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Research Methodology Lecture 5 Ms Farha Hassan
Surveys Surveys ask respondents for information using verbal or written questioning
Respondents Respondents are a representative sample of people
Gathering Information via Surveys Quick Inexpensive Efficient Accurate Flexible
Problems Poor Design Improper Execution
Interviewer Bias A response bias that occurs because the presence of the interviewer influences answers.
Auspices Bias   Bias in the responses of subjects caused by the respondents being influenced by the organization conducting the study.
Social Desirability Bias Bias in responses caused by respondents’ desire, either conscious or unconscious, to gain prestige or appear in a different social role.
Communicating with Respondents Personal interviews Door-to-door Shopping mall intercepts Telephone interviews Self-administered questionnaires
Personal Interviews
Good Afternoon, my name is _________. I am with _________ survey research company. We are conducting a survey on_________
Door-to-Door Personal Interview Speed of data collection Moderate to fast Geographical flexibility Limited to moderate Respondent cooperation Excellent Versatility of questioning Quite versatile
Door-to-Door Personal Interview Questionnaire length Long Item nonresponse Low Possibility of respondent misunderstanding Lowest Degree of interviewer influence of answer High
Door-to-Door Personal Interview Ease of call back or follow-up Difficult Cost Highest Special features Visual materials may be shown or demonstrated; extended probing possible
Mall Intercept Personal Interview Speed of data collection Fast Geographical flexibility Confined, urban bias Respondent cooperation Moderate to low
Mall Intercept Personal Interview Questionnaire length Moderate to long Item nonresponse Medium
Mall Intercept Personal Interview Degree of interviewer influence of answers Highest Supervision of interviewers Moderate to high Anonymity of respondent Low
Mall Intercept Personal Interview Ease of call back or follow-up Difficult Cost Moderate to high Special features Taste test, viewing of TV commercials   possible
Telephone Surveys
Telephone Surveys Speed of Data Collection Very fast Geographical Flexibility High Respondent Cooperation Depends Versatility of Questioning Moderate
Telephone Surveys Questionnaire Length Moderate Possibility of Respondent Misunderstanding Average Degree of Interviewer Influence of Answer Moderate Ease of call back or follow-up Easy
Telephone Surveys Cost Low to moderate Special features Fieldwork and supervision of data collection are simplified; quite adaptable to computer technology
Telephone Surveys Central location interviewing( WATS) Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) Computerized voice-activated interviews
DISADVANTAGES Lack of visual medium Limited duration Absence of face to face contact ???
Self-Administered Questionnaires
Mail Surveys
Mail Surveys Speed of data collection Researcher has no control over return of questionnaire; slow Geographical flexibility High Respondent cooperation Moderate--poorly designed questionnaire will have low response rate
Mail Surveys Versatility of questioning Highly standardized format Questionnaire length Varies depending on incentive Item nonresponse High
Mail Surveys Possibility of respondent misunderstanding Highest--no interviewer present for clarification Degree of interviewer influence of answer None--interviewer absent Supervision of interviewers Not applicable
Mail Surveys Anonymity of respondent High Ease of call back or follow-up Easy, but takes time Cost Lowest
Increasing Response Rates Effective cover letter Money helps Interesting questions Follow-ups Advanced notification Keying questionnaires
E-Mail Questionnaire Surveys Speed of data collection Instantaneous Geographic flexibility worldwide Cheaper distribution and processing costs
E-Mail Questionnaire Surveys Flexible, but Extensive differences in the capabilities of respondents’ computers and e-mail software limit the types of questions and the layout  E-mails are not secure and “eavesdropping” can possibly occur Respondent cooperation Varies depending if e-mail is seen as “spam”
Internet Surveys A self-administered questionnaire posted on a Web site.  Respondents provide answers to questions displayed online by highlighting a phrase, clicking an icon, or keying in an answer.
Internet Surveys Speed of data collection Instantaneous Cost effective Geographic flexibility worldwide Visual and interactive
Internet Surveys Respondent cooperation Varies depending on web site Varies depending on type of sample When user does not opt-in or expect a voluntary survey cooperation is low.  Self-selection problems in web site visitation surveys - participants tend to be more deeply involved than the average person.
Internet Surveys Versatility of questioning Extremely versatile Questionnaire length Individualized base on respondent answers Longer questionnaires with panel samples Item nonresponse Software can assure none
Internet Surveys Representative samples The quality of internet samples may vary substantially.  A sample of those who visit a web page and voluntarily fill out a questionnaires can have self-selection error.
Drawbacks Not all individuals in the general public have internet access Many respondents lack powerful computers with high-speed connections to the internet Many respondents computer skills will be relatively unsophisticated.  Possibility for respondent misunderstanding is high.
Internet Surveys Anonymity of Respondent Respondent can be anonymous or known Ease of Callback or Follow-up difficult unless e-mail address is known Special Features allows graphics and streaming media
Scientific Observation Is Systematic “ YOU SEE, BUT YOU  DO NOT OBSERVE.”  Sherlock Holmes
What Can Be Observed? Physical actions Verbal behavior Expressive behavior Spatial relations and locations Temporal patterns Verbal and pictorial records
What Can Be Observed Phenomena   Example Human behavior or physical  Shoppers movement action pattern in a store Verbal behavior   Statements made by airline travelers who wait in line Expressive behavior Facial expressions, tone of  voice, and other form of  body language
What Can Be Observed Phenomena Example Spatial relations   How close visitors at an and locations art museum stand to paintings Temporal patterns How long fast-food customers wait for their order to be served Physical objects   What brand name items are  stored in consumers’ pantries Verbal and Pictorial  Bar codes on product packages Records
Categories of Observation Human versus mechanical Visible versus hidden Direct Controlled
Observation of Human Behavior Benefits Communication with respondent is not necessary Data without distortions due to self-report (e.g.: without social desirability) Bias No need to rely on respondents memory Nonverbal behavior data may be obtained
Observation of Human Behavior Benefits Certain data may be obtained more quickly Environmental conditions may be recorded May be combined with survey to provide supplemental evidence
Observation of Human Behavior Limitations Cognitive phenomena cannot be observed Interpretation of data may be a problem Not all activity can be recorded Only short periods can be observed Observer bias possible Possible invasion of privacy
Scientifically Contrived Observation The creation of an artificial environment to test a hypothesis
Content Analysis   Obtains data by observing and analyzing the content of advertisements, letters, articles, etc. Deals with the study of the message itself Measures the extent of emphasis or omission
Mechanical Observation Traffic Counters Web Traffic Scanners Peoplemeter Physiological Measures
Physiological Reactions Eye tracking Pupilometer Psychogalvanometer Voice pitch
Eye Tracking Monitors Record how the subject actually reads or views an advertisement Measure unconscious eye movements
Pupilometer This device observes and records changes in the diameter of the subject’s pupils.  Increased pupil size reflects positive attitude towards a stimulus.
Psychogalvanometer Measures galvanic skin response(GSR) or Involuntary changes in the electrical resistance of the skin. Assumption: physiological changes accompany emotional reactions Emotional reactions to advertisements, slogans, etc
Voice Pitch Analysis Measures emotional reactions through physiological changes in a person’s voice. Very expensive.

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Rm 5

  • 1. Research Methodology Lecture 5 Ms Farha Hassan
  • 2.  
  • 3. Surveys Surveys ask respondents for information using verbal or written questioning
  • 4. Respondents Respondents are a representative sample of people
  • 5. Gathering Information via Surveys Quick Inexpensive Efficient Accurate Flexible
  • 6. Problems Poor Design Improper Execution
  • 7. Interviewer Bias A response bias that occurs because the presence of the interviewer influences answers.
  • 8. Auspices Bias Bias in the responses of subjects caused by the respondents being influenced by the organization conducting the study.
  • 9. Social Desirability Bias Bias in responses caused by respondents’ desire, either conscious or unconscious, to gain prestige or appear in a different social role.
  • 10. Communicating with Respondents Personal interviews Door-to-door Shopping mall intercepts Telephone interviews Self-administered questionnaires
  • 12. Good Afternoon, my name is _________. I am with _________ survey research company. We are conducting a survey on_________
  • 13. Door-to-Door Personal Interview Speed of data collection Moderate to fast Geographical flexibility Limited to moderate Respondent cooperation Excellent Versatility of questioning Quite versatile
  • 14. Door-to-Door Personal Interview Questionnaire length Long Item nonresponse Low Possibility of respondent misunderstanding Lowest Degree of interviewer influence of answer High
  • 15. Door-to-Door Personal Interview Ease of call back or follow-up Difficult Cost Highest Special features Visual materials may be shown or demonstrated; extended probing possible
  • 16. Mall Intercept Personal Interview Speed of data collection Fast Geographical flexibility Confined, urban bias Respondent cooperation Moderate to low
  • 17. Mall Intercept Personal Interview Questionnaire length Moderate to long Item nonresponse Medium
  • 18. Mall Intercept Personal Interview Degree of interviewer influence of answers Highest Supervision of interviewers Moderate to high Anonymity of respondent Low
  • 19. Mall Intercept Personal Interview Ease of call back or follow-up Difficult Cost Moderate to high Special features Taste test, viewing of TV commercials possible
  • 21. Telephone Surveys Speed of Data Collection Very fast Geographical Flexibility High Respondent Cooperation Depends Versatility of Questioning Moderate
  • 22. Telephone Surveys Questionnaire Length Moderate Possibility of Respondent Misunderstanding Average Degree of Interviewer Influence of Answer Moderate Ease of call back or follow-up Easy
  • 23. Telephone Surveys Cost Low to moderate Special features Fieldwork and supervision of data collection are simplified; quite adaptable to computer technology
  • 24. Telephone Surveys Central location interviewing( WATS) Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) Computerized voice-activated interviews
  • 25. DISADVANTAGES Lack of visual medium Limited duration Absence of face to face contact ???
  • 28. Mail Surveys Speed of data collection Researcher has no control over return of questionnaire; slow Geographical flexibility High Respondent cooperation Moderate--poorly designed questionnaire will have low response rate
  • 29. Mail Surveys Versatility of questioning Highly standardized format Questionnaire length Varies depending on incentive Item nonresponse High
  • 30. Mail Surveys Possibility of respondent misunderstanding Highest--no interviewer present for clarification Degree of interviewer influence of answer None--interviewer absent Supervision of interviewers Not applicable
  • 31. Mail Surveys Anonymity of respondent High Ease of call back or follow-up Easy, but takes time Cost Lowest
  • 32. Increasing Response Rates Effective cover letter Money helps Interesting questions Follow-ups Advanced notification Keying questionnaires
  • 33. E-Mail Questionnaire Surveys Speed of data collection Instantaneous Geographic flexibility worldwide Cheaper distribution and processing costs
  • 34. E-Mail Questionnaire Surveys Flexible, but Extensive differences in the capabilities of respondents’ computers and e-mail software limit the types of questions and the layout E-mails are not secure and “eavesdropping” can possibly occur Respondent cooperation Varies depending if e-mail is seen as “spam”
  • 35. Internet Surveys A self-administered questionnaire posted on a Web site. Respondents provide answers to questions displayed online by highlighting a phrase, clicking an icon, or keying in an answer.
  • 36.  
  • 37. Internet Surveys Speed of data collection Instantaneous Cost effective Geographic flexibility worldwide Visual and interactive
  • 38. Internet Surveys Respondent cooperation Varies depending on web site Varies depending on type of sample When user does not opt-in or expect a voluntary survey cooperation is low. Self-selection problems in web site visitation surveys - participants tend to be more deeply involved than the average person.
  • 39. Internet Surveys Versatility of questioning Extremely versatile Questionnaire length Individualized base on respondent answers Longer questionnaires with panel samples Item nonresponse Software can assure none
  • 40. Internet Surveys Representative samples The quality of internet samples may vary substantially. A sample of those who visit a web page and voluntarily fill out a questionnaires can have self-selection error.
  • 41. Drawbacks Not all individuals in the general public have internet access Many respondents lack powerful computers with high-speed connections to the internet Many respondents computer skills will be relatively unsophisticated. Possibility for respondent misunderstanding is high.
  • 42. Internet Surveys Anonymity of Respondent Respondent can be anonymous or known Ease of Callback or Follow-up difficult unless e-mail address is known Special Features allows graphics and streaming media
  • 43. Scientific Observation Is Systematic “ YOU SEE, BUT YOU DO NOT OBSERVE.” Sherlock Holmes
  • 44. What Can Be Observed? Physical actions Verbal behavior Expressive behavior Spatial relations and locations Temporal patterns Verbal and pictorial records
  • 45. What Can Be Observed Phenomena Example Human behavior or physical Shoppers movement action pattern in a store Verbal behavior Statements made by airline travelers who wait in line Expressive behavior Facial expressions, tone of voice, and other form of body language
  • 46. What Can Be Observed Phenomena Example Spatial relations How close visitors at an and locations art museum stand to paintings Temporal patterns How long fast-food customers wait for their order to be served Physical objects What brand name items are stored in consumers’ pantries Verbal and Pictorial Bar codes on product packages Records
  • 47. Categories of Observation Human versus mechanical Visible versus hidden Direct Controlled
  • 48. Observation of Human Behavior Benefits Communication with respondent is not necessary Data without distortions due to self-report (e.g.: without social desirability) Bias No need to rely on respondents memory Nonverbal behavior data may be obtained
  • 49. Observation of Human Behavior Benefits Certain data may be obtained more quickly Environmental conditions may be recorded May be combined with survey to provide supplemental evidence
  • 50. Observation of Human Behavior Limitations Cognitive phenomena cannot be observed Interpretation of data may be a problem Not all activity can be recorded Only short periods can be observed Observer bias possible Possible invasion of privacy
  • 51. Scientifically Contrived Observation The creation of an artificial environment to test a hypothesis
  • 52. Content Analysis Obtains data by observing and analyzing the content of advertisements, letters, articles, etc. Deals with the study of the message itself Measures the extent of emphasis or omission
  • 53. Mechanical Observation Traffic Counters Web Traffic Scanners Peoplemeter Physiological Measures
  • 54. Physiological Reactions Eye tracking Pupilometer Psychogalvanometer Voice pitch
  • 55. Eye Tracking Monitors Record how the subject actually reads or views an advertisement Measure unconscious eye movements
  • 56. Pupilometer This device observes and records changes in the diameter of the subject’s pupils. Increased pupil size reflects positive attitude towards a stimulus.
  • 57. Psychogalvanometer Measures galvanic skin response(GSR) or Involuntary changes in the electrical resistance of the skin. Assumption: physiological changes accompany emotional reactions Emotional reactions to advertisements, slogans, etc
  • 58. Voice Pitch Analysis Measures emotional reactions through physiological changes in a person’s voice. Very expensive.