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India Vision 2020
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian Flag
India Vision 2020 is a plan proposed by former Indian
president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalamto make India a developed country
by 2020. India Vision 2020 of transforming India into a developed
nation can become a reality only if every student and youth is
individually innovative. It involves putting the nation before
oneself,former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said. The vision for the
nation should be based on strong pillars of development. It should
focus on reducing the rural-urban divide, equitable distribution of land
and water, providing value-based education, access to best health care,
ensuring responsive and corrupt-free governance, alleviation of
poverty, and a secure and terrorism-free state.[1]


1 Vision for India
2 The views of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
3 Global Initiative
4 Initiatives of India Vision 2020
5 Core Values of India Vision 2020
6 Focus Area
7 Overview
8 Dream activities of India Vision 2020
9 Nodal Points of India Vision 2020
10 External link
11 See also
12 References
[edit]Vision for India

According to A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in formulating the vision of the
future India, it is important to see beyond the limits of the immediate
past to rediscover the greatness that is India. Although the
present Republic of India is a young developing nation, our people
have a rich and illustrious history as one of the longest
living civilizations in the world. In 1835, even theBritish historian
and politician, Lord Macaulay, admitted before the British Parliament:
"I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not
seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have
seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber…
the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural
heritage….." Thus, it would be wrong to state that in 1947 India
started to construct a modern nation from scratch. Rather, it began the
process of rediscovering its rich cultural and spiritual values that had
formed the foundation of India in the past. It is on this foundation that
we seek to formulate the vision of India 2020.
It is indeed a challenge to formulate a cohesive vision for India in
2020. Therefore, we thought it appropriate to seek inspiration from
one who had a clear vision and possessed the gift to articulate it in a
manner that has inspired the hearts and minds of countless Indians.
The vision articulated by Rabindranath Tagore is all encompassing in
every sense.[2]
[edit]The views of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

    1. Set a goal in life. To achieve that goal, acquire the knowledge,
        work hard and when problem occurs, defeat it and succeed.
    2. Always keep myself, my home, my surroundings,
        neighbourhood and environment clean.
    3. Lead an honest life free from all corruption and set an example
        for others to adopt a righteous way of life.
    4. light the lamp of knowledge in the nation and ensure that it
        remains lit for ever.[3]
[edit]Global Initiative
A flagship program of IAPB and WHO and is a functional convergent
model (eye care community) of INGOs, eye care organizations,
professionals and country specific national programs.
Aim is to work together to eliminate avoidable blindness worldwide
by the year 2020, in order to give everyone in the world the Right to
[edit]Initiatives of India Vision 2020

   Vision for Vast Indian Population
   Incremental reduction of the burden of Avoidable Blindness - 75%
   Social Responsibility
   Imbalance and Inadequacy in Service – Urban & Rural
   Overcoming obstacles in Outreach
   Necessity of Human Rights / Dignity[4]
[edit]Core Values of India Vision 2020
The Right to Sight – India is committed to being
a transparent, accountable, inclusive and sustainable organization that
respects all its members and stakeholders whose participation is
actively sought in democratic decision-making and organizational
learning. We promote quality and equity in eye care, with the highest
ethical standards[4]
[edit]Focus Area

  Underserved, Unreached, Rural Communities
 Institutions engaged in Eye care
 National & State Government
 Ophthalmologists & Para-Ophthalmic Professionals
 Membership Development and value addition to members
India Vision 2020 was initially a document prepared by the
Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council
(TIFAC) of India'sDepartment of Science and Technology under the
chairmanship of Kalam and a team of 500 experts. The plan is further
detailed in the bookIndia 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium,
which kalam coauthored with Dr. Y.S. Rajan.
kalam described the plan as follows:[5]
"Transforming the nation into a developed country, five areas in
combination have been identified based on India's core competence,
natural resources and talented manpower for integrated action to
double the growth rate of GDP and realize the Vision of Developed
These are:
Agriculture and food processing — with a target of doubling the present production of
food and agricultural products by 2020. Agro food processing industry would lead to the
prosperity of rural people, food security and speed up the economic growth;
  Infrastructure with reliable and quality electric
   power including solar farming for all parts of the country,
   providing urban amenities in rural areas and interlinking of rivers;
 Education and Healthcare: To provide social security and
   eradication of illiteracy and health for all;
 Information and Communication Technology: This is one of
   our core competencies and wealth generator. ICT can be used
   for tele-education, tele-medicine and e-governance to promote
   education in remote areas, healthcare and also transparency in the
   administration; and
 Critical technologies and strategic industries witnessed the
   growth in nuclear technology, space technology and defence
[edit]Dream activities of India Vision 2020
At DreamIndia, they believe in each and every one of us doing ground
work, and doing it periodically. That is why they have built up and
sustained 'DI centers' in every city of our existence.Volunteers visit
these centers regularly (mostly on every weekend) and engage the
kids. These variegated sessions consist of English and computer
classes, school academics, sports and drama sessions, singing and
dancing activities etc. For the tiny tots, there are phonetics,
handwriting, clay modelling and other sessions for building overall
reading, writing, and motor skills of the child.
Apart from weekend study sessions, we also make periodic visits to
orphanages, old age homes, and homes for children with special
needs. These are DI's way of supporting other organisations that do
excellent work and that strive to make childrens' world better
Select a city name from the drop down in 'Our activities' to view the
activities we do in that city. This also serves as a pointer to
prospective volunteers on what to expect. Enjoy volunteering![6]
[edit]Nodal Points of India Vision 2020
1.Peace, Security & National Unity – Physical security both from
external and internal threats—strong national defence, domestic law
enforcement and social harmony.
2.Food & Nutritional Security – A vibrant, highly productive
commercial farm sector that can ensure food & nutritional security,
generate employment opportunities, stimulate industrialisation, and
produce renewable energy from biomass and fuel crops.
3.Jobs for All – A constitutional commitment to ensure the right of all
citizens to a sustainable livelihood that will provide them with the
purchasing power needed to freely cast their economic votes in the
market place.
4.Knowledge – 100 per cent literacy & school education,
and vocational training for all new entrants to the workforce, to equip
youth with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in an
increasingly competitive world: adult education programmes to
compensate working age school drop-outs for the lack of education,
and continued investment in science and technology to improve
productivity, quality of life and the environment.
5.Health – Expansion of the infrastructure for public health and
medical care to ensure health for all.
6.Technology & Infrastructure – Continuous expansion of the
physical infrastructure for rapid low-cost transportation and
communication that is required for rapid economic
growth and international competitiveness. Application of computers to
improve access to knowledge and information, and increase in the
speed, efficiency and convenience of activities in all fields of life.
7.Globalisation – Successful integration of India with world economy.
8.Good Governance – Farsighted and dynamic leadership to maximise
national prosperity, individual freedom and social equity through
responsive, transparent and accountable administration that removes
all the bottlenecks to economic development.
9.Work Values - Activation of all these nodal points requires firm and
determined adherence to high values, including prompt decision-
making, disciplined execution, systematic implementation, finely
tuned co-ordination, unceasing effort and endurance.[7]

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India vision 2020

  • 1. India Vision 2020 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Indian Flag India Vision 2020 is a plan proposed by former Indian president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalamto make India a developed country by 2020. India Vision 2020 of transforming India into a developed nation can become a reality only if every student and youth is individually innovative. It involves putting the nation before oneself,former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said. The vision for the nation should be based on strong pillars of development. It should focus on reducing the rural-urban divide, equitable distribution of land and water, providing value-based education, access to best health care, ensuring responsive and corrupt-free governance, alleviation of poverty, and a secure and terrorism-free state.[1] Contents [hide] 1 Vision for India 2 The views of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 3 Global Initiative 4 Initiatives of India Vision 2020 5 Core Values of India Vision 2020 6 Focus Area 7 Overview 8 Dream activities of India Vision 2020
  • 2. 9 Nodal Points of India Vision 2020 10 External link 11 See also 12 References [edit]Vision for India India According to A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in formulating the vision of the future India, it is important to see beyond the limits of the immediate past to rediscover the greatness that is India. Although the present Republic of India is a young developing nation, our people have a rich and illustrious history as one of the longest living civilizations in the world. In 1835, even theBritish historian and politician, Lord Macaulay, admitted before the British Parliament: "I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber… the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage….." Thus, it would be wrong to state that in 1947 India started to construct a modern nation from scratch. Rather, it began the process of rediscovering its rich cultural and spiritual values that had
  • 3. formed the foundation of India in the past. It is on this foundation that we seek to formulate the vision of India 2020. It is indeed a challenge to formulate a cohesive vision for India in 2020. Therefore, we thought it appropriate to seek inspiration from one who had a clear vision and possessed the gift to articulate it in a manner that has inspired the hearts and minds of countless Indians. The vision articulated by Rabindranath Tagore is all encompassing in every sense.[2] [edit]The views of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 1. Set a goal in life. To achieve that goal, acquire the knowledge, work hard and when problem occurs, defeat it and succeed. 2. Always keep myself, my home, my surroundings, neighbourhood and environment clean. 3. Lead an honest life free from all corruption and set an example for others to adopt a righteous way of life. 4. light the lamp of knowledge in the nation and ensure that it remains lit for ever.[3] [edit]Global Initiative A flagship program of IAPB and WHO and is a functional convergent model (eye care community) of INGOs, eye care organizations, professionals and country specific national programs. Aim is to work together to eliminate avoidable blindness worldwide by the year 2020, in order to give everyone in the world the Right to Sight.[4] [edit]Initiatives of India Vision 2020  Vision for Vast Indian Population  Incremental reduction of the burden of Avoidable Blindness - 75%  Social Responsibility  Imbalance and Inadequacy in Service – Urban & Rural  Overcoming obstacles in Outreach  Necessity of Human Rights / Dignity[4]
  • 4. [edit]Core Values of India Vision 2020 The Right to Sight – India is committed to being a transparent, accountable, inclusive and sustainable organization that respects all its members and stakeholders whose participation is actively sought in democratic decision-making and organizational learning. We promote quality and equity in eye care, with the highest ethical standards[4] [edit]Focus Area  Underserved, Unreached, Rural Communities  Institutions engaged in Eye care  National & State Government  Ophthalmologists & Para-Ophthalmic Professionals [4]  Membership Development and value addition to members [edit]Overview India Vision 2020 was initially a document prepared by the Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) of India'sDepartment of Science and Technology under the chairmanship of Kalam and a team of 500 experts. The plan is further detailed in the bookIndia 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium, which kalam coauthored with Dr. Y.S. Rajan. kalam described the plan as follows:[5] "Transforming the nation into a developed country, five areas in combination have been identified based on India's core competence, natural resources and talented manpower for integrated action to double the growth rate of GDP and realize the Vision of Developed India. These are: Agriculture and food processing — with a target of doubling the present production of food and agricultural products by 2020. Agro food processing industry would lead to the prosperity of rural people, food security and speed up the economic growth;
  • 5.  Infrastructure with reliable and quality electric power including solar farming for all parts of the country, providing urban amenities in rural areas and interlinking of rivers;  Education and Healthcare: To provide social security and eradication of illiteracy and health for all;  Information and Communication Technology: This is one of our core competencies and wealth generator. ICT can be used for tele-education, tele-medicine and e-governance to promote education in remote areas, healthcare and also transparency in the administration; and  Critical technologies and strategic industries witnessed the growth in nuclear technology, space technology and defence technology". [edit]Dream activities of India Vision 2020 At DreamIndia, they believe in each and every one of us doing ground work, and doing it periodically. That is why they have built up and sustained 'DI centers' in every city of our existence.Volunteers visit these centers regularly (mostly on every weekend) and engage the kids. These variegated sessions consist of English and computer classes, school academics, sports and drama sessions, singing and dancing activities etc. For the tiny tots, there are phonetics, handwriting, clay modelling and other sessions for building overall reading, writing, and motor skills of the child. Apart from weekend study sessions, we also make periodic visits to orphanages, old age homes, and homes for children with special needs. These are DI's way of supporting other organisations that do excellent work and that strive to make childrens' world better Select a city name from the drop down in 'Our activities' to view the activities we do in that city. This also serves as a pointer to prospective volunteers on what to expect. Enjoy volunteering![6] [edit]Nodal Points of India Vision 2020
  • 6. 1.Peace, Security & National Unity – Physical security both from external and internal threats—strong national defence, domestic law enforcement and social harmony. 2.Food & Nutritional Security – A vibrant, highly productive commercial farm sector that can ensure food & nutritional security, generate employment opportunities, stimulate industrialisation, and produce renewable energy from biomass and fuel crops. 3.Jobs for All – A constitutional commitment to ensure the right of all citizens to a sustainable livelihood that will provide them with the purchasing power needed to freely cast their economic votes in the market place. 4.Knowledge – 100 per cent literacy & school education, and vocational training for all new entrants to the workforce, to equip youth with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in an increasingly competitive world: adult education programmes to compensate working age school drop-outs for the lack of education, and continued investment in science and technology to improve productivity, quality of life and the environment. 5.Health – Expansion of the infrastructure for public health and medical care to ensure health for all. 6.Technology & Infrastructure – Continuous expansion of the physical infrastructure for rapid low-cost transportation and communication that is required for rapid economic growth and international competitiveness. Application of computers to improve access to knowledge and information, and increase in the speed, efficiency and convenience of activities in all fields of life. 7.Globalisation – Successful integration of India with world economy. 8.Good Governance – Farsighted and dynamic leadership to maximise national prosperity, individual freedom and social equity through responsive, transparent and accountable administration that removes all the bottlenecks to economic development. 9.Work Values - Activation of all these nodal points requires firm and determined adherence to high values, including prompt decision-
  • 7. making, disciplined execution, systematic implementation, finely tuned co-ordination, unceasing effort and endurance.[7]