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Davide ‘Folletto’ Casali
UX Redirector Advisor
Complex Systems
No simplification BanalizationSimplification
Thanks to Tullio Tinti
H. Rittel, M. Webber
Societal problems are inherently
different from the problems 

that scientists and perhaps some classes of
engineers deal with.
They are inherently ‘wicked’.
H. Rittel, M. Webber (1973) Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning
Wicked problems
don’t have clearly defined boundaries.
Wicked problems
don’t have a point when they are solved.
Wicked problems
have always more than one explanation.
Wicked problems
solution attempts change the problem definition.
Wicked problems
require full responsibility.
Wicked problems
bleed into one another.
Wicked problems
have no solution template.
Wicked problems
are interconnected to each other.
Wicked problems
have no scientific approach.
Wicked problems
are unique.
12. Constants
11. Buffers
10. Material
09. Delays
08. Negative loops
07. Positive loops
06. Information
05. Rules
04. Change & self-organize
03. Goals
02. Paradigms
01. Trascend paradigms
Meadows D. (1999) Leverage Points, places to intervene in a system
John Chris Jones, Design Method
Designers are forever bound to treat as real
that which exists only in an imagined
future and have to specify ways in which
the foreseen thing can be made to exist.
Solution First vs ProblemISSUE
No real understanding
Too close to the problemISSUE
No view of context
Manifesto Ibridi
Keeping up with global complexity
demands a conscious understanding of our
cognitive, psychological, physiological
peculiarities, and of their limits.
Open → Close
ISSUE Opening without closing
No Focus, No Goal
ISSUE Closing too soon
Bias, Prejudice
Dave Gray
The most enlightening moments came
from understanding and applying
the Open – Explore – Close phases.
ISSUE Iteration of one
Not really a loop
ISSUE Iterate without vision
Not going anywhere
Bruce Lee
Be water my friend.
Incremental + Radical
ISSUE Fear of jumping
No real change
ISSUE People resistance to change
Expect and manage
Verganti & Norman
Incremental innovation is necessary
to transform the radical idea
into a form that is acceptable
to those beyond early adopters.
Verganti & Norman, Incremental and Radical Innovation
ISSUE Fear of failure
Failure is intrinsic
ISSUE Failing without learning
Learn and build up
Sarah Soule
Design thinking stresses the need
to rapidly prototype the solution
so that the designers can get feedback
as quickly as possible.
Tim Brown, IDEO
Design thinking is a human-centered
approach to innovation that draws from the
designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of
people, the possibilities of technology, and
the requirements for business success.
Understand &
specify the
context of use
Specify the
user &
Identify need of user
centered design
System meets specified functional,
user & organizational requirements
Stephanie Gioia (2011) http://www.visualmba.info.
XPLANE Discover Concept DoDesign
CHESKIN Envision Explore InspireCreate Express
CONIFER Research Catalog Synthesis Insights
COOPER Research Modeling, Scenarios DesignFramework Communicate
IDEO Inspiration Ideation Implementation
FROG Discover Design Deliver
FITCH Discover Define DoDesign
N MELVILLE Explore Discover Implement & AssessConcept & Design
from An Introduction to Design Thinkin
Empathize Define Ideate Prototype TestStanford
Seek Build Imagine Plan MakeFrog CAT
Discovery Interpretation Ideation Experimentation EvolutionIDEO Ed.
from An Introduction to Design Thinkin
Empathize Observe Engage Listen
Define Patterns Insight Focus
Ideate Generate Explore Visualize
Prototype Build Hypothesis Quick
Test Show Behaviour Compare
I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
There are many more kinds of
activities that can be done.
© Sunni Brown
from An Introduction to Design Thinkin
Form a team
Pick a challenge
Empathize Un/Knowns
Unknowns Knowns
Inspiring People
Empathize Speak To
Identify the people
you want to speak to
AffectedInvolved Experts
Define Empathy Map
Hears Sees
Thinks & Feels
Pains Goals
Thanks to
James Macanufo
Ideate Generate Ideas
10’ individually · alone · no speaking
share ideas
vote ideas
Prototype Storyboarding
create a storyboard
Kickstarting Design Thinking
Test Try with another team
find another team,
and share your storyboard
show and tell
from An Introduction to Design Thinkin
dotL O O P
Kickstarting Design Thinking
Bruno Munari
To complicate is easy, to simplify is hard.
To complicate, just add,
everyone is able to complicate.
Few are able to simplify.

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Design for Context
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