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How Corporate
Leaders Can
Protect Employees
From Burnout
Table of Contents
Burnout. What’s behind the
Great Resignation
Warning signs.
Recognize burnout in others
Work on how you work.
Save the day by saving
your co-workers
The root of the problem.
What causes burnout
The possible outcomes.
How burnout could harm
your business
Fight burnout to the core
with our CBT-based digital
page 3
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page 17
Burnout. What’s behind the Great Resignation
What’s behind
The Great
As leaders, we’re responsible for
many things in our organizations. We
ensure results are met, performance is
maintained, and that company culture
stays on-brand. Unfortunately, this
doesn’t stop our co-workers and us
from getting burned out.
During The Great
Resignation of 2021,
of people surveyed by Cengage Group
Research stated that “feeling burned
out and unsupported” was one of
the top reasons they quit their job or
planned to in the next six months.
Burnout isn’t just feeling tired
or stressed.The World Health
Organization (WHO) defines it as “a
syndrome conceptualized as resulting
from chronic workplace stress that has
not been successfully managed.” Its
enormous negative impact has led WHO
to include it in the 11th
Revision of the
International Classification of Diseases
Burnout. What’s behind the Great Resignation
Think of burnout like a fever. A fever is
a symptom of an underlying condition,
such as the flu. But it’s not the problem
itself; it’s your body’s way of saying
“something is wrong.” Likewise, burnout
is a sign that something has gone awry.
The problem with burnout is that
it doesn’t just impact the affected
employee: it involves everyone around
them. It can spread throughout a team or
an entire company, influencing everything
from productivity to talent retention and
that delicate balance that keeps the team
working towards its goal.
Let’s take a closer look at what causes burnout at
work and how we can transform companies into
safer places to work.
To avoid this outcome,employers
need to take steps to help
prevent burnout in the first place
or help workers deal with it when
it occurs.Companies are starting
to recognize burnout as a real
concern and make intentional
efforts to prioritize employee
well-being,both in terms of how
they design work environments
and how they manage personnel.
The root of the problem. What causes burnout
The root of the problem.
What causes burnout
Burnout is usually the result of an imbalance between work demands and the
resources available to deal with them. For instance, a person may be required to work
long hours for low pay and, in some cases, under the constant pressure of abusive
supervisors. The first step to helping your colleagues is understanding what it feels
like to experience burnout.
You have no
energy to do
You get annoyed
by what you used
to love doing
Your brain is foggy,
and you forget
No one seems to
understand what
it’s like to be in
your shoes
No project seems
to make you
excited anymore
You dread
going to work
Every task seems
extremely difficult
You feel like your
work doesn’t matter
anyway, so why
should you bother?
The root of the problem. What causes burnout
In case of burnout, there’s a good
chance that one of the following
factors is to blame.
Unrealistic expectations
Repetitive tasks
Work overload
Imbalanced relationships
If the company or the worker themself
expects too much, it can eventually lead
to burnout. We all have our breaking
point, and when it’s pushed for too long,
it can lead to severe conditions like heart
diseases, depression, and anxiety.
If a job involves repetitive tasks, these
may eventually become tedious and
lack a sense of accomplishment. The
monotonous routine leaves employees
frustrated and disengaged from their
role, particularly if it’s been a long time
since they achieved something or got
Micromanagement can be pretty
frustrating for employees because it
carries an implicit suggestion that they
are not competent enough to get the job
done on their own or lack the judgment
to make the right decisions. The result?
Employees feel like they don’t have the
chance to grow in their current company,
which is one of the primary reasons
people quit their job.
Workaholics are more likely to
experience burnout due to being
overloaded with work or simply because
there are no boundaries between work
life and private life. This is exacerbated
by modern technology, allowing us to be
on call 24/7.
Workplace relationships are an essential
part of the job, but when they become
imbalanced or abusive, they often
lead to major conflicts and employees
quitting, seemingly out of nowhere. Unfair
treatment, favoritism, and lack of support
and recognition from managers can cause
friction, especially if co-workers want
to express their opinions or have totally
different ideas.
Warning signs. Recognize burnout in others
Warning signs.
Recognize burnout in others
Burnout can be subtle and hard to
identify in others. You may miss signs
because it’s not as obvious as, say,
a raging temper or a total mental
shutdown. People who have burned out
tend to hide their feelings of exhaustion
The most common and obvious
symptoms include:
and frustration from their colleagues
for fear of being judged or penalized at
work, and more often than not, they act
out only with family and friends outside
the office.
Negativism and cynicism toward the job or other employees
Decreased productivity
Lower-quality work
Lack of focus
Constant headaches
8 Recognize burnout in others
Warning signs.
Burned-out employees may seem
“checked out” at work. They might
spend less time around the office
or stay near their desks instead of
interacting with others.
They may also seem less engaged
during meetings or other workplace
interactions. They may not participate
as actively as usual and could appear
disinterested in what’s going on.
The way employees interact with each
other can sometimes signal burnout
as well. For example, they might start
isolating themselves from others or be
more short-tempered.
Has someone’s face
popped up in your head
while reading this?
The possible outcomes. How burnout could harm your business
The possible outcomes.
How burnout could harm
your business
According to Gallup’s recent report,
Employee Burnout: Causes and Cures,
76%of employees experience
burnout on the job at least sometimes,
and 28% say they are burned out “very
often” or “always” at work.
Gallup also reports that burned-out
employees are 2.6 times more likely
to actively seek a different job
driving up turnover rates. Since
employee turnover can be expensive,
it’s essential to reduce employee
burnout and improve retention.
Let’s dig deeper into the outcomes of
burnout from the perspective of both
employees and employers.
The possible outcomes. How burnout could harm your business
Possible outcomes for employees
Poor physical and
mental health
Impact on
personal life
In addition to depression, anxiety,
low self-esteem, and alcohol abuse,
burnout can lead to physical problems
such as musculoskeletal pain, gastric
alterations, cardiovascular disorders,
headaches, increased vulnerability
to infections, insomnia, and chronic
fatigue. It has also been found to
dangerously increase blood cortisol
levels and constitutes an independent
risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
Burnout can lead to deviant and
counterproductive behaviors,
aggressiveness among colleagues
and towards clients, alcohol and
psychotropic drug use, misuse of
corporate material, or even theft.
Burnout doesn’t happen overnight.
It starts small, with minor changes
to routines and behaviors over time,
and can affect family and social life
in the long run.
The possible outcomes. How burnout could harm your business
Poor quality results
Decreased customer
Losing clients
Negative company culture
Higher turnover rate and economic loss
Affected employees aren’t able to
operate at full potential. They may not
be able to solve problems as efficiently
as they could before, ending up
damaging the company’s reputation.
Burned-out customer service
representatives are less responsive
and capable of helping customers with
problems or giving good advice about
products. In the worst cases, employees
could lash out at customers driven by
frustration and exhaustion.
The outcome of the previous points
is evident: decreased customer
satisfaction and low-quality projects
won’t make clients happy and could
eventually lead them to look for
another company.
Burned-out workers tend to
have a more negative view of the
organization as a whole and may
spread that negativity among their
co-workers, which can have a
domino effect.
When employees feel burned out, they’ll likely start looking for other jobs – and once they’ve
left, they won’t be coming back. The cost of replacing an employee can range from one-half
to two times their annual salary. So, a 100-person organization providing an average salary
of $50,000 could have turnover and replacement expenses of approximately $660,000 to
$2.6 million per year.
Possible outcomes for the company
Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers
Work on how you work.
Save the day by saving
your co-workers
The best response to burnout “is to
focus on fixing the workplace rather
than focusing on fixing the worker,”
said Dr. Christine Sinsky, MD, vice
president at the AMA. “Burnout
is related to stressors within the
environment rather than to weakness
on the part of susceptible individuals.”
So, to wrap it up, burnout is not a
personal problem. It’s a consequence
of specific characteristics of the work
activity. It’s about how companies
structure their business, manage people,
and approach the concept of work.
Employees can fight burnout by making
small changes in their daily routine, but
there’s only so much they can do if the
company itself doesn’t contribute to it.
The good news is that there are lots of
methods employers and employees
can rely on to help manage burnout or
even prevent it from happening in the
first place.
Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers
What can companies do
Humanize work schedules and implement work-life balance plans
Reward people with non-financial incentives
Develop managers’ leadership
Focus on maximizing the time employees spend working rather than on the number of hours
they spend in the office. Consider offering flexible work schedules, telecommuting options,
or health and wellness programs that let employees enjoy their path towards a healthier life.
Besides fair salaries and bonuses, organizations can offer intangible incentives such as
flexible work hours, additional vacation time, or professional development opportunities in
areas of interest to them.
Managers play an essential role in burnout prevention. They should model a healthy work-life
balance, encourage employees to take breaks and vacations, and have open conversations
about workloads and stress. Educate them to be responsive and empathic.
Monitor burnout and design custom plans
Observe your employees for signs of exhaustion or low morale and encourage one-on-one
discussions to find out what’s bothering them and how you can help. Conduct regular surveys
about employee engagement and satisfaction levels.
Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers
What can companies do
Recommend counseling services
Offer training to develop hard skills and social skills
Include coaching and guidance in your company’s benefits
Employers can offer confidential counseling services and health care resources as part
of their employee benefits package, which can effectively help employees deal with work
stress before it leads to burnout.
Employees who feel confident in their ability to perform tasks are less likely to experience
burnout because they’re more likely to be successful at work. Likewise, strong social skills
can help employees build positive relationships with their colleagues and better manage
stress levels.
Coaching has been shown to improve employee engagement by helping workers feel
more empowered and motivated at work. And that’s just one of many ways companies
can protect their employees.
Work on how you work. 15 Save the day by saving your co-workers
Work on efficient time management
Rethink the way the team members approach tasks
Make sure employees are not required to stay back after office hours. Also, it’s crucial
for leaders to actively listen to their team members so they can gauge their stress
levels at regular intervals.
Adjust everyone’s role to their own skills, preferences, and needs, as long as they fulfill
the mission. Establish clear communication guidelines in order for everyone to know
who to go to with questions or issues.
What can teams and leaders do
Self-educate on what
burnout is to be aware of
the first possible signs
Lack of awareness makes us less
likely to identify the first signs and
more likely to minimize employees’
struggles and not take them
Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
(CBT) leads people to reevaluate
their vision of stressful situations
to deal with them more effectively
since individuals perceive
situations differently and, therefore,
are biased. CBT helps workers
identify errors in their perception
of reality to influence their trigger
behavior in a positive way.
What can individuals do
Engage in workout
Ask for psychotherapeutic
Get started on
mindfulness training
Rely on cognitive-
behavioral techniques
If you’re not already exercising regularly,
start. You don’t need a gym membership
or fancy equipment; take a walk or ride a
bike every day. That will give your body
an immediate boost and help clear your
head of stress at the same time.
Talking to a professional can help make
sense of what’s going on. You can do
your part with employees and colleagues
by spreading a mature, healthy, and non-
judgmental mindset about seeking a
therapist’s help.
The benefits of mindfulness include
improved concentration, reduced stress,
reduced negative emotions, and better
immune system functioning, among
other things.
Cognitive-behavioral techniques can
help by getting rid of unproductive
thinking patterns that contribute to
stress and anxiety.
Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach
Fight burnout to the core
with our CBT-based
digital approach
Psychologists use CBT to support
people in managing stress and other
mental health disorders. But companies
can use these same techniques to help
employees manage negative thoughts
and rewire their thinking to cope with
stressors more profitably.
While you’re putting together
your company burnout
prevention plan,it may be
worth considering new
digital approaches.
A healthy workplace – one that
encourages creative thinking and
productivity while preventing stress and
burnout – can be obtained by infusing
some healthy CBT practices into the
company culture.
Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach
Sensa is a CBT-based app made by
professionalswho know very well how
to to deal with every aspect of burnout!
It’s a personal stress-free assistant
that coaches employees on health and
wellness by tailoring small everyday tasks.
No one-size-fits-all templates: Sensa
helps users heal at their own pace by
exploring the right tools and techniques.
We’re here because we want you
and your team to feel better.Like,
actually feel better.
Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach
What can Sensa do
Help incorporate more de-
stressing exercises into the
daily routine
Teach breathing techniques
Develop new patterns and
Give tips to create a new sleep
Help set new healthy diet
routines by understanding
healthy eating principles
Support in body image
appreciation and self-
Find activities that promote
pleasure and mastery
Manage workload and pressure
on the job
Recognize and eliminate work-
related stress
Develop problem-solving skills
Set goals that are easier to
Explore and practice
Deal with guilt and responsibility
Improve confidence and
And so much more.
Sensa is here to guide you and your co-workers through the entire journey to self-care,
unlocking scientifically backed information to help you understand yourself better on
your terms. Feel free to rest and recharge if you want to skip a day or two. You deserve
it! We’re all about quality over quantity, which also applies to Sensa’s exercises.
Are you ready to take your company
to the next level?
Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach
About Sensa
Sensa is a cognitive-behavioral
therapy-based mobile app that
helps companies help their
employees one step at a time.
The advice and guidance you
find in Sensa come from trained
experts in the field.
Sensa will guide you through your journey step by
step and tell you exactly what to do next. It’s got
all the tools you need in one place, and it’ll teach
you how to use them without any supervision or
assistance from a third party. And best of all, our
content is up-to-date and reviewed by behavioral
psychiatrists for safety and efficacy, ensuring that
we provide only the best for our learners.
Embark on a journey to
a calmer mind
Book a call to discuss how
Sensa can help your employees

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  • 1. How Corporate Leaders Can Protect Employees From Burnout
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents 1 Burnout. What’s behind the Great Resignation 3 Warning signs. Recognize burnout in others 5 Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers 2 The root of the problem. What causes burnout 4 The possible outcomes. How burnout could harm your business 6 Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach page 3 page 7 page 12 page 5 page 9 page 17
  • 3. 3 Burnout. What’s behind the Great Resignation Burnout. What’s behind The Great Resignation As leaders, we’re responsible for many things in our organizations. We ensure results are met, performance is maintained, and that company culture stays on-brand. Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop our co-workers and us from getting burned out. During The Great Resignation of 2021, 89% of people surveyed by Cengage Group Research stated that “feeling burned out and unsupported” was one of the top reasons they quit their job or planned to in the next six months. Burnout isn’t just feeling tired or stressed.The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” Its enormous negative impact has led WHO to include it in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).
  • 4. 4 Burnout. What’s behind the Great Resignation Think of burnout like a fever. A fever is a symptom of an underlying condition, such as the flu. But it’s not the problem itself; it’s your body’s way of saying “something is wrong.” Likewise, burnout is a sign that something has gone awry. The problem with burnout is that it doesn’t just impact the affected employee: it involves everyone around them. It can spread throughout a team or an entire company, influencing everything from productivity to talent retention and that delicate balance that keeps the team working towards its goal. Let’s take a closer look at what causes burnout at work and how we can transform companies into safer places to work. To avoid this outcome,employers need to take steps to help prevent burnout in the first place or help workers deal with it when it occurs.Companies are starting to recognize burnout as a real concern and make intentional efforts to prioritize employee well-being,both in terms of how they design work environments and how they manage personnel.
  • 5. 5 The root of the problem. What causes burnout The root of the problem. What causes burnout Burnout is usually the result of an imbalance between work demands and the resources available to deal with them. For instance, a person may be required to work long hours for low pay and, in some cases, under the constant pressure of abusive supervisors. The first step to helping your colleagues is understanding what it feels like to experience burnout. You have no energy to do anything You get annoyed by what you used to love doing Your brain is foggy, and you forget things No one seems to understand what it’s like to be in your shoes No project seems to make you excited anymore You dread going to work Every task seems extremely difficult You feel like your work doesn’t matter anyway, so why should you bother?
  • 6. 6 The root of the problem. What causes burnout In case of burnout, there’s a good chance that one of the following factors is to blame. Unrealistic expectations Repetitive tasks Micromanagement Work overload Imbalanced relationships If the company or the worker themself expects too much, it can eventually lead to burnout. We all have our breaking point, and when it’s pushed for too long, it can lead to severe conditions like heart diseases, depression, and anxiety. If a job involves repetitive tasks, these may eventually become tedious and lack a sense of accomplishment. The monotonous routine leaves employees frustrated and disengaged from their role, particularly if it’s been a long time since they achieved something or got praised. Micromanagement can be pretty frustrating for employees because it carries an implicit suggestion that they are not competent enough to get the job done on their own or lack the judgment to make the right decisions. The result? Employees feel like they don’t have the chance to grow in their current company, which is one of the primary reasons people quit their job. Workaholics are more likely to experience burnout due to being overloaded with work or simply because there are no boundaries between work life and private life. This is exacerbated by modern technology, allowing us to be on call 24/7. Workplace relationships are an essential part of the job, but when they become imbalanced or abusive, they often lead to major conflicts and employees quitting, seemingly out of nowhere. Unfair treatment, favoritism, and lack of support and recognition from managers can cause friction, especially if co-workers want to express their opinions or have totally different ideas.
  • 7. 7 Warning signs. Recognize burnout in others Warning signs. Recognize burnout in others Burnout can be subtle and hard to identify in others. You may miss signs because it’s not as obvious as, say, a raging temper or a total mental shutdown. People who have burned out tend to hide their feelings of exhaustion The most common and obvious symptoms include: and frustration from their colleagues for fear of being judged or penalized at work, and more often than not, they act out only with family and friends outside the office. Negativism and cynicism toward the job or other employees Decreased productivity Lower-quality work Absenteeism Lack of focus Constant headaches Irritability Nausea Insomnia Exhaustion
  • 8. 8 Recognize burnout in others Warning signs. Burned-out employees may seem “checked out” at work. They might spend less time around the office or stay near their desks instead of interacting with others. They may also seem less engaged during meetings or other workplace interactions. They may not participate as actively as usual and could appear disinterested in what’s going on. The way employees interact with each other can sometimes signal burnout as well. For example, they might start isolating themselves from others or be more short-tempered. Has someone’s face popped up in your head while reading this?
  • 9. 9 The possible outcomes. How burnout could harm your business The possible outcomes. How burnout could harm your business According to Gallup’s recent report, Employee Burnout: Causes and Cures, 76%of employees experience burnout on the job at least sometimes, and 28% say they are burned out “very often” or “always” at work. Gallup also reports that burned-out employees are 2.6 times more likely to actively seek a different job driving up turnover rates. Since employee turnover can be expensive, it’s essential to reduce employee burnout and improve retention. Let’s dig deeper into the outcomes of burnout from the perspective of both employees and employers.
  • 10. 10 The possible outcomes. How burnout could harm your business Possible outcomes for employees Poor physical and mental health Destructive behaviors Impact on personal life In addition to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and alcohol abuse, burnout can lead to physical problems such as musculoskeletal pain, gastric alterations, cardiovascular disorders, headaches, increased vulnerability to infections, insomnia, and chronic fatigue. It has also been found to dangerously increase blood cortisol levels and constitutes an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Burnout can lead to deviant and counterproductive behaviors, aggressiveness among colleagues and towards clients, alcohol and psychotropic drug use, misuse of corporate material, or even theft. Burnout doesn’t happen overnight. It starts small, with minor changes to routines and behaviors over time, and can affect family and social life in the long run.
  • 11. 11 The possible outcomes. How burnout could harm your business Poor quality results Decreased customer satisfaction Losing clients Negative company culture Higher turnover rate and economic loss Affected employees aren’t able to operate at full potential. They may not be able to solve problems as efficiently as they could before, ending up damaging the company’s reputation. Burned-out customer service representatives are less responsive and capable of helping customers with problems or giving good advice about products. In the worst cases, employees could lash out at customers driven by frustration and exhaustion. The outcome of the previous points is evident: decreased customer satisfaction and low-quality projects won’t make clients happy and could eventually lead them to look for another company. Burned-out workers tend to have a more negative view of the organization as a whole and may spread that negativity among their co-workers, which can have a domino effect. When employees feel burned out, they’ll likely start looking for other jobs – and once they’ve left, they won’t be coming back. The cost of replacing an employee can range from one-half to two times their annual salary. So, a 100-person organization providing an average salary of $50,000 could have turnover and replacement expenses of approximately $660,000 to $2.6 million per year. Possible outcomes for the company
  • 12. 12 Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers The best response to burnout “is to focus on fixing the workplace rather than focusing on fixing the worker,” said Dr. Christine Sinsky, MD, vice president at the AMA. “Burnout is related to stressors within the environment rather than to weakness on the part of susceptible individuals.” So, to wrap it up, burnout is not a personal problem. It’s a consequence of specific characteristics of the work activity. It’s about how companies structure their business, manage people, and approach the concept of work. Employees can fight burnout by making small changes in their daily routine, but there’s only so much they can do if the company itself doesn’t contribute to it. The good news is that there are lots of methods employers and employees can rely on to help manage burnout or even prevent it from happening in the first place.
  • 13. 13 Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers What can companies do Humanize work schedules and implement work-life balance plans Reward people with non-financial incentives Develop managers’ leadership Focus on maximizing the time employees spend working rather than on the number of hours they spend in the office. Consider offering flexible work schedules, telecommuting options, or health and wellness programs that let employees enjoy their path towards a healthier life. Besides fair salaries and bonuses, organizations can offer intangible incentives such as flexible work hours, additional vacation time, or professional development opportunities in areas of interest to them. Managers play an essential role in burnout prevention. They should model a healthy work-life balance, encourage employees to take breaks and vacations, and have open conversations about workloads and stress. Educate them to be responsive and empathic. Monitor burnout and design custom plans Observe your employees for signs of exhaustion or low morale and encourage one-on-one discussions to find out what’s bothering them and how you can help. Conduct regular surveys about employee engagement and satisfaction levels.
  • 14. 14 Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers What can companies do Recommend counseling services Offer training to develop hard skills and social skills Include coaching and guidance in your company’s benefits Employers can offer confidential counseling services and health care resources as part of their employee benefits package, which can effectively help employees deal with work stress before it leads to burnout. Employees who feel confident in their ability to perform tasks are less likely to experience burnout because they’re more likely to be successful at work. Likewise, strong social skills can help employees build positive relationships with their colleagues and better manage stress levels. Coaching has been shown to improve employee engagement by helping workers feel more empowered and motivated at work. And that’s just one of many ways companies can protect their employees.
  • 15. Work on how you work. 15 Save the day by saving your co-workers Work on efficient time management Rethink the way the team members approach tasks Make sure employees are not required to stay back after office hours. Also, it’s crucial for leaders to actively listen to their team members so they can gauge their stress levels at regular intervals. Adjust everyone’s role to their own skills, preferences, and needs, as long as they fulfill the mission. Establish clear communication guidelines in order for everyone to know who to go to with questions or issues. What can teams and leaders do Self-educate on what burnout is to be aware of the first possible signs Lack of awareness makes us less likely to identify the first signs and more likely to minimize employees’ struggles and not take them seriously.
  • 16. 16 Work on how you work. Save the day by saving your co-workers Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) leads people to reevaluate their vision of stressful situations to deal with them more effectively since individuals perceive situations differently and, therefore, are biased. CBT helps workers identify errors in their perception of reality to influence their trigger behavior in a positive way. What can individuals do Engage in workout activities Ask for psychotherapeutic treatment Get started on mindfulness training Rely on cognitive- behavioral techniques If you’re not already exercising regularly, start. You don’t need a gym membership or fancy equipment; take a walk or ride a bike every day. That will give your body an immediate boost and help clear your head of stress at the same time. Talking to a professional can help make sense of what’s going on. You can do your part with employees and colleagues by spreading a mature, healthy, and non- judgmental mindset about seeking a therapist’s help. The benefits of mindfulness include improved concentration, reduced stress, reduced negative emotions, and better immune system functioning, among other things. Cognitive-behavioral techniques can help by getting rid of unproductive thinking patterns that contribute to stress and anxiety.
  • 17. 17 Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach Psychologists use CBT to support people in managing stress and other mental health disorders. But companies can use these same techniques to help employees manage negative thoughts and rewire their thinking to cope with stressors more profitably. While you’re putting together your company burnout prevention plan,it may be worth considering new digital approaches. A healthy workplace – one that encourages creative thinking and productivity while preventing stress and burnout – can be obtained by infusing some healthy CBT practices into the company culture.
  • 18. 18 Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach Sensa is a CBT-based app made by professionalswho know very well how to to deal with every aspect of burnout! It’s a personal stress-free assistant that coaches employees on health and wellness by tailoring small everyday tasks. No one-size-fits-all templates: Sensa helps users heal at their own pace by exploring the right tools and techniques. We’re here because we want you and your team to feel better.Like, actually feel better.
  • 19. 19 Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach What can Sensa do Help incorporate more de- stressing exercises into the daily routine Teach breathing techniques Develop new patterns and habits Give tips to create a new sleep schedule Help set new healthy diet routines by understanding healthy eating principles Support in body image appreciation and self- compassion Find activities that promote pleasure and mastery Manage workload and pressure on the job Recognize and eliminate work- related stress Develop problem-solving skills Set goals that are easier to achieve Explore and practice mindfulness Deal with guilt and responsibility Improve confidence and self-esteem And so much more. Sensa is here to guide you and your co-workers through the entire journey to self-care, unlocking scientifically backed information to help you understand yourself better on your terms. Feel free to rest and recharge if you want to skip a day or two. You deserve it! We’re all about quality over quantity, which also applies to Sensa’s exercises. Are you ready to take your company to the next level?
  • 20. 20 Fight burnout to the core with our CBT-based digital approach About Sensa Sensa is a cognitive-behavioral therapy-based mobile app that helps companies help their employees one step at a time. The advice and guidance you find in Sensa come from trained experts in the field. Sensa will guide you through your journey step by step and tell you exactly what to do next. It’s got all the tools you need in one place, and it’ll teach you how to use them without any supervision or assistance from a third party. And best of all, our content is up-to-date and reviewed by behavioral psychiatrists for safety and efficacy, ensuring that we provide only the best for our learners.
  • 21. Embark on a journey to a calmer mind Book a call to discuss how Sensa can help your employees