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Open data

       the local & global

            Isle of Man, BCS, February 23, 2011
Me: Chris Taggart
                    • Developer of OpenlyLocal,
                      opening up local government
                      information since 2009. Over
                      150 councils, 10,000 councillors,
                      1.5 million payments, all open data.
                    • Developer of OpenCharities
                    • Co-founder of OpenCorporates
                    • Member of Local Public Data Panel
                    • Member of London Digital Advisory
                    • Member of Open Knowledge
                      Foundation open government
                      working group
                    • @countculture on Twitter
Me: Chris Taggart
                    • Developer of OpenlyLocal,
                      opening up local government
                      information since 2009. Over
                      150 councils, 10,000 councillors,
                      1.5 million payments, all open data.
                    • Developer of OpenCharities
                    • Co-founder of OpenCorporates
                    • Member of Local Public Data Panel
                    • Member of London Digital Advisory
                    • Member of Open Knowledge
                      Foundation open government
                      working group
                    • @countculture on Twitter
Me: Chris Taggart
                    • Developer of OpenlyLocal,
                      opening up local government
                      information since 2009. Over
                      150 councils, 10,000 councillors,
                      1.5 million payments, all open data.
                    • Developer of OpenCharities
                    • Co-founder of OpenCorporates
                    • Member of Local Public Data Panel
                    • Member of London Digital Advisory
                    • Member of Open Knowledge
                      Foundation open government
                      working group
                    • @countculture on Twitter
Me: Chris Taggart
                    • Developer of OpenlyLocal,
                      opening up local government
                      information since 2009. Over
                      150 councils, 10,000 councillors,
                      1.5 million payments, all open data.
                    • Developer of OpenCharities
                    • Co-founder of OpenCorporates
                    • Member of Local Public Data Panel
                    • Member of London Digital Advisory
                    • Member of Open Knowledge
                      Foundation open government
                      working group
                    • @countculture on Twitter
why open data?

   Do we still need to answer this question? Yes
Our lives are
governed by data...

      Mainframe photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cote/54408562/
Our lives are
governed by data...
and always have been

          Mainframe photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cote/54408562/
But now increasingly,
our lives are data
The web is
no longer
just about
And in the future
will be primarily
NOT websites
Information, when we
 want it, where we want
 it, how we want it
                                                    sensors, apps, api’s, offline...

Photos, from left: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mduchesn/3107504673, http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/2769658703
The future is global

• How many UK search engines/social networks/
  auction sites/location services are there?

• How many truly big British companies are there
  (Dude, where’s my tax base?), and what is a
  company anyway?

• Where does jurisdiction lie in a massively
  connected world?
The future is local

• We live locally
• However much we are connected we are
   intimately affected by local events, the local
   environment, local crime and local culture

• Location still matters – just look at all the
   internet business being based on it

• We don’t have just one ‘local’ – home, work,
   holiday, where we grew up
In this world, open
data is the connection
that empowers
Open data is...
Democracy   Data
Democracy   Data

allowing different people
    to read the same
arguments, hear the same
speeches, and then take a
      different view
Democracy   Data

allowing different people
    to read the same        allowing different people
arguments, hear the same    to look at the same data
speeches, and then take a      and come up with a
      different view           different perspective
Open data is...
Open data is...

Facebook vs the British govt
Open data is...

Facebook vs the British govt
    Tesco vs any council
Open data is...

Facebook vs the British govt
    Tesco vs any council
       BP vs any country
Open data is...

Facebook vs the British govt
    Tesco vs any council
       BP vs any country

     Government is becoming less powerful,
      less relevant but by opening its data it
                      increases its relevance
Open data is...
new opportunities

           Data owners (& not just govt ones) are
       usually the last people to be able to see its
         full potential. Data reusers bring a fresh
          (and non-public sector) eye to the data
So, open data’s a
silver bullet?

There are no silver
 • If there weren’t problems, we wouldn’t be
   doing anything interesting

 • We’ve now had local councils publishing
   open data for over a year (kudos to
   @pezholio and @londondatastore)

 • Done some interesting experiments (Open
   Election Data project)

 • Can now identify some real & bogus problems
Open Data non

• What if people misinterpret the data?
  (c.f. What if people vote the ‘wrong’ way)

• What if nobody uses the data
  (inevitable for some data, but even this is useful
  feedback mechanism)
So where are the

      Why is this still quite hard?
People & organisations
see it as a threat
(and it is if you are wedded to the status quo, or an
intermediary that doesn’t add anything)
People & organisations
see it as a threat
(and it is if you are wedded to the status quo, or an
intermediary that doesn’t add anything)

           Answer: the internet routes around
                     blockages; do the same.
Concentrate of getting things done rather than the proper
channels (& your citizens & frontline staff will thank you)
The data is messy –
e.g. tied up in PDFs,
Word documents, or
arbitrary web pages
The data is messy –
e.g. tied up in PDFs,
Word documents, or
arbitrary web pages

 Answer: Don’t lose too much sleep over
                it, but fix it for the future
The data is bad
The data is bad

       Answer: publish it, but clearly
         acknowledge the problems
      (and the community may help clean it up)
The data is complex
The data is complex

  Answer: publish internal explanations/
      training info, and make available
              people who understand it
            (NB its complexity may be a sign that
                 the process is flawed, e.g. LAAs)
The data is proprietary

    Answer: work with the supplier,
    or else go public & make this a
         reputational issue for them
        (and so warn other potential clients)
The data contains
personal info

 Answer: use FoI as a benchmark (e.g.
     consultants have no protection),
 balance the cost/benefit, and protect
               vulnerable individuals
The data will expose

    Answer: Get over it, embrace the
     increased information & use it to
  do a better job (& get media buy-in)
The tools are poor and
data literacy in the
community is low
   Answer: work with hyperlocal sites,
SMEs, schools and colleges to improve
this and work with the data (and build
      closer links with the community)
One more thing...
One more thing...

open data != linked data
One more thing...

open data != linked data

       open data open linked data
TBL’s 5-stars of open data
                      make your stuff available on the
The essential steps
  – do these first

                      Web (whatever format) under an
                      open licence
                      make it available as structured
                      data (e.g., Excel instead of image
                      scan of a table)
                      use non-proprietary formats (e.g.,
                      CSV instead of Excel)
  do                  use URIs to identify things, so
these                 that people can point at your stuff
 later                link your data to other data to
                      provide context
Jumping in straight at
the deep end may
seriously damage
your sanity

           and cost you money
Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak

and Anja Jentzsch. http://lod-cloud.net

                                                                  publishing a fair bit of it
                                                                  And that’s speak as someone
one of

of these to develop
                                                We’re allowing one


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Isle of Man open data overview

  • 1. Open data the local & global perspective Isle of Man, BCS, February 23, 2011
  • 2. Me: Chris Taggart • Developer of OpenlyLocal, opening up local government information since 2009. Over 150 councils, 10,000 councillors, 1.5 million payments, all open data. • Developer of OpenCharities • Co-founder of OpenCorporates • Member of Local Public Data Panel • Member of London Digital Advisory Board • Member of Open Knowledge Foundation open government working group • @countculture on Twitter
  • 3. Me: Chris Taggart • Developer of OpenlyLocal, opening up local government information since 2009. Over 150 councils, 10,000 councillors, 1.5 million payments, all open data. • Developer of OpenCharities • Co-founder of OpenCorporates • Member of Local Public Data Panel • Member of London Digital Advisory Board • Member of Open Knowledge Foundation open government working group • @countculture on Twitter
  • 4. Me: Chris Taggart • Developer of OpenlyLocal, opening up local government information since 2009. Over 150 councils, 10,000 councillors, 1.5 million payments, all open data. • Developer of OpenCharities • Co-founder of OpenCorporates • Member of Local Public Data Panel • Member of London Digital Advisory Board • Member of Open Knowledge Foundation open government working group • @countculture on Twitter
  • 5. Me: Chris Taggart • Developer of OpenlyLocal, opening up local government information since 2009. Over 150 councils, 10,000 councillors, 1.5 million payments, all open data. • Developer of OpenCharities • Co-founder of OpenCorporates • Member of Local Public Data Panel • Member of London Digital Advisory Board • Member of Open Knowledge Foundation open government working group • @countculture on Twitter
  • 6. why open data? Do we still need to answer this question? Yes
  • 7. Our lives are governed by data... Mainframe photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cote/54408562/
  • 8. Our lives are governed by data... and always have been Mainframe photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cote/54408562/
  • 9. But now increasingly, our lives are data
  • 10. The web is no longer just about websites And in the future will be primarily NOT websites
  • 11. Information, when we want it, where we want it, how we want it sensors, apps, api’s, offline... Photos, from left: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mduchesn/3107504673, http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/2769658703
  • 12. The future is global • How many UK search engines/social networks/ auction sites/location services are there? • How many truly big British companies are there (Dude, where’s my tax base?), and what is a company anyway? • Where does jurisdiction lie in a massively connected world?
  • 13. The future is local • We live locally • However much we are connected we are intimately affected by local events, the local environment, local crime and local culture • Location still matters – just look at all the internet business being based on it • We don’t have just one ‘local’ – home, work, holiday, where we grew up
  • 14. In this world, open data is the connection that empowers
  • 16. Democracy Data Democracy
  • 17. Democracy Data Democracy allowing different people to read the same arguments, hear the same speeches, and then take a different view
  • 18. Democracy Data Democracy allowing different people to read the same allowing different people arguments, hear the same to look at the same data speeches, and then take a and come up with a different view different perspective
  • 20. Open data is... relevance Facebook vs the British govt
  • 21. Open data is... relevance Facebook vs the British govt Tesco vs any council
  • 22. Open data is... relevance Facebook vs the British govt Tesco vs any council BP vs any country
  • 23. Open data is... relevance Facebook vs the British govt Tesco vs any council BP vs any country Government is becoming less powerful, less relevant but by opening its data it increases its relevance
  • 24. Open data is... new opportunities Data owners (& not just govt ones) are usually the last people to be able to see its full potential. Data reusers bring a fresh (and non-public sector) eye to the data
  • 27. So, open data’s a silver bullet? http://www.flickr.com/photos/eschipul/4160817135/
  • 28. There are no silver bullets • If there weren’t problems, we wouldn’t be doing anything interesting • We’ve now had local councils publishing open data for over a year (kudos to @pezholio and @londondatastore) • Done some interesting experiments (Open Election Data project) • Can now identify some real & bogus problems
  • 29. Open Data non problems • What if people misinterpret the data? (c.f. What if people vote the ‘wrong’ way) • What if nobody uses the data (inevitable for some data, but even this is useful feedback mechanism)
  • 30. So where are the problems? Why is this still quite hard?
  • 31. People & organisations see it as a threat (and it is if you are wedded to the status quo, or an intermediary that doesn’t add anything)
  • 32. People & organisations see it as a threat (and it is if you are wedded to the status quo, or an intermediary that doesn’t add anything) Answer: the internet routes around blockages; do the same. Concentrate of getting things done rather than the proper channels (& your citizens & frontline staff will thank you)
  • 33. The data is messy – e.g. tied up in PDFs, Word documents, or arbitrary web pages
  • 34. The data is messy – e.g. tied up in PDFs, Word documents, or arbitrary web pages Answer: Don’t lose too much sleep over it, but fix it for the future
  • 35. The data is bad
  • 36. The data is bad Answer: publish it, but clearly acknowledge the problems (and the community may help clean it up)
  • 37. The data is complex
  • 38. The data is complex Answer: publish internal explanations/ training info, and make available people who understand it (NB its complexity may be a sign that the process is flawed, e.g. LAAs)
  • 39. The data is proprietary Answer: work with the supplier, or else go public & make this a reputational issue for them (and so warn other potential clients)
  • 40. The data contains personal info Answer: use FoI as a benchmark (e.g. consultants have no protection), balance the cost/benefit, and protect vulnerable individuals
  • 41. The data will expose incompetence Answer: Get over it, embrace the increased information & use it to do a better job (& get media buy-in)
  • 42. The tools are poor and data literacy in the community is low Answer: work with hyperlocal sites, SMEs, schools and colleges to improve this and work with the data (and build closer links with the community)
  • 44. One more thing... open data != linked data
  • 45. One more thing... open data != linked data linked open data open linked data data
  • 46. TBL’s 5-stars of open data make your stuff available on the The essential steps – do these first Web (whatever format) under an open licence make it available as structured data (e.g., Excel instead of image scan of a table) use non-proprietary formats (e.g., CSV instead of Excel) do use URIs to identify things, so these that people can point at your stuff later link your data to other data to provide context
  • 47. Jumping in straight at the deep end may seriously damage your sanity and cost you money
  • 48. Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch. http://lod-cloud.net Local Openly Text publishing a fair bit of it And that’s speak as someone
  • 49. We’re not building one of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chartres_1.jpg
  • 50. of these to develop We’re allowing one http://www.flickr.com/photos/aknock/5072756231

Editor's Notes

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