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Unit HSC M3
Safeguarding and protection in
health and social care
Week 2a
Monday 4th December
Time to think…………
• Words from the letters in :-
• circumstantial
Learning Outcomes
• Outline five pieces of legislation in
relation to safeguarding and
protection of children and vulnerable
• Identify ways to ensure that evidence
of abuse is preserved.
Recap-Board Blast
• D2 (1.2)- Legislation.
• Feedback from Independent Learning Task
You need to cover one piece of
legislation in relation to children and
young people and one relating to
Independent Learning Task
• Summarise current legislation in relation to
safeguarding by producing a table.
Legislation Year How it relates to safeguarding
Equality Act 2010
Public Interest Disclosure
Care Act 2014
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Safeguarding Vulnerable
Groups Act
Whistleblowers are protected – applies
to protecting both children and adults
Protects and safeguards individuals
from harm or risk of harm by setting up
the vetting and barring system.
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Care Act 2014
• https://www.scie.org.uk/care-act-
Have you met your
• When abuse is suspected or alleged it is
vital that any potential evidence is
• The evidence may also be required in a
court of law.
• Abuse is a crime, and evidence will be
required in order to help secure
Matching Game
• In your groups match the type of evidence
to the description.
• Meeting at 12.30 by the gate.
Have you met your
Unit HSC M3
Safeguarding and protection in
health and social care
Week 2a
Time to Think……..
• You are the manager of a 50-bed nursing
home. If the home is run at full occupancy,
how much weekly income is generated if
the income for each room is £725 per
Learning Outcomes
• Explain the importance of an
accessible complaints procedure for
reducing the likelihood of abuse.
• Describe the roles and
responsibilities of a health an social
care practitioner when safeguarding
• C2- Describe actions to take if harm or
abuse is suspected or disclosed.
Remember to include:-
• Working within policies and procedures
• Lines of reporting
• Preservation of evidence
• Confidentiality
• Listening, non-judgemental
Civil and Human Rights
• Abuse is a violation of civil and human
• An accessible complaints procedure is an
essential part of providing a framework to
safeguard and protect adults.
• Complaints procedures will be in the
employers policies and procedures.
Board Blast-Care workers
must always……
Role in
Small Group Creative Task
• Using your person template create a
poster which states ‘How the health and
social care practitioner safeguarding
This Photo by Unknown Author is
licensed under CC BY-SA
Have you met your
• From your placement experience write a
paragraph to explain how YOU ensure you
are working within policies and
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Unit HSC M3
Safeguarding and protection in
health and social care
Week 2a
Time to think…………..
What does this image portray to you……………
Learning Outcomes
• Describe the importance of the
Victoria Climbie case in relation to the
Children Act 2004.
• Recognise the policies and
procedures to follow if harm or abuse
is suspected
Victoria Climbie Enquiry
• In April 2001 Lord Laming was asked to
carry out a report into the death of a young
girl named Victoria Climbie.
• “Victoria had the most beautiful smile that
lit up the room.” Patrick Cameron
Victoria Climbie
As a result of this case the Government passed the
Children Act in 2004 which provides the legislation for
ensuring the safety and protection of children, young
people and families.
Children Act 2004
• Requires local authorities to work together with
their partners for example, the police, the
probation service, youth offending teams to
promote the well-being of children. It also
established the Local Safeguarding Children
Have you met your
Small Group Case Studies
• Each group will be given four case studies.
• You must consider the consequences of
the action taken and the safeguarding
• Write up a short report to feedback to the
class on each case study.
• Lets look at some statements relating to
Child Abuse.
• Please circle is they are correct or
Unit HSC M3
Safeguarding and protection in
health and social care
Week 2a
Time to Think…………
• Times Table Bingo
Placement Q&A
• News from Placements
December 20th- not required in placement BUT must
let placement know.
Chelsea Murray
Lydia Price
Chloe Yeomans
Learning Outcomes
• Identify how to provide support for personal
care safely
• Describe how the health and social care
practitioner safeguards themselves
• Explain the role of the occupational therapist
• D2- Outline one piece of legislation in
relation to the safeguarding and protection
of children and young people.
• Establish the level and type of support and
individual needs for personal care.
• For example, do not offer a bath to a
service user if this has been assessed as
• The individuals personal care needs will be
described in the care plan.
What needs to be considered?
Role of Occupational
• Job
An Occupational Therapist will look at the level of
support they require in Activities of Daily Living (
ADL) .For example, after a hip replacement,
someone may find it difficult to get in and out of
the bath. Grab rails could be fitted in the
bathroom to make this easier.
• When dealing with bodily waste it is
essential to wear PPE.
• PPE includes disposable gloves and
aprons and face masks.
• Explain the reasons to the service user.
Equipment used for personal
Individual Task
• Write a paragraph to describe ‘ How the
health and social care practitioner
safeguards themselves when carrying out
personal care’
• A1 (2.2)

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Safeguarding week 2a

  • 1. Unit HSC M3 Safeguarding and protection in health and social care Week 2a Monday 4th December 2017
  • 2. Time to think………… • Words from the letters in :- • circumstantial
  • 3. Learning Outcomes • Outline five pieces of legislation in relation to safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults. • Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved.
  • 4. Recap-Board Blast • D2 (1.2)- Legislation. • Feedback from Independent Learning Task You need to cover one piece of legislation in relation to children and young people and one relating to adults
  • 5. Independent Learning Task • Summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding by producing a table. Legislation Year How it relates to safeguarding Equality Act 2010 Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 Care Act 2014 Mental Capacity Act 2005 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 Whistleblowers are protected – applies to protecting both children and adults Protects and safeguards individuals from harm or risk of harm by setting up the vetting and barring system. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
  • 6. Care Act 2014 • https://www.scie.org.uk/care-act- 2014/video.asp
  • 7. Have you met your objectives?
  • 8. Evidence • When abuse is suspected or alleged it is vital that any potential evidence is preserved. • The evidence may also be required in a court of law. • Abuse is a crime, and evidence will be required in order to help secure convictions.
  • 9. Matching Game • In your groups match the type of evidence to the description.
  • 10. Trip • Meeting at 12.30 by the gate.
  • 11. Have you met your objectives?
  • 12. Unit HSC M3 Safeguarding and protection in health and social care Week 2a Tuesday
  • 13. Time to Think…….. • You are the manager of a 50-bed nursing home. If the home is run at full occupancy, how much weekly income is generated if the income for each room is £725 per week?
  • 14. Learning Outcomes • Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse. • Describe the roles and responsibilities of a health an social care practitioner when safeguarding individuals.
  • 15. Recap • C2- Describe actions to take if harm or abuse is suspected or disclosed. Remember to include:- • Working within policies and procedures • Lines of reporting • Preservation of evidence • Confidentiality • Listening, non-judgemental
  • 16. Civil and Human Rights • Abuse is a violation of civil and human rights. • An accessible complaints procedure is an essential part of providing a framework to safeguard and protect adults. • Complaints procedures will be in the employers policies and procedures.
  • 17. Board Blast-Care workers must always…… Role in safeguarding
  • 18. Small Group Creative Task • Using your person template create a poster which states ‘How the health and social care practitioner safeguarding individuals’ This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
  • 20. Have you met your objectives?
  • 21. Reflect • From your placement experience write a paragraph to explain how YOU ensure you are working within policies and procedures. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
  • 22. Unit HSC M3 Safeguarding and protection in health and social care Week 2a Thursday
  • 23. Time to think………….. What does this image portray to you……………
  • 24. Learning Outcomes • Describe the importance of the Victoria Climbie case in relation to the Children Act 2004. • Recognise the policies and procedures to follow if harm or abuse is suspected
  • 25. Victoria Climbie Enquiry • In April 2001 Lord Laming was asked to carry out a report into the death of a young girl named Victoria Climbie. • “Victoria had the most beautiful smile that lit up the room.” Patrick Cameron
  • 26. Victoria Climbie As a result of this case the Government passed the Children Act in 2004 which provides the legislation for ensuring the safety and protection of children, young people and families. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtAfwENUUps
  • 27. Children Act 2004 • Requires local authorities to work together with their partners for example, the police, the probation service, youth offending teams to promote the well-being of children. It also established the Local Safeguarding Children Board.
  • 28. Have you met your objectives?
  • 29. Small Group Case Studies • Each group will be given four case studies. • You must consider the consequences of the action taken and the safeguarding implications. • Write up a short report to feedback to the class on each case study.
  • 31. Reflect • Lets look at some statements relating to Child Abuse. • Please circle is they are correct or incorrect.
  • 32. Unit HSC M3 Safeguarding and protection in health and social care Week 2a Friday
  • 33. Time to Think………… • Times Table Bingo
  • 34. Placement Q&A • News from Placements December 20th- not required in placement BUT must let placement know. Speakers:- Chelsea Murray Lydia Price Chloe Yeomans
  • 35. Learning Outcomes • Identify how to provide support for personal care safely • Describe how the health and social care practitioner safeguards themselves • Explain the role of the occupational therapist
  • 36. Recap • D2- Outline one piece of legislation in relation to the safeguarding and protection of children and young people.
  • 37. • Establish the level and type of support and individual needs for personal care. • For example, do not offer a bath to a service user if this has been assessed as unsafe. • The individuals personal care needs will be described in the care plan.
  • 38. What needs to be considered?
  • 39. Role of Occupational Therapist • Job An Occupational Therapist will look at the level of support they require in Activities of Daily Living ( ADL) .For example, after a hip replacement, someone may find it difficult to get in and out of the bath. Grab rails could be fitted in the bathroom to make this easier.
  • 40. PPE • When dealing with bodily waste it is essential to wear PPE. • PPE includes disposable gloves and aprons and face masks. • Explain the reasons to the service user.
  • 41. Equipment used for personal care
  • 42. Individual Task • Write a paragraph to describe ‘ How the health and social care practitioner safeguards themselves when carrying out personal care’ • A1 (2.2)