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Valerie Hill, PhD
LISD School Librarian, Adjunct Instructor TWU
School of Library and Info Studies

Michelle Keba
Distance & Instructional Services
Nova Southeastern University
Ilene Frank
Director of Library Services
University of the People
 First

MOOC Offered in 2008

• “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge”
• Created by George Siemens and Stephen

Downes at the University of Manitoba
 At

this time Dave Cormier and Bryan
Alexander coined the phrase “Massive
Open Online Course”
 Massive

• Over 2,000 students signed up for the course
• Had a steady enrollment of 1,870 persistent

 Open
 Online
 Course
 Massive

 Open

• 24 tuition paying students from the University of

• 2,200 non-paying participants from around the
 Online
 Course
 Massive

 Open
 Online

• Information was conveyed by the instructors via a

wiki, a blog, Moodle, Elluminate, and a newsletter
• Students created Second Life communities, blogs,
concept maps, Wordle summaries, and a Google
 Course
 Massive

 Open
 Online
 Course

• Offered over the span of 12 weeks
 In

2011 over 160,000 students enrolled in
an Artificial Intelligence course

 The

course was co-taught by a Stanford
professor, Sebastian Thrun and Peter
Norvig, Director of Research at Google
 In

2012 three major providers of MOOCs,
Udacity, Coursera, and edX are launched
 Founded

by Stanford professors Sebastian
Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky

 Includes

25 courses focused on
business, mathematics, computer science
and physics
 Founded

by computer science professors
Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller from
Stanford University

 Offers

378 courses from 81 partners in 25
different categories

platform founded in 2012 by MIT
and Harvard

 Partners

with 27 colleges and universities

of June 4th, 55 courses are available for

 As


• http://www.coursebuffet.com/
• http://www.class-central.com/
xMOOCs vs. cMOOCs
 Traditional
 Focus

on knowledge duplication

 Emphasis
 Follow

course/lecture format

on video presentations

a linear, instructor lead path

 Objective

feedback from online quiz results
 Based

on the principles of Connectivism

 Focus

on knowledge creation

 Emphasis
 Course

 Crowd

on social networked learning

path evolves from student input

sourced learning through peer
 Open

to students, but not free to create

 SellingCertificates

of Completion
 Identifying promising students to
 Georgia Tech/Udacity Master of Science in
Computer Science (Spring 2014)
 mooc.org

• Partnership between Google and edX
• “YouTube for MOOCs”
• Set to launch mid 2014
 mooccampus.org

• “world‟s first residential campus for DIY education”
Open Courses:
Who has access to a course?
What kinds of resources can we use?
Who owns the course?
Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning
Students in a MOOC may be from anywhere on
the planet – and be almost any age.
Do MOOCers have…
 Academic affiliation - anywhere?
 Access to a library?
 Access to necessary technology ? What about
older computers, mobile devices, quality of
Internet access?
 Open

educational resources

 Proprietary resources
• Licensed ? For 140,000 students who are not

registered at our institution?
• Fee-based ? For 140,000 students??
• Can we rely on fair use ? What about
international laws?
• Can we get permission from copyright holders?

Beginner‟s Guide to Irrational Economic
Behavior (Duke)

 E-Learning

and Digital Media (University of

 Organizational

Analysis (Stanford)

bundle of Professor Dan‟s popular books via
Amazon available but not necessary for the
course. Geo-blocked!
400 pages of required reading – available
for student use via freely accessible material on
the Web ranging from New York Times articles to
scholarly works – self-archived or deposited in
institutional repositories

 Over

Video clips – trailers, animated shorts, etc. from
YouTube, Vimeo
Readings from open access scholarly journals
Some secondary reading suggestions were not available
for free online
Students shared their digital artifacts on the course site –
and via links.
Students were reminded about copyright and the use of
digital images , etc. in their projects
 Textbook:

Custom made e-textbook, $5.86
(USD) including tax.
 Supplemental Readings: Prices range
from free to US$17 (for a book) for a total
of around US$100 for 25 items. Purchase
individually or as a package.
 Problem: Students can only use PayPal
and some countries do not allow its use
 Can

faculty and/or the instituion withdraw
the course and re-use the course
 For stand-alone open courses: It‟s up to
each institution to set policies
 For platforms such as Coursera, edX,
Udacity, etc.: Institutions need to look at
and negotiate Terms of Service.

Does the University retain ownership of the content in a
Coursera course?
The content in our MOOCs is governed by the same rules of
ownership as apply to our on-campus or traditional online
courses, i.e., unless otherwise agreed to by the instructor,
intellectual property rights to any course content created by
the instructor independently and at the instructor‟s initiative,
rest with the instructor. Where the course support provided by
the University is over and above the University resources
usually and customarily provided, as will likely be the case
with most MOOCs, course content created by the instructor
shall be owned by the instructor and licensed to the University.
See “The General Rules Concerning University Organization
and Procedure,” Article III, particularly Section 4(b)
at http://www.bot.uillinois.edu/general-rules.
Can students reuse the material elsewhere?
Take the course –
but don‟t take anything (?)

Permission to Use Materials


All content or other materials available on the Sites, including but not limited
to code, images, text, layouts, arrangements, displays, illustrations, audio
and video clips, HTML files and other content are the property of Coursera
and/or its affiliates or licensors and are protected by copyright, patent and/or
other proprietary intellectual property rights under the United States and
foreign laws. In consideration for your agreement to the terms and
conditions contained here, Coursera grants you a personal, nonexclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the Sites. You may
download material from the Sites only for your own personal, noncommercial use. You may not otherwise
copy, reproduce, retransmit, distribute, publish, commercially exploit or
otherwise transfer any material, nor may you modify or create derivatives
works of the material. The burden of determining that your use of any
information, software or any other content on the Site is permissible rests
with you.
 By

submitting the Feedback, you hereby
grant Coursera and the Participating
Institutions an irrevocable license to use,
disclose, reproduce, distribute, sublicense,
prepare derivative works of, publicly
perform and publicly display any such
You may not take any Online Course offered by
Coursera or use any Statement of
Accomplishment as part of any tuition-based or
for-credit certification or program for any
college, university, or other academic institution
without the express written permission from
Coursera. Such use of an Online Course or
Statement of Accomplishment is a violation of
these Terms of Use.
OER university
 A collaboration of
universities to provide
courses for self-directed
learners using open
content (with no cost to
 Collaborating
universities will assess
the work and offering
credits (with some cost
to students)
Coursera’s Gamification MOOC

Coursera’s Metadata MOOC
Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning
Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning
MOOCs on
 Connected

Learning MOOC
On Twitter #clmooc
Sponsored by the National
Writing Project

 Anne

Frank MOOC
Sponsored by
the National
Students “enter”
the cramped
annex where Anne
in hiding during
Fall 2012
Educators met weekly for MOOC
office hours on Wed. evenings.
Assignments presented in
a 3D virtual world.
Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning
Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning
 No

cost (or low cost)
 Personal interest
 Convenient (no travel)
 Access to experts and global
 Lack

of assessment
 Accreditation & quality assurance
 Future of academic careers
 Potential for isolation
 Literature

 Content curation
 Developing a PLN
 Joining online groups (ACRL MOOC
Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning
Virtual World
Interest Group
Feb. 17th, 2013
Valerie Hill, PhD
Michelle Keba
Ilene Frank
George Djorgovski
“…Student research and critical thinking
skills are not so simply accomplished in
this environment (Cantrell, 2013).”
Cantrell‟s study demonstrates need for
embedded librarianship.
“…one can readily see overlap between the
MOOC„s opportunity to provide global
learning environments and the kindred
opportunity for librarians to investigate and
incorporate metaliteracies into the MOOC
curriculum in collaboration with MOOC
faculty (Cantrell, 2013).”
“Of course this puts the responsibility
for information gathering, the validation
of resources, and the learning process
in the hands of learners themselves,
and one should question if all adult
learners are capable of taking on this
responsibility (2012, Kop et al.).”
“It may be that the great age of libraries is
waning, but I am here to tell you that the great age
of librarians is just beginning. It‟s up to you to
decide if you want to be a part of it.”
~T. Scott Plutchak
Valerie Hill, PhD
Twitter @valibrarian

Michelle Keba
Twitter @michellekeba

Ilene Frank
Twitter @ifrank
Anne Frank MOOC. (2013). Anne Frank MOOC Reflection. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-LpnY6AhLw&feature=share [Accessed
September 29, 2013]
Bell, M. (2012). Massive open online courses. Internet@schools, 19(5), 23-25.
Cantrell, L. (2013). (in press) Internet Learning.
Carey, K. (2012). Into the Future With MOOC's. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 59(2), 29.
CLmooc. (2013) #CLMOOC Make Cycle 4, Satuday Morning Hangout: Credos and Their Values
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sid7RqQW5U8&feature=share [Accessed October 6, 2013]
Copyright Challenges in the MOOC Environment. (2013). Educause Brief.
Crews, Kenneth. (2012). MOOCs, Distance Education, and Copyright: Two Wrong Questions to Ask. Columbia University Libraries
Copyright Advisory Office. http://copyright.columbia.edu/copyright/2012/11/09/moocs-distance-education-and-copyright-two-wrongquestions-to-ask/ [Accessed September 29, 2013].

Keba, M,. Rayl, H., Frank, I., and Hill. V. Massive Open Online Courses. http://www.slideshare.net/valibrarian/massive-open-onlinecourses-the-future-of-learning-24073209 [Accessed September 1, 2013].
Kop, R., Fournier, H., & Mak, J. (2011). A Pedagogy of Abundance or a Pedagogy to Support Human Beings? Participant Support on
Massive Open Online Courses. International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, 12(7), 74-93. http://bit.ly/17xC1dz
[Accessed September 1, 2012].
The Legal Side of MOOCs (2013, September 26). Webinar with Madelyn Wessel, Associate General Counsel, University of Virginia.
Available at http://www.educause.edu/events/educause-live-legal-side-moocs/2013/legal-side-moocs

Mangan, K. (2012). MOOC mania. Chronicle of Higher Education, 59(6), B4-B5.
Marovich, B. (2012). More than MOOCs. Chronicle of Higher Education, 59(2), 5.
Massis, B. E. (2013). MOOCs and the library. New Library World, 114(5/6), 267-270.
Plutchak, T. Scott. 2007. The Librarian: Fantastic Adventures in the Digital World. Serials, 20(2),


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Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning

  • 1. Valerie Hill, PhD LISD School Librarian, Adjunct Instructor TWU School of Library and Info Studies Michelle Keba Distance & Instructional Services Librarian Nova Southeastern University Ilene Frank Director of Library Services University of the People
  • 2.  First MOOC Offered in 2008 • “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” • Created by George Siemens and Stephen Downes at the University of Manitoba  At this time Dave Cormier and Bryan Alexander coined the phrase “Massive Open Online Course”
  • 3.  Massive • Over 2,000 students signed up for the course • Had a steady enrollment of 1,870 persistent students  Open  Online  Course
  • 4.  Massive  Open • 24 tuition paying students from the University of Manitoba • 2,200 non-paying participants from around the world  Online  Course
  • 5.  Massive  Open  Online • Information was conveyed by the instructors via a wiki, a blog, Moodle, Elluminate, and a newsletter • Students created Second Life communities, blogs, concept maps, Wordle summaries, and a Google group  Course
  • 6.  Massive  Open  Online  Course • Offered over the span of 12 weeks
  • 7.  In 2011 over 160,000 students enrolled in an Artificial Intelligence course  The course was co-taught by a Stanford professor, Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google
  • 8.  In 2012 three major providers of MOOCs, Udacity, Coursera, and edX are launched
  • 9.  Founded by Stanford professors Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky  Includes 25 courses focused on business, mathematics, computer science and physics
  • 10.  Founded by computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller from Stanford University  Offers 378 courses from 81 partners in 25 different categories
  • 11.  MOOC platform founded in 2012 by MIT and Harvard  Partners with 27 colleges and universities of June 4th, 55 courses are available for registration  As
  • 14.  Traditional  Focus on knowledge duplication  Emphasis  Follow course/lecture format on video presentations a linear, instructor lead path  Objective feedback from online quiz results
  • 15.  Based on the principles of Connectivism  Focus on knowledge creation  Emphasis  Course  Crowd on social networked learning path evolves from student input sourced learning through peer interaction
  • 16.  Open to students, but not free to create  SellingCertificates of Completion  Identifying promising students to headhunters  Georgia Tech/Udacity Master of Science in Computer Science (Spring 2014)
  • 17.  mooc.org • Partnership between Google and edX • “YouTube for MOOCs” • Set to launch mid 2014  mooccampus.org • “world‟s first residential campus for DIY education”
  • 18. Open Courses: Who has access to a course? What kinds of resources can we use? Who owns the course?
  • 20. Students in a MOOC may be from anywhere on the planet – and be almost any age. Do MOOCers have…  Academic affiliation - anywhere?  Access to a library?  Access to necessary technology ? What about older computers, mobile devices, quality of Internet access?
  • 21.  Open educational resources  Proprietary resources • Licensed ? For 140,000 students who are not registered at our institution? • Fee-based ? For 140,000 students?? • Can we rely on fair use ? What about international laws? • Can we get permission from copyright holders?
  • 22. A Beginner‟s Guide to Irrational Economic Behavior (Duke)  E-Learning and Digital Media (University of Edinburgh)  Organizational Analysis (Stanford)
  • 23. A bundle of Professor Dan‟s popular books via Amazon available but not necessary for the course. Geo-blocked! 400 pages of required reading – available for student use via freely accessible material on the Web ranging from New York Times articles to scholarly works – self-archived or deposited in institutional repositories  Over
  • 24.      Video clips – trailers, animated shorts, etc. from YouTube, Vimeo Readings from open access scholarly journals Some secondary reading suggestions were not available for free online Students shared their digital artifacts on the course site – and via links. Students were reminded about copyright and the use of digital images , etc. in their projects
  • 25.  Textbook: Custom made e-textbook, $5.86 (USD) including tax.  Supplemental Readings: Prices range from free to US$17 (for a book) for a total of around US$100 for 25 items. Purchase individually or as a package.  Problem: Students can only use PayPal and some countries do not allow its use
  • 26.  Can faculty and/or the instituion withdraw the course and re-use the course elsewhere?  For stand-alone open courses: It‟s up to each institution to set policies  For platforms such as Coursera, edX, Udacity, etc.: Institutions need to look at and negotiate Terms of Service.
  • 27.   Does the University retain ownership of the content in a Coursera course? The content in our MOOCs is governed by the same rules of ownership as apply to our on-campus or traditional online courses, i.e., unless otherwise agreed to by the instructor, intellectual property rights to any course content created by the instructor independently and at the instructor‟s initiative, rest with the instructor. Where the course support provided by the University is over and above the University resources usually and customarily provided, as will likely be the case with most MOOCs, course content created by the instructor shall be owned by the instructor and licensed to the University. See “The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure,” Article III, particularly Section 4(b) at http://www.bot.uillinois.edu/general-rules.
  • 28. Can students reuse the material elsewhere? https://www.coursera.org/about/terms Take the course – but don‟t take anything (?)
  • 29.  Permission to Use Materials  All content or other materials available on the Sites, including but not limited to code, images, text, layouts, arrangements, displays, illustrations, audio and video clips, HTML files and other content are the property of Coursera and/or its affiliates or licensors and are protected by copyright, patent and/or other proprietary intellectual property rights under the United States and foreign laws. In consideration for your agreement to the terms and conditions contained here, Coursera grants you a personal, nonexclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the Sites. You may download material from the Sites only for your own personal, noncommercial use. You may not otherwise copy, reproduce, retransmit, distribute, publish, commercially exploit or otherwise transfer any material, nor may you modify or create derivatives works of the material. The burden of determining that your use of any information, software or any other content on the Site is permissible rests with you.
  • 30.  By submitting the Feedback, you hereby grant Coursera and the Participating Institutions an irrevocable license to use, disclose, reproduce, distribute, sublicense, prepare derivative works of, publicly perform and publicly display any such submission.
  • 31. You may not take any Online Course offered by Coursera or use any Statement of Accomplishment as part of any tuition-based or for-credit certification or program for any college, university, or other academic institution without the express written permission from Coursera. Such use of an Online Course or Statement of Accomplishment is a violation of these Terms of Use.
  • 32. OER university  A collaboration of universities to provide courses for self-directed learners using open content (with no cost to students)  Collaborating universities will assess the work and offering credits (with some cost to students)
  • 37.  Connected Learning MOOC On Twitter #clmooc Sponsored by the National Writing Project  Anne Frank MOOC
  • 39. Students “enter” the cramped annex where Anne lived in hiding during WWII. Fall 2012 Educators met weekly for MOOC office hours on Wed. evenings. Assignments presented in a 3D virtual world.
  • 42.  No cost (or low cost)  Personal interest  Convenient (no travel)  Access to experts and global participants
  • 43.  Lack of assessment  Accreditation & quality assurance  Future of academic careers  Potential for isolation
  • 44.  Literature review  Content curation  Developing a PLN  Joining online groups (ACRL MOOC listserv)
  • 46. ACRL Virtual World Interest Group Feb. 17th, 2013 Panelists: Valerie Hill, PhD Michelle Keba Ilene Frank George Djorgovski
  • 47. “…Student research and critical thinking skills are not so simply accomplished in this environment (Cantrell, 2013).” Cantrell‟s study demonstrates need for embedded librarianship.
  • 48. “…one can readily see overlap between the MOOC„s opportunity to provide global learning environments and the kindred opportunity for librarians to investigate and incorporate metaliteracies into the MOOC curriculum in collaboration with MOOC faculty (Cantrell, 2013).”
  • 49. “Of course this puts the responsibility for information gathering, the validation of resources, and the learning process in the hands of learners themselves, and one should question if all adult learners are capable of taking on this responsibility (2012, Kop et al.).”
  • 50. “It may be that the great age of libraries is waning, but I am here to tell you that the great age of librarians is just beginning. It‟s up to you to decide if you want to be a part of it.” ~T. Scott Plutchak
  • 51. Valerie Hill, PhD valibrarian@gmail.com Twitter @valibrarian Michelle Keba michelle.keba@gmail.com Twitter @michellekeba Ilene Frank ilene.frank@gmail.com Twitter @ifrank
  • 52. Anne Frank MOOC. (2013). Anne Frank MOOC Reflection. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-LpnY6AhLw&feature=share [Accessed September 29, 2013] Bell, M. (2012). Massive open online courses. Internet@schools, 19(5), 23-25. Cantrell, L. (2013). (in press) Internet Learning. Carey, K. (2012). Into the Future With MOOC's. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 59(2), 29. CLmooc. (2013) #CLMOOC Make Cycle 4, Satuday Morning Hangout: Credos and Their Values http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sid7RqQW5U8&feature=share [Accessed October 6, 2013] Copyright Challenges in the MOOC Environment. (2013). Educause Brief. Crews, Kenneth. (2012). MOOCs, Distance Education, and Copyright: Two Wrong Questions to Ask. Columbia University Libraries Copyright Advisory Office. http://copyright.columbia.edu/copyright/2012/11/09/moocs-distance-education-and-copyright-two-wrongquestions-to-ask/ [Accessed September 29, 2013]. Keba, M,. Rayl, H., Frank, I., and Hill. V. Massive Open Online Courses. http://www.slideshare.net/valibrarian/massive-open-onlinecourses-the-future-of-learning-24073209 [Accessed September 1, 2013]. Kop, R., Fournier, H., & Mak, J. (2011). A Pedagogy of Abundance or a Pedagogy to Support Human Beings? Participant Support on Massive Open Online Courses. International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, 12(7), 74-93. http://bit.ly/17xC1dz [Accessed September 1, 2012]. The Legal Side of MOOCs (2013, September 26). Webinar with Madelyn Wessel, Associate General Counsel, University of Virginia. Available at http://www.educause.edu/events/educause-live-legal-side-moocs/2013/legal-side-moocs Mangan, K. (2012). MOOC mania. Chronicle of Higher Education, 59(6), B4-B5. Marovich, B. (2012). More than MOOCs. Chronicle of Higher Education, 59(2), 5. Massis, B. E. (2013). MOOCs and the library. New Library World, 114(5/6), 267-270. Plutchak, T. Scott. 2007. The Librarian: Fantastic Adventures in the Digital World. Serials, 20(2), 87-91.

Editor's Notes

  1. According to an interview with NPR, the course was decided on an impulse. The professors sent out an e-mail to a professional group and within hours had 5,000 students signed up. They hadn’t really informed Stanford prior to the announcement, so when they got back to work on Monday they had several meetings about the MOOC. All students received grades and class ranking, but did not receive credit for the course.
  2. Just a few months ago Coursera was offering 222 courses from 33 universities
  3. A few months ago edX was partnered with only 6 different universities including the University of Texas University System, Wellesley, Georgetown, Berkley, as well as MIT and Harvard and offered 24 courses for registrationOther providers to note are Google which began by hosting a “power searching” MOOC and Course Sites by Blackboard.
  4. If you’re like me, you may have been wondering how MOOCs work logistically when there are so many students. The majority of MOOCs can be broken down into two types proposed by George Siemens.
  5. http://www.mindingthecampus.com/originals/2013/09/what_do_moocs_cost.html“Udacity budgets $200,000 for each course it makes.EdX gives its partners the option of producing a MOOC on their own and then submitting the finished product to EdX, or else paying for EdX&apos;s design and consulting services at a rate of $250,000 per course plus another $50,000 each time the course is re-run. - See more at: http://www.mindingthecampus.com/originals/2013/09/what_do_moocs_cost.html#sthash.J4wUUGoq.dpuf”“Udacity and Coursera have also experimented with doubling as paid headhunters; they sift course participation and assignment grades to identify promising students, offering to match them with a potential employer who pays a fee for each introduction. - See more at: http://www.mindingthecampus.com/originals/2013/09/what_do_moocs_cost.html#sthash.J4wUUGoq.dpuf”
  6. “All MOOC Campus students have access to a personal curriculum advisor included with their registration.For students interested in living on campus for a full 9 months, we offer a 9-month package that includes room and board. For those who prefer to find their own housing, or those wishing to commute from the Asheville area, we also offer many other packages that include only daytime use of our facilities.”
  7. Stephen Downeshttp://www.downes.ca/post/57915
  8. Does open include open to students with disabilities? Are the materials device agnostic – including mobile devices? Is “I can’t read it on my iPad” a reason not to include some resources? Does open include open to anyone from any country? Start working with OER and you’ll start to realize how privileged we are to be connected to academic institutions with decent budgets. What compromises do we have to make?
  9. The video lectures were interrupted by surveys and quizzes. This doesn’t work well for those who have to (or choose to) work with the videos offline.
  10. University of Edinburgh - The course was offered simultaneously with the for-credit on-campus graduate course with the open version taking up a few weeks of the term. I have an acquaintance who said this is the best MOOC she ever took.
  11. https://www.coursera.org/about/terms