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Renewable Energy & Social Enterprise in India.
Research Project with
Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship - SBS. Oxford.
Kaustubh Ambavanekar- EMBA-6
Said Business School, Oxford.
This is a research initiative to explore Social Enterprise (SE) activities in Renewable Energy
(RE). It illustrates that collaborative learning-by-doing by individuals across organisational
boundaries is key for the successful implementation of RE projects with help of SEs.
“After years of
attempting to develop
renewable energy (RE)
mainly through large
private sector
initiatives, it is essential
to broadened its
approach to provide
more support for other
actors in this sector. The
purpose of this research
is to assess what role
social enterprise (SE)
activities can play in the
development of the RE
sector in the India.”
Objectives- Social Enterprise and Renewable Energy

    Social enterprises can provide innovative solutions to achieve the global ambition to
    dramatically increase the proportion of the world energy that comes from renewable
    sources most effectively.

    The strategy is to make substantial use of social enterprise models to deliver
    renewable energy, with multiple benefits, learning from successes domestically and

    The specific steps suggested would enable the further development of the UK’s
    renewable capacity to make the most of the opportunities social enterprise business
    models provide.

    That the Renewable Energy Strategy be implemented in the full context of the
    government’s commitments on climate change and its other strategic objectives.

    The programme should aim to promote sustainable business growth and new
    business opportunities by enabling the establishment or further development of
    social enterprises based on community scale renewable energy installations.
Social enterprise models need to offer
communities an opportunity to
contribute to changing the economics
of climate change as well as
advocating and informing changes in
individual behaviours. They need to
frequently deliver environmental
outcomes simultaneously to multiple
social benefits, such as employment
for those otherwise excluded from the
labour market and new community
assets. These models should present
opportunities for environmental
organisations to be more financially
sustainable, for existing social
enterprises to diversify and offer
environmental services and additional
means for policy makers to deliver
their environmental objectives.

            Environmental social enterprises can operate businesses
         ranging from community renewable energy through re-use and
                     recycling to environmental education.
Drivers for Renewable Energy Social Enterprise (RESE)
Renewable Energy And Social Enterprise In India  Reasearch 2
Primary indicators
     1.6 billion people- a quarter of humanity - live without electricity.

     Region Millions without electricity (world bank development indicators 2008)
        South Asia                      706
        Sub-Saharan Africa              547
        East Asia                       224
        Other                           101

    Water problems affect half of humanity: Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate
 access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation.

    In developing countries some 2.5 billion people are forced to rely on biomass-fuelwood, charcoal and animal
 dung-to meet their energy needs for cooking.

    In sub-Saharan Africa, over 80 percent of the population depends on traditional biomass for cooking, as do
 over half of the populations of India and China.

   Indoor air pollution resulting from the use of solid fuels [by poorer segments of society] is a major killer. It
 claims the lives of 1.5 million people each year, more than half of them below the age of five: that is 4000 deaths
 a day. To put this number in context, it exceeds total deaths from malaria and rivals the number of deaths from

   Approximately half the world’s population now live in cities and towns. In 2005, one out of three urban dwellers
 (approximately 1 billion people) was living in slum conditions.

 Source: World Bank Data & Statistics, accessed March 3, 2008
“ Renewable energy technologies are essential contributors
to the energy supply portfolio, as they contribute to world
energy security, reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and provide
opportunities for mitigating greenhouse gases. Climate-
disrupting fossil fuels are being replaced by clean, climate-
stabilizing, non-depletable sources of energy”
RESE Application Scenarios
RESE Applications
                              Solar, Wind, Hydro
                                ,Bio Fuel And

         Waste Mgmt                                Agriculture
         Recycling,                                BioTechnology,
         Access and storage                        Access to clean
                                                   water, Irrigation


         Sustainability                             Education
         Development                                Learning &
         Manufacturing                              development in
                                                    Rural areas

Environmental sustainability is important to us all.
  Sustaining the quality of our natural environment
  and tackling the problem of climate change is
  a huge challenge. Many social enterprises work to
  provide     environmental      services   including
  renewable energy generation, recycling and reuse,
  community transport, education and awareness
  raising, and sustainable land management.

Environmental Sustainability
Many more have environmental concerns as part of their core social values and all social enterprises can
work to improve their environmental impact.

Environmental social enterprises offer the world a model where the results are truly triple bottom line:
environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. As awareness of the importance of combating
climate change and pressures on resources increase, there are tremendous opportunities for social
enterprise to make an even greater contribution.

Environmental considerations span the full remit of the Government, from national carbon reduction
targets to local authority commissioning of waste services. It is important to make clear to the
Government the key role that social enterprise can and should play in delivering on these aspirations.

  Environmental Sustainability Results
An inside look at the making of a global energy service organization that produces wind
turbines locally to bring sustainable energy services and economic opportunity to
underserved regions of the world. Starting with proof of concept in Nicaragua, Mathias Craig
and blue Energy have their sights set on making a huge impact on the lives of the world’s

RESE Organisations
The Challenge: Change, Measure, Sustain
Change:                             Measure:

From population growth to           Social businesses, green initiatives, and sustainability may seem
innovations in renewable            laudable in their own right, but-
energies, we live in a world of
constant change. Is it now time     1.   How do we measure progress?
for businesses and individuals to   2.   And when we are talking about a sustainable future.
reassess their relationships with   3.    what constitutes success? Perhaps more than any other, this is a
natural resources and the                key issue facing governments, businesses, non-profits, and
globalized community? And, as            communities today.
some experts have suggested, can
we do so profitably? The idea of    Sustain:
change will be put to the test as
we reassess current capitalistic    Sustainability has become a useful buzzword, but in the context of
structures and re-evaluate status   rapid global change and technological innovation, what does
quo business models.                sustainability actually mean? And how, as global citizens and
                                    professionals, can we operate in ways that ensure the world’s
                                    resources for future generations?
Renewable Energy And Social Enterprise In India  Reasearch 2
Renewable Energy And Social Enterprise In India  Reasearch 2
Issues in India
Electricity Shortage
   India suffers from a severe shortage of electric capacity. According to the World Bank, roughly 40 percent of residences in
India are without electricity.

  In addition, blackouts are a common occurrence throughout the country’s main cities.

  One-third of Indian businesses believe that unreliable electricity is one of their primary impediments to doing business.

   Further compounding the situation is that total demand for electricity in the country continues to rise and is outpacing
increases in capacity.

  Adequate additional capacity has failed to materialize in India in light of market regulations, insufficient investment in the
sector, and difficulty in obtaining environmental approval and funding for hydropower projects.

  In addition, coal shortages are further straining power generation capabilities.

  In order to address this shortfall, the Indian government has set the goal of adding 90,000 MW of additional electric
generation capacity by 2012.

   In light of these targets, the private sector is beginning to step up investment in the sector. For example, Uk-based Hinduja
Group, which already operates several power plants in the country, has pledged $15 billion towards the addition of 10,000 MW
of capacity over the next several years.

  The country also grapples with electricity efficiency issues. In order to improve efficiency standards, the Energy Conservation
Act was passed in 2002, which established the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and has sought to promote efficient use of energy
and labeling of energy-intensive products.

  It is also possible to import some electricity into India, as the country’s power grid is interconnected with the grids in Nepal
and Bhutan. This has allowed for the export of surplus electricity to India, however, this is not likely to prove sufficient to make
up for India’s lack of electric generation capacity.
Pollution and Co2 Levels

While high pollution levels were found over much of India, a concentrated pool of particles was
discovered over Bihar, a largely rural area with a high population density. Blanketing around 100 million
people, primarily in the Ganges Valley, the pollution levels are about five times larger than those typically
found over Los Angeles and can affect both human health and local climate. A large source contributing
to the Bihar pollution pool is the inefficient burning of a variety of biofuels during cooking and other
domestic use. Particles in the smoke remain close to the ground, trapped by valley walls, and unable to
mix upward because of a high-pressure system that dominates the region during winter.
Water Shortage
Education, Research & Innovation in India
Literacy Rates- India
R&D Expenditure & IPs

Share of various Ministries and departments in the public
R&D expenditure in India, Plan Period - 10th: 2002-2007

                                                              P activity by India both residential and non-residential.
Innovation In India
Agricultural Challenges
Never before in the history of India, large
number of peasants (970 in 2001) resorted to
suicides since the later part of 1990s as the
economic policies have devastated the lives of
farmers. It has started in Andhra Pradesh State
and has spread over to Maharashtra, Madhya
pradesh, Punjab and other parts, which are the
highest food grown areas.
Indian Farmer suicide

Despite the fact that 60% of the population of India is involved in agriculture, “disastrous policies,
woeful access to affordable credit, greedy and corrupt middlemen, and indifferent administrations”
have created (and are maintaining) such an impossible credit and financial system for farmers that they
have been committing suicide in astounding numbers. The official statistic: since 1997, over five
hundred thousand (5000) farmers have killed themselves.
Indian Farmer suicide
Climate Change
Renewable Energy And Social Enterprise In India  Reasearch 2
Global Warming

         Increased temperatures will impact agricultural production. Higher
         temperatures reduce the total duration of a crop cycle by inducing early
         flowering, thus shortening the `grain fill’ period. The shorter the crop
         cycle, the lower the yield per unit area.
Renewable Energy And Social Enterprise In India  Reasearch 2
Climate change is one of the most serious challenges India faces, with consequences that
go far beyond its effect on the environment. In this regard, the Indian government has
decided to reduce the carbon intensity by 24% from 2005 levels by 2020 and The National
Action Plan on Climate Change seeks to promote Sustainable development through use of
clean technologies.

India needs a change
Renewable Energy in India
Renewable Energy growth in India
  Since 2007, India installed 3,857 MW from wind energy; 619.53 MW from small hydro;
322 MW from biomass; 704.20 MW from bagasse cogeneration; 8.10 MW from solar energy; and
20.10 MW from urban and industrial waste to energy.

  The year marks the beginning of India’s 11th five-year economic plan. Renewable energy
installations from the current economic plan account for 35 percent of all of India’s installation

  India’s renewable energy power generation capacity now stands at 15,789 megawatts following
government efforts to boost the sector.

  The minister cited the allocation of 3.9 billion Indian rupees ($86 million) to different renewable
energy projects and programs starting in 2009.
Indian Policies
   India has introduced policies and regulatory measures for renewable energy development, such as financial
incentives, capital subsidy and customs duties.

  The country imposed preferential tariff for renewable power in strategic areas under its National Electricity Policy
2005 and national tariff policies. In 2003, the country set a fixed minimum percentage for renewable electricity
purchase through electricity legislation.

  Further government efforts include a generation-based incentives scheme for wind power which lays a 0.5 rupee
per unit incentive for electricity fed into the grid.

  The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission is currently the centre piece of India’s renewable energy

  The program, launched in November, will boost deployment of solar energy systems and install 20,000 MW solar
capacity by 2022. The first phase of the mission targets grid connected solar power plants with a combined capacity
of 1,100 MW; equivalent off-grid solar applications of 200 MW; and solar thermal collectors that will cover an area
of 7 million square meters.

  Currently, the Indian government is trying to spread public awareness on the necessity of generating power from
renewable energy sources.

  The country plans to impose taxes on coal. Meanwhile, the World Bank has allotted $4 billion in loans for India’s
renewable energy projects.
Renewable energy certificate scheme- India
Renewable energy certificate scheme- India
  The Indian government is reportedly working on plans for a new renewable energy certificate (REC) scheme
designed to drive investment in low-carbon energy projects.

   The scheme, which appears to be loosely modelled on the system of RECs in the US, would provide renewable
energy developers with an additional revenue stream while giving companies the ability to bolster their green
credentials by demonstrating that they have purchased renewable energy.

   A central agency will be set up to issue and administer RECs, while renewable energy generators will be
allowed to sell the electricity at an above-market tariff set by local power regulators, or sell the electricity and
associated REC separately.

  The country launched a feed-in tariff scheme for renewable energy last year and is also working on a high-
profile project, dubbed the Solar Mission, to deliver about 20GW of solar energy capacity in the next decade.

   India added 2.33GW of grid-connected renewable power capacity during the year to the end of March,
according to a statement from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, more than doubling the rate at which
it installed renewables capacity during the previous year.

  The record performance takes the country's total installed capacity of renewable energy to 16.8GW, far
outstripping the performance of many industrialised nations including the UK, France, Japan and Canada.

  India has approved in principal an ambitious National Solar Mission to generate 200GW of the country's energy
from sunlight by 2050, but it apparently expects substantial funding to come from western nations.
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
Mission Features
  Government of India has recently launched the ambitious Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission which aims to
promote the development and use of solar energy for power generation and other uses in the country. This Mission is
one of the eight key National Missions which comprise India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change.

  The mission has a twin objective - to contribute to India's long term energy security as well as its ecological
security.The Solar Mission would be implemented in 3 stages leading up to an installed capacity of 20,000 MW by the
end of the 13th Five Year Plan in 2022. It is envisaged that as a result of rapid scale up as well as technological
developments, the price of solar power will attain parity with grid power at the end of the Mission, enabling
accelerated and large-scale expansion thereafter.

  Mission will establish a single window investor-friendly mechanism, which reduces risk and at the same time,
provides an attractive, predictable and sufficiently extended tariff for the purchase of solar power for the grid.

  The focal point for the grid connected utility scale power plants, for the Phase 1 of the Mission, will be the NTPC
Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN), which is the power trading arm of the NTPC. Government has designated it for the
purchase of solar power generated by independent solar power producers, at rates fixed by the Central Regulatory
Electricity Commission and for a period specified by the latter.

  The mission includes a major initiative for promoting rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) applications. The solar tariff
announced by the regulators will be applicable for such installations. The power distribution companies will be
involved in purchase of this power. The mission would have a 'much focussed R&D programme’ which seeks to
address the India-specific challenges in promoting solar energy.
Mission Objectives
  To create an enabling policy framework for the deployment of 20,000 MW of solar power by 2022.

  To ramp up capacity of grid-connected solar power generation to 1000 MW within three years – by
2013; an additional 3000 MW by 2017 through the mandatory use of the renewable purchase
obligation by utilities backed with a preferential tariff.

   This capacity can be more than doubled – reaching 10,000MW installed power by 2017 or more,
based on the enhanced and enabled international finance and technology transfer. The ambitious
target for 2022 of 20,000 MW or more, will be dependent on the ‘learning’ of the first two phases,
which if successful, could lead to conditions of grid-competitive solar power.

  The transition could be appropriately up scaled, based on availability of international finance and
  To create favourable conditions for solar manufacturing capability, particularly solar thermal for
indigenous production and market leadership.

  To promote programs for off grid applications, reaching 1000 MW by 2017 and 2000 MW by 2022.

 To achieve 15 million square meters solar thermal collector area by 2017 and 20 million square
meters solar thermal collector area by 2022.
Mission Objectives
  To deploy 20 million solar lighting systems for rural areas by 2022.
  The Mission underlines the Government’s intention to give a boost to solar energy and is a
purposeful step by India towards climate change mitigation“.
  The Solar Mission forms a part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). An
analysis done by Greenpeace shows that the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission plan could
ensure an annual reduction of 434 million tons of CO2 emissions every year by 2050 based on the
assumption that solar will replace fossil fuels.

Incentives offered:
  CERC has announced preferential tariff of Rs. 18.44 per unit for solar PV power and Rs. 13.45 per
unit for solar thermal power for 25 years;
  Zero or concessional duty applicable on import of certain specific items;
  Zero Excise duty on domestic manufacture of many solar energy devices and systems;
  NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam will purchase solar power for a period of 25 years at a fixed tariff
announced by CERC;
  CERC will review the costs every year and fix tariff accordingly for new projects.
Social Enterprise offering Renewable Energy
Case Studies
Case Studies- India

SELCO India, a social enterprise that provides sustainable energy services to underserved
households and businesses in India, announced that it received a social growth financing
investment from an international consortium of leading social investors. The financing was led by
the Good Energies Foundation, a not-for-profit organization focused on the alleviation of poverty
through sustainable access to renewable energy, and also included the Lemelson Foundation, which
celebrates and supports inventors and entrepreneurs to strengthen social and economic life, and
E+Co, a non-profit investment firm that provides business support services and capital to energy
enterprises in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The mission of the Good Energies Foundation is poverty alleviation through sustainable access to
renewable energy. A Swiss registered foundation, it is independent from, but affiliated with, Good
Energies, Inc.
Case Studies- India

NextGen, incubated at NSRCEL, IIM-Bangalore operates in two major domains - Emission
Management and Waste to Energy. We are the pioneers of carbon accounting in India and have
worked with some of the biggest companies across the globe on their footprint estimation, analysis
, reduction and low carbon strategy. We help organizations measure, manage, mitigate and
communicate the environmental impact of their operations, supply chain, products and events
amongst others.

NextGen has developed an in house biogas technology for decentralized organic waste to energy
application, focusing on urban needs of reliability, hygiene and aesthetic values. This technology is
currently being deployed across IT parks, university campuses, housing complexes and hotel chains
across India.
Case Studies-India

Envirofit International was established to develop well-engineered technology solutions to improve
the human condition on a global scale, with a primary emphasis on applications in the developing
world. Envirofit's goal is to develop and distribute well-engineered energy products that address
major environmental problems in the global emerging markets that traditionally have been
overlooked. Established as a U.S. tax-exempt corporation, Envirofit utilizes initial donations and
institutional support to fund product development and early stage product commercialization, and
then uses operating income to develop and expand its businesses. In the rank of organizations
developing products for "bottom of the pyramid" markets, Envirofit is unique in its utilization of the
same rigorous product-development methodology and protocols used by modern industry. This
requires rigor in areas like design, validation, manufacturing, quality control, supply chain
management, distribution, inventory management, and marketing. Envirofit's goal is thus to build
and operate self-sustaining businesses as an entrepreneurial, commercially-driven, independent,
non-profit organization.
Case Studies-India

The CleanStar Trust was established in mid-2007 based on the realisation that with appropriate
technical and financial support, the rural poor could become great champions in the fight against
climate change and environmental degradation.
Today, we are a resource centre for community-based agro-forestry, clean energy production, and
environmental education programs that engage and benefit the rural poor.

CleanStar Energy is a private limited company registered in New Delhi, India. The company was
launched in 2005 based on award-winning research at Oxford University. It now has offices in Pune,
Maharashtra and field sites in central and western Maharashtra.
CleanStar is proud to support the CleanStar Trust for Sustainable Development, an independent
non-profit group that helps the rural poor fight climate change.
Case Studies -Worldwide

Community Renewable Energy Ltd (CoRE) is a Social Enterprise. We know that many
communities have explored renewable energy and discovered that they lack the
resources to make this happen. We work with communities to develop systems that will
generate income and provide them with sustainable, secure energy supplies. In return
CoRE takes a stake in the companies set up; to recoup development costs and to support
the establishment of more community owned renewable energy systems.

The UK’s National Agency ECOTEC has awarded Embrace with one of the European
Commission’s flagship Transfer of Innovation projects. The project has been developed
over the years to address the need for qualified and well-trained people working in the
renewable energy sector. The project will be a platform to share the regional/ national
differences in vocational education and training (VET) within the renewable energy
Case Studies- Cambodia

E+Co makes clean energy investments in developing countries. With 15 years of experience and
offices in 8 locations, E+Co's innovative business model provides lasting solutions to climate change
and poverty.

SME Cambodia and E + Co, a US non-profit renewable energy investment organization, have
established a new Cambodian renewable energy company. The new venture,SME Renewable
Energy Ltd., will promote renewable energy technologies and market biomass gasification power
generation systems in Cambodia and throughout the Greater Mekong region. SME-RE Ltd. offers
“turnkey” projects, including system design, project feasibility studies, project planning and project
financing, to rural electricity producers, agro-business processing enterprises and manufacturers
requiring stand alone thermal or electrical energy solutions. Primary markets include rice mills,
cashew processing plants, ice factories and noodle factories. Other potential customers are
companies that currently depend on high cost diesel and other petroleum fuels for thermal steam
generation, ceramic kiln firing and grain drying
Case Studies- Philippines

RuralLight is a youth-led social enterprise based in the Philippines that is focused on empowering
off-grid communities in pursuing sustainable solutions in renewable energy.

RuralLight is a Philippine-based, youth-led social enterprise focused on empowering off-grid
communities in pursuing sustainable solutions in renewable energy. The organization supports in
empowering off-grid communities and villages using renewable energy in part or wholly by
providing scalable solutions that support their local economies. This includes supporting local
produce by expanding their markets and engaging in community-centered product development
and deployment like bringing in products for the bottom of the pyramid. This context engages and
empowers the community to enhance their livelihood and expand their market.

Given that there are still about 2,400 villages still not electrified, there are avenues to provide
energy for these villages. One solution is to provide an electrified community center using a
renewable energy source or a mix of resources for a town not yet connected to the electric grid.
Case Studies- Barbados

Innogen Technologies is a social innovation enterprise specializing in alternative energy solutions
for small island economies. We are situated on the Island of Barbados, our focus is on developing a
renewable energy industry within the Caribbean Islands. it is not based on a business
entrepreneurship model but rather a social entrepreneurship model. seeking to address broad
grassroots economic problems that Caribbean people are facing, using innovative technologies,
solutions and processes.

Founded by Jerome Lemelson, one of U.S. history's most prolific inventors, the Lemelson
Foundation uses its resources to recognize and celebrate accomplished inventors, inspire and
mentor young people and grassroots inventors and entrepreneurs, disseminate technologies that
improve people’s lives and generate entrepreneurial opportunity, and research and share
information that illuminates the value of invention to society. To date, the Foundation has donated
or committed more than $150 million in support of its mission.
Case Studies-Nicaragua, France

blueEnergy improves lives in marginalized communities using a holistic approach to sustainable
energy and related fundamental services.

To ensure long-term operation, blueEnergy leverages international support to develop needed
infrastructure and human capacity and empowers local people by making them central figures in
the design, construction, and implementation of the energy systems and other solutions.

Ultimately, blueEnergy creates long-term value by linking its sustainable energy services to life-
improving energy uses such as clean light, water treatment, medicine storage, and ice making for
fish storage.
Case Studies- USA

RREAL has the unique mission of making solar energy available to people of all income levels. Solar
technologies present viable alternatives to fossil fuels that are both environmentally sound and
socially empowering. In order for solar to be widely embraced, it must be available to people of all
income levels. However, solar technology remains out of reach for many lower income households.

The cost of home heating is unpredictable, and has been rising every year for the last 30 years-
much faster than people’s incomes. Since low income families devote a greater share of income to
the necessity of heat, they are the most vulnerable to these increases and fluctuations in energy
Case Studies-Ethiopia

Health stations offer the only opportunity for around 12,000 people in Ethiopia’s Midda Region to
meet their basic medical needs. The remote locations of these health stations make it extremely
difficult to guarantee the indispensable, uninterrupted cooling (between 2 and 8° C) of life-saving
vaccines. Hitherto, kerosene using generators provided the essential power. Yet, fuel supply
distribution is difficult, the often old engines are unreliable and fuel itself bears high permanent
costs. Thanks to the project’s installed solar PV facilities directly at the health stations, autonomous
power supply can be achieved. The high-tech installations guarantee a reliable and persistent power
supply as well as significant cost reduction.
Case Studies-Ethiopia

Rema is a village with 3,000 inhabitants in the Midda Region in Ethiopia. Through a contribution by
Good Energies and other donors, Stiftung Solarenergie was able to equip every single house in the
village with a solar panel, a battery for energy storage and two LED lamps (which use very little
energy). These electric off-grid lights replace health damaging kerosene lamps, which are common
in this area. The success was so overwhelming that several surrounding villages approached the
Solarstiftung in order to be electrified in the same way.

The advantage of the solar system contrary to diesel generators, which aid organizations
traditionally have in their aid programs, is the independence from petrol prices and the delivery of
petrol to these remote areas.
Case Studies-Ethiopia

In the Midda region, people often have to walk many hours in order to have access to a source of
water and the walk from the plateau into the valley is usually steep. It is mostly the women and the
children who have to go on this laborious march which often takes seven to eight hours every day.
We helped to install the solar-powered water pumping system in the village of Rema, where the
women and children now no longer need to travel the difficult path into the valley for precious
water. The time they save is important: The children now have time, for example, to go to school
during the day.
World Facts
World Potential Renewable Energy
                                   1.   Globally, renewable energy is
                                        growing fast. The rates of
                                        development for renewable energy
                                        sources is far exceeding those of
                                        fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and
                                        natural gas.

                                   2.   In 2006, wind and solar
                                        development grew by 20 and 40
                                        percent respectively.

                                   3.   A recent report released by
                                        Greenpeace and the European
                                        Renewable Energy Council, states
                                        that renewable energy can deliver
                                        half of the world's energy needs by

                                   4.   Renewable energy will become
                                        increasingly important as the world
                                        attempts to reduce greenhouse gas
                                        emissions to levels that scientists
                                        predict are necessary to curb global
Global Renewable Energy Resources
                        Solar                                                              Wind

Fig 1.0 :The geographical distribution of the solar radiation   Fig 2.0 Availability of standardized evaluations of the wind
         incident on the earth's surface each year.                                    energy potential
Global Access to safe drinking water

Fig 1.0 :The geographical distribution of the solar radiation   Fig 2.0 Availability of standardized evaluations of the wind
         incident on the earth's surface each year.                                    energy potential
Global Biofuel Production Map
Projected agriculture in 2080 due to climate change
Wind Energy Capacity (Worldwide)

The BLUE scenario forecasts that wind energy will produce over 5,000 TWh of electricity per year
by 2050, accounting for up to 17% of global power production. Over one third of the resulting CO2
savings will be achieved in China and India.
India Facts
Population density of Indian states
                                      States In India
Energy Consumption- World & India

Coal accounts for more than half of India’s total energy consumption followed by oil, which comprises
31 percent of total energy consumption. Natural gas and hydroelectric power account for 8 and 6
percent of consumption, respectively. Although nuclear power comprises a very small percentage of
total energy consumption at this time, it is expected to increase in light of recent international civil
nuclear energy cooperation deals. According to the Indian government, 30 percent of India’s total
energy needs are met through imports.
India’s Oil production and Imports

India lacks sufficient domestic energy resources and must import much of its growing energy
requirements. India is not only experiencing an electricity shortage but is also increasingly dependent
on oil imports to meet demand. In addition to pursuing domestic oil and gas exploration and production
projects, India is also stepping up its natural gas imports, particularly through imports of liquefied
natural gas. The country’s ability to secure a reliable supply of energy resources at affordable prices will
be one of the most important factors in shaping its future energy demand.
India Energy Capacity
Energy Resources, Production and Capacity

                                India's Largest Hydroelectric Power Plants
                                                                         Total Capacity
                                   Power Plant              State
                                      Dehar               Rajasthan           990
                                    Sharavathi            Karnataka           891
                                      Koyna              Maharashtra          880
                                     Kalinadi I           Karnataka           825
                                  Nagarjun Sugar       Andhra Pradesh         815
                                      Idduki               Kerala             780

                                Srisailam Right Bank   Andhra Pradesh         770

                                  Bhakra-Nangal           Rajasthan           710

                                       Salal           Jammu & Kashmir        690

                                      Kundah             Tamil Nadu           555
Renewable Energy Projects & Wind Density Map
Future Wind Energy Capacity (India)

The BLUE scenario forecasts that wind energy will produce over 5,000 TWh of electricity per
year by 2050, accounting for up to 17% of global power production. Over one third of the
resulting CO2 savings will be achieved in China and India.
Innovation and Renewable Energy Social
HighDro Power generation
                     A graduating industrial design student at Leicester’s De
                     Montfort University (DMU) is hoping for award-winning success
                     with his innovative design which transforms falling wastewater
                     into electricity.

                     DMU Industrial design student, Tom Broadbent’s money and
                     energy-saving brainwave is called the HighDro Power and works
                     by harnessing the energy from falling waste water in the soil
                     pipes of high-rise buildings, converting it to electricity through
                     an ingenious device.

                     As well as having developed a potentially commercially viable
                     product, Tom is waiting to hear whether he will win accolades
                     from the Institute of Engineering Designers (IED) and the Dyson
                     Awards. He is also entering the Kevin McCloud Green Heroes
                     award to win the opportunity to show HighDro Power at the
                     NEC’s Grand Designs Live show.

                     The invention was developed in answer to targets set at the G8
                     Summit by governments to reduce their country’s carbon
                     dioxide emissions and dependency on fossil fuels for energy
                     production by 2050. In HighDro Power, the electricity can either
                     be utilised in the building to save £926-per-year for a seven-
                     storey building or sold back to the national grid on a buy-back
Envirofit- EnviroFlame Combustion System
                    To achieve the desired health, environmental, social and economic
                    improvements, hundreds of millions of primitive stoves will need to
                    be replaced. From the outset, Envirofit has systematically set the
                    stage for this degree of global scalability and sustainability through:
                    enterprise-based business model driving economic self-
                    sustainability, voice-of-the-customer market research, disciplined
                    ground-breaking R & D, modern product development process,
                    robust durability and emissions testing, global supply chain
                    supporting centralized quality-controlled mass-manufacturing, multi-
                    tiered distribution & sales networks, location-specific marketing
                    strategies, partnerships with global organizations and local MFIs &
                    NGOs, and global awareness raising and brand building about
                    Envirofit and the problems we look to address.

                    In creating products for developing world customers, Envirofit
                    utilizes the same disciplined, mature product-development
                    methodologies used by modern industry. Compared to traditional
                    cooking fires, Envirofit cookstoves reduce emissions by as much as
                    80%, use up to 60% less fuel and reduce cooking cycle time by up to
                    50%. Built and engineered to address the unique cooking habits of
                    our customers, Envirofit clean cookstoves are a result of over five
                    years of market research, engineering R & D, emissions and
                    durability testing in coordination with Shell Foundation and Colorado
                    State University’s world-renown Engines and Energy Conversion
                    Laboratory. Envirofit International’s goal is to develop affordable,
                    aesthetic, well-engineered technology solutions that have significant
                    global health and environmental impacts and economic payback
                    incentives for our customers.
Solar Powered Laptop
                       During 2007 this simple solar photovoltaic (PV) system has
                       provided some of my energy needs (OK, a pretty small
                       percentage I'll admit).
                       In total there are approximately 40W(peak) of PV panels. This
                       charges a sealed 'gel' type lead-acid battery with a charge
                       controller to ensure no overcharging. The battery can then be
                       moved and used to power various devices including 12V lights,
                       laptops (through a suitable converter) and audio equipment
                       (through a pure sine wave DC to AC inverter). There is a display
                       to show the power being fed into the battery along with the
                       battery voltage.
                       Two batteries are used in rotation, with one being recharged
                       while the other is used.
Thank You
Backup Slides

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Renewable Energy And Social Enterprise In India Reasearch 2

  • 1. Renewable Energy & Social Enterprise in India. Research Project with Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship - SBS. Oxford. Kaustubh Ambavanekar- EMBA-6 Said Business School, Oxford.
  • 2. Introduction This is a research initiative to explore Social Enterprise (SE) activities in Renewable Energy (RE). It illustrates that collaborative learning-by-doing by individuals across organisational boundaries is key for the successful implementation of RE projects with help of SEs.
  • 3. Purpose “After years of attempting to develop renewable energy (RE) mainly through large private sector initiatives, it is essential to broadened its approach to provide more support for other actors in this sector. The purpose of this research is to assess what role social enterprise (SE) activities can play in the development of the RE sector in the India.”
  • 4. Objectives- Social Enterprise and Renewable Energy Social enterprises can provide innovative solutions to achieve the global ambition to dramatically increase the proportion of the world energy that comes from renewable sources most effectively. The strategy is to make substantial use of social enterprise models to deliver renewable energy, with multiple benefits, learning from successes domestically and internationally. The specific steps suggested would enable the further development of the UK’s renewable capacity to make the most of the opportunities social enterprise business models provide. That the Renewable Energy Strategy be implemented in the full context of the government’s commitments on climate change and its other strategic objectives. The programme should aim to promote sustainable business growth and new business opportunities by enabling the establishment or further development of social enterprises based on community scale renewable energy installations.
  • 5. Mission Social enterprise models need to offer communities an opportunity to contribute to changing the economics of climate change as well as advocating and informing changes in individual behaviours. They need to frequently deliver environmental outcomes simultaneously to multiple social benefits, such as employment for those otherwise excluded from the labour market and new community assets. These models should present opportunities for environmental organisations to be more financially sustainable, for existing social enterprises to diversify and offer environmental services and additional means for policy makers to deliver their environmental objectives.
  • 6. Vision Environmental social enterprises can operate businesses ranging from community renewable energy through re-use and recycling to environmental education.
  • 7. Drivers for Renewable Energy Social Enterprise (RESE)
  • 9. Primary indicators 1.6 billion people- a quarter of humanity - live without electricity. Region Millions without electricity (world bank development indicators 2008) South Asia 706 Sub-Saharan Africa 547 East Asia 224 Other 101 Water problems affect half of humanity: Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation. In developing countries some 2.5 billion people are forced to rely on biomass-fuelwood, charcoal and animal dung-to meet their energy needs for cooking. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 80 percent of the population depends on traditional biomass for cooking, as do over half of the populations of India and China. Indoor air pollution resulting from the use of solid fuels [by poorer segments of society] is a major killer. It claims the lives of 1.5 million people each year, more than half of them below the age of five: that is 4000 deaths a day. To put this number in context, it exceeds total deaths from malaria and rivals the number of deaths from tuberculosis. Approximately half the world’s population now live in cities and towns. In 2005, one out of three urban dwellers (approximately 1 billion people) was living in slum conditions. Source: World Bank Data & Statistics, accessed March 3, 2008
  • 10. Rationale “ Renewable energy technologies are essential contributors to the energy supply portfolio, as they contribute to world energy security, reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and provide opportunities for mitigating greenhouse gases. Climate- disrupting fossil fuels are being replaced by clean, climate- stabilizing, non-depletable sources of energy”
  • 12. RESE Applications Energy Solar, Wind, Hydro ,Bio Fuel And Geothermal energy Waste Mgmt Agriculture Recycling, BioTechnology, Access and storage Access to clean water, Irrigation Social Enterprise Sustainability Education Development Learning & Manufacturing development in Rural areas Resources Finance Microfinance
  • 13. Environmental sustainability is important to us all. Sustaining the quality of our natural environment and tackling the problem of climate change is a huge challenge. Many social enterprises work to provide environmental services including renewable energy generation, recycling and reuse, community transport, education and awareness raising, and sustainable land management. Environmental Sustainability
  • 14. Many more have environmental concerns as part of their core social values and all social enterprises can work to improve their environmental impact. Environmental social enterprises offer the world a model where the results are truly triple bottom line: environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. As awareness of the importance of combating climate change and pressures on resources increase, there are tremendous opportunities for social enterprise to make an even greater contribution. Environmental considerations span the full remit of the Government, from national carbon reduction targets to local authority commissioning of waste services. It is important to make clear to the Government the key role that social enterprise can and should play in delivering on these aspirations. Environmental Sustainability Results
  • 15. An inside look at the making of a global energy service organization that produces wind turbines locally to bring sustainable energy services and economic opportunity to underserved regions of the world. Starting with proof of concept in Nicaragua, Mathias Craig and blue Energy have their sights set on making a huge impact on the lives of the world’s poor. RESE Organisations
  • 16. The Challenge: Change, Measure, Sustain Change: Measure: From population growth to Social businesses, green initiatives, and sustainability may seem innovations in renewable laudable in their own right, but- energies, we live in a world of constant change. Is it now time 1. How do we measure progress? for businesses and individuals to 2. And when we are talking about a sustainable future. reassess their relationships with 3. what constitutes success? Perhaps more than any other, this is a natural resources and the key issue facing governments, businesses, non-profits, and globalized community? And, as communities today. some experts have suggested, can we do so profitably? The idea of Sustain: change will be put to the test as we reassess current capitalistic Sustainability has become a useful buzzword, but in the context of structures and re-evaluate status rapid global change and technological innovation, what does quo business models. sustainability actually mean? And how, as global citizens and professionals, can we operate in ways that ensure the world’s resources for future generations?
  • 20. Electricity Shortage India suffers from a severe shortage of electric capacity. According to the World Bank, roughly 40 percent of residences in India are without electricity. In addition, blackouts are a common occurrence throughout the country’s main cities. One-third of Indian businesses believe that unreliable electricity is one of their primary impediments to doing business. Further compounding the situation is that total demand for electricity in the country continues to rise and is outpacing increases in capacity. Adequate additional capacity has failed to materialize in India in light of market regulations, insufficient investment in the sector, and difficulty in obtaining environmental approval and funding for hydropower projects. In addition, coal shortages are further straining power generation capabilities. In order to address this shortfall, the Indian government has set the goal of adding 90,000 MW of additional electric generation capacity by 2012. In light of these targets, the private sector is beginning to step up investment in the sector. For example, Uk-based Hinduja Group, which already operates several power plants in the country, has pledged $15 billion towards the addition of 10,000 MW of capacity over the next several years. The country also grapples with electricity efficiency issues. In order to improve efficiency standards, the Energy Conservation Act was passed in 2002, which established the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and has sought to promote efficient use of energy and labeling of energy-intensive products. It is also possible to import some electricity into India, as the country’s power grid is interconnected with the grids in Nepal and Bhutan. This has allowed for the export of surplus electricity to India, however, this is not likely to prove sufficient to make up for India’s lack of electric generation capacity.
  • 21. Pollution and Co2 Levels While high pollution levels were found over much of India, a concentrated pool of particles was discovered over Bihar, a largely rural area with a high population density. Blanketing around 100 million people, primarily in the Ganges Valley, the pollution levels are about five times larger than those typically found over Los Angeles and can affect both human health and local climate. A large source contributing to the Bihar pollution pool is the inefficient burning of a variety of biofuels during cooking and other domestic use. Particles in the smoke remain close to the ground, trapped by valley walls, and unable to mix upward because of a high-pressure system that dominates the region during winter.
  • 23. Education, Research & Innovation in India
  • 25. R&D Expenditure & IPs Share of various Ministries and departments in the public R&D expenditure in India, Plan Period - 10th: 2002-2007 P activity by India both residential and non-residential.
  • 28. Never before in the history of India, large number of peasants (970 in 2001) resorted to suicides since the later part of 1990s as the economic policies have devastated the lives of farmers. It has started in Andhra Pradesh State and has spread over to Maharashtra, Madhya pradesh, Punjab and other parts, which are the highest food grown areas.
  • 29. Indian Farmer suicide Despite the fact that 60% of the population of India is involved in agriculture, “disastrous policies, woeful access to affordable credit, greedy and corrupt middlemen, and indifferent administrations” have created (and are maintaining) such an impossible credit and financial system for farmers that they have been committing suicide in astounding numbers. The official statistic: since 1997, over five hundred thousand (5000) farmers have killed themselves.
  • 33. Global Warming Increased temperatures will impact agricultural production. Higher temperatures reduce the total duration of a crop cycle by inducing early flowering, thus shortening the `grain fill’ period. The shorter the crop cycle, the lower the yield per unit area.
  • 35. Climate change is one of the most serious challenges India faces, with consequences that go far beyond its effect on the environment. In this regard, the Indian government has decided to reduce the carbon intensity by 24% from 2005 levels by 2020 and The National Action Plan on Climate Change seeks to promote Sustainable development through use of clean technologies. Challenges
  • 37. India needs a change
  • 39. Renewable Energy growth in India Since 2007, India installed 3,857 MW from wind energy; 619.53 MW from small hydro; 322 MW from biomass; 704.20 MW from bagasse cogeneration; 8.10 MW from solar energy; and 20.10 MW from urban and industrial waste to energy. The year marks the beginning of India’s 11th five-year economic plan. Renewable energy installations from the current economic plan account for 35 percent of all of India’s installation activities India’s renewable energy power generation capacity now stands at 15,789 megawatts following government efforts to boost the sector. The minister cited the allocation of 3.9 billion Indian rupees ($86 million) to different renewable energy projects and programs starting in 2009.
  • 40. Indian Policies India has introduced policies and regulatory measures for renewable energy development, such as financial incentives, capital subsidy and customs duties. The country imposed preferential tariff for renewable power in strategic areas under its National Electricity Policy 2005 and national tariff policies. In 2003, the country set a fixed minimum percentage for renewable electricity purchase through electricity legislation. Further government efforts include a generation-based incentives scheme for wind power which lays a 0.5 rupee per unit incentive for electricity fed into the grid. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission is currently the centre piece of India’s renewable energy development. The program, launched in November, will boost deployment of solar energy systems and install 20,000 MW solar capacity by 2022. The first phase of the mission targets grid connected solar power plants with a combined capacity of 1,100 MW; equivalent off-grid solar applications of 200 MW; and solar thermal collectors that will cover an area of 7 million square meters. Currently, the Indian government is trying to spread public awareness on the necessity of generating power from renewable energy sources. The country plans to impose taxes on coal. Meanwhile, the World Bank has allotted $4 billion in loans for India’s renewable energy projects.
  • 42. Renewable energy certificate scheme- India The Indian government is reportedly working on plans for a new renewable energy certificate (REC) scheme designed to drive investment in low-carbon energy projects. The scheme, which appears to be loosely modelled on the system of RECs in the US, would provide renewable energy developers with an additional revenue stream while giving companies the ability to bolster their green credentials by demonstrating that they have purchased renewable energy. A central agency will be set up to issue and administer RECs, while renewable energy generators will be allowed to sell the electricity at an above-market tariff set by local power regulators, or sell the electricity and associated REC separately. The country launched a feed-in tariff scheme for renewable energy last year and is also working on a high- profile project, dubbed the Solar Mission, to deliver about 20GW of solar energy capacity in the next decade. India added 2.33GW of grid-connected renewable power capacity during the year to the end of March, according to a statement from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, more than doubling the rate at which it installed renewables capacity during the previous year. The record performance takes the country's total installed capacity of renewable energy to 16.8GW, far outstripping the performance of many industrialised nations including the UK, France, Japan and Canada. India has approved in principal an ambitious National Solar Mission to generate 200GW of the country's energy from sunlight by 2050, but it apparently expects substantial funding to come from western nations.
  • 43. Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
  • 44. Mission Features Government of India has recently launched the ambitious Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission which aims to promote the development and use of solar energy for power generation and other uses in the country. This Mission is one of the eight key National Missions which comprise India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change. The mission has a twin objective - to contribute to India's long term energy security as well as its ecological security.The Solar Mission would be implemented in 3 stages leading up to an installed capacity of 20,000 MW by the end of the 13th Five Year Plan in 2022. It is envisaged that as a result of rapid scale up as well as technological developments, the price of solar power will attain parity with grid power at the end of the Mission, enabling accelerated and large-scale expansion thereafter. Mission will establish a single window investor-friendly mechanism, which reduces risk and at the same time, provides an attractive, predictable and sufficiently extended tariff for the purchase of solar power for the grid. The focal point for the grid connected utility scale power plants, for the Phase 1 of the Mission, will be the NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN), which is the power trading arm of the NTPC. Government has designated it for the purchase of solar power generated by independent solar power producers, at rates fixed by the Central Regulatory Electricity Commission and for a period specified by the latter. The mission includes a major initiative for promoting rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) applications. The solar tariff announced by the regulators will be applicable for such installations. The power distribution companies will be involved in purchase of this power. The mission would have a 'much focussed R&D programme’ which seeks to address the India-specific challenges in promoting solar energy.
  • 45. Mission Objectives To create an enabling policy framework for the deployment of 20,000 MW of solar power by 2022. To ramp up capacity of grid-connected solar power generation to 1000 MW within three years – by 2013; an additional 3000 MW by 2017 through the mandatory use of the renewable purchase obligation by utilities backed with a preferential tariff. This capacity can be more than doubled – reaching 10,000MW installed power by 2017 or more, based on the enhanced and enabled international finance and technology transfer. The ambitious target for 2022 of 20,000 MW or more, will be dependent on the ‘learning’ of the first two phases, which if successful, could lead to conditions of grid-competitive solar power. The transition could be appropriately up scaled, based on availability of international finance and technology. To create favourable conditions for solar manufacturing capability, particularly solar thermal for indigenous production and market leadership. To promote programs for off grid applications, reaching 1000 MW by 2017 and 2000 MW by 2022. To achieve 15 million square meters solar thermal collector area by 2017 and 20 million square meters solar thermal collector area by 2022.
  • 46. Mission Objectives To deploy 20 million solar lighting systems for rural areas by 2022. The Mission underlines the Government’s intention to give a boost to solar energy and is a purposeful step by India towards climate change mitigation“. The Solar Mission forms a part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). An analysis done by Greenpeace shows that the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission plan could ensure an annual reduction of 434 million tons of CO2 emissions every year by 2050 based on the assumption that solar will replace fossil fuels. Incentives offered: CERC has announced preferential tariff of Rs. 18.44 per unit for solar PV power and Rs. 13.45 per unit for solar thermal power for 25 years; Zero or concessional duty applicable on import of certain specific items; Zero Excise duty on domestic manufacture of many solar energy devices and systems; NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam will purchase solar power for a period of 25 years at a fixed tariff announced by CERC; CERC will review the costs every year and fix tariff accordingly for new projects.
  • 47. Social Enterprise offering Renewable Energy Case Studies
  • 48. Case Studies- India SELCO India, a social enterprise that provides sustainable energy services to underserved households and businesses in India, announced that it received a social growth financing investment from an international consortium of leading social investors. The financing was led by the Good Energies Foundation, a not-for-profit organization focused on the alleviation of poverty through sustainable access to renewable energy, and also included the Lemelson Foundation, which celebrates and supports inventors and entrepreneurs to strengthen social and economic life, and E+Co, a non-profit investment firm that provides business support services and capital to energy enterprises in Africa, Asia and Latin America. GOOD ENERGIES FOUNDATION The mission of the Good Energies Foundation is poverty alleviation through sustainable access to renewable energy. A Swiss registered foundation, it is independent from, but affiliated with, Good Energies, Inc.
  • 49. Case Studies- India NextGen, incubated at NSRCEL, IIM-Bangalore operates in two major domains - Emission Management and Waste to Energy. We are the pioneers of carbon accounting in India and have worked with some of the biggest companies across the globe on their footprint estimation, analysis , reduction and low carbon strategy. We help organizations measure, manage, mitigate and communicate the environmental impact of their operations, supply chain, products and events amongst others. NextGen has developed an in house biogas technology for decentralized organic waste to energy application, focusing on urban needs of reliability, hygiene and aesthetic values. This technology is currently being deployed across IT parks, university campuses, housing complexes and hotel chains across India.
  • 50. Case Studies-India Envirofit International was established to develop well-engineered technology solutions to improve the human condition on a global scale, with a primary emphasis on applications in the developing world. Envirofit's goal is to develop and distribute well-engineered energy products that address major environmental problems in the global emerging markets that traditionally have been overlooked. Established as a U.S. tax-exempt corporation, Envirofit utilizes initial donations and institutional support to fund product development and early stage product commercialization, and then uses operating income to develop and expand its businesses. In the rank of organizations developing products for "bottom of the pyramid" markets, Envirofit is unique in its utilization of the same rigorous product-development methodology and protocols used by modern industry. This requires rigor in areas like design, validation, manufacturing, quality control, supply chain management, distribution, inventory management, and marketing. Envirofit's goal is thus to build and operate self-sustaining businesses as an entrepreneurial, commercially-driven, independent, non-profit organization.
  • 51. Case Studies-India The CleanStar Trust was established in mid-2007 based on the realisation that with appropriate technical and financial support, the rural poor could become great champions in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. Today, we are a resource centre for community-based agro-forestry, clean energy production, and environmental education programs that engage and benefit the rural poor. CleanStar Energy is a private limited company registered in New Delhi, India. The company was launched in 2005 based on award-winning research at Oxford University. It now has offices in Pune, Maharashtra and field sites in central and western Maharashtra. CleanStar is proud to support the CleanStar Trust for Sustainable Development, an independent non-profit group that helps the rural poor fight climate change.
  • 52. Case Studies -Worldwide Community Renewable Energy Ltd (CoRE) is a Social Enterprise. We know that many communities have explored renewable energy and discovered that they lack the resources to make this happen. We work with communities to develop systems that will generate income and provide them with sustainable, secure energy supplies. In return CoRE takes a stake in the companies set up; to recoup development costs and to support the establishment of more community owned renewable energy systems. The UK’s National Agency ECOTEC has awarded Embrace with one of the European Commission’s flagship Transfer of Innovation projects. The project has been developed over the years to address the need for qualified and well-trained people working in the renewable energy sector. The project will be a platform to share the regional/ national differences in vocational education and training (VET) within the renewable energy sector
  • 53. Case Studies- Cambodia E+Co makes clean energy investments in developing countries. With 15 years of experience and offices in 8 locations, E+Co's innovative business model provides lasting solutions to climate change and poverty. SME Cambodia and E + Co, a US non-profit renewable energy investment organization, have established a new Cambodian renewable energy company. The new venture,SME Renewable Energy Ltd., will promote renewable energy technologies and market biomass gasification power generation systems in Cambodia and throughout the Greater Mekong region. SME-RE Ltd. offers “turnkey” projects, including system design, project feasibility studies, project planning and project financing, to rural electricity producers, agro-business processing enterprises and manufacturers requiring stand alone thermal or electrical energy solutions. Primary markets include rice mills, cashew processing plants, ice factories and noodle factories. Other potential customers are companies that currently depend on high cost diesel and other petroleum fuels for thermal steam generation, ceramic kiln firing and grain drying
  • 54. Case Studies- Philippines RuralLight is a youth-led social enterprise based in the Philippines that is focused on empowering off-grid communities in pursuing sustainable solutions in renewable energy. RuralLight is a Philippine-based, youth-led social enterprise focused on empowering off-grid communities in pursuing sustainable solutions in renewable energy. The organization supports in empowering off-grid communities and villages using renewable energy in part or wholly by providing scalable solutions that support their local economies. This includes supporting local produce by expanding their markets and engaging in community-centered product development and deployment like bringing in products for the bottom of the pyramid. This context engages and empowers the community to enhance their livelihood and expand their market. Given that there are still about 2,400 villages still not electrified, there are avenues to provide energy for these villages. One solution is to provide an electrified community center using a renewable energy source or a mix of resources for a town not yet connected to the electric grid.
  • 55. Case Studies- Barbados Innogen Technologies is a social innovation enterprise specializing in alternative energy solutions for small island economies. We are situated on the Island of Barbados, our focus is on developing a renewable energy industry within the Caribbean Islands. it is not based on a business entrepreneurship model but rather a social entrepreneurship model. seeking to address broad grassroots economic problems that Caribbean people are facing, using innovative technologies, solutions and processes. Founded by Jerome Lemelson, one of U.S. history's most prolific inventors, the Lemelson Foundation uses its resources to recognize and celebrate accomplished inventors, inspire and mentor young people and grassroots inventors and entrepreneurs, disseminate technologies that improve people’s lives and generate entrepreneurial opportunity, and research and share information that illuminates the value of invention to society. To date, the Foundation has donated or committed more than $150 million in support of its mission.
  • 56. Case Studies-Nicaragua, France blueEnergy improves lives in marginalized communities using a holistic approach to sustainable energy and related fundamental services. To ensure long-term operation, blueEnergy leverages international support to develop needed infrastructure and human capacity and empowers local people by making them central figures in the design, construction, and implementation of the energy systems and other solutions. Ultimately, blueEnergy creates long-term value by linking its sustainable energy services to life- improving energy uses such as clean light, water treatment, medicine storage, and ice making for fish storage.
  • 57. Case Studies- USA RREAL has the unique mission of making solar energy available to people of all income levels. Solar technologies present viable alternatives to fossil fuels that are both environmentally sound and socially empowering. In order for solar to be widely embraced, it must be available to people of all income levels. However, solar technology remains out of reach for many lower income households. The cost of home heating is unpredictable, and has been rising every year for the last 30 years- much faster than people’s incomes. Since low income families devote a greater share of income to the necessity of heat, they are the most vulnerable to these increases and fluctuations in energy costs.
  • 58. Case Studies-Ethiopia SOLAR-POWERED HEALTH POSTS TO PROVIDE VACCINES IN ETHIOPIA Health stations offer the only opportunity for around 12,000 people in Ethiopia’s Midda Region to meet their basic medical needs. The remote locations of these health stations make it extremely difficult to guarantee the indispensable, uninterrupted cooling (between 2 and 8° C) of life-saving vaccines. Hitherto, kerosene using generators provided the essential power. Yet, fuel supply distribution is difficult, the often old engines are unreliable and fuel itself bears high permanent costs. Thanks to the project’s installed solar PV facilities directly at the health stations, autonomous power supply can be achieved. The high-tech installations guarantee a reliable and persistent power supply as well as significant cost reduction.
  • 59. Case Studies-Ethiopia ELECTRIFICATION OF THE VILLAGE OF REMA/ETHIOPIA Rema is a village with 3,000 inhabitants in the Midda Region in Ethiopia. Through a contribution by Good Energies and other donors, Stiftung Solarenergie was able to equip every single house in the village with a solar panel, a battery for energy storage and two LED lamps (which use very little energy). These electric off-grid lights replace health damaging kerosene lamps, which are common in this area. The success was so overwhelming that several surrounding villages approached the Solarstiftung in order to be electrified in the same way. The advantage of the solar system contrary to diesel generators, which aid organizations traditionally have in their aid programs, is the independence from petrol prices and the delivery of petrol to these remote areas.
  • 60. Case Studies-Ethiopia SOLAR-POWERED WATER PUMP REPLACING MANUAL WATER TRANSPORTATION In the Midda region, people often have to walk many hours in order to have access to a source of water and the walk from the plateau into the valley is usually steep. It is mostly the women and the children who have to go on this laborious march which often takes seven to eight hours every day. We helped to install the solar-powered water pumping system in the village of Rema, where the women and children now no longer need to travel the difficult path into the valley for precious water. The time they save is important: The children now have time, for example, to go to school during the day.
  • 62. World Potential Renewable Energy 1. Globally, renewable energy is growing fast. The rates of development for renewable energy sources is far exceeding those of fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. 2. In 2006, wind and solar development grew by 20 and 40 percent respectively. 3. A recent report released by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council, states that renewable energy can deliver half of the world's energy needs by 2050. 4. Renewable energy will become increasingly important as the world attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to levels that scientists predict are necessary to curb global warming.
  • 63. Global Renewable Energy Resources Solar Wind Fig 1.0 :The geographical distribution of the solar radiation Fig 2.0 Availability of standardized evaluations of the wind incident on the earth's surface each year. energy potential
  • 64. Global Access to safe drinking water Fig 1.0 :The geographical distribution of the solar radiation Fig 2.0 Availability of standardized evaluations of the wind incident on the earth's surface each year. energy potential
  • 66. Projected agriculture in 2080 due to climate change
  • 67. Wind Energy Capacity (Worldwide) The BLUE scenario forecasts that wind energy will produce over 5,000 TWh of electricity per year by 2050, accounting for up to 17% of global power production. Over one third of the resulting CO2 savings will be achieved in China and India.
  • 69. Population density of Indian states States In India
  • 70. Energy Consumption- World & India Coal accounts for more than half of India’s total energy consumption followed by oil, which comprises 31 percent of total energy consumption. Natural gas and hydroelectric power account for 8 and 6 percent of consumption, respectively. Although nuclear power comprises a very small percentage of total energy consumption at this time, it is expected to increase in light of recent international civil nuclear energy cooperation deals. According to the Indian government, 30 percent of India’s total energy needs are met through imports.
  • 71. India’s Oil production and Imports India lacks sufficient domestic energy resources and must import much of its growing energy requirements. India is not only experiencing an electricity shortage but is also increasingly dependent on oil imports to meet demand. In addition to pursuing domestic oil and gas exploration and production projects, India is also stepping up its natural gas imports, particularly through imports of liquefied natural gas. The country’s ability to secure a reliable supply of energy resources at affordable prices will be one of the most important factors in shaping its future energy demand.
  • 73. Energy Resources, Production and Capacity India's Largest Hydroelectric Power Plants Total Capacity Power Plant State (MWe) Dehar Rajasthan 990 Sharavathi Karnataka 891 Koyna Maharashtra 880 Kalinadi I Karnataka 825 Nagarjun Sugar Andhra Pradesh 815 Idduki Kerala 780 Srisailam Right Bank Andhra Pradesh 770 Bhakra-Nangal Rajasthan 710 Salal Jammu & Kashmir 690 Kundah Tamil Nadu 555
  • 74. Renewable Energy Projects & Wind Density Map
  • 75. Future Wind Energy Capacity (India) The BLUE scenario forecasts that wind energy will produce over 5,000 TWh of electricity per year by 2050, accounting for up to 17% of global power production. Over one third of the resulting CO2 savings will be achieved in China and India.
  • 76. Innovation and Renewable Energy Social Enterprise
  • 77. HighDro Power generation A graduating industrial design student at Leicester’s De Montfort University (DMU) is hoping for award-winning success with his innovative design which transforms falling wastewater into electricity. DMU Industrial design student, Tom Broadbent’s money and energy-saving brainwave is called the HighDro Power and works by harnessing the energy from falling waste water in the soil pipes of high-rise buildings, converting it to electricity through an ingenious device. As well as having developed a potentially commercially viable product, Tom is waiting to hear whether he will win accolades from the Institute of Engineering Designers (IED) and the Dyson Awards. He is also entering the Kevin McCloud Green Heroes award to win the opportunity to show HighDro Power at the NEC’s Grand Designs Live show. The invention was developed in answer to targets set at the G8 Summit by governments to reduce their country’s carbon dioxide emissions and dependency on fossil fuels for energy production by 2050. In HighDro Power, the electricity can either be utilised in the building to save £926-per-year for a seven- storey building or sold back to the national grid on a buy-back tariff.
  • 78. Envirofit- EnviroFlame Combustion System To achieve the desired health, environmental, social and economic improvements, hundreds of millions of primitive stoves will need to be replaced. From the outset, Envirofit has systematically set the stage for this degree of global scalability and sustainability through: enterprise-based business model driving economic self- sustainability, voice-of-the-customer market research, disciplined ground-breaking R & D, modern product development process, robust durability and emissions testing, global supply chain supporting centralized quality-controlled mass-manufacturing, multi- tiered distribution & sales networks, location-specific marketing strategies, partnerships with global organizations and local MFIs & NGOs, and global awareness raising and brand building about Envirofit and the problems we look to address. In creating products for developing world customers, Envirofit utilizes the same disciplined, mature product-development methodologies used by modern industry. Compared to traditional cooking fires, Envirofit cookstoves reduce emissions by as much as 80%, use up to 60% less fuel and reduce cooking cycle time by up to 50%. Built and engineered to address the unique cooking habits of our customers, Envirofit clean cookstoves are a result of over five years of market research, engineering R & D, emissions and durability testing in coordination with Shell Foundation and Colorado State University’s world-renown Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory. Envirofit International’s goal is to develop affordable, aesthetic, well-engineered technology solutions that have significant global health and environmental impacts and economic payback incentives for our customers.
  • 79. Solar Powered Laptop During 2007 this simple solar photovoltaic (PV) system has provided some of my energy needs (OK, a pretty small percentage I'll admit). In total there are approximately 40W(peak) of PV panels. This charges a sealed 'gel' type lead-acid battery with a charge controller to ensure no overcharging. The battery can then be moved and used to power various devices including 12V lights, laptops (through a suitable converter) and audio equipment (through a pure sine wave DC to AC inverter). There is a display to show the power being fed into the battery along with the battery voltage. Two batteries are used in rotation, with one being recharged while the other is used.