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Social Media 101 using the social web to build your online toolkit Aerin Guy The Wellesley Institute June 18, 2009
Aerin Guy Manager, Communications & Virtual Wellesley a proud Saskatonian and newbie Ontarian mum to Scarlet background in communications, marketing, education and technology Text
where I hang out www.facebook.com/aeringuy www.twitter.com/aeringuy www.twitter.com/wellesleyWI www.linkedin.com
about you! please introduce yourselves to the people at your table what organization are you with? what is your role? what do you hope to get out of this workshop?
Overview of the social web also known as Web 2.0 (Tim O’Reilly) also known as the “social media explosion” also known as the way we connect today
Powerful stuff
introduction to social media
people are talking to each other online 2 choices: Resist it, and it will happen anyway, elsewhere, outside your influence Support it, participate, influence it, and leverage it for extending your brand
The web is about conversations, not top down delivery of information or messages.
some benefits of using social media listen and learn publish valuable news and information disseminate quickly and effectively create or extend your brand personality engage in conversations and services efforts lead back to your website - your hub or repository of information
feeds feeds are based on XML technology commonly called RSS Content can be subscribed to and sent when updated sites come to you tags work on the same XML platform, except when tags are used to categorize information on aggregator sites like Technorati and delicious subscribers are invested in your content (otherwise why would they subscribe?)
you’ll like this demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0klgLsSxGsU
blogging: Be FOUND! high ranking in organic search at least 44% of all web interactions begin with search search engines love blog headlines, as they indicate what can be found on the page search engines also love blogs because they are frequently updated recent + relevant =  RANKING!
elements of successful organizational blogs trusted, authentic, and transparent source of information all about the words reflects the brand delivers unique content speaks with a candid, human voice personality allows for dialogue with readers fast response authoritative frequency easy to find on website who’s going to write your blog? practice makes perfect
the world’s premier social networking site individual profiles corporate pages fan pages cause marketing fundraising facebook connect promote events, initiatives, community why build the village green miles away from the actual village http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Wellesley-Institute/55488522490?sid=da64bdccc49ad30528a8c1975c45f5fa&ref=s
social media as part of your communications strategy baby...bathwater....no! segments our audiences build on the power of networks and burgeoning communities communities connect faster, more collaboratively, more inclusively,  and more effectively! proliferation of sm stories in traditional media piques interest
Twitter is a real-time micro-blog real time word of mouth 140 character max forces “tweets” to be powerful, concise and well-chosen follow and be followed highly searchable great way to provide links, respond instantly, and connect with “constituents” using Tweetdeck can help organize your followers into manageable groups
video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ3d3KigPQM www.momsrising.org powerful, visual ways of getting messages across user-generated content
Genuine engagement facilitates a highly involved audience that wants to interact with “the brand” The more people an organization can interact with who already have strong social networks, the more likely it is that a message can be spread through those networks the purpose of social media is to engage with audiences in interactive communities
an experiment the sticky game (it’s fun, I promise) (no really, it’s fun!)
the world has changed and so has the way we connect “ when we change the way we communicate, we change society” “ new technology enables new kinds of group-forming”
goals list building galvanizing support education loyalty exposing changing minds changing attitudes recruitment fundraising motivation organize info source
Ladder of Engagement
Pyramid of engagement
community engagement
some stats
profile your audience
what are your organizational goals? breakout! ..and what are your  social media goals?
back to those goals again... where is your audience? you and your audience telling a shared story your network will define itself portability eases the spread of information (Twitter etc)
your organization are you a channel for your networks?  Partners? Clients? who can you connect? 2.0 tools facilitate connection
we’ll get to the tools but first we have to consider your organizational structure what are your service goals? communications goals? fundraising goals? advocacy goals?
the next big iThing
Define success welcome to metrics in order to define success, how are you going to measure it? the cost of equivalent benefits what are your indicators?
ROI (that’s return on investment, not king in French) http://www.frogloop.com/care2blog/2007/7/17/is-it-worth-it-an-roi-calculator-for-social-network-campaign.html This tool can help you calculate!
Capacity Continuum what can you afford to spend? a typical 500 word press release costs about $600 a website redesign can cost $30,000 don’t forget about human resources Does your social media champion have the time and resources they need to maximize your ROI?
baby steps cost effective no budget?  Facebook, Twitter, blog, optimize existing website wee budget?  video, file sharing software, microsite big budget?  campaign assistance & facilitation, website redesign many agencies will do pro-bono work for charities/NFPs sources can be craigslist, kijiji, student sites
these resources are key non-profit social network survey http://www.nonprofitsocialnetworksurvey.com / 2009 eNonprofits Benchmarks Study http://www.e-benchmarksstudy.com/2009.html
what tools are right for you? Facebook page twitter account blog community flickrstream Aggregator video
a wellesley institute case study Goal 1:  to inform the process of the Ontario Provincial Housing Minister’s consultations Goal 2: to connect people through the site by providing a story portal, resource section, and endorsement faculty Goal 3:  to build awareness of the need for stable and affordable housing
Organizational tie in:  our strategic pillar of Affordable Housing as an indicator of urban health Metrics: how will we measure success? Broadcast:  how do we promote our efforts and really use social media to connect people?
Metrics:  hits on site, stories shared, CTR (click-thru rate), media mentions, unique visitors, endorsees (private and organizational), policy impact!
Social Media (and other tactics) site construction and design press releases/media release Twitter email promotion through WI Facebook fan page and partner networks’ pages flyer blogs
over 17,000 hits 75 stories posted 75 organizational endorsees 125 personal endorsees media coverage agreement from gov’t to include network’s recommendations in consultation process it rocked (but is still rockin’, so add your voice!)
other examples Kiva is a microlender that pairs up developing world lendees with worldwide lenders recently branched into the US all done via social web
Can you think of others?
Building Capacity: 5 BIG ISSUES Inertia problem - most organizations were founded prior to the internet....they aren’t used to having control issues, intimate relationships with audiences Leadership issue - often the leaders are pre-internet. Difficult to get buy-in.  Threatened.  May have read a Seth Godin book, once. Not connected themselves. Advocate issue - who’s the squeaky wheel? Silo issue - “that’s marketing’s job” Fear issue - it’s all so new, and changes so quickly,  budgetary responsibility
I have a secret for you. and the secret is...... this is not a fad. people don’t abandon technologies that make it easier to communicate. shhhh....
how it can work positioning.  “we are the spearhead of a movement that is changing this issue.  we are a vehicle for making change.” engage leadership in new thinking.  get help. involve social media/coms people at management level.  Obama would be a good example! Hire from the millennial generation.  Their insight as digital natives will improve the strategic conversations. Speak “human”.  People like people. Relationships are where it’s at. Get out of “press release” land.
More how-to Develop a deep understanding of your “clients”. Groups who are successful are able to tap into the knowledge of who they are trying to build a relationship with. Connect people directly.  Bringing people together can be scary.  Power in numbers! Your value is in your ability to do this. Be open, ego free.....and let go of control. You never had it anyways. Emulate, innovate. Fail, experiment. Lather, rinse, repeat.
sorry about the preachy slides let’s get to the fun stuff!
tools and resources
propaganda http://www.usnowfilm.com / www.commoncraft.com www.broganbranding.com Video for Change training guide www.witness.org The New Rules of PR - David Meerman Scott
websites www.webword.com www.usabilityviews.com www.usability.gov www.ning.com
sharing www.glance.net   (on the spot webinars - cheap) www.webex.com   www.slideshare.net  (upload presentations - free) googledocs  (collaborate) www.box.net  (share files online) www.constantcontact.com  (email mgmt & templates)
more www.12seconds.tv   (upload short videos from your mobile phone to your facebook, twitter etc) www.advocacyonline.com  (e-campaigns, fundraising, social networking jamii, very cool) www.verticalresponse.com   (10000 free emails month for non-profits) ** not confirmed www.frogloop.com  (social network calculator for ROI) google groups - great way to connect people together
blogs wordpress (free, minor learning curve) blogger (google) (free, very easy to use)(attach a domain) www.mashable.com   (great social media advice and great blog section) good free resources on compendium blogware
how do i know it  works listen! google alerts google reader survey monkey Zoomerang Google analytics google trends netvibes twitter search digg technorati comments, responses, reciprocal links, feedback
one more time
these resources are key non-profit social network survey http://www.nonprofitsocialnetworksurvey.com / 2009 eNonprofits Benchmarks Study http://www.e-benchmarksstudy.com/2009.html
Question time!
where will you start?

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Social Media 101

  • 1. Social Media 101 using the social web to build your online toolkit Aerin Guy The Wellesley Institute June 18, 2009
  • 2. Aerin Guy Manager, Communications & Virtual Wellesley a proud Saskatonian and newbie Ontarian mum to Scarlet background in communications, marketing, education and technology Text
  • 3. where I hang out www.facebook.com/aeringuy www.twitter.com/aeringuy www.twitter.com/wellesleyWI www.linkedin.com
  • 4. about you! please introduce yourselves to the people at your table what organization are you with? what is your role? what do you hope to get out of this workshop?
  • 5. Overview of the social web also known as Web 2.0 (Tim O’Reilly) also known as the “social media explosion” also known as the way we connect today
  • 8.  
  • 9. people are talking to each other online 2 choices: Resist it, and it will happen anyway, elsewhere, outside your influence Support it, participate, influence it, and leverage it for extending your brand
  • 10. The web is about conversations, not top down delivery of information or messages.
  • 12.  
  • 13. some benefits of using social media listen and learn publish valuable news and information disseminate quickly and effectively create or extend your brand personality engage in conversations and services efforts lead back to your website - your hub or repository of information
  • 14. feeds feeds are based on XML technology commonly called RSS Content can be subscribed to and sent when updated sites come to you tags work on the same XML platform, except when tags are used to categorize information on aggregator sites like Technorati and delicious subscribers are invested in your content (otherwise why would they subscribe?)
  • 15. you’ll like this demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0klgLsSxGsU
  • 16.  
  • 17. blogging: Be FOUND! high ranking in organic search at least 44% of all web interactions begin with search search engines love blog headlines, as they indicate what can be found on the page search engines also love blogs because they are frequently updated recent + relevant = RANKING!
  • 18. elements of successful organizational blogs trusted, authentic, and transparent source of information all about the words reflects the brand delivers unique content speaks with a candid, human voice personality allows for dialogue with readers fast response authoritative frequency easy to find on website who’s going to write your blog? practice makes perfect
  • 19. the world’s premier social networking site individual profiles corporate pages fan pages cause marketing fundraising facebook connect promote events, initiatives, community why build the village green miles away from the actual village http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Wellesley-Institute/55488522490?sid=da64bdccc49ad30528a8c1975c45f5fa&ref=s
  • 20. social media as part of your communications strategy baby...bathwater....no! segments our audiences build on the power of networks and burgeoning communities communities connect faster, more collaboratively, more inclusively, and more effectively! proliferation of sm stories in traditional media piques interest
  • 21. Twitter is a real-time micro-blog real time word of mouth 140 character max forces “tweets” to be powerful, concise and well-chosen follow and be followed highly searchable great way to provide links, respond instantly, and connect with “constituents” using Tweetdeck can help organize your followers into manageable groups
  • 22.  
  • 23.  
  • 24.  
  • 25. video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ3d3KigPQM www.momsrising.org powerful, visual ways of getting messages across user-generated content
  • 26. Genuine engagement facilitates a highly involved audience that wants to interact with “the brand” The more people an organization can interact with who already have strong social networks, the more likely it is that a message can be spread through those networks the purpose of social media is to engage with audiences in interactive communities
  • 27. an experiment the sticky game (it’s fun, I promise) (no really, it’s fun!)
  • 28. the world has changed and so has the way we connect “ when we change the way we communicate, we change society” “ new technology enables new kinds of group-forming”
  • 29. goals list building galvanizing support education loyalty exposing changing minds changing attitudes recruitment fundraising motivation organize info source
  • 30.  
  • 36. what are your organizational goals? breakout! ..and what are your social media goals?
  • 37. back to those goals again... where is your audience? you and your audience telling a shared story your network will define itself portability eases the spread of information (Twitter etc)
  • 38. your organization are you a channel for your networks? Partners? Clients? who can you connect? 2.0 tools facilitate connection
  • 39. we’ll get to the tools but first we have to consider your organizational structure what are your service goals? communications goals? fundraising goals? advocacy goals?
  • 40. the next big iThing
  • 41. Define success welcome to metrics in order to define success, how are you going to measure it? the cost of equivalent benefits what are your indicators?
  • 42. ROI (that’s return on investment, not king in French) http://www.frogloop.com/care2blog/2007/7/17/is-it-worth-it-an-roi-calculator-for-social-network-campaign.html This tool can help you calculate!
  • 43. Capacity Continuum what can you afford to spend? a typical 500 word press release costs about $600 a website redesign can cost $30,000 don’t forget about human resources Does your social media champion have the time and resources they need to maximize your ROI?
  • 44. baby steps cost effective no budget? Facebook, Twitter, blog, optimize existing website wee budget? video, file sharing software, microsite big budget? campaign assistance & facilitation, website redesign many agencies will do pro-bono work for charities/NFPs sources can be craigslist, kijiji, student sites
  • 45. these resources are key non-profit social network survey http://www.nonprofitsocialnetworksurvey.com / 2009 eNonprofits Benchmarks Study http://www.e-benchmarksstudy.com/2009.html
  • 46. what tools are right for you? Facebook page twitter account blog community flickrstream Aggregator video
  • 47. a wellesley institute case study Goal 1: to inform the process of the Ontario Provincial Housing Minister’s consultations Goal 2: to connect people through the site by providing a story portal, resource section, and endorsement faculty Goal 3: to build awareness of the need for stable and affordable housing
  • 48. Organizational tie in: our strategic pillar of Affordable Housing as an indicator of urban health Metrics: how will we measure success? Broadcast: how do we promote our efforts and really use social media to connect people?
  • 49. Metrics: hits on site, stories shared, CTR (click-thru rate), media mentions, unique visitors, endorsees (private and organizational), policy impact!
  • 50. Social Media (and other tactics) site construction and design press releases/media release Twitter email promotion through WI Facebook fan page and partner networks’ pages flyer blogs
  • 51. over 17,000 hits 75 stories posted 75 organizational endorsees 125 personal endorsees media coverage agreement from gov’t to include network’s recommendations in consultation process it rocked (but is still rockin’, so add your voice!)
  • 52. other examples Kiva is a microlender that pairs up developing world lendees with worldwide lenders recently branched into the US all done via social web
  • 53. Can you think of others?
  • 54. Building Capacity: 5 BIG ISSUES Inertia problem - most organizations were founded prior to the internet....they aren’t used to having control issues, intimate relationships with audiences Leadership issue - often the leaders are pre-internet. Difficult to get buy-in. Threatened. May have read a Seth Godin book, once. Not connected themselves. Advocate issue - who’s the squeaky wheel? Silo issue - “that’s marketing’s job” Fear issue - it’s all so new, and changes so quickly, budgetary responsibility
  • 55. I have a secret for you. and the secret is...... this is not a fad. people don’t abandon technologies that make it easier to communicate. shhhh....
  • 56. how it can work positioning. “we are the spearhead of a movement that is changing this issue. we are a vehicle for making change.” engage leadership in new thinking. get help. involve social media/coms people at management level. Obama would be a good example! Hire from the millennial generation. Their insight as digital natives will improve the strategic conversations. Speak “human”. People like people. Relationships are where it’s at. Get out of “press release” land.
  • 57. More how-to Develop a deep understanding of your “clients”. Groups who are successful are able to tap into the knowledge of who they are trying to build a relationship with. Connect people directly. Bringing people together can be scary. Power in numbers! Your value is in your ability to do this. Be open, ego free.....and let go of control. You never had it anyways. Emulate, innovate. Fail, experiment. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  • 58. sorry about the preachy slides let’s get to the fun stuff!
  • 60. propaganda http://www.usnowfilm.com / www.commoncraft.com www.broganbranding.com Video for Change training guide www.witness.org The New Rules of PR - David Meerman Scott
  • 61. websites www.webword.com www.usabilityviews.com www.usability.gov www.ning.com
  • 62. sharing www.glance.net (on the spot webinars - cheap) www.webex.com www.slideshare.net (upload presentations - free) googledocs (collaborate) www.box.net (share files online) www.constantcontact.com (email mgmt & templates)
  • 63. more www.12seconds.tv (upload short videos from your mobile phone to your facebook, twitter etc) www.advocacyonline.com (e-campaigns, fundraising, social networking jamii, very cool) www.verticalresponse.com (10000 free emails month for non-profits) ** not confirmed www.frogloop.com (social network calculator for ROI) google groups - great way to connect people together
  • 64. blogs wordpress (free, minor learning curve) blogger (google) (free, very easy to use)(attach a domain) www.mashable.com (great social media advice and great blog section) good free resources on compendium blogware
  • 65. how do i know it works listen! google alerts google reader survey monkey Zoomerang Google analytics google trends netvibes twitter search digg technorati comments, responses, reciprocal links, feedback
  • 67. these resources are key non-profit social network survey http://www.nonprofitsocialnetworksurvey.com / 2009 eNonprofits Benchmarks Study http://www.e-benchmarksstudy.com/2009.html
  • 69. where will you start?

Editor's Notes

  1. at WI for 6 months, came from Ed publishing, first at PEC to establish development blogs/wikis, keen facebook, twitter, linked in, friendfeed, blip.tv
  2. what are your organizational goals? your communications strategy must align - or you’re shooting in the dark.
  3. what tools are you interested in using? Where is your audience?
  4. it might seem like finding a needle in a haystack, but this is the ground work necessary to plan and implement a social media strategy, and use the tools to your best advantage with the capacity you can afford.
  5. the days of spray and pray are over. we can now target our messages through our networks, who we can facilitate in connecting with each other. This strengthens our message, builds trust, and reinforces our goals.
  6. define your target audience. What action do you want them to take?
  7. also called Shiny Object Syndrome. or, this bandwagon’s going nowhere. Thankfully, social media is a forgiving medium and you can jump in and jump out. but why would you? why wouldn’t you look at investing in this channel like you would any other channel (unless it’s the english channel, and then you’re gonna need a wetsuit). The key here is to establish....
  8. come up with measurements based on a specified time frame and arena. Do you have 3 positive conversations a week on a project you’re working on? Where are the arenas you are trying to reach people? where are your competitors - and what have they done successfully?
  9. this is just the beginning. Let’s brainstorm some tools. Once we get the major ones out of the way, we can talk about some cool new stuff you may not know about.