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                                          MEAP Edition
                                   Manning Early Access Program

                                      Copyright 2009 Manning Publications

                           For more information on this and other Manning titles go to

©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum:

                    Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E        3

   Part I JUnit
   1. JUnit jumpstart
   2. Exploring JUnit
   3. Software testing principles
   4. Software tests at their best

   Part II Testing strategies
   5. Course-grained testing with stubs
   6. Mock objects
   7. In-container testing

   Part III JUnit and the build process
   8. Running JUnit tests from Ant
   9. Running JUnit tests from Maven2
   10. Continuous integration tools

   Part IV JUnit extensions
   11. Presentation layer testing
   12. Ajax testing
   13. Server-side testing with Cactus
   14. Testing JSF applications with JSFUnit
   15. Testing OSGi components
   16. Database testing with DBUnit
   17. Testing JPA-based applications
   18. JUnit on steroids

   A. Differences between JUnit 3.x and JUnit 4.x
   B. Extending JUnit API with custom runners and matchers
   C. The source code for the book
   D. JUnit integration with different IDEs
   E. Installing software

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         Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E              1

                                                               Part I

Welcome to JUnit in Action. JUnit is a framework that was started by Kent Beck and Erich
Gamma in the late 1995. Ever since then the popularity of the framework has been growing
and is now the de-fact standard for unit-testing Java applications.
   This book is actually a second edition. The first edition was a best-seller, written by
Vincent Massol and Ted Husted in 2003, and was dedicated in version 3.x of JUnit
   We will try to cover the newest version of JUnit - 4.5, and will talk about lots of features
that were included after the first edition of the book. At the same time we will try to focus on
some other interesting techniques in testing your code - mock objects, JUnit extensions,
testing different layers of your application and so forth.
   This part will start by exploring JUnit itself.     We will focus on the other tools and
techniques further in the book.
   The first chapter will give you a very quick introduction to the concepts of testing. You
need this knowledge to get you jumpstarted. You will get straight to the code and see how to
write a very simple test and how to execute it and see the results from it.
   The second chapter introduces a JUnit at its most. We build a bigger project and walking
over the code we will let you know not only of the JUnit concepts, widgets and guts, but also
we will show you the best-practices in writing a test-case and will demonstrate them with the
project we have.
   The third chapter is dedicated on tests as a whole. We describe different kinds of tests,
and the different scenarios to which they apply. We will also get to know the different
platforms (development, production, etc.) and will show you which tests and which scenarios
are best to execute there.
   The last chapter in this part of the book is dedicated on improving your testing skills. We
will show you how to measure your test-coverage and how to improve it. How to produce
testable code before you write your tests and how to write the tests before you write a single
line of code.

©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum:

          Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
Download at WoweBook.Com

Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E        1

                                                 JUnit jump-start

This chapter covers

      What JUnit is

      Installing JUnit

      Writing your first test

      Running tests

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         Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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2 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E            Last saved: 7/7/2009

Never in the field of software development was so much owed by so many to so few
lines of code.

         —Martin Fowler

All code is tested.
    During development, the first thing we do is run our own programmer’s “acceptance
test.” We code, compile, and run. When we run, we test. The “test” may just be clicking a
button to see if it brings up the expected menu. Nevertheless, every day, we code, we
compile, we run…, and we test.
    When we test, we often find issues—especially on the first run. Therefore, we code,
compile, run, and test again.
    Most of us will quickly develop a pattern for our informal tests: We add a record, view a
record, edit a record, and delete a record. Running a little test suite like this by hand is easy
enough to do; so we do it. Over and over again.
    Some programmers like doing this type of repetitive testing. It can be a pleasant break
from deep thought and hard coding. When our little click-through tests finally succeed, there
is a real feeling of accomplishment: Eureka! I found it!
    Other programmers dislike this type of repetitive work. Rather than run the test by hand,
they prefer to create a small program that runs the test automatically. Play-testing code is
one thing; running automated tests is another.
    If you are a “play-test” developer, this book is for you. We will show you how creating
automated tests can be easy, effective, and even fun.
    If you are already “test-infected,” this book is also for you. We cover the basics in part 1,
and then move on to the tough, real-life problems in parts 2, 3, and 4.

1.1 Proving it works
    Some developers feel that automated tests are an essential part of the development
process: You cannot prove a component works until it passes a comprehensive series of
tests. In fact, two developers felt that this type of “unit testing” was so important that it
deserved its own framework. In 1997, Erich Gamma and Kent Beck created a simple but
effective unit testing framework for Java, called JUnit. The work followed the design of an
earlier framework Kent Beck created for Smalltalk, called SUnit.

     framework — A framework is a semi-complete application 1 . A framework provides a
     reusable, common structure to share between applications. Developers incorporate the

 Ralph Johnson and Brian Foote, “Designing Reusable Classes,” Journal of Object-Oriented
Programming 1.5 (June/July 1988): 22–35; http://www.laputan.org/drc/drc.html.
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                      Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E               3

      framework into their own application and extend it to meet their specific needs.
      Frameworks differ from toolkits by providing a coherent structure, rather than a simple
      set of utility classes.

If you recognize those names, it is for good reason. Erich Gamma is one of the “Gang of
Four” who gave us the now classic Design Patterns book 2 . We know Kent Beck equally well
for his groundbreaking work in the software discipline known as Extreme Programming
     JUnit (http://www.junit.org) is open source software, released under IBM’s Common
Public License Version 1.0 and hosted on SourceForge. The Common Public License is
business-friendly: People can distribute JUnit with commercial products without a lot of red
tape or restrictions.
     JUnit quickly became the de facto standard framework for developing unit tests in Java.
In fact, the underlying testing model, known as xUnit, is on its way to becoming the standard
framework for any language. There are xUnit frameworks available for ASP, C++, C#, Eiffel,
Delphi, Perl, PHP, Python, REBOL, Smalltalk, and Visual Basic—just to name a few!
     Of course, the JUnit team did not invent software testing or even the unit test. Originally,
the term unit test described a test that examined the behavior of a single unit of work.
     Over time, usage of the term unit test broadened. For example, IEEE has defined unit
testing as “Testing of individual hardware or software units or groups of related units”
(emphasis added) 3 .
     In this book, we use the term unit test in the narrower sense of a test that examines a
single unit in isolation from other units. We focus on the type of small, incremental test that
programmers apply to their own code. Sometimes we call these programmer tests to
differentiate       them        from   quality   assurance    tests     or    customer      tests
     Here is a generic description of a typical unit test from our perspective: “Confirm that the
method accepts the expected range of input, and that the method returns the expected
value for each input.”
     This description asks us to test the behavior of a method through its interface. If we give
it value x, will it return value y? If we give it value z instead, will it throw the proper

    Erich Gamma et al., Design Patterns (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995).
 IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary: A Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossaries
(New York, IEEE, 1990).

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            Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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4 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E             Last saved: 7/7/2009

    unit test—A unit test examines the behavior of a distinct unit of work. Within a Java
    application, the “distinct unit of work” is often (but not always) a single method. By
    contrast, integration tests and acceptance tests examine how various components
    interact. A unit of work is a task that is not directly dependent on the completion of any
    other task.

Unit tests often focus on testing whether a method is following the terms of its API contract.
Like a written contract by people who agree to exchange certain goods or services under
specific conditions, an API contract is a formal agreement made by the signature of a
method. A method requires its callers to provide specific object references or primitive values
and returns an object reference or primitive value.. If the method cannot fulfill the contract,
the test throws an exception and we say that the method has broken its contract.

    API contract—A view of an Application Programming Interface (API) as a formal
    agreement between the caller and the callee. Often the unit tests help define the API
    contract by demonstrating the expected behavior. The notion of an API contract stems
    from the practice of Design by Contract, popularized by the Eiffel programming language

In this chapter, we will walk through creating a unit test for a simple class from scratch. We
will start by writing a test and its minimal runtime framework, so you can see how we used
to do things. Then, we will roll out JUnit to show you how the right tools can make life much

1.2 Starting from scratch
Let us say you have just written the Calculator class shown in listing 1.1.

Listing 1.1 The test calculator class
   public class Calculator {
      public double add(double number1, double number2) {
         return number1 + number2;

Although the documentation is not shown, the intended purpose of the Calculator’s
add(double, double) method is to take two doubles and return the sum as a double. The
compiler can tell you that it compiles, but you should also make sure it works at runtime. A
core tenet of unit testing is “Any program feature without an automated test simply doesn’t

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                     Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E                         5

exist.” 4 The add method represents a core feature of the calculator. You have some code
that allegedly implements the feature. What is missing is an automated test that proves your
implementation works.

     Isn’t the add method just “too simple to break”?
     The current implementation of the add method is too simple to break. If add were a
     minor utility method, then you might not test it directly. In that case, if add did fail, then
     tests of the methods that used add would fail. The add method would be tested
     indirectly, but tested nonetheless. In the context of the calculator program, add is not
     just a method, it is a program feature. In order to have confidence in the program, most
     developers would expect there to be an automated test for the add feature, no matter
     how simple the implementation appears. In some cases, you can prove program features
     through automatic functional tests or automatic acceptance tests. For more about
     software tests in general, see chapter 3.

    Yet testing anything at this point seems problematic. You do not even have a user
interface with which to enter a pair of doubles. You could write a small command line
program that waited for you to type in two double values and then displayed the result. Of
course, then you would also be testing your own ability to type a number and add the result
ourselves. This is much more than what you want to do. You just want to know if this “unit of
work” will actually add two doubles and return the correct sum. You do not want to test
whether programmers can type numbers!
    Meanwhile, if you are going to go to the effort of testing your work, you should also try to
preserve that effort. It is good to know that the add(double,double) method worked
when you wrote it. However, what you really want to know is whether the method works
when you ship the rest of the application or whenever you make a subsequent modification.
If we put these requirements together, we come up with the idea of writing a simple test
program for the add method.
    The test program could pass known values to the method and see if the result matches
our expectations. You could also run the program again later to be sure the method
continues to work as the application grows. So what is the simplest possible test program
you could write? What about the CalculatorTest program shown in listing 1.2?

Listing 1.2 A simple test calculator program
    public class CalculatorTest {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
          double result = calculator.add(10,50);

 Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (Reading, MA: Addison-
Wesley, 1999).

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           Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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6 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E          Last saved: 7/7/2009

           if (result != 60) {
              System.out.println("Bad result: " + result);

The first CalculatorTest is simple indeed. It creates an instance of Calculator, passes
it two numbers, and checks the result. If the result does not meet your expectations, you
print a message on standard output.
   If you compile and run this program now, the test will quietly pass, and all will seem well.
However, what happens if you change the code so that it fails? You will have to watch
carefully the screen for the error message. You may not have to supply the input, but you
are still testing your own ability to monitor the program’s output. You want to test the code,
not yourself!
   The conventional way to signal an error conditions in Java is to throw an exception. Let
us throw an exception instead to indicate a test failure.
   Meanwhile, you may also want to run tests for other Calculator methods that you have
not written yet, like subtract or multiply. Moving to a modular design would make it
easier to catch and handle exceptions and make it easier to extend the test program later.
Listing 1.3 shows a slightly better CalculatorTest program.

Listing 1.3 A (slightly) better test calculator program
   public class CalculatorTest {

       private int nbErrors = 0;

       public void testAdd() {                                                            (1)
          Calculator calculator = new Calculator();                                        |
          double result = calculator.add(10, 50);                                          |
          if (result != 60) {                                                              |
             throw new IllegalStateException("Bad result: " + result);                     |
          }                                                                                |
       }                                                                                  (1)

       public static void main(String[] args) {
          CalculatorTest test = new CalculatorTest();
          try {                                                                           (2)
             test.testAdd();                                                               |
          }                                                                                |
          catch (Throwable e) {                                                            |
             test.nbErrors++;                                                              |
             e.printStackTrace();                                                          |
          }                                                                                |
          if (test.nbErrors > 0) {                                                        (2)
             throw new IllegalStateException("There were " + test.nbErrors
                + " error(s)");

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                      Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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Working from listing 1.3, at (1) you move the test into its own testAdd method. It is now
easier to focus on what the test does. You can also add more methods with more unit tests
later, without making the main method harder to maintain. At (2), you change the main
method to print a stack trace when an error occurs and then, if there are any errors, end by
throwing a summary exception.

1.3 Understanding unit-testing frameworks
There are several best practices that unit testing frameworks should follow. These seemingly
minor improvements in the CalculatorTest program highlight three rules that (in our
experience) all unit testing frameworks should follow:

       Each unit test must run independently of all other unit tests.
       The framework must detect and report errors test by test.

       It must be easy to define which unit tests will run.

The “slightly better” test program comes close to following these rules but still falls short. For
example, in order for each unit test to be truly independent, each should run in a different
class instance and ideally in a different class loader instance.
   You can now add new unit tests by adding a new method and then adding a
corresponding try/catch block to main.
   This is a step up, but still short of what you would want in a real unit test suite. Our
experience tells us that large try-catch blocks cause maintenance problems. You could
easily leave a unit test out and never know it!
   It would be nice if you could just add new test methods and continue working. However,
how would the program know which methods to run?
   Well, you could have a simple registration procedure. A registration method would at
least inventory which tests are running.
   Another approach would be to use Java’s reflection and introspection capabilities. A
program could look at itself and decide to run whatever methods follow a certain naming
convention —like those that begin with the letters test, for example.
   Making it easy to add tests (the third rule in our earlier list) sounds like another good rule
for a unit testing framework.
   The support code to realize this rule (via registration or introspection) would not be
trivial, but it would be worthwhile. There would be a lot of work up front, but that effort
would pay off each time you added a new test.
   Happily, the JUnit team has saved you the trouble. The JUnit framework already supports
introspecting methods. It also supports using a different class instance and class loader
instance for each test, and reports all errors on a test-by-test basis.
   Now that you have a better idea of why you need a unit testing framework, let us set up
JUnit and see it in action.

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          Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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8 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E           Last saved: 7/7/2009

1.4 Setting up JUnit
   In order to use JUnit to write your application tests, you will simply need to add the JUnit
jar file to your project’s compilation classpath and to your execution classpath. Follow these
   Download the JUnit distribution (junit-4.6 or newer) from http://www.junit.org. JUnit
contains several test samples that you will run to get familiar with executing JUnit tests.
   Unzip the distribution Zip file to a directory on your computer system (for example, C:
on Windows or /opt/ on UNIX).
   In this directory, unzipping will create a subdirectory for the JUnit distribution you
downloaded (for example, C:junit4.6 on Windows or /opt/junit4.6 on UNIX).
You are now ready to run the tests provided with the JUnit distribution. JUnit comes
complete with Java programs that you can use to view the result of a test, including a text-
based test runner with console output (figure 1.2).
   To run the text test runner, open a shell in C:junit4.6 on Windows or in
/opt/junit4.6 UNIX, and type the appropriate command for your operating system:
java -cp junit-4.6.jar;. junit.samples.AllTests
java -cp junit-4.6.jar:. junit.samples.AllTests

   The AllTests class contains a main method to execute the sample tests:

         public static void main (String[] args) {
   Figure 1.1 shows the result of the test executing.

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                     Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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Fig 1.1 Execution of the JUnit distribution sample tests using the text test runner

Notice that the JUnit text test runner displays passing tests with a dot. Had there been
errors, they would have displayed with an E instead of a dot.
    In part III of the book, we will look at running tests using the Ant build tool and also the
Maven build tool.

1.5 Testing with JUnit
JUnit has many features that make it easy to write and run tests. You will see these features
at work throughout this book:

       Separate test class instances and class loaders for each unit test to avoid side effects.

       JUnit annotations to provide resource initialization and reclamation methods: @Before,
       @BeforeClass, @After, and @AfterClass.

       A variety of assert methods to make it easy to check the results of your tests.

       Integration with popular tools like Ant, Maven, and popular IDEs like Eclipse,
       NetBeans, IntelliJ, and JBuilder.

Without further ado, let us turn to listing 1.4 and see what the simple Calculator test
looks like when written with JUnit

Listing 1.4 The JUnit CalculatorTest program
   import static org.junit.Assert.*;
   import org.junit.Test;

   public class CalculatorTest {                                                            (1)

        @Test                                                                               (2)
        public void testAdd() {
           Calculator calculator = new Calculator();                                        (3)
           double result = calculator.add(10, 50);                                          (4)
           assertEquals(60, result, 0);                                                     (5)

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This is a much simpler test, let us walk through it.
   At (1), you start by defining a test class. The only restriction is that the class must be
public, you can name it whatever you like though. It is standard practice to end the class
name with "Test". Notice also that in contrast to JUnit 3 where you needed to extend the
TestCase class, this requirement has been removed in JUnit 4.
    At (2), you mark the method as a unit test method by adding the @Test annotation 5 . A
best-practice is to name your test methods following the testXXX pattern. JUnit does not
have method name restrictions, you can name your methods as you like, as long as they
have the @Test annotation they will be executed by JUnit.
     At (3), you start the test by creating an instance of the Calculator class (the “object
under test”), and at (4), as before, you execute the test by calling the method to test,
passing it two known values.
    At (5), the JUnit framework begins to shine! To check the result of the test, you call an
assertEquals method, which you imported with a static import on the first line of the
class. The Javadoc for the assertEquals method is:

     * Asserts that two doubles or floats are equal to within a positive delta.
     * If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored.
    static public void assertEquals(
        double expected, double actual, double delta)

In listing 1.4, you passed assertEquals these parameters:

    expected = 60
    actual = result
    delta = 0

Since you passed the calculator the values 10 and 50, you tell assertEquals to expect the
sum to be 60. (You pass 0 as the delta since you are adding integers.) When you called the
calculator object, you tucked the return value into a local double named result.
Therefore, you pass that variable to assertEquals to compare against the expected value
of 60.
    If the actual value is not equal to the expected value, JUnit throws an unchecked
exception, which causes the test to fail.
    Most often, the delta parameter can be zero, and you can safely ignore it. It comes into
play with calculations that are not always precise, which includes many floating-point

  Annotations were first introduced in JDK 1.5. so in order to use them you need to have the 1.5 or later version of
the JDK.
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                          Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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calculations. The delta provides a range factor. If the actual value is within the range
expected - delta and expected + delta the test will pass. You may find it useful
when doing mathematical computations with rounding or truncating errors or when asserting
a condition about the modification date of a file, as the precision of these dates depend on
the operating system.

    JUnit Design Goals
    The JUnit team has defined three discrete goals for the framework:

    The framework must help us write useful tests.

    The framework must help us create tests that retain their value over time.

    The framework must help us lower the cost of writing tests by reusing code.

    In listing 1.4, we showed how easy it is to write tests with JUnit.

    We will return to the other goals in chapter 2.

   Let us assume you have entered the code from listings 1.1 and 1.4 in the
C:junitbookjumpstart directory (/opt/junitbook/jumpstart on UNIX). Let us
first compile the code by opening a command shell in that directory and typing the following
(we will assume you have the javac executable on your PATH):

  javac -cp junit4.6junit-4.6.jar *.java
  javac -cp /junit4.6/junit-4.6.jar *.java

You are now ready to start the console test runner, by typing the following:

  java -cp .;junit4.6junit-4.6.jar
  ➔ org.junit.runner.JUnitCore CalculatorTest
  java -cp .:/junit4.6/junit-4.6.jar
   ➔org.junit.runner.JUnitCore CalculatorTest

Figure 1.2 shows the test result .
The remarkable thing about the JUnit CalculatorTest class in listing 1.4 is that the code
is easier to write than the first CalculatorTest program in listing 1.2. In addition, you can
run the test automatically through the JUnit framework.

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          Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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Figure 1.2 Execution of the first JUnit test CalculatorTest using the text test runner

     If you are maintaining tests written prior to JUnit version 3.8.1, your class needs a String
     constructor, for example:

     public CalculatorTest(String name) { super(name); }

     This is no longer required with JUnit 3.8.1 and later.

1.6 Summary
Every developer should perform some type of test to see if code actually works. Developers
who use automatic unit tests can repeat these tests on demand to ensure that new code
works and does not break existing tests.
    Simple unit tests are not difficult to create without JUnit, but as tests are added and
become more complex, writing and maintaining tests becomes more difficult. JUnit is a unit
testing framework that makes it easier to create, run, and revise unit tests.
    In this chapter, we scratched the surface of JUnit by stepping through a simple test. Of
course, JUnit has much more to offer.
    In chapter 2, we take a closer look at the JUnit framework classes (different annotations
and assertion mechanisms) and how they work together to make unit testing efficient and
effective. We will also walk through the differences between the old-style JUnit 3 and the
new features in JUnit 4.

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                         Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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                                                   Exploring JUnit

This chapter covers

      Using the core JUnit classes

      Understanding JUnit mechanisms

      Understanding the JUnit lifecycle

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         Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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   Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

         —James Joyce

   In chapter 1, we decided that we need a reliable and repeatable way to test our program.
Our solution is to write or reuse a framework to drive test code that exercises our program's
API. As our program grows with new classes and new methods to existing classes, we need
to grow our test code as well. As experience has taught us that sometimes classes interact in
unexpected ways, we need to make sure that we can run all of our tests at any time, no
matter what code changes took place. The question becomes, how do we run multiple test
classes? How do we find out which tests passed and which ones failed?
   In this chapter, we will look at how JUnit provides the functionality to answer those
questions. We will begin with an overview of the core JUnit concepts – the test class, test
suite and test runner. We will take a close look at the core test runners and the test suite,
before we revisit our old friend the test class. We will also examine how the core classes
work together.
   In the second part of this chapter, we will use an example application to show you how to
use these core JUnit concepts. We will demonstrate best practices for writing and organizing
test code.

2.1 Exploring core JUnit
   The CalculatorTest program from chapter 1, shown in listing 2.1, defines a test class
with a single test method testAdd.
   The requirements to define a test class are that the class must be public and contain a
zero-argument constructor. In our example, since we do not define any other constructors,
we do not need to define the zero-argument constructor, Java creates it for us implicitly.
   The requirement to create a test method is that it must be annotated with @Test, be
public, take no arguments, and return void.

Listing 2.1 The CalculatorTest test case
   import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
   import org.junit.Test;

   public class CalculatorTest {

       public void testAdd() {
          Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
          double result = calculator.add(10, 50);
          assertEquals(60, result, 0);
   JUnit creates a new instance of the test class before invoking each @Test method. This
helps provide independence between test methods and avoids unintentional side effects in

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the test code. Since each test methods runs on a new test class instance, you cannot reuse
instance variables values across test methods.
   To perform test validation, you use the assert methods provided by the JUnit Assert
class. As you can see from the previous example, you statically import these methods in
your test class. Alternatively, you can import JUnit Assert class itself, depending on your
taste for static imports. The following table lists some of the most popular assert methods.

Table 2.1 Some of the assertXXX methods in JUnit.

assertXXX method                                 What is it used for

assertArrayEquals(“message”, A, B)               Asserts the equality of the A and B arrays.

assertEquals(“message”, A, B)                    Assert equality of objects A and B. This assert
                                                 actually invokes the equals() method on the first
                                                 object against the second.

assertSame(“message”, A, B)                      Asserts that the A and B objects have the same
                                                 value. While the previous assert method checks to
                                                 see that both the A and B are the same objects
                                                 (using equals method), the assertSame
                                                 method actually checks to see if the A and B
                                                 objects have the same value (using == operator).

assertTrue(“message”, A)                         Assert the A condition is true.

assertNotNull(“message”, A)                      Assert the A object is not null.

   Assert methods with two value parameters follow a pattern worth memorizing: the first
parameter (A above) is the expected value and the second parameter (B above) is the actual
   JUnit provides many other methods – like assertArrayNotEquals, assertNotSame,
assertNotTrue, etc. It also provides the same methods with a different signature –
without the message parameter. It is a best practice to provide an error message for all your
assert method calls. Recall Murphy's Law and apply it here, when an assertion fails, describe
what went wrong in a human readable message.
   When you need to run several test classes at once, you create another object called
a test suite (or Suite.) Your test suite is actually a special test runner (or Runner), so you
can run it as you would a test class. Once you understand how a test class, Suite, and
Runner work, you will be able to write whatever tests you need. These three objects form
the backbone of the JUnit framework.
   On a daily basis, you only need to write test classes and test suites. The other classes
work behind the scenes to bring your tests to life.

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    Test class (or TestCase or test case) — A class that contains one or more tests
    represented by methods annotated with @Test. Use a test case to group together tests
    that exercise common behaviors. In the remainder of this book, when we mention a test,
    we mean a method annotated with @Test; and when we mention a test case (or test
    class), we mean a class that holds these test methods—that is, a set of tests.

    Suite (or test suite) — A group of tests. A test suite is a convenient way to group together
    tests that are related. For example, if you do not define a test suite for a test class,
    JUnit automatically provides a test suite that includes all tests found in the test class
    (more on that later).

    Runner (or test runner) — A runner of test suites. JUnit provides different runners to
    execute your tests. We cover these runners later in this chapter and show you how to
    write your own test runners.

Let us take a closer look at the responsibilities of each of the core objects that make up

Table 2.2 Core objects that make up JUnit.

JUnit concept     Responsibilities                                                   Introduced in …
                                                                                        Section 2.1
Assert            Lets you define the conditions that you want to test. An assert
                  method is silent when its proposition succeeds but throws an
                  exception if the proposition fails.
                                                                                        Section 2.1
Test              A method with an @Test annotation defines a test. To run this
                  method JUnit constructs a new instance of the containing class
                  and then invokes the annotated method.
                                                                                        Section 2.1
Test class        A test class is the container for @Test methods.
                  The Suite allows you to group test classes together.                  Section 2.3
                  The Runner class runs tests. JUnit 4 is backward                      Section 2.2
                  compatible and will run JUnit 3 tests.
   We can move on now on explaining in details those objects from the table above that we
still haven’t talked about – that are the Runner and Suite objects. We will start by
introducing the Runner object in the next section and later on in section 2.3 we will talk
about Suites.

2.2 Running tests with the JUnit test runner
Writing tests can be fun, but what about the grunt work of running them? When you are first
writing tests, you want them to run as quickly and easily as possible. You should be able to
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make testing part of the development cycle— code : run : test : code (or test : code : run :
test if you are test-first inclined). There are IDEs and compilers for quickly building and
running applications, but what can you use to run the tests?

2.2.1 JUnit’s test runners
JUnit4 is built around the notion of backward compatibility. Because of the fact that the 4.x
version of JUnit is completely different from the 3.x ones, it should be possible to execute
not only JUnit4 test, but also to execute “older” 3.x tests. That is the reason why in its latest
versions JUnit provides a couple of runners – for running JUnit3x tests, JUnit4 tests and for
running different sets of tests.

Table 2.3 Different test runners that come with JUnit4

Runner                                          Purpose
                                                   This runner is included in the current release
                                                of JUnit only for backward compatibility. It will
                                                start the test case as a JUnit38 test case.
                                                   This runner is inclined to force JUnit to start
                                                the test case as a JUnit4 test case.

                                                   Parameterized test-runner is supposed to run
                                                same sets of tests with different parameters.

                                                   The Suite is actually a container that can hold
                                                different tests together. The Suite is also a runner
                                                that executes all the @Test annotated methods
                                                in your test-class.
    Normally JUnit will detect the right test runner to use without asking you, based on the
test-case you provide. If you want to force it to use any particular runner you need to use
the @RunWith annotation as shown in the following listing.

Listing 2.2 @RunWith annotation of JUnit
   public class TestWithJUnit38 extends junit.framework.TestCase {

    So far we saw an overview of the different JUnit test-runners and how to instruct JUnit to
use any of them. But in order to choose the right test-runner we need to look in more details
into those objects

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2.2.2 Selecting a test runner
The two first runners listed in table 2.3 force JUnit to run the test respectfully as JUnit3.x or
JUnit4.x test. JUnit does not need to be instructed which test-runner to use and these two
test-runners are only for special occasions.
   The third listed runner (Parameterized) is an interesting creature that allows you to
run your single tests many times with different sets of parameters. As we believe an
example is worth several pages of explanation, the following listing demonstrates the
Parameterized runner in action.

Listing 2.3 Running tests with the Parameterized test-runner.
   @RunWith(value=Parameterized.class)                                                      (1)
   public class ParameterizedTest {

        private double expected;                                                            (2)
        private double valueOne;                                                            (2)
        private double valueTwo;                                                            (2)

        @Parameters                                                        (3)
        public static Collection dataParameters() {                        (3)
           return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
                                   {2,1,1}, //expected, valueOne, valueTwo

        public ParameterizedTest(double expected,
                                     double valueOne, double valueTwo) {                    (4)
           this.expected = expected;
           this.valueOne = valueOne;
           this.valueTwo = valueTwo;

        public void sum() {                                                                 (5)
           Calculator calc = new Calculator();                                              (6)
           assertEquals(expected, calc.add(valueOne, valueTwo), 0);                         (7)

   So to have a test-class run with the Parameterized test-runner you need to have
several obligatory elements. You need to denote the @RunWith annotation to use the
Parameterized test-runner (1). Then we declare some local instance variables we are
going to use in our tests (at (2)) and we provide the obligatory @Parameters-annotated
method (3). This method is used to provide the input and output data for the parameterized
tests. This method needs to be public, static and return a Collection instance by
signature. As we want to test the add method of our Calculator program we provide three
parameters – expected value, and two values that we will add together. At (4) we specify
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the obligatory constructor for the test. Note that this time our test-case does not have a no-
argument constructor, but instead has a constructor that accepts parameters for the test. At
(5) we finally implement the sum @Test method, that instantiates the Calculator program
(6), and asserts against the parameters we have provided (7).
      If you run this test you will see that it is executed exactly as many times as the size of
the Collection returned by the @Parameters method – that is the number of the parameter
entries. The execution of this single test-case has actually the same result as the execution
of the following many test-cases with different parameters:

sum:        assertEquals( 2, calculator.add( 1,1 ), 0 );
sum:        assertEquals( 3, calculator.add( 2,1 ), 0 );
sum:        assertEquals( 4, calculator.add( 3,1 ), 0 );

      For the last test-runner (Suite) we dedicate a separate section (2.3) so we will take a
closer look on it later on.

2.2.3 The JUnitCore façade
      To make running tests as quick and easy as possible, JUnit provides a façade
(org.junit.runner.JUnitCore), which operates with any of the test runners. This
facade is designed to execute your tests and provide you with statistics regarding the
outcome. Because it is specifically designed for this purpose, the facade can be very easy to
use. You can see the JUnitCore class in action in figure 1.3 in the previous chapter.

       Design patterns in action: Facade
       A 1 façade is a design pattern that provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a
       subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to
       use. This can be used to simplify a number of complicated object interactions into a single

       Facade exposes the interface of contained objects to the world, and the point of it is that
       this way clients don't have to be concerned with exactly which object in a subsystem
       they're dealing with. They just call their methods on the facade in blissful ignorance.

       The JUnit façade works the exact same way as described – it determines which runner to
use for running your tests. It supports running JUnit38 tests, JUnit4 tests or a mixture of
      There used to be a whole set of test runners in the previous 3.x version of JUnit,
including Swing and AWT test runners, but they are not included in the current 4.x version of
the framework. Those graphical test runners usually had a progress indicator running across
the screen, which was known as the famous JUnit green bar. JUnit testers tend to refer to

    The definition is taken from the Portland Pattern Repository here: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FacadePattern
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passing tests as green-bar and failing tests as red-bar.     “Keep the bar green to keep the
code clean” is the JUnit motto. So don’t get curious what its origin is, the next time you read
      As I already mentioned, in the current version of JUnit there is no graphical test runners
included, so the only way to use a graphical way to run your tests is to use your favorite IDE.
All of the IDEs out there support integration with JUnit. You can see the Eclipse’s JUnit plugin
executing a test in figure 2.1.

2.2.4 Defining your own custom test runner
      Unlike other elements of the JUnit framework,
there is no Runner interface.
      Instead, the various test runners bundled with
JUnit all extend Runner. If you needed to write your
own test runner for any reason, you could also
extend this class yourself. Please refer to Appendix B
where we cover this topic in details.

2.3 Composing tests with TestSuite
Simple things should be simple … and complex things
should be possible. Suppose you compile the simple
calculator test program from listing 2.1 and hand it to
the console façade runner, like this:

      >java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore
      CalculatorTest                                       Fig. 2.1 JUnit’s green bar, shown in

It should run just fine, assuming you have the correct
classpath. Altogether, this seems simple - at least as
far as running a single test case is concerned.
      But what happens when you want to run multiple test cases? Or just some of your test
cases? How can you group test cases?
      Between the notions of test-case and test-runner, it would seem that you need some type
of container that can collect several tests together and run them as a set. But, by making it
easier to run multiple cases, you don’t want to make it harder to run a single test case.
      JUnit’s answer to this puzzle is the Suite. The Suite is designed to run one or more test
cases. The test runner launches the Suite; which test-cases to run is up to the Suite.

2.3.1 Running the suite
You might wonder how you managed to run the example at the end of chapter 1, when you
didn’t define a Suite. To keep simple things simple, the test runner automatically creates a
Suite if you don’t provide one of your own. (Sweet!)

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   The default Suite scans your test class for any methods that are @Test annotated.
Internally, the default Suite creates an instance of your TestClass for each @Test method.
This way every @Test method is executed separately from the others – so your test-
methods do not interfere.
   If you added another test in the CalculatorTest class, like testSubtract, and you
annotate it with the @Test annotation, the default Suite would automatically include it too.
   So you see the Suite object is actually a Runner that executes all of the @Test
annotated methods in the test-class. But is it possible to combine test-methods from
different test-classes? Of course it is - that’s the real purpose of the Suite object! The next
code-listing shows exactly how to do this.

Listing 2.4 Composing test-methods from different test-classes.
   @RunWith(value=org.junit.runners.Suite.class)                                          (1)
   @SuiteClasses(value={TestFolderConfiguration.class,                                    (2)
                       TestFileConfiguration.class})                                      (2)
   public public class RunConfigurationTests {

   As you can see the only thing you need to do is
   Specify the appropriate runner with the @RunWith annotation.
   List the tests we want to include in this test by specifying the test-classes in the
@SuiteClasses annotation. All the test-methods from those classes will be included.
   Now you see for the CalculatorTest in listing 2.1, the default Suite could be represented
in code like this:

   public class AllTests {

   What we did so far was to introduce the different objects that build the backbone of the
JUnit framework. We looked over TestClass, Runner, and Suite to explore them in
details. What we want next is to see how to use those classes in a real-world example. And
that is exactly what we are going to do!
   In the next section we introduce the Controller design pattern and build a sample
Controller component application that we will test with JUnit. This way we will not only show
you how to use the JUnit components we have been dealing so far, but we will also introduce
a lot of JUnit best-practices with the means of the example application we have.

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2.4 Introducing the controller component
Core J2EE Patterns describes a controller as a component that “interacts with a client,
controlling and managing the handling of each request”, and tells us that it is used in both
presentation-tier and business-tier patterns. 2
In general, a controller does the following:

       Accepts requests
       Performs any common computations on the request

       Selects an appropriate request handler
       Routes the request so that the handler can execute the relevant business logic

       May provide a top-level handler for errors and exceptions

    A controller is a handy class and can be found in a variety of applications. For example, in
a presentation-tier pattern, a web controller accepts HTTP requests and extracts HTTP
parameters, cookies, and HTTP headers, perhaps making the HTTP elements easily
accessible to the rest of the application. A web controller determines the appropriate
business logic component to call based on elements in the request, perhaps with the help of
persistent data in the HTTP session, a database, or some other resource. The Apache Struts
framework is an example of a web controller.
    Another common use for a controller is to handle applications in a business tier pattern.
Many business applications support several presentation layers. Web applications may be
handled through HTTP clients. Desktop applications may be handled through Swing clients.
Behind these presentation tiers there is often an application controller, or state machine.
Many Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) applications are implemented this way. The EJB tier has its
own controller, which connects to different presentation tiers through a business façade or
    Given the many uses for a controller, it’s no surprise that controllers crop up in a number
of enterprise architecture patterns, including Page Controller, Front Controller, and
Application Controller 3 . The controller you will design here could be the first step in
implementing any of these classic patterns. Let’s work through the code for the simple
controller, to see how it works, and then try a few tests. If you would like to follow along and
run the tests as you go, all the source code for this chapter is available at SourceForge
(http://junitbook.sf.net). See appendix A for more about setting up the source code.

2.4.1 Designing the interfaces
Looking over the description of a controller, four objects pop out: the Request, the
Response, the RequestHandler, and the Controller. The Controller accepts a

  Deepak Alur, John Crupi, and Dan Malks, Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies(Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001).
  Martin Fowler, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003).
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Request, dispatches a RequestHandler, and returns a Response object. With a
description in hand, you can code some simple starter interfaces, like those shown in listing

Listing 2.5 Request, Response, RequestHandler and Controller interfaces
   public interface Request
      String getName();                                                            (1)
   public interface Response                                                       (2)
   public interface RequestHandler
      Response process(Request request) throws Exception;                          (3)
   public interface Controller
      Response processRequest(Request request);                                    (4)
      void addHandler(Request request, RequestHandler requestHandler);             (5)

(1) Define a Request interface with a single getName method that returns the request’s
unique name, just so you can differentiate one request from another. As you develop the
component you will need other methods, but you can add those as you go along.

(2) Here you specify an empty interface. To begin coding, you only need to return a
Response object. What the Response encloses is something you can deal with later. For
now, you just need a Response type you can plug into a signature.

(3) Define a RequestHandler that can process a Request and return your Response.
RequestHandler is a helper component designed to do most of the dirty work. It may call
upon classes that throw any type of exception. So, Exception is what you have the
process method throw.

(4) Define a top-level method for processing an incoming request. After accepting the
request, the controller dispatches it to the appropriate RequestHandler. Notice that
processRequest does not declare any exceptions. This method is at the top of the control
stack and should catch and cope with any and all errors internally. If it did throw an
exception, the error would usually go up to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or servlet
container. The JVM or container would then present the user with one of those nasty white
screens. Better you handle it yourself.

(5) This is a very important design element. The addHandler method allows you to extend
the Controller without modifying the Java source.

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     Design patterns in action: Inversion of Control
     Registering a handler with the controller is an example of Inversion of Control. This
     pattern is also known as the Hollywood Principle, or “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.” Objects
     register as handlers for an event. When the event occurs, a hook method on the
     registered object is invoked. Inversion of Control lets frameworks manage the event life
     cycle while allowing developers to plug in custom handlers for framework events. 4

2.4.2 Implementing the base class
Following up on the interfaces in listing 2.5, listing 2.6 shows a first draft of the simple
controller class.

Listing 2.6 The generic controller
    package junitbook.sampling;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;

    public class DefaultController implements Controller
       private Map requestHandlers = new HashMap();                                             (1)

        protected RequestHandler getHandler(Request request)                (2)
           if (!this.requestHandlers.containsKey(request.getName()))
              String message = "Cannot find handler for request name "
                                             + "[" + request.getName() + "]";
              throw new RuntimeException(message);                          (3)
           return (RequestHandler)
                         this.requestHandlers.get(request.getName());       (4)

        public Response processRequest(Request request)                                         (5)
           Response response;
               response = getHandler(request).process(request);
           catch (Exception exception)
               response = new ErrorResponse(request, exception);
           return response;

        public void addHandler(Request request, RequestHandler requestHandler)
           if (this.requestHandlers.containsKey(request.getName()))

4 http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?HollywoodPrinciple
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                throw new RuntimeException("A request handler has "                  (6)
                      + "already been registered for request name "                  (6)
                      + "[" + request.getName() + "]");                              (6)

(1) Declare a HashMap (java.util.HashMap) to act as the registry for your request
(2) Add a protected method, getHandler, to fetch the RequestHandler for a given
(3) If a RequestHandler has not been registered, you throw a RuntimeException
(java.lang.RuntimeException), because this happenstance represents a programming
mistake rather than an issue raised by a user or external system. Java does not require you
to declare the RuntimeException in the method’s signature, but you can still catch it as an
exception. An improvement would be to add a specific exception to the controller framework
(NoSuitableRequestHandlerException, for example).
(4) Your utility method returns the appropriate handler to its caller.
(5) This is the core of the Controller class: the processRequest method. This method
dispatches the appropriate handler for the request and passes back the handler’s Response.
If an exception bubbles up, it is caught in the ErrorResponse class, shown in listing 2.7.
(6) Check to see whether the name for the handler has been registered, and throw an
exception if it has. Looking at the implementation, note that the signature passes the
request object, but you only use its name. This sort of thing often occurs when an interface
is defined before the code is written. One way to avoid over-designing an interface is to
practice Test-Driven Development (see chapter 4).

Listing 2.7 Special response class signaling an error.
   public class ErrorResponse implements Response
       private Request originalRequest;
       private Exception originalException;
       public ErrorResponse(Request request, Exception exception)
          this.originalRequest = request;
          this.originalException = exception;
          public Request getOriginalRequest()
          return this.originalRequest;

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       public Exception getOriginalException()
          return this.originalException;

At this point, you have a crude but effective skeleton for the controller. Table 2.4 shows how
the requirements at the top of this section relate to the source code.

Table 2.4 Resolving the base requirements for the component

Requirement          Resolution
                     public Response processRequest(Request request)
Accept requests
Select handler
                     response = getRequestHandler(request).process(request);
Route requests
                         Subclass ErrorResponse

The next step for many developers would be to cobble up a stub application to go with the
skeleton controller. But not us! As “test-infected” developers, we can write a test suite for
the controller without fussing with a stub application. That’s the beauty of unit testing! You
can write a package and verify that it works, all outside of a conventional Java application.

2.5 Let’s test it!
A fit of inspiration has led us to code the four interfaces shown in listing 2.5 and the two
starter classes shown in listings 2.6 and 2.7. If we don’t write an automatic test now, the
Bureau of Extreme Programming will be asking for our membership cards back!
   Listings 2.6 and 2.7 began with the simplest implementations possible. So, let’s do the
same with the new set of unit tests. What’s the simplest possible test case we can explore?

2.5.1 Testing the DefaultController
How about a test-case that instantiates the DefaultController class? The first step in
doing anything useful with the controller is to construct it, so let’s start there. Listing 2.8
shows the bootstrap test code. It constructs the DefaultController object and sets up a
framework for writing tests.

Listing 2.8 TestDefaultController – a bootstrap iteration
   package junitbook.sampling;
   import org.junit.core.Test;
   import static org.junit.Assert.*;

   public class TestDefaultController                                                      (1)
      private DefaultController controller;

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       public void instantiate() throws Exception                                            (2)
          controller = new DefaultController();
       public void testMethod()                                                              (3)
          throw new RuntimeException("implement me");                                        (4)

(1) Start the name of the test case class with the prefix Test. The naming convention is not
required, but doing so we mark the class as a test case so that you can easily recognize test
classes and possibly filter them in build scripts.
(2) Use the @Before-annotated method to instantiate DefaultController. This is a built-
in extension point that the JUnit framework calls between test methods.
(3) Here you insert a dummy test method, just so you have something to run. As soon as
you are sure the test infrastructure is working, you can begin adding real test methods. Of
course, although this test runs, it also fails. The next step will be to fix the test!
(4) Use a “best practice” by throwing an exception for test code that has not yet been
implemented. This prevents the test from passing and reminds you that you must implement
this code.

    JUnit’s details
    The @Before and @After annotated methods are executed right before/after the
    execution of each one of your @Test methods, and regardless of the fact whether the
    test failed or not. This helps you to extract all of your common logic, like instantiating
    your domain objects and setting them up in some known state. You can have as many of
    these methods, as you want, but beware because in case you have more than one of the
    @Before/@After methods no one knows what is the order of their execution.

    JUnit also provides the @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations to annotate
    your methods in that class. The methods that you annotate will get executed, only once
    before/after all of your @Test methods.       Again, as with the @Before and @After
    annotations you can have as many of these methods as you want, and again nothing is
    specified about the order of the execution.

    You   need     to    remember that both   the   @Before/@After        and
    @BeforeClass/@AfterClass annotated methods must be public by signature.
    The @BeforeClass/@AfterClass annotated methods must be public and also be
    static by signature.

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             Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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2.5.2 Adding a handler
Now that you have a bootstrap test, the next step is to decide what to test first. We started
the test case with the DefaultController object, because that’s the point of this
exercise: to create a controller. You wrote some code and made sure it compiled. But how
can you test to see if it works?
   The purpose of the controller is to process a request and return a response. But before
you process a request, the design calls for adding a RequestHandler to do the actual
processing. So, first things first: you should test whether you can add a RequestHandler.
   The tests you ran in chapter 1 returned a known result. To see if the test succeeded, you
compared the result you expected with whatever result the object you were testing returned.
The signature for addHandler is

   void addHandler(Request request, RequestHandler requestHandler)

To add a RequestHandler, you need a Request with a known name. To check to see if
adding it worked, you can use the getHandler method from DefaultController, which
uses this signature:

   RequestHandler getHandler(Request request)

This is possible because the getHandler method is protected, and the test classes are
located in the same package as the classes they are testing.
   For the first test, it looks like you can do the following:

       Add a RequestHandler, referencing a Request.

       Get a RequestHandler and pass the same Request.
       Check to see if you get the same RequestHandler back.

Now you know what objects you need. The next question is “where do these objects come
from?” Should you go ahead and write some of the objects you will use in the application,
like a logon request?
   The point of unit testing is to test one object at a time. In an object-oriented environment
like Java, objects are designed to interact with other objects. To create a unit test, it follows
that you need two flavors of objects: the domain object you are testing and test objects to
interact with the object under test.
    DEFINITION: domain object—In the context of unit testing, the term domain object is
    used to contrast and compare the objects you use in your application with the objects
    that you use to test your application (test objects). Any object under test is considered to
    be a domain object.

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                        Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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If you used another domain object, like a logon request, and a test failed, it would be hard to
identify the culprit. You might not be able to tell if the problem was with the controller or the
request. So, in the first series of tests, the only class you will use in production is
DefaultController. Everything else should be a special test class.

    JUnit best practices: unit-test one object at a time
    A vital aspect of unit tests is that they are finely grained. A unit test independently
    examines each object you create, so that you can isolate problems as soon as they occur.
    If more than one object is put under test, you cannot predict how the objects will interact
    when changes occur to one or the other. When an object interacts with other complex
    objects, you can surround the object under test with predictable test objects. Another
    form of software test, integration testing, examines how working objects interact with
    each other. See chapter 3 for more about other types of tests.

Where do you put the test classes? Java provides several alternatives. For starters, you could
do one of the following:

       Make them public classes in your package

       Make them inner classes within your test case class

If the classes are simple and likely to stay that way, then it is easiest to code them as inner
classes. The classes in this example are pretty simple. Listing 2.9 shows the inner classes
you can add to the TestDefaultController class.

Listing 2.9 Test classes as inner classes
   public class TestDefaultController
      private class SampleRequest implements Request                                         (1)
         public String getName()
            return "Test";
      private class SampleHandler implements RequestHandler                                  (2)
         public Response process(Request request) throws Exception
            return new SampleResponse();
      private class SampleResponse implements Response                                       (3)
         // empty

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(1) Set up a request object that returns a known name (Test).
(2) Implement a SampleHandler. The interface calls for a process method, so you have
to code that, too. You’re not testing the process method right now, so you have it return a
SampleResponse object to satisfy the signature.
(3) Go ahead and define an empty SampleResponse just so you have something to

With the scaffolding from listing 2.9 in place, let’s look at listing 2.10, which shows the test
for adding a RequestHandler.

Listing 2.10 TestDefaultController.testAddHandler
   import static org.junit.Assert.*;

   public class TestDefaultController
      public void testAddHandler()                                   (1)
         Request request = new SampleRequest();                      (2)
         RequestHandler handler = new SampleHandler();               (2)
         controller.addHandler(request, handler);                    (3)
         RequestHandler handler2 = controller.getHandler(request);   (4)
         assertSame(“Handler we set in controller should be the
                            same handler we get”, handler2, handler);(5)
(1) Pick an obvious name for the test method and annotate your test method with the @Test
(2) Instantiate your test objects.
(3) This code gets to the point of the test: controller (the object under test) adds the test
handler. Note that the DefaultController object is instantiated by the @Before-
annotated method (see listing 2.8).
(4) Read back the handler under a new variable name.
(5) Check to see if you get back the same object you put in.

    JUnit best practices: choose meaningful test method names
    You can see that a method is a test-method by the @Test annotation. But you also must
    be able to understand what a method is testing by reading the name. Although JUnit does
    not imply any special rules for naming your test methods, a good rule is to start with the
    testXXX naming scheme, where XXX is the name of the method to test. As you add
    other tests against the same method, move to the testXXXYYY scheme, where YYY
    describes how the tests differ. Don’t be afraid that the names of your tests are getting

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                      Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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    long. As you will see by the end of the chapter it is sometimes not so obvious what a
    method is testing simply by looking at the assert methods in it – so the only chance we
    have is – naming your test-methods in a descriptive fashion and putting comments where

Although it’s very simple, this unit test confirms the key premise that the mechanism for
storing and retrieving RequestHandler is alive and well. If addHandler or getRequest
fails in the future, the test will quickly detect the problem.
   As you create more tests like this, you will notice that you follow a pattern of steps:
Set up the test by placing the environment in a known state (create objects, acquire
resources). The pre-test state is referred to as the test fixture.
Invoke the method under test.
Confirm the result, usually by calling one or more assert methods.

2.5.3 Processing a request
Let’s look at testing the core purpose of the controller, processing a request. Because you
know the routine, we’ll just present the test in listing 2.11 and review it.

Listing 2.11 testProcessRequest
   import static org.junit.Assert.*;

   public class TestDefaultController
      public void testProcessRequest()                                                       (1)
          Request request = new SampleRequest();                                             (2)
          RequestHandler handler = new SampleHandler();                                      (2)
          controller.addHandler(request, handler);                                           (2)
          Response response = controller.processRequest(request);                            (3)
          assertNotNull("Must not return a null response", response);                        (4)
          assertEquals(“Response should be of type SampleResponse”,
                       SampleResponse.class, response.getClass());                           (5)


(1) First annotate the test with the @Test annotation and give the test a simple, uniform
(2) Set up the test objects and add the test handler.
(3) Here the code diverges from listing 2.10 and calls the processRequest method.
(4) You verify that the returned Response object is not null. This is important because you
call the getClass method on the Response object. It will fail with a dreaded
NullPointerException if the Response object is null. You use the
assertNotNull(String, Object) signature so that if the test fails, the error displayed
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            Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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20 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E                  Last saved: 7/7/2009

is meaningful and easy to understand. If you had used the assertNotNull(Object)
signature,     the   JUnit   runner   would    have    displayed       a   stack   trace   showing   a
java.lang.AssertionError exception with no message, which would be more difficult
to diagnose.
(5) Once again, compare the result of the test against the expected SampleResponse class.

    JUnit best practices: explain the failure reason in assert calls
    Whenever you use any of the JUnit assert* methods, make sure you use the signature
    that takes a String as the first parameter. This parameter lets you provide a
    meaningful textual description that is displayed in the JUnit test runner if the assert fails.
    Not using this parameter makes it difficult to understand the reason for a failure when it

   Because both tests do the same type of setup, you can try moving that code into a
@Before annotated method. At the same time you don’t want to move it into a new
@Before method because you are not sure which method will be executed first, and thus
you may get an exception. Instead you can move it into the same @Before method.
   As you add more test methods, you may need to adjust what you do in the @Before
methods. For now, eliminating duplicate code as soon as possible helps you write more tests
more quickly. Listing 2.12 shows the new and improved TestDefaultController class
(changes are shown in bold).

Listing 2.12 TestDefaultController after some refactoring
   public class TestDefaultController
       private DefaultController controller;
       private Request request;
       private RequestHandler handler;

       public void initialize() throws Exception                   {
          controller = new DefaultController();
          request = new SampleRequest();                                                       (1)
          handler = new SampleHandler();                                                       (1)

          controller.addHandler(request, handler);                                             (1)
       private class SampleRequest implements Request
          // Same as in listing 2.5
       private class SampleHandler implements RequestHandler
          // Same as in listing 2.5

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          private class SampleResponse implements Response
             // Same as in listing 2.5
          public void testAddHandler()                                                                 (2)
             RequestHandler handler2 = controller.getHandler(request);
             assertSame(handler2, handler);
          public void testProcessRequest()                                                             (3)
             Response response = controller.processRequest(request);
             assertNotNull("Must not return a null response", response);
             assertEquals(“Response should be of type SampleResponse”,
                          SampleResponse.class, response.getClass());
The instantiation of the test Request and RequestHandler objects is moved to
initialize (1). This saves you repeating the same code in testAddHandler (2) and
testProcessRequest (3). Also, we make a new @Before annotated method for adding
the handler to the controller. Since @Before methods are executed before every single
@Test method, we make sure we have a fully setup DefaultController object.

       DEFINITION: refactor — To improve the design of existing code. For more about
       refactoring, see Martin Fowler’s already-classic book 5

Note that you do not try to share the setup code by testing more than one operation in a test
method, as shown in listing 2.13 (an anti-example).

Listing 2.13 Do not combine test methods like this (anti-example)
      public class TestDefaultController
         public void testAddAndProcess()
            Request request = new SampleRequest();
            RequestHandler handler = new SampleHandler();
            controller.addHandler(request, handler);
            RequestHandler handler2 = controller.getHandler(request);

              Response response = controller.processRequest(request);
              assertNotNull("Must not return a null response", response);

    Martin Fowler, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1999).
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              Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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             assertEquals(SampleResponse.class, response.getClass());

    JUnit best practices: one unit test equals one @Test method
    Do not try to cram several tests into one method. The result will be more complex test
    methods, which will become increasingly difficult to read and understand. Worse, the
    more logic you write in your test methods, the more risk there is that it will not work and
    will need debugging. This is a slippery slope that can end with writing tests to test your

    Unit tests give you confidence in a program by alerting you when something that had
    worked now fails. If you put more than one unit test in a method, it makes it more
    difficult to zoom in on exactly what went wrong. When tests share the same method, a
    failing test may leave the fixture in an unpredictable state. Other tests embedded in the
    method may not run, or may not run properly. Your picture of the test results will often
    be incomplete or even misleading.

    Because all the test methods in a TestClass share the same fixture, and JUnit can now
    generate an automatic test suite, it’s really just as easy to place each unit test in its own
    method. If you need to use the same block of code in more than one test, extract it into a
    utility method that each test method can call. Better yet, if all methods can share the
    code, put it into the fixture.

    Another common pitfall is to make test-methods that do not contain any assert
    statements. When you execute those tests you see JUnit flags them as successful, but
    this is an illusion of successful tests. Don’t do this!

    For best results, your test methods should be as concise and focused as your domain

Each test method must be as clear and focused as possible. This is why JUnit provides you
with the @Before and @BeforeClass methods: so you can share fixtures between tests
without combining test methods.

2.5.4 Improving testProcessRequest
When we wrote the testProcessRequest method in listing 2.11, we wanted to confirm
that the response returned is the expected response. The implementation confirms that the
object returned is the object that we expected. But what we would really like to know is
whether the response returned equals the expected response. The response could be a
different class. What’s important is whether the class identifies itself as the correct response.
   The assertSame method confirms that both references are to the same object. The
assertEquals method utilizes the equals method, inherited from the base Object class.

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                       Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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To see if two different objects have the same identity, you need to provide your own
definition of identity. For an object like a response, you can assign each response its own
command token (or name).
   The empty implementation of SampleResponse didn’t have a name property you can
test. To get the test you want, you have to implement a little more of the Response class
first. Listing 2.14 shows the enhanced SampleResponse class.

Listing 2.14 A refactored SampleResponse
   public class TestDefaultController
      private class SampleResponse implements Response
         private static final String NAME = "Test";
         public String getName()
            return NAME;
         public boolean equals(Object object)
            boolean result = false;
            if (object instanceof SampleResponse)
               result = ((SampleResponse) object).getName().equals(getName());
            return result;
         public int hashCode()
            return NAME.hashCode();

Now that SampleResponse has an identity (represented by getName()) and its own
equals method, you can amend the test method:

   public void testProcessRequest()
      Response response = controller.processRequest(request);
      assertNotNull("Must not return a null response", response);
      assertEquals(new SampleResponse(), response);
We have introduced the concept of identity in the SampleResponse class for the purpose of
the test. However, the tests are really telling you that this should have existed in the proper
Response class. Thus you need to modify the Response interface as follows:

   public interface Response

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          Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
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24 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E                Last saved: 7/7/2009

       String getName();
   As you see tests can sometimes “talk” and guide you to a better design of your
application. But this is not the real purpose of the tests. Don’t forget that the tests are used
to protect us from introducing errors in our code. To do this we need to test absolutely every
condition under which our application might be executed. We start investigating the
exceptional conditions in the next chapter.

2.6 Testing exception handling
So far, your tests have followed the main path of execution. If the behavior of one of your
objects under test changes in an unexpected way, this type of test points to the root of the
problem. In essence, you have been writing diagnostic tests that monitor the application’s
   But sometimes, bad things happen to healthy programs. Say an application needs to
connect to a database. Your diagnostics may test whether you are following the database’s
API. If you open a connection but don’t close it, a diagnostic can note that you have failed to
meet the expectation that all connections are closed after use.
   But what if a connection is not available? Maybe the connection pool is tapped out. Or,
perhaps the database server is down. If the database server is configured properly and you
have all the resources you need, this may never happen.
   But all resources are finite, and someday, instead of a connection, you may be handed an
exception. “Anything that can go wrong, will” (http://www.murphys-laws.com).
   If you are testing an application by hand, one way to test for this sort of thing is to turn
off the database while the application is running. Forcing actual error conditions is an
excellent way to test your disaster-recovery capability. Creating error conditions is also very
time-consuming. Most of us cannot afford to do this several times a day—or even once a
day. And many other error conditions are not easy to create by hand.
   Testing the main path of execution is a good thing, and it needs to be done. But testing
exception-handling can be even more important. If the main path does not work, your
application will not work either (a condition you are likely to notice).

    JUnit best practices: test anything that could possibly fail
    Unit tests help ensure that your methods are keeping their API contracts with other
    methods. If the contract is based solely on other components’ keeping their contracts,
    then there may not be any useful behavior for you to test. But if the method changes the
    parameter’s or field’s value in any way, then you are providing unique behavior that you
    should test. The method is no longer a simple go-between—it’s a filtering or munging
    method with its own behavior that future changes could conceivably break. If a method is
    changed so it is not so simple anymore, then you should add a test when that change

©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum:

                      Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>

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  • 1. Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 1 ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502
  • 2. Download at WoweBook.Com 2 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 MEAP Edition Manning Early Access Program Copyright 2009 Manning Publications For more information on this and other Manning titles go to www.manning.com ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 3. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 3 Part I JUnit 1. JUnit jumpstart 2. Exploring JUnit 3. Software testing principles 4. Software tests at their best Part II Testing strategies 5. Course-grained testing with stubs 6. Mock objects 7. In-container testing Part III JUnit and the build process 8. Running JUnit tests from Ant 9. Running JUnit tests from Maven2 10. Continuous integration tools Part IV JUnit extensions 11. Presentation layer testing 12. Ajax testing 13. Server-side testing with Cactus 14. Testing JSF applications with JSFUnit 15. Testing OSGi components 16. Database testing with DBUnit 17. Testing JPA-based applications 18. JUnit on steroids Appendices A. Differences between JUnit 3.x and JUnit 4.x B. Extending JUnit API with custom runners and matchers C. The source code for the book D. JUnit integration with different IDEs E. Installing software ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 4. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 1 Part I JUnit Welcome to JUnit in Action. JUnit is a framework that was started by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma in the late 1995. Ever since then the popularity of the framework has been growing and is now the de-fact standard for unit-testing Java applications. This book is actually a second edition. The first edition was a best-seller, written by Vincent Massol and Ted Husted in 2003, and was dedicated in version 3.x of JUnit We will try to cover the newest version of JUnit - 4.5, and will talk about lots of features that were included after the first edition of the book. At the same time we will try to focus on some other interesting techniques in testing your code - mock objects, JUnit extensions, testing different layers of your application and so forth. This part will start by exploring JUnit itself. We will focus on the other tools and techniques further in the book. The first chapter will give you a very quick introduction to the concepts of testing. You need this knowledge to get you jumpstarted. You will get straight to the code and see how to write a very simple test and how to execute it and see the results from it. The second chapter introduces a JUnit at its most. We build a bigger project and walking over the code we will let you know not only of the JUnit concepts, widgets and guts, but also we will show you the best-practices in writing a test-case and will demonstrate them with the project we have. The third chapter is dedicated on tests as a whole. We describe different kinds of tests, and the different scenarios to which they apply. We will also get to know the different platforms (development, production, etc.) and will show you which tests and which scenarios are best to execute there. The last chapter in this part of the book is dedicated on improving your testing skills. We will show you how to measure your test-coverage and how to improve it. How to produce testable code before you write your tests and how to write the tests before you write a single line of code. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 5. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 1 01 JUnit jump-start This chapter covers What JUnit is Installing JUnit Writing your first test Running tests ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 6. Download at WoweBook.Com 2 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 Never in the field of software development was so much owed by so many to so few lines of code. —Martin Fowler All code is tested. During development, the first thing we do is run our own programmer’s “acceptance test.” We code, compile, and run. When we run, we test. The “test” may just be clicking a button to see if it brings up the expected menu. Nevertheless, every day, we code, we compile, we run…, and we test. When we test, we often find issues—especially on the first run. Therefore, we code, compile, run, and test again. Most of us will quickly develop a pattern for our informal tests: We add a record, view a record, edit a record, and delete a record. Running a little test suite like this by hand is easy enough to do; so we do it. Over and over again. Some programmers like doing this type of repetitive testing. It can be a pleasant break from deep thought and hard coding. When our little click-through tests finally succeed, there is a real feeling of accomplishment: Eureka! I found it! Other programmers dislike this type of repetitive work. Rather than run the test by hand, they prefer to create a small program that runs the test automatically. Play-testing code is one thing; running automated tests is another. If you are a “play-test” developer, this book is for you. We will show you how creating automated tests can be easy, effective, and even fun. If you are already “test-infected,” this book is also for you. We cover the basics in part 1, and then move on to the tough, real-life problems in parts 2, 3, and 4. 1.1 Proving it works Some developers feel that automated tests are an essential part of the development process: You cannot prove a component works until it passes a comprehensive series of tests. In fact, two developers felt that this type of “unit testing” was so important that it deserved its own framework. In 1997, Erich Gamma and Kent Beck created a simple but effective unit testing framework for Java, called JUnit. The work followed the design of an earlier framework Kent Beck created for Smalltalk, called SUnit. DEFINITION: framework — A framework is a semi-complete application 1 . A framework provides a reusable, common structure to share between applications. Developers incorporate the 1 Ralph Johnson and Brian Foote, “Designing Reusable Classes,” Journal of Object-Oriented Programming 1.5 (June/July 1988): 22–35; http://www.laputan.org/drc/drc.html. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 7. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 3 framework into their own application and extend it to meet their specific needs. Frameworks differ from toolkits by providing a coherent structure, rather than a simple set of utility classes. If you recognize those names, it is for good reason. Erich Gamma is one of the “Gang of Four” who gave us the now classic Design Patterns book 2 . We know Kent Beck equally well for his groundbreaking work in the software discipline known as Extreme Programming (http://www.extremeprogramming.org). JUnit (http://www.junit.org) is open source software, released under IBM’s Common Public License Version 1.0 and hosted on SourceForge. The Common Public License is business-friendly: People can distribute JUnit with commercial products without a lot of red tape or restrictions. JUnit quickly became the de facto standard framework for developing unit tests in Java. In fact, the underlying testing model, known as xUnit, is on its way to becoming the standard framework for any language. There are xUnit frameworks available for ASP, C++, C#, Eiffel, Delphi, Perl, PHP, Python, REBOL, Smalltalk, and Visual Basic—just to name a few! Of course, the JUnit team did not invent software testing or even the unit test. Originally, the term unit test described a test that examined the behavior of a single unit of work. Over time, usage of the term unit test broadened. For example, IEEE has defined unit testing as “Testing of individual hardware or software units or groups of related units” (emphasis added) 3 . In this book, we use the term unit test in the narrower sense of a test that examines a single unit in isolation from other units. We focus on the type of small, incremental test that programmers apply to their own code. Sometimes we call these programmer tests to differentiate them from quality assurance tests or customer tests (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ProgrammerTest). Here is a generic description of a typical unit test from our perspective: “Confirm that the method accepts the expected range of input, and that the method returns the expected value for each input.” This description asks us to test the behavior of a method through its interface. If we give it value x, will it return value y? If we give it value z instead, will it throw the proper exception? 2 Erich Gamma et al., Design Patterns (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995). 3 IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary: A Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossaries (New York, IEEE, 1990). ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 8. Download at WoweBook.Com 4 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 DEFINITION: unit test—A unit test examines the behavior of a distinct unit of work. Within a Java application, the “distinct unit of work” is often (but not always) a single method. By contrast, integration tests and acceptance tests examine how various components interact. A unit of work is a task that is not directly dependent on the completion of any other task. Unit tests often focus on testing whether a method is following the terms of its API contract. Like a written contract by people who agree to exchange certain goods or services under specific conditions, an API contract is a formal agreement made by the signature of a method. A method requires its callers to provide specific object references or primitive values and returns an object reference or primitive value.. If the method cannot fulfill the contract, the test throws an exception and we say that the method has broken its contract. DEFINITION: API contract—A view of an Application Programming Interface (API) as a formal agreement between the caller and the callee. Often the unit tests help define the API contract by demonstrating the expected behavior. The notion of an API contract stems from the practice of Design by Contract, popularized by the Eiffel programming language (http://archive.eiffel.com/doc/manuals/technology/contract). In this chapter, we will walk through creating a unit test for a simple class from scratch. We will start by writing a test and its minimal runtime framework, so you can see how we used to do things. Then, we will roll out JUnit to show you how the right tools can make life much simpler. 1.2 Starting from scratch Let us say you have just written the Calculator class shown in listing 1.1. Listing 1.1 The test calculator class public class Calculator { public double add(double number1, double number2) { return number1 + number2; } } Although the documentation is not shown, the intended purpose of the Calculator’s add(double, double) method is to take two doubles and return the sum as a double. The compiler can tell you that it compiles, but you should also make sure it works at runtime. A core tenet of unit testing is “Any program feature without an automated test simply doesn’t ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 9. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 5 exist.” 4 The add method represents a core feature of the calculator. You have some code that allegedly implements the feature. What is missing is an automated test that proves your implementation works. Isn’t the add method just “too simple to break”? The current implementation of the add method is too simple to break. If add were a minor utility method, then you might not test it directly. In that case, if add did fail, then tests of the methods that used add would fail. The add method would be tested indirectly, but tested nonetheless. In the context of the calculator program, add is not just a method, it is a program feature. In order to have confidence in the program, most developers would expect there to be an automated test for the add feature, no matter how simple the implementation appears. In some cases, you can prove program features through automatic functional tests or automatic acceptance tests. For more about software tests in general, see chapter 3. Yet testing anything at this point seems problematic. You do not even have a user interface with which to enter a pair of doubles. You could write a small command line program that waited for you to type in two double values and then displayed the result. Of course, then you would also be testing your own ability to type a number and add the result ourselves. This is much more than what you want to do. You just want to know if this “unit of work” will actually add two doubles and return the correct sum. You do not want to test whether programmers can type numbers! Meanwhile, if you are going to go to the effort of testing your work, you should also try to preserve that effort. It is good to know that the add(double,double) method worked when you wrote it. However, what you really want to know is whether the method works when you ship the rest of the application or whenever you make a subsequent modification. If we put these requirements together, we come up with the idea of writing a simple test program for the add method. The test program could pass known values to the method and see if the result matches our expectations. You could also run the program again later to be sure the method continues to work as the application grows. So what is the simplest possible test program you could write? What about the CalculatorTest program shown in listing 1.2? Listing 1.2 A simple test calculator program public class CalculatorTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); double result = calculator.add(10,50); 4 Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley, 1999). ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 10. Download at WoweBook.Com 6 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 if (result != 60) { System.out.println("Bad result: " + result); } } } The first CalculatorTest is simple indeed. It creates an instance of Calculator, passes it two numbers, and checks the result. If the result does not meet your expectations, you print a message on standard output. If you compile and run this program now, the test will quietly pass, and all will seem well. However, what happens if you change the code so that it fails? You will have to watch carefully the screen for the error message. You may not have to supply the input, but you are still testing your own ability to monitor the program’s output. You want to test the code, not yourself! The conventional way to signal an error conditions in Java is to throw an exception. Let us throw an exception instead to indicate a test failure. Meanwhile, you may also want to run tests for other Calculator methods that you have not written yet, like subtract or multiply. Moving to a modular design would make it easier to catch and handle exceptions and make it easier to extend the test program later. Listing 1.3 shows a slightly better CalculatorTest program. Listing 1.3 A (slightly) better test calculator program public class CalculatorTest { private int nbErrors = 0; public void testAdd() { (1) Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); | double result = calculator.add(10, 50); | if (result != 60) { | throw new IllegalStateException("Bad result: " + result); | } | } (1) public static void main(String[] args) { CalculatorTest test = new CalculatorTest(); try { (2) test.testAdd(); | } | catch (Throwable e) { | test.nbErrors++; | e.printStackTrace(); | } | if (test.nbErrors > 0) { (2) throw new IllegalStateException("There were " + test.nbErrors + " error(s)"); } } } ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 11. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 7 Working from listing 1.3, at (1) you move the test into its own testAdd method. It is now easier to focus on what the test does. You can also add more methods with more unit tests later, without making the main method harder to maintain. At (2), you change the main method to print a stack trace when an error occurs and then, if there are any errors, end by throwing a summary exception. 1.3 Understanding unit-testing frameworks There are several best practices that unit testing frameworks should follow. These seemingly minor improvements in the CalculatorTest program highlight three rules that (in our experience) all unit testing frameworks should follow: Each unit test must run independently of all other unit tests. The framework must detect and report errors test by test. It must be easy to define which unit tests will run. The “slightly better” test program comes close to following these rules but still falls short. For example, in order for each unit test to be truly independent, each should run in a different class instance and ideally in a different class loader instance. You can now add new unit tests by adding a new method and then adding a corresponding try/catch block to main. This is a step up, but still short of what you would want in a real unit test suite. Our experience tells us that large try-catch blocks cause maintenance problems. You could easily leave a unit test out and never know it! It would be nice if you could just add new test methods and continue working. However, how would the program know which methods to run? Well, you could have a simple registration procedure. A registration method would at least inventory which tests are running. Another approach would be to use Java’s reflection and introspection capabilities. A program could look at itself and decide to run whatever methods follow a certain naming convention —like those that begin with the letters test, for example. Making it easy to add tests (the third rule in our earlier list) sounds like another good rule for a unit testing framework. The support code to realize this rule (via registration or introspection) would not be trivial, but it would be worthwhile. There would be a lot of work up front, but that effort would pay off each time you added a new test. Happily, the JUnit team has saved you the trouble. The JUnit framework already supports introspecting methods. It also supports using a different class instance and class loader instance for each test, and reports all errors on a test-by-test basis. Now that you have a better idea of why you need a unit testing framework, let us set up JUnit and see it in action. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 12. Download at WoweBook.Com 8 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 1.4 Setting up JUnit In order to use JUnit to write your application tests, you will simply need to add the JUnit jar file to your project’s compilation classpath and to your execution classpath. Follow these steps: Download the JUnit distribution (junit-4.6 or newer) from http://www.junit.org. JUnit contains several test samples that you will run to get familiar with executing JUnit tests. Unzip the distribution Zip file to a directory on your computer system (for example, C: on Windows or /opt/ on UNIX). In this directory, unzipping will create a subdirectory for the JUnit distribution you downloaded (for example, C:junit4.6 on Windows or /opt/junit4.6 on UNIX). You are now ready to run the tests provided with the JUnit distribution. JUnit comes complete with Java programs that you can use to view the result of a test, including a text- based test runner with console output (figure 1.2). To run the text test runner, open a shell in C:junit4.6 on Windows or in /opt/junit4.6 UNIX, and type the appropriate command for your operating system: Windows: java -cp junit-4.6.jar;. junit.samples.AllTests UNIX: java -cp junit-4.6.jar:. junit.samples.AllTests The AllTests class contains a main method to execute the sample tests: public static void main (String[] args) { junit.textui.TestRunner.run(suite()); } Figure 1.1 shows the result of the test executing. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 13. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 9 Fig 1.1 Execution of the JUnit distribution sample tests using the text test runner Notice that the JUnit text test runner displays passing tests with a dot. Had there been errors, they would have displayed with an E instead of a dot. In part III of the book, we will look at running tests using the Ant build tool and also the Maven build tool. 1.5 Testing with JUnit JUnit has many features that make it easy to write and run tests. You will see these features at work throughout this book: Separate test class instances and class loaders for each unit test to avoid side effects. JUnit annotations to provide resource initialization and reclamation methods: @Before, @BeforeClass, @After, and @AfterClass. A variety of assert methods to make it easy to check the results of your tests. Integration with popular tools like Ant, Maven, and popular IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, and JBuilder. Without further ado, let us turn to listing 1.4 and see what the simple Calculator test looks like when written with JUnit Listing 1.4 The JUnit CalculatorTest program import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; public class CalculatorTest { (1) @Test (2) public void testAdd() { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); (3) double result = calculator.add(10, 50); (4) assertEquals(60, result, 0); (5) ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 14. Download at WoweBook.Com 10 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 } } This is a much simpler test, let us walk through it. At (1), you start by defining a test class. The only restriction is that the class must be public, you can name it whatever you like though. It is standard practice to end the class name with "Test". Notice also that in contrast to JUnit 3 where you needed to extend the TestCase class, this requirement has been removed in JUnit 4. At (2), you mark the method as a unit test method by adding the @Test annotation 5 . A best-practice is to name your test methods following the testXXX pattern. JUnit does not have method name restrictions, you can name your methods as you like, as long as they have the @Test annotation they will be executed by JUnit. At (3), you start the test by creating an instance of the Calculator class (the “object under test”), and at (4), as before, you execute the test by calling the method to test, passing it two known values. At (5), the JUnit framework begins to shine! To check the result of the test, you call an assertEquals method, which you imported with a static import on the first line of the class. The Javadoc for the assertEquals method is: /** * Asserts that two doubles or floats are equal to within a positive delta. * If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. */ static public void assertEquals( double expected, double actual, double delta) In listing 1.4, you passed assertEquals these parameters: expected = 60 actual = result delta = 0 Since you passed the calculator the values 10 and 50, you tell assertEquals to expect the sum to be 60. (You pass 0 as the delta since you are adding integers.) When you called the calculator object, you tucked the return value into a local double named result. Therefore, you pass that variable to assertEquals to compare against the expected value of 60. If the actual value is not equal to the expected value, JUnit throws an unchecked exception, which causes the test to fail. Most often, the delta parameter can be zero, and you can safely ignore it. It comes into play with calculations that are not always precise, which includes many floating-point 5 Annotations were first introduced in JDK 1.5. so in order to use them you need to have the 1.5 or later version of the JDK. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 15. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 11 calculations. The delta provides a range factor. If the actual value is within the range expected - delta and expected + delta the test will pass. You may find it useful when doing mathematical computations with rounding or truncating errors or when asserting a condition about the modification date of a file, as the precision of these dates depend on the operating system. JUnit Design Goals The JUnit team has defined three discrete goals for the framework: The framework must help us write useful tests. The framework must help us create tests that retain their value over time. The framework must help us lower the cost of writing tests by reusing code. In listing 1.4, we showed how easy it is to write tests with JUnit. We will return to the other goals in chapter 2. Let us assume you have entered the code from listings 1.1 and 1.4 in the C:junitbookjumpstart directory (/opt/junitbook/jumpstart on UNIX). Let us first compile the code by opening a command shell in that directory and typing the following (we will assume you have the javac executable on your PATH): Windows: javac -cp junit4.6junit-4.6.jar *.java UNIX: javac -cp /junit4.6/junit-4.6.jar *.java You are now ready to start the console test runner, by typing the following: Windows: java -cp .;junit4.6junit-4.6.jar ➔ org.junit.runner.JUnitCore CalculatorTest UNIX: java -cp .:/junit4.6/junit-4.6.jar ➔org.junit.runner.JUnitCore CalculatorTest Figure 1.2 shows the test result . The remarkable thing about the JUnit CalculatorTest class in listing 1.4 is that the code is easier to write than the first CalculatorTest program in listing 1.2. In addition, you can run the test automatically through the JUnit framework. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 16. Download at WoweBook.Com 12 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 Figure 1.2 Execution of the first JUnit test CalculatorTest using the text test runner NOTE If you are maintaining tests written prior to JUnit version 3.8.1, your class needs a String constructor, for example: public CalculatorTest(String name) { super(name); } This is no longer required with JUnit 3.8.1 and later. 1.6 Summary Every developer should perform some type of test to see if code actually works. Developers who use automatic unit tests can repeat these tests on demand to ensure that new code works and does not break existing tests. Simple unit tests are not difficult to create without JUnit, but as tests are added and become more complex, writing and maintaining tests becomes more difficult. JUnit is a unit testing framework that makes it easier to create, run, and revise unit tests. In this chapter, we scratched the surface of JUnit by stepping through a simple test. Of course, JUnit has much more to offer. In chapter 2, we take a closer look at the JUnit framework classes (different annotations and assertion mechanisms) and how they work together to make unit testing efficient and effective. We will also walk through the differences between the old-style JUnit 3 and the new features in JUnit 4. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 17. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 1 02 Exploring JUnit This chapter covers Using the core JUnit classes Understanding JUnit mechanisms Understanding the JUnit lifecycle ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 18. Download at WoweBook.Com 2 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 Mistakes are the portals of discovery. —James Joyce In chapter 1, we decided that we need a reliable and repeatable way to test our program. Our solution is to write or reuse a framework to drive test code that exercises our program's API. As our program grows with new classes and new methods to existing classes, we need to grow our test code as well. As experience has taught us that sometimes classes interact in unexpected ways, we need to make sure that we can run all of our tests at any time, no matter what code changes took place. The question becomes, how do we run multiple test classes? How do we find out which tests passed and which ones failed? In this chapter, we will look at how JUnit provides the functionality to answer those questions. We will begin with an overview of the core JUnit concepts – the test class, test suite and test runner. We will take a close look at the core test runners and the test suite, before we revisit our old friend the test class. We will also examine how the core classes work together. In the second part of this chapter, we will use an example application to show you how to use these core JUnit concepts. We will demonstrate best practices for writing and organizing test code. 2.1 Exploring core JUnit The CalculatorTest program from chapter 1, shown in listing 2.1, defines a test class with a single test method testAdd. The requirements to define a test class are that the class must be public and contain a zero-argument constructor. In our example, since we do not define any other constructors, we do not need to define the zero-argument constructor, Java creates it for us implicitly. The requirement to create a test method is that it must be annotated with @Test, be public, take no arguments, and return void. Listing 2.1 The CalculatorTest test case import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Test; public class CalculatorTest { @Test public void testAdd() { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); double result = calculator.add(10, 50); assertEquals(60, result, 0); } } JUnit creates a new instance of the test class before invoking each @Test method. This helps provide independence between test methods and avoids unintentional side effects in ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 19. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 3 the test code. Since each test methods runs on a new test class instance, you cannot reuse instance variables values across test methods. To perform test validation, you use the assert methods provided by the JUnit Assert class. As you can see from the previous example, you statically import these methods in your test class. Alternatively, you can import JUnit Assert class itself, depending on your taste for static imports. The following table lists some of the most popular assert methods. Table 2.1 Some of the assertXXX methods in JUnit. assertXXX method What is it used for assertArrayEquals(“message”, A, B) Asserts the equality of the A and B arrays. assertEquals(“message”, A, B) Assert equality of objects A and B. This assert actually invokes the equals() method on the first object against the second. assertSame(“message”, A, B) Asserts that the A and B objects have the same value. While the previous assert method checks to see that both the A and B are the same objects (using equals method), the assertSame method actually checks to see if the A and B objects have the same value (using == operator). assertTrue(“message”, A) Assert the A condition is true. assertNotNull(“message”, A) Assert the A object is not null. Assert methods with two value parameters follow a pattern worth memorizing: the first parameter (A above) is the expected value and the second parameter (B above) is the actual value. JUnit provides many other methods – like assertArrayNotEquals, assertNotSame, assertNotTrue, etc. It also provides the same methods with a different signature – without the message parameter. It is a best practice to provide an error message for all your assert method calls. Recall Murphy's Law and apply it here, when an assertion fails, describe what went wrong in a human readable message. When you need to run several test classes at once, you create another object called a test suite (or Suite.) Your test suite is actually a special test runner (or Runner), so you can run it as you would a test class. Once you understand how a test class, Suite, and Runner work, you will be able to write whatever tests you need. These three objects form the backbone of the JUnit framework. On a daily basis, you only need to write test classes and test suites. The other classes work behind the scenes to bring your tests to life. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 20. Download at WoweBook.Com 4 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 DEFINITION: Test class (or TestCase or test case) — A class that contains one or more tests represented by methods annotated with @Test. Use a test case to group together tests that exercise common behaviors. In the remainder of this book, when we mention a test, we mean a method annotated with @Test; and when we mention a test case (or test class), we mean a class that holds these test methods—that is, a set of tests. Suite (or test suite) — A group of tests. A test suite is a convenient way to group together tests that are related. For example, if you do not define a test suite for a test class, JUnit automatically provides a test suite that includes all tests found in the test class (more on that later). Runner (or test runner) — A runner of test suites. JUnit provides different runners to execute your tests. We cover these runners later in this chapter and show you how to write your own test runners. Let us take a closer look at the responsibilities of each of the core objects that make up JUnit. Table 2.2 Core objects that make up JUnit. JUnit concept Responsibilities Introduced in … Section 2.1 Assert Lets you define the conditions that you want to test. An assert method is silent when its proposition succeeds but throws an exception if the proposition fails. Section 2.1 Test A method with an @Test annotation defines a test. To run this method JUnit constructs a new instance of the containing class and then invokes the annotated method. Section 2.1 Test class A test class is the container for @Test methods. The Suite allows you to group test classes together. Section 2.3 Suite The Runner class runs tests. JUnit 4 is backward Section 2.2 Runner compatible and will run JUnit 3 tests. We can move on now on explaining in details those objects from the table above that we still haven’t talked about – that are the Runner and Suite objects. We will start by introducing the Runner object in the next section and later on in section 2.3 we will talk about Suites. 2.2 Running tests with the JUnit test runner Writing tests can be fun, but what about the grunt work of running them? When you are first writing tests, you want them to run as quickly and easily as possible. You should be able to ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 21. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 5 make testing part of the development cycle— code : run : test : code (or test : code : run : test if you are test-first inclined). There are IDEs and compilers for quickly building and running applications, but what can you use to run the tests? 2.2.1 JUnit’s test runners JUnit4 is built around the notion of backward compatibility. Because of the fact that the 4.x version of JUnit is completely different from the 3.x ones, it should be possible to execute not only JUnit4 test, but also to execute “older” 3.x tests. That is the reason why in its latest versions JUnit provides a couple of runners – for running JUnit3x tests, JUnit4 tests and for running different sets of tests. Table 2.3 Different test runners that come with JUnit4 Runner Purpose This runner is included in the current release org.junit.internal.runners.JUnit38ClassRunner of JUnit only for backward compatibility. It will start the test case as a JUnit38 test case. This runner is inclined to force JUnit to start org.junit.runners.JUnit4 the test case as a JUnit4 test case. Parameterized test-runner is supposed to run org.junit.runners.Parameterized same sets of tests with different parameters. The Suite is actually a container that can hold org.junit.runners.Suite different tests together. The Suite is also a runner that executes all the @Test annotated methods in your test-class. Normally JUnit will detect the right test runner to use without asking you, based on the test-case you provide. If you want to force it to use any particular runner you need to use the @RunWith annotation as shown in the following listing. Listing 2.2 @RunWith annotation of JUnit @RunWith(value=org.junit.internal.runners.JUnit38ClassRunner.class) public class TestWithJUnit38 extends junit.framework.TestCase { […] } So far we saw an overview of the different JUnit test-runners and how to instruct JUnit to use any of them. But in order to choose the right test-runner we need to look in more details into those objects ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 22. Download at WoweBook.Com 6 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 2.2.2 Selecting a test runner The two first runners listed in table 2.3 force JUnit to run the test respectfully as JUnit3.x or JUnit4.x test. JUnit does not need to be instructed which test-runner to use and these two test-runners are only for special occasions. The third listed runner (Parameterized) is an interesting creature that allows you to run your single tests many times with different sets of parameters. As we believe an example is worth several pages of explanation, the following listing demonstrates the Parameterized runner in action. Listing 2.3 Running tests with the Parameterized test-runner. […] @RunWith(value=Parameterized.class) (1) public class ParameterizedTest { private double expected; (2) private double valueOne; (2) private double valueTwo; (2) @Parameters (3) public static Collection dataParameters() { (3) return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { {2,1,1}, //expected, valueOne, valueTwo {3,2,1}, {4,3,1}, }); } public ParameterizedTest(double expected, double valueOne, double valueTwo) { (4) this.expected = expected; this.valueOne = valueOne; this.valueTwo = valueTwo; } @Test public void sum() { (5) Calculator calc = new Calculator(); (6) assertEquals(expected, calc.add(valueOne, valueTwo), 0); (7) } } So to have a test-class run with the Parameterized test-runner you need to have several obligatory elements. You need to denote the @RunWith annotation to use the Parameterized test-runner (1). Then we declare some local instance variables we are going to use in our tests (at (2)) and we provide the obligatory @Parameters-annotated method (3). This method is used to provide the input and output data for the parameterized tests. This method needs to be public, static and return a Collection instance by signature. As we want to test the add method of our Calculator program we provide three parameters – expected value, and two values that we will add together. At (4) we specify ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 23. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 7 the obligatory constructor for the test. Note that this time our test-case does not have a no- argument constructor, but instead has a constructor that accepts parameters for the test. At (5) we finally implement the sum @Test method, that instantiates the Calculator program (6), and asserts against the parameters we have provided (7). If you run this test you will see that it is executed exactly as many times as the size of the Collection returned by the @Parameters method – that is the number of the parameter entries. The execution of this single test-case has actually the same result as the execution of the following many test-cases with different parameters: sum: assertEquals( 2, calculator.add( 1,1 ), 0 ); sum: assertEquals( 3, calculator.add( 2,1 ), 0 ); sum: assertEquals( 4, calculator.add( 3,1 ), 0 ); For the last test-runner (Suite) we dedicate a separate section (2.3) so we will take a closer look on it later on. 2.2.3 The JUnitCore façade To make running tests as quick and easy as possible, JUnit provides a façade (org.junit.runner.JUnitCore), which operates with any of the test runners. This facade is designed to execute your tests and provide you with statistics regarding the outcome. Because it is specifically designed for this purpose, the facade can be very easy to use. You can see the JUnitCore class in action in figure 1.3 in the previous chapter. Design patterns in action: Facade A 1 façade is a design pattern that provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use. This can be used to simplify a number of complicated object interactions into a single interface. Facade exposes the interface of contained objects to the world, and the point of it is that this way clients don't have to be concerned with exactly which object in a subsystem they're dealing with. They just call their methods on the facade in blissful ignorance. The JUnit façade works the exact same way as described – it determines which runner to use for running your tests. It supports running JUnit38 tests, JUnit4 tests or a mixture of both. There used to be a whole set of test runners in the previous 3.x version of JUnit, including Swing and AWT test runners, but they are not included in the current 4.x version of the framework. Those graphical test runners usually had a progress indicator running across the screen, which was known as the famous JUnit green bar. JUnit testers tend to refer to 1 The definition is taken from the Portland Pattern Repository here: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FacadePattern ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 24. Download at WoweBook.Com 8 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 passing tests as green-bar and failing tests as red-bar. “Keep the bar green to keep the code clean” is the JUnit motto. So don’t get curious what its origin is, the next time you read it. As I already mentioned, in the current version of JUnit there is no graphical test runners included, so the only way to use a graphical way to run your tests is to use your favorite IDE. All of the IDEs out there support integration with JUnit. You can see the Eclipse’s JUnit plugin executing a test in figure 2.1. 2.2.4 Defining your own custom test runner Unlike other elements of the JUnit framework, there is no Runner interface. Instead, the various test runners bundled with JUnit all extend Runner. If you needed to write your own test runner for any reason, you could also extend this class yourself. Please refer to Appendix B where we cover this topic in details. 2.3 Composing tests with TestSuite Simple things should be simple … and complex things should be possible. Suppose you compile the simple calculator test program from listing 2.1 and hand it to the console façade runner, like this: >java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore CalculatorTest Fig. 2.1 JUnit’s green bar, shown in Eclipse. It should run just fine, assuming you have the correct classpath. Altogether, this seems simple - at least as far as running a single test case is concerned. But what happens when you want to run multiple test cases? Or just some of your test cases? How can you group test cases? Between the notions of test-case and test-runner, it would seem that you need some type of container that can collect several tests together and run them as a set. But, by making it easier to run multiple cases, you don’t want to make it harder to run a single test case. JUnit’s answer to this puzzle is the Suite. The Suite is designed to run one or more test cases. The test runner launches the Suite; which test-cases to run is up to the Suite. 2.3.1 Running the suite You might wonder how you managed to run the example at the end of chapter 1, when you didn’t define a Suite. To keep simple things simple, the test runner automatically creates a Suite if you don’t provide one of your own. (Sweet!) ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 25. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 9 The default Suite scans your test class for any methods that are @Test annotated. Internally, the default Suite creates an instance of your TestClass for each @Test method. This way every @Test method is executed separately from the others – so your test- methods do not interfere. If you added another test in the CalculatorTest class, like testSubtract, and you annotate it with the @Test annotation, the default Suite would automatically include it too. So you see the Suite object is actually a Runner that executes all of the @Test annotated methods in the test-class. But is it possible to combine test-methods from different test-classes? Of course it is - that’s the real purpose of the Suite object! The next code-listing shows exactly how to do this. Listing 2.4 Composing test-methods from different test-classes. […] @RunWith(value=org.junit.runners.Suite.class) (1) @SuiteClasses(value={TestFolderConfiguration.class, (2) TestFileConfiguration.class}) (2) public public class RunConfigurationTests { } As you can see the only thing you need to do is Specify the appropriate runner with the @RunWith annotation. List the tests we want to include in this test by specifying the test-classes in the @SuiteClasses annotation. All the test-methods from those classes will be included. Now you see for the CalculatorTest in listing 2.1, the default Suite could be represented in code like this: @RunWith(value=Suite.class) @SuiteClasses(value={CalculatorTest.class}) public class AllTests { } What we did so far was to introduce the different objects that build the backbone of the JUnit framework. We looked over TestClass, Runner, and Suite to explore them in details. What we want next is to see how to use those classes in a real-world example. And that is exactly what we are going to do! In the next section we introduce the Controller design pattern and build a sample Controller component application that we will test with JUnit. This way we will not only show you how to use the JUnit components we have been dealing so far, but we will also introduce a lot of JUnit best-practices with the means of the example application we have. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 26. Download at WoweBook.Com 10 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 2.4 Introducing the controller component Core J2EE Patterns describes a controller as a component that “interacts with a client, controlling and managing the handling of each request”, and tells us that it is used in both presentation-tier and business-tier patterns. 2 In general, a controller does the following: Accepts requests Performs any common computations on the request Selects an appropriate request handler Routes the request so that the handler can execute the relevant business logic May provide a top-level handler for errors and exceptions A controller is a handy class and can be found in a variety of applications. For example, in a presentation-tier pattern, a web controller accepts HTTP requests and extracts HTTP parameters, cookies, and HTTP headers, perhaps making the HTTP elements easily accessible to the rest of the application. A web controller determines the appropriate business logic component to call based on elements in the request, perhaps with the help of persistent data in the HTTP session, a database, or some other resource. The Apache Struts framework is an example of a web controller. Another common use for a controller is to handle applications in a business tier pattern. Many business applications support several presentation layers. Web applications may be handled through HTTP clients. Desktop applications may be handled through Swing clients. Behind these presentation tiers there is often an application controller, or state machine. Many Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) applications are implemented this way. The EJB tier has its own controller, which connects to different presentation tiers through a business façade or delegate. Given the many uses for a controller, it’s no surprise that controllers crop up in a number of enterprise architecture patterns, including Page Controller, Front Controller, and Application Controller 3 . The controller you will design here could be the first step in implementing any of these classic patterns. Let’s work through the code for the simple controller, to see how it works, and then try a few tests. If you would like to follow along and run the tests as you go, all the source code for this chapter is available at SourceForge (http://junitbook.sf.net). See appendix A for more about setting up the source code. 2.4.1 Designing the interfaces Looking over the description of a controller, four objects pop out: the Request, the Response, the RequestHandler, and the Controller. The Controller accepts a 2 Deepak Alur, John Crupi, and Dan Malks, Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001). 3 Martin Fowler, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003). ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 27. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 11 Request, dispatches a RequestHandler, and returns a Response object. With a description in hand, you can code some simple starter interfaces, like those shown in listing 2.5. Listing 2.5 Request, Response, RequestHandler and Controller interfaces public interface Request { String getName(); (1) } public interface Response (2) { } public interface RequestHandler { Response process(Request request) throws Exception; (3) } public interface Controller { Response processRequest(Request request); (4) void addHandler(Request request, RequestHandler requestHandler); (5) } (1) Define a Request interface with a single getName method that returns the request’s unique name, just so you can differentiate one request from another. As you develop the component you will need other methods, but you can add those as you go along. (2) Here you specify an empty interface. To begin coding, you only need to return a Response object. What the Response encloses is something you can deal with later. For now, you just need a Response type you can plug into a signature. (3) Define a RequestHandler that can process a Request and return your Response. RequestHandler is a helper component designed to do most of the dirty work. It may call upon classes that throw any type of exception. So, Exception is what you have the process method throw. (4) Define a top-level method for processing an incoming request. After accepting the request, the controller dispatches it to the appropriate RequestHandler. Notice that processRequest does not declare any exceptions. This method is at the top of the control stack and should catch and cope with any and all errors internally. If it did throw an exception, the error would usually go up to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or servlet container. The JVM or container would then present the user with one of those nasty white screens. Better you handle it yourself. (5) This is a very important design element. The addHandler method allows you to extend the Controller without modifying the Java source. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 28. Download at WoweBook.Com 12 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 Design patterns in action: Inversion of Control Registering a handler with the controller is an example of Inversion of Control. This pattern is also known as the Hollywood Principle, or “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.” Objects register as handlers for an event. When the event occurs, a hook method on the registered object is invoked. Inversion of Control lets frameworks manage the event life cycle while allowing developers to plug in custom handlers for framework events. 4 2.4.2 Implementing the base class Following up on the interfaces in listing 2.5, listing 2.6 shows a first draft of the simple controller class. Listing 2.6 The generic controller package junitbook.sampling; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class DefaultController implements Controller { private Map requestHandlers = new HashMap(); (1) protected RequestHandler getHandler(Request request) (2) { if (!this.requestHandlers.containsKey(request.getName())) { String message = "Cannot find handler for request name " + "[" + request.getName() + "]"; throw new RuntimeException(message); (3) } return (RequestHandler) this.requestHandlers.get(request.getName()); (4) } public Response processRequest(Request request) (5) { Response response; try { response = getHandler(request).process(request); } catch (Exception exception) { response = new ErrorResponse(request, exception); } return response; } public void addHandler(Request request, RequestHandler requestHandler) { if (this.requestHandlers.containsKey(request.getName())) 4 http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?HollywoodPrinciple ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 29. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 13 { throw new RuntimeException("A request handler has " (6) + "already been registered for request name " (6) + "[" + request.getName() + "]"); (6) } else { this.requestHandlers.put(request.getName(), requestHandler); } } } (1) Declare a HashMap (java.util.HashMap) to act as the registry for your request handlers. (2) Add a protected method, getHandler, to fetch the RequestHandler for a given request. (3) If a RequestHandler has not been registered, you throw a RuntimeException (java.lang.RuntimeException), because this happenstance represents a programming mistake rather than an issue raised by a user or external system. Java does not require you to declare the RuntimeException in the method’s signature, but you can still catch it as an exception. An improvement would be to add a specific exception to the controller framework (NoSuitableRequestHandlerException, for example). (4) Your utility method returns the appropriate handler to its caller. (5) This is the core of the Controller class: the processRequest method. This method dispatches the appropriate handler for the request and passes back the handler’s Response. If an exception bubbles up, it is caught in the ErrorResponse class, shown in listing 2.7. (6) Check to see whether the name for the handler has been registered, and throw an exception if it has. Looking at the implementation, note that the signature passes the request object, but you only use its name. This sort of thing often occurs when an interface is defined before the code is written. One way to avoid over-designing an interface is to practice Test-Driven Development (see chapter 4). Listing 2.7 Special response class signaling an error. […] public class ErrorResponse implements Response { private Request originalRequest; private Exception originalException; public ErrorResponse(Request request, Exception exception) { this.originalRequest = request; this.originalException = exception; } public Request getOriginalRequest() { return this.originalRequest; } ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 30. Download at WoweBook.Com 14 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 public Exception getOriginalException() { return this.originalException; } } At this point, you have a crude but effective skeleton for the controller. Table 2.4 shows how the requirements at the top of this section relate to the source code. Table 2.4 Resolving the base requirements for the component Requirement Resolution public Response processRequest(Request request) Accept requests this.requestHandlers.get(request.getName()) Select handler response = getRequestHandler(request).process(request); Route requests Subclass ErrorResponse Error-handling The next step for many developers would be to cobble up a stub application to go with the skeleton controller. But not us! As “test-infected” developers, we can write a test suite for the controller without fussing with a stub application. That’s the beauty of unit testing! You can write a package and verify that it works, all outside of a conventional Java application. 2.5 Let’s test it! A fit of inspiration has led us to code the four interfaces shown in listing 2.5 and the two starter classes shown in listings 2.6 and 2.7. If we don’t write an automatic test now, the Bureau of Extreme Programming will be asking for our membership cards back! Listings 2.6 and 2.7 began with the simplest implementations possible. So, let’s do the same with the new set of unit tests. What’s the simplest possible test case we can explore? 2.5.1 Testing the DefaultController How about a test-case that instantiates the DefaultController class? The first step in doing anything useful with the controller is to construct it, so let’s start there. Listing 2.8 shows the bootstrap test code. It constructs the DefaultController object and sets up a framework for writing tests. Listing 2.8 TestDefaultController – a bootstrap iteration package junitbook.sampling; import org.junit.core.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class TestDefaultController (1) { private DefaultController controller; ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 31. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 15 @Before public void instantiate() throws Exception (2) { controller = new DefaultController(); } @Test public void testMethod() (3) { throw new RuntimeException("implement me"); (4) } } (1) Start the name of the test case class with the prefix Test. The naming convention is not required, but doing so we mark the class as a test case so that you can easily recognize test classes and possibly filter them in build scripts. (2) Use the @Before-annotated method to instantiate DefaultController. This is a built- in extension point that the JUnit framework calls between test methods. (3) Here you insert a dummy test method, just so you have something to run. As soon as you are sure the test infrastructure is working, you can begin adding real test methods. Of course, although this test runs, it also fails. The next step will be to fix the test! (4) Use a “best practice” by throwing an exception for test code that has not yet been implemented. This prevents the test from passing and reminds you that you must implement this code. JUnit’s details The @Before and @After annotated methods are executed right before/after the execution of each one of your @Test methods, and regardless of the fact whether the test failed or not. This helps you to extract all of your common logic, like instantiating your domain objects and setting them up in some known state. You can have as many of these methods, as you want, but beware because in case you have more than one of the @Before/@After methods no one knows what is the order of their execution. JUnit also provides the @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations to annotate your methods in that class. The methods that you annotate will get executed, only once before/after all of your @Test methods. Again, as with the @Before and @After annotations you can have as many of these methods as you want, and again nothing is specified about the order of the execution. You need to remember that both the @Before/@After and @BeforeClass/@AfterClass annotated methods must be public by signature. The @BeforeClass/@AfterClass annotated methods must be public and also be static by signature. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 32. Download at WoweBook.Com 16 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 2.5.2 Adding a handler Now that you have a bootstrap test, the next step is to decide what to test first. We started the test case with the DefaultController object, because that’s the point of this exercise: to create a controller. You wrote some code and made sure it compiled. But how can you test to see if it works? The purpose of the controller is to process a request and return a response. But before you process a request, the design calls for adding a RequestHandler to do the actual processing. So, first things first: you should test whether you can add a RequestHandler. The tests you ran in chapter 1 returned a known result. To see if the test succeeded, you compared the result you expected with whatever result the object you were testing returned. The signature for addHandler is void addHandler(Request request, RequestHandler requestHandler) To add a RequestHandler, you need a Request with a known name. To check to see if adding it worked, you can use the getHandler method from DefaultController, which uses this signature: RequestHandler getHandler(Request request) This is possible because the getHandler method is protected, and the test classes are located in the same package as the classes they are testing. For the first test, it looks like you can do the following: Add a RequestHandler, referencing a Request. Get a RequestHandler and pass the same Request. Check to see if you get the same RequestHandler back. WHERE DO TESTS COME FROM? Now you know what objects you need. The next question is “where do these objects come from?” Should you go ahead and write some of the objects you will use in the application, like a logon request? The point of unit testing is to test one object at a time. In an object-oriented environment like Java, objects are designed to interact with other objects. To create a unit test, it follows that you need two flavors of objects: the domain object you are testing and test objects to interact with the object under test. DEFINITION: domain object—In the context of unit testing, the term domain object is used to contrast and compare the objects you use in your application with the objects that you use to test your application (test objects). Any object under test is considered to be a domain object. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 33. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 17 If you used another domain object, like a logon request, and a test failed, it would be hard to identify the culprit. You might not be able to tell if the problem was with the controller or the request. So, in the first series of tests, the only class you will use in production is DefaultController. Everything else should be a special test class. JUnit best practices: unit-test one object at a time A vital aspect of unit tests is that they are finely grained. A unit test independently examines each object you create, so that you can isolate problems as soon as they occur. If more than one object is put under test, you cannot predict how the objects will interact when changes occur to one or the other. When an object interacts with other complex objects, you can surround the object under test with predictable test objects. Another form of software test, integration testing, examines how working objects interact with each other. See chapter 3 for more about other types of tests. WHERE DO TEST CLASSES LIVE? Where do you put the test classes? Java provides several alternatives. For starters, you could do one of the following: Make them public classes in your package Make them inner classes within your test case class If the classes are simple and likely to stay that way, then it is easiest to code them as inner classes. The classes in this example are pretty simple. Listing 2.9 shows the inner classes you can add to the TestDefaultController class. Listing 2.9 Test classes as inner classes public class TestDefaultController { [...] private class SampleRequest implements Request (1) { public String getName() { return "Test"; } } private class SampleHandler implements RequestHandler (2) { public Response process(Request request) throws Exception { return new SampleResponse(); } } private class SampleResponse implements Response (3) { // empty } [...] ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 34. Download at WoweBook.Com 18 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 (1) Set up a request object that returns a known name (Test). (2) Implement a SampleHandler. The interface calls for a process method, so you have to code that, too. You’re not testing the process method right now, so you have it return a SampleResponse object to satisfy the signature. (3) Go ahead and define an empty SampleResponse just so you have something to instantiate. With the scaffolding from listing 2.9 in place, let’s look at listing 2.10, which shows the test for adding a RequestHandler. Listing 2.10 TestDefaultController.testAddHandler […] import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class TestDefaultController { [...] @Test public void testAddHandler() (1) { Request request = new SampleRequest(); (2) RequestHandler handler = new SampleHandler(); (2) controller.addHandler(request, handler); (3) RequestHandler handler2 = controller.getHandler(request); (4) assertSame(“Handler we set in controller should be the same handler we get”, handler2, handler);(5) } } (1) Pick an obvious name for the test method and annotate your test method with the @Test annotation. (2) Instantiate your test objects. (3) This code gets to the point of the test: controller (the object under test) adds the test handler. Note that the DefaultController object is instantiated by the @Before- annotated method (see listing 2.8). (4) Read back the handler under a new variable name. (5) Check to see if you get back the same object you put in. JUnit best practices: choose meaningful test method names You can see that a method is a test-method by the @Test annotation. But you also must be able to understand what a method is testing by reading the name. Although JUnit does not imply any special rules for naming your test methods, a good rule is to start with the testXXX naming scheme, where XXX is the name of the method to test. As you add other tests against the same method, move to the testXXXYYY scheme, where YYY describes how the tests differ. Don’t be afraid that the names of your tests are getting ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 35. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 19 long. As you will see by the end of the chapter it is sometimes not so obvious what a method is testing simply by looking at the assert methods in it – so the only chance we have is – naming your test-methods in a descriptive fashion and putting comments where necessary. Although it’s very simple, this unit test confirms the key premise that the mechanism for storing and retrieving RequestHandler is alive and well. If addHandler or getRequest fails in the future, the test will quickly detect the problem. As you create more tests like this, you will notice that you follow a pattern of steps: Set up the test by placing the environment in a known state (create objects, acquire resources). The pre-test state is referred to as the test fixture. Invoke the method under test. Confirm the result, usually by calling one or more assert methods. 2.5.3 Processing a request Let’s look at testing the core purpose of the controller, processing a request. Because you know the routine, we’ll just present the test in listing 2.11 and review it. Listing 2.11 testProcessRequest import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class TestDefaultController { [...] @Test public void testProcessRequest() (1) { Request request = new SampleRequest(); (2) RequestHandler handler = new SampleHandler(); (2) controller.addHandler(request, handler); (2) Response response = controller.processRequest(request); (3) assertNotNull("Must not return a null response", response); (4) assertEquals(“Response should be of type SampleResponse”, SampleResponse.class, response.getClass()); (5) } } (1) First annotate the test with the @Test annotation and give the test a simple, uniform name. (2) Set up the test objects and add the test handler. (3) Here the code diverges from listing 2.10 and calls the processRequest method. (4) You verify that the returned Response object is not null. This is important because you call the getClass method on the Response object. It will fail with a dreaded NullPointerException if the Response object is null. You use the assertNotNull(String, Object) signature so that if the test fails, the error displayed ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 36. Download at WoweBook.Com 20 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 is meaningful and easy to understand. If you had used the assertNotNull(Object) signature, the JUnit runner would have displayed a stack trace showing a java.lang.AssertionError exception with no message, which would be more difficult to diagnose. (5) Once again, compare the result of the test against the expected SampleResponse class. JUnit best practices: explain the failure reason in assert calls Whenever you use any of the JUnit assert* methods, make sure you use the signature that takes a String as the first parameter. This parameter lets you provide a meaningful textual description that is displayed in the JUnit test runner if the assert fails. Not using this parameter makes it difficult to understand the reason for a failure when it happens. FACTORIZING SETUP LOGIC Because both tests do the same type of setup, you can try moving that code into a @Before annotated method. At the same time you don’t want to move it into a new @Before method because you are not sure which method will be executed first, and thus you may get an exception. Instead you can move it into the same @Before method. As you add more test methods, you may need to adjust what you do in the @Before methods. For now, eliminating duplicate code as soon as possible helps you write more tests more quickly. Listing 2.12 shows the new and improved TestDefaultController class (changes are shown in bold). Listing 2.12 TestDefaultController after some refactoring […] public class TestDefaultController { private DefaultController controller; private Request request; private RequestHandler handler; @Before public void initialize() throws Exception { controller = new DefaultController(); request = new SampleRequest(); (1) handler = new SampleHandler(); (1) controller.addHandler(request, handler); (1) } private class SampleRequest implements Request { // Same as in listing 2.5 } private class SampleHandler implements RequestHandler { // Same as in listing 2.5 } ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 37. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 21 private class SampleResponse implements Response { // Same as in listing 2.5 } @Test public void testAddHandler() (2) { RequestHandler handler2 = controller.getHandler(request); assertSame(handler2, handler); } @Test public void testProcessRequest() (3) { Response response = controller.processRequest(request); assertNotNull("Must not return a null response", response); assertEquals(“Response should be of type SampleResponse”, SampleResponse.class, response.getClass()); } } The instantiation of the test Request and RequestHandler objects is moved to initialize (1). This saves you repeating the same code in testAddHandler (2) and testProcessRequest (3). Also, we make a new @Before annotated method for adding the handler to the controller. Since @Before methods are executed before every single @Test method, we make sure we have a fully setup DefaultController object. DEFINITION: refactor — To improve the design of existing code. For more about refactoring, see Martin Fowler’s already-classic book 5 Note that you do not try to share the setup code by testing more than one operation in a test method, as shown in listing 2.13 (an anti-example). Listing 2.13 Do not combine test methods like this (anti-example) public class TestDefaultController { [...] @Test public void testAddAndProcess() { Request request = new SampleRequest(); RequestHandler handler = new SampleHandler(); controller.addHandler(request, handler); RequestHandler handler2 = controller.getHandler(request); assertEquals(handler2,handler); // DO NOT COMBINE TEST METHODS THIS WAY Response response = controller.processRequest(request); assertNotNull("Must not return a null response", response); 5 Martin Fowler, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1999). ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 38. Download at WoweBook.Com 22 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 assertEquals(SampleResponse.class, response.getClass()); } } JUnit best practices: one unit test equals one @Test method Do not try to cram several tests into one method. The result will be more complex test methods, which will become increasingly difficult to read and understand. Worse, the more logic you write in your test methods, the more risk there is that it will not work and will need debugging. This is a slippery slope that can end with writing tests to test your tests! Unit tests give you confidence in a program by alerting you when something that had worked now fails. If you put more than one unit test in a method, it makes it more difficult to zoom in on exactly what went wrong. When tests share the same method, a failing test may leave the fixture in an unpredictable state. Other tests embedded in the method may not run, or may not run properly. Your picture of the test results will often be incomplete or even misleading. Because all the test methods in a TestClass share the same fixture, and JUnit can now generate an automatic test suite, it’s really just as easy to place each unit test in its own method. If you need to use the same block of code in more than one test, extract it into a utility method that each test method can call. Better yet, if all methods can share the code, put it into the fixture. Another common pitfall is to make test-methods that do not contain any assert statements. When you execute those tests you see JUnit flags them as successful, but this is an illusion of successful tests. Don’t do this! For best results, your test methods should be as concise and focused as your domain methods. Each test method must be as clear and focused as possible. This is why JUnit provides you with the @Before and @BeforeClass methods: so you can share fixtures between tests without combining test methods. 2.5.4 Improving testProcessRequest When we wrote the testProcessRequest method in listing 2.11, we wanted to confirm that the response returned is the expected response. The implementation confirms that the object returned is the object that we expected. But what we would really like to know is whether the response returned equals the expected response. The response could be a different class. What’s important is whether the class identifies itself as the correct response. The assertSame method confirms that both references are to the same object. The assertEquals method utilizes the equals method, inherited from the base Object class. ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 39. Download at WoweBook.Com Last saved: 7/7/2009 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E 23 To see if two different objects have the same identity, you need to provide your own definition of identity. For an object like a response, you can assign each response its own command token (or name). The empty implementation of SampleResponse didn’t have a name property you can test. To get the test you want, you have to implement a little more of the Response class first. Listing 2.14 shows the enhanced SampleResponse class. Listing 2.14 A refactored SampleResponse public class TestDefaultController { [...] private class SampleResponse implements Response { private static final String NAME = "Test"; public String getName() { return NAME; } public boolean equals(Object object) { boolean result = false; if (object instanceof SampleResponse) { result = ((SampleResponse) object).getName().equals(getName()); } return result; } public int hashCode() { return NAME.hashCode(); } } [...] Now that SampleResponse has an identity (represented by getName()) and its own equals method, you can amend the test method: @Test public void testProcessRequest() { Response response = controller.processRequest(request); assertNotNull("Must not return a null response", response); assertEquals(new SampleResponse(), response); } We have introduced the concept of identity in the SampleResponse class for the purpose of the test. However, the tests are really telling you that this should have existed in the proper Response class. Thus you need to modify the Response interface as follows: public interface Response ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>
  • 40. Download at WoweBook.Com 24 Tahchiev, Leme, Massol, and Gregory / JUnit in Action 2E Last saved: 7/7/2009 { String getName(); } As you see tests can sometimes “talk” and guide you to a better design of your application. But this is not the real purpose of the tests. Don’t forget that the tests are used to protect us from introducing errors in our code. To do this we need to test absolutely every condition under which our application might be executed. We start investigating the exceptional conditions in the next chapter. 2.6 Testing exception handling So far, your tests have followed the main path of execution. If the behavior of one of your objects under test changes in an unexpected way, this type of test points to the root of the problem. In essence, you have been writing diagnostic tests that monitor the application’s health. But sometimes, bad things happen to healthy programs. Say an application needs to connect to a database. Your diagnostics may test whether you are following the database’s API. If you open a connection but don’t close it, a diagnostic can note that you have failed to meet the expectation that all connections are closed after use. But what if a connection is not available? Maybe the connection pool is tapped out. Or, perhaps the database server is down. If the database server is configured properly and you have all the resources you need, this may never happen. But all resources are finite, and someday, instead of a connection, you may be handed an exception. “Anything that can go wrong, will” (http://www.murphys-laws.com). If you are testing an application by hand, one way to test for this sort of thing is to turn off the database while the application is running. Forcing actual error conditions is an excellent way to test your disaster-recovery capability. Creating error conditions is also very time-consuming. Most of us cannot afford to do this several times a day—or even once a day. And many other error conditions are not easy to create by hand. Testing the main path of execution is a good thing, and it needs to be done. But testing exception-handling can be even more important. If the main path does not work, your application will not work either (a condition you are likely to notice). JUnit best practices: test anything that could possibly fail Unit tests help ensure that your methods are keeping their API contracts with other methods. If the contract is based solely on other components’ keeping their contracts, then there may not be any useful behavior for you to test. But if the method changes the parameter’s or field’s value in any way, then you are providing unique behavior that you should test. The method is no longer a simple go-between—it’s a filtering or munging method with its own behavior that future changes could conceivably break. If a method is changed so it is not so simple anymore, then you should add a test when that change ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502 Licensed to JEROME RAYMOND <pedbro@gmail.com>