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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Volume 7 Issue 5, September-October 2023 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 356
Standardising Manufacturing Process of Swarnamakshika Bhasma
Dr. Prajna Hegde1, Dr. Ravi Chavan2
Final Year PG scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Professor and Head, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Taranath Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Bellary, Karnataka, India
Rasashastra, Indian Alchemy involves various processes of
transformation to make metals and minerals more assimilable in the
body. A careful survey of original texts on Rasashastra shows that
subject covers the entire field of inorganic pharmaceutical
preparation like metallic, non-metallic and organo-metallic
compounds of Ayurvedic Material Media. Shodhana, Marana,
Amruthikarana etc. of the substance are done with some special
processes and thereafter can be used therapeutically.
Swarnamakshika is one of the Maharasa Varga Dravya which is said
as Rasendra Prana. It acts as Rasayana and Vrishya and has
importance in both Lohavada and Dehavada. In the present study,
raw Swarnamakshika is subjected to Shodhana with Saindhava
lavana and Nimbu Swarasa using Bharjana process. Marana of
Swarnamakshika is carried out with Gandhaka as Maraka Dravya
and subjecting to Varaha puta. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
aim to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity of
performance. In the present study, Swarnamakshika Bhasma was
prepared and analysed using various physical parameters and modern
analytical instruments like XRD, FTIR, SEM-EDS, N.P.S.T. and
Particle size analyser.
KEYWORDS: Rasashastra, Marana, Swarnamakshika Bhasma, SOP
How to cite this paper: Dr. Prajna
Hegde | Dr. Ravi Chavan "Standardising
Manufacturing Process of
Swarnamakshika Bhasma" Published in
Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN:
Volume-7 | Issue-5,
October 2023,
pp.356-364, URL:
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Rasadravyas have been familiar to mankind since
very long time. They can be used therapeutically only
after samskaras like Shodhana, Marana,
Satwapatana, Amrithikarana etc. These samskaras
play an important role in changing the inherent
properties of a Dravya.1
The primary aim of this is to
convert the sthula rupa of the raw drug to Sukshma
rupa to confirm its bioavailability. Shodhana is a
samskara, which essentially brings out modifications
and potentiation of properties along with purification.
Marana is a process in which Rasadravya is killed, so
that it loses all its physical properties and are
converted into Bhasma by applying required quantum
of heat after grinding with herbal extracts.2
Swarnamakshika is a kind of mineral substance
having peeta varna like Swarna. Makshika
categorised under Maharasa Varga Dravya whose
detailed description is available in almost all the
textbooks of Rasashastra. Bhasma of
Swarnamakshika is Tridoshaghna and has Vrishya,
Rasayana, Yogavahi, Vishadoshahara etc. effect
when administered internally.
To establish the efficacy along with safety of
Rasoushadhis, care must be taken throughout the
whole process to prepare the medicine. This study
was carried out to standardize the Marana procedure
of Swarnamakshika and convert it into Bhasma which
is a unique dosage form described in Rasashastra.
Raw materials were collected after authoritative
identification through grahya - agrahya lakshanas.
1. Swarnamakshika Shodhana by Bharjana
Homogenous mixture of 1000 gms of
Swarnamakshika churna and 350gms of Saindhava
lavana was taken in an iron vessel. Nimbuka swarasa
added to it and mixed properly. Then this iron vessel
was kept on a gas stove for heating. The mixture was
then continuously stirred with the help of darvi
throughout the procedure. Heating was stopped when
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 357
the bottom of the iron vessel attained red hot. The
mixture was washed thoroughly with hot water for
two times and kept spread for drying on a clean cloth.
 The color of homogenous mixture of
Swarnamakshika churna and Saindhava lavana
was greyish black. When Nimbuka swarasa added
to it, the color turned to slight greenish and the
mixture became paste like.
 Soon after five minutes of heating bubbles started
appearing in the mixture. And the mixture became
more liquid in nature than before.
 After fifteen minutes of heating the mixture
became sticky and attained semisolid state. And
the color of the mixture was blackish gray.
 Sulphur smell noticed after 15 minutes of heating.
 With the course of time of heating the mixture
was turned into red from blackish gray.
 After 1hour 45 minutes of heating the bottom of
the iron vessel became red hot.
2. Gandhaka shodhana by kurmaputa method.4
Earthen pot was smeared with Ghrita and 1.5 liters of
fresh cow’s milk was poured, & its mouth was
covered with a single layer of white cotton cloth and
tied properly with a thread. Gandhaka was spread
over the cloth uniformly and covered with loha
Sharava. Loha Sharava was covered with 11 cow
dung cakes and fire was set with camphor. After
SwangaSheeta the pot was removed out from the pit,
cloth tied over the mouth was removed. Granules of
Shodhita Gandhaka which were immersed in milk
were separated, washed with hot water thoroughly
and dried under shade. This procedure was repeated
for 2 more times by using fresh cow’s milk. Total
10kgs of Gandhaka shodhana was carried out using
this method in 20 batches.
 After Shodhana colour of the milk turned to
yellowish white.
 Smell of the milk was of mild sulphur.
 All mud particles and dust present in Gandhaka
were separated out over the cloth during the first
 Shodhita Gandhaka was of pale yellow colour &
 Shodhita Gandhaka was in granular form and few
were streak-like, fully immersed in the milk. Few
minute granules were seen floating on the milk.
3. Marana of Swarnamakshika.5
It was carried out in different stages viz:
A. Bhavana with Nimbu swarasa.:
600gms of Shoditha Swarnamakshika was taken in
Khalvayantra. Equal quantity of fine powder of
Shodhita Gandhaka mixed with Shodhita
Swarnamakshika for first 10 putas. After that Half
quantity of Shodhita Gandhaka was added for each
puta. This mixture was triturated with sufficient
quantity of Nimbu Swarasa for 6 hours. Trituration
was done until whole mass attains a viscous and
semisolid state.
B. Preparation of Chakrikas.
After attaining appropriate consistency, Chakrikas
were prepared of size 3-4cm Diameter, 2-2.5mm
thickness and dried completely.
C. Sharava Samputa formation.
Two concave earthen Sharava of equal size were
taken. Dried Chakrikas were kept in earthen sharava
and arranged in two layers. Another sharava was
placed over it to make samputa. Gap between two
sharavas was properly sealed with one layer of
Multani mitti smeared thread and then with seven
layers of multani mitti lepita vastra or cloth.
D. Varaha Puta:
Size and Shape: Varaha puta was given by using the
pit of following dimensions. Height -43cm (22
angula), Depth- 43cm (22 angula), Width - 43cm (22
Fuel: Cow dung cakes weighing 12 kg.
part of the pit was filled with 72 cow dungs
weighing 8 kgs and sharava samputa was placed over
it. Thermocouple of the pyrometer was placed
horizontally from the side of the pit at the junction
between lower 2/3rd
upper 1/3rd
of the cow dung
cakes. Remaining 1/3rd
portion of pit was filled with
24 cowdung cakes weighing 4 kgs. To facilitate easy
catching of the fire, camphor balls were placed on
four corners of the puta and cow dung cakes were
ignited. The temperature was recorded with the help
of Thermocouple with pyrometer. After self-cooling
sharava samputa was taken out of pit and opened
cautiously and Swarnamakshika bhasma was
collected and weighed.
 The maximum temperature was recorded 850 °C.
 Total time taken for burning of cow dung cakes
was 4 hrs and for completes self-cooling 20hours.
 Sulphur fumes were observed after 1 hour.
 All Bhasma siddhi lakshanas attained after 20
varaha putas.
Amritikarana of Swarnamakshika.6
There is no direct reference available for
Swarnamakshika Bhasma - Amritikarana in the
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 358
classics. As Swarnamakshika contains Tamra as one
of the constituents, the Amritikarana methods
adopted for Tamra Bhasma can be implemented. In
the present study, 1 part of Swarnamakshika Bhasma
and ½ part of Shodhita Gandhaka was taken in
khalvayantra and bhavana given with Nimbu
swarasa. After attainment of proper consistency, a
bolus was formed weighing 700gms.
Two Surana kandas one weighing about 810gms and
another 760gms was selected and a cavity is created
using a knife, inside this cavity bolus of
Swarnamakshika Bhasma placed and the cavity is
again covered with another Surana kanda and the
sandhibandana was done with 7 layers of Multani
mitti lepita vastra. After drying it was subjected to
Gajaputa. Vanopalas used is 31kg.
 The maximum temperature recorded was 7520
 Mild Sulphur odour was observed.
 The colour of Bolus was greyish black.
Lohitikarana Of Swarnamakshika7
The process is done to regain the colour of bhasma
which is lost in the process of Amritikarana. In
process the bhasma is given bhavana with
Raktavarga dravyas and subjected to 2-3 Gajaputas.
In the present study, to 680gms of Amrithikrita
Swarnamakshika Bhasma 200ml of Manjishta
Kashaya is added and bhavana was done until
subhavita lakshanas are seen. Chakrikas were
prepared and dried. After drying of chakrikas they
were placed in two earthern sharavas and
sandhibandhana was done. When it gets dried, it was
subjected to 2 Gajaputas.
 The maximum temperature recorded was 8060
 Sulphur odour was observed.
 The colour of chakrikas were reddish brown.
1. Pharmaceutical Study Results
Table No.01: Showing results of Swarrnamakshika Shodhana
Quantity of Swarnamakshika taken Quantity of Swarnamakshika obtained Loss Yield %
1000gms 960gms 40gms 96%
Table No.02: Showing results of Gandhaka Shodhana
Batch Quantity of Gandhaka taken Quantity of Gandhaka obtained Loss Yield %
I 500gms 400gms 100gms 80%
II 500gms 405gms 95gms 81%
III 500gms 442gms 58gms 88.4%
IV 500gms 440gms 60gms 88%
V 500gms 350gms 150gms 70%
VI 500gms 360gms 140gms 72%
VII 500gms 410gms 90gms 82%
VIII 500gms 380gms 120gms 76%
IX 500gms 400gms 100gms 80%
X 500gms 450gms 50gms 90%
XI 500gms 435gms 75gms 87%
XII 500gms 430gms 70gms 86%
XIII 500gms 365gms 135gms 73%
XIV 500gms 400gms 100gms 80%
XV 500gms 400gms 100gms 80%
XVI 500gms 400gms 100gms 80%
XVII 500gms 440gms 60gms 88%
XVIII 500gms 400gms 100gms 80%
IX 500gms 440gms 60gms 88%
XX 500gms 400gms 100gms 80%
Table No.03: Showing results of Swarnamakshika Marana
Quantity of Swarnamakshika
taken for Marana
Quantity of Swarnamakshika
obtained after 20 puta
Loss Yield %
600gms 410gms 190gms 68.333%
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 359
Table No.04: Showing results of Swarnamakshika Amrithikarana
Quantity of Swarnamakshika
before Amrithikarana
Quantity of Swarnamakshika
after Amrithikarana
Loss Yield %
700gms 680gms 20gms 97.1%
Table No.05: Showing results of Swarnamakshika Lohitikarana
Quantity of Swarnamakshika
before Lohitikarana
Quantity of Swarnamakshika
after Lohitikarana
Loss Yield %
680gms 400gms 280gms 58.82%
2. Analytical Study Results
Table No.06: Showing classical parameters of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma
Rekha purnata Varitartva Amla dadhi pareeksha Nishchandratva
puta Negative Negative Negative Negative
puta Negative Negative Positive Negative
puta Negative Negative Positive Negative
puta Positive Negative Positive Negative
puta Positive Negative Positive Negative
puta Positive Partially positive Positive Positive
Table No.07: Showing organoleptic characters of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma
Table No.08: Showing results Physical Tests of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma
Value 6.0
Ash Value 124±2.17
Acid Insoluble Ash 53.44±0.02
Water Soluble Ash 57.33±0.01
Loss on drying at 1050
C 0.98±0.01
Table No.09: Showing results of XRD Study of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma
2-Theta d
27.08 3.290
28.528 3.126
33.83 2.647
35.481 2.528
39.25 2.293
43.18 2.093
47.44 1.915
48.648 1.870
49.034 1.856
57.12 1.611
62.66 1.4814
79.54 1.204
Table No.10: Showing SEM EDS results of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma
Sl no Element Weight % Atomic %
1 O 34.73 61.98
2 S 14.20 12.64
3 Fe 41.03 20.97
4 Cu 8.59 3.86
5 As 1.45 0.55
Physical test Observation
Colour A. Reddish brown
Odour B. Odourless
Taste C. Tasteless
Touch D. Fine
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Table No. 11: Showing results of FTIR of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma
Sample peaks Cm-1 Bond Functional groups
3786.46 O-H (free) phenols
3657.06 O-H (stretching) Alcohol
3434.74 N-H (stretching) Primary amine
2920.28 O-H (strong) Carboxylic acid
2851.49 N-H (stretching) Amine salt
2051.56 C=C=N (stretching) Ketenimine
1634.93 C=C (Stretching) Cyclic alkene
1463.33, 1384.26 C-H (bending) Alkane
1089.85 C-F Fluro compound
874.56 C=C Alkene
620.84 C-Br Bromide
596.68 C-Cl Chloride
Table No.12: Showing results Parcticle size analysis of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma
Mean diameter(nm) 816.4
Table No.13: Showing N.P.S.T. Result of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma
Sample I phase(0-5min) II Phase(5-20min) III Phase (20 min-1hrs)
Deep blue central drop was masked by
the presence of brownish particles due
to presence of brown coloured Bhasma.
Deep blue colour was visible in the
brim of brown spot.
Blue periphery expanded with light blue
periphery on time.
Deep blue central solid
spot with very light
blue periphery formed
and around this, visible
serrated blue and a
green margin encircle
was seen
Deep blue colored central
spot with white ring at the
1. Swarnamakshika Shodhana by Bharjana:
 In this method of Shodhana, the Nimbu swarasa
and Saindhava lavana were used for Shodhana by
Bharjana method.
 Here the Swarnamakshika was fried with these
two drugs in presence of oxygen. By addition of
these two drugs there may be a chance of
formation of Hydrochloric acid in minute quantity
and by heating the impurities like carbonates etc.
may be get destroyed.
 By continuous stirring and heating the arsenic
impurities may get evaporated resulting in
detoxification of Swarnamakshika.
 Nimbu swarasa may give some organic qualities
to Swarnamakshika resulting in its potentisation.
And water-soluble impurities formed as a result
of chemical reaction may get dissolved in water
and removed when the Swarnamakshika was
washed with the hot water after completion of
Bharjana process.
 The color of Swarnamakshika churna changed to
brownish at the end of procedure. This might due
to formation of iron oxide as the Bharjana was
done in the presence of oxygen. There was 60gms
of weight loss in this procedure, which might be
due to adherence of Swarnamakshika to an iron
vessel and also there may be a possibility of
weight loss while washing with hot water.
2. Gandhaka Shodhana:
Gandhaka Shodhana was done by Kurmaputa
method, using milk as a media
Melting of Gandhaka:
 Sulphur can melt at two different temperatures
 If heated rapidly, it melts at 112.80
 But if heated slowly it will melt only at 118.60
In this case Sulphur is melted by steady rise of
temperature i.e., by the second way. At this
temperature, sulphur melts to form a light-yellow
liquid. At this point the S8 molecules are separating.In
this form the atoms are covalently bonded (sharing
electrons with one another) to form rings of eight.
These rings slide easily over one another but can't
connect or tangle, which is why the liquid is not
viscous. When this light-yellow molten sulphur is
poured into milk it solidifies as crystalline sulphur.
Godugdha as a media
 Guru – snigdha guna and sheeta veerya of
godughdha pacifies the Teekshna, Ushnaguna of
 The organic sulphur present in the protein of milk
might have a role in increasing bioavailability of
inorganic sulphur.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 361
 Immersing the Molten Sulphur in to milk may
cause, higher porosity, lower mechanical strength,
and increase in the crystal size of Sulphur.
 Since raw milk is the commonly recommended
antidote for poisoning, it might help in
neutralizing the sulphur poisoning.
 Shuddha Gandhaka was brittle and shiny, may be
due to the change in crystalline structure while
passing through the stage of melting.
 The impurities like mud or any other material gets
separated on the cloth as these impurities do not
melt or change at this temperature.
3. Swarnamakshika Marana:
 Gandhaka is an important media used for Marana
of many metals and minerals including
Swarnamakshika. Being Ariloha it is said to
fasten up the Bhasmeekarana process.
 Rasa Ratna samucchaya reference explains
Marana with Gandhaka in equal quantities,
where Bhasma gets formed in 5 Varaha Putas.
 In Rasa Prakasa Sudhakara it is further explained
as the Gandhaka should be used in equal parts to
that of Swarnamakshika for first five Puta, then
reduce to half parts for the next Putas. Varaha
Puta is explained for Bhasmeekarana of
 Copper and Iron when ignited with extra sulphur,
sulphides are formed which predominantly are
black in colour. (FeS, Cu2 S, CuS – Black). Puta
without Gandhaka along with organic minerals in
Nimbu swarasa aids in oxidation leading to
formation of reddish colour.
 Sulphur act as better media in particle size
4. Swarnamakshika Amrithikarna
Amrithikarana was done as it contained Tamra, as
told in classics for removal of leftover doshas.
Gajaputa was given in this process with temperature
reaching upto 752°C and time taken was 7 hrs. Some
amount of sulphur evaporated along with leftover
5. Swarnamakshika Lohitikarana
Lohitikarana is the procedure done to regain the
varna of the Bhasma which is lost during Marana. In
the present study Swarnamakshika Marana was done
using Gandhaka as the Maraka Dravya due to which
the color of the Bhasma was black. The black colour
was due to the sulphides formed in the process of
puta. After Lohitikarana the colour of the Bhasma
turned to reddish brown.
Discussion on Analytical Study
Physical Tests
 The pH value of LSMB and GPR are 6.0. The pH
around 6 implies that drug solubility isn’t affected
by hyperacidity or alkality in GI system and the
drug is better absorbed in the stomach.
 The total ash value indicates the presence of
inorganic residues such as phosphates, carbonates
and silicates present in herbal drugs. This may be
due to the addition of trace elements during the
process of bhavana.
 Acid insoluble ash signifies that a considerable
amount of drug is soluble in the acidic media of
 Loss on drying at 1100
C indicates very less
amount of moisture content and very rare chance
of bacterial and fungal growth.
 Colony forming Units were 00 in both Bacterial
Count and Fungal Count tests which signifies that
the samples are devoid of contamination even in
non-sterile environment. This indicates that the
medicine has long shelf-life and is unharmed by
any environmental conditions.
Instrumental Analysis
 2θ values of identified peaks from sample are
almost similar to the standard JCPDF numbers of
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) JCPDF Number – 00-039-
1346, Copper Oxide, (CuO) – 48-1548 and
Copper Iron Sulphide (CuFeS2) JCPDF Number –
00-041-1404. This indicates that Swarnamakshika
Bhasma contains Copper and Iron in its Oxides or
Sulphide forms which has better bioavailability in
the body.
 Elements found in the sample are Cu, Fe, As, O,
S in the percentage of 8.59, 41.03, 1.45, 34.73
and 14.20 respectively. This shows that Iron is in
greater proportion and the elements may be in the
form of oxides and sulphides.
 FTIR showed the presence of different functional
groups like Alcohol, Phenols, Alkanes, Alkenes,
Aromatics, Bromide, Iodide, Chloride, Ethers,
Carboxylic acids, Esters, Anhydrides, Amines,
Phenyl Ring Substitution Overtones, Primary and
secondary amines and amides. This shows the
presence of organic compounds in the drug.
 Mean Particle size of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika
Bhasma is 816.4nm. The particle size has an
important influence on dissolution rate. Smaller
the drug particle size larger the surface area, leads
to faster dissolution. Particle size reduction will
result in precise drug delivery and thereby
increasing the bio availability of the drug. It can
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 362
be inferred that the repeated Bhavana(trituration)
and Puta (Incineration) aided in reducing the
particle size of the sample.
 N.P.S.T is a modification of circular paper
chromatography. N.P.S test gives a clear
differentiation of individual products in a group
and also product can be identified by its classical
name not by the chemical name. The continual
chemical reactions taking place gradually
between 2 chemical substances on static media at
fraction of second and also after certain interval
of time are easily detected by their distinct colour
changes and the pattern of spot.
 Swarnamakshika Bhasma is Tridoshaghna and
has Vrishya, Rasayana, Yogavahi,
Vishadoshahara etc. effect when administered
internally. Shodhana and Marana is an essential
step before usage, which will modify the raw
drugs into safe, bio-active, therapeutic form.
 Physical tests showed Swarnamakshika Bhasma
is reddish brown in colour with pH
of 6.0.
 NPST of Swarnamakshika Bhasma in 3rd
showed a central deep blue colored spot with
white colored periphery.
 Elements found in the sample are Cu, Fe, As, O, S
in the percentage of 8.59, 41.03, 1.45, 34.73 and
14.20 respectively.
 2θ values of identified peaks from sample are
almost similar to the standard JCPDF numbers of
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) JCPDF Number – 00-039-
1346, Copper Oxide, (CuO) – 48-1548 and
Copper Iron Sulphide (CuFeS2) JCPDF Number –
 FTIR showed the presence of different functional
groups like Alcohol, Phenols, Alkanes, Alkenes,
Aromatics, Bromide, Iodide, Chloride, Ethers,
Carboxylic acids, Esters, Anhydrides, Amines,
Phenyl Ring Substitution Overtones, Primary and
secondary amines and amides.
 Mean particle size of Swarnamakshika Bhasma is
 Further experimental and clinical studies are
needed to prove the effect of Swarnamakshika
Bhasma on different diseases in which it has been
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 363
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Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2019, 2nd
chapter, Rasavarga, Verse 76, 42pp.
[6] Shree Sadananda Sharma. Rasatarangini: edited
by Pandit Kashinath Shastri. 11th
Varanasi: Motilal Banarasidas publications;
2012, 17th Taranga, Tamravijneeyam, Verse
40-42, 418pp.
[7] Shree Sadananda Sharma. Rasatarangini: edited
by Pandit Kashinath Shastri. 11th
Varanasi: Motilal Banarasidas publications;
2012, 10th
Taranga, Abhraka Vijnaneeyam,
Verse65-67, 232pp.

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Standardising Manufacturing Process of Swarnamakshika Bhasma

  • 1. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 7 Issue 5, September-October 2023 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 356 Standardising Manufacturing Process of Swarnamakshika Bhasma Dr. Prajna Hegde1, Dr. Ravi Chavan2 1 Final Year PG scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, 2 Professor and Head, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, 1,2 Taranath Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Bellary, Karnataka, India ABSTRACT Rasashastra, Indian Alchemy involves various processes of transformation to make metals and minerals more assimilable in the body. A careful survey of original texts on Rasashastra shows that subject covers the entire field of inorganic pharmaceutical preparation like metallic, non-metallic and organo-metallic compounds of Ayurvedic Material Media. Shodhana, Marana, Amruthikarana etc. of the substance are done with some special processes and thereafter can be used therapeutically. Swarnamakshika is one of the Maharasa Varga Dravya which is said as Rasendra Prana. It acts as Rasayana and Vrishya and has importance in both Lohavada and Dehavada. In the present study, raw Swarnamakshika is subjected to Shodhana with Saindhava lavana and Nimbu Swarasa using Bharjana process. Marana of Swarnamakshika is carried out with Gandhaka as Maraka Dravya and subjecting to Varaha puta. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) aim to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance. In the present study, Swarnamakshika Bhasma was prepared and analysed using various physical parameters and modern analytical instruments like XRD, FTIR, SEM-EDS, N.P.S.T. and Particle size analyser. KEYWORDS: Rasashastra, Marana, Swarnamakshika Bhasma, SOP How to cite this paper: Dr. Prajna Hegde | Dr. Ravi Chavan "Standardising Manufacturing Process of Swarnamakshika Bhasma" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-5, October 2023, pp.356-364, URL: www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd59927.pdf Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0) INTRODUCTION Rasadravyas have been familiar to mankind since very long time. They can be used therapeutically only after samskaras like Shodhana, Marana, Satwapatana, Amrithikarana etc. These samskaras play an important role in changing the inherent properties of a Dravya.1 The primary aim of this is to convert the sthula rupa of the raw drug to Sukshma rupa to confirm its bioavailability. Shodhana is a samskara, which essentially brings out modifications and potentiation of properties along with purification. Marana is a process in which Rasadravya is killed, so that it loses all its physical properties and are converted into Bhasma by applying required quantum of heat after grinding with herbal extracts.2 Swarnamakshika is a kind of mineral substance having peeta varna like Swarna. Makshika categorised under Maharasa Varga Dravya whose detailed description is available in almost all the textbooks of Rasashastra. Bhasma of Swarnamakshika is Tridoshaghna and has Vrishya, Rasayana, Yogavahi, Vishadoshahara etc. effect when administered internally. To establish the efficacy along with safety of Rasoushadhis, care must be taken throughout the whole process to prepare the medicine. This study was carried out to standardize the Marana procedure of Swarnamakshika and convert it into Bhasma which is a unique dosage form described in Rasashastra. METHODOLOGY Raw materials were collected after authoritative identification through grahya - agrahya lakshanas. 1. Swarnamakshika Shodhana by Bharjana method.3 Homogenous mixture of 1000 gms of Swarnamakshika churna and 350gms of Saindhava lavana was taken in an iron vessel. Nimbuka swarasa added to it and mixed properly. Then this iron vessel was kept on a gas stove for heating. The mixture was then continuously stirred with the help of darvi throughout the procedure. Heating was stopped when IJTSRD59927
  • 2. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 357 the bottom of the iron vessel attained red hot. The mixture was washed thoroughly with hot water for two times and kept spread for drying on a clean cloth. Observations:  The color of homogenous mixture of Swarnamakshika churna and Saindhava lavana was greyish black. When Nimbuka swarasa added to it, the color turned to slight greenish and the mixture became paste like.  Soon after five minutes of heating bubbles started appearing in the mixture. And the mixture became more liquid in nature than before.  After fifteen minutes of heating the mixture became sticky and attained semisolid state. And the color of the mixture was blackish gray.  Sulphur smell noticed after 15 minutes of heating.  With the course of time of heating the mixture was turned into red from blackish gray.  After 1hour 45 minutes of heating the bottom of the iron vessel became red hot. 2. Gandhaka shodhana by kurmaputa method.4 Earthen pot was smeared with Ghrita and 1.5 liters of fresh cow’s milk was poured, & its mouth was covered with a single layer of white cotton cloth and tied properly with a thread. Gandhaka was spread over the cloth uniformly and covered with loha Sharava. Loha Sharava was covered with 11 cow dung cakes and fire was set with camphor. After SwangaSheeta the pot was removed out from the pit, cloth tied over the mouth was removed. Granules of Shodhita Gandhaka which were immersed in milk were separated, washed with hot water thoroughly and dried under shade. This procedure was repeated for 2 more times by using fresh cow’s milk. Total 10kgs of Gandhaka shodhana was carried out using this method in 20 batches. Observations:  After Shodhana colour of the milk turned to yellowish white.  Smell of the milk was of mild sulphur.  All mud particles and dust present in Gandhaka were separated out over the cloth during the first procedure.  Shodhita Gandhaka was of pale yellow colour & shiny.  Shodhita Gandhaka was in granular form and few were streak-like, fully immersed in the milk. Few minute granules were seen floating on the milk. 3. Marana of Swarnamakshika.5 It was carried out in different stages viz: A. Bhavana with Nimbu swarasa.: 600gms of Shoditha Swarnamakshika was taken in Khalvayantra. Equal quantity of fine powder of Shodhita Gandhaka mixed with Shodhita Swarnamakshika for first 10 putas. After that Half quantity of Shodhita Gandhaka was added for each puta. This mixture was triturated with sufficient quantity of Nimbu Swarasa for 6 hours. Trituration was done until whole mass attains a viscous and semisolid state. B. Preparation of Chakrikas. After attaining appropriate consistency, Chakrikas were prepared of size 3-4cm Diameter, 2-2.5mm thickness and dried completely. C. Sharava Samputa formation. Two concave earthen Sharava of equal size were taken. Dried Chakrikas were kept in earthen sharava and arranged in two layers. Another sharava was placed over it to make samputa. Gap between two sharavas was properly sealed with one layer of Multani mitti smeared thread and then with seven layers of multani mitti lepita vastra or cloth. D. Varaha Puta: Size and Shape: Varaha puta was given by using the pit of following dimensions. Height -43cm (22 angula), Depth- 43cm (22 angula), Width - 43cm (22 angula). Fuel: Cow dung cakes weighing 12 kg. 2/3rd part of the pit was filled with 72 cow dungs weighing 8 kgs and sharava samputa was placed over it. Thermocouple of the pyrometer was placed horizontally from the side of the pit at the junction between lower 2/3rd upper 1/3rd of the cow dung cakes. Remaining 1/3rd portion of pit was filled with 24 cowdung cakes weighing 4 kgs. To facilitate easy catching of the fire, camphor balls were placed on four corners of the puta and cow dung cakes were ignited. The temperature was recorded with the help of Thermocouple with pyrometer. After self-cooling sharava samputa was taken out of pit and opened cautiously and Swarnamakshika bhasma was collected and weighed. Observations:  The maximum temperature was recorded 850 °C.  Total time taken for burning of cow dung cakes was 4 hrs and for completes self-cooling 20hours.  Sulphur fumes were observed after 1 hour.  All Bhasma siddhi lakshanas attained after 20 varaha putas. Amritikarana of Swarnamakshika.6 There is no direct reference available for Swarnamakshika Bhasma - Amritikarana in the
  • 3. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 358 classics. As Swarnamakshika contains Tamra as one of the constituents, the Amritikarana methods adopted for Tamra Bhasma can be implemented. In the present study, 1 part of Swarnamakshika Bhasma and ½ part of Shodhita Gandhaka was taken in khalvayantra and bhavana given with Nimbu swarasa. After attainment of proper consistency, a bolus was formed weighing 700gms. Two Surana kandas one weighing about 810gms and another 760gms was selected and a cavity is created using a knife, inside this cavity bolus of Swarnamakshika Bhasma placed and the cavity is again covered with another Surana kanda and the sandhibandana was done with 7 layers of Multani mitti lepita vastra. After drying it was subjected to Gajaputa. Vanopalas used is 31kg. Observations:  The maximum temperature recorded was 7520 C.  Mild Sulphur odour was observed.  The colour of Bolus was greyish black. Lohitikarana Of Swarnamakshika7 The process is done to regain the colour of bhasma which is lost in the process of Amritikarana. In process the bhasma is given bhavana with Raktavarga dravyas and subjected to 2-3 Gajaputas. In the present study, to 680gms of Amrithikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma 200ml of Manjishta Kashaya is added and bhavana was done until subhavita lakshanas are seen. Chakrikas were prepared and dried. After drying of chakrikas they were placed in two earthern sharavas and sandhibandhana was done. When it gets dried, it was subjected to 2 Gajaputas. Observations:  The maximum temperature recorded was 8060 C.  Sulphur odour was observed.  The colour of chakrikas were reddish brown. RESULTS 1. Pharmaceutical Study Results Table No.01: Showing results of Swarrnamakshika Shodhana Quantity of Swarnamakshika taken Quantity of Swarnamakshika obtained Loss Yield % 1000gms 960gms 40gms 96% Table No.02: Showing results of Gandhaka Shodhana Batch Quantity of Gandhaka taken Quantity of Gandhaka obtained Loss Yield % I 500gms 400gms 100gms 80% II 500gms 405gms 95gms 81% III 500gms 442gms 58gms 88.4% IV 500gms 440gms 60gms 88% V 500gms 350gms 150gms 70% VI 500gms 360gms 140gms 72% VII 500gms 410gms 90gms 82% VIII 500gms 380gms 120gms 76% IX 500gms 400gms 100gms 80% X 500gms 450gms 50gms 90% XI 500gms 435gms 75gms 87% XII 500gms 430gms 70gms 86% XIII 500gms 365gms 135gms 73% XIV 500gms 400gms 100gms 80% XV 500gms 400gms 100gms 80% XVI 500gms 400gms 100gms 80% XVII 500gms 440gms 60gms 88% XVIII 500gms 400gms 100gms 80% IX 500gms 440gms 60gms 88% XX 500gms 400gms 100gms 80% Table No.03: Showing results of Swarnamakshika Marana Quantity of Swarnamakshika taken for Marana Quantity of Swarnamakshika obtained after 20 puta Loss Yield % 600gms 410gms 190gms 68.333%
  • 4. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 359 Table No.04: Showing results of Swarnamakshika Amrithikarana Quantity of Swarnamakshika before Amrithikarana Quantity of Swarnamakshika after Amrithikarana Loss Yield % 700gms 680gms 20gms 97.1% Table No.05: Showing results of Swarnamakshika Lohitikarana Quantity of Swarnamakshika before Lohitikarana Quantity of Swarnamakshika after Lohitikarana Loss Yield % 680gms 400gms 280gms 58.82% 2. Analytical Study Results Table No.06: Showing classical parameters of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma Rekha purnata Varitartva Amla dadhi pareeksha Nishchandratva 2nd puta Negative Negative Negative Negative 5th puta Negative Negative Positive Negative 10th puta Negative Negative Positive Negative 11th puta Positive Negative Positive Negative 15th puta Positive Negative Positive Negative 20th puta Positive Partially positive Positive Positive Table No.07: Showing organoleptic characters of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma Table No.08: Showing results Physical Tests of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma LSMB PH Value 6.0 Ash Value 124±2.17 Acid Insoluble Ash 53.44±0.02 Water Soluble Ash 57.33±0.01 Loss on drying at 1050 C 0.98±0.01 Table No.09: Showing results of XRD Study of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma 2-Theta d 27.08 3.290 28.528 3.126 33.83 2.647 35.481 2.528 39.25 2.293 43.18 2.093 47.44 1.915 48.648 1.870 49.034 1.856 57.12 1.611 62.66 1.4814 79.54 1.204 Table No.10: Showing SEM EDS results of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma Sl no Element Weight % Atomic % 1 O 34.73 61.98 2 S 14.20 12.64 3 Fe 41.03 20.97 4 Cu 8.59 3.86 5 As 1.45 0.55 Physical test Observation Colour A. Reddish brown Odour B. Odourless Taste C. Tasteless Touch D. Fine
  • 5. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 360 Table No. 11: Showing results of FTIR of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma Sample peaks Cm-1 Bond Functional groups 3786.46 O-H (free) phenols 3657.06 O-H (stretching) Alcohol 3434.74 N-H (stretching) Primary amine 2920.28 O-H (strong) Carboxylic acid 2851.49 N-H (stretching) Amine salt 2051.56 C=C=N (stretching) Ketenimine 1634.93 C=C (Stretching) Cyclic alkene 1463.33, 1384.26 C-H (bending) Alkane 1089.85 C-F Fluro compound 874.56 C=C Alkene 620.84 C-Br Bromide 596.68 C-Cl Chloride Table No.12: Showing results Parcticle size analysis of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma Mean diameter(nm) 816.4 Table No.13: Showing N.P.S.T. Result of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma Sample I phase(0-5min) II Phase(5-20min) III Phase (20 min-1hrs) LSMB Deep blue central drop was masked by the presence of brownish particles due to presence of brown coloured Bhasma. Deep blue colour was visible in the brim of brown spot. Blue periphery expanded with light blue periphery on time. Deep blue central solid spot with very light blue periphery formed and around this, visible serrated blue and a green margin encircle was seen Deep blue colored central spot with white ring at the periphery. DISCUSSION 1. Swarnamakshika Shodhana by Bharjana:  In this method of Shodhana, the Nimbu swarasa and Saindhava lavana were used for Shodhana by Bharjana method.  Here the Swarnamakshika was fried with these two drugs in presence of oxygen. By addition of these two drugs there may be a chance of formation of Hydrochloric acid in minute quantity and by heating the impurities like carbonates etc. may be get destroyed.  By continuous stirring and heating the arsenic impurities may get evaporated resulting in detoxification of Swarnamakshika.  Nimbu swarasa may give some organic qualities to Swarnamakshika resulting in its potentisation. And water-soluble impurities formed as a result of chemical reaction may get dissolved in water and removed when the Swarnamakshika was washed with the hot water after completion of Bharjana process.  The color of Swarnamakshika churna changed to brownish at the end of procedure. This might due to formation of iron oxide as the Bharjana was done in the presence of oxygen. There was 60gms of weight loss in this procedure, which might be due to adherence of Swarnamakshika to an iron vessel and also there may be a possibility of weight loss while washing with hot water. 2. Gandhaka Shodhana: Gandhaka Shodhana was done by Kurmaputa method, using milk as a media Melting of Gandhaka:  Sulphur can melt at two different temperatures  If heated rapidly, it melts at 112.80 C  But if heated slowly it will melt only at 118.60 C In this case Sulphur is melted by steady rise of temperature i.e., by the second way. At this temperature, sulphur melts to form a light-yellow liquid. At this point the S8 molecules are separating.In this form the atoms are covalently bonded (sharing electrons with one another) to form rings of eight. These rings slide easily over one another but can't connect or tangle, which is why the liquid is not viscous. When this light-yellow molten sulphur is poured into milk it solidifies as crystalline sulphur. Godugdha as a media  Guru – snigdha guna and sheeta veerya of godughdha pacifies the Teekshna, Ushnaguna of Gandhaka.  The organic sulphur present in the protein of milk might have a role in increasing bioavailability of inorganic sulphur.
  • 6. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 361  Immersing the Molten Sulphur in to milk may cause, higher porosity, lower mechanical strength, and increase in the crystal size of Sulphur.  Since raw milk is the commonly recommended antidote for poisoning, it might help in neutralizing the sulphur poisoning.  Shuddha Gandhaka was brittle and shiny, may be due to the change in crystalline structure while passing through the stage of melting.  The impurities like mud or any other material gets separated on the cloth as these impurities do not melt or change at this temperature. 3. Swarnamakshika Marana:  Gandhaka is an important media used for Marana of many metals and minerals including Swarnamakshika. Being Ariloha it is said to fasten up the Bhasmeekarana process.  Rasa Ratna samucchaya reference explains Marana with Gandhaka in equal quantities, where Bhasma gets formed in 5 Varaha Putas.  In Rasa Prakasa Sudhakara it is further explained as the Gandhaka should be used in equal parts to that of Swarnamakshika for first five Puta, then reduce to half parts for the next Putas. Varaha Puta is explained for Bhasmeekarana of Swarnamakshika.  Copper and Iron when ignited with extra sulphur, sulphides are formed which predominantly are black in colour. (FeS, Cu2 S, CuS – Black). Puta without Gandhaka along with organic minerals in Nimbu swarasa aids in oxidation leading to formation of reddish colour.  Sulphur act as better media in particle size reduction. 4. Swarnamakshika Amrithikarna Amrithikarana was done as it contained Tamra, as told in classics for removal of leftover doshas. Gajaputa was given in this process with temperature reaching upto 752°C and time taken was 7 hrs. Some amount of sulphur evaporated along with leftover doshas. 5. Swarnamakshika Lohitikarana Lohitikarana is the procedure done to regain the varna of the Bhasma which is lost during Marana. In the present study Swarnamakshika Marana was done using Gandhaka as the Maraka Dravya due to which the color of the Bhasma was black. The black colour was due to the sulphides formed in the process of puta. After Lohitikarana the colour of the Bhasma turned to reddish brown. Discussion on Analytical Study Physical Tests  The pH value of LSMB and GPR are 6.0. The pH around 6 implies that drug solubility isn’t affected by hyperacidity or alkality in GI system and the drug is better absorbed in the stomach.  The total ash value indicates the presence of inorganic residues such as phosphates, carbonates and silicates present in herbal drugs. This may be due to the addition of trace elements during the process of bhavana.  Acid insoluble ash signifies that a considerable amount of drug is soluble in the acidic media of stomach.  Loss on drying at 1100 C indicates very less amount of moisture content and very rare chance of bacterial and fungal growth.  Colony forming Units were 00 in both Bacterial Count and Fungal Count tests which signifies that the samples are devoid of contamination even in non-sterile environment. This indicates that the medicine has long shelf-life and is unharmed by any environmental conditions. Instrumental Analysis  2θ values of identified peaks from sample are almost similar to the standard JCPDF numbers of Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) JCPDF Number – 00-039- 1346, Copper Oxide, (CuO) – 48-1548 and Copper Iron Sulphide (CuFeS2) JCPDF Number – 00-041-1404. This indicates that Swarnamakshika Bhasma contains Copper and Iron in its Oxides or Sulphide forms which has better bioavailability in the body.  Elements found in the sample are Cu, Fe, As, O, S in the percentage of 8.59, 41.03, 1.45, 34.73 and 14.20 respectively. This shows that Iron is in greater proportion and the elements may be in the form of oxides and sulphides.  FTIR showed the presence of different functional groups like Alcohol, Phenols, Alkanes, Alkenes, Aromatics, Bromide, Iodide, Chloride, Ethers, Carboxylic acids, Esters, Anhydrides, Amines, Phenyl Ring Substitution Overtones, Primary and secondary amines and amides. This shows the presence of organic compounds in the drug.  Mean Particle size of Lohitikrita Swarnamakshika Bhasma is 816.4nm. The particle size has an important influence on dissolution rate. Smaller the drug particle size larger the surface area, leads to faster dissolution. Particle size reduction will result in precise drug delivery and thereby increasing the bio availability of the drug. It can
  • 7. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 362 be inferred that the repeated Bhavana(trituration) and Puta (Incineration) aided in reducing the particle size of the sample.  N.P.S.T is a modification of circular paper chromatography. N.P.S test gives a clear differentiation of individual products in a group and also product can be identified by its classical name not by the chemical name. The continual chemical reactions taking place gradually between 2 chemical substances on static media at fraction of second and also after certain interval of time are easily detected by their distinct colour changes and the pattern of spot. CONCLUSION  Swarnamakshika Bhasma is Tridoshaghna and has Vrishya, Rasayana, Yogavahi, Vishadoshahara etc. effect when administered internally. Shodhana and Marana is an essential step before usage, which will modify the raw drugs into safe, bio-active, therapeutic form.  Physical tests showed Swarnamakshika Bhasma is reddish brown in colour with pH of 6.0.  NPST of Swarnamakshika Bhasma in 3rd phase showed a central deep blue colored spot with white colored periphery.  Elements found in the sample are Cu, Fe, As, O, S in the percentage of 8.59, 41.03, 1.45, 34.73 and 14.20 respectively.  2θ values of identified peaks from sample are almost similar to the standard JCPDF numbers of Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) JCPDF Number – 00-039- 1346, Copper Oxide, (CuO) – 48-1548 and Copper Iron Sulphide (CuFeS2) JCPDF Number – 00-041-1404.  FTIR showed the presence of different functional groups like Alcohol, Phenols, Alkanes, Alkenes, Aromatics, Bromide, Iodide, Chloride, Ethers, Carboxylic acids, Esters, Anhydrides, Amines, Phenyl Ring Substitution Overtones, Primary and secondary amines and amides.  Mean particle size of Swarnamakshika Bhasma is 816.4nm.  Further experimental and clinical studies are needed to prove the effect of Swarnamakshika Bhasma on different diseases in which it has been indicated. FIGURES
  • 8. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 363
  • 9. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59927 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 364 BIBILIOGRAPHY [1] Acharya Agnivehsa. Charaka Samhita: Pratisamskarana by Charaka, Sampurana by Drudhabala, with Ayurveda Deepika commentary by Chakrapanidatta. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Surabharati Prakashana; Vimanasthana, 1st chapter, Rasavimana adhyaya, Verse 21/2, 235pp. [2] Dr. Ravindra Angadi. A Textbook of Rasashastra. Varanasi: Choukhambha Surabharati Prakashana;2022, 3rd Chapter, Paribhasha Prakarana, 24pp. [3] Acharya Sri Madhava. Ayurveda Prakasha: Edited by Shri Gulraj Sharma Mishra. Varanasi: Chaukambha Bharati Academy; 2020. 4th Chapter, Upadhatu nirupana adhyaya, Verse 12-13, 410pp. [4] Acharya Sri Madhava. Ayurveda Prakasha: Edited by Shri Gulraj Sharma Mishra. Varanasi: Chaukambha Bharati Academy; 2020, 2nd Chapter, Uparasa nirupana adhyaya, Verse 19 and 26-29, 260-263pp. [5] Acharya Shree Vaagbhata. Rasa Ratna Samuchchayah: with Siddhiprada Hindi commentary by Prof. Siddhinandan Mishra. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2019, 2nd chapter, Rasavarga, Verse 76, 42pp. [6] Shree Sadananda Sharma. Rasatarangini: edited by Pandit Kashinath Shastri. 11th edition. Varanasi: Motilal Banarasidas publications; 2012, 17th Taranga, Tamravijneeyam, Verse 40-42, 418pp. [7] Shree Sadananda Sharma. Rasatarangini: edited by Pandit Kashinath Shastri. 11th edition. Varanasi: Motilal Banarasidas publications; 2012, 10th Taranga, Abhraka Vijnaneeyam, Verse65-67, 232pp.