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I've felt for a while now, the need
to create a postive magazine that
will help people get more from
Each and every month, I will
bring you news, views and
thoughts to make your life better!
This month we focus on goal
setting - something that is really
important for your success
In this month's edition I talk about
setting clear goals.
I mean we have all set goals in the past
but have they really been that clear and
more importantly have you achieved
Well today all that changes!
1. Decide what you want
It does not matter how big or small your
goal is, you must decide what it is that
you want. For example if you want to
lose weight - what's the amount? If you
want more money, how much? If you
want success - well what is the
definition of success for you?
* This may take time so don't worry and
take the time you need. There will come
a point where you need to take action
so remember to figure out what you
want and then be ready to take action.
You must define your
goals, and decide what
you want
successful living - RichardButler.coach
Remember the “cliché” if you fail to plan
you plan to fail - yes might be a bit
corny but it sure as heck is the truth.
I really believe that the planning phase
is the most important stage when it
comes to achieving your goals. It does
not matter if planning come easy or
hard for you, however, one thing I know
is that without planning there will be no
goal and their will be no success.
In this month's edition I tell you what
works for me and how I plan goals.
2. Be specific
Don't set vague goals, for example “I
want more money.” The more specific
you are the better. So why not create a
goal like “I want to be earning an extra
$2,000 per month, by [Date]. I will do
this by starting a side gig......” You would
need to fill in the rest of the how, but
this is a better goal as it has specificity
and a date and a how.
4. Chunk your goal down
No matter if your goal is big or small you
will find that breaking it up into smaller
steps is going to make it easier. Think
about eating an elephant — it would be
impossible to eat it in one go, but if you
were to cut it up into chunks it is more
(Don't ask me why you would want to
eat an elephant!)
Review your goals on a
regular basis and revise
your plans.
successful living - RichardButler.coach
3. Write it down
Put it down on something! You need to
write down your your ideas and
decisions. It does not have to be using
pen and paper (although this is always
better) - you can use your phone,
computer, tablet - who cares - just get it
down in permanent form.
If you think about it, you may forget it.
When you have them written down you
can look at the daily and remember
why you are doing things each and
every day - you know the final outcome.
5. Review, Revise, Rinse & Repeat
Now you have a process in place it is
time to review, revise, rinse and repeat!
Doing this will help you create better
goals and achieve them quicker!
Sometimes if you don't reach your goals
it is because the goals you have set
don't sit well with you (perhaps on a
subconscious level)
This could be that the goal you have set
is not in align with your values.
Make sure there is no mismatch
between your goals and your values.
Here are my top techniques to ensure
that your values and goals are in
successful living - RichardButler.coach
Perhaps you have never thought about
your values? The people I have talked to
have never even spent time thinking
what their values are. However, it is so
important as your values guide your
thinking, the decisions you make and
the actions you take.
I want you to take 30 minutes and list
out your values — all of them, don't
censor. Now once you have done this
put them in order of their priority to
Now that you have done this reflect and
ask yourself if your values and behaviors
are aligned If there is a mismatch then
ask yourself what value or behavior
should be changed to make sure they
are aligned.
Remember as we talked about earlier,
you need to know what your goal is and
what you want to achieve!
If your values are not aligned with your
goals, or if your goals are not aligned to
your values, success will not come easy.
Let's take a few examples.
If you want to be wealthy but you
believe that money is the root of all evil,
then do you think you will reach your
If you love eating rich food, then maybe
your goal of getting a six-pack may not
be that easy
Do you value relaxing and chilling?
Then if you have a goal that requires a
lot of work may not be in align with that
Look at your goals and look at your
values. Do your goals support those
values? Do your values support your
Remember if you've never done this
exercise you may find that you thought
you had certain values that in fact are
not those that you want to have.
“To reach your goal, you must:
know what you want
ensure it is in align with your values
take action
review your success
Brought to you by:
Joe Smith 555-123-4567
successful living - RichardButler.coach
Each month I do a 60 - 90
minute webinar where we
talk about one topic and get
very clear on how to life
successfully and happier
Visit RichardButler.Coach
and sign up for my
newsletter for more
Think about what type of values you need, and
don't worry there's not problem in updating or
changing your values, as your values may have
been given to you by your parents rather than by
you choosing them!
One of my values is to enjoy my work, so
everything I do I have to enjoy.
If your goal is to have an apartment by the sea
within the next 10 years, what values must you
A value of saving money
A value of not splashing out on unnecessary
Set a goal to save X per month - stick to it.
Use the ideas above to ensure that you are
setting clear goals by aligning them with your
values and if they are not ask yourself if you can
set new values?
successful living - RichardButler.coach
The next step is to ensure that you
actually sit down, reflect on your values,
and then decide on your goals.
Here are six areas that you should
consider with your goal setting.
1. Financial
Finaces can cause stress, so make
sure you have a good solid plan to
save more, spend less and decide on
what you would like to invest in with
your savings.
2. Career
You spend 40+ hours each week at a
job which you may or may not like.
Think about it, it's probably 60% of
your waking hours are spent
working. Decide on wether this is
the career you want or should you
set a goal to move to another job or
work for yourself.
5. Adventure
We all seek a little bit of adventure - this
can differ from person to person, but in
some form we want more excitement in
our life. This does not mean you have to
plan to climb Everest or do white
knuckle rafting. Find your adventure
that you are happy with and go for it!
4. Self Development
If we don't develop, we can't grow, and
if we can't grow we become stagnant.
Thus, you should set a goal to develop
yourself more - this may be learning a
new skill, visiting a different country or
town, or going back to college. What
ever it is, set a goal to become more.
★I don't have a success personality
★ Money changes a person
★ I am not smart enough to be successful
★ I don't have an original idea
★ It takes a long time to be succesful
★ Being successful means I will be lonely
★ Only lucky people are successful
★ Successful people had an easy time getting there
★ You have to have will power
3. Health
They often say your health is your
wealth. And it is true - without health
you have nothing, so decide on a goal
to become healthier, eat better, exercise
more. Do something - your body will
thank you.
Are you serious about your
Do you want to see a change in
your life?
Are you ready to take it to the
next level?
Well then lets keep in touch on
instagram @richardmotivates

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Successful Living - April 2021 - Goal Setting

  • 2. WELCOME TO YOUR LIFE THERE'S A NEED FOR GOOD NEWS! I've felt for a while now, the need to create a postive magazine that will help people get more from life. Each and every month, I will bring you news, views and thoughts to make your life better! This month we focus on goal setting - something that is really important for your success
  • 3. HOW TO SET CLEAR GOALS In this month's edition I talk about setting clear goals. I mean we have all set goals in the past but have they really been that clear and more importantly have you achieved them? Well today all that changes! 1. Decide what you want It does not matter how big or small your goal is, you must decide what it is that you want. For example if you want to lose weight - what's the amount? If you want more money, how much? If you want success - well what is the definition of success for you? * This may take time so don't worry and take the time you need. There will come a point where you need to take action so remember to figure out what you want and then be ready to take action. You must define your goals, and decide what you want " successful living - RichardButler.coach PLANNING YOUR GOALS Remember the “cliché” if you fail to plan you plan to fail - yes might be a bit corny but it sure as heck is the truth. I really believe that the planning phase is the most important stage when it comes to achieving your goals. It does not matter if planning come easy or hard for you, however, one thing I know is that without planning there will be no goal and their will be no success. In this month's edition I tell you what works for me and how I plan goals. TOP TIPS
  • 4. HOW TO SET CLEAR GOALS 2. Be specific Don't set vague goals, for example “I want more money.” The more specific you are the better. So why not create a goal like “I want to be earning an extra $2,000 per month, by [Date]. I will do this by starting a side gig......” You would need to fill in the rest of the how, but this is a better goal as it has specificity and a date and a how. 4. Chunk your goal down No matter if your goal is big or small you will find that breaking it up into smaller steps is going to make it easier. Think about eating an elephant — it would be impossible to eat it in one go, but if you were to cut it up into chunks it is more manageable. (Don't ask me why you would want to eat an elephant!) Review your goals on a regular basis and revise your plans. " successful living - RichardButler.coach WRITE IT 3. Write it down Put it down on something! You need to write down your your ideas and decisions. It does not have to be using pen and paper (although this is always better) - you can use your phone, computer, tablet - who cares - just get it down in permanent form. If you think about it, you may forget it. When you have them written down you can look at the daily and remember why you are doing things each and every day - you know the final outcome. CHUNK IT 5. Review, Revise, Rinse & Repeat Now you have a process in place it is time to review, revise, rinse and repeat! Doing this will help you create better goals and achieve them quicker! REVIEW IT
  • 5. Sometimes if you don't reach your goals it is because the goals you have set don't sit well with you (perhaps on a subconscious level) This could be that the goal you have set is not in align with your values. Make sure there is no mismatch between your goals and your values. Here are my top techniques to ensure that your values and goals are in alignment successful living - RichardButler.coach MAKING SURE YOUR GOALS SUPPORT YOUR VALUES VALUES & GOALS Perhaps you have never thought about your values? The people I have talked to have never even spent time thinking what their values are. However, it is so important as your values guide your thinking, the decisions you make and the actions you take. I want you to take 30 minutes and list out your values — all of them, don't censor. Now once you have done this put them in order of their priority to you. Now that you have done this reflect and ask yourself if your values and behaviors are aligned If there is a mismatch then ask yourself what value or behavior should be changed to make sure they are aligned. 1. WHAT ARE YOUR CURRENT VALUES? Remember as we talked about earlier, you need to know what your goal is and what you want to achieve! 2. EXACTLY WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WISH TO ACCOMPLISH? If your values are not aligned with your goals, or if your goals are not aligned to your values, success will not come easy. Let's take a few examples. If you want to be wealthy but you believe that money is the root of all evil, then do you think you will reach your goal? If you love eating rich food, then maybe your goal of getting a six-pack may not be that easy Do you value relaxing and chilling? Then if you have a goal that requires a lot of work may not be in align with that value. Look at your goals and look at your values. Do your goals support those values? Do your values support your goals? 3. DO YOUR VALUES AND GOALS ALIGN? Remember if you've never done this exercise you may find that you thought you had certain values that in fact are not those that you want to have.
  • 6. “To reach your goal, you must: know what you want ensure it is in align with your values take action review your success " 4 • ONLINE MARKETING REPORT Brought to you by: Joe Smith 555-123-4567 joes-website.com
  • 7. successful living - RichardButler.coach Each month I do a 60 - 90 minute webinar where we talk about one topic and get very clear on how to life successfully and happier Visit RichardButler.Coach and sign up for my newsletter for more information. COACHING WORKSHOPS Think about what type of values you need, and don't worry there's not problem in updating or changing your values, as your values may have been given to you by your parents rather than by you choosing them! One of my values is to enjoy my work, so everything I do I have to enjoy. 4. WHAT TYPE OF VALUES SHOULD YOU HAVE TO REACH THESE GOALS? 5. FOCUS ON THE VALUES THAT MATTER If your goal is to have an apartment by the sea within the next 10 years, what values must you have? A value of saving money A value of not splashing out on unnecessary things. Set a goal to save X per month - stick to it. Use the ideas above to ensure that you are setting clear goals by aligning them with your values and if they are not ask yourself if you can set new values?
  • 8. successful living - RichardButler.coach WHAT'S THE NEXT STEP? The next step is to ensure that you actually sit down, reflect on your values, and then decide on your goals. Here are six areas that you should consider with your goal setting. 1. Financial Finaces can cause stress, so make sure you have a good solid plan to save more, spend less and decide on what you would like to invest in with your savings. 2. Career You spend 40+ hours each week at a job which you may or may not like. Think about it, it's probably 60% of your waking hours are spent working. Decide on wether this is the career you want or should you set a goal to move to another job or work for yourself. 5. Adventure We all seek a little bit of adventure - this can differ from person to person, but in some form we want more excitement in our life. This does not mean you have to plan to climb Everest or do white knuckle rafting. Find your adventure that you are happy with and go for it! 4. Self Development If we don't develop, we can't grow, and if we can't grow we become stagnant. Thus, you should set a goal to develop yourself more - this may be learning a new skill, visiting a different country or town, or going back to college. What ever it is, set a goal to become more. LAST MONTH I ASKED YOU IF YOU WRONGLY BELIEVED: ★I don't have a success personality ★ Money changes a person ★ I am not smart enough to be successful ★ I don't have an original idea ★ It takes a long time to be succesful ★ Being successful means I will be lonely ★ Only lucky people are successful ★ Successful people had an easy time getting there ★ You have to have will power 3. Health They often say your health is your wealth. And it is true - without health you have nothing, so decide on a goal to become healthier, eat better, exercise more. Do something - your body will thank you.
  • 9. THAT'S IT FOR THIS MONTH! BUT BEFORE WE GO Are you serious about your success? Do you want to see a change in your life? Are you ready to take it to the next level? Well then lets keep in touch on instagram @richardmotivates