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Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Baguio Convention Center,
Baguio City.
23-25 Nov, 2012
 CAP Auditorium,
Iloilo City.
14-16 Dec, 2012
 Davio City.
20-22 Dec, 2012
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Principal Consultant cum Trainer for Lean
management, a hands on Green Innovator.
Graduate in Mechanical Engineering and
also a Certified Kaizen Specialist and a
hands on Lean Facilitator with 30 over
years working experience.
Provides Technical Consulting Services on
Lean, TPM, Kaizen, Moonshine , Cellular
System and Small Group Activities set up.
He is also an NGO Community worker for
Prison & Drug Rehabilitation and CREST
North (Crisis Relieve & Training)
Malaysia, an organization that responds to
Crisis & Flood.
The Trainer,
Timothy Wooi
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 The Key to developing people is to catch
them doing something right…
Catching people
doing things right is
a powerful tool in
Unfortunately, most
people have a genius
for catching people
doing things wrong!
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 People who produce good results feel
good about themselves.
An effective leader will
make it a priority to help
his or her people produce
good results in two ways.
1) Make sure they know
what their goals are.
2) Do everything
possible to support
,encourage and coach
them to accomplish those
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Praise Progress.
 It’s a moving Target!
When a good performance
is followed by something
positive, people naturally
want to continue in that
behavior. Do not wait until
for exactly right behavior
before you respond
positively. Otherwise you
might wait forever.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Feedback is the breakfast of
I firmly believe that
providing feedback is the
most cost- effective
strategy for improving
performance and instilling
satisfaction. It can be done
quickly. It cost nothing,
and it ca turn people
around fast.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 When mistakes occur redirect the
When people make a mistake
they usually know it. What
they really would like is
advice on how they can avoid
making the same mistake
again. That’s what redirection
is all about-.
Getting peoples energy
refocused on the right things..
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 No one can make you feel inferior
without your permission.
I go out into the world
everyday with the attitude that
my ‘okayness’ is not up for
I firmly believe that ‘God did
not make junk’. This doesn’t
mean I don’t have areas of my
life that need improvement –
just that at my basic core,
Im ok.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 None of us is a smart as all of us.
This quote has become the guiding
principal of our team building work
in organizations. When I first caught
the truth of this statement, it made
me relax tremendously as a leader. I
realized that I didn’t have to be the
only bright person in the group. In
fact, admitting my vulnerability
allowed me to ask for help. Im
convinced that any problem can be
solved if we involved the resources
we have gathered around us.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Things not worth doing are not worth
doing well.
An effective leader must step back,
look at the big picture, and make
sure the important things are not
pushed out of the way by the urgent
needs of the moment.
If your people and customers are
important, then you will spent part
of everyday making them feel that
way. Evaluate each day by asking
‘Have I done what is really
important today?’
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Success is not forever an failure isn’t fatal.
Don Shula had a 24 hour rule. He allowed
himself, his coaches, and his players a
maximum of 24 hours after a football
game to celebrate a victory or bemoan a
defeat as deeply as possible. They were
encourage to experience the thrill of
victory or the agony of defeat as deeply as
possible. Once the 24 hour deadline is
passed, they put behind them and focused
their energies on preparing for the next
Don’t get a big head when you win or get
too down in the dumps when you lose.
Keep things in perspective. Success is not
forever and failure isn’t fatal
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 When you stop learning, you stop growing
Organizations are
being bombarded
with change.
You would be wise to
make learning a top
priority and
constantly strive to
adapt to new
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 In life, what you resist, persist.
If something is bothering you and
you don’t deal with it, you are gunny
sacking your feelings—holding them
inside. This can back fire later when
you find yourself “dumping” in an
inappropriate way and at exactly the
wrong moment. It is also true that if
you will deal with what is bothering
you, the problem often disappears in
the very process. Have you ever said,
“Im glad I got that off my mind”?
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Don’t work harder— work smarter
If you don’t take time
out to think,
strategize, and
prioritize, you
will work a whole lot
harder, without
enjoying the benefits
of a job smartly done.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Nice guys appear to finish last, but usually
they are running in a different race
People today want what
they want, and they want it
right now. A negative side
effect of such impatience is
poor decision-making.
Patience helps us to realize
that if we do what is right—
even if it costs us in the short
run—it will pay off in the
long run.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 In managing people it is easier to loosen
up than tighten up.
If you are not sure how much direction
people need to do a task, it’s always
better to over supervise than under
supervise in the beginning. Why?
Because if you find your people are
better than you thought, and you
loosen up, they will like you and
respond in a positive way. It’s easier to
start off tough and then be nice than to
start off nice and then get tough. It’s
easier to loosen up than tighten up.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Anything worth doing does not have to
be done perfectly—at first.
It’s counter productive to be too
hard on yourself. Don’t expect
instant perfection. While self-
criticism is healthy, it should not be
destructive. It’s unfair to be hard on
yourself the first time you attempt
something new. It is also unfair to
expect such an unrealistic standard
from others. It’s not necessary to do
everything exactly right the first
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 What motivates people is what motivates
How do you know what
motivation works with what
employees? Ask! Try asking
something like, “If you
perform well, what reward or
recognition could you receive
that would make you want to
continue to perform at a high
level?” It pays to ask this
important question.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Life is all about getting A’s.
During my ten years of college
teaching, I sometimes got into
trouble with other faculty members
because I always gave out the final
examination questions on the first
day of class. When my colleagues
asked why, I would reply. “Because
I plan to spend the semester
teaching them the answers, so when
it comes time for the final, everyone
will get an A’’ After all, that’s what
life is all about!’
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Create Raving Fans®; satisfied
customers are not good enough.
Differentiate yourself from
your competition by teaching
your sales force and customer
service representatives—
everyone who comes in
contact with your public—to
develop “raving fan”
customers. Going the “extra
mile” for the people who write
your checks will pay off.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 If you want to know why your people are not
performing well, step up to the mirror and
take a peek.
The main job of a leader is
to help his or her people
succeed in accomplishing
their goals. When someone
fails, good leaders accept
responsibility for that
failure. And when people
accomplish their goals and
win, everyone wins.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 If you want your people to be responsible,
you must be responsive.
People look to leaders for
direction. But once goals are
clear, your role as a leader
changes. Your job become one
of the working with your
people rather than having them
work for you. Being responsive
to your people’s needs sets
them free to be responsible
( able to respond ) for getting
the job done.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 It’s more important as a manager to
be respected than to be popular.
Are you willing to push your
people—whether it’s a
group of middle managers or
a Cub Scout pack—beyond
their comfort zone in order
to achieve excellence? They
might not like what you ask
of them, but they will
remember you as a leader
they respected.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 People with humility don’t think less of
themselves, they just think of themselves
A great rule for doing business today
is: Think more about your people, and
they will think more of themselves.
And don’t act like you are perfect.
Leaders need to come from behind
their curtains of infallibility, power,
and control, and let their “very good”
side—their humanity—be revealed.
Folks like to be around a person who is
willing to admit his or her
vulnerability, asks for ideas, and can
let others be in the spotlight.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Never, never, never, never . . .give in.
Persistence means
sticking to your guns.
It’s keeping your
commitment and
making your actions
consistent with your
word. It’s all about
“walking your talk.”
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Trying is just a noisy way of not doing
Many people are interested
rather than committed. They
talk about trying to do
something, rather than
actually doing it. They make
lots of noise, but fail to follow
An interested exerciser
wakes up in the morning to
rain and says, ”I think I’ll
exercise tomorrow.”
A committed exerciser wakes
up raining and says, ”I better
exercise inside!”.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 It never hurts to toot your own horn
once in a while
 It’s been said that if you don’t toot
your own horn, someone will come
along and use it as a spittoon. As long
as you’re busy accentuating the
positive with others, a little self-praise
doesn’t hurt. A lot of managers are
hard on others because they’re so hard
on themselves. They’re always after
themselves in their heads;
Oh, I should have done that better, or
What a dummy I am, forgetting that
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Sometimes when the numbers look right,
the decision is still wrong.
 Good business requires more
than simply calculating which
choice will make the most
money. It requires developing
some way to step back from
things and put them in
perspective. If you don’t get
things in perspective, you will
continue to be driven only by
the bottom line.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Love is being able to say I’m sorry.
My mom always said, ‘‘There
are two statements that people
don’t use enough that could
change the world:
“Thank” you and “I’m sorry”.
If as a leader you can give up
being right and learnt to
apologize for your mistakes,
your organization will be a lot
better place for people to work.
Thanks mom!.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Without a change in your behavior,
just saying “I’m sorry” is not enough.
Saying “I’m sorry” is just the
first step in an effective
apology. The only way you can
demonstrate that you are really
sorry is by changing your
behavior. That way the people
you have harmed know that you
are committed to not repeating
the mistake. Talk is cheap—it’s
your behavior that matters
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Take what you do seriously but yourself
Today’s leaders must relearn
the value of a smile or they
will be unable to fire up the
ability of their people to find
real enjoyment in their work.
So start thinking smiles until
you become a smile
millionaire. People will be
glad to see you coming.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Perpetual prosperity comes to those
who help others.
Money making is about what you can
get. Perpetual prosperity is about what
you can give. Success at the
money level is about what you can
achieve. Perpetual prosperity is about
how you can serve. There are lots of
good reasons to earn money, but some
people seek money because of the
power and status it will give them to
control events and other people.
When we reach out to help someone els
e, we often get more back in return.
That’s not why we help people; that’s
just how it works sometimes.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Think Big! Act Big! Be Big!
Be your own best
friend and believe in
yourself. Don’t wait
for someone to do it
for you. Cheer
yourself on. Write
your own pep talk. It
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Real communication happens when
people feel safe.
Find ways to convince
your people that you see
them all as either winners
or potential winners and
you mean them no harm.
When you do, you will
find that communication
within your organization
is greatly enhanced.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 All good performance starts with
clear goals.
An important way to motivate
your people is to make sure they
know where they are going. See
that each person’s goals are
clearly defined and that he or she
knows what good performance
looks like. This will give them a
clear focus for their energy and
put them on the road to becoming
high-performing, empowered
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Different strokes for different folks.
So what is the best leadership
style? A “participative” style
–listening to your people and
involving them in decision
making? Or a “directive”
leadership style –until their
knowledge and skills mature?
The best leadership style is the
one that matches the
developmental needs of the
person with whom you’re
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Different strokes for the same folks.
The point is that no individual is at any
one stage in all the tasks he or she
performs. Consequently, the same person
may need different leadership
styles(different strokes) for various tasks.
For example, when I was a college
professor, I loved to teach and write.
Those were tasks I performed well
and without supervision. However, when
it came to administrative matters like
managing my budget and filling out
reports, I was a “Disillusioned Learner” at
best. Sometimes it takes different strokes
for the same folks.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 If God had wanted us to talk more than
listen, he would have given us two mouth
rather than two ears.
When you ask people about the
best leaders they ever had, one
quality is always mentioned. -- they
are good listeners.
Test the power of listening by
talking time to listen and focus on
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Vision is knowing who are you, where you’re
going, and what will guide your journey.
People need vision. During times
of growth, change, opportunity, or
vision points us in the right direct
ion. Collectively and individually,
we need a significant purpose,
clear values, and a picture that
shows us what these look like
when we are living them
consistently. Vision gives meaning
to our lives and provides direction.
It helps us get focused, get
energized, and get great results.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Vision is a lot more than putting a plaque on
the wall. A real vision is lived, not framed
It’s one thing to identify your vision.
It’s another to make it happen. You can’t
just go out and announce a vision and
expect everyone to immediately understand
it or agree to it. You have to be willing to
allow others to help shape it. When a vision
is shared, it is easier to hold each other
accountable for behaving consistently with
it. If you ignore the behavior of others who
are not acting consistently with the vision,
you threaten the trust and commitment
of people who are. It takes courage to
create a vision, and it takes courage to act
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 If you don’t seek perfection, you can never
reach excellence.
The level of people’s expectations has a
great deal to do with the results they
Don Shula’s vision of perfection for the
football team he coached was to win every
game. Was that possible? No, but the 1972
Miami Dolphins did it for a season—
establishing a level of perfection that no
other NFL team has ever matched. Don’s
philosophy is that if you’re shooting at a
target, you’re better off aiming at the
bull’s-eye because if you miss it, the
chances are high you’ll still be on the
target. On the other hand, if you aim just
for the target and miss, you’re nowhere.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Take responsibility for making
relationships work.
Let me ask you a question
–the same question you should be
asking yourself, not only about your
love relationship but also your
relationship with your children, your
boss, your co-workers, your direct
reports, and your friends.
Do you want the relationship to
If so, then you must take personal
responsibility for making it work.
And forget the word “trying.”
Trying is just a noisier way of Not
doing something.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
  A river without banks is a large puddle.
Don’t send your people off on
their own with no experience
and then punish them when
they make mistakes. Like the
banks of a river, boundaries
have the ability to channel
energy in the right direction.
Establish clear boundaries
that will free them to make
decisions, take initiative, act
like owners, and stay on track.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Your game is only as good as your practice.
No individual or team can reach
“practice perfection” alone. It
takes ferocious concentration and
unyielding commitment to
continuous improvement . That
means day-to-day coaching—
setting clear goals, letting people
perform, observing, and then
praising progress or redirecting
efforts. “You can’t coach from the
press box,” Don Shula used to
say.“You have to be on the field.”
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 All empowerment exists in the present
Consider moments when
you were at your best, and
you will find that you were
right here in the moment,
fully and completely
present. If you dwell only
on “what was” or “what
will be,” you will miss the
power of “what is.”
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 We are not human beings having a spiritual
experience. We are spiritual beings having a
human experience.
Suppose that we accepted the fact
that we have the unconditional love
of God our Father—that we can’t
achieve enough, sell enough, build
enough, or own enough to merit
more love—we have all the love
there is. Would knowing this truth
make us better cheer leaders,
supporters, and encouragers for our
people? I think so. When you
discover that you are a spiritual
being having a human experience,
you realize that everyone else is too.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 You get from people what you expect.
Whenever I talk about the
power of catching people
doing things right, I hear:
“Yeah, right. You don’t know
Harry!” Do you have a
“Harry” in your life? If so,
perhaps you should take a
look at your expectations for
that person and see if he or
she isn’t currently living down
to them.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 I have never seen a U-Haul® attached to
a hearse.
Rabbi Harold Kushner, author
of When Bad Things Happen to
Good People, said: “I’ve Never
heard someone on their death
bed say, ‘I wish I’d gone to the
office more!’ They all say
something like, ‘I wish I’d cared
more. I wish I’d loved more.
I wish I’d reached out to others
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 The cure for too much to do is solitude
and silence
Solitude and silence give us
some space to reform our
innermost attitudes toward
people and events. They take the
world off our shoulders for a
time and interrupt our habit of
constantly managing things, of
being in control or thinking we
are. In solitude and silence you
find that you are more
than what you do and that you ar
e never truly alone
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 People in organizations need to develop
a fascination for what doesn’t work
A few forward-thinking companies
have learned to celebrate mistakes as
opportunities for learning. I know of
a large organization that shoots off a
cannon when a big mistake is made.
They’re not saying they enjoy
making errors; they’re saying it’s
time for everyone to learn something.
Other organizations would do well
to adopt a similar policy. After all,
how can they improve if they don’t
from their mistakes?
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Winning coaches make their teams
An “audible” is a football term
—a verbal command used to
alert the players to substitute
new assignments for the ones
they were prepared to perform.
I get frustrated with people who
tell Customers, “Sorry, that’s
our policy,” even when the
policy doesn’t make sense.
Teach your people to bring
their brains to work and be
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Never punish a learner
When a learner makes a mistake,
be sure that he or she knows
immediately that the behavior was
incorrect. Place the blame on
yourself by saying, “Sorry, I didn’t
make it clear.” Then patiently
redirect by reviewing the
assignment. If possible,
demonstrate what a good job looks
like. Observe the learner’s new
behavior in the hope of catching
him or her doing some-thing
approximately right and praising
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 People are okay, it’s their behavior
that’s a problem sometimes
People sometimes ask,
“Why reaffirm someone you’re
upset with?” Reaffirming is
important, because you want
the person to walk away
thinking about correcting the
wrong behavior rather than
how he or she has been mis-
treated or misunderstood. You
want to get rid of the behavior
rather than the person
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Consistency isn’t behaving the same way
all the time
Consistency does not mean behaving the
same way all the time. It actually means
behaving the same way under similar
circumstances. I believe in praising people,
but I also know that if you praise them
when they are
performing well and also when they are
performing poorly, you are sending them
an inconsistent message. Good
performance should always be treated
differently than poor performance. When
you respond to your people in the same
way under similar circumstances, you give
them a valuable gift—the gift of
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 This is the first time in the history of business
that you can be great at what you’re doing
today and be out of business tomorrow
Constant change is a way of life in
business today. In fact, to stay
competitive, you must simultaneously
manage the present and plan the future.
The problem is, you can’t have the same
people doing both jobs. If people with
present time operational responsibilities
are asked to think about the future, they
will kill it. If people with responsibilities
for the future also have present time
duties, the urgent problems of today will
drag them away from tomorrow’s
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 The only job security you have today is
your commitment to continuous personal
You must make up your
mind to control your
circumstances by means
of continuous personal
improvement. The sign
on your bathroom mirror
should say, “Getting
better all the time.”
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 When you know what you stand for, you
can turn a round on a dime and have five
cents change.
Ask yourself how long it would
take your people to process a
major product change, get behind
it, and still meet deadlines. The key
to an outstanding, enthusiastic,
flexible, and on-time team is to
make sure your people are values-
driven, rather than goals-driven.
If the number one shared value is
to serve the Customer, then they
will be ready to do whatever it
takes to live that value.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Share the cash, then share the
You can pat your people on
the back and congratulate the
mall you want, but if you’re
not taking care of their need
for cash, these praising won’t
ring true.
A large segment of our U.S.
population is hurting
financially. So remember, if
you want to build credibility,
the rule is: first cash, then
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 There is no pillow as soft as a clear
 The number one characteristic
employees say they are looking
for in a leader is integrity.
Meeting people with a clear
conscience puts you at ease and
allows you to concentrate on
doing your best work. When you
deal straight with people, they
sense that they can trust you.
And when you lie down at night,
your clear conscience makes a
wonderfully soft pillow.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Its surprising how much you can accomplish
if you don’t care who gets the credit.
Sharing credit is all about self –
esteem. People who have to get all
the credit and act like they are the
only ones who count are actually
covering up their “I don’t count”
Suppose tomorrow you are stuck
by a lightning bolt that increases
your self esteem by 100%.Would
you act differently? Sure you
would. Would you be willing to
share credit with your people? Of
course. Would they perform they
perform better as a result? You
had better believe it. Let’s hope
for some lightning bolt.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Positive thinkers get positive results
because they are not afraid of problems.
People often asked Norman Vincent Peale,
“Don’t you think life would be better
if we had fewer problems?” Norman
would answer that question by saying,
“I’ll be happy to take you to Woodlawn
Cemetery because the only people I know
who don’t have any problems are
dead.”In fact, if you really insisted that
you had no problems, he would suggest
that you immediately race home, go
straight to your bedroom and slam the
door, then get down on your knees and
pray: “What’s the matter, Lord? Don’t
You trust me anymore? Give me some
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Early in life, people give up their health
to gain wealth. . . .In later life, people
give up some of their wealth to regain
If you don’t watch out, success can kill
you. When The One Minute Manager®
leaped onto the best-seller list, I found
myself running around the country giving
speeches, conducting interviews on radio
and TV—doing all the things that seem to
come with material success. One day I
looked at myself and realized I was
overweight, not exercising, sleep deprived,
and generally treating my body like it was
indestructible. My wife, Margie, was
telling me I needed to get my life in
balance. I had to give up some of my
wealth to regain my health. What are you
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Am I a servant leader or a self-serving
One of the quickest ways you can tell the
difference between a servant leader and a
self-serving leader is how he or she handles
feedback, because one of the biggest fears
that self-serving leaders have is to lose their
position. Self-serving leaders spend most
of their time protecting their status. If you
give them feedback, how do they usually
respond? Negatively. They think your
feedback means that you won’t want their
leadership anymore. Servant leaders
embrace and welcome feedback as a source
of useful information on how they can
provide better service.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Ducks quack. Eagles soar.
I once tried to rent a car in Ithaca, New
York. I had planned to fly out of
Syracuse, so I asked for a car from
Syracuse in order to avoid the drop-off
fee. The clerk located a car from
Syracuse, but the $50 fee remained on
my contract. “I can’t take it off; my
computer won’t let me and my boss
would kill me,” she quacked. It took me
twenty minutes to get this woman to
remove the drop-off fee. Eagles flourish
in organizations where the Customer is
the focus, while ducks multiply in places
where boss-pleasing and policy-following
carry the day.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Eagles flourish when they’re free to fly.
I was greeted the minute I walked into the
DMV to replace my lost driver’s license.
“Welcome. Do you speak English or
Spanish?” a woman asked. She then
ushered me to a counter where a smiling
young man asked how he could help me.
Nine minutes later, I had a temporary
license. I walked over to meet “the boss”
and found him to be a servant leader. He
told me that it was his job “to reorganize
the department on a moment-by-moment
basis, depending on Customer needs.” His
commitment to take care of citizens was
obvious. Duck-busting was that manager’s
way of life. He wanted eagles who would
create Raving Fan® Customers. I certainly
went away from there as one.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Get your ego out of the way and move on.
The minute you decide to be part of
a team, you’re going to lose some
things and gain some things. What
you’re going to gain is synergy- one
plus one equals more than two.
What you’re going to lose is getting
your ideas automatically accepted. If
you’re going to be part of a winning
team, you have to be willing to
accept some losses. Fight for your
ideas certainly. Try to convince
others. But if they can’t or won’t
buy into your thinking, it’s time to
take a deep breath and let go.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
New today, obsolete tomorrow.
Things are happening so quickly today
that it’s almost impossible to be a “know
it all” anymore. These days, within a
year, most managers know far less than
their people about what they do. Not
admitting this can lead to real problems.
One of the most ingratiating things you
can do with your people is to admit your
ignorance or vulnerability. Once done,
this opens the door for others to share
their expertise, and for you to become a
cheerleader, sup-porter, and
encourager. So if you’re obsolete, who
cares? Someone around you will have
the answer, and your ignorance will
allow him or her to shine.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 G.O.L.F. stands for Game of Life First.
I’ve often said I can find out more
about someone during one round of
golf than by working with them for a
long period of time. Golf brings out
the best and worst in people. If you
cheat or blow up when you have a bad
break, that same behavior will show
up in other parts of your life. If you
maintain a positive attitude when
things go sour, that will carry over
into other things also. What better
training ground is there than the golf
course for learning to accept the bitter
with the sweet? Go ahead! Tee it up!
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Leadership is not something you do to people.
It’s something you do with people.
When you share your leadership
strategy with your people, they
not only understand what you
have in mind but they can give
you helpful feedback. True
servant leaders want feedback
because they are anxious to
know whether their interactions
with their people are helpful
and effective. So don’t do
to people, do it with them.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Don’t settle for less than a Fortunate 500
What is a Fortunate 500 Company?
It’s an organization that has:
1) Motivated Customers who keep
coming back;
2) Inspired employees who give their
best each day;
3) Owners who enjoy profits made in
an ethically fair manner;
4) Significant others (suppliers,
community, vendors, distributors,
and even respected competitors)
who thrive on the mutual trust and
respect they feel toward the company.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Take time to identify core values.
Identifying the core values that define
your organization is one of the most
important functions of leadership. The
success or failure of this process can
literally make or break an
You would be wise to make the
identification of your organization’s
core values a top priority. And don’t
try to do this job alone. Take
advantage of the resources you have
around you. Draw in your people—
everyone should have ownership in
this process. Remember that rules can
be imposed but values cannot. Bring
everyone into the process early
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Core values must be communicated.
Identifying your organization’s
core values is a worthless exercise
unless those values are constantly
communicated and your people
and Customers see that you are
completely committed to them. In
fact, it’s impossible to affirm them
too much. Talk about your
organization’s values; put them on
your business cards, annual
reports, plaques, wall signs, and
job aids. In short, display them
anywhere your people, customers,
stockholders, and significant others
can see them.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Walk your talk.
Without some method of locating
gaps between values and behavior,
identifying and communicating
core values will do more harm than
good. An organization that talks
about putting the Customer first,
for example, but fails to do so, is far
more likely to be judged harshly by
its people and Customers a like.
This means that it is vital for
organizations and their leadership
to “walk their talk.” They must
make every effort to become living
symbols of their organization’s
value system.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Knowing where you’re going is the
first step to getting there.
Have you identified your mission
in life—your reason for being?
Establishing a personal mission
statement is an important
exercise that has helped me
define who I am, identify my
priorities, and keep my
perspective on target. It involves
identifying your passions. Let
God help you find the driving
force in your life. Doing so is the
first step to a happier and more
satisfied you.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 As a leader, the most important earthly
relationship you can cultivate is your
relationship with yourself.
Do you really know yourself? Do you have a
personal mission statement that defines your
strengths and motivates you to be all God meant
you to be?
You might want to try an interesting activity that
will almost certainly help you develop a clearer
sense of purpose and personal identity: Write your
own obituary. I know it sounds strange—even a
little morbid. But this exercise is not about dying;
it’s about living. It will give you an opportunity to
adjust your life, describe the ideal you, and
define what it is you would like to be remembered
for. Why leave such important matters to chance?
God has a wonderful plan for your life. Let Him
help you establish your path and guide you as you
walk in it.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Purpose can never be about
achievement; it is much bigger.
The beauty of writing your own obituary
before you die is that it serves as a
dream—a big picture of what you want
your life to be and mean. So, if you don’t
like the way your life is shaping up
right now, change it. Don’t hold back!
God made you, and He has always
intended for you to be the best that you
can be. He not only approves, but I have
found that He is willing and able to help
in your search for self-discovery. Quiet
yourself, pray, and listen to the voice
that says, “You are loved, richly and
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Purpose has to do with one’s calling –
deciding what business you are in as a person.
I once heard a story about Alfred Nobel, the originator of
the Nobel peace prize. When his brother died, Nobel got a
copy of the newspaper to see what was said about his
brother. He was shocked to discover that a dreadful error
had been made.
The paper had confused him with his brother and the
obituary he was reading was his own. As a young man,
Alfred Nobel had been involved in the invention of
dynamite, and his premature obituary elaborated on the
terrible death and destruction this powerful force had
brought into the world. Nobel was devastated. He wanted
to be known as a man of “peace.” He quickly realized
that if his obituary was to be re written, he would have to
do it himself by changing the nature of his life. So he did
just that. I dare say that Alfred Nobel is better known
today for his contribution to peace rather than for any
other thing he did in his life.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
 Your life is yours to design.
Make it all it can be!
Ken Blanchard , the Chief Spiritual
Officer of The Ken Blanchard
Companies founded in 1979, with his
wife Dr. Marjorie Blanchard.
Ken co-authored
The One Minute Manager ® with
Spencer Johnson, that sold more than
13 million copies in 25 languages.
A captivating and much sought-after
speaker, he is cofounder of the Center
for Faith Walk Leadership.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Thank You
be Blessed!
Timothy Wooi
Lean Principal Consultant Trainer,
Hands on certified Kaizen Specialist
cum TPM Facilitator with 30 over
years experience.
Add: 20C,Taman Bahagia,
06000, Jitra, Kedah
Email: timothywooi2@gmail.com
H/p: 019 4514007 (Malaysia)

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Leadership smarts

  • 1. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Baguio Convention Center, Baguio City. 23-25 Nov, 2012  CAP Auditorium, Iloilo City. 14-16 Dec, 2012  Davio City. 20-22 Dec, 2012 LEADERSHIP SMARTS
  • 2. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART Principal Consultant cum Trainer for Lean management, a hands on Green Innovator. Graduate in Mechanical Engineering and also a Certified Kaizen Specialist and a hands on Lean Facilitator with 30 over years working experience. Provides Technical Consulting Services on Lean, TPM, Kaizen, Moonshine , Cellular System and Small Group Activities set up. He is also an NGO Community worker for Prison & Drug Rehabilitation and CREST North (Crisis Relieve & Training) Malaysia, an organization that responds to Crisis & Flood. LEADERSHIP SMARTS The Trainer, Timothy Wooi
  • 3. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson  The Key to developing people is to catch them doing something right… LEADERSHIP SMARTS Catching people doing things right is a powerful tool in leadership. Unfortunately, most people have a genius for catching people doing things wrong!
  • 4. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson  People who produce good results feel good about themselves. LEADERSHIP SMARTS An effective leader will make it a priority to help his or her people produce good results in two ways. 1) Make sure they know what their goals are. 2) Do everything possible to support ,encourage and coach them to accomplish those
  • 5. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEAD  Praise Progress.  It’s a moving Target! LEADERSHIP SMARTS When a good performance is followed by something positive, people naturally want to continue in that behavior. Do not wait until for exactly right behavior before you respond positively. Otherwise you might wait forever.
  • 6. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEAD  Feedback is the breakfast of champions. LEADERSHIP SMARTS I firmly believe that providing feedback is the most cost- effective strategy for improving performance and instilling satisfaction. It can be done quickly. It cost nothing, and it ca turn people around fast.
  • 7. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  When mistakes occur redirect the Energy. LEADERSHIP SMARTS When people make a mistake they usually know it. What they really would like is advice on how they can avoid making the same mistake again. That’s what redirection is all about-. Getting peoples energy refocused on the right things..
  • 8. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. LEADERSHIP SMARTS I go out into the world everyday with the attitude that my ‘okayness’ is not up for grabs. I firmly believe that ‘God did not make junk’. This doesn’t mean I don’t have areas of my life that need improvement – just that at my basic core, Im ok.
  • 9. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  None of us is a smart as all of us. LEADERSHIP SMARTS This quote has become the guiding principal of our team building work in organizations. When I first caught the truth of this statement, it made me relax tremendously as a leader. I realized that I didn’t have to be the only bright person in the group. In fact, admitting my vulnerability allowed me to ask for help. Im convinced that any problem can be solved if we involved the resources we have gathered around us.
  • 10. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEAD  Things not worth doing are not worth doing well. LEADERSHIP SMARTS An effective leader must step back, look at the big picture, and make sure the important things are not pushed out of the way by the urgent needs of the moment. If your people and customers are important, then you will spent part of everyday making them feel that way. Evaluate each day by asking ‘Have I done what is really important today?’
  • 11. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Success is not forever an failure isn’t fatal. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Don Shula had a 24 hour rule. He allowed himself, his coaches, and his players a maximum of 24 hours after a football game to celebrate a victory or bemoan a defeat as deeply as possible. They were encourage to experience the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat as deeply as possible. Once the 24 hour deadline is passed, they put behind them and focused their energies on preparing for the next opponent. Don’t get a big head when you win or get too down in the dumps when you lose. Keep things in perspective. Success is not forever and failure isn’t fatal
  • 12. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  When you stop learning, you stop growing LEADERSHIP SMARTS Organizations are being bombarded with change. You would be wise to make learning a top priority and constantly strive to adapt to new circumstances
  • 13. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  In life, what you resist, persist. LEADERSHIP SMARTS If something is bothering you and you don’t deal with it, you are gunny sacking your feelings—holding them inside. This can back fire later when you find yourself “dumping” in an inappropriate way and at exactly the wrong moment. It is also true that if you will deal with what is bothering you, the problem often disappears in the very process. Have you ever said, “Im glad I got that off my mind”?
  • 14. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Don’t work harder— work smarter LEADERSHIP SMARTS If you don’t take time out to think, strategize, and prioritize, you will work a whole lot harder, without enjoying the benefits of a job smartly done.
  • 15. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Nice guys appear to finish last, but usually they are running in a different race LEADERSHIP SMARTS People today want what they want, and they want it right now. A negative side effect of such impatience is poor decision-making. Patience helps us to realize that if we do what is right— even if it costs us in the short run—it will pay off in the long run.
  • 16. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  In managing people it is easier to loosen up than tighten up. LEADERSHIP SMARTS If you are not sure how much direction people need to do a task, it’s always better to over supervise than under supervise in the beginning. Why? Because if you find your people are better than you thought, and you loosen up, they will like you and respond in a positive way. It’s easier to start off tough and then be nice than to start off nice and then get tough. It’s easier to loosen up than tighten up.
  • 17. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Anything worth doing does not have to be done perfectly—at first. LEADERSHIP SMARTS It’s counter productive to be too hard on yourself. Don’t expect instant perfection. While self- criticism is healthy, it should not be destructive. It’s unfair to be hard on yourself the first time you attempt something new. It is also unfair to expect such an unrealistic standard from others. It’s not necessary to do everything exactly right the first time.
  • 18. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  What motivates people is what motivates people. LEADERSHIP SMARTS How do you know what motivation works with what employees? Ask! Try asking something like, “If you perform well, what reward or recognition could you receive that would make you want to continue to perform at a high level?” It pays to ask this important question.
  • 19. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Life is all about getting A’s. LEADERSHIP SMARTS During my ten years of college teaching, I sometimes got into trouble with other faculty members because I always gave out the final examination questions on the first day of class. When my colleagues asked why, I would reply. “Because I plan to spend the semester teaching them the answers, so when it comes time for the final, everyone will get an A’’ After all, that’s what life is all about!’
  • 20. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Create Raving Fans®; satisfied customers are not good enough. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Differentiate yourself from your competition by teaching your sales force and customer service representatives— everyone who comes in contact with your public—to develop “raving fan” customers. Going the “extra mile” for the people who write your checks will pay off.
  • 21. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  If you want to know why your people are not performing well, step up to the mirror and take a peek. LEADERSHIP SMARTS The main job of a leader is to help his or her people succeed in accomplishing their goals. When someone fails, good leaders accept responsibility for that failure. And when people accomplish their goals and win, everyone wins.
  • 22. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  If you want your people to be responsible, you must be responsive. LEADERSHIP SMARTS People look to leaders for direction. But once goals are clear, your role as a leader changes. Your job become one of the working with your people rather than having them work for you. Being responsive to your people’s needs sets them free to be responsible ( able to respond ) for getting the job done.
  • 23. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  It’s more important as a manager to be respected than to be popular. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Are you willing to push your people—whether it’s a group of middle managers or a Cub Scout pack—beyond their comfort zone in order to achieve excellence? They might not like what you ask of them, but they will remember you as a leader they respected.
  • 24. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  People with humility don’t think less of themselves, they just think of themselves less. LEADERSHIP SMARTS A great rule for doing business today is: Think more about your people, and they will think more of themselves. And don’t act like you are perfect. Leaders need to come from behind their curtains of infallibility, power, and control, and let their “very good” side—their humanity—be revealed. Folks like to be around a person who is willing to admit his or her vulnerability, asks for ideas, and can let others be in the spotlight.
  • 25. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Never, never, never, never . . .give in. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Persistence means sticking to your guns. It’s keeping your commitment and making your actions consistent with your word. It’s all about “walking your talk.”
  • 26. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Trying is just a noisy way of not doing something. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Many people are interested rather than committed. They talk about trying to do something, rather than actually doing it. They make lots of noise, but fail to follow up. An interested exerciser wakes up in the morning to rain and says, ”I think I’ll exercise tomorrow.” A committed exerciser wakes up raining and says, ”I better exercise inside!”.
  • 27. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  It never hurts to toot your own horn once in a while LEADERSHIP SMARTS  It’s been said that if you don’t toot your own horn, someone will come along and use it as a spittoon. As long as you’re busy accentuating the positive with others, a little self-praise doesn’t hurt. A lot of managers are hard on others because they’re so hard on themselves. They’re always after themselves in their heads; Oh, I should have done that better, or What a dummy I am, forgetting that detail.
  • 28. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Sometimes when the numbers look right, the decision is still wrong. LEADERSHIP SMARTS  Good business requires more than simply calculating which choice will make the most money. It requires developing some way to step back from things and put them in perspective. If you don’t get things in perspective, you will continue to be driven only by the bottom line.
  • 29. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Love is being able to say I’m sorry. LEADERSHIP SMARTS My mom always said, ‘‘There are two statements that people don’t use enough that could change the world: “Thank” you and “I’m sorry”. If as a leader you can give up being right and learnt to apologize for your mistakes, your organization will be a lot better place for people to work. Thanks mom!.
  • 30. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Without a change in your behavior, just saying “I’m sorry” is not enough. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Saying “I’m sorry” is just the first step in an effective apology. The only way you can demonstrate that you are really sorry is by changing your behavior. That way the people you have harmed know that you are committed to not repeating the mistake. Talk is cheap—it’s your behavior that matters
  • 31. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Take what you do seriously but yourself lightly. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Today’s leaders must relearn the value of a smile or they will be unable to fire up the ability of their people to find real enjoyment in their work. So start thinking smiles until you become a smile millionaire. People will be glad to see you coming.
  • 32. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Perpetual prosperity comes to those who help others. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Money making is about what you can get. Perpetual prosperity is about what you can give. Success at the money level is about what you can achieve. Perpetual prosperity is about how you can serve. There are lots of good reasons to earn money, but some people seek money because of the power and status it will give them to control events and other people. When we reach out to help someone els e, we often get more back in return. That’s not why we help people; that’s just how it works sometimes.
  • 33. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Think Big! Act Big! Be Big! LEADERSHIP SMARTS Be your own best friend and believe in yourself. Don’t wait for someone to do it for you. Cheer yourself on. Write your own pep talk. It works.
  • 34. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Real communication happens when people feel safe. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Find ways to convince your people that you see them all as either winners or potential winners and you mean them no harm. When you do, you will find that communication within your organization is greatly enhanced.
  • 35. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  All good performance starts with clear goals. LEADERSHIP SMARTS An important way to motivate your people is to make sure they know where they are going. See that each person’s goals are clearly defined and that he or she knows what good performance looks like. This will give them a clear focus for their energy and put them on the road to becoming high-performing, empowered producers.
  • 36. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Different strokes for different folks. LEADERSHIP SMARTS So what is the best leadership style? A “participative” style –listening to your people and involving them in decision making? Or a “directive” leadership style –until their knowledge and skills mature? The best leadership style is the one that matches the developmental needs of the person with whom you’re working.
  • 37. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Different strokes for the same folks. LEADERSHIP SMARTS The point is that no individual is at any one stage in all the tasks he or she performs. Consequently, the same person may need different leadership styles(different strokes) for various tasks. For example, when I was a college professor, I loved to teach and write. Those were tasks I performed well and without supervision. However, when it came to administrative matters like managing my budget and filling out reports, I was a “Disillusioned Learner” at best. Sometimes it takes different strokes for the same folks.
  • 38. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  If God had wanted us to talk more than listen, he would have given us two mouth rather than two ears. LEADERSHIP SMARTS When you ask people about the best leaders they ever had, one quality is always mentioned. -- they are good listeners. Test the power of listening by talking time to listen and focus on others
  • 39. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Vision is knowing who are you, where you’re going, and what will guide your journey. LEADERSHIP SMARTS People need vision. During times of growth, change, opportunity, or uncertainty, vision points us in the right direct ion. Collectively and individually, we need a significant purpose, clear values, and a picture that shows us what these look like when we are living them consistently. Vision gives meaning to our lives and provides direction. It helps us get focused, get energized, and get great results.
  • 40. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Vision is a lot more than putting a plaque on the wall. A real vision is lived, not framed LEADERSHIP SMARTS It’s one thing to identify your vision. It’s another to make it happen. You can’t just go out and announce a vision and expect everyone to immediately understand it or agree to it. You have to be willing to allow others to help shape it. When a vision is shared, it is easier to hold each other accountable for behaving consistently with it. If you ignore the behavior of others who are not acting consistently with the vision, you threaten the trust and commitment of people who are. It takes courage to create a vision, and it takes courage to act
  • 41. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  If you don’t seek perfection, you can never reach excellence. LEADERSHIP SMARTS The level of people’s expectations has a great deal to do with the results they achieve. Don Shula’s vision of perfection for the football team he coached was to win every game. Was that possible? No, but the 1972 Miami Dolphins did it for a season— establishing a level of perfection that no other NFL team has ever matched. Don’s philosophy is that if you’re shooting at a target, you’re better off aiming at the bull’s-eye because if you miss it, the chances are high you’ll still be on the target. On the other hand, if you aim just for the target and miss, you’re nowhere.
  • 42. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Take responsibility for making relationships work. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Let me ask you a question –the same question you should be asking yourself, not only about your love relationship but also your relationship with your children, your boss, your co-workers, your direct reports, and your friends. Do you want the relationship to work? If so, then you must take personal responsibility for making it work. And forget the word “trying.” Trying is just a noisier way of Not doing something.
  • 43. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART   A river without banks is a large puddle. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Don’t send your people off on their own with no experience and then punish them when they make mistakes. Like the banks of a river, boundaries have the ability to channel energy in the right direction. Establish clear boundaries that will free them to make decisions, take initiative, act like owners, and stay on track.
  • 44. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Your game is only as good as your practice. LEADERSHIP SMARTS No individual or team can reach “practice perfection” alone. It takes ferocious concentration and unyielding commitment to continuous improvement . That means day-to-day coaching— setting clear goals, letting people perform, observing, and then praising progress or redirecting efforts. “You can’t coach from the press box,” Don Shula used to say.“You have to be on the field.”
  • 45. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  All empowerment exists in the present moment. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Consider moments when you were at your best, and you will find that you were right here in the moment, fully and completely present. If you dwell only on “what was” or “what will be,” you will miss the power of “what is.”
  • 46. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Suppose that we accepted the fact that we have the unconditional love of God our Father—that we can’t achieve enough, sell enough, build enough, or own enough to merit more love—we have all the love there is. Would knowing this truth make us better cheer leaders, supporters, and encouragers for our people? I think so. When you discover that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, you realize that everyone else is too.
  • 47. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  You get from people what you expect. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Whenever I talk about the power of catching people doing things right, I hear: “Yeah, right. You don’t know Harry!” Do you have a “Harry” in your life? If so, perhaps you should take a look at your expectations for that person and see if he or she isn’t currently living down to them.
  • 48. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  I have never seen a U-Haul® attached to a hearse. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, said: “I’ve Never heard someone on their death bed say, ‘I wish I’d gone to the office more!’ They all say something like, ‘I wish I’d cared more. I wish I’d loved more. I wish I’d reached out to others more.’
  • 49. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  The cure for too much to do is solitude and silence LEADERSHIP SMARTS Solitude and silence give us some space to reform our innermost attitudes toward people and events. They take the world off our shoulders for a time and interrupt our habit of constantly managing things, of being in control or thinking we are. In solitude and silence you find that you are more than what you do and that you ar e never truly alone
  • 50. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  People in organizations need to develop a fascination for what doesn’t work LEADERSHIP SMARTS A few forward-thinking companies have learned to celebrate mistakes as opportunities for learning. I know of a large organization that shoots off a cannon when a big mistake is made. They’re not saying they enjoy making errors; they’re saying it’s time for everyone to learn something. Other organizations would do well to adopt a similar policy. After all, how can they improve if they don’t learn from their mistakes?
  • 51. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Winning coaches make their teams audible-ready LEADERSHIP SMARTS An “audible” is a football term —a verbal command used to alert the players to substitute new assignments for the ones they were prepared to perform. I get frustrated with people who tell Customers, “Sorry, that’s our policy,” even when the policy doesn’t make sense. Teach your people to bring their brains to work and be audible-ready
  • 52. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Never punish a learner LEADERSHIP SMARTS When a learner makes a mistake, be sure that he or she knows immediately that the behavior was incorrect. Place the blame on yourself by saying, “Sorry, I didn’t make it clear.” Then patiently redirect by reviewing the assignment. If possible, demonstrate what a good job looks like. Observe the learner’s new behavior in the hope of catching him or her doing some-thing approximately right and praising progress
  • 53. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  People are okay, it’s their behavior that’s a problem sometimes LEADERSHIP SMARTS People sometimes ask, “Why reaffirm someone you’re upset with?” Reaffirming is important, because you want the person to walk away thinking about correcting the wrong behavior rather than how he or she has been mis- treated or misunderstood. You want to get rid of the behavior rather than the person
  • 54. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Consistency isn’t behaving the same way all the time LEADERSHIP SMARTS Consistency does not mean behaving the same way all the time. It actually means behaving the same way under similar circumstances. I believe in praising people, but I also know that if you praise them when they are performing well and also when they are performing poorly, you are sending them an inconsistent message. Good performance should always be treated differently than poor performance. When you respond to your people in the same way under similar circumstances, you give them a valuable gift—the gift of predictability.
  • 55. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  This is the first time in the history of business that you can be great at what you’re doing today and be out of business tomorrow LEADERSHIP SMARTS Constant change is a way of life in business today. In fact, to stay competitive, you must simultaneously manage the present and plan the future. The problem is, you can’t have the same people doing both jobs. If people with present time operational responsibilities are asked to think about the future, they will kill it. If people with responsibilities for the future also have present time duties, the urgent problems of today will drag them away from tomorrow’s opportunities
  • 56. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  The only job security you have today is your commitment to continuous personal improvement LEADERSHIP SMARTS You must make up your mind to control your circumstances by means of continuous personal improvement. The sign on your bathroom mirror should say, “Getting better all the time.”
  • 57. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  When you know what you stand for, you can turn a round on a dime and have five cents change. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Ask yourself how long it would take your people to process a major product change, get behind it, and still meet deadlines. The key to an outstanding, enthusiastic, flexible, and on-time team is to make sure your people are values- driven, rather than goals-driven. If the number one shared value is to serve the Customer, then they will be ready to do whatever it takes to live that value.
  • 58. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Share the cash, then share the congratulations. LEADERSHIP SMARTS You can pat your people on the back and congratulate the mall you want, but if you’re not taking care of their need for cash, these praising won’t ring true. A large segment of our U.S. population is hurting financially. So remember, if you want to build credibility, the rule is: first cash, then congratulations.
  • 59. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience. LEADERSHIP SMARTS  The number one characteristic employees say they are looking for in a leader is integrity. Meeting people with a clear conscience puts you at ease and allows you to concentrate on doing your best work. When you deal straight with people, they sense that they can trust you. And when you lie down at night, your clear conscience makes a wonderfully soft pillow.
  • 60. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Its surprising how much you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Sharing credit is all about self – esteem. People who have to get all the credit and act like they are the only ones who count are actually covering up their “I don’t count” feelings. Suppose tomorrow you are stuck by a lightning bolt that increases your self esteem by 100%.Would you act differently? Sure you would. Would you be willing to share credit with your people? Of course. Would they perform they perform better as a result? You had better believe it. Let’s hope for some lightning bolt.
  • 61. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Positive thinkers get positive results because they are not afraid of problems. LEADERSHIP SMARTS People often asked Norman Vincent Peale, “Don’t you think life would be better if we had fewer problems?” Norman would answer that question by saying, “I’ll be happy to take you to Woodlawn Cemetery because the only people I know who don’t have any problems are dead.”In fact, if you really insisted that you had no problems, he would suggest that you immediately race home, go straight to your bedroom and slam the door, then get down on your knees and pray: “What’s the matter, Lord? Don’t You trust me anymore? Give me some problems!”
  • 62. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Early in life, people give up their health to gain wealth. . . .In later life, people give up some of their wealth to regain health! LEADERSHIP SMARTS If you don’t watch out, success can kill you. When The One Minute Manager® leaped onto the best-seller list, I found myself running around the country giving speeches, conducting interviews on radio and TV—doing all the things that seem to come with material success. One day I looked at myself and realized I was overweight, not exercising, sleep deprived, and generally treating my body like it was indestructible. My wife, Margie, was telling me I needed to get my life in balance. I had to give up some of my wealth to regain my health. What are you doing?
  • 63. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Am I a servant leader or a self-serving leader? LEADERSHIP SMARTS One of the quickest ways you can tell the difference between a servant leader and a self-serving leader is how he or she handles feedback, because one of the biggest fears that self-serving leaders have is to lose their position. Self-serving leaders spend most of their time protecting their status. If you give them feedback, how do they usually respond? Negatively. They think your feedback means that you won’t want their leadership anymore. Servant leaders embrace and welcome feedback as a source of useful information on how they can provide better service.
  • 64. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Ducks quack. Eagles soar. LEADERSHIP SMARTS I once tried to rent a car in Ithaca, New York. I had planned to fly out of Syracuse, so I asked for a car from Syracuse in order to avoid the drop-off fee. The clerk located a car from Syracuse, but the $50 fee remained on my contract. “I can’t take it off; my computer won’t let me and my boss would kill me,” she quacked. It took me twenty minutes to get this woman to remove the drop-off fee. Eagles flourish in organizations where the Customer is the focus, while ducks multiply in places where boss-pleasing and policy-following carry the day.
  • 65. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Eagles flourish when they’re free to fly. LEADERSHIP SMARTS I was greeted the minute I walked into the DMV to replace my lost driver’s license. “Welcome. Do you speak English or Spanish?” a woman asked. She then ushered me to a counter where a smiling young man asked how he could help me. Nine minutes later, I had a temporary license. I walked over to meet “the boss” and found him to be a servant leader. He told me that it was his job “to reorganize the department on a moment-by-moment basis, depending on Customer needs.” His commitment to take care of citizens was obvious. Duck-busting was that manager’s way of life. He wanted eagles who would create Raving Fan® Customers. I certainly went away from there as one.
  • 66. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Get your ego out of the way and move on. LEADERSHIP SMARTS The minute you decide to be part of a team, you’re going to lose some things and gain some things. What you’re going to gain is synergy- one plus one equals more than two. What you’re going to lose is getting your ideas automatically accepted. If you’re going to be part of a winning team, you have to be willing to accept some losses. Fight for your ideas certainly. Try to convince others. But if they can’t or won’t buy into your thinking, it’s time to take a deep breath and let go.
  • 67. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  New today, obsolete tomorrow. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Things are happening so quickly today that it’s almost impossible to be a “know it all” anymore. These days, within a year, most managers know far less than their people about what they do. Not admitting this can lead to real problems. One of the most ingratiating things you can do with your people is to admit your ignorance or vulnerability. Once done, this opens the door for others to share their expertise, and for you to become a cheerleader, sup-porter, and encourager. So if you’re obsolete, who cares? Someone around you will have the answer, and your ignorance will allow him or her to shine.
  • 68. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  G.O.L.F. stands for Game of Life First. LEADERSHIP SMARTS I’ve often said I can find out more about someone during one round of golf than by working with them for a long period of time. Golf brings out the best and worst in people. If you cheat or blow up when you have a bad break, that same behavior will show up in other parts of your life. If you maintain a positive attitude when things go sour, that will carry over into other things also. What better training ground is there than the golf course for learning to accept the bitter with the sweet? Go ahead! Tee it up!
  • 69. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Leadership is not something you do to people. It’s something you do with people. LEADERSHIP SMARTS When you share your leadership strategy with your people, they not only understand what you have in mind but they can give you helpful feedback. True servant leaders want feedback because they are anxious to know whether their interactions with their people are helpful and effective. So don’t do leadership to people, do it with them.
  • 70. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Don’t settle for less than a Fortunate 500 Company. LEADERSHIP SMARTS What is a Fortunate 500 Company? It’s an organization that has: 1) Motivated Customers who keep coming back; 2) Inspired employees who give their best each day; 3) Owners who enjoy profits made in an ethically fair manner; 4) Significant others (suppliers, community, vendors, distributors, and even respected competitors) who thrive on the mutual trust and respect they feel toward the company.
  • 71. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Take time to identify core values. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Identifying the core values that define your organization is one of the most important functions of leadership. The success or failure of this process can literally make or break an organization. You would be wise to make the identification of your organization’s core values a top priority. And don’t try to do this job alone. Take advantage of the resources you have around you. Draw in your people— everyone should have ownership in this process. Remember that rules can be imposed but values cannot. Bring everyone into the process early
  • 72. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Core values must be communicated. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Identifying your organization’s core values is a worthless exercise unless those values are constantly communicated and your people and Customers see that you are completely committed to them. In fact, it’s impossible to affirm them too much. Talk about your organization’s values; put them on your business cards, annual reports, plaques, wall signs, and job aids. In short, display them anywhere your people, customers, stockholders, and significant others can see them.
  • 73. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Walk your talk. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Without some method of locating gaps between values and behavior, identifying and communicating core values will do more harm than good. An organization that talks about putting the Customer first, for example, but fails to do so, is far more likely to be judged harshly by its people and Customers a like. This means that it is vital for organizations and their leadership to “walk their talk.” They must make every effort to become living symbols of their organization’s value system.
  • 74. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Knowing where you’re going is the first step to getting there. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Have you identified your mission in life—your reason for being? Establishing a personal mission statement is an important exercise that has helped me define who I am, identify my priorities, and keep my perspective on target. It involves identifying your passions. Let God help you find the driving force in your life. Doing so is the first step to a happier and more satisfied you.
  • 75. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  As a leader, the most important earthly relationship you can cultivate is your relationship with yourself. LEADERSHIP SMARTS Do you really know yourself? Do you have a personal mission statement that defines your strengths and motivates you to be all God meant you to be? You might want to try an interesting activity that will almost certainly help you develop a clearer sense of purpose and personal identity: Write your own obituary. I know it sounds strange—even a little morbid. But this exercise is not about dying; it’s about living. It will give you an opportunity to adjust your life, describe the ideal you, and define what it is you would like to be remembered for. Why leave such important matters to chance? God has a wonderful plan for your life. Let Him help you establish your path and guide you as you walk in it.
  • 76. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Purpose can never be about achievement; it is much bigger. LEADERSHIP SMARTS The beauty of writing your own obituary before you die is that it serves as a dream—a big picture of what you want your life to be and mean. So, if you don’t like the way your life is shaping up right now, change it. Don’t hold back! God made you, and He has always intended for you to be the best that you can be. He not only approves, but I have found that He is willing and able to help in your search for self-discovery. Quiet yourself, pray, and listen to the voice that says, “You are loved, richly and unconditionally.”
  • 77. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Purpose has to do with one’s calling – deciding what business you are in as a person. LEADERSHIP SMARTS I once heard a story about Alfred Nobel, the originator of the Nobel peace prize. When his brother died, Nobel got a copy of the newspaper to see what was said about his brother. He was shocked to discover that a dreadful error had been made. The paper had confused him with his brother and the obituary he was reading was his own. As a young man, Alfred Nobel had been involved in the invention of dynamite, and his premature obituary elaborated on the terrible death and destruction this powerful force had brought into the world. Nobel was devastated. He wanted to be known as a man of “peace.” He quickly realized that if his obituary was to be re written, he would have to do it himself by changing the nature of his life. So he did just that. I dare say that Alfred Nobel is better known today for his contribution to peace rather than for any other thing he did in his life.
  • 78. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMART  Your life is yours to design. Make it all it can be! LEADERSHIP SMARTS Ken Blanchard , the Chief Spiritual Officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies founded in 1979, with his wife Dr. Marjorie Blanchard. Ken co-authored The One Minute Manager ® with Spencer Johnson, that sold more than 13 million copies in 25 languages. A captivating and much sought-after speaker, he is cofounder of the Center for Faith Walk Leadership.
  • 79. Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson LEADERSHIP SMARTLEADERSHIP SMARTS Thank You and be Blessed! Timothy Wooi Lean Principal Consultant Trainer, Hands on certified Kaizen Specialist cum TPM Facilitator with 30 over years experience. Add: 20C,Taman Bahagia, 06000, Jitra, Kedah Email: timothywooi2@gmail.com H/p: 019 4514007 (Malaysia)