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Session I
Cloud Computing: Introduction & Overview

              Aditya Thatte
              IBM Research

            IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   1

•   Evolution of Computing (How we got here?)
•   What is Cloud Computing?
•   Why Cloud Computing?
•   Virtualization
•   Cloud Computing Postulates & Building Blocks
•   Cloud Delivery Models
•   Public Cloud Demo

                         IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   2
Evolution of Computing

ENTERPRISE 1.0    ENTERPRISE 2.0                      ENTERPRISE 3.0

 Centralized                                             Self service,
                                                        mobile, event
   model             model                              driven model


                 “Necessity breeds Innovation”
                      IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence          3
The need of the hour

Cost                                              Agility

                Time                                                     Time
•   Drop in hardware costs
•   Data Explosion
•   Business Agility
•   Mobility
                             IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence          4
Business Drivers for Cloud Computing
• “For every $ spent on hardware, 8 $ are spent on maintenance and 0.5 $
  spent on its cooling” – [IDC, 2007]
• Purchasing hardware and maintenance. A typical server runs at 425W.
• Traditional methods created Server sprawl resulting in inefficient
  management and associated costs (power, labor)
• Business agility is growing and time to live of data is becoming smaller
• Ability to scale with ease

                         IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence           5
History of Virtualization

•   Pioneered by IBM to ‘partition’ mainframes for better h/w utilization in 60s

•   Enabled multitasking in the real sense
•   Virtualization resurfaced in ‘90s after VMware enabled x86 servers for
•   An Industry research statistic quotes that servers run at only ~10-15% utilization

                     Low % Util      Low costs       Server Sprawl       CAPex, OPex

                                  IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence              6
•   Interoperability

•   Abstraction / decoupling of physical hardware resources (Virtual Machine Kernel)

                             IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence                 7
•   Mapping ‘virtual’ resources to ‘physical’ resources (Hypervisor)

•   Dynamic Data Center

                             IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   8
Server Consolidation


                                               Server Sprawl (heterogeneous)

      Efficient IT Datacenter Management
      Availability and Scalability of resources
      IT Resource Optimization (CAPEX, OPEX)

  IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence                         9
Virtualization - Terms
   Hosted         Hypervised                  Full                     Para
Virtualization   Virtualization          Virtualization           Virtualization

    Server          Storage                Network                   Desktop
Virtualization   Virtualization          Virtualization                            P2V / V2V

                            IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence                           10
Virtualization - PoVs
                                                 1. Create request

                                     2. Submit request

 IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence                           11
Virtualization – End User PoV

      IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   12
Virtualization – Admin Perspective

         IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   13
Defining Cloud Computing
• “A style of computing in which scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities
  are delivered as a service using Internet technologies” –
• “Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and
  software) that are delivered as a service over a network” –
• “A pay per use model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand
  network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
  (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be
  rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or
  service provider interaction” – NIST
• “Clouds are hardware based services offering compute, network and
  storage capacity where: Hardware management is highly abstracted from
  the buyer, buyers incur infrastructure costs as variable OPEX and
  infrastructure capacity is highly elastic - McKinsey

                          IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence             14
Cloud Computing Postulates

•   Pay-per-use / Pay-as-you-go (utility based, no contracts)
•   Self service model
•   Elasticity (scale up, scale out)
•   Multi-tenancy
•   Resource / infrastructure abstraction (on-premise / remote)
•   Rapid deployment, easy management
•   Automation & re-usability
•   No CAPEX, variable OPEX

                          IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   15
Cloud Management Layer

                      WEB 2.0 USER INTERFACE

                      Service                  Provisioning   Workflows
Service Request                                Engine         Server
Manager                                                       Network

             IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence                       16
Cloud Computing Building Blocks

      Virtualization                  Network                        Storage                     Web Services

                 Virtual    Virtual
Hypervisor                                  Virtual NICs     DAS       NAS         SAN     SOAP-XML         REST
                Machines    Switch

   CPU          Memory      VLAN                VPN          ISCSi     NFS         Fiber

             Virtualization + Service Automation + Standardization + Self Service
                                       IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence                                   17
Commonly Used Cloud Computing Terms
•   VM Provisioning
•   Elasticity
•   Pay-as-you-go (PAYG)
•   Hypervisor
•   Hypercall
•   Nested Virtualization
•   Image Management
•   Public Cloud
•   Private Cloud
•   Hybrid Cloud
•   Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
•   Cloud Broker
•   EC2
•   SalesForce

                            IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   18
Cloud Delivery Models




   IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   19
Delivery models

          IaaS                                PaaS                              SaaS

Infrastructure-as-a-Service            Platform-as-a-Service              Software-as-a-Service

                              IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence                           20

   IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   21
Public                  Private                      Hybrid

         IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence
The Cloud Ecosystem

  IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   23
IBM Cloud Delivery Models
 IBM Smart Business Services – Private Cloud
                                                   IBM Smart Business Services - Standardized Services on the IBM Cloud
       Services, behind your firewall
                              Private Cloud                                 Shared Private Cloud          Public Cloud

                              Private Managed        Private Hosted

                                                  Customer/IBM owned and       IBM owned and               IBM owned and
  Enterprise owned and     Enterprise owned IBM     IBM operated (single          operated                    operated
1       operated         2       operated          3      tenant)          4    (multi-tenant)       5      (multi-tenant)

     Enterprise                 Enterprise                Enterprise        Enterprise A
                                                                                                     User       User     User
     Data Center                Data Center
                                                                                Enterprise B          A          B        C
       Private                                                                       Enterprise C            User   User
       Cloud                                                                                                  D      …

                               IBM Operated

                                                          Hosted                   Shared
                                                       Private Cloud                                         Public Cloud
                                                                                Private Cloud

                                                       Hosting Center                Cloud                       Cloud

                                                                                                         Cloud Services
                                                                            Cloud Services               delivered publicly to
                                                                            delivered privately to       end users / secure,
                                                                            Enterprises / virtual        enterprise-class
                                                                            separation of tenants
           Customer owns and pays for infrastructure                           IBM owns infrastructure and customer has
               and has unlimited exclusive access
                                         IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence shared access and pays by usage 24
24                                                   IBM Confidential
Smart Cloud Enterprise
•   IBM’s Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
•   Enterprise grade public cloud
•   6 Data centers worldwide
•   Pre-configured Software Images (Bundles)
•   KVM based Virtual Machines
•   NAS based persistent storage
•   SCE provides managed services at the hardware and below the hypervisor
•   API support

                         IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence       25
Private Cloud Solutions – IBM’s Mandate
                                WEB 2.0 USER INTERFACE
            REST API

                                Service                  Provisioning   Workflows
          Service Request                                Engine         Server
          Manager                                                       Network

 KVM                                                                                   Xen

HyperV                                                                                 ESX

                       IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence                             26
Thank You

IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence   27

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Cloud Computing: Introduction &amp; Overview

  • 1. Session I Cloud Computing: Introduction & Overview Aditya Thatte IBM Research IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 1
  • 2. Objectives • Evolution of Computing (How we got here?) • What is Cloud Computing? • Why Cloud Computing? • Virtualization • Cloud Computing Postulates & Building Blocks • Cloud Delivery Models • Public Cloud Demo IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 2
  • 3. Evolution of Computing ENTERPRISE 1.0 ENTERPRISE 2.0 ENTERPRISE 3.0 Centralized Self service, Shared mobile, event model model driven model Mainframes Time “Necessity breeds Innovation” IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 3
  • 4. The need of the hour Cost Agility Time Time • Drop in hardware costs • Data Explosion • Business Agility • Mobility IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 4
  • 5. Business Drivers for Cloud Computing • “For every $ spent on hardware, 8 $ are spent on maintenance and 0.5 $ spent on its cooling” – [IDC, 2007] • Purchasing hardware and maintenance. A typical server runs at 425W. • Traditional methods created Server sprawl resulting in inefficient management and associated costs (power, labor) • Business agility is growing and time to live of data is becoming smaller • Ability to scale with ease IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 5
  • 6. History of Virtualization • Pioneered by IBM to ‘partition’ mainframes for better h/w utilization in 60s • Enabled multitasking in the real sense • Virtualization resurfaced in ‘90s after VMware enabled x86 servers for virtualization • An Industry research statistic quotes that servers run at only ~10-15% utilization Low % Util Low costs Server Sprawl CAPex, OPex IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 6
  • 7. Virtualization • Interoperability • Abstraction / decoupling of physical hardware resources (Virtual Machine Kernel) IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 7
  • 8. Mapping ‘virtual’ resources to ‘physical’ resources (Hypervisor) • Dynamic Data Center IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 8
  • 9. Server Consolidation [Costs] Server Sprawl (heterogeneous) Efficient IT Datacenter Management Availability and Scalability of resources IT Resource Optimization (CAPEX, OPEX) IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 9
  • 10. Virtualization - Terms Hosted Hypervised Full Para Hypervisor Virtualization Virtualization Virtualization Virtualization Server Storage Network Desktop Virtualization Virtualization Virtualization P2V / V2V Virtualization IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 10
  • 11. Virtualization - PoVs 1. Create request 2. Submit request IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 11
  • 12. Virtualization – End User PoV IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 12
  • 13. Virtualization – Admin Perspective IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 13
  • 14. Defining Cloud Computing • “A style of computing in which scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities are delivered as a service using Internet technologies” – • “Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network” – • “A pay per use model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction” – NIST • “Clouds are hardware based services offering compute, network and storage capacity where: Hardware management is highly abstracted from the buyer, buyers incur infrastructure costs as variable OPEX and infrastructure capacity is highly elastic - McKinsey IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 14
  • 15. Cloud Computing Postulates • Pay-per-use / Pay-as-you-go (utility based, no contracts) • Self service model • Elasticity (scale up, scale out) • Multi-tenancy • Resource / infrastructure abstraction (on-premise / remote) • Rapid deployment, easy management • Automation & re-usability • No CAPEX, variable OPEX IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 15
  • 16. Cloud Management Layer WEB 2.0 USER INTERFACE REST API Provisioning Service Provisioning Workflows Service Request Engine Server Automation Manager Network Templates Storage Application IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 16
  • 17. Cloud Computing Building Blocks Virtualization Network Storage Web Services Virtual Virtual Hypervisor Virtual NICs DAS NAS SAN SOAP-XML REST Machines Switch CPU Memory VLAN VPN ISCSi NFS Fiber Virtualization + Service Automation + Standardization + Self Service IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 17
  • 18. Commonly Used Cloud Computing Terms • VM Provisioning • Elasticity • Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) • Hypervisor • Hypercall • Nested Virtualization • Image Management • Public Cloud • Private Cloud • Hybrid Cloud • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) • Cloud Broker • EC2 • SalesForce IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 18
  • 19. Cloud Delivery Models SaaS PaaS IaaS IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 19
  • 20. Delivery models IaaS PaaS SaaS Infrastructure-as-a-Service Platform-as-a-Service Software-as-a-Service IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 20
  • 21. Public-Private-Hybrid IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 21
  • 22. Players Public Private Hybrid 22 IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence
  • 23. The Cloud Ecosystem IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 23
  • 24. IBM Cloud Delivery Models IBM Smart Business Services – Private Cloud IBM Smart Business Services - Standardized Services on the IBM Cloud Services, behind your firewall Private Cloud Shared Private Cloud Public Cloud Private Managed Private Hosted Customer/IBM owned and IBM owned and IBM owned and Enterprise owned and Enterprise owned IBM IBM operated (single operated operated 1 operated 2 operated 3 tenant) 4 (multi-tenant) 5 (multi-tenant) Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise A User User User Data Center Data Center Enterprise B A B C Managed Private Enterprise C User User Private Cloud D … Cloud IBM Operated Hosted Shared Private Cloud Public Cloud Private Cloud Hosting Center Cloud Cloud Cloud Services Cloud Services delivered publicly to delivered privately to end users / secure, Enterprises / virtual enterprise-class separation of tenants Customer owns and pays for infrastructure IBM owns infrastructure and customer has and has unlimited exclusive access IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence shared access and pays by usage 24 24 IBM Confidential
  • 25. Smart Cloud Enterprise • IBM’s Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) • Enterprise grade public cloud • 6 Data centers worldwide • Pre-configured Software Images (Bundles) • PAYG / BYOL • KVM based Virtual Machines • NAS based persistent storage • SCE provides managed services at the hardware and below the hypervisor • API support IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 25
  • 26. Private Cloud Solutions – IBM’s Mandate WEB 2.0 USER INTERFACE REST API Provisioning Service Provisioning Workflows Service Request Engine Server Automation Manager Network Templates Storage Application KVM Xen HyperV ESX IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 26
  • 27. Thank You IBM Research | Cloud Center of Excellence 27