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New Trends in OST: Badging, Social Media and the Maker Movement
Facebook: Connecting Programs and Families
Heather Oxenford, LifeSpan Childcare – Quakertown PA
PSAYDN Annual Partners' Retreat
September 13, 2013
Social Media:
These days, it takes more than a great website to spread the word about your program or services. Social networks are ideal for
growing your network and for spreading the word about who you are and what you do.
For many organizations, Facebook is the center of their social media marketing strategy.
The power of social media such as Facebook and Pinterest should not be underestimated for your program. Not only are they
effective marketing tools, but they also allow you to engage parents on a completely new level and help to foster a real sense of
community. Those two things alone may make the use of social media invaluable. Add in the millions of visitors to social media
sites and it is easy to understand the potential visibility your program can generate.
‘Social Media icons’ are everywhere and businesses are now largely noticeable based on a small square graphic
displaying their company brand.
What can Social Media do for your program?
Marketing, Prospective Clients,
Creating a Sense of Community,
Improving Communication,
Keeping an Eye on the Competition
How many of these can you recognize?
Personal – Professional - Privacy, Security and Etiquette:
Culture and Etiquette could perhaps be one of the most powerful internet marketing tools that you have.
You daily engage with people in e-mail that you might want to lead to your website and/or media site for educational or
marketing purposes.
There is also etiquette to using this social media networking site properly.
Keep your content consistent. If you are posting as your program, then your followers are following you for a reason. They are
looking for posts and content related to your program. If you want to let off some steam surrounding hot topics in the
news, create a personal and PRIVATE account and post there. Far too often organizations lose sight of the main purpose of
social media marketing and make mistakes that you cannot come back from.
Tagging, Exposure, Privacy, Etiquette
Create a separate account for professional/business social media – Ensuring your personal accounts are on desired security
Create and implement a Social Media Policy to ensure all staff/coworkers/volunteers understand the etiquette and organization
Security and Privacy Settings:
There is a vast array of options for securing personal profiles, professional pages with individual preferences for specific wants.
Page Information:
Like your website – You have full access option's to add your detailed organization information. You can even include Interactive
Maps, History Events by Year, Milestones Achieved, and Interactive Links to your Website or other Social Media.
Profile vs Fan Page:
When posting – Ensure you reference where you are posting. While on your profile, you are posting directly to your personal
“Timeline”. To post as your organization – Scroll your curser to the “Gear” icon – Choose your page (if you are the
administrator to more than one, ensure it is the correct one desired) Click on the link and you will be posting as your
Page Security – Who can do what?:
When you select the security settings to your personal profile, these DO NOT apply to your Fan Page and are a
separate option. Again there are various options. Most important of these options is to secure Posting Ability: If you
do not keep this secure – ANYONE can add posts and pictures to your page, Tagging Ability – Admins should only
have this ability. If a family asks to be tagged in a photo, then tag them. But not without approval, Profanity Filter –
you may control the level of language (profanity).
Admins – Keep it professional – They can see you…
Referencing back to the Personal vs Professional profiles. Your organization may have several Fan Page
Administrators. Whether you are “friends” or not….You are connected, they can SEE YOU – Damage Control….
Fan Page Administration & Roles:
You may choose what administrators have what posting privileges.
Fan Page Administration & Roles:
Depending on your organization and administrator position roles, you may filter what they “may” “may not” have
access to doing.
Admin Panel:
Administrators have a different view of the page while in “admin” role with many options and insight access.
Fan Page Insights:
Here is what you need to know:
According to Facebook, users have the potential to see an average of 1500 pieces of content in their newsfeeds each
day; however, the typical user really only sees about 300 pieces of content on a daily basis due to limited space, time.
Page insights:
These options are ongoing and virtually endless and informational.
Demographic Insights:
With just a simple click, you have access to various information about your visitors and fans.
Social Media for OST Defined
Export Insights:
With a click of a button you can export a personal choice/narrowed down excel book of collected insights of your
Making the Connection – Build an Audience:
When you create your Fan Page – NEVER “publish” your page until it is EXACTY how you want it. You do not want your first
impression giving the wrong impression.
Publish and GET THE WORD OUT
We have all seen many forms of e-mail signatures, from your standard business signature with office phone and e-mail to
creative signatures with quotes or graphic art. For the purposes of social media engagement, I propose the above
displayed signature promoting your website and social media with inserted hyperlinks.
These icons have served as invaluable marketing tools in social media as we all see them EVERYWHERE. This strategy
implements strong social media branding and engagement in to your everyday e-mailing activities.
Blend your all your social media strategies – Facebook – Pinterest – Instagram et: Popular social media sites such as
Pinterest and Instagram are already image driven, which works well with the new Facebook newsfeed. The recent
enhancements to the newsfeed will allow for greater visibility of content when shared through third-party apps like
Pinterest and Instagram.
Social Media for OST Defined
“Like” pages – “Share” Getting the Word Out:
Research Resources, Tools, Community Leaders, Partners, Stakeholders and Associations – “Like” THEIR page and SHARE
If you find something helpful, interesting et – Click
on “Share” make a positive comments with your
business tagged. You just shared a community
resource not only with YOUR program, but
reached more due to the tag as well as those
who are also on the affiliating page.
When “Liking” a page while in your business’s
administrative panel, updated event will appear on
your “Fane Page Timeline”. You may either go there to
read current subjects on interest or click on the page
The more you tag/check-in to locations per your
page, the more exposure you will receive.
The Visual Content - “Tagging” and “Checking in” Reaching more
Bring On The Visual Content. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided it was time for the social media site to update its
newsfeed after realizing that nearly 50 percent of content published has some type of visual component, whether it be
an image or a video. For brands that already share this type of content, they have a significantly higher rate of customer
engagement. If you typically share content via simple text, you may want to work your words into an appealing
Facebook visual. By doing so, your content has a greater chance of reaching more fans in a “photos only” newsfeed.
“Tagging” and “Checking-in” increases this even more as then the partners affiliated with the Tag or Check-In are now
seeing this as well.
You are creating a realm of cross marketing in moments.
Tagging – LifeSpan now is visual to all of those who “Like”, are “Talking about” and who “Checked-in” the National
Constitution Center.
Social Media for OST Defined
Make the connection
Add value to your posts. Once in a while a post is just so perfectly crafted that you have to just repost it as is. Try to
add value to your posts by commenting on or selling the information – giving your followers a reason to read the post
or clink the link within.
Tagging – Collaboration of Centers and “Teams”:
Every organization has various job positions and roles.
Children, Family’s, Your Community and Stakeholders
do not always see every face, hear every name or
recognize there is a “TEAM”.
Display the collaboration of the departments and
internal relationship. (please note – again reasoning
for a professional profile)
Location/Individual Based Activity:
Encourage Location-Based Activity and or “With” Tagging: By encouraging your fans to “check-in” at your place of
business, or “tag” they are with you is gaining additional exposure by appearing on your fans’ newsfeeds as well as
theirs, therefore extending your online reach.
This also reflects if you do the same, when posting, post where you are, where the picture was taken, who you are/were
with - Those affiliated with the entity or individual you just connected with will now see your posting.
Family Connection:
Prior to any public exposure, ensure you have a disclosure signed for “Photo Permission”.
Families LOVE seeing what their “prize possessions” are doing during the hours they miss due to work and responsibilities.
Updates – Keep your families informed in one single post via in office or on the go with your phone.
Reaching families – Notices – What is being done – Learning Standards
Community – Family Relations – Cross Marketing – Promoting Enrollment
A parent’s view – A teacher’s praise – Incorporating standards
Family Relations
Child and Parent Relations
Collaboration….Community Connection, Business Association, Family and Parent Relations
School, Community, Staff, Family, Professional Affiliations
These are a HUGE resource!
These women are nursing students with children in our program
whom as a class project taught about proper hand washing.
A: Family Partnership B: College/School Relationship
C: Organizational Relationship, D: Organization Relationship.
Going the extra mile….Get the NEWS out there
PR, Enrolment, Cross Marketing
Community Relations
Enrollment – Hitting the Community – Statistics of at risk
youth – What you do – Accreditations
Social media gets you even MORE exposure for FREE –
“Tag” your community, Display your
statistics, Summarize program, Prove your quality
Fundraising and Communication:
Bulk emails a lot of time bounce back, are never read, only go to one family member, or filter into “spam” “junk” folders.
Posting your email keeps everyone in tuned.
We all do fundraising in one way or another - SPREAD THE NEWS…Keep EVERYONE informed, not just “your families”.
Link/Tag it for further exposure….
Create an EVENT
virtual invite! Not only
are families kept up-
to-date…But can
evite and share too.
Please note: The contents of this program are property of
LifeSpan School and Daycare – A sister division of ©
LifeQuest Inc.

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Social Media for OST Defined

  • 1. www.facebook.com/LifeSpanChildCare www.pinterest.com/lifespancc www.lifespanchildcare.org New Trends in OST: Badging, Social Media and the Maker Movement Facebook: Connecting Programs and Families Heather Oxenford, LifeSpan Childcare – Quakertown PA 267-347-0985 hoxenford@lq.org PSAYDN Annual Partners' Retreat September 13, 2013 www.psaydn.org
  • 2. Social Media: These days, it takes more than a great website to spread the word about your program or services. Social networks are ideal for growing your network and for spreading the word about who you are and what you do. For many organizations, Facebook is the center of their social media marketing strategy. The power of social media such as Facebook and Pinterest should not be underestimated for your program. Not only are they effective marketing tools, but they also allow you to engage parents on a completely new level and help to foster a real sense of community. Those two things alone may make the use of social media invaluable. Add in the millions of visitors to social media sites and it is easy to understand the potential visibility your program can generate. ‘Social Media icons’ are everywhere and businesses are now largely noticeable based on a small square graphic displaying their company brand. What can Social Media do for your program? Marketing, Prospective Clients, Creating a Sense of Community, Improving Communication, Keeping an Eye on the Competition How many of these can you recognize?
  • 3. Personal – Professional - Privacy, Security and Etiquette: Culture and Etiquette could perhaps be one of the most powerful internet marketing tools that you have. You daily engage with people in e-mail that you might want to lead to your website and/or media site for educational or marketing purposes. There is also etiquette to using this social media networking site properly. Keep your content consistent. If you are posting as your program, then your followers are following you for a reason. They are looking for posts and content related to your program. If you want to let off some steam surrounding hot topics in the news, create a personal and PRIVATE account and post there. Far too often organizations lose sight of the main purpose of social media marketing and make mistakes that you cannot come back from.
  • 4. Tagging, Exposure, Privacy, Etiquette Create a separate account for professional/business social media – Ensuring your personal accounts are on desired security measures. Create and implement a Social Media Policy to ensure all staff/coworkers/volunteers understand the etiquette and organization guidelines.
  • 5. Security and Privacy Settings: There is a vast array of options for securing personal profiles, professional pages with individual preferences for specific wants.
  • 6. Page Information: Like your website – You have full access option's to add your detailed organization information. You can even include Interactive Maps, History Events by Year, Milestones Achieved, and Interactive Links to your Website or other Social Media.
  • 7. Profile vs Fan Page: When posting – Ensure you reference where you are posting. While on your profile, you are posting directly to your personal “Timeline”. To post as your organization – Scroll your curser to the “Gear” icon – Choose your page (if you are the administrator to more than one, ensure it is the correct one desired) Click on the link and you will be posting as your organization.
  • 8. Page Security – Who can do what?: When you select the security settings to your personal profile, these DO NOT apply to your Fan Page and are a separate option. Again there are various options. Most important of these options is to secure Posting Ability: If you do not keep this secure – ANYONE can add posts and pictures to your page, Tagging Ability – Admins should only have this ability. If a family asks to be tagged in a photo, then tag them. But not without approval, Profanity Filter – you may control the level of language (profanity).
  • 9. Admins – Keep it professional – They can see you… Referencing back to the Personal vs Professional profiles. Your organization may have several Fan Page Administrators. Whether you are “friends” or not….You are connected, they can SEE YOU – Damage Control….
  • 10. Fan Page Administration & Roles: You may choose what administrators have what posting privileges.
  • 11. Fan Page Administration & Roles: Depending on your organization and administrator position roles, you may filter what they “may” “may not” have access to doing.
  • 12. Admin Panel: Administrators have a different view of the page while in “admin” role with many options and insight access.
  • 13. Fan Page Insights: Here is what you need to know: According to Facebook, users have the potential to see an average of 1500 pieces of content in their newsfeeds each day; however, the typical user really only sees about 300 pieces of content on a daily basis due to limited space, time.
  • 14. Page insights: These options are ongoing and virtually endless and informational.
  • 15. Demographic Insights: With just a simple click, you have access to various information about your visitors and fans.
  • 17. Export Insights: With a click of a button you can export a personal choice/narrowed down excel book of collected insights of your page.
  • 18. Making the Connection – Build an Audience: When you create your Fan Page – NEVER “publish” your page until it is EXACTY how you want it. You do not want your first impression giving the wrong impression. Publish and GET THE WORD OUT We have all seen many forms of e-mail signatures, from your standard business signature with office phone and e-mail to creative signatures with quotes or graphic art. For the purposes of social media engagement, I propose the above displayed signature promoting your website and social media with inserted hyperlinks. These icons have served as invaluable marketing tools in social media as we all see them EVERYWHERE. This strategy implements strong social media branding and engagement in to your everyday e-mailing activities. Blend your all your social media strategies – Facebook – Pinterest – Instagram et: Popular social media sites such as Pinterest and Instagram are already image driven, which works well with the new Facebook newsfeed. The recent enhancements to the newsfeed will allow for greater visibility of content when shared through third-party apps like Pinterest and Instagram.
  • 20. “Like” pages – “Share” Getting the Word Out: Research Resources, Tools, Community Leaders, Partners, Stakeholders and Associations – “Like” THEIR page and SHARE
  • 21. If you find something helpful, interesting et – Click on “Share” make a positive comments with your business tagged. You just shared a community resource not only with YOUR program, but reached more due to the tag as well as those who are also on the affiliating page. When “Liking” a page while in your business’s administrative panel, updated event will appear on your “Fane Page Timeline”. You may either go there to read current subjects on interest or click on the page directly.
  • 22. EXPOSURE,EXPOSURE,EXPOSURE: The more you tag/check-in to locations per your page, the more exposure you will receive.
  • 23. The Visual Content - “Tagging” and “Checking in” Reaching more Bring On The Visual Content. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided it was time for the social media site to update its newsfeed after realizing that nearly 50 percent of content published has some type of visual component, whether it be an image or a video. For brands that already share this type of content, they have a significantly higher rate of customer engagement. If you typically share content via simple text, you may want to work your words into an appealing Facebook visual. By doing so, your content has a greater chance of reaching more fans in a “photos only” newsfeed. “Tagging” and “Checking-in” increases this even more as then the partners affiliated with the Tag or Check-In are now seeing this as well. You are creating a realm of cross marketing in moments.
  • 24. Tagging – LifeSpan now is visual to all of those who “Like”, are “Talking about” and who “Checked-in” the National Constitution Center.
  • 27. Add value to your posts. Once in a while a post is just so perfectly crafted that you have to just repost it as is. Try to add value to your posts by commenting on or selling the information – giving your followers a reason to read the post or clink the link within.
  • 28. Tagging – Collaboration of Centers and “Teams”: Every organization has various job positions and roles. Children, Family’s, Your Community and Stakeholders do not always see every face, hear every name or recognize there is a “TEAM”. Display the collaboration of the departments and internal relationship. (please note – again reasoning for a professional profile)
  • 29. Location/Individual Based Activity: Encourage Location-Based Activity and or “With” Tagging: By encouraging your fans to “check-in” at your place of business, or “tag” they are with you is gaining additional exposure by appearing on your fans’ newsfeeds as well as theirs, therefore extending your online reach. This also reflects if you do the same, when posting, post where you are, where the picture was taken, who you are/were with - Those affiliated with the entity or individual you just connected with will now see your posting.
  • 30. Family Connection: Prior to any public exposure, ensure you have a disclosure signed for “Photo Permission”. Families LOVE seeing what their “prize possessions” are doing during the hours they miss due to work and responsibilities.
  • 31. Updates – Keep your families informed in one single post via in office or on the go with your phone.
  • 32. Reaching families – Notices – What is being done – Learning Standards
  • 33. Community – Family Relations – Cross Marketing – Promoting Enrollment
  • 34. A parent’s view – A teacher’s praise – Incorporating standards
  • 36. Child and Parent Relations
  • 37. Collaboration….Community Connection, Business Association, Family and Parent Relations
  • 38. School, Community, Staff, Family, Professional Affiliations These are a HUGE resource! These women are nursing students with children in our program whom as a class project taught about proper hand washing. A: Family Partnership B: College/School Relationship C: Organizational Relationship, D: Organization Relationship.
  • 39. Going the extra mile….Get the NEWS out there
  • 40. PR, Enrolment, Cross Marketing Community Relations
  • 41. Enrollment – Hitting the Community – Statistics of at risk youth – What you do – Accreditations Social media gets you even MORE exposure for FREE – “Tag” your community, Display your statistics, Summarize program, Prove your quality
  • 42. Fundraising and Communication: Bulk emails a lot of time bounce back, are never read, only go to one family member, or filter into “spam” “junk” folders. Posting your email keeps everyone in tuned. We all do fundraising in one way or another - SPREAD THE NEWS…Keep EVERYONE informed, not just “your families”. Link/Tag it for further exposure….
  • 43. Events: Create an EVENT virtual invite! Not only are families kept up- to-date…But can evite and share too.
  • 44. Please note: The contents of this program are property of LifeSpan School and Daycare – A sister division of © LifeQuest Inc. http://www.lifespanchildcare.org/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Editor's Notes

  1. Social Media:These days, it takes more than a great website to spread the word about your program or services. Social networks are ideal for growing your network and for spreading the word about who you are and what you do.For many organizations, Facebook is the center of their social media marketing strategy. The power of social media such as Facebook and Pinterest should not be underestimated for your program. Not only are they effective marketing tools, but they also allow you to engage parents on a completely new level and help to foster a real sense of community. Those two things alone may make the use of social media invaluable. Add in the millions of visitors to social media sites and it is easy to understand the potential visibility your program can generate.
  2. Personal – Professional - Privacy, Security and Etiquette:Culture and Etiquette could perhaps be one of the most powerful internet marketing tools that you have. You daily engage with people in e-mail that you might want to lead to your website and/or media site for educational or marketing purposes. There is also etiquette to using this social media networking site properly.Keep your content consistent. If you are posting as your program, then your followers are following you for a reason. They are looking for posts and content related to your program. If you want to let off some steam surrounding hot topics in the news, create a personal and PRIVATE account and post there. Far too often organizations lose sight of the main purpose of social media marketing and make mistakes that you cannot come back from.
  3. Tagging, Exposure, Privacy, Etiquette Create a separate account for professional/business social media – Ensuring your personal accounts are on desired security measures. Create and implement a Social Media Policy to ensure all staff/coworkers/volunteers understand the etiquette and organization guidelines.
  4. Security and Privacy Settings:There is a vast array of options for securing personal profiles, professional pages with individualpreferences for specific wants.
  5. Page information:Like your website – You have full access option&apos;sto add your detailed organization information. You can even include Interactive Maps, History Events by Year, Milestones Achieved, and Interactive Links to your Website or other Social Media.
  6. Profilevs Fan Page:When posting – Ensure you reference where you are posting. While on your profile, you are posting directly to your personal “Timeline”. To post as your organization – Scroll your curser to the “Gear” icon – Choose your page (if you are the administrator to more than one, ensure it is the correct one desired) Click on the link and you will be posting as your organization.
  7. Page Security – Who can do what?:When you select the security settings to your personal profile, these DO NOT apply to your Fan Page and are a separate option. Again there are various options. Most important of these options is to secure Posting Ability: If you do not keep this secure – ANYONE can add posts and pictures to your page, Tagging Ability – Admins should only have this ability. If a family asks to be tagged in a photo, then tag them. But not without approval, Profanity Filter – you may control the level of language (profanity).
  8. Admins – Keep it professional – They can see you…Referencing back to the Personal vs Professional profiles. Your organization may have several Fan Page Administrators. Whether you are “friends” or not….You are connected, they can SEE YOU – Damage Control….
  9. Fan Page Administration &amp; Roles:You may choose what administrators have what posting privileges.
  10. Fan Page Administration &amp; Roles: Depending on your organization and administrator position roles, you may filter what they “may” “may not” have access to doing.
  11. Admin Panel:Administrators have a different view of the page while in “admin” role with many options and insight access.
  12. Fan Page Insights:Here is what you need to know:According to Facebook, users have the potential to see an average of 1500 pieces of content in their newsfeeds each day; however, the typical user really only sees about 300 pieces of content on a daily basis due to limited space, time.
  13. Page insights:These options are ongoing and virtually endless and informational.
  14. DemographicInsights:With just a simple click, you have access to various information about your visitors and fans.
  15. Export Insights:With a click of a button you can export a personal choice/narrowed down excel book of collected insights of your page.
  16. Making the Connection – Build anAudience:When you create your Fan Page – NEVER “publish” your page until it is EXACTY how you want it. You do not want your first impression giving the wrong impression.Publish and GET THE WORD OUTWe have all seen many forms of e-mail signatures, from your standard business signature with office phone and e-mail to creative signatures with quotes or graphic art. For the purposes of social media engagement, I propose the above displayed signature promoting your website and social media with inserted hyperlinks. These icons have served as invaluable marketing tools in social media as we all see them EVERYWHERE. This strategy implements strong social media branding and engagement in to your everyday e-mailing activities.Blend your all your social media strategies – Facebook – Pinterest – Instagram et: Popular social media sites such as Pinterest and Instagram are already image driven, which works well with the new Facebook newsfeed. The recent enhancements to the newsfeed will allow for greater visibility of content when shared through third-party apps like Pinterest and Instagram.SHARE SHARE SHARE
  17. “Pay Per Like” ad promotion:If you choose you may opt to “Pay Per Like”. This gives you many options – Demographic area, Budget, et.You may also do this for promoting individual events through “Boosts”. IE: Conferences, Enrollment, Special Events, Fundraisers.
  18. “Like” pages – “Share” Getting the Word Out:Research Resources, Tools, Community Leaders, Partners, Stakeholders and Associations – “Like” THEIR page and SHARE SHARE SHARE….
  19. When “Liking” a page while in your business’s administrative panel, updated event will appear on your “Fane Page Timeline”. You may either go there to read current subjects on interest or click on the page directly. If you find something helpful, interesting et – Click on “Share” make a positive comments with your business tagged. You just shared a community resource not only with YOUR program, but reached more due to the tag as well as those who are also on the affiliating page.
  20. EXPOSUREEXPOSUREEXPOSURE:The more you tag/check-in to locations per your page, the more exposure you will receive.
  21. The Visual Content - “Tagging” and “Checking in” Reaching more Bring On The Visual Content. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided it was time for the social media site to update its newsfeed after realizing that nearly 50 percent of content published has some type of visual component, whether it be an image or a video. For brands that already share this type of content, they have a significantly higher rate of customer engagement. If you typically share content via simple text, you may want to work your words into an appealing Facebook visual. By doing so, your content has a greater chance of reaching more fans in a “photos only” newsfeed.“Tagging” and “Checking-in” increases this even more as then the partners affiliated with the Tag or Check-In are now seeing this as well. You are creating a realm of cross marketing in moments.
  22. Tagging– LifeSpan now is visual to all of those who “Like”, are “Talking about” and who “Checked-in” the National Constitution Center.
  23. Make the connection
  24. Add value to your posts. Once in a while a post is just so perfectly crafted that you have to just repost it as is.  Try to add value to your posts by commenting on or selling the information – giving your followers a reason to read the post or clink the link within. 
  25. Tagging – Collaboration of Centers and“Teams”:Every organization has various job positions and roles. Children, Family’s, Your Community and Stakeholders do not always see every face, hear every name or recognize there is a “TEAM”. Display the collaboration of the departments and internal relationship. (please note – again reasoning for a professional profile)
  26. Location/IndividualBased Activity:Encourage Location-Based Activity and or “With” Tagging: By encouraging your fans to “check-in” at your place of business, or “tag” they are with you is gaining additional exposure by appearing on your fans’ newsfeeds as well as theirs, therefore extending your online reach. This also reflects if you do the same, when posting, post where you are, where the picture was taken, who you are/were with - Those affiliated with the entity or individual you just connected with will now see your posting.
  27. Family Connection:Prior to any public exposure, ensure you have a disclosure signed for “Photo Permission”.Families LOVE seeing what their “prize possessions” are doing during the hours they miss due to work and responsibilities.
  28. Updates – Keep your families informed in one single post via in office or on the go with your phone.
  29. Reaching families – Notices – What is being done – Learning Standards
  30. Community – Family Relations – Cross Marketing – Promoting Enrollment
  31. A parent’s view – A teacher’s praise – Incorporating standards
  32. Family Relations
  33. Child and Parent Relations
  34. Collaboration….Community Connection, Business Association, Family and Parent Relations
  35. School, Community, Staff, Family, Professional Affiliations - These are a HUGE resource! These women are nursing students with children in our program whom as a class project taught about proper hand washing.A: Family Partnership B: College/School Relationship, C: Organizational Relationship, D: Organization Relationship.
  36. Going the extra mile….Get the NEWS out there
  37. PR, Enrolment, Cross Marketing, Community Relations
  38. Enrollment – Hitting the Community – Statistics of at risk youth – What you do – Accreditations Social media gets you even MORE exposure for FREE – “Tag” your community, Display your statistics, Summarize program, Prove your quality
  39. Fundraising and Communication:Bulk emails a lot of time bounce back, are never read, only go to one family member, or filter into “spam” “junk” folders.Posting your email keeps everyone in tuned. We all do fundraising in one way or another - SPREAD THE NEWS…Keep EVERYONE informed, not just “your families”. Link/Tag it for further exposure….
  40. Events:Create an EVENT virtual invite! Not only are families kept up-to-date…But can evite and share too.