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Measures of central tendency &
    measures of dispersion

                   Prepared by:
                Dr. Namir Al-Tawil
There are four basic properties
   to describe any frequency

 Central Tendency.
 Dispersion.
 Skewness.
 Kurtosis.
Measures of Central Tendency

1.   Arithmetic mean      __     ∑X
                          X =
Advantage    -Simple to compute.
             -All values are included.
             - Amenable for tests of
                statistical significance
Disadvantage - Presence of extreme values
              (very high or very low values).
Measures of Central Tendency

2. Median (50th percentile)
Position of the median
   -For odd number of observations ( n+1/2 )
   -For even number of observations ( n/2) & ( n/2 +1)
Advantage of computing the median:
 -It is unaffected by extreme values.
  -Provides no information about all values (observations).
  -Less amenable than the mean to tests of statistical
Measures of Central Tendency

3. Mode
 It is the value that is observed most frequently in
  a given data set.
Advantage       -Sometimes gives a clue about the
                         aetiology of the disease.
Disadvantage -With small number of observations,
                  there may be no mode.
                 -Less amenable to tests of
                  statistical significance.
Choice of measures of Central

 For continuous variables with
  unimodal ( single peaked ) &
  symmetrical distribution; the mean,
  median & mode will be identical.
 For skewed distribution, the median
  may be more informative descriptive
 For tests of statistical significance;
  the mean is used.
Measures of Dispersion

   1. The Range

     Calculated by subtraction the lowest
       observed value from the highest.
2. The Variance & the Standard

The variance: the sum of the squared
deviation of the values from the mean
divided by sample size minus one.
                            (∑x) 2

     ∑(x-x)2        ∑x2 -   n
V=             V=
      n–1               n-1
The Standard Deviation (s.d.) = √v

Note :- The term ( n–1 ) rather than ( n ) is used in the
denominator to adjust for the fact that we are working
with sample parameters rather than population
parameters, n–1 is called the number of
Degrees of freedom (d.f.) of the variance.
  The number is n-1 rather than n since only n-1 of the
deviations (x-x) are independent from each other. The
Last one can always be calculated from the others
because all n of them must add up to zero.
3. Coefficient of Variation

CV =            X 100

Advantage: When two distributions have
   means of different magnitude, a
   comparison of the C.V. is therefore much
   more meaningful than a comparison of
   their respective s.d.
4. Standard Error of the Sample
           mean ( S.E. )

  The sample mean is unlikely to be
exactly equal to the population mean.
  The standard error measures the variability
of the mean of the sample as an estimate of
the true value of the mean for the population
from which the sample was drown.
      S.E. =

 Standard Error is the standard deviation of
  the sample means.
 Or SD of M1, M2, M3, M4 etc…

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Stat3 central tendency & dispersion

  • 1. Measures of central tendency & measures of dispersion Prepared by: Dr. Namir Al-Tawil
  • 2. There are four basic properties to describe any frequency distribution:  Central Tendency.  Dispersion.  Skewness.  Kurtosis.
  • 3. Measures of Central Tendency 1. Arithmetic mean __ ∑X X = n Advantage -Simple to compute. -All values are included. - Amenable for tests of statistical significance Disadvantage - Presence of extreme values (very high or very low values).
  • 4. Measures of Central Tendency cont. 2. Median (50th percentile) Position of the median -For odd number of observations ( n+1/2 ) -For even number of observations ( n/2) & ( n/2 +1) Advantage of computing the median: -It is unaffected by extreme values. Disadvantage: -Provides no information about all values (observations). -Less amenable than the mean to tests of statistical significance.
  • 5. Measures of Central Tendency cont. 3. Mode It is the value that is observed most frequently in a given data set. Advantage -Sometimes gives a clue about the aetiology of the disease. Disadvantage -With small number of observations, there may be no mode. -Less amenable to tests of statistical significance.
  • 6. Choice of measures of Central Tendency  For continuous variables with unimodal ( single peaked ) & symmetrical distribution; the mean, median & mode will be identical.  For skewed distribution, the median may be more informative descriptive measure.  For tests of statistical significance; the mean is used.
  • 7. Measures of Dispersion  1. The Range Calculated by subtraction the lowest observed value from the highest.
  • 8. 2. The Variance & the Standard Deviation The variance: the sum of the squared deviation of the values from the mean divided by sample size minus one. (∑x) 2 ∑(x-x)2 ∑x2 - n V= V= n–1 n-1
  • 9. The Standard Deviation (s.d.) = √v Note :- The term ( n–1 ) rather than ( n ) is used in the denominator to adjust for the fact that we are working with sample parameters rather than population parameters, n–1 is called the number of Degrees of freedom (d.f.) of the variance. The number is n-1 rather than n since only n-1 of the deviations (x-x) are independent from each other. The Last one can always be calculated from the others because all n of them must add up to zero.
  • 10. 3. Coefficient of Variation s.d. CV = X 100 X Advantage: When two distributions have means of different magnitude, a comparison of the C.V. is therefore much more meaningful than a comparison of their respective s.d.
  • 11. 4. Standard Error of the Sample mean ( S.E. ) The sample mean is unlikely to be exactly equal to the population mean. The standard error measures the variability of the mean of the sample as an estimate of the true value of the mean for the population from which the sample was drown. s.d. S.E. = √n
  • 12. So  Standard Error is the standard deviation of the sample means.  Or SD of M1, M2, M3, M4 etc…