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Introducing the R2DBC
Reactive Programming with MariaDB
Who is this guy?
Rob Hedgpeth
Developer Evangelist
● Reactive Programming
○ What is it?
○ Why is it important?
○ What is it?
○ How can you use it?
● Demo
Database Euphoria
Reactive Programming
What is it?
reactive programming
/rēˈaktiv/ /ˈprōˌgramiNG/
A declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the
propagation of change.
Data Streams
Stream of Data
What is a stream?
changes in data
Starting event
initiates stream of data
disruption in data
all data is processed
Reactive Streams
● An initiative started in 2013 by several companies (e.g. Netflix, Pivotal,
Lightbend and many others)
● A specification
○ API types
○ Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK)
● The goal was to provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with
non-blocking back pressure.
Back Pressure
Back Pressure
Push stream of
N data items
Request N data items
Publisher Subscriber
Back Pressure
Publisher Subscriber
Request (10)
Request (1)
Request (3)
Reactive Streams API
Publisher Subscriber
(onError | onComplete)
Reactive Streams API
public interface Publisher<T> {
public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);
public interface Subscriber<T> {
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
public void onNext(T t);
public void onError(Throwable t);
public void onComplete();
public interface Subscription {
public void request(long n);
public void cancel();
public interface Processor<T, R> extends Subscriber<T>, Publisher<R> {
Why is it important?
Reactive Programming
● The next frontier in Java (and the JVM) for high-efficiency applications
● Fundamentally non-blocking
○ Often paired with asynchronous behaviors
○ ...but is completely agnostic to sync/async
● The key takeaway - back pressure
Async != Reactive
JDBC Limitations
Reactive App
What is it?
Reactive Relational Database Connectivity
Design principles*
1. Be completely non-blocking, all the way to the database
2. Utilize Reactive Streams Types and Patterns
3. Provide a minimal set of operations that are implementation specific
4. Enable “humane” APIs to be built on top of the driver
* Ben Hale, Creator of R2DBC
✓ Fit seamlessly into Reactive JVM platforms
✓ Offer vendor-neutral access to standard features
✓ Embrace vendor-specific features
✓ Keep the focus on SQL
✓ Keep it simple
○ Provide a foundation for tools and higher-level API’s
○ Compliance should be unambiguous and easy to identify
Reactive App
Why a service-provider interface (SPI)?
● One of JDBC’s biggest failings was that the same API had to serve as both
humane API for users as well as an inhumane API for alternative clients like JPA,
Jdbi, etc.
○ API that users didn’t like using
○ Driver authors didn’t like implementing
● It also lead to drivers duplicating effort
○ ? binding
○ URL parsing
URL Parsing
scheme driver protocol authority path query
R2DBC SPI Compliance
Fully Support Partially Support
SPI - Connection Factory
package io.r2dbc.spi;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
public interface ConnectionFactory {
Publisher<? extends Connection> create();
ConnectionFactoryMetadata getMetadata();
SPI - Connection
package io.r2dbc.spi;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
public interface Connection {
Publisher<Void> beginTransaction();
Publisher<Void> close();
Publisher<Void> commitTransaction();
Batch createBatch();
Statement createStatement(String sql);
ConnectionMetadata getMetadata();
Lots of other methods
SPI - Statement
package io.r2dbc.spi;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
public interface Statement {
Publisher<? extends Result> execute();
Statement add();
Statement bind(int index, Object value);
Statement bind(String name, Object value);
Statement bindNull(int index, Class<?> type);
Statement bindNull(String name, Class<?> type);
SPI - Result
package io.r2dbc.spi;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
public interface Result {
Publisher<Integer> getRowsUpdated();
<T> Publisher<T> map(BiFunction<Row, RowMetadata, ? extends T>
SPI - Row
package io.r2dbc.spi;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
public interface Row {
<T> T get(int index, Class<T> type);
<T> T get(String name, Class<T> type);
A couple default methods
How can you use it?
Establishing a connection
// Configuration the Connection
config = MariadbConnectionConfiguration.builder()
Establishing a connection
// Instantiate Connection Factory
connFactory = new MariadbConnectionFactory(config);
// Instantiate Connection
conn = connFactory.create().block();
Statement select = conn.createStatement("select * from todo.tasks");
Flux<Task> = Flux.from(select.execute())
res -> res.map(
(row, metadata) -> {
int id = row.get(0, Integer.class);
String description = row.get(1, String.class);
Boolean completed = row.get(2, Boolean.class);
return new Task(id,description,completed);
INSERT (Prepared)
Statement insert = conn.createStatement("insert into tasks
(description) values (?)");
insert.bind(0, task.getDescription());
A hands on look at the new MariaDB R2DBC Connector
● Performance
● Fast batch using MariaDB bulk (processing)
● GeoJSON data type
● Pluggable types for MariaDB 10.5 (JSON, INET4, INET6, BOOLEAN, ...)
$500 credit to get started
developers@mariadb.com @mariadb mariadb-corporation
Thank you!
Open Source Developer Examples
Introducing the R2DBC async Java connector

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MariaDB Tech und Business Update Hamburg 2023 - MariaDB Enterprise Server
MariaDB SkySQL Autonome Skalierung, Observability, Cloud-Backup
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MariaDB SkySQL Autonome Skalierung, Observability, Cloud-Backup
Einführung : MariaDB Tech und Business Update Hamburg 2023
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Einführung : MariaDB Tech und Business Update Hamburg 2023
Hochverfügbarkeitslösungen mit MariaDB
Hochverfügbarkeitslösungen mit MariaDBHochverfügbarkeitslösungen mit MariaDB
Hochverfügbarkeitslösungen mit MariaDB
Die Neuheiten in MariaDB Enterprise Server
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Die Neuheiten in MariaDB Enterprise Server
Global Data Replication with Galera for Ansell Guardian®
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Global Data Replication with Galera for Ansell Guardian®
Introducing workload analysis
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Introducing workload analysis
Under the hood: SkySQL monitoring
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Under the hood: SkySQL monitoring
MariaDB Enterprise Tools introduction
MariaDB Enterprise Tools introductionMariaDB Enterprise Tools introduction
MariaDB Enterprise Tools introduction
Faster, better, stronger: The new InnoDB
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Faster, better, stronger: The new InnoDB
The architecture of SkySQL
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What to expect from MariaDB Platform X5, part 1
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