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Research Proposal
MAY 2015
Lasker final PA508 ppt97-03
 Based on the hypothesis that vaccinations are causing widespread
neurological damages in children today in relation to the current
vaccination schedule.
 Pragmatic Approach to a Mixed Method Sequential Explanatory
 Consequences of actions. problem-centered, social construction,
theory generation. (Creswell 2014, pg. 6)
The Problem:
Autism and Causal
Links to Vaccination.
 Plenty of studies have shown that the
injection of heavy metals into the
bloodstream results in alteration of a
normal human neurological system
(Austin 2008; Kern et al. 2013; Geier &
Geier et al. 2014; Leslie & Kroger 2011;
Tomljenovic and Shaw 2012). Neural
damage has been documented at a
finite level by a physician from Canada,
Dr. Andrew J. Moulden who had
multiple degrees and a lifetime of
experience diagnosing mental health
disorders and later vaccine damages in
children. Dr. Moulden died
unexpectedly on November 04, 2013;
before he could launch his campaign
to end vaccination.
Taken from data displayed on the
Center for Disease Control’s website,
“One in 68 children, in the United
States alone, today suffers from
Autism Spectrum Disorder” (ASD).
(CDC.gov, 2015). Since the rise of
ASD to epidemic proportions, it
deserves a closer look. The presence
of heavy metals in our vaccinations
has gained recognition in the field of
pediatrics and neurology.
The Purpose:
Vaccination is currently a “Hot Bed” topic in the field of Public Administration
as a senate bill, SB277, which advocates for mandatory vaccination of all
people, is being considered. Of course, passing a bill like this would relieve the
need for medical informed consent to be followed in any state that adopts it
and if it becomes Federal, then we lose our rights to say what happens to our
own body.
A mixed method case study of vaccinated on schedule versus un-
vaccinated children, aged six months to three years, to determine how each
perform on a range of sensory and fine motor skills testing is warranted in the
United States. Well-documented data concludes that metal toxicants
damage neural function, yet little is known to what extent. (Austin 2008; Kern
et al. 2013; Geier & Geier et al. 2014; Leslie & Kroger 2011; Tomljenovic 2012).
Literature Review:
Identified Studies on CDC
website that refute
causation of neurological
damage association with
• Dr. Paul Offit, 2003,2007
• Barile et al. 2011
• Performed by Researchers
who admittedly have ties
with special interest groups.
• Methodology questionable
Identified Studies that
confirm causation of
neurological damage
association with
• Austin 2008; Kern et al. 2013;
Geier & Geier et al. 2014;
Leslie & Kroger 2011;
Tomljenovic and Shaw 2012
Hertz-Picciotto, Irva, et al 2012).
• Dr Richard Moskowitz 2008
Hidden in Plain Sight
• Not tied to any special
interest groups.
• Methodology medically
• Reports “All vaccines cause
harm.” (Moulden 2009)
• Not tied to any special
interest groups.
• Had impeccable
• Killed in the line of duty and
terribly mutilated his videos,
injecting nonsense trying to
make him look insane.
Dr. Andrew J.
Vaccines contain:
“Vaccines contain live viruses, killed viruses, purified viral proteins, inactivated
bacterial toxins, or bacterial polysaccharides,. In addition, to these
immunogens, vaccines often contain other substances. For example,
vaccines may contain preservatives that prevent bacterial or fungal
contamination (eg. Thimersol); adjuvants that enhance antigen-specific
immune responses (eg. Aluminum salts); or additives that stabilize live,
attenuated viruses (eg. Gelatin, human serum albumin). Furthermore,
vaccines may contain residual quantities of substances used during
manufacturing process (eg. Formaldehyde, antibiotics, egg proteins, yeast
proteins)” (Offit 2003, 1394).
Per recommended vaccination schedule, our children are being shot up with
all of these substances that are not natural. Today a child receives a
combination of over 40 vaccinations by the time they reach six years of age
(CDC.gov May 8, 2015). And we wonder why the incidences of autism are
Early Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Ages Birth to Six Years
(CDC.Gov 2015) Printed with permission. May 7, 2015 “You can syndicate any or all of the
immunization schedules – those intended for healthcare professionals and the easy-to-read
schedules intended for everyone. Copy the code for a schedule and paste within your Web page.”
Research Questions:
Main Question: Are un-vaccinated children ranging in age from six months to
three years-old healthier, in regards to growth and development, than
vaccinated children in relation to the current vaccination schedule set forth
by the Center for Disease Control?
Sub-question 1: How do un-vaccinated children compare to vaccinated
children in regards to fine motor skills?
Sub-question 2: How do un-vaccinated children compare to vaccinated
children in regards to nervous tics?
Data collection procedures:
Each child will be seen by the doctor regularly, on site, at 30-day intervals to record
vital signs, reflex testing, and fine motor examinations. Additionally, physicians,
parents, and caregivers will complete the ASD Interviews as set forth by the DMV-5
found in the appendix. This collection model is known as “the participant as the
observer” (Creswell 2014, 191). Physicians, parents, care-givers, teachers, and/or
daycare providers will be informed about what to look for regarding neurological
symptoms during testing phases. The quantitative data collected will pertain to the
number of visits children make to the doctors’ offices while the qualitative data will
address data collected from the ASD Interview. The nature of the visits and any
problems will be recorded, sorted and organized by existing programs designed for
this purpose.
Definition of terms:
Adjuvants - Preservatives or aluminum salts or ethyl-mercury, also the
substance that promotes uptake of the vaccine to create immune system
Blood Brain Barrier - The protective mechanism that bars certain substances
from entering the brain.
Capillaries - The smallest form of blood vessel.
Dendrites - The very ends of nerve tissue that connect to the capillaries.
Encephalopathy - Swelling of the brain or parts of the brain.
Immunology - The process by which immunity is gained through vaccination
or other exposure to a disease.
Ischemia - Lack of oxygen to the cells, impaired blood flow.
The CDC claims there is no causal link between autism and vaccination
(CDC.gov 2015); however, empirical evidence says otherwise, yet there has not
been a causal link [established]. The observation of an un-vaccinated child versus a
fully vaccinated child regarding the rates of growth and development could indeed
close this gap in thinking. Yin (2014) speaks of this when he states, “The causal
links may reflect critical insights into public policy process or into social science
theory” (147). Let us define social science theory: It is merely a reflection of the
researcher’s viewpoint; positivist, post-positivist, pragmatic, or constructivist and
depends on the motives of the researcher and their study (Creswell 2014, 5-11).
Therefore, this writer, as a pragmatist who has the best interest of the growth and
development of our children and our country, is out to save Humanity and quite
possibly the future of our country.
 Austin, David. "An epidemiological analysis of the ‘autism as mercury poisoning’ hypothesis." International
Journal of Risk & Safety In Medicine 20, no. 3 (July 2008): 135-142. Accessed February 16, 2015.
Barile, John P, Gabriel P Kuperminc, Eric S Weintraub, Jonathan W Mink, and William W Thompson. 2012.
"Thimerosal exposure in early life and neuropsychological outcomes 7-10 years later." Journal of Pediatric
Psychology 37, no. 1: 106-118. Accessed May 1, 2015.
CDC.gov 2015. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Updated March 2, 2015, accessed April 7, 2015. http://
CDC.gov 2012. Vaccination Coverage Among Children in Kindergarten — United States, 2011–12 School
Year. 61(33); 647-652. Updated August 24, 2012, accessed May 7, 2015.
Creswell, John W. 2014. "Research Design:  Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches." 4th
ed.  Thousand Oaks, California:  SAGE Publications
Economist.com 2010. A Smarter Jab. Updated 2015, accessed May 7, 2015.
Geier, D. A., P. G. King, L. K. Sykes, and M. R. Geier. 2008. "A comprehensive review of mercury provoked
autism." Indian Journal Of Medical Research 128, no. 4: 383-411. Accessed April 4, 2015.
Hertz-Picciotto, Irva, et al. "Blood Mercury Concentrations in CHARGE Study Children with and without
Autism." Environmental Health Perspectives 118, no. 1 (January 2010): 161-166. Accessed February 16, 2015.
HHS.gov. Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee: Standards for Adult
Immunization Practice1. Updated September 10, 2013, accessed April 7, 2015.
References Continued:
Leslie, Kerry, and Susan Koger 2011. “A Significant Factor in Autism: Methyl Mercury Induced Oxidative Stress in Genetically
Susceptible Individuals”. Journal of Developmental & Physical Disabilities 23, no. 4 313-324. Accessed February 16, 2015.
Moulden, Dr. Andrew J 2009. “Chapter 2: Where we Went Wrong with Vaccines: ONE BRIEF BIOGRAPHY & WHAT WE DID
WRONG WITH VACINES.” Accessed March 3, 2015. https://www.scribd.com/doc/11564466/Ch-2-Vaccine-Errors or
Moskowitz, Richard 2013. "Hidden in Plain Sight: Vaccines as a Major Risk Factor for Chronic Disease." American Journal of
Homeopathic Medicine 106, no. 3: 107-119. Accessed February 16, 2015.
Offit, Paul A. and Rita K. Jew, Pharm D+ 2003. “Addressing Parents Concerns: Do Vaccines Contain Harmful Preservatives,
Adjuvants, Additive, or Residuals?” Pediatrics. Vol. 112 No. 6, 1394-1401. Accessed April 7, 2015.
Oshu.edu. 2015. ASD PARENT INTERVIEW (based on DSM-5 criteria). Oregon Health and Science University: Updated 2015,
accessed May 7, 2015.
Pajaras, F. (2007). Elements of a Proposal. Emory University. Stored in Doc Sharing PA 508, Park University online classroom.
Accessed April 9, 2015. 1-9
Pulendran, Bali, and Rafi Ahmed. 2011. "Immunological mechanisms of vaccination." Nature Immunology 12, no. 6: 509-517.
Accessed May 9, 2015. http://pegleg.park.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?
Tomljenovic, L, and CA Shaw. 2012. "Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations."
Lupus 21, no. 2: 223-230. Accessed May 1, 2015. http://pegleg.park.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?
Willingham, Emily and Laura Helft. 2014. What is “Herd Immunity?” PBS.org 2015. Updated 2015, accessed May 6, 2015.

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Lasker final PA508 ppt97-03

  • 1. Research Proposal PA508 LISA LASKER PARK UNIVERSITY MAY 2015
  • 3. Design  Based on the hypothesis that vaccinations are causing widespread neurological damages in children today in relation to the current vaccination schedule.  Pragmatic Approach to a Mixed Method Sequential Explanatory Design.  Consequences of actions. problem-centered, social construction, theory generation. (Creswell 2014, pg. 6)
  • 4. The Problem: Autism and Causal Links to Vaccination.  Plenty of studies have shown that the injection of heavy metals into the bloodstream results in alteration of a normal human neurological system (Austin 2008; Kern et al. 2013; Geier & Geier et al. 2014; Leslie & Kroger 2011; Tomljenovic and Shaw 2012). Neural damage has been documented at a finite level by a physician from Canada, Dr. Andrew J. Moulden who had multiple degrees and a lifetime of experience diagnosing mental health disorders and later vaccine damages in children. Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly on November 04, 2013; before he could launch his campaign to end vaccination. Taken from data displayed on the Center for Disease Control’s website, “One in 68 children, in the United States alone, today suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder” (ASD). (CDC.gov, 2015). Since the rise of ASD to epidemic proportions, it deserves a closer look. The presence of heavy metals in our vaccinations has gained recognition in the field of pediatrics and neurology.
  • 5. The Purpose: Vaccination is currently a “Hot Bed” topic in the field of Public Administration as a senate bill, SB277, which advocates for mandatory vaccination of all people, is being considered. Of course, passing a bill like this would relieve the need for medical informed consent to be followed in any state that adopts it and if it becomes Federal, then we lose our rights to say what happens to our own body. A mixed method case study of vaccinated on schedule versus un- vaccinated children, aged six months to three years, to determine how each perform on a range of sensory and fine motor skills testing is warranted in the United States. Well-documented data concludes that metal toxicants damage neural function, yet little is known to what extent. (Austin 2008; Kern et al. 2013; Geier & Geier et al. 2014; Leslie & Kroger 2011; Tomljenovic 2012).
  • 6. Literature Review: Identified Studies on CDC website that refute causation of neurological damage association with vaccination. • Dr. Paul Offit, 2003,2007 • Barile et al. 2011 • Performed by Researchers who admittedly have ties with special interest groups. • Methodology questionable Identified Studies that confirm causation of neurological damage association with vaccination. • Austin 2008; Kern et al. 2013; Geier & Geier et al. 2014; Leslie & Kroger 2011; Tomljenovic and Shaw 2012 Hertz-Picciotto, Irva, et al 2012). • Dr Richard Moskowitz 2008 Hidden in Plain Sight • Not tied to any special interest groups. • Methodology medically intensive. • Reports “All vaccines cause harm.” (Moulden 2009) • Not tied to any special interest groups. • Had impeccable credentials. • Killed in the line of duty and terribly mutilated his videos, injecting nonsense trying to make him look insane. Dr. Andrew J. Moulden
  • 7. Vaccines contain: “Vaccines contain live viruses, killed viruses, purified viral proteins, inactivated bacterial toxins, or bacterial polysaccharides,. In addition, to these immunogens, vaccines often contain other substances. For example, vaccines may contain preservatives that prevent bacterial or fungal contamination (eg. Thimersol); adjuvants that enhance antigen-specific immune responses (eg. Aluminum salts); or additives that stabilize live, attenuated viruses (eg. Gelatin, human serum albumin). Furthermore, vaccines may contain residual quantities of substances used during manufacturing process (eg. Formaldehyde, antibiotics, egg proteins, yeast proteins)” (Offit 2003, 1394). Per recommended vaccination schedule, our children are being shot up with all of these substances that are not natural. Today a child receives a combination of over 40 vaccinations by the time they reach six years of age (CDC.gov May 8, 2015). And we wonder why the incidences of autism are skyrocketing.
  • 8. Early Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Ages Birth to Six Years (CDC.Gov 2015) Printed with permission. May 7, 2015 “You can syndicate any or all of the immunization schedules – those intended for healthcare professionals and the easy-to-read schedules intended for everyone. Copy the code for a schedule and paste within your Web page.”
  • 9. Research Questions: Main Question: Are un-vaccinated children ranging in age from six months to three years-old healthier, in regards to growth and development, than vaccinated children in relation to the current vaccination schedule set forth by the Center for Disease Control? Sub-question 1: How do un-vaccinated children compare to vaccinated children in regards to fine motor skills? Sub-question 2: How do un-vaccinated children compare to vaccinated children in regards to nervous tics?
  • 10. Data collection procedures: Each child will be seen by the doctor regularly, on site, at 30-day intervals to record vital signs, reflex testing, and fine motor examinations. Additionally, physicians, parents, and caregivers will complete the ASD Interviews as set forth by the DMV-5 found in the appendix. This collection model is known as “the participant as the observer” (Creswell 2014, 191). Physicians, parents, care-givers, teachers, and/or daycare providers will be informed about what to look for regarding neurological symptoms during testing phases. The quantitative data collected will pertain to the number of visits children make to the doctors’ offices while the qualitative data will address data collected from the ASD Interview. The nature of the visits and any problems will be recorded, sorted and organized by existing programs designed for this purpose.
  • 11. Definition of terms: Adjuvants - Preservatives or aluminum salts or ethyl-mercury, also the substance that promotes uptake of the vaccine to create immune system reaction. Blood Brain Barrier - The protective mechanism that bars certain substances from entering the brain. Capillaries - The smallest form of blood vessel. Dendrites - The very ends of nerve tissue that connect to the capillaries. Encephalopathy - Swelling of the brain or parts of the brain. Immunology - The process by which immunity is gained through vaccination or other exposure to a disease. Ischemia - Lack of oxygen to the cells, impaired blood flow.
  • 12. Conclusion: The CDC claims there is no causal link between autism and vaccination (CDC.gov 2015); however, empirical evidence says otherwise, yet there has not been a causal link [established]. The observation of an un-vaccinated child versus a fully vaccinated child regarding the rates of growth and development could indeed close this gap in thinking. Yin (2014) speaks of this when he states, “The causal links may reflect critical insights into public policy process or into social science theory” (147). Let us define social science theory: It is merely a reflection of the researcher’s viewpoint; positivist, post-positivist, pragmatic, or constructivist and depends on the motives of the researcher and their study (Creswell 2014, 5-11). Therefore, this writer, as a pragmatist who has the best interest of the growth and development of our children and our country, is out to save Humanity and quite possibly the future of our country.
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  • 14. References Continued: Leslie, Kerry, and Susan Koger 2011. “A Significant Factor in Autism: Methyl Mercury Induced Oxidative Stress in Genetically Susceptible Individuals”. Journal of Developmental & Physical Disabilities 23, no. 4 313-324. Accessed February 16, 2015. http://pegleg.park.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2011195461&site=eds-live Moulden, Dr. Andrew J 2009. “Chapter 2: Where we Went Wrong with Vaccines: ONE BRIEF BIOGRAPHY & WHAT WE DID WRONG WITH VACINES.” Accessed March 3, 2015. https://www.scribd.com/doc/11564466/Ch-2-Vaccine-Errors or https://www.endalldisease.com/dr-andrew-moulden-found-every-vaccine-causes-harm-then-died-suspiciously/ Moskowitz, Richard 2013. "Hidden in Plain Sight: Vaccines as a Major Risk Factor for Chronic Disease." American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 106, no. 3: 107-119. Accessed February 16, 2015. http://pegleg.park.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsghw&AN=edsgcl.375081298&site=eds-live Offit, Paul A. and Rita K. Jew, Pharm D+ 2003. “Addressing Parents Concerns: Do Vaccines Contain Harmful Preservatives, Adjuvants, Additive, or Residuals?” Pediatrics. Vol. 112 No. 6, 1394-1401. Accessed April 7, 2015. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/112/6/1394.full Oshu.edu. 2015. ASD PARENT INTERVIEW (based on DSM-5 criteria). Oregon Health and Science University: Updated 2015, accessed May 7, 2015. http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/outreach/occyshn/programs-projects/upload/asd-parent-interview_formatted_2012_0325.pdf Pajaras, F. (2007). Elements of a Proposal. Emory University. Stored in Doc Sharing PA 508, Park University online classroom. Accessed April 9, 2015. 1-9 Pulendran, Bali, and Rafi Ahmed. 2011. "Immunological mechanisms of vaccination." Nature Immunology 12, no. 6: 509-517. Accessed May 9, 2015. http://pegleg.park.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=aph&AN=60653459&site=eds-live Tomljenovic, L, and CA Shaw. 2012. "Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations." Lupus 21, no. 2: 223-230. Accessed May 1, 2015. http://pegleg.park.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=aph&AN=70235923&site=eds-live Willingham, Emily and Laura Helft. 2014. What is “Herd Immunity?” PBS.org 2015. Updated 2015, accessed May 6, 2015. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/herd-immunity.html