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Keep Your Swagger On
Ron	Ratovsky	(@webron)
Swagger is…
-An	open	source	toolset
-Covering	portions	of	the	API	lifecycle
-Supports	both	code-first	and	design-first	approaches
-Focused	around	the	OpenAPISpecification
Swagger is not…
The	OpenAPISpecification
Driving the API Lifecycle with OAS
/ Runtime
Security, Usage policies,
Monitoring, Caching, etc
Developer portals,
Code samples, User guides, etc.
Functional / Runtime simulations
Functional, Security,
Load, Compliance, etc.
Generated server code/artifacts
Generated client libraries
Object reuse, linking,
Callbacks, etc.
The Swagger Projects
1. Swagger-core
2. Swagger-parser
3. Swagger-inflector
4. Swagger-codegen
5. Validator-badge
6. Swagger-converter
7. Swagger-js
8. Swagger-ui
9. Swagger-editor
10. Swagger-node
11. …
- Code-first	approach	
- Java	JAX-RS
- Basis	for	other	projects	(annotations,	models)
- OAS3	(swagger-core	2.0):
- Rewrite	of	annotations	and	models
- Cleanup	of	set	up	process
- Built	to	co-exist	with	1.5
- Support	utility	for	deserializingOpenAPIdocuments
- Depends	on	Swagger-core’s	models.
- OAS3	(swagger-parser	2.0):
- Convert	previous	versions	to	3.0
- Provides	3.0	validation
- More	customizable	with	options
Swagger-core Swagger-parser
- Design-first	approach	
- Java	JAX-RS	(Jersey)
- Depends	on	Swagger-parser
- OAS3	(swagger-inflector	2.0):
- Modified	for	OAS3	support	(*)
- Plans	to	co-exist	with	OAS2	support
- Improved	mocking	capabilities
- Client/Server	generation
- Depends	on	Swagger-parser
- Available	as	a	library,	CLI	and	a	service
- WIP	Changes	(swagger-codegen3.0):
- Support	for	3.0	versions	and	older	(through	
- Moving	to	handlebars
- Improved	CLI
- Breaking	out	the	templates
- And	more…
Swagger-inflector Swagger-codegen
- Definition	validation
- Runs	as	a	service
- Depends	on	Swagger-parser
- OAS3	(validator-badge	2.0):
- Modified	for	OAS3	support	(*)
- Plans	to	co-exist	with	OAS2	support
- New	and	improved	API
- OAS2àOAS3	conversion
- Runs	as	a	service
- Depends	on	Swagger-parser
- WIP		(swagger-converter	1.0):
- Pushing	out	the	first	version
Validator-badge Swagger-converter
- Parser,	resolver,	client
- Was	recently	written	from	scratch	(prior	to	OAS3)
- OAS3	(swagger-client	3.X):
- Parse	and	resolve	OAS3	documents
- Client	functionality	partially	implemented,	
still	WIP.
- Visualization
- Depends	on	Swagger-js
- Uses	the	Validator-badge
- Swagger-UI	3.X:
- Was	recently	written	from	scratch
- Provides	easier	customization
- Improved	performance	and	visuals
- OAS3:
- Support	for	rendering	OAS3	documents	(*)
- Exciting	plans	for	links
- Sandbox	functionality	is	still	WIP
Swagger-js Swagger-UI
- Depends	on	Swagger-UI
- Uses	Swagger-codegen
- Swagger-Editor	3.X:
- Was	recently	written	from	scratch
- Provides	easier	customization
- Improved	auto-suggest
- Improved	validation
- OAS3:
- Supports	OAS3	completion
- OAS3	structural	validation
- Semantic	validation	is	WIP
- Design-first	approach
- Plans:
- Provide	support	for	OAS3	based	on	
- Break	the	dependency	on	Editor/UI
- Implement	similar	features	to	Swagger-
Swagger-Editor Swagger-node
It’s Demo Time!
Thank you!
Visit us at the
booth to hear more about
Swagger and SwaggerHub

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LF_APIStrat17_Keep Your Swagger On

  • 1. Keep Your Swagger On Ron Ratovsky (@webron)
  • 3. Driving the API Lifecycle with OAS Design Implementation Testing Mocking Documentation Virtualization Deployment / Runtime Clients Security, Usage policies, Monitoring, Caching, etc Developer portals, Code samples, User guides, etc. Functional / Runtime simulations Functional, Security, Load, Compliance, etc. Generated server code/artifacts Prototyping Generated client libraries Object reuse, linking, Callbacks, etc.
  • 4. The Swagger Projects 1. Swagger-core 2. Swagger-parser 3. Swagger-inflector 4. Swagger-codegen 5. Validator-badge 6. Swagger-converter 7. Swagger-js 8. Swagger-ui 9. Swagger-editor 10. Swagger-node 11. …
  • 5. - Code-first approach - Java JAX-RS - Basis for other projects (annotations, models) - OAS3 (swagger-core 2.0): - Rewrite of annotations and models - Cleanup of set up process - Built to co-exist with 1.5 - Support utility for deserializingOpenAPIdocuments - Depends on Swagger-core’s models. - OAS3 (swagger-parser 2.0): - Convert previous versions to 3.0 - Provides 3.0 validation - More customizable with options Swagger-core Swagger-parser
  • 6. - Design-first approach - Java JAX-RS (Jersey) - Depends on Swagger-parser - OAS3 (swagger-inflector 2.0): - Modified for OAS3 support (*) - Plans to co-exist with OAS2 support - Improved mocking capabilities - Client/Server generation - Depends on Swagger-parser - Available as a library, CLI and a service - WIP Changes (swagger-codegen3.0): - Support for 3.0 versions and older (through conversion) - Moving to handlebars - Improved CLI - Breaking out the templates - And more… Swagger-inflector Swagger-codegen
  • 7. - Definition validation - Runs as a service - Depends on Swagger-parser - OAS3 (validator-badge 2.0): - Modified for OAS3 support (*) - Plans to co-exist with OAS2 support - New and improved API - OAS2àOAS3 conversion - Runs as a service - Depends on Swagger-parser - WIP (swagger-converter 1.0): - Pushing out the first version Validator-badge Swagger-converter
  • 8. - Parser, resolver, client - Was recently written from scratch (prior to OAS3) - OAS3 (swagger-client 3.X): - Parse and resolve OAS3 documents - Client functionality partially implemented, still WIP. - Visualization - Depends on Swagger-js - Uses the Validator-badge - Swagger-UI 3.X: - Was recently written from scratch - Provides easier customization - Improved performance and visuals - OAS3: - Support for rendering OAS3 documents (*) - Exciting plans for links - Sandbox functionality is still WIP Swagger-js Swagger-UI
  • 9. - OAS IDE - Depends on Swagger-UI - Uses Swagger-codegen - Swagger-Editor 3.X: - Was recently written from scratch - Provides easier customization - Improved auto-suggest - Improved validation - OAS3: - Supports OAS3 completion - OAS3 structural validation - Semantic validation is WIP - Design-first approach - Plans: - Provide support for OAS3 based on swagger-js - Break the dependency on Editor/UI - Implement similar features to Swagger- Inflector Swagger-Editor Swagger-node
  • 11. Thank you! http://swagger.io https://github.com/swagger-api @SwaggerAPI Visit us at the booth to hear more about Swagger and SwaggerHub