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©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 1
The digital marketing landscape
in Vietnam
Voices of Vietnam digital marketers and agencies
From Q&Me Vietnam Market Research
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 2
Vietnam advertisement market is in the middle of huge shift from the traditional
to digital, as smartphone changes the lifestyle of consumers and many spend
hours of time online.
Q&Me, market research service operated by Asia Plus Inc, has conducted the
survey among 155 enterprises (104 brands, 43 agencies, 8 publishers) to
understand their marketing activities, relationship between brands and agencies,
as well as the issues of Vietnam digital marketing industries.
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 3
Digital marketing activities among Vietnam enterprises
Among several digital marketing activities, Vietnamese enterprises focus on social activities
the most. 84% spend their money on social advertisement. Display advertisement (including
GDN) and Search advertisement / SEM are also popular, with 44% and 46% of the
enterprises invest them respectively.
Social advertisement is popular regardless of the company size. 94% of the mid/large
enterprises (staff number is 50 and more) spend money for social while 79% of small
enterprises (staff number is less than 50) do the activity as well. The other activities are
mainly for the mid/large companies. For instance, 35% of mid/large enterprises take
influencer marketing while the number is 11% only for small enterprises.
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 4
Digital marketing media in use
Facebook is the most popular media that almost all enterprises have the account. YouTube
follows after that. 99% of the brand use Facebook for their digital marketing. YouTube is
also high, as 72% use it.
Social medias in use
Objective of digital marketing
Facebook is used mainly for branding and campaign. 85% use the media for branding. The
campaign usage is more for middle to big enterprises, as 86% of them use the media for
this objective (small company is 66%).
On the other hand, the objective of Facebook advertisement is for the performance. 87% of the
brands have run Facebook ads for the last 12 months. The biggest objective is the lead
generation. 78% use it for “increase number of inquiries (email, information request)” followed by
“Increase Likes/followers”. Social ads are linked as performance marketing in Vietnam.
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 5
Popular media for online video
Online vide is one of the most popular digital marketing activities in Vietnam, with 85% of brands
use it. YouTube and Facebook are the two most popular online video media. Although YouTube is
more popular in terms of media, Facebook ads are used more often when brands would like to run
the advertisements.
Customer support
Feedback to product
Traffic increase to the website
Member acquisition
Traffic increase to the real
Traffic conversion at EC
Facebook operation objective
Increase number of inquiries
(email, information request)
Increase Likes/followers
Increase Views of the posted
Increase traffic to the landing
page / website
Increase conversion
Increase traffic and purchase
at realshop
Increase # of search
Facebook ad objective
Own website
Use ad network/ DSP
Media to use online video marketing
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 6
Ratio of in-house and outsource in digital media operations
Most Facebook sites are managed by in-house. 87% of brands manage their site internally
while those who outsource account for only 13%. When it comes to the advertisement
operations, the outsource ratio goes up to 36%.
The key of in-house and outsource are the skills and cost. While 73% of in-house brands
answer “We have enough skills to operate ads ourselves”, 77% of outsource brands also
choose “Agencies have more skills to generate better performance” as the reason of not doing it
in-house. 58% of in-house enterprises also mention about avoiding additional cost.
2% 16%
Facebook operations
Facebook ads operations
Online video ads operations
Who is in charge of Facebook operation
In-house Outsource Mix of in-house and outsource
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 7
Digital marketing satisfaction
When it comes to the satisfaction in digital marketing, brands are satisfied with its
performance but less happy with its cost and the impact to the business. 55% are either
very satisfied or satisfied with its performance, whereas the figures go down for cost
(satisfied / very satisfied are 33%) and sales impact (32%). Especially the figure from the
mid / large companies are low as to the satisfaction in sales impact.
Digital marketing advantages / disadvantages
So how do enterprises perceive the advantages and disadvantages in digital marketing?
“Better audience targeting (78%)” and “Flexible budget planning (77%) are among the tops
that are considered as advantage. On the other hand, they acknowledge “Difficulty to reach
elderly segment (72%)” and “Difficulty to reach rural area (69%)” as its weakness. Digital
marketing is perceived as the approach to reach the youth in urban areas.
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 8
Issues in digital marketing of Vietnam
What are the issues to be solved in Vietnam digital marketing? The answer with highest
vote are “lack of educational opportunity”. The learning opportunities of digital marketing
seem to be missing in Vietnam despite of its rapid industry increase. What follows
afterwards is the lack of understanding in digital marketing among management.
Interesting item is “Lack of specialist on brand side”. While no more than 30% of brands
think this is an issue, the ratio goes to 63% among agencies. The perspectives from brand
and agency are quite different. The agencies in Vietnam perceive the lack of digital
knowledge on client side as one of the big headache.
Better audience targeting
Flexible budget planning
Easy to see audience
Easy to measure performance
Easy to change / modify the
Flexibility in creative
Shorter lead time
Higher ROI
Digital Marketing advantage
Difficulty to reach elderly
Difficulty to reach audience in
ROI is not clear nor good
Small budget allocaiton
Difficulty to measure
Little business impact
Quality of contents
Digital Marketing disadvantage
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 9
Agency satisfaction
When brands are asked to score their satisfaction of their agencies from 1-10 (10 =
satisfied, 1=dissatisfied), only 10% scores 8 and higher while 71% scores 6 and less. The
main reasons of their low scores come from such items as “deliverables different from
original (66%)” and “slow response of the team (40%)”.
Lack of training & educationalopportunity
Lack of understanding among the management
Inappropriate organizationalstructure for digitalmarketing
Lack of specialist on brand side
Lack of effective measurement tools
Lack of specialists on agency side
Budget allocated to digital is not big enough
Unclear ROI
Slow network connections
Lack of adtech company
Lack of effective digitalmedia
High cost of digital marketing
Issues in digital marketing of Vietnam
1% 3%
1% 1%
Satisfaction in agency
(10=highest, 1=lowest)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Deliverables different from
Slow response of the team
Lack of flexibility
Lack of reporting
Poor quality in creative
Poor performance
Delay in delivery
Reasons for dissatisfaction (6 and
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 10
Issues between brand and agency
So why there is little satisfaction between brand and agency? When asked about the
challenges working with agency, many brands point out “limited understanding of company
strategy (49%)” and “lack of performance tracking (47%)”. On the other hand, brands feel
that “budget is limited (77%)” as well as brand “fears in new approach (70%)”.
Gaps between brand and agency
We see several gaps as to how both of brand and agency recognize the current
For instance, 41% of brands think that they give detailed explanation in briefing. However,
only 9% agencies mention they receive such things and 81% answers that they answer brief
explanation only. The same briefing documents seem to be taken differently between brand
and agency.
Limited understanding of
company strategy
Performance tracking
High cost
Lack of transparency
Lack of practicalideas
Movement from strategic to
Lack of innovative ideas
Limited ability to integrate
online & offline
Project management
Communication problems
Issues: Brand > Agency
Limited budget
Fear in the new approach
No clear goals and objectives
Lack of market understanding
Frequent direction change
Communication problems
Project management
Issues: Agency > Brand
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 11
The same gap is applicable to the proposal quality. Only 19% of brands are satisfied with
the agencies proposals, whereas 44% of agencies are confident with what they propose.
Brands are not happy with the proposals as they are “lack of business / industry
understanding (67%)”, “lack of requirement understanding (60%)”, or “proposal with poor
idea (53%)”.
Detailed explanation Brief explanation
Detailed explanation Brief explanation
Very good Good Average
Bad Very bad Others
Very good Good Average
Bad Very bad Others
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 12
Also, the gap can be found in cost. 63% of brands think that the cost from agencies are
expensive. On the other hand, 54% of agencies think that the budget given from brands are
too small. This is the fundamental gap that could cause problems between agencies and
brands in Vietnam. 56% of brands expect the cost be lower by 11-20%.
Very high High
Average Affordable
Very affordable Others
More than enough Enough
Average Little
Too little Others
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 13
The survey was conducted from 155 enterprises in Vietnam in October 2017.
Intermediate/ Middle level
Senior Manager/ Manager
President or CEO
Job level
Less than 10 employees
11 - 50 employees
51 - 100 employees
101 - 250 employees
251 - 500 employees
501 - 1,000 employees
More than 1,000 employees
Company size
Company type
Marketing /
Advertisement agency
Publisher / Media
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 14
Q&Me is the market research service provided by Asia Plus Inc.
Q&Me provides market research services with mobile technology, with the aim to
provide the hint of business easier and quicker. Our solutions range from
consumer market research, retail audit, B2B market research to data collections.
Please contact us if you need to understand Vietnam market deeper. We are
always here to help you.
Contact Us
• Q&Me is operated by Asia Plus Inc.
• Address: Floor 2, Songdo Tower,62A Pham Ngoc Thach street, Ward 6,
District 3, HCM City, Vietnam
• Telephone number: (+84) 2839 100 043
• Email: info@qandme.net
• Website: https://qandme.net
©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 15

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Landscape of digital marketers in vietnam Otc 2017

  • 1. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 1 The digital marketing landscape in Vietnam Voices of Vietnam digital marketers and agencies From Q&Me Vietnam Market Research
  • 2. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 2 INTRODUCTION Vietnam advertisement market is in the middle of huge shift from the traditional to digital, as smartphone changes the lifestyle of consumers and many spend hours of time online. Q&Me, market research service operated by Asia Plus Inc, has conducted the survey among 155 enterprises (104 brands, 43 agencies, 8 publishers) to understand their marketing activities, relationship between brands and agencies, as well as the issues of Vietnam digital marketing industries.
  • 3. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 3 DIGITAL MARKETERS ACTIVITIES AMONG VIETNAM ENTERPRISES Digital marketing activities among Vietnam enterprises Among several digital marketing activities, Vietnamese enterprises focus on social activities the most. 84% spend their money on social advertisement. Display advertisement (including GDN) and Search advertisement / SEM are also popular, with 44% and 46% of the enterprises invest them respectively. Social advertisement is popular regardless of the company size. 94% of the mid/large enterprises (staff number is 50 and more) spend money for social while 79% of small enterprises (staff number is less than 50) do the activity as well. The other activities are mainly for the mid/large companies. For instance, 35% of mid/large enterprises take influencer marketing while the number is 11% only for small enterprises.
  • 4. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 4 DIGITAL MEDIA IN USE Digital marketing media in use Facebook is the most popular media that almost all enterprises have the account. YouTube follows after that. 99% of the brand use Facebook for their digital marketing. YouTube is also high, as 72% use it. Social medias in use Objective of digital marketing Facebook is used mainly for branding and campaign. 85% use the media for branding. The campaign usage is more for middle to big enterprises, as 86% of them use the media for this objective (small company is 66%). On the other hand, the objective of Facebook advertisement is for the performance. 87% of the brands have run Facebook ads for the last 12 months. The biggest objective is the lead generation. 78% use it for “increase number of inquiries (email, information request)” followed by “Increase Likes/followers”. Social ads are linked as performance marketing in Vietnam. 99% FACEBOOK 72% YOUTUBE 44% INSTAGRAM 33% ZALO
  • 5. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 5 Popular media for online video Online vide is one of the most popular digital marketing activities in Vietnam, with 85% of brands use it. YouTube and Facebook are the two most popular online video media. Although YouTube is more popular in terms of media, Facebook ads are used more often when brands would like to run the advertisements. 85% 77% 74% 73% 67% 64% 57% 52% 37% 33% Branding Campaign PR Customer support Feedback to product development Traffic increase to the website Member acquisition Traffic increase to the real store Traffic conversion at EC Hiring Facebook operation objective 78% 74% 68% 64% 55% 50% 39% Increase number of inquiries (email, information request) Increase Likes/followers Increase Views of the posted contents Increase traffic to the landing page / website Increase conversion Increase traffic and purchase at realshop Increase # of search Facebook ad objective 91% 86% 65% 15% 6% 3% Youtube Facebook Own website Use ad network/ DSP CocCoc Other Media to use online video marketing
  • 6. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 6 DIGITAL MEDIAS OPERATIONS Ratio of in-house and outsource in digital media operations Most Facebook sites are managed by in-house. 87% of brands manage their site internally while those who outsource account for only 13%. When it comes to the advertisement operations, the outsource ratio goes up to 36%. The key of in-house and outsource are the skills and cost. While 73% of in-house brands answer “We have enough skills to operate ads ourselves”, 77% of outsource brands also choose “Agencies have more skills to generate better performance” as the reason of not doing it in-house. 58% of in-house enterprises also mention about avoiding additional cost. 87% 64% 59% 82% 13% 36% 41% 2% 16% Facebook operations Facebook ads operations Online video ads operations Website Who is in charge of Facebook operation In-house Outsource Mix of in-house and outsource
  • 7. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 7 ISSUES OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN VIETNAM Digital marketing satisfaction When it comes to the satisfaction in digital marketing, brands are satisfied with its performance but less happy with its cost and the impact to the business. 55% are either very satisfied or satisfied with its performance, whereas the figures go down for cost (satisfied / very satisfied are 33%) and sales impact (32%). Especially the figure from the mid / large companies are low as to the satisfaction in sales impact. Digital marketing advantages / disadvantages So how do enterprises perceive the advantages and disadvantages in digital marketing? “Better audience targeting (78%)” and “Flexible budget planning (77%) are among the tops that are considered as advantage. On the other hand, they acknowledge “Difficulty to reach elderly segment (72%)” and “Difficulty to reach rural area (69%)” as its weakness. Digital marketing is perceived as the approach to reach the youth in urban areas.
  • 8. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 8 Issues in digital marketing of Vietnam What are the issues to be solved in Vietnam digital marketing? The answer with highest vote are “lack of educational opportunity”. The learning opportunities of digital marketing seem to be missing in Vietnam despite of its rapid industry increase. What follows afterwards is the lack of understanding in digital marketing among management. Interesting item is “Lack of specialist on brand side”. While no more than 30% of brands think this is an issue, the ratio goes to 63% among agencies. The perspectives from brand and agency are quite different. The agencies in Vietnam perceive the lack of digital knowledge on client side as one of the big headache. 78% 77% 75% 74% 72% 69% 68% 34% Better audience targeting Flexible budget planning Easy to see audience response Easy to measure performance Easy to change / modify the contents Flexibility in creative Shorter lead time Higher ROI Digital Marketing advantage 72% 69% 30% 25% 21% 19% 17% Difficulty to reach elderly segment Difficulty to reach audience in ruralarea ROI is not clear nor good Small budget allocaiton Difficulty to measure performance Little business impact Quality of contents Digital Marketing disadvantage
  • 9. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 9 BRAND / AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS Agency satisfaction When brands are asked to score their satisfaction of their agencies from 1-10 (10 = satisfied, 1=dissatisfied), only 10% scores 8 and higher while 71% scores 6 and less. The main reasons of their low scores come from such items as “deliverables different from original (66%)” and “slow response of the team (40%)”. 66% 63% 50% 41% 39% 35% 31% 30% 27% 22% 19% 17% Lack of training & educationalopportunity Lack of understanding among the management Inappropriate organizationalstructure for digitalmarketing Lack of specialist on brand side Lack of effective measurement tools Lack of specialists on agency side Budget allocated to digital is not big enough Unclear ROI Slow network connections Lack of adtech company Lack of effective digitalmedia High cost of digital marketing Issues in digital marketing of Vietnam 1% 3% 3% 7% 16% 32% 29% 8% 1% 1% Satisfaction in agency (10=highest, 1=lowest) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 66% 40% 40% 35% 35% 32% 26% Deliverables different from original Slow response of the team Lack of flexibility Lack of reporting Poor quality in creative Poor performance Delay in delivery Reasons for dissatisfaction (6 and below)
  • 10. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 10 Issues between brand and agency So why there is little satisfaction between brand and agency? When asked about the challenges working with agency, many brands point out “limited understanding of company strategy (49%)” and “lack of performance tracking (47%)”. On the other hand, brands feel that “budget is limited (77%)” as well as brand “fears in new approach (70%)”. Gaps between brand and agency We see several gaps as to how both of brand and agency recognize the current communications. For instance, 41% of brands think that they give detailed explanation in briefing. However, only 9% agencies mention they receive such things and 81% answers that they answer brief explanation only. The same briefing documents seem to be taken differently between brand and agency. 49% 47% 46% 40% 39% 38% 38% 35% 29% 19% Limited understanding of company strategy Performance tracking High cost Lack of transparency Lack of practicalideas Movement from strategic to tacticalexecution Lack of innovative ideas Limited ability to integrate online & offline Project management Communication problems Issues: Brand > Agency 77% 70% 60% 60% 60% 35% 23% Limited budget Fear in the new approach No clear goals and objectives Lack of market understanding Frequent direction change Communication problems Project management Issues: Agency > Brand
  • 11. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 11 The same gap is applicable to the proposal quality. Only 19% of brands are satisfied with the agencies proposals, whereas 44% of agencies are confident with what they propose. Brands are not happy with the proposals as they are “lack of business / industry understanding (67%)”, “lack of requirement understanding (60%)”, or “proposal with poor idea (53%)”. 41% 48% 11% BRIEFING (BRAND) Detailed explanation Brief explanation Others 9% 81% 9% BRIEFING (AGENCY) Detailed explanation Brief explanation Others 1% 18% 61% 13% 1% 7% PROPOSAL SATISFACTION: BRAND Very good Good Average Bad Very bad Others 16% 28% 42% 9% 2%2% PROPOSAL SATISFACTION: AGENCY Very good Good Average Bad Very bad Others
  • 12. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 12 Also, the gap can be found in cost. 63% of brands think that the cost from agencies are expensive. On the other hand, 54% of agencies think that the budget given from brands are too small. This is the fundamental gap that could cause problems between agencies and brands in Vietnam. 56% of brands expect the cost be lower by 11-20%. 9% 54% 30% 1%5% OPINION ON AGENCY COST Very high High Average Affordable Very affordable Others 0%0% 44% 49% 5%2% OPINIONS ON BUDGET FROM BRAND More than enough Enough Average Little Too little Others
  • 13. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 13 RESPONDENT PROFILE The survey was conducted from 155 enterprises in Vietnam in October 2017. 42% 40% 5% 5% 4% 4% Intermediate/ Middle level Senior Manager/ Manager Owner CxO (CIO, COO, CTO, CMO,… President or CEO Director Job level 9% 33% 13% 15% 10% 9% 11% Less than 10 employees 11 - 50 employees 51 - 100 employees 101 - 250 employees 251 - 500 employees 501 - 1,000 employees More than 1,000 employees Company size 28% 5%68% Company type Marketing / Advertisement agency Publisher / Media company Brands
  • 14. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 14 ABOUT US Q&Me is the market research service provided by Asia Plus Inc. Q&Me provides market research services with mobile technology, with the aim to provide the hint of business easier and quicker. Our solutions range from consumer market research, retail audit, B2B market research to data collections. Please contact us if you need to understand Vietnam market deeper. We are always here to help you. Contact Us • Q&Me is operated by Asia Plus Inc. • Address: Floor 2, Songdo Tower,62A Pham Ngoc Thach street, Ward 6, District 3, HCM City, Vietnam • Telephone number: (+84) 2839 100 043 • Email: info@qandme.net • Website: https://qandme.net
  • 15. ©Q&Me, operated by Asia Plus Inc. 15