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Ken Scott e-learning enthusiast JISC RSCYH
Ipads in Education15th July 2014
• Introductions
• Some terminology
• Finding your way around
• Apps
• Connecting to the network
• Uses in education
• Workshop
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
»2 minutes in pairs
»Introduce your partner
»Their name and job title
»A claim to fame
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Ice breaker quiz
»Find the Socrative app on your ipad
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Some terminology
› IOS (ipads and iphones) = Apple
› Android (e.g. Samsung) = independent
› Windows (?) late as usual!
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Differences from a PC
»Touch screen
»Simpler interface
»Less features
»Cheaper apps
»Very good for accessibility
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Accessibility Features
»Assistive features built-in
› Settings – General – Accessibility
› Voiceover, zoom, invert colours
› http://www.slideshare.net/rscsw/ipad-apps-for-
› Techdis
› Robobraille, QR codes, pearltrees, mindjet,…..
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Finding your way around
» Switching on and off – keep pressing the top button
» The home button
» Scrolling through apps
» Closing down apps (saves battery)
» Gestures
› Pinch
› Drag
› Zoom
› Search
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
»Paid for vs free
»Vast amount
› Are they any good? – check ratings
› Be prepared to waste some time!
»Itunes accounts – individual vs corporate
› VPPVolume Purchasing Programme
› http://www.apple.com/uk/education/it/vpp/
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Examples of apps
» Main categories I will look at
› Note taking
› Social media
› Linking - QR codes
› Collaboration
› Organising
› Assessment
› Social bookmarking
› Publishing
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
› Very capable free app/paid for has offline features
› Links to many other productivity apps
› Penultimate
»Dragon Dictate
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Social Media
› Group work
› Collaboration
› Updates to timetables
› Assignments
» Marketing
» Facebook
» Twitter
» Combined dashboard - Hootsuite
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
QR Codes
»A quick link to websites, photos, videos even apps
»Easily created for free
»All smart phones and tablets have an app for it
Try this
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
› Access MS Office docs on ipad
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
» Mindmaps
› Simpleminds+
› Mindjet
» Todo lists
› Wunderlist
› Toodledo
» Freestyle
› Grafio lite
› Popple
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
»Video and photo evidence using builtin camera
› Imovie
› Splice
»Storage and sharing of videos and photos
› Vimeo
› Youtube
› Flickr
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
»Storage and sharing
› Googledocs
› Evernote
› Dropbox
› Socrative
› Quizup
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Social Bookmarking
»Sharing links, annotations, comments, bookmarks
› Pearltrees
› Delicious
› Evernote – (use Dolphin browser)
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
»Creating books and magazines on the ipad
› Projects and assignments
› Class magazines
› Publicity
»Creative Book Builder
› http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJoslt6bz9E
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Technical Considerations
› Supports nearly all major security protocols
› Redirect pages
› Will need some trial and error!
› Supports proxy servers
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
MoreTechnical Considerations
› Battery life about 6 hours reliably
› Have you got enough power sockets/capacity?
› Consider charging stations
»Updating apps and IOS
› Joint charger and app updating station
»Loss and theft
› Find my ipad
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Educational uses
»Learning resources and activities
»Reflective practice
»Dashboards for College systems?
»Personal organiser – timetables, news
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
»Basic familiarisation with the ipads
»10 minutes
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
»Work in pairs or threes
»Pick a scenario or make one up
»Explore how you would approach this
»Take some notes for feedback – evernote?
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Find out more…
15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
Ken Scott
E-learning enthusiast
Regional Support CentreYH
University of Leeds
0113 343 1000
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND

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Sheffield college ipad training july 2014

  • 1. Ken Scott e-learning enthusiast JISC RSCYH Ipads in Education15th July 2014
  • 2. Agenda • Introductions • Some terminology • Finding your way around • Apps • Connecting to the network • Uses in education • Workshop 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 3. Introductions »2 minutes in pairs »Introduce your partner »Their name and job title »A claim to fame 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 4. Ice breaker quiz »Find the Socrative app on your ipad 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 5. Some terminology »Tablets › IOS (ipads and iphones) = Apple › Android (e.g. Samsung) = independent › Windows (?) late as usual! 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 6. Differences from a PC »Fast »Touch screen »Auto-save »Simpler interface »Less features »Cheaper apps »Very good for accessibility 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 7. Accessibility Features »Assistive features built-in › Settings – General – Accessibility › Voiceover, zoom, invert colours »Apps › http://www.slideshare.net/rscsw/ipad-apps-for- accessibility › Techdis › Robobraille, QR codes, pearltrees, mindjet,….. 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 8. Finding your way around » Switching on and off – keep pressing the top button » The home button » Scrolling through apps » Closing down apps (saves battery) » Gestures › Pinch › Drag › Zoom › Search 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 9. apps »Paid for vs free »Vast amount › Are they any good? – check ratings › Be prepared to waste some time! »Itunes accounts – individual vs corporate › VPPVolume Purchasing Programme › http://www.apple.com/uk/education/it/vpp/ 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 10. Examples of apps » Main categories I will look at › Note taking › Social media › Linking - QR codes › Collaboration › Organising › Assessment › Social bookmarking › Publishing 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 11. NoteTaking »Evernote › Very capable free app/paid for has offline features › Links to many other productivity apps › Penultimate »Audionote »Dragon Dictate 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 12. Social Media Uses? › Group work › Collaboration › Updates to timetables › Assignments » Marketing » Facebook » Twitter » Combined dashboard - Hootsuite 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 13. QR Codes »A quick link to websites, photos, videos even apps »Easily created for free »All smart phones and tablets have an app for it www.qrstuff.com Try this 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 14. Collaboration »Evernote »Googledocs »Dropbox »Skype »Cloudon › Access MS Office docs on ipad 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 15. Organising » Mindmaps › Simpleminds+ › Mindjet » Todo lists › Wunderlist › Toodledo » Freestyle › Grafio lite › Popple 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 16. Assessment »Video and photo evidence using builtin camera › Imovie › Splice »Storage and sharing of videos and photos › Vimeo › Youtube › Flickr 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 17. Assessment »Storage and sharing › Googledocs › Evernote › Dropbox »Quizzes › Socrative › Quizup 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 18. Social Bookmarking »Sharing links, annotations, comments, bookmarks › Pearltrees › Delicious › Evernote – (use Dolphin browser) 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 19. Publishing »Creating books and magazines on the ipad › Projects and assignments › Class magazines › Publicity »Creative Book Builder › http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJoslt6bz9E »Pages 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 20. Technical Considerations »Wireless › Supports nearly all major security protocols › WPA, WPA2 WEP › Redirect pages »Filtering › Will need some trial and error! › Supports proxy servers 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 21. MoreTechnical Considerations »Charging › Battery life about 6 hours reliably › Have you got enough power sockets/capacity? › Consider charging stations »Updating apps and IOS › Joint charger and app updating station »Loss and theft › Find my ipad 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 22. Educational uses »Assessment »Learning resources and activities »Research »Reflective practice »Dashboards for College systems? »Personal organiser – timetables, news 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 23. Workshop »Basic familiarisation with the ipads »10 minutes 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 24. Workshop »Work in pairs or threes »Pick a scenario or make one up »Explore how you would approach this »Take some notes for feedback – evernote? 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education
  • 25. Find out more… 15/07/2014 Ipads in Education Ken Scott E-learning enthusiast support@rsc-yh.ac.uk Regional Support CentreYH University of Leeds 0113 343 1000 Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND

Editor's Notes

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  3. Go to ‘View’ menu > ‘Header and Footer…’ to edit the footers on this slide (click ‘Apply’ to change only the currently selected slide, or ‘Apply to All’ to change the footers on all slides).
  4. Group work Collaboration Updates to timetables Assignments Marketing
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