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The internet and in particular, social media marketing is the fasted growing medium for getting
your message out to the mass market.

Radio took 70 years to reach 50 million people
TV took 30 years to reach 50 million people
Facebook took 2 years to reach 50 million people

The marketplace has, and continues to change. Businesses can no longer just issue adverts and
press releases and hope that people respond.
Social Media Marketing is completely transforming the way businesses, organisations and people
promote themselves online. It is no longer a case of what you can do for your customers, it is now
a case of asking what it is your customers can do for you.
People are searching for what is “relevant” for them. The onus now is not in wanting to make them
think, it is about getting them to engage with you.
There is a new breed of customer and client called the “prosumer” – they are proactive, creative
and they love to share their experience online of a particular product, service or solution.
Remember, Birds of a feather flock together, and you need to find them.
There are hundreds of millions of prosumers participating in millions of conversations online, on millions
of different kinds of communities, resources and websites.
Your competitors are now embracing this new way of promoting themselves too. They are producing
lots and lots of different types of content to convey their knowledge, wisdom and value.
They are also focussing on the problems, issues and challenges that their target audience are
experiencing, and sharing how to fix, address or solve these.
You need to be prepared to find out where people are congregating online, what they are discussing,
and how you can package your knowledge, wisdom and value so that you can develop your brand
personality online.
You also need to engage with those influencers who help to mould and shape the beliefs, attitudes and
opinions of prosumers towards making “the right” buying decisions online.




You also need to package your content (both free and paid for) in the format that prosumers
want, whilst addressing their information needs.
For if you publish content for them to read and they prefer to listen, then you will lose them.
Therefore, you need to consider their communication style & information needs as you put together
your content and content distribution plan using social media.
The whole social media landscape is changing so fast, and in order to ride the tsunami wave, you can’t
afford to have a closed mind, and ignore it. You need to embrace it now.
You need to integrate social media marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy.
Your suspects, prospects, customers, peers & competitors are all embracing it and connecting, sharing,
conversing and exchanging news, views and reviews with each other, and you need to be part of that
Many people are now also leveraging social media to reduce training costs whilst increasing and enriching
the learning experience with engaging and interactive content by managing and distributing it online.
It is time to become open and supportive.
You need to humanise and socialise your brand.
You need to listen, collect, learn, analyse, share, scale and repeat what works.
It’s not about selling and being selfish. It’s about sharing and being selfless.
Your success with social media will be determined by creating sustained conversations that change
In short, you need to listen, interact, and engage with Followers, Friends and Fans, and this
document will help you to identify, pursue and achieve your social media objectives.
Now, let’s make your next 12 months online, the best you’ve ever had.

Fraser J. Hay
Fraser J. Hay
October, 2013



Listening and monitoring the “Buzz”
You need to tap into the online conversation to discover the “Buzz”, and find out what is being said about you,
your products, your business, your peers, your competitors and your industry. Is it positive or negative? Do
you know where people are congregating, “meeting”, and what content subjects are important to them, and
what it is they are digesting, publishing, sharing and recommending to others? Do you know who your
advocates are, who your competitors, and who the influencers in your industry are? What are the opportunities
and threats for you and your business? What are the key issues and topics that people are speaking about?

Google Alerts – http://www.google.com/alerts

Social Mention – http://www.socailmention.com

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.

What is the “Buzz” about you and your products and is it Positive or Negative?
What is the “Buzz” about your competitors and is it Positive or Negative?
What is the “Buzz” in your industry and is it Positive or Negative?



Find Bloggers, Communities & Influencers
You need to know what’s going on where, and who the major influencers are within a particular channel,
niche or community. This will enable you to decide who to target, and who to approach for partnerships, JVs
recommendations to their list.
So How Do you identify influencers? What criteria do you use to measure influence online?

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.

So once you know what to measure, which tools can you use?

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.

People/Sites with large, high traffic / frequently updated blog









People/Sites with a large linkedin.com/facebook.com Group











What is Your Content Strategy
You need to position yourself as an expert. You need to decide what it is you are going to be publishing, and
Writing about that will help to demonstrate you are very knowledgeable and an expert within your field. You
need to consider what you can give away, or promote or would like to share with your target audience that will
encourage them to want to find out more about you, want to engage with you, want to buy from you or hire you.
The secret to gaining good traction, visibility and referrals online is in having Good Quality Unique Content.
What is it you want to share and HOW will you share it?

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.



Do you know what content/topics/issues will be featured in your articles? (and what others are writing about)









Do you know where you will post your articles online? Created an Author Bio Page on these sites? Y / N


















For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.



Do you have documents, slides, white papers, presentations you wish to share?









Do you know where you will post / place / syndicate your documents online?


















For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.


For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.


Do you have videos already prepared? What topic/subject/issue/content do they/would you like to feature?









Do you know where you will post / place / syndicate your videos online?


















For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.


For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.


Do you have Press Releases already prepared? What topic/subject/issue/Story do they feature?









Do you know where you will post / place / syndicate your Press Releases online?


















For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.


For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.


What topic/subjects/product/service/industry are you an expert of?









Do you know where you will post / demonstrate prove your expertise online?


















For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.



Do you have a Blog installed on your website? YES / NO.


Do you Post on external Blog Platforms?









Do you Post on GROUPS or Online Social Networks?









For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.




For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.



Micro Blogging / Twitter
Microblogging and sending 140 character messages using twitter.com can help notify prospects, clients,
partners and suppliers what you are doing, and encourage them to have a conversation with you.

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.



Classified Advertising
Classified Advertising works – offline and online. Ensure you incorporate classified advertising as part of your
online social media marketing campaign. Some classified ad sites receive very large amounts of visitors every
single day. Ensure you include links in your ads back to your own website or landing page.
List the classified advertising sites you currently use:















For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.



Have you signed up and created a profile on the largest professional network on the internet?

For more resources, download
the Full Kindle Book - HERE.



Struggling with social media marketing?
Download your copy of The Social Media Daily Planner and take control of your online
marketing – today
Don’t suppose any of the following apply to you?

Spending hours doing social media marketing with little or no return?
Do you want a no-frills practical approach to social media marketing?
Struggling to make sense and money from your social media marketing?
Under pressure to fill your pipeline, send out proposals, and win new clients?

˃˃˃ If you answered YES to more than 2 of the above questions, then Download this
book todaybefore your competitors do.
Start planning and executing social media marketing that works, every single day.
“It’s a common sense approach to social media marketing that’s simply not common practice.”
Look what’s inside this succinct, practical download:

200+ powerful, practical resources to help you achieve your online goals
Discover what’s holding you back & preventing you from achieving your goals
5 questions that 96.5% of social media marketers fail to ask themselves
How to prove to stakeholders & investors you’re making real progress - daily
Discover the powerful, proven IPR approach to social media marketing today
50 Reasons to blog each week for the next year
How to measure your social media marketing effectiveness 100% accurately
The 2 steps that 91% of online marketers miss out in a vital 3 step process
Learn the 4 types of social media marketing objectives that keep you focused
5 Ways to target & find prospective customers who need your services
14 Tools to monitor, identify & leverage where the online “Buzz” is right NOW
9 Tools to help you master “supply & Demand” and find hungry buyers
How to locate ideal JV partners to recommend you to their list
Discover the biggest secret Virtual Assistants don’t want you to know
25+ profoundly simple, but highly effective ways to build your list fast
How to prepare your message for your audience so they engage with you
A powerful 5 step formula to turn your online profiles into client magnets
How to generate a google page #1 ranking & pull 32,000 visitors for FREE

˃˃˃ No “Pop-up Guru” stuff here.
Just real practical feedback from testing, testing, testing in the trenches.
˃˃˃ Still not sure? Then try this simple powerful test:



You can continue to do what you've always done (or change for the better), and there's a quick
wayto determine whether its working or not:

STEP 1 - Write down how many hours you spend online per week. Go on write it down
STEP 2 - Write down how much you charge for an hour of your time. Go on write it
STEP 3 - Multiply your answers from 1 and 2 above to give you a new total. Go on,
write it down


Look how much time and effort you're investing every week in your social
media marketing.


Are you happy with the ROI you're getting from your social media marketing?

If not, then it's time to change. it's time to plan your time and efforts more
It's time to make the right investment in your social media marketing (before
your competitors do.)

Invest in yourself. Download your copy of The Social Media Daily Planner

Available from




More From The Author…

Social Media Daily Planner

3 Minute Brainstorm

Quantum Marketing

The 90 Minute Marketing Plan

Linkedin Marketing:
50 Shades of Hay

Telemarketing for

90 Minute Business Plan

3 Minute Marketing Audit

Why Your Marketing Isn’t








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Social media marketing plan template 2023

  • 1. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Template social media marketing plan TASTER Available from http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 1
  • 2. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Introduction The internet and in particular, social media marketing is the fasted growing medium for getting your message out to the mass market.    Radio took 70 years to reach 50 million people TV took 30 years to reach 50 million people Facebook took 2 years to reach 50 million people The marketplace has, and continues to change. Businesses can no longer just issue adverts and press releases and hope that people respond. Social Media Marketing is completely transforming the way businesses, organisations and people promote themselves online. It is no longer a case of what you can do for your customers, it is now a case of asking what it is your customers can do for you. People are searching for what is “relevant” for them. The onus now is not in wanting to make them think, it is about getting them to engage with you. There is a new breed of customer and client called the “prosumer” – they are proactive, creative and they love to share their experience online of a particular product, service or solution. Remember, Birds of a feather flock together, and you need to find them. There are hundreds of millions of prosumers participating in millions of conversations online, on millions of different kinds of communities, resources and websites. Your competitors are now embracing this new way of promoting themselves too. They are producing lots and lots of different types of content to convey their knowledge, wisdom and value. They are also focussing on the problems, issues and challenges that their target audience are experiencing, and sharing how to fix, address or solve these. You need to be prepared to find out where people are congregating online, what they are discussing, and how you can package your knowledge, wisdom and value so that you can develop your brand personality online. You also need to engage with those influencers who help to mould and shape the beliefs, attitudes and opinions of prosumers towards making “the right” buying decisions online. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 2
  • 3. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Introduction You also need to package your content (both free and paid for) in the format that prosumers want, whilst addressing their information needs. For if you publish content for them to read and they prefer to listen, then you will lose them. Therefore, you need to consider their communication style & information needs as you put together your content and content distribution plan using social media. The whole social media landscape is changing so fast, and in order to ride the tsunami wave, you can’t afford to have a closed mind, and ignore it. You need to embrace it now. You need to integrate social media marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy. Your suspects, prospects, customers, peers & competitors are all embracing it and connecting, sharing, conversing and exchanging news, views and reviews with each other, and you need to be part of that conversation. Many people are now also leveraging social media to reduce training costs whilst increasing and enriching the learning experience with engaging and interactive content by managing and distributing it online. It is time to become open and supportive. You need to humanise and socialise your brand. You need to listen, collect, learn, analyse, share, scale and repeat what works. It’s not about selling and being selfish. It’s about sharing and being selfless. Your success with social media will be determined by creating sustained conversations that change perceptions. In short, you need to listen, interact, and engage with Followers, Friends and Fans, and this document will help you to identify, pursue and achieve your social media objectives. Now, let’s make your next 12 months online, the best you’ve ever had. Fraser J. Hay Fraser J. Hay http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk October, 2013 http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 3
  • 4. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Listening and monitoring the “Buzz” You need to tap into the online conversation to discover the “Buzz”, and find out what is being said about you, your products, your business, your peers, your competitors and your industry. Is it positive or negative? Do you know where people are congregating, “meeting”, and what content subjects are important to them, and what it is they are digesting, publishing, sharing and recommending to others? Do you know who your advocates are, who your competitors, and who the influencers in your industry are? What are the opportunities and threats for you and your business? What are the key issues and topics that people are speaking about? Google Alerts – http://www.google.com/alerts Social Mention – http://www.socailmention.com For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. What is the “Buzz” about you and your products and is it Positive or Negative? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ What is the “Buzz” about your competitors and is it Positive or Negative? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ What is the “Buzz” in your industry and is it Positive or Negative? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 4
  • 5. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Find Bloggers, Communities & Influencers You need to know what’s going on where, and who the major influencers are within a particular channel, niche or community. This will enable you to decide who to target, and who to approach for partnerships, JVs recommendations to their list. So How Do you identify influencers? What criteria do you use to measure influence online? For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. So once you know what to measure, which tools can you use? For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. People/Sites with large, high traffic / frequently updated blog __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ People/Sites with a large linkedin.com/facebook.com Group __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 5
  • 6. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ What is Your Content Strategy You need to position yourself as an expert. You need to decide what it is you are going to be publishing, and Writing about that will help to demonstrate you are very knowledgeable and an expert within your field. You need to consider what you can give away, or promote or would like to share with your target audience that will encourage them to want to find out more about you, want to engage with you, want to buy from you or hire you. The secret to gaining good traction, visibility and referrals online is in having Good Quality Unique Content. What is it you want to share and HOW will you share it? For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 6
  • 7. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ ARTICLE WRITING / SYNDICATION Do you know what content/topics/issues will be featured in your articles? (and what others are writing about) __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Do you know where you will post your articles online? Created an Author Bio Page on these sites? Y / N __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. . http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 7
  • 8. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ DOCUMENT / SLIDE SHARING Do you have documents, slides, white papers, presentations you wish to share? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Do you know where you will post / place / syndicate your documents online? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. 8
  • 9. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ VIDEO SHARING Do you have videos already prepared? What topic/subject/issue/content do they/would you like to feature? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Do you know where you will post / place / syndicate your videos online? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. 9
  • 10. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ ONLINE PRESS RELEASES Do you have Press Releases already prepared? What topic/subject/issue/Story do they feature? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Do you know where you will post / place / syndicate your Press Releases online? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. 10
  • 11. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ EXPERT SITES What topic/subjects/product/service/industry are you an expert of? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Do you know where you will post / demonstrate prove your expertise online? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 11
  • 12. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Blogging Do you have a Blog installed on your website? YES / NO. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Do you Post on external Blog Platforms? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Do you Post on GROUPS or Online Social Networks? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 12
  • 13. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKING / BOOK MARKING SITES For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 13
  • 14. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Micro Blogging / Twitter Microblogging and sending 140 character messages using twitter.com can help notify prospects, clients, partners and suppliers what you are doing, and encourage them to have a conversation with you. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 14
  • 15. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Classified Advertising Classified Advertising works – offline and online. Ensure you incorporate classified advertising as part of your online social media marketing campaign. Some classified ad sites receive very large amounts of visitors every single day. Ensure you include links in your ads back to your own website or landing page. List the classified advertising sites you currently use: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 15
  • 16. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Linkedin Have you signed up and created a profile on the largest professional network on the internet? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ For more resources, download the Full Kindle Book - HERE. http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 16
  • 17. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ Struggling with social media marketing? Download your copy of The Social Media Daily Planner and take control of your online marketing – today Don’t suppose any of the following apply to you?     Spending hours doing social media marketing with little or no return? Do you want a no-frills practical approach to social media marketing? Struggling to make sense and money from your social media marketing? Under pressure to fill your pipeline, send out proposals, and win new clients? ˃˃˃ If you answered YES to more than 2 of the above questions, then Download this book todaybefore your competitors do. Start planning and executing social media marketing that works, every single day. “It’s a common sense approach to social media marketing that’s simply not common practice.” Look what’s inside this succinct, practical download:                   200+ powerful, practical resources to help you achieve your online goals Discover what’s holding you back & preventing you from achieving your goals 5 questions that 96.5% of social media marketers fail to ask themselves How to prove to stakeholders & investors you’re making real progress - daily Discover the powerful, proven IPR approach to social media marketing today 50 Reasons to blog each week for the next year How to measure your social media marketing effectiveness 100% accurately The 2 steps that 91% of online marketers miss out in a vital 3 step process Learn the 4 types of social media marketing objectives that keep you focused 5 Ways to target & find prospective customers who need your services 14 Tools to monitor, identify & leverage where the online “Buzz” is right NOW 9 Tools to help you master “supply & Demand” and find hungry buyers How to locate ideal JV partners to recommend you to their list Discover the biggest secret Virtual Assistants don’t want you to know 25+ profoundly simple, but highly effective ways to build your list fast How to prepare your message for your audience so they engage with you A powerful 5 step formula to turn your online profiles into client magnets How to generate a google page #1 ranking & pull 32,000 visitors for FREE ˃˃˃ No “Pop-up Guru” stuff here. Just real practical feedback from testing, testing, testing in the trenches. ˃˃˃ Still not sure? Then try this simple powerful test: http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 17
  • 18. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ You can continue to do what you've always done (or change for the better), and there's a quick wayto determine whether its working or not:    STEP 1 - Write down how many hours you spend online per week. Go on write it down STEP 2 - Write down how much you charge for an hour of your time. Go on write it down STEP 3 - Multiply your answers from 1 and 2 above to give you a new total. Go on, write it down  Look how much time and effort you're investing every week in your social media marketing.  Are you happy with the ROI you're getting from your social media marketing? If not, then it's time to change. it's time to plan your time and efforts more effectively It's time to make the right investment in your social media marketing (before your competitors do.) Invest in yourself. Download your copy of The Social Media Daily Planner NOW Available from HERE http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 18
  • 19. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ More From The Author… Social Media Daily Planner 3 Minute Brainstorm Quantum Marketing The 90 Minute Marketing Plan Linkedin Marketing: 50 Shades of Hay Telemarketing for Phonephobics 90 Minute Business Plan 3 Minute Marketing Audit Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 19
  • 20. http://www.amazon.com/The-Social-Media-Daily-Planner-ebook/dp/B00G8M0JRI/ CLAIM YOUR FREE MEMBERSHIP TODAY http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk http://www.growyourbusinessclub.co.uk 20