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Tutora: Aurelia Velázquez
Período de Práctica: Nivel inicial
Institución Educativa: Escuela N° 46
Dirección: Los cerezos 740
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1ro
Cantidad de alumnos: 18
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: Colores
Clase Nº: 3
Fecha: 25/04/18
Hora: 9.30 a 10.30 hs
Duración de la clase: 60´
Fecha de primera entrega: 13/04/18
· Teaching points: Colors (pink, brown, orange)
· Revision: colors (red, green, yellow, blue) and numbers (1- 10)
· Aims or goals:
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
- Identify and name the colors.
- Develop their listening skill by listening to a song.
- To deepen their understanding of colors and numbers.
• Language focus:
Lexis Function Structures Pronunciation
Colors, Numbers Identify colors Let´s blue /u:/
Blue, red,green, sing, play,
Yellow. dance.
Revision Numbers 1 -10
brown /au/
Colors Identify the
New colors brown, Let´s paint
orange, pink
• Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Natural approach,
and organized through the PPP procedure and TPR.
· Integration of skills: The lesson will integrate listening and
speaking skills through songs and commands.
· Materials and resources: A poster with the colors to have a visual
support, a puppet to motivate students to participate, a video
(color song), boxes and balls, copies.
· Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, posters
will be used to support the presentation and exposure of the
students to the teaching point. Activities will be organized through
videos to enhance language learning and acquisition. I will use my
computer and a white screen.
· Seating arrangement: Students will form a circle on the floor in
order to facilitate visual contact and interaction within the group.
At some point in the lesson, they will move around the class.
· Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I will check that
students comprehend and identify the different colors by watching
them pointing. I will provide them with the necessary input and I
will encourage them to produce the chunks of language I am
Clase 3:
Routine: 5´
Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into mood for work,
establish rapport.
I´ll get into the classroom and greet students: “Hello! How are you
today?” EA: “Hello!”
I´ll ask students to do a circle on the floor and we´ll sing the welcome
song. This time they will listen to the song and use gestures.
Now it´s time to say Hello! Say hello! Say hello!
Now it´s time to say hello! Hello, everyone (x2)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Warm-up 5´:
Purpose: to introduce the topic and teaching points.
I ´ll use a puppet called “Moky” to catch students’ attention. “Blue, yellow,
red and green! Oh they are colors!!!
Now, look! These are the colors! (Pointing to cards that will be stuck on
the board) The puppet will participate during this activity.
The cards will be in the classroom, so they can look at them as many
times as they want.
They are illustrative examples.
Transition: “The puppet wants to dance and sing…Do you want to dance
(moving my body) and sing (saying something like “lairalaaa”)? Yesss!!!
Presentation 10´:
Purpose: to further exposure the learners to the target language, to
foster comprehension of a song and a video.
“Colours song from Steve”
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFZFnJkV5Ks (It hasn´t got the script)
Let´s watch a video! Let´s make a circle! Let´s sing! Yeeeees!!!
The students will be sitting on the floor. With this video students will
watch the colors and they revise the ones they know. They will watch the
video once, and then I will continue singing some parts from the song
pointing to the color cards on the board.
Transition: Great job kids!
ACTIVITY 1 - 15’
Purpose: this activity is aimed at fostering contextualized practice
of the teaching points.
I will put a box in front of the class; the box will have four holes with
different colors (red, blue, yellow and green).
There will be another box with balls in the middle of the classroom.
I will use the same resources I used the first day in order to familiarize
students with them. Students will be one behind the other. They will take
balls and they have to put in the holes in the correct color.
I will say “Let´s play!” I will show them the activity using my body
language and short tasks.
With this activity students revise the colors since they have to see the
color in the hole and the numbers because they have to listen to the
teacher´s command. Students will receive the necessary support and
guidance in the case they don´t remember the vocabulary. I will use my
body language and gestures to help them all the time. Moreover, they
have the visual support of the poster on the wall.
When everybody has had the chance of putting the balls into the holes, I
will count how many balls are there are.
Transition: “Oh excellent! Very well done!
Purpose: this activity is aimed at recognizing contextualized
practice of the colors.
Each student will have a copy with a worksheet about colors.
In order to identify them, they will look at the number and its color and
then they will paint with the right one. I will make a change in this
activity. Each copy will have the pencils painted in order to identify them
easily since they don´t read.
All the copies will have an example to guide them to follow the activity.
“Let´s paint”. I will say while doing the mimic on the paper.
Once they complete the activity, I will check each paper. Then, their
teacher can stick their works in the classroom as visual support.
I will change color dark brown for pink because the aim of this
activity is to revise green and yellow and include the new ones,
orange, brown and pink.
Transition: Very well done kids! Great job!
EXTRA ACTIVITY: In case the students finish before the time, we will sing
the song again to revise the colors and close the lesson.
Closure 5´: “Well my dear children, it´s time to go home. Let´s sing the
song to say goodbye”. Students are invited to sing the goodbye song after
tidying their bags and chairs.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCr2t34vkIE
Now it´s time to say goodbye! Say goodbye! Say goodbye!
Now it´s time to say goodbye! Goodbye, everyone (x2)
This is the end of the lesson plan
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
resources –
Learning styles
Stages and
Observations Minimum score: 18 / 30
Score: _25_/30
Great job, Pau! It will be a lively and colourful lesson.
Have a great time!
Lesson plan 3 - Kindergarten

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Lesson plan 3 - Kindergarten

  • 1. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE Tutora: Aurelia Velázquez ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Paula Pilotti Período de Práctica: Nivel inicial Institución Educativa: Escuela N° 46 Dirección: Los cerezos 740 Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1ro Cantidad de alumnos: 18 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Colores Clase Nº: 3 Fecha: 25/04/18 Hora: 9.30 a 10.30 hs Duración de la clase: 60´ Fecha de primera entrega: 13/04/18 · Teaching points: Colors (pink, brown, orange) · Revision: colors (red, green, yellow, blue) and numbers (1- 10) · Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to… - Identify and name the colors. - Develop their listening skill by listening to a song. - To deepen their understanding of colors and numbers. • Language focus: Lexis Function Structures Pronunciation Colors, Numbers Identify colors Let´s blue /u:/ Blue, red,green, sing, play, Yellow. dance. Revision Numbers 1 -10 brown /au/ Colors Identify the New colors brown, Let´s paint orange, pink
  • 2. • Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Natural approach, and organized through the PPP procedure and TPR. · Integration of skills: The lesson will integrate listening and speaking skills through songs and commands. · Materials and resources: A poster with the colors to have a visual support, a puppet to motivate students to participate, a video (color song), boxes and balls, copies. · Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, posters will be used to support the presentation and exposure of the students to the teaching point. Activities will be organized through videos to enhance language learning and acquisition. I will use my computer and a white screen. · Seating arrangement: Students will form a circle on the floor in order to facilitate visual contact and interaction within the group. At some point in the lesson, they will move around the class. · Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I will check that students comprehend and identify the different colors by watching them pointing. I will provide them with the necessary input and I will encourage them to produce the chunks of language I am teaching. Clase 3: Routine: 5´ Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into mood for work, establish rapport. I´ll get into the classroom and greet students: “Hello! How are you today?” EA: “Hello!” I´ll ask students to do a circle on the floor and we´ll sing the welcome song. This time they will listen to the song and use gestures. Now it´s time to say Hello! Say hello! Say hello! Now it´s time to say hello! Hello, everyone (x2) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gdeB9kDT6uI&list=PLSYSJOW4Ai5NaMPDBRciEa9XjE6-GgGEp
  • 3. Warm-up 5´: Purpose: to introduce the topic and teaching points. I ´ll use a puppet called “Moky” to catch students’ attention. “Blue, yellow, red and green! Oh they are colors!!! Now, look! These are the colors! (Pointing to cards that will be stuck on the board) The puppet will participate during this activity. The cards will be in the classroom, so they can look at them as many times as they want. Moky: Cards: They are illustrative examples. Transition: “The puppet wants to dance and sing…Do you want to dance (moving my body) and sing (saying something like “lairalaaa”)? Yesss!!! Presentation 10´: Purpose: to further exposure the learners to the target language, to foster comprehension of a song and a video. “Colours song from Steve” Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFZFnJkV5Ks (It hasn´t got the script) Let´s watch a video! Let´s make a circle! Let´s sing! Yeeeees!!! The students will be sitting on the floor. With this video students will watch the colors and they revise the ones they know. They will watch the video once, and then I will continue singing some parts from the song pointing to the color cards on the board. Transition: Great job kids! Development
  • 4. ACTIVITY 1 - 15’ Purpose: this activity is aimed at fostering contextualized practice of the teaching points. I will put a box in front of the class; the box will have four holes with different colors (red, blue, yellow and green). There will be another box with balls in the middle of the classroom. I will use the same resources I used the first day in order to familiarize students with them. Students will be one behind the other. They will take balls and they have to put in the holes in the correct color. I will say “Let´s play!” I will show them the activity using my body language and short tasks. With this activity students revise the colors since they have to see the color in the hole and the numbers because they have to listen to the teacher´s command. Students will receive the necessary support and guidance in the case they don´t remember the vocabulary. I will use my body language and gestures to help them all the time. Moreover, they have the visual support of the poster on the wall. When everybody has had the chance of putting the balls into the holes, I will count how many balls are there are. Transition: “Oh excellent! Very well done! ACTIVITY 2: 20’ Purpose: this activity is aimed at recognizing contextualized practice of the colors. Each student will have a copy with a worksheet about colors. In order to identify them, they will look at the number and its color and then they will paint with the right one. I will make a change in this activity. Each copy will have the pencils painted in order to identify them easily since they don´t read. All the copies will have an example to guide them to follow the activity. “Let´s paint”. I will say while doing the mimic on the paper. Once they complete the activity, I will check each paper. Then, their teacher can stick their works in the classroom as visual support.
  • 5. I will change color dark brown for pink because the aim of this activity is to revise green and yellow and include the new ones, orange, brown and pink. Transition: Very well done kids! Great job! EXTRA ACTIVITY: In case the students finish before the time, we will sing the song again to revise the colors and close the lesson. Closure 5´: “Well my dear children, it´s time to go home. Let´s sing the song to say goodbye”. Students are invited to sing the goodbye song after tidying their bags and chairs. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCr2t34vkIE Now it´s time to say goodbye! Say goodbye! Say goodbye! Now it´s time to say goodbye! Goodbye, everyone (x2) This is the end of the lesson plan
  • 6. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Minimum score: 18 / 30 Score: _25_/30 Great job, Pau! It will be a lively and colourful lesson. Have a great time!