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Podcasting and RSS
What is a Podcast?iPod + Broadcast=PodcastAn audio recording that is distributed via the internet.It can be downloaded and listen to via a PC or mobile deviceIt has a syndicated feed that uses RSS to pull the files to the user
Types of PodcastsAudio (MP3 format)Enhanced Audio-with images (Mv4 format)Video (mpg4 or mov format)PDF (ebooks)
Skills learned from PodcastingCollaboration skills : working in groups on different segments of the podcast, tying in and back to a story that was developed by the entire class.Writing skills: creative & descriptive writing, sequencing, editing and revising scriptsSpeaking skills: speaking slowly, fluently, clearly and with expression in their voicesPresentations skills: being able to express themselves orallyCommunication skills: being able to convey and teach information to others (not only in their physical location and presence, but also in virtual time and from places around the world.Oral fluency: increase awareness of their voice, speed and its rhythm.Auditory skills: practice listening skills, address auditory learning styles(Digital) storytelling skills: being able to weave information and facts preciously learned into a creative story, form a “relationship” with the content presented, entertain others through creative narrative.Media literacy: different types of podcasts (narrative, informational, storytelling, conversational, collaborative, interview style, etc), understanding different components of a podcast episode, being able to express themselves in different media.Information literacy: integrating, expressing and transmitting information in a variety of media.Technology skills: exposure to sound editing software, such as Garageband
7 top job skills of 2011Critical Thinking and Problem-solvingCollaboration Across Networks and Leading By InfluenceAgility and Adaptability Initiative and EntrepreneurialismEffective Oral and Written CommunicationAccessing and Analyzing InformationCuriosity and Imagination
Ideas for PodcastsPersonal Narratives, Original Work..PoetryMock Conventions or Science FairsOral historiesVocab and/or concept practiceBrainstorming SessionsOverview of unitOral Reports or SpeechesRadio Theater or broadcastsRadio commercialsInterviewsNewscast-Information for parents
Our First Podcasthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzw63KRMAMY&feature=related
Sample Classroom PodcastsEducators Podcasting Networkhttp://epnweb.orgWes Fryer’s Podcasting Sitehttp://teachdigital.pbwiki.com/podcastingPoems in Your Pocket (made with cell phones)http://emsdigitalpoetry.wikispaces.com/Poem+in+Your+Pocket+DayPodcastingwith 2nd Gradershttp://langwitches.org/blog/2009/10/19/we-podcasted-today-so-did-you-learn-anything/Series of Podcasts by 1st Graders at Lincoln Elementaryhttp://www.wiu.edu/thecenter/acttt/products/podcasts/firstlincoln.php
1st Grade Podcast:  Weekly Updatehttp://www.wtisburyschool.org/podcasts/wtpod/FirstGradePodcasts.html
1st Graders:  Animal PodcastsStudents did research and wrote a report on an animal they chose. They picked pictures to go with their report and recorded their podcasts.http://www.lbschools.net/carver/Ahrens/1st_Grade_Animal_Podcasts/1st_Grade_Animal_Podcasts.html
2nd grade lesson plan on using parent cell phones for podcasting at zoo field triphttp://www.docstoc.com/docs/2542801/How-to-Create-Audio-Files-using-Gabcast
1st Grade Podcast:  Character StudyI had started reading a chapter book called Vacation under the Volcano by Mary Pope Osborne from the Magic Tree House series with them.The idea was to pretend that we were interviewing Jack and Annie, the two main characters, about their latest adventure that had taken them to Pompeii.http://langwitches.org/blog/2009/12/11/podcasting-with-first-grade/
Podcasting ProcessDecide on the “type” of podcastRadio broadcast, Radio Theater, Interview…etcWrite a pitchParagraph on “this is a podcast about…”Get it approved by teacher, then…Write a scriptGet the Media Images, sounds, music…etcPractice, Practice, PracticeRecord the PodcastPost to the web
How can I listen to a podcast?RSSRich Site Summary OR Real Simple Syndication.
Podcasting Rubrichttp://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/podcastrubric.html
Professional Education Podcast:  For Professional Developmenthttp://www.edtechtalk.com/
Let’s Podcasthttp://drop.io
What is a screencast?Video tutorial of a computer-based activity
Resources for Screencastinghttp://screencastomatic.comhttp://jingproject.com
Screencasting AssignmentCreate a screencast tutorial of how-to use the web2.0 resource you selected for your web2.0 Smackdown.It should include:How to get startedThe different features of the resourceHow to create and finish the productEmbed to our class wiki and your blog before July 24th

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Podcasting rss

  • 2. What is a Podcast?iPod + Broadcast=PodcastAn audio recording that is distributed via the internet.It can be downloaded and listen to via a PC or mobile deviceIt has a syndicated feed that uses RSS to pull the files to the user
  • 3. Types of PodcastsAudio (MP3 format)Enhanced Audio-with images (Mv4 format)Video (mpg4 or mov format)PDF (ebooks)
  • 4. Skills learned from PodcastingCollaboration skills : working in groups on different segments of the podcast, tying in and back to a story that was developed by the entire class.Writing skills: creative & descriptive writing, sequencing, editing and revising scriptsSpeaking skills: speaking slowly, fluently, clearly and with expression in their voicesPresentations skills: being able to express themselves orallyCommunication skills: being able to convey and teach information to others (not only in their physical location and presence, but also in virtual time and from places around the world.Oral fluency: increase awareness of their voice, speed and its rhythm.Auditory skills: practice listening skills, address auditory learning styles(Digital) storytelling skills: being able to weave information and facts preciously learned into a creative story, form a “relationship” with the content presented, entertain others through creative narrative.Media literacy: different types of podcasts (narrative, informational, storytelling, conversational, collaborative, interview style, etc), understanding different components of a podcast episode, being able to express themselves in different media.Information literacy: integrating, expressing and transmitting information in a variety of media.Technology skills: exposure to sound editing software, such as Garageband
  • 5. 7 top job skills of 2011Critical Thinking and Problem-solvingCollaboration Across Networks and Leading By InfluenceAgility and Adaptability Initiative and EntrepreneurialismEffective Oral and Written CommunicationAccessing and Analyzing InformationCuriosity and Imagination
  • 6. Ideas for PodcastsPersonal Narratives, Original Work..PoetryMock Conventions or Science FairsOral historiesVocab and/or concept practiceBrainstorming SessionsOverview of unitOral Reports or SpeechesRadio Theater or broadcastsRadio commercialsInterviewsNewscast-Information for parents
  • 8. Sample Classroom PodcastsEducators Podcasting Networkhttp://epnweb.orgWes Fryer’s Podcasting Sitehttp://teachdigital.pbwiki.com/podcastingPoems in Your Pocket (made with cell phones)http://emsdigitalpoetry.wikispaces.com/Poem+in+Your+Pocket+DayPodcastingwith 2nd Gradershttp://langwitches.org/blog/2009/10/19/we-podcasted-today-so-did-you-learn-anything/Series of Podcasts by 1st Graders at Lincoln Elementaryhttp://www.wiu.edu/thecenter/acttt/products/podcasts/firstlincoln.php
  • 9. 1st Grade Podcast: Weekly Updatehttp://www.wtisburyschool.org/podcasts/wtpod/FirstGradePodcasts.html
  • 10. 1st Graders: Animal PodcastsStudents did research and wrote a report on an animal they chose. They picked pictures to go with their report and recorded their podcasts.http://www.lbschools.net/carver/Ahrens/1st_Grade_Animal_Podcasts/1st_Grade_Animal_Podcasts.html
  • 11. 2nd grade lesson plan on using parent cell phones for podcasting at zoo field triphttp://www.docstoc.com/docs/2542801/How-to-Create-Audio-Files-using-Gabcast
  • 12. 1st Grade Podcast: Character StudyI had started reading a chapter book called Vacation under the Volcano by Mary Pope Osborne from the Magic Tree House series with them.The idea was to pretend that we were interviewing Jack and Annie, the two main characters, about their latest adventure that had taken them to Pompeii.http://langwitches.org/blog/2009/12/11/podcasting-with-first-grade/
  • 13. Podcasting ProcessDecide on the “type” of podcastRadio broadcast, Radio Theater, Interview…etcWrite a pitchParagraph on “this is a podcast about…”Get it approved by teacher, then…Write a scriptGet the Media Images, sounds, music…etcPractice, Practice, PracticeRecord the PodcastPost to the web
  • 14. How can I listen to a podcast?RSSRich Site Summary OR Real Simple Syndication.
  • 16. Professional Education Podcast: For Professional Developmenthttp://www.edtechtalk.com/
  • 19. What is a screencast?Video tutorial of a computer-based activity
  • 21. Screencasting AssignmentCreate a screencast tutorial of how-to use the web2.0 resource you selected for your web2.0 Smackdown.It should include:How to get startedThe different features of the resourceHow to create and finish the productEmbed to our class wiki and your blog before July 24th

Editor's Notes

  1. http://link.social.com/c/twitter/17627923/1275163649/b/dgLUly/cOA46g