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Dexter V. Fernandez, MAED-Led
SHS Teacher III - English
Where Do I Begin?
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I need to
To graduate! To be promoted!
To earn through research incentives!
To enhance our research skill!
An Action
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procedures in conducting research
Acquire and develop personal
strategy in conducting research
Teaching and Learning
Academic Performance (AP)
75 72
policy AP
3 How to increase the
performance of students in
English subject?
Teaching Strategy
Teaching Methodology
Teaching Techniques
How to make a
working title?
Test of
Working Title
Impact of to the
English Performance of
the Grade in Lamao
Elementary School
Working Title
Effect of to the
Math Performance of the
Grade in Lamao
Elementary School
Working Title
Effectivity of _________ in
Enhancing the Science
Performance of the Grade
______ in Lamao E.S.
Working Title
Effectiveness of ______ in
Developing the Reading
Comprehension of the
Grade _____ in Lamao E.S.
Maximum of 21
How to make the
context and
General presentation of the research gap
1st Paragraph
First sentence contains the topic of the
research article
Short presentation of the research objective
Academic Stress on Modular Learning
Index (ASMLI) for Senior High School
Students: An Exploratory and
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Problems related to academic stress of students towards learning
modality call for an immediate response (Castro, 2020). It is to avoid
consequential drawbacks like academic underachievement,
decreased motivation, and increased risk of school dropout and
psychological related problems (Rosiek, Rosiek-Kryszewska,
Leksowski, & Leksowski, 2016). Nonetheless, addressing this
concern necessitates on indulging into the problem to verify and to
understand the situation. However, available academic stress
instruments are found not suitable because these only measure
students’ stress level in a normal setting. Henceforth, there is a need
to develop a reliable, valid, and factor analyzed instrument to
measure students' academic stress in modular learning modality (Du
Plessis & Martins, 2019).
It serves as literature review.
Discussion of the problem or of the
Presentation needs to be from foreign to
Having this scenario, there is a need to address the problem by
determining what and where the problem lies in order to develop a
suitable remediation through appropriate teaching strategies promoted by
responsive school programs. Thus, it necessitates for a reliable, valid and
factor analyzed instrument. However, common academic stress scaling is
not suitable for three (3) reasons. First, it is not patterned to measure
academic stress in modular learning. Second, the instrument operates
only in a regular classroom setting wherein face-to-face instruction
exists. Third, it is not culturally aligned with the context and experiences
of the students. Because of these, the development of academic stress on
the modular learning index through exploratory factor analysis is
proposed. It aims to develop a reliable, valid and factor analyzed
instrument that can measure senior high school students' academic stress
towards modular learning approach.
Last Paragraph
Last paragraph contains the reason why
there is a need to conduct the study.
How to formulate
research questions?
Go back to
your general
True Quasi
Two Groups with
Pretest and
1. What is the experimental and control group’s
pretest (sometimes test title is indicated) result?
2. What is the experimental and control group’s
posttest (sometimes test title is indicated) result?
3. Is there any significant difference between the
experimental and control group’s pretest result?
4. Is there any significant difference between the
experimental and control group’s posttest result?
How to formulate
the hypothesis/es of
the study?
3. Is there any significant difference between
the experimental and control group’s pretest
4. Is there any significant difference between
the experimental and control group’s posttest
There is no significant difference between the
experimental and control group’s pretest result
There is no significant difference between the
experimental and control group’s posttest
The study considers two (2) null hypotheses:
How to compose the
significance of the
Who and how are
the beneficiaries of
your research be
School Head
Schools Division
Future Researchers
Use ”MAY” instead of will.
Just answer how the
research will benefit the
beneficiaries of your
Teachers. As directly related to the senior high
school students, the study may benefit the
teachers for an instrument may be available to
them to measure the academic stress level of
their students towards modular learning. Thus,
they may develop preventive and corrective
measures that may help students to cope with
stress brought by their current academic
How to make scope
and delimitation?
Characteristics that limit the
scope and describe the
boundaries of the study
Research area to be
1st Paragraph
Experimental Period
Instrument (soft explanation)
Construction (soft explanation)
Ethics Followed
General Objective
Research Methods/
Population/ Class Size
Statistical Tool
Treatment of data
Scope and Delimitation
2nd Paragraph 3rd Paragraph
The quasi-experimental study focuses on the reinforcement of the
grade 11 SMAW students’ reading comprehension skill of Lamao
National High School during the academic year 2019-2020. The
research locale is Lamao National High School. Accordingly, a
school is an ideal research setting or venue for an educational
research (Estolas & Boquiren, 1973). This integrated secondary
public school is located at Barangay Lamao, municipality of Limay
in the province of Bataan. The school caters both Junior and Senior
High School students from grade 7 to grade 12. This research
utilizes match and paired sampling method. The participants are
chosen based on their reading comprehension level, sex and age. In
general, there will be twenty (20) participants – ten (10) for
experimental and ten (10) for controlled group, for the study. To
designate the respondents on the grouping, lottery method is
The study uses a graphic novel as a reading
reinforcement material. The graphic novel is entitled,
“The Orphans, the Dog and the Enchanted Pot”. It is
composed in light of contextualization. Thus, the setting
and plot of the story are all based from students’
schema. Likewise, the names of the places, characters
and situations of the story are paralleled from the
common experience of the students. Furthermore, the
author used different local folktales of Bataan province
to localize the story itself. Participants are exposed to
this reading material for twenty-four (24) days.
The instruments of the study are teacher-made
reading comprehension tests. These are the
pretest and posttest reading comprehension test
intended to identify the reading comprehension
level of the readers. These are composed of fifty
(50) items multiple choice examination.
Interpretation of the reading level is based from
Phil-IRI. Likewise, it is pretested to other
students with the same age and grade level.
Cronbach Alpha Reliability Coefficient to assess its
validity and reliability.
The gathered information is carefully
tabulated, analyzed and interpreted for
deeper scrutiny. Parametric test is used to
answer the hypothesis. Hence, frequency,
mean, percentage, independent and paired t-
test are used as appropriate statistical tools.
Outliers are discarded to secure the validity of
the result. For the respondents’ data,
confidentiality of the data is secured to assure
their unanimity.
What is type of
Type of Research
Method of
Usually, it is
composed of 2
to 3
paragraphs Research
Design (kinds)
Flavor it with citations and
relate it with the study
Spice it with citations and
relate it with the present
The study is quasi-experimental method of research. It is
described as a kind of method or procedure involving the
control or manipulation of conditions for studying the related
effects of various treatments applied to member of a sample, or
of the same treatment applied to members of different samples.
This experimental study follows the two (2) groups with pretest
and posttest quasi-experimental design. On this regards, the
respondents is group into two (2) based on their reading
comprehension level, sex and age. Thus, the groups are called
experimental and controlled group. The pretest is conducted
prior to the exposure to the graphic novel of the experimental
group. However, the controlled group is not given any form of
reading materials. After the exposure to the reading material,
posttest is directed.
This study also considers descriptive method of
research. According to Aquino (1974), this method
of research is a fact-finding with adequate
interpretation. It also involves description,
recording, analysis, and interpretation of the
present nature, composition or process of
phenomena. Moreover, this kind of research
focuses on prevailing conditions, how persons,
groups, things behave and function. Likewise, this
provides essential data for the nature of the
Who are the
Participants and the
sampling method/
Class Size
Who will be/ are
Match and paired
Random sampling
G-Power (Sampling
Calculator) Experimental Control
1 to 2
How to write?
This quasi-experimental research examines the
impact of contextualized graphic novel entitled,
“The Orphans, the Dog and the Enchanted Pot” to
the grade 11 SMAW students on their reading
comprehension. The said class is composed of fifty-
two (52) students. In determining the sample size,
match and paired sampling method is used. It is
based on their sex and age. Thus, this lead to
twenty (20) SMAW students with identical
Group Controlled Group
f % f %
18 yrs old 7 35.00 7 35.00
17 yrs old 3 15.00 3 15.00
Male 10 50.00 10 50.00
The table showed the two (2) groups of the
participants. These were experimental and
controlled groups. As presented, majority of them
are in the age of eighteen (18) years old comprising
of seven (7) or 35 percent respectively.
Nonetheless, this was seventy (70) percent of the
total population. On the other hand, for the age of
seventeen (17), there were fifteen (15) percent for
both groups. Thus, it comprised of thirty (30)
percent of the total participants. All of the
participants were male.
You need to identify the
details of the proposed intervention,
innovation or strategy. You need to
explain also when and where it will
be undertaken; who will be involved,
activities to be done; and why and
how the intervention will address the
problem or issue.
You also need to specify if
the proposed intervention,
innovation or strategy is a teacher-
made or adopted. If it is teacher
made, you need to explain how it
was develop, the content, coverage,
and how it was validated.
The reading material that is used as reading
intervention material is a contextualized graphic novel
titled, “The Orphans, the Dog, and the Enchanted Pot”.
This unpublished literary piece is authored by the
researcher. It is first used as a reading intervention
intended for the grade 7 students. Thus, part of the
recommendation is to test the material for various
types of readers in other grade level. It is to uphold its
benefits and to assess the possible effects to its readers
in different grade levels.
As a graphic novel, it is written in contextualized
format following the localization approach. This
approach is the act or process of putting into localized
context or making sense of the material from the
situation or location in which it was found. In general,
the novel is a fictional adventure of the main characters:
Jillo, Ramon, Puloy and Balalang in the fictitious past.
It is composed of twenty-five (25) chapters with one
hundred forty-five (145) pages.
On the other hand, the subplots of the stories are
adaptations form selected local folktales and folklores
of Bataan province. The sub-stories include the
folktale of the three mythical animals from Orion, the
old phosphorous and lime mining site of Limay, and
the story of the Mores, natives of Morong. Moreover, it
contains the tragic legend of the Mariveles. The
intervention undergoes through series of testing like
Flesch and Kincaid Readability test and Flesch grade
level test to support its suitability to the projected
Just describe and explain your
State and explain the
Pretest = Posttest
Same Competency
Multiple Choice
Essay - Rubrics
The instrument to be used is a teacher-made test. It is
composed of two (2) parts. The first part is intended for the
profile of the respondents and second for the reading
comprehension tests. The reading comprehension tests serve
as either pretest or posttest of the study. For the composition
of the tests, the researcher adopted some articles present in
the Bataan provincial website. However, major enrichment is
done to make the story appealing and appropriate for the
projected participants. Even though the content of the pretest
is the same with the posttest, questions and choices from the
first test are shuffled to avoid memorization of the questions.
The face and content validity of the research instrument is
accomplished by the experts. It is to ensure the validity of the
questions and choices presented in the test. Likewise, Flesh
and Kincaid Reading ease test is accomplished to determine
the suitability of each questions to the projected participants.
Furthermore, it is piloted to selected grade 12 students who
are not part of the study to establish its reliability using
Cronbach Alpha Reliability Coefficient. It is to evaluate the
reliability of the reading comprehension tests as a valid
research instrument.
Introductory Paragraph
Phase 1. Pre-experimental
Phase 2. Exposure
(experimental stage)
Phase 3. Posttest
The data gathering procedure is divided into three (3)
phases. These are pre-experimental phase, experimental
phase and the post intervention or post experimental phase.
Pre-experimental phase (Phase 1) – Phase 1 is the initial
experimental process. This begins with the pretest reading
comprehension. It is conducted for one (1) hour to both
experimental and controlled groups. Proper decorum and
practices in administering the test are observed to facilitate
the process. It expires after it is conducted.
Ethics Committee
Protocols in conducting the study are followed. All pertinent
documents in pursuing the study are secured. First is the
permission for the utilization of the graphic novel. It is
communicated to the dean of the graduate school where the
material is first used. Second is seeking permission for the
conduct of the study to the immediate superior. Third is
communication letter for the experts who validate and
examine the instruments to be used in the study. Last is the
permission addressed to the provincial government official of
Bataan. It is for the adoption of the reading selections that
became bases for the construction of the instrument.
• Specifies the methods/ tools
that will be used in analyzing
the data gathered for the
• Shows appropriateness of the
statistical tools in relation to
the research question,
methods and instrument
• Indicates how the data will be
analyzed and reported.
The gathered data are statistically analyzed through the use
of suitable and appropriate statistical tools. Computations are
done using Statistical Package Software for Social Sciences
(SPSS). It is a statistical software the aims to have an
accurate calculation of the numerical data with lesser human
intervention. In particular, frequency and percentage is
employed in describing the profile of the respondents in
terms of age, and sex. For the pretest and posttest result,
mean and standard deviation is computed.
To reduce score differences, formula scoring of multiple
choices is applied. This procedure is designed to reduce
irregularities in answering due to guessing. In analyzing the
hypothesis, the study employs a parametric tests. Hence,
independent and paired t-test are used. Rejection or
affirmation of the hypothesis is based from .05 level of
significance. Quiroz (2015), explains that statistical values
with the level of significance less than or equal to .05 is
considered significant. It is interpreted as rejection of the null
hypothesis. On the contrary, level of significance greater than
.05 is interpreted as not significant. It means an acceptance
of the null hypothesis.

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  • 1. Dexter V. Fernandez, MAED-Led SHS Teacher III - English Where Do I Begin? DEVELOPING MY OWN RESEARCH PROPOSAL
  • 2. Why do I need to conduct research?
  • 3. To graduate! To be promoted! To earn through research incentives! To enhance our research skill! IAM A TEACHER. I AM NOT JUST A CONSUMER OF KNOWLEDGE, IAM ALSO A PRODUCER OF KNOWLEDGE!
  • 4. HOW tO mAKE An Action RESEARCH?
  • 6. Familiarize with the standard procedures in conducting research Objectives Acquire and develop personal strategy in conducting research
  • 9. GAP Academic Performance (AP) ACTION RESEARCH English 75 72 policy AP - 3 How to increase the performance of students in English subject?
  • 11. How to make a working title?
  • 13. Working Title Impact of to the English Performance of the Grade in Lamao Elementary School
  • 14. Working Title Effect of to the Math Performance of the Grade in Lamao Elementary School
  • 15. Working Title Effectivity of _________ in Enhancing the Science Performance of the Grade ______ in Lamao E.S.
  • 16. Working Title Effectiveness of ______ in Developing the Reading Comprehension of the Grade _____ in Lamao E.S.
  • 18. How to make the context and rationale?
  • 20. General presentation of the research gap 1st Paragraph First sentence contains the topic of the research article Short presentation of the research objective
  • 21. Sample Academic Stress on Modular Learning Index (ASMLI) for Senior High School Students: An Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
  • 22. Problems related to academic stress of students towards learning modality call for an immediate response (Castro, 2020). It is to avoid consequential drawbacks like academic underachievement, decreased motivation, and increased risk of school dropout and psychological related problems (Rosiek, Rosiek-Kryszewska, Leksowski, & Leksowski, 2016). Nonetheless, addressing this concern necessitates on indulging into the problem to verify and to understand the situation. However, available academic stress instruments are found not suitable because these only measure students’ stress level in a normal setting. Henceforth, there is a need to develop a reliable, valid, and factor analyzed instrument to measure students' academic stress in modular learning modality (Du Plessis & Martins, 2019).
  • 23. It serves as literature review. Body Discussion of the problem or of the intervention Presentation needs to be from foreign to local
  • 24. Having this scenario, there is a need to address the problem by determining what and where the problem lies in order to develop a suitable remediation through appropriate teaching strategies promoted by responsive school programs. Thus, it necessitates for a reliable, valid and factor analyzed instrument. However, common academic stress scaling is not suitable for three (3) reasons. First, it is not patterned to measure academic stress in modular learning. Second, the instrument operates only in a regular classroom setting wherein face-to-face instruction exists. Third, it is not culturally aligned with the context and experiences of the students. Because of these, the development of academic stress on the modular learning index through exploratory factor analysis is proposed. It aims to develop a reliable, valid and factor analyzed instrument that can measure senior high school students' academic stress towards modular learning approach.
  • 25. Last Paragraph Last paragraph contains the reason why there is a need to conduct the study.
  • 27. Go back to your general objective!
  • 29. 1. What is the experimental and control group’s pretest (sometimes test title is indicated) result? 2. What is the experimental and control group’s posttest (sometimes test title is indicated) result?
  • 30. 3. Is there any significant difference between the experimental and control group’s pretest result? 4. Is there any significant difference between the experimental and control group’s posttest result?
  • 31. How to formulate the hypothesis/es of the study? NULL
  • 32. 3. Is there any significant difference between the experimental and control group’s pretest result? 4. Is there any significant difference between the experimental and control group’s posttest result? GO BACK TO RESEARCH Q. 3 AND Q4 INTERROGATIVE TO DECLARATIVE SENTENCE
  • 33. There is no significant difference between the experimental and control group’s pretest result There is no significant difference between the experimental and control group’s posttest result. . . The study considers two (2) null hypotheses:
  • 34. How to compose the significance of the study?
  • 35. Who and how are the beneficiaries of your research be benefited?
  • 37. Note: Use ”MAY” instead of will. Just answer how the research will benefit the beneficiaries of your research
  • 38. Teachers. As directly related to the senior high school students, the study may benefit the teachers for an instrument may be available to them to measure the academic stress level of their students towards modular learning. Thus, they may develop preventive and corrective measures that may help students to cope with stress brought by their current academic situation.
  • 39. How to make scope and delimitation?
  • 40. Scope Delimitation Parameter Boundary Characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study Research area to be explored
  • 41. 1st Paragraph Intervention Experimental Period Instrument (soft explanation) Construction (soft explanation) Ethics Followed General Objective Research Methods/ Design Locale Participants Time Population/ Class Size Statistical Tool Treatment of data Scope and Delimitation 2nd Paragraph 3rd Paragraph
  • 42. The quasi-experimental study focuses on the reinforcement of the grade 11 SMAW students’ reading comprehension skill of Lamao National High School during the academic year 2019-2020. The research locale is Lamao National High School. Accordingly, a school is an ideal research setting or venue for an educational research (Estolas & Boquiren, 1973). This integrated secondary public school is located at Barangay Lamao, municipality of Limay in the province of Bataan. The school caters both Junior and Senior High School students from grade 7 to grade 12. This research utilizes match and paired sampling method. The participants are chosen based on their reading comprehension level, sex and age. In general, there will be twenty (20) participants – ten (10) for experimental and ten (10) for controlled group, for the study. To designate the respondents on the grouping, lottery method is employed.
  • 43. The study uses a graphic novel as a reading reinforcement material. The graphic novel is entitled, “The Orphans, the Dog and the Enchanted Pot”. It is composed in light of contextualization. Thus, the setting and plot of the story are all based from students’ schema. Likewise, the names of the places, characters and situations of the story are paralleled from the common experience of the students. Furthermore, the author used different local folktales of Bataan province to localize the story itself. Participants are exposed to this reading material for twenty-four (24) days.
  • 44. The instruments of the study are teacher-made reading comprehension tests. These are the pretest and posttest reading comprehension test intended to identify the reading comprehension level of the readers. These are composed of fifty (50) items multiple choice examination. Interpretation of the reading level is based from Phil-IRI. Likewise, it is pretested to other students with the same age and grade level. Cronbach Alpha Reliability Coefficient to assess its validity and reliability.
  • 45. The gathered information is carefully tabulated, analyzed and interpreted for deeper scrutiny. Parametric test is used to answer the hypothesis. Hence, frequency, mean, percentage, independent and paired t- test are used as appropriate statistical tools. Outliers are discarded to secure the validity of the result. For the respondents’ data, confidentiality of the data is secured to assure their unanimity.
  • 47. What is type of Research?
  • 48. Type of Research Method of Research Usually, it is composed of 2 to 3 paragraphs Research Design Experimental Design (kinds) Flavor it with citations and relate it with the study Experimental Method Spice it with citations and relate it with the present study
  • 49. The study is quasi-experimental method of research. It is described as a kind of method or procedure involving the control or manipulation of conditions for studying the related effects of various treatments applied to member of a sample, or of the same treatment applied to members of different samples. This experimental study follows the two (2) groups with pretest and posttest quasi-experimental design. On this regards, the respondents is group into two (2) based on their reading comprehension level, sex and age. Thus, the groups are called experimental and controlled group. The pretest is conducted prior to the exposure to the graphic novel of the experimental group. However, the controlled group is not given any form of reading materials. After the exposure to the reading material, posttest is directed.
  • 50. This study also considers descriptive method of research. According to Aquino (1974), this method of research is a fact-finding with adequate interpretation. It also involves description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present nature, composition or process of phenomena. Moreover, this kind of research focuses on prevailing conditions, how persons, groups, things behave and function. Likewise, this provides essential data for the nature of the participants.
  • 51. Who are the Participants and the sampling method/ used?
  • 52. Sampling Population Class Size Participants Who will be/ are the participants? Groups Match and paired Random sampling G-Power (Sampling Calculator) Experimental Control
  • 53. 1 to 2 Paragraphs How to write? Population Sampling Participants Table
  • 54. This quasi-experimental research examines the impact of contextualized graphic novel entitled, “The Orphans, the Dog and the Enchanted Pot” to the grade 11 SMAW students on their reading comprehension. The said class is composed of fifty- two (52) students. In determining the sample size, match and paired sampling method is used. It is based on their sex and age. Thus, this lead to twenty (20) SMAW students with identical qualification.
  • 55. Profile Experimental Group Controlled Group f % f % Age 18 yrs old 7 35.00 7 35.00 17 yrs old 3 15.00 3 15.00 Sex Male 10 50.00 10 50.00
  • 56. The table showed the two (2) groups of the participants. These were experimental and controlled groups. As presented, majority of them are in the age of eighteen (18) years old comprising of seven (7) or 35 percent respectively. Nonetheless, this was seventy (70) percent of the total population. On the other hand, for the age of seventeen (17), there were fifteen (15) percent for both groups. Thus, it comprised of thirty (30) percent of the total participants. All of the participants were male.
  • 58. You need to identify the details of the proposed intervention, innovation or strategy. You need to explain also when and where it will be undertaken; who will be involved, activities to be done; and why and how the intervention will address the problem or issue.
  • 59. You also need to specify if the proposed intervention, innovation or strategy is a teacher- made or adopted. If it is teacher made, you need to explain how it was develop, the content, coverage, and how it was validated.
  • 60. The reading material that is used as reading intervention material is a contextualized graphic novel titled, “The Orphans, the Dog, and the Enchanted Pot”. This unpublished literary piece is authored by the researcher. It is first used as a reading intervention intended for the grade 7 students. Thus, part of the recommendation is to test the material for various types of readers in other grade level. It is to uphold its benefits and to assess the possible effects to its readers in different grade levels.
  • 61. As a graphic novel, it is written in contextualized format following the localization approach. This approach is the act or process of putting into localized context or making sense of the material from the situation or location in which it was found. In general, the novel is a fictional adventure of the main characters: Jillo, Ramon, Puloy and Balalang in the fictitious past. It is composed of twenty-five (25) chapters with one hundred forty-five (145) pages.
  • 62. On the other hand, the subplots of the stories are adaptations form selected local folktales and folklores of Bataan province. The sub-stories include the folktale of the three mythical animals from Orion, the old phosphorous and lime mining site of Limay, and the story of the Mores, natives of Morong. Moreover, it contains the tragic legend of the Mariveles. The intervention undergoes through series of testing like Flesch and Kincaid Readability test and Flesch grade level test to support its suitability to the projected readers.
  • 63. INSTRUMENT Just describe and explain your INSTRUMENT! State and explain the process! PRETEST POSTTEST
  • 64. TES T 20/30/50 Pretest = Posttest Same Competency Multiple Choice Essay - Rubrics Validated TOS
  • 65. The instrument to be used is a teacher-made test. It is composed of two (2) parts. The first part is intended for the profile of the respondents and second for the reading comprehension tests. The reading comprehension tests serve as either pretest or posttest of the study. For the composition of the tests, the researcher adopted some articles present in the Bataan provincial website. However, major enrichment is done to make the story appealing and appropriate for the projected participants. Even though the content of the pretest is the same with the posttest, questions and choices from the first test are shuffled to avoid memorization of the questions.
  • 66. The face and content validity of the research instrument is accomplished by the experts. It is to ensure the validity of the questions and choices presented in the test. Likewise, Flesh and Kincaid Reading ease test is accomplished to determine the suitability of each questions to the projected participants. Furthermore, it is piloted to selected grade 12 students who are not part of the study to establish its reliability using Cronbach Alpha Reliability Coefficient. It is to evaluate the reliability of the reading comprehension tests as a valid research instrument.
  • 67. Data Gathering Procedure Introductory Paragraph Phase 1. Pre-experimental Phase 2. Exposure (experimental stage) Phase 3. Posttest
  • 68. The data gathering procedure is divided into three (3) phases. These are pre-experimental phase, experimental phase and the post intervention or post experimental phase. Pre-experimental phase (Phase 1) – Phase 1 is the initial experimental process. This begins with the pretest reading comprehension. It is conducted for one (1) hour to both experimental and controlled groups. Proper decorum and practices in administering the test are observed to facilitate the process. It expires after it is conducted.
  • 70. Protocols in conducting the study are followed. All pertinent documents in pursuing the study are secured. First is the permission for the utilization of the graphic novel. It is communicated to the dean of the graduate school where the material is first used. Second is seeking permission for the conduct of the study to the immediate superior. Third is communication letter for the experts who validate and examine the instruments to be used in the study. Last is the permission addressed to the provincial government official of Bataan. It is for the adoption of the reading selections that became bases for the construction of the instrument.
  • 71. DATA ANALYSIS • Specifies the methods/ tools that will be used in analyzing the data gathered for the research • Shows appropriateness of the statistical tools in relation to the research question, methods and instrument • Indicates how the data will be analyzed and reported.
  • 72. The gathered data are statistically analyzed through the use of suitable and appropriate statistical tools. Computations are done using Statistical Package Software for Social Sciences (SPSS). It is a statistical software the aims to have an accurate calculation of the numerical data with lesser human intervention. In particular, frequency and percentage is employed in describing the profile of the respondents in terms of age, and sex. For the pretest and posttest result, mean and standard deviation is computed.
  • 73. To reduce score differences, formula scoring of multiple choices is applied. This procedure is designed to reduce irregularities in answering due to guessing. In analyzing the hypothesis, the study employs a parametric tests. Hence, independent and paired t-test are used. Rejection or affirmation of the hypothesis is based from .05 level of significance. Quiroz (2015), explains that statistical values with the level of significance less than or equal to .05 is considered significant. It is interpreted as rejection of the null hypothesis. On the contrary, level of significance greater than .05 is interpreted as not significant. It means an acceptance of the null hypothesis.