly at WAEL@PEAKCONSULTING.EU or by calling me directly at +44 74 4743 0757. www.peakconsulting.eu Confidential - not for redistribution
  • 73. Recommended Reading Gladwell, M. The Tipping Point. Little Brown, and Company. 2002. Green, H. The Rise of Niche Social Networks and that Money Question. Business Week. On-line Blog. March 15, 2007. Finkeldey, D. and V. Liu. User Survey Analysis: U.S. SocialMedia Adoption Across Industries. Gartner Research Presentation. 2009. Pandit, S., D. Chau, S. Wang, and C. Faloutsos. NetProbe: A Fast and Scalable System for Fraud Detection in Online Auction Networks. Proceedings of WWW 2007. 2007. pp. 201-210. Confidential - not for redistribution