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Sunny and Rishi 2
Written by: Basak Serin
“Let’s Be Musicians”
Section 1
Sunny and Rishi are brothers who are cleaners. They wish to seek new careers that are
compatible and may fit their criteria. They live with their younger sister, Jessica, and their
grandmother, Susie. They live in the city of Melissa. Sunny and Rishi are cats with big dreams.
Sunny is an orange and white tabby male cat. Rishi is an orange tabby male cat. Jessica is an
orange tabby female cat. Grandmother Susie is a brown tabby female cat.
Sunny and Rishi just entered the pizza place to start their cleaning jobs.
Their friend, Rocket the raccoon, works at the pizza place. He is the only employee there, and he
also delivers pizzas. He is a gray raccoon with brown eyes. He wears a work uniform and a blue
and red baseball cap.
“Hey, Sunny! Oh, hey, Rishi!” Rocket, the racoon, said as he waved his paw.
“Hi, Rocket. Let’s get to business, I mean, cleaning.” Sunny said.
“Sure thing! Here are your cleaning supplies. The kitchen needs to be cleaned, as does the oven;
uh, good luck with that! You know, since grease and grime are hard to come off!” said Rocket.
The oven is very dirty and smells rancid.
“Oww,” Rishi said as he frowned.
The crew cleaned the kitchen. The duo is taking their time cleaning the oven.
“There. Done.” said Rishi as he panted. “Phew! We are done, Sunny!”
“Yeah, I am glad this is over,” Sunny said.
“What a hard, tiresome day!” said Rishi as he took his gloves off.
“I agree,” said Sunny, unamused.
Sunny and Rishi have just finished cleaning the pizza restaurant called, “Pretzel’s Pizza Place”.
They seem awfully tired.
They walk over to Rocket, claiming that their duties are done. Rocket gives them their paychecks
and free pizza!
“Thank you, Sunny and Rishi! You guys deserve free pizza!” Rocket said he gave the boys a box
of pizza.
Just as Sunny and Rishi were about to leave, their favorite rapper, DarkCat, entered the
DarkCat is a famous rapper. He is a black male cat with long fur. He has yellow eyes. He wears a
dark purple choker. He owns a dark purple guitar. He is cool. His music is often in the genres of
hip-hop, trap, rap, and metal. His full name is “Dark Chocolate”.
“Hello! It’s DarkCat! I would like to order a cheese pizza! Back-to-back touring makes me
hungry!” DarkCat shouted as cool music played in the background. His sunglasses are gold.
“D-D-DarkCat?!” Sunny, Rishi, and Rocket screamed. They are all surprised when they see their
favorite singer and celebrity.
“Don’t be so surprised when you see me. It’s cool! I love my fans!” DarkCat said.
“Ah! My brother, Rishi, and I are your biggest fans! He and I have written some songs! But we
just need someone who can produce it for us.” Sunny said excitedly.
“Let me see ‘em?” DarkCat asked Sunny.
Sunny handed DarkCat the song lyrics that both he and Rishi wrote. DarkCat seems very
“…and you can finally scratch “musicians” off your list? Am I right, Sunny?” Rishi whispered to
“Shhh! I think DarkCat is about to say something.” Sunny told his brother.
“Excellent! I think you cats are great! Your songwriting skills are excellent! Just call or email if
you want to meet up to produce these songs.” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi.
“Yes! How about tomorrow afternoon? How does that sound, DarkCat?!” Rishi asked excitedly.
“Sure,” DarkCat said.
“Yes!” Sunny and Rishi said while they giving each other high fives.
“DarkCat, your pizza is ready, along with your orange juice.” Rocket told DarkCat. “Oh, by the
way, love your music!”
“Thank you, Rocket! I can’t wait to eat some pizza and relax. I have been touring from Los
Angeles to Sacramento! From Moore, Oklahoma, to Oklahoma City! So tired!” DarkCat told all
as he took off.
They all waved goodbye. Sunny and Rishi then head home.
Section 2
Morning is here, and Sunny, Rishi, Jessica, and Grandma Susie all get ready to start their day.
Grandma Susie made breakfast. She made confetti pancakes, breakfast toast with butter, and
banana milkshakes.
“What a wonderful day!” Grandma Susie told her grandkids.
“Yes! The breakfast smells very good!” Jessica said.
“So, Rishi and I are going to meet our favorite rapper, DarkCat! I am so excited. Today he is
letting us make music in his recording studio! We’ll be out soon!” Sunny said happily.
“So, I guess Sunny and I are officially musicians?” Rishi told his family.
“Slow it down,” Grandma Susie said. “Give it a try and see if it works out.”
“Oh! Why do you always have to ruin our ambitions?!” Sunny hollered at Susie.
“Oh! Sunny! I didn’t mean to! Just good luck today,” she said.
“I bet I can sing, too! La-la-la! I am a golden, cute kitty!!” Jessica sang loudly on her tippy toes
while dancing. She is a very cute cat.
Rishi and Sunny covered their ears.
“Aww, Jessica! You are good! Eat your toast, please! Today, you and I are going to hang out in
my clothing store. I have lots of dresses to sell today!” Grandma Susie told her granddaughter,
Jessica. Grandma Susie is a knitter and a clothing designer and maker.
“Okay!” Jessica giggled.
Grandma Susie turned her head toward the boys. “May I take a look at your songs?” she asked.
Rishi and Sunny handed her the songs. She is amazed. She told the boys that they would do well
considering how well they wrote their songs.
“Yeah, I hope something good comes out of today,” Rishi said.
Breakfast is done, and Sunny and Rishi are headed out to DarkCat’s music studio. Sunny and
Rishi are excited and getting ready to go.
“Okay, Nana, we are going to be musicians now.” Rishi said as the duo left the apartment.
“Okay, boys,” Grandma Susie said.
“Bye!” said Jessica.
Sunny and Rishi get in their car and drive off to the music studio.
Section 3
Sunny and Rishi have made it to the recording studio. The name of the recording studio is
“Melissa’s Musical Studios”. They are very excited. They park their car and enter the building.
“Hello,” said the cat named Tana, who works at the front desk lobby. “You two must be Sunny
and Rishi?” she said.
“Yes, we are,” said Sunny in a cool way.
“DarkCat is located in recording room sixteen, which is located on floor three. Just take the
elevator, and you will be there. Good luck, Sunny and Rishi!” Tana said.
“Thanks!” said Sunny and Rishi. The two went to DarkCat’s recording room. They are eager to
begin their musical careers.
DarkCat is excited and wants to help Rishi and Sunny be successful in their music careers.
“Hello, Sunny and Rishi!” DarkCat cheered. “My fellow music producers and I have some beats
that I would like you both to hear as you produce your music and songs!” he said.
“Thanks!” said Rishi. “Music producers like whom?” he asked.
“Oh! Have you heard of Razor, Gizmo, Shadow, and Blair? I think you two will be amazed!”
said DarkCat as he showed them his recording room.
“Yes! Sweet!” said Sunny. “Where do we begin?!” he said as he held his lyric sheets.
DarkCat showed them musical beats one, two, and three. They listened to the musical beats.
Sunny must choose one beat so he can sing his songs. Sunny told DarkCat he prefers trap metal
and hip-hop beats.
“Okay, Sunny, you go first!” said DarkCat. “After you, Rishi can go. Then, you two can sing
your duet song! Good luck!” He told them both as he put his headphones on to listen to Sunny’s
“I was wondering who produced this beat? It’s awesome!” Sunny asked.
“The one and only Razor!” DarkCat told Sunny. Sunny smiled and continued. He is a little
nervous, but happy at the same time.
“Okay, here it goes,” Sunny said as he took a deep breath.
Sunny’s song is called “Sunlight”.
Written and sung by: Sunny
Produced by: Razor
The name’s Sunny, and I am sun-stoppable
There is nothing that can stop
Me from making it to the top
Let me tell you, I let my abilities make that possible
Screw the stress and hardship
If you mess with me, I’ll turn into a killer bee
Let me just say that lots of sunshine is good for you
Sunshine provides you with that vitamin D (hey!)
The name’s Sunny, and I am sun-stoppable
There is nothing that can stop
Me from making it to the top
Let me tell you, I let my abilities make that possible
The sun’s UV rays are so strong
So don’t stay in the sun too long
Without sunscreen
If you cross my line, the sun will give you a sunburn
Why you bullies be mean and angry?
Just ‘cause you have a rainy day?
I swear the stress gives me that heartburn
Don’t mess with my sunlight
‘Cause it’s mine
And the sun looks so fine
And it’s Sunny’s time to shine!
Sunny did a good job. Both DarkCat and Rishi are amused, amazed, and shocked at his melodic
“I don’t believe it,” said DarkCat with his eyes wide open.
“Me neither,” said Rishi.
“Thanks! Beat that, Rishi,” Sunny said confidently.
“You are next!” said DarkCat. He let Rishi pick a musical beat and let him begin. The genre is a
mix of hip-hop and metal. The musical beat’s producer’s name is Shadow. Shadow is a black and
white tabby male cat with blue eyes. He is a music producer and artist.
“Okay,” Rishi said.
Rishi’s song is called “Orange Music”.
“Orange Music”
Written and sung by: Rishi
Produced by: Shadow
What am I gonna do with all this excess stress?
What am I gonna do with all this excess mess?
Don’t worry, I am a cleaner
I am a hard worker, so don’t take granted for the things I do!
At least I ain’t getting’ any weaker
At least I ain’t a greedy trouble seeker
At least I ain’t a greedy beekeeper
No, I wanna be an achiever!
It’s Rishi! It’s Rishi! It’s Rishi!
I am here to vent
All my emotions, and yes
I am here to represent
Myself, I think I am too tired to make any progress (No!)
(Aye, don’t mess with Rishi)
Underneath this orange fur, I hold my grudge
I may be silly, but at least I am kind to animals
Who are you people to judge?
I am so good; I might as well make it to the internationals!
(Go Rishi! Go Rishi!)
Sunny and DarkCat both cheered. DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi to sing their duet song. They all
worked together for the next one.
“Dang, that was very good. You poured your heart into that song, Rishi! You okay?” DarkCat
told him.
“Yeah,” he said.
“What’s the next song called?” asked DarkCat.
“Emperor Cats,” Sunny said. DarkCat let them choose the genres of hard metal, trap, and rap for
this song.
Sunny and Rishi get ready to sing their song, “Emperor Cats”. The music was produced by
DarkCat himself.
“Emperor Cats”
Written and sung by Sunny and Rishi
Produced by: DarkCat
Alright, bro, you got it?
Just making sure you got it
Let me express my thoughts here
Been bullied since preschool ‘till the end of high school
Don’t mess with me, ‘cause my tension is severe
Screw you all; my enemies are not cool!
My ambition for writing is as strong as systemic candidiasis
Can’t swallow all this painful judgment from you all
It freakin’ feels like I have dysphagia (Sheesh!)
I am going to be so big; someday I am going to tour in Nepal!
Thanks, Sunny; that was nice of you
Give us our respect! (x3)
Seize a nation; don’t care!
Be somebody! Don’t be unaware
Rule a country; be fair
We are the Emperor Cats (x3)
At least I ain’t unsympathetic like cold-hearted people
At least I ain’t heartless like dumb people
Life is difficult, but I cannot get breaks
What’s it gonna take for us to get our respect?
Must we be perfect? Must we be perfect?!
Give us our respect! (x3)
We are the Emperor Cats! (x3)
(Sunny and Rishi)
Give us our respect! (x3)
We are the Emperor Cats!
Sunny and Rishi did a good, excellent job. Even DarkCat was surprised.
“Sunny. Rishi. You both did great! I am going to call my boss, Malia, and inform her and show
her your talents! Maybe we can get you both signed and a record label!” DarkCat told them.
Sunny and Rishi cheered. DarkCat called his boss, Malia, who is a brown and white tabby
female cat with blue eyes. Malia told him that the boys were good and talented. However, there
is a surprise.
“They are just like professionals!” Malia shouted from DarkCat’s phone. Malia informed
DarkCat that Sunny and Rishi are required to move out of state for their musical jobs. This
means Sunny and Rishi would have to move thousands of miles away from their hometown of
Melissa and be away from their family and friends.
DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi the great news and the hard news.
“Wow! Awesome!” said Sunny.
“That’s great and all, but we can’t relocate somewhere else and be away from our family! What
if we are unsuccessful? This is a hard choice, Sunny.” Rishi concluded.
“Oh, come on, Rishi. Don’t ruin everything. This is our only chance to succeed, and I am not
going to let you ruin it!” Sunny said.
DarkCat watched as the two went back and forth. “Sunny and Rishi. It is okay to decline due to
relocation issues. Tell you what, I will keep your talent files with me, and you cats can come
meet me anytime that is flexible for all of us. What do you say?” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi.
“Really?” Sunny asked.
“Yes!” Rishi exclaimed.
Sunny thought to himself for a little bit. There are some jobs on his list that he is still willing to
try out, so he agreed with Rishi and DarkCat.
“Fine, I am in,” Sunny said.
“Sweet! You both are great musicians, and don’t forget my promise! Here are my phone number
and email! See you next time!” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi.
Sunny and Rishi cheered and went home.
Section 4
Sunny and Rishi came home and were informed by their grandmother that it was time for dinner.
“Hello, grandma,” Rishi said.
“How are you boys? How was today? Did you make talented songs? I made dinner! Enjoy!”
Grandmother Susie told them.
“Fine,” Sunny exhaled. “Rishi and I are talented musicians. Just won’t work out right now due to
relocation issues. I was hoping you’d listen to our songs?” He asked Susie.
Susie agreed and listened to their songs on Sunny’s phone. She told them they were very good.
“Thank you,” Rishi said as he ate his dinner. “Vegan spaghetti sure is the best! Yummy!”
“I agree!” said Sunny.
Grandma Susie thanked the boys.
“Sunny and Rishi rule! You all put your intentions, thoughts, and feelings into your music! Life
can be unfair sometimes, but it is important to look at the bright side of it.” Jessica told Sunny
and Rishi as she ate her dinner.
“You are right, Jessica!” Sunny said. “I agree with you. Always give it one more attempt; that's
the surest way to succeed.” Sunny told everyone. Everyone agreed.
Sunny did not cross “musicians” off his list but instead circled it as he believes he may have
another chance of becoming one. What’s the next career on Sunny’s list? What’s more for Sunny
and Rishi? Stay tuned!

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Sunny and Rishi 2 Written By Basak Serin

  • 1. Sunny and Rishi 2 Written by: Basak Serin
  • 2. “Let’s Be Musicians” Section 1 Sunny and Rishi are brothers who are cleaners. They wish to seek new careers that are compatible and may fit their criteria. They live with their younger sister, Jessica, and their grandmother, Susie. They live in the city of Melissa. Sunny and Rishi are cats with big dreams. Sunny is an orange and white tabby male cat. Rishi is an orange tabby male cat. Jessica is an orange tabby female cat. Grandmother Susie is a brown tabby female cat. Sunny and Rishi just entered the pizza place to start their cleaning jobs. Their friend, Rocket the raccoon, works at the pizza place. He is the only employee there, and he also delivers pizzas. He is a gray raccoon with brown eyes. He wears a work uniform and a blue and red baseball cap. “Hey, Sunny! Oh, hey, Rishi!” Rocket, the racoon, said as he waved his paw. “Hi, Rocket. Let’s get to business, I mean, cleaning.” Sunny said. “Sure thing! Here are your cleaning supplies. The kitchen needs to be cleaned, as does the oven; uh, good luck with that! You know, since grease and grime are hard to come off!” said Rocket. The oven is very dirty and smells rancid. “Oww,” Rishi said as he frowned. The crew cleaned the kitchen. The duo is taking their time cleaning the oven. “There. Done.” said Rishi as he panted. “Phew! We are done, Sunny!”
  • 3. “Yeah, I am glad this is over,” Sunny said. “What a hard, tiresome day!” said Rishi as he took his gloves off. “I agree,” said Sunny, unamused. Sunny and Rishi have just finished cleaning the pizza restaurant called, “Pretzel’s Pizza Place”. They seem awfully tired. They walk over to Rocket, claiming that their duties are done. Rocket gives them their paychecks and free pizza! “Thank you, Sunny and Rishi! You guys deserve free pizza!” Rocket said he gave the boys a box of pizza. Just as Sunny and Rishi were about to leave, their favorite rapper, DarkCat, entered the restaurant. DarkCat is a famous rapper. He is a black male cat with long fur. He has yellow eyes. He wears a dark purple choker. He owns a dark purple guitar. He is cool. His music is often in the genres of hip-hop, trap, rap, and metal. His full name is “Dark Chocolate”. “Hello! It’s DarkCat! I would like to order a cheese pizza! Back-to-back touring makes me hungry!” DarkCat shouted as cool music played in the background. His sunglasses are gold. “D-D-DarkCat?!” Sunny, Rishi, and Rocket screamed. They are all surprised when they see their favorite singer and celebrity. “Don’t be so surprised when you see me. It’s cool! I love my fans!” DarkCat said.
  • 4. “Ah! My brother, Rishi, and I are your biggest fans! He and I have written some songs! But we just need someone who can produce it for us.” Sunny said excitedly. “Let me see ‘em?” DarkCat asked Sunny. Sunny handed DarkCat the song lyrics that both he and Rishi wrote. DarkCat seems very interested. “…and you can finally scratch “musicians” off your list? Am I right, Sunny?” Rishi whispered to Sunny. “Shhh! I think DarkCat is about to say something.” Sunny told his brother. “Excellent! I think you cats are great! Your songwriting skills are excellent! Just call or email if you want to meet up to produce these songs.” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi. “Yes! How about tomorrow afternoon? How does that sound, DarkCat?!” Rishi asked excitedly. “Sure,” DarkCat said. “Yes!” Sunny and Rishi said while they giving each other high fives. “DarkCat, your pizza is ready, along with your orange juice.” Rocket told DarkCat. “Oh, by the way, love your music!” “Thank you, Rocket! I can’t wait to eat some pizza and relax. I have been touring from Los Angeles to Sacramento! From Moore, Oklahoma, to Oklahoma City! So tired!” DarkCat told all as he took off. They all waved goodbye. Sunny and Rishi then head home.
  • 5. Section 2 Morning is here, and Sunny, Rishi, Jessica, and Grandma Susie all get ready to start their day. Grandma Susie made breakfast. She made confetti pancakes, breakfast toast with butter, and banana milkshakes. “What a wonderful day!” Grandma Susie told her grandkids. “Yes! The breakfast smells very good!” Jessica said. “So, Rishi and I are going to meet our favorite rapper, DarkCat! I am so excited. Today he is letting us make music in his recording studio! We’ll be out soon!” Sunny said happily. “So, I guess Sunny and I are officially musicians?” Rishi told his family. “Slow it down,” Grandma Susie said. “Give it a try and see if it works out.” “Oh! Why do you always have to ruin our ambitions?!” Sunny hollered at Susie. “Oh! Sunny! I didn’t mean to! Just good luck today,” she said. “I bet I can sing, too! La-la-la! I am a golden, cute kitty!!” Jessica sang loudly on her tippy toes while dancing. She is a very cute cat. Rishi and Sunny covered their ears. “Aww, Jessica! You are good! Eat your toast, please! Today, you and I are going to hang out in my clothing store. I have lots of dresses to sell today!” Grandma Susie told her granddaughter, Jessica. Grandma Susie is a knitter and a clothing designer and maker.
  • 6. “Okay!” Jessica giggled. Grandma Susie turned her head toward the boys. “May I take a look at your songs?” she asked. Rishi and Sunny handed her the songs. She is amazed. She told the boys that they would do well considering how well they wrote their songs. “Yeah, I hope something good comes out of today,” Rishi said. Breakfast is done, and Sunny and Rishi are headed out to DarkCat’s music studio. Sunny and Rishi are excited and getting ready to go. “Okay, Nana, we are going to be musicians now.” Rishi said as the duo left the apartment. “Okay, boys,” Grandma Susie said. “Bye!” said Jessica. Sunny and Rishi get in their car and drive off to the music studio. Section 3 Sunny and Rishi have made it to the recording studio. The name of the recording studio is “Melissa’s Musical Studios”. They are very excited. They park their car and enter the building. “Hello,” said the cat named Tana, who works at the front desk lobby. “You two must be Sunny and Rishi?” she said. “Yes, we are,” said Sunny in a cool way.
  • 7. “DarkCat is located in recording room sixteen, which is located on floor three. Just take the elevator, and you will be there. Good luck, Sunny and Rishi!” Tana said. “Thanks!” said Sunny and Rishi. The two went to DarkCat’s recording room. They are eager to begin their musical careers. DarkCat is excited and wants to help Rishi and Sunny be successful in their music careers. “Hello, Sunny and Rishi!” DarkCat cheered. “My fellow music producers and I have some beats that I would like you both to hear as you produce your music and songs!” he said. “Thanks!” said Rishi. “Music producers like whom?” he asked. “Oh! Have you heard of Razor, Gizmo, Shadow, and Blair? I think you two will be amazed!” said DarkCat as he showed them his recording room. “Yes! Sweet!” said Sunny. “Where do we begin?!” he said as he held his lyric sheets. DarkCat showed them musical beats one, two, and three. They listened to the musical beats. Sunny must choose one beat so he can sing his songs. Sunny told DarkCat he prefers trap metal and hip-hop beats. “Okay, Sunny, you go first!” said DarkCat. “After you, Rishi can go. Then, you two can sing your duet song! Good luck!” He told them both as he put his headphones on to listen to Sunny’s song. “I was wondering who produced this beat? It’s awesome!” Sunny asked. “The one and only Razor!” DarkCat told Sunny. Sunny smiled and continued. He is a little nervous, but happy at the same time.
  • 8. “Okay, here it goes,” Sunny said as he took a deep breath. Sunny’s song is called “Sunlight”. “Sunlight” Written and sung by: Sunny Produced by: Razor (Sunny) The name’s Sunny, and I am sun-stoppable There is nothing that can stop Me from making it to the top Let me tell you, I let my abilities make that possible Screw the stress and hardship If you mess with me, I’ll turn into a killer bee Let me just say that lots of sunshine is good for you Sunshine provides you with that vitamin D (hey!) The name’s Sunny, and I am sun-stoppable There is nothing that can stop Me from making it to the top Let me tell you, I let my abilities make that possible The sun’s UV rays are so strong So don’t stay in the sun too long Without sunscreen
  • 9. If you cross my line, the sun will give you a sunburn Why you bullies be mean and angry? Just ‘cause you have a rainy day? I swear the stress gives me that heartburn (Sunny!) Don’t mess with my sunlight ‘Cause it’s mine And the sun looks so fine And it’s Sunny’s time to shine! Sunny did a good job. Both DarkCat and Rishi are amused, amazed, and shocked at his melodic performance. “I don’t believe it,” said DarkCat with his eyes wide open. “Me neither,” said Rishi. “Thanks! Beat that, Rishi,” Sunny said confidently. “You are next!” said DarkCat. He let Rishi pick a musical beat and let him begin. The genre is a mix of hip-hop and metal. The musical beat’s producer’s name is Shadow. Shadow is a black and white tabby male cat with blue eyes. He is a music producer and artist. “Okay,” Rishi said. Rishi’s song is called “Orange Music”.
  • 10. “Orange Music” Written and sung by: Rishi Produced by: Shadow (Rishi) (S-s-s-hadow) What am I gonna do with all this excess stress? What am I gonna do with all this excess mess? Don’t worry, I am a cleaner I am a hard worker, so don’t take granted for the things I do! At least I ain’t getting’ any weaker At least I ain’t a greedy trouble seeker At least I ain’t a greedy beekeeper No, I wanna be an achiever! It’s Rishi! It’s Rishi! It’s Rishi! I am here to vent All my emotions, and yes I am here to represent Myself, I think I am too tired to make any progress (No!) (Aye, don’t mess with Rishi) Underneath this orange fur, I hold my grudge I may be silly, but at least I am kind to animals Who are you people to judge? I am so good; I might as well make it to the internationals!
  • 11. (Go Rishi! Go Rishi!) (Shadow) Sunny and DarkCat both cheered. DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi to sing their duet song. They all worked together for the next one. “Dang, that was very good. You poured your heart into that song, Rishi! You okay?” DarkCat told him. “Yeah,” he said. “What’s the next song called?” asked DarkCat. “Emperor Cats,” Sunny said. DarkCat let them choose the genres of hard metal, trap, and rap for this song. Sunny and Rishi get ready to sing their song, “Emperor Cats”. The music was produced by DarkCat himself. “Emperor Cats” Written and sung by Sunny and Rishi Produced by: DarkCat (Sunny) Alright, bro, you got it? Just making sure you got it
  • 12. (Music) Let me express my thoughts here Been bullied since preschool ‘till the end of high school Don’t mess with me, ‘cause my tension is severe Screw you all; my enemies are not cool! My ambition for writing is as strong as systemic candidiasis Can’t swallow all this painful judgment from you all It freakin’ feels like I have dysphagia (Sheesh!) I am going to be so big; someday I am going to tour in Nepal! (Ha!) (Rishi) Thanks, Sunny; that was nice of you Give us our respect! (x3) Seize a nation; don’t care! Be somebody! Don’t be unaware Rule a country; be fair We are the Emperor Cats (x3) At least I ain’t unsympathetic like cold-hearted people At least I ain’t heartless like dumb people Life is difficult, but I cannot get breaks What’s it gonna take for us to get our respect? Must we be perfect? Must we be perfect?!
  • 13. (Ugh!) Give us our respect! (x3) We are the Emperor Cats! (x3) (Sunny and Rishi) Give us our respect! (x3) We are the Emperor Cats! Sunny and Rishi did a good, excellent job. Even DarkCat was surprised. “Sunny. Rishi. You both did great! I am going to call my boss, Malia, and inform her and show her your talents! Maybe we can get you both signed and a record label!” DarkCat told them. Sunny and Rishi cheered. DarkCat called his boss, Malia, who is a brown and white tabby female cat with blue eyes. Malia told him that the boys were good and talented. However, there is a surprise. “They are just like professionals!” Malia shouted from DarkCat’s phone. Malia informed DarkCat that Sunny and Rishi are required to move out of state for their musical jobs. This means Sunny and Rishi would have to move thousands of miles away from their hometown of Melissa and be away from their family and friends. DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi the great news and the hard news. “Wow! Awesome!” said Sunny. “That’s great and all, but we can’t relocate somewhere else and be away from our family! What if we are unsuccessful? This is a hard choice, Sunny.” Rishi concluded.
  • 14. “Oh, come on, Rishi. Don’t ruin everything. This is our only chance to succeed, and I am not going to let you ruin it!” Sunny said. DarkCat watched as the two went back and forth. “Sunny and Rishi. It is okay to decline due to relocation issues. Tell you what, I will keep your talent files with me, and you cats can come meet me anytime that is flexible for all of us. What do you say?” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi. “Really?” Sunny asked. “Yes!” Rishi exclaimed. Sunny thought to himself for a little bit. There are some jobs on his list that he is still willing to try out, so he agreed with Rishi and DarkCat. “Fine, I am in,” Sunny said. “Sweet! You both are great musicians, and don’t forget my promise! Here are my phone number and email! See you next time!” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi. Sunny and Rishi cheered and went home. Section 4 Sunny and Rishi came home and were informed by their grandmother that it was time for dinner. “Hello, grandma,” Rishi said. “How are you boys? How was today? Did you make talented songs? I made dinner! Enjoy!” Grandmother Susie told them.
  • 15. “Fine,” Sunny exhaled. “Rishi and I are talented musicians. Just won’t work out right now due to relocation issues. I was hoping you’d listen to our songs?” He asked Susie. Susie agreed and listened to their songs on Sunny’s phone. She told them they were very good. “Thank you,” Rishi said as he ate his dinner. “Vegan spaghetti sure is the best! Yummy!” “I agree!” said Sunny. Grandma Susie thanked the boys. “Sunny and Rishi rule! You all put your intentions, thoughts, and feelings into your music! Life can be unfair sometimes, but it is important to look at the bright side of it.” Jessica told Sunny and Rishi as she ate her dinner. “You are right, Jessica!” Sunny said. “I agree with you. Always give it one more attempt; that's the surest way to succeed.” Sunny told everyone. Everyone agreed. Sunny did not cross “musicians” off his list but instead circled it as he believes he may have another chance of becoming one. What’s the next career on Sunny’s list? What’s more for Sunny and Rishi? Stay tuned!