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Web 2.0 for Business Presented by Rhonda Kleiman Economic Development Manager Stephanie Zimmerman Training Coordinator and
Today’s presentation What is Web 2.0? What are some of the most relevant implementations of Web 2.0 technology for business? Examples of each technology
Web 2.0 is an attitude,  not   a technology. -Ian Davis
Rich user interface (not!)
Rich user interface
Rich user interface The software tries to figure out what I want
Show me the Web2.0!
Web 2.0 Includes but is not limited to: Blogs Wikis RSS / Newsreaders Social Bookmarking & Tags Podcasts Video Blogs / Video Sharing Social Networking Sites (Facebook / MySpace) Twitter
Blogs Short for “web log” An easy to use online publishing tool Lists content in reverse date order  A great way to engage company staff (internal blog) & customers (external blog) in conversation Interactive when comments enabled
Blog Software Can be locally or remotely hosted
Blogs - Internal Alerts Projects Departmental News Brainstorming Customers Personal CEO The Corporate Blogging Book by Debbie Weil, Portfolio, c. 2006
IBM Internal Blogs http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/jasnell?entry=blogging_ibm  Monday May 16, 2005  IBM today is publishing an announcement on its Intranet site encouraging all 320,000+ employees world wide to consider engaging actively in the practice of &quot;blogging&quot;
IBM’s Main Blog Page http://www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en/
Blogs - External Communicate with customers Develop ongoing relationships with your customers Generate traffic to your website Public relations/marketing vehicle Thought leadership E-commerce Customer evangelists Viral marketing
Directory of small business blogs http://www.blogged.com/directory/business/small-business
Small business blogs on Bloglines http://www.bloglines.com
Fortune 500 company blogs http://www.socialtext.net/bizblogs/index.cgi
Sun blog guidelines page http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/media/blogs/policy.html
Starbuck’s Idea Blog-Internal and External http://mystarbucksidea.force.com/home/home.jsp
Local artist blog http://andysmithartist.blogspot.com/
Kodak blog http://1000words.kodak.com/
Dell blog http://direct2dell.com
Domaine547 blog & social network http://domaine547.com/
Wikis A Hawaiian word meaning “quick” A collaborative web space that anyone* can edit A useful tool for sharing knowledge or engaging users Brainstorming for new products and services Centralize corporate data Searchable – becomes a Knowledgebase Stop all that email! Stop the attachments!
Wiki Software Can be locally or remotely hosted  PhpWiki  – what Wikipedia uses Produces  Deki Wiki
Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
HP Small & Medium Business Printing Wiki http://expressioncentersmb.wetpaint.com/?t=anon
Library System of Lancaster County Internal Wiki
RSS Short for  R eally  S imple  S yndication Content from Web Sites published as “feeds” Don’t check multiple Web Sites each day Subscribe to the “feeds” An effective tool for keeping up on news and trends Great way to find out what people are saying about your business
RSS Icons Think orange… But not always…
Newsreaders Need to use Newsreader with RSS feeds Aka RSS Reader, Feed Reader or Aggregator Acts like a customizable newspaper Pull content from a variety of sources into one place
RSS Examples http://www.bloglines.com  Jerimiah Owyang of Forrester Research
RSS Examples – Entrepreneur.com http://www.entrepreneur.com/feeds/index.html
RSS Examples – McKinsey Quarterly http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/rss
Podcasts 2005 word of the year Combines the word “iPod” with “broadcast” An audio file that is available through RSS Audio on demand (mp3 popular format) Usually have option to play file without subscribing Play back on computer or portable media players http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcast
Business uses for podcasts Medium for news, entertainment and sports broadcasts New venue for advertisers, primarily as a sponsorship vehicle B-to-B podcasts connect a company to its customers
Podcatching Software
Podcast Directories
Small Business Administration Podcasts http://www.sba.gov/tools/audiovideo/Podcasts/index.html
Dixie Products MommyCast  Podcast http://www.makeitadixieday.com/mommy.asp
Podcasts available through Business & Company Resource Center database
Business & Company Resource Center
Video Blogs Sometimes shortened to vlog A blog whose medium is video Use RSS for syndication Subscribe with aggregator Fastest growing communication channel on the Web http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_blog
Video Hosting Services
Video Advertising Cheap and easy to produce Unlike banner ads, can use evocative music or comic timing to convey message Ads featuring videos garner much higher click-through rates than ads with text or graphics, according to Double-Click 19 % of Internet users watch videos online every day, according to Pew’s Internet & American Life Project. -  Get Ready for Your Close-Up, Inc. Magazine, Feb. 2008
Toyota Corolla Advertising on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=toyota+sketchies&search_type=
Toyota Corolla Commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITiKSjdK-lg
Furniture Showroom Virtual Tour http://www.furnituretoday.com/info/CA6490793.html
Levi’s 501 Jeans – Stealth Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pShf2VuAu_Q
Johnson & Johnson Baby Products Division http://www.touchingbond.com/
Viral Video http://www.willitblend.com/
Viral Video http://www.rjefurn.com/
Webcasts Broadcasting over the Internet Uses streaming media technology Can be live or recorded Useful for investor relations E-learning – to transmit seminars http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webcast
Investor Relations http://investor.dardenrestaurants.com/ir_ReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=292030
Seth Godin Marketing Webinar
Seth Godin Marketing Webinar
Seth Godin Marketing Webinar
Social Networking Services Communities of people who share interests and activities Allow you to create a profile Picture Description Uses: Making “friends” – keeping in touch Making business contacts/networking Generate leads and sales Allow you to create groups Upload videos, pictures, etc.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network_service
3 Big Players
Jeremiah Owyang  http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/
My LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com
LinkedIn Feature on OneSource
Hoover’s Connect – Isaac’s Deli
Sales professionals social network http://www.salesconx.com/
Business Use of Facebook People research Networking research Find interest groups Create a group Conduct a survey Online focus groups Perform strategic listening Find further resources in your field Find conferences & events
Duke Street Business Center Facebook Profile http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=6088http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lancaster-PA/Duke-Street-Business-Center-at-Lancaster-Public-Library/1028791399842054
Shopping social network http://www.slickdeals.net/
Get Buttoned Up http://www.getbuttonedup.com/
Get Buttoned Up on Facebook http://www.getbuttonedup.com/
Cartier MySpace page http://www.myspace.com/lovebycartier
Internal Social Network Dow Chemical launches social networking project Provides online arena to get jobs data to former, current employees Connect global sales teams Share new product information http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9030719
IBM’s Beehive http://domino.research.ibm.com/cambridge/research.nsf/ 99751d8eb5a20c1f852568db004efc90/8b6d4cd68fc12b52852573d1005cc0fc?OpenDocument
twitter A form of IM The site states: “ Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question:  What are you doing?  “ Micro-blogging http://twitter.com/
twitter Updates Received in the following ways: On twitter Website IM SMS (text messages on cell phone) RSS Email http://twitter.com/
Possible uses of twitter for early business adopters Breaking news Instantly keeping up with company press releases and announcements,  Promotions and marketing Quick and dirty market research & instant surveys Understand key industry influencers Get instant answers through network of professional colleagues Takes place of office water cooler
Social Bookmarking/Tags Access your bookmarks from ANY computer with an Internet connection Not tied to Internet Explorer Favorites, Firefox Bookmarks, or other browsers Get out of “Folder” mentality Categorize sites with TAGS Tags are a way to label data with your own words or popular words others have used Share with others
Social Bookmark Networks
Stephanie’s delicious http://delicious.com/Slzimm1/bus2.0pres
Rhonda’s Tags in delicious http://delicious.com/tags/rhkbiz
Subscribe to Tags
Read in Aggregator
Business Week – Business Exchange http://bx.businessweek.com/
Business Week – Business Exchange http://bx.businessweek.com/web-20/
Find it ALL on delicious All links in this presentation can be found at: http://delicious.com/Slzimm1/bus2.0pres   The presentation can be found at: http://www.slideshare.net/Slzimm1
Find it ALL on delicious http://delicious.com/Slzimm1/bus2.0pres
So what? “Web 1.0 was all about  connecting  people…”  -Sir Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the Web
So what? EMarketer forecasts that podcasts will be a $400 million advertising market by 2011 - Podcasting, Blogs Cause Major Boost, B to B, 4/23/2007, p.32-34 Gartner forecasts that 50% of US corporations will have implemented wikis by 2009 - Wikis at Work: Benefits and Practices, Chief Learning Officer, Feb. 2008, p. 58 In the last 2 years, the number of blogs has increased nearly 15-fold to 113 million up from 7.8million in March 2005, according to Technorati -  Be Sociable, Marketing News, 1/15/2008, p. 12-16
So what? Web 2.0 technologies allow us to have a conversation with our customers Passionate customers  want to know more Passionate customers  want to be involved Ambivalent customers  can tell us why
What does it take? You don’t have to break the bank!
What does it take? A great  team!
What does it take? Employees  willing to try  new things
What does it take? And yes, a  curiosity about technology
What does it take? An organizational culture willing to  embrace constant change
Thank you!

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  • 1. Web 2.0 for Business Presented by Rhonda Kleiman Economic Development Manager Stephanie Zimmerman Training Coordinator and
  • 2. Today’s presentation What is Web 2.0? What are some of the most relevant implementations of Web 2.0 technology for business? Examples of each technology
  • 3. Web 2.0 is an attitude, not a technology. -Ian Davis
  • 6. Rich user interface The software tries to figure out what I want
  • 7. Show me the Web2.0!
  • 9. Web 2.0 Includes but is not limited to: Blogs Wikis RSS / Newsreaders Social Bookmarking & Tags Podcasts Video Blogs / Video Sharing Social Networking Sites (Facebook / MySpace) Twitter
  • 10. Blogs Short for “web log” An easy to use online publishing tool Lists content in reverse date order A great way to engage company staff (internal blog) & customers (external blog) in conversation Interactive when comments enabled
  • 11. Blog Software Can be locally or remotely hosted
  • 12. Blogs - Internal Alerts Projects Departmental News Brainstorming Customers Personal CEO The Corporate Blogging Book by Debbie Weil, Portfolio, c. 2006
  • 13. IBM Internal Blogs http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/jasnell?entry=blogging_ibm Monday May 16, 2005 IBM today is publishing an announcement on its Intranet site encouraging all 320,000+ employees world wide to consider engaging actively in the practice of &quot;blogging&quot;
  • 14. IBM’s Main Blog Page http://www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en/
  • 15. Blogs - External Communicate with customers Develop ongoing relationships with your customers Generate traffic to your website Public relations/marketing vehicle Thought leadership E-commerce Customer evangelists Viral marketing
  • 16. Directory of small business blogs http://www.blogged.com/directory/business/small-business
  • 17. Small business blogs on Bloglines http://www.bloglines.com
  • 18. Fortune 500 company blogs http://www.socialtext.net/bizblogs/index.cgi
  • 19. Sun blog guidelines page http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/media/blogs/policy.html
  • 20. Starbuck’s Idea Blog-Internal and External http://mystarbucksidea.force.com/home/home.jsp
  • 21. Local artist blog http://andysmithartist.blogspot.com/
  • 24. Domaine547 blog & social network http://domaine547.com/
  • 25. Wikis A Hawaiian word meaning “quick” A collaborative web space that anyone* can edit A useful tool for sharing knowledge or engaging users Brainstorming for new products and services Centralize corporate data Searchable – becomes a Knowledgebase Stop all that email! Stop the attachments!
  • 26. Wiki Software Can be locally or remotely hosted PhpWiki – what Wikipedia uses Produces Deki Wiki
  • 28. HP Small & Medium Business Printing Wiki http://expressioncentersmb.wetpaint.com/?t=anon
  • 29. Library System of Lancaster County Internal Wiki
  • 30. RSS Short for R eally S imple S yndication Content from Web Sites published as “feeds” Don’t check multiple Web Sites each day Subscribe to the “feeds” An effective tool for keeping up on news and trends Great way to find out what people are saying about your business
  • 31. RSS Icons Think orange… But not always…
  • 32. Newsreaders Need to use Newsreader with RSS feeds Aka RSS Reader, Feed Reader or Aggregator Acts like a customizable newspaper Pull content from a variety of sources into one place
  • 33. RSS Examples http://www.bloglines.com Jerimiah Owyang of Forrester Research
  • 34. RSS Examples – Entrepreneur.com http://www.entrepreneur.com/feeds/index.html
  • 35. RSS Examples – McKinsey Quarterly http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/rss
  • 36. Podcasts 2005 word of the year Combines the word “iPod” with “broadcast” An audio file that is available through RSS Audio on demand (mp3 popular format) Usually have option to play file without subscribing Play back on computer or portable media players http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcast
  • 37. Business uses for podcasts Medium for news, entertainment and sports broadcasts New venue for advertisers, primarily as a sponsorship vehicle B-to-B podcasts connect a company to its customers
  • 40. Small Business Administration Podcasts http://www.sba.gov/tools/audiovideo/Podcasts/index.html
  • 41. Dixie Products MommyCast Podcast http://www.makeitadixieday.com/mommy.asp
  • 42. Podcasts available through Business & Company Resource Center database
  • 43. Business & Company Resource Center
  • 44. Video Blogs Sometimes shortened to vlog A blog whose medium is video Use RSS for syndication Subscribe with aggregator Fastest growing communication channel on the Web http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_blog
  • 46. Video Advertising Cheap and easy to produce Unlike banner ads, can use evocative music or comic timing to convey message Ads featuring videos garner much higher click-through rates than ads with text or graphics, according to Double-Click 19 % of Internet users watch videos online every day, according to Pew’s Internet & American Life Project. - Get Ready for Your Close-Up, Inc. Magazine, Feb. 2008
  • 47. Toyota Corolla Advertising on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=toyota+sketchies&search_type=
  • 48. Toyota Corolla Commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITiKSjdK-lg
  • 49. Furniture Showroom Virtual Tour http://www.furnituretoday.com/info/CA6490793.html
  • 50. Levi’s 501 Jeans – Stealth Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pShf2VuAu_Q
  • 51. Johnson & Johnson Baby Products Division http://www.touchingbond.com/
  • 54. Webcasts Broadcasting over the Internet Uses streaming media technology Can be live or recorded Useful for investor relations E-learning – to transmit seminars http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webcast
  • 59. Social Networking Services Communities of people who share interests and activities Allow you to create a profile Picture Description Uses: Making “friends” – keeping in touch Making business contacts/networking Generate leads and sales Allow you to create groups Upload videos, pictures, etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network_service
  • 61. Jeremiah Owyang http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/
  • 63. LinkedIn Feature on OneSource
  • 64. Hoover’s Connect – Isaac’s Deli
  • 65. Sales professionals social network http://www.salesconx.com/
  • 66. Business Use of Facebook People research Networking research Find interest groups Create a group Conduct a survey Online focus groups Perform strategic listening Find further resources in your field Find conferences & events
  • 67. Duke Street Business Center Facebook Profile http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=6088http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lancaster-PA/Duke-Street-Business-Center-at-Lancaster-Public-Library/1028791399842054
  • 68. Shopping social network http://www.slickdeals.net/
  • 69. Get Buttoned Up http://www.getbuttonedup.com/
  • 70. Get Buttoned Up on Facebook http://www.getbuttonedup.com/
  • 71. Cartier MySpace page http://www.myspace.com/lovebycartier
  • 72. Internal Social Network Dow Chemical launches social networking project Provides online arena to get jobs data to former, current employees Connect global sales teams Share new product information http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9030719
  • 73. IBM’s Beehive http://domino.research.ibm.com/cambridge/research.nsf/ 99751d8eb5a20c1f852568db004efc90/8b6d4cd68fc12b52852573d1005cc0fc?OpenDocument
  • 74. twitter A form of IM The site states: “ Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? “ Micro-blogging http://twitter.com/
  • 75. twitter Updates Received in the following ways: On twitter Website IM SMS (text messages on cell phone) RSS Email http://twitter.com/
  • 76. Possible uses of twitter for early business adopters Breaking news Instantly keeping up with company press releases and announcements, Promotions and marketing Quick and dirty market research & instant surveys Understand key industry influencers Get instant answers through network of professional colleagues Takes place of office water cooler
  • 77. Social Bookmarking/Tags Access your bookmarks from ANY computer with an Internet connection Not tied to Internet Explorer Favorites, Firefox Bookmarks, or other browsers Get out of “Folder” mentality Categorize sites with TAGS Tags are a way to label data with your own words or popular words others have used Share with others
  • 80. Rhonda’s Tags in delicious http://delicious.com/tags/rhkbiz
  • 83. Business Week – Business Exchange http://bx.businessweek.com/
  • 84. Business Week – Business Exchange http://bx.businessweek.com/web-20/
  • 85. Find it ALL on delicious All links in this presentation can be found at: http://delicious.com/Slzimm1/bus2.0pres The presentation can be found at: http://www.slideshare.net/Slzimm1
  • 86. Find it ALL on delicious http://delicious.com/Slzimm1/bus2.0pres
  • 87. So what? “Web 1.0 was all about connecting people…” -Sir Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the Web
  • 88. So what? EMarketer forecasts that podcasts will be a $400 million advertising market by 2011 - Podcasting, Blogs Cause Major Boost, B to B, 4/23/2007, p.32-34 Gartner forecasts that 50% of US corporations will have implemented wikis by 2009 - Wikis at Work: Benefits and Practices, Chief Learning Officer, Feb. 2008, p. 58 In the last 2 years, the number of blogs has increased nearly 15-fold to 113 million up from 7.8million in March 2005, according to Technorati - Be Sociable, Marketing News, 1/15/2008, p. 12-16
  • 89. So what? Web 2.0 technologies allow us to have a conversation with our customers Passionate customers want to know more Passionate customers want to be involved Ambivalent customers can tell us why
  • 90. What does it take? You don’t have to break the bank!
  • 91. What does it take? A great team!
  • 92. What does it take? Employees willing to try new things
  • 93. What does it take? And yes, a curiosity about technology
  • 94. What does it take? An organizational culture willing to embrace constant change