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The	Importance	of	Employee	Onboarding	
How	the	Rise	of	Millennials	Should	be	Affec'ng	Your	Onboarding		
Retaining	IP	
Company	Values	
A	Social	Work	Experience		
Taking	it	Online	
What	Makes	an	Onboarding	Program	Great?	
It’s	Consolidated		
It’s	Social	
It	Reflects	Company	Values		
It’s	Creates	Community	
It	Empowers	Employees	
How	a	Social	Intranet	is	the	Answer	
IP	and	onboarding	materials	all	in	one	place		Social	
UX	appeals	to	the	Millennial	Genera'on		Company	
values	are	front	and	center		Community	is	baked	
right	in	
Makes	experts	and	informa'on	easily	discoverable		
Enables	personalized	monitoring	and	engagement	
Keeping	Up	With	the	Changing	Times		
Get	Started!	
Table	of	Contents
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The	Importance	of	Employee	Onboarding	
In	the	world	of	new	hires,	there	are	two	all-important	“O”	words	for	successfully		
incorpora'ng	new	employees	into	the	workplace:	“orienta'on”	and		
“onboarding.”	Gecng	both	right	is	cri'cal	if	you	want	to	retain	top	talent	and		
ins'll	your	company	culture	and	values	right	from	the	start.	
But	many	companies	struggle	to	hit	the	right	notes,	par'cularly	with	onboarding.	While		orienta'on	is	
important	with	its	paperwork,	policies	and	protocol,	onboarding	is	a	much		longer	process	with	deeper	
business	and	boeom	line	implica'ons	that	offers	organiza'ons	an	
opportunity	to	create	a	great	first	experience	for	new	hires	that	(hopefully)	extends	throughout		their	
tenure	with	the	company.	
Orienta'on	is	just	the	first	step	of	the	ongoing	onboarding	process	that	equips	an	employee		with	
everything	necessary	to	produce	the	work	expected	and	to	do	so	in	a	produc've	manner.		Effec've	
onboarding	promotes	company	loyalty,	lowers	stress	levels,	increases	employee		sa'sfac'on	and	
improves	produc'vity.
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Having	an	effec've	onboarding	process	in	place	helps	new	hires:	
•  More	quickly	contribute	to	the	team	
•  Form	a	bond	with	the	company,	fostering	loyalty	
•  Know	where	to	find	vital	company	and	posi'on	informa'on	
•  Learn	to	use	the	proper	tools	and	processes	from	the	start	
•  Integrate	more	easily	into	your	organiza'on’s	current	culture	and	employee	base	
A	poor	onboarding	process	can	actually	be	a	detriment	to	your	company’s	boeom	line.	Miss	the		mark	
and	you	could	end	up	cos'ng	your	organiza'on	more	than	just	an	ineffec've	employee.	
•  Onboarding	costs	a	company	up	to	30	percent	of	that	new	hire’s	annual	salary	
•  Companies	shell	out	an	average	of	$11,000	to	fill	vacancies	
•  A	good	onboarding	process	may	help	prevent	early	turnover	for	as	many	as		1	in	4	
new	hires	
Having	an	effec've	onboarding	process	that	accurately	represents	your	company	values		and	
culture	and	sets	the	right	tone	for	new	hires	is	essen'al	to	retaining	top	talent	–	and		your	money!	
According	to	the	Aberdeen	Group,	organiza'ons	with	“structured	onboarding	
programs	enjoy	a	60	percent	year-over-year	improvement	in	revenue	per	full-'me	employee.”	
If	it’s	been	a	few	years	since	you	revisited	your	onboarding	process	and	you’re	s'll	stuck	in	the		realm	of	
outdated	company	material	packets	and	boring	training	sessions,	maybe	it’s	'me	to		rethink	your	
methods	and	make	your	onboarding	process	work	for you	instead	of	against	you.	
Adop'ng	a	technology-driven	onboarding	process	that’s	reliant	on	a	social	intranet	can	rescue		your	
organiza'on	from	the	depths	of	paperwork,	slideshows	and	boring	training	sessions.	
Social	intranet’s	more	collabora've	infrastructure	helps	drive	a	process	that	makes	a	great		first	
impression	of	your	organiza'on,	communicates	company	culture,	helps	build	community		among	all	
employees,	makes	training	more	engaging	and	equips	new	workers	with	the		resources	and	
informa'on	needed	to	be	valuable	team	members.	
Now,	what	company	doesn’t	need	that	for	its	new	employee	onboarding?
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How	the	Rise	of	Millennials	Should	be	Affec'ng		
Your	Onboarding	
The	work	world	is	changing,	and	Millennials	are	leading	the	way.	This	demographic	is	slowly		
domina'ng	the	workforce.	By	2025	they’ll	comprise	75	percent	of	the	workforce	–	and	they’re		
bringing	along	new	expecta'ons	and	behaviors.	
The	average	Millennial	will	stay	with	any	given	employer	for	two	years	or	less,	during	which		'me	
they’ll	expect	a	socially	oriented	work	environment,	prefer	to	work	remotely	and	mainly		online,	and	
want	to	feel	like	their	personal	values	align	with	those	of	their	employer.	
Onboarding	is	the	perfect	opportunity	to	deliver	on	all	of	these	wish	list	items	while	solving		challenges	
presented	by	the	rising	Millennial	workforce.	This	workforce	shiq	presents	a		chance	for	organiza'ons	
to	reassess	their	onboarding	processes	–	including	any	associated		technologies.	Introducing	a	social	
intranet	–	with	wikis,	blogs,	news	feeds	and	chat	capabili'es	
–	helps	streamline	the	process	and	makes	it	more	social	and	transparent	–	checking	off	two	of		the	key	
boxes	for	Millennials’	workplace	wishes.	
Retaining IP
Because	Millennials	have	such	short	tenures	and	job	hop	frequently,	retaining	IP	is	becoming	an		
increasing	concern	for	employers.	When	any	employee	leaves,	they	take	with	them	key	details,		
personal	knowledge	and	job	nuances	that	are	oqen	difficult	to	capture	with	private	emails,		siloed	
departments	and	work	that’s	stored	only	in	personal	folders.	Losing	that	important		background,	
knowledgebase	and	developed	materials	costs	a	company	'me	and	money	and		makes	it	much	more	
difficult	to	efficiently	onboard	a	new	employee	to	replace	them.	
Using	a	social	intranet	for	your	onboarding	process	can	kill	two	birds	with	one	stone	–	it	starts		
employees	off	on	the	right	foot	by	condi'oning	them	to	conduct	all	of	their	work	through	the		
plasorm,	thus	crea'ng	a	way	to	capture	and	retain	all	IP,	and	it	creates	a	more	“Millennial		friendly”	
and	efficient	onboarding	process.
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Company Values
A	2013	CandE	survey	found	that	nearly	50	percent	of	“prospec've	employees	looked	to		company	
materials	to	get	a	feeling	for	the	company’s	values,	a	good	indicator	of	cultural		fit.”	The	
onboarding	process	is	the	perfect	opportunity	to	present	new	hires	with	materials		to	
communicate	company	values	and	culture.	Not	only	is	the	content	of	these	materials		important,	
but	the	way	you	deliver	them	is	equally	as	impacsul	in	conveying	the	tone	and		culture	of	your	
A	social	intranet	provides	an	easy-to-access	means	for	new	employees	to	find	company		manuals,	
standard	paperwork	and	even	historical	documenta'on	for	their	current	posi'on.		With	everything	
readily	available,	new	hires	can	quickly	immerse	themselves	in	their	new	work		culture	and	even	have	
ready	access	to	company	management	right	from	the	start	via	the		intranet’s	messaging,	commen'ng	
and	news	feed	func'ons.	
A Social Work Experience
Which	brings	us	to	the	point	of	a	social	UX	in	the	workplace.	Millennials	grew	up	using	social		tools	as	
part	of	their	everyday	lives,	from	Facebook	and	Twieer	to	Instagram	and	LinkedIn.		They	are	used	to	
instant	messaging,	social	collabora'on	and	video	chacng	–	and	expect	those		same	capabili'es	in	the	
Conduc'ng	your	onboarding	process	in	a	socially	oriented	and	collabora've	manner	can	help		beeer	
meet	Millennial	expecta'ons	and	create	a	social	culture	from	the	very	start,	which	can		lead	to	higher	
employee	sa'sfac'on	and	reten'on.	And	while	all	new	hires	aren’t	Millennials,	all		employees	benefit	
from	the	social	experience.	
Taking it Online
Not	only	are	workplaces	becoming	more	social	UX-based,	but	they’re	also	becoming	more		online-
focused	and	inclusive	of	remote	workers.	Millennials	want	flexibility	with	their	jobs	–	the		ability	to	
work	whenever	they	want	and	from	wherever	they	want.	Consequently,	conduc'ng		most	of	their	work	
online,	from	video	chat	mee'ngs	to	online	document	collabora'on,	is
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becoming	more	and	more	essen'al.	This	also	includes	moving	part	of	the	onboarding	process		online	as	
While	onboarding	will	–	and	should	–	always	maintain	an	in-person	component,	a	social		intranet	
plasorm	makes	it	possible	to	conduct	most	of	the	onboarding	process	online.		Centralized	
human	resources	(HR)	document	collec'on	and	storage,	group	forums	for		new	hires	and	video	
chat	training	sessions	and	check-ins	all	become	a	possibility	with	an		onboarding	process	that	is	
more	social	and	online-focused.	
What	Makes	an	Onboarding		
Program	Great?	
There	are	a	lot	of	methods	and	choices	of	onboarding		
programs	out	there	for	HR	and	hiring	mangers.	Everyone		has	a	
different	opinion	on	which	ones	work	best	and	
are	most	effec've	at	incorpora'ng	new	staff	into	your		
organiza'on.	While	exact	methods	and	formats	might		vary,	
there	are	some	consistent	characteris'cs	of	a	great		
onboarding	program	that	should	not	be	compromised.	
It’s Consolidated
A	great	onboarding	program	will	make	HR	and	hiring		mangers’	
jobs	easier	by	consolida'ng	paperwork,		onboarding	materials,	
new	employee	training	forms,		project	history	briefs,	training	
documents	and	more	in	an		easily	searchable	place.	Both	
managers	and	employees		alike	waste	countless	hours	each	
week	digging	through		folders	and	different	plasorms	for	HR	
paperwork,		company	materials,	employee	handbooks	and	old	
IP	to		bring	a	new	hire	up-to-speed.	
The Challenges in
Onboarding: Tips to Keep in
Onboarding	is	not	an	easy	task!	From		
dealing	with	different	personality		dynamics	
to	making	sure	each	new	hire		is	being	
adequately	brought	up-to-speed		and	
assimilated	into	the	workplace		culture,	
hiring	and	HR	managers	have	a		lot	on	their	
plates.	Here	are	some	oqen-		overlooked	'ps	
to	keep	in	mind	in	the		thick	of	onboarding.	
•  Naviga'ng	a	new	workplace		
culture	is	scary,	so	make	sure		new	
hires	have	a	go-to	group	or		
community	to	socialize	with.	
•  Get	new	hires	in	the	habit	of		
storing	IP	in	a	consolidated	and		
accessible	loca'on.	
•  Make	company	processes	and		
direc'ves	clear	from	the	start.	
•  Make	an	effort	to	talk	“with”	new		
hires	instead	of	“at”	them.	
•  Engage	 new	 hires	 in	 training	 and		
orienta'on	 that	 is	 interac've	 and		
representa've	of	company	values.	
•  Conduct	short	but	frequent	check-		
ins	to	monitor	new	hire	progress		and	
pinpoint	individual	needs.
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With	an	onboarding	program	facilitated	on	a	social	intranet	that’s	also	easily	searchable,	HR		saves	'me	
and	new	hires	have	an	easy	way	to	find	per'nent	informa'on	for	their	new	roles,		helping	them	more	
quickly	become	a	valued	team	member.	This	characteris'c	becomes		doubly	important	in	light	of	the	
fact	that	75	percent	of	companies	are	mo'vated	to	have	great		onboarding	programs	specifically	to	
accelerate	new	employee	performance.	
A	social	onboarding	process	is	an	especially	important	characteris'c	for	the	Millennials	who		will	soon	
be	filling	your	office	space.	They’re	used	to	working	and	living	in	a	social,	online		world	and	operate	
most	efficiently	when	they	can	do	the	same	at	work.	Having	an	onboarding	
process	that	incorporates	elements	of	a	social	UX	such	as	video	chat,	instant	messaging,	group		forums	
and	document	collabora'on	can	make	Millennial	new	hires	feel	at	home	and	like	your		organiza'onal	
culture	fits	their	values.	
It Reflects CompanyValues
Your	organiza'on’s	onboarding	program	should	be	a	reflec'on	of	your	company	values		and	
culture.	The	onboarding	process	is	a	new	hire’s	first	and	most	extensive	impression		of	your	
workplace,	and	you	don’t	want	to	risk	blowing	it	with	a	process	that	depicts	a	bad		workplace	
Is	your	onboarding	process	inclusive,	caring,	aeen've,	individualized	and	engaging?	Millennials		in	
par'cular	are	very	concerned	with	their	employer	sharing	similar	values	and	will	be	put	off		by	
onboarding	that	doesn’t	value	the	individual,	that’s	overly	hierarchical	or	one	that	doesn’t		convey	
those	shared	values.	
It CreatesCommunity
Onboarding	should	be	a	'me	to	easily	and	slowly	integrate	new	hires	into	your	exis'ng		employee	
base.	It	can	be	in'mida'ng	to	be	the	new	guy	on	the	block,	and	some'mes	hanging		out	gossiping	
around	the	water	cooler	isn’t	the	easiest	way	to	assimilate	oneself	into	the		company’s	social	
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HR	teams	and	hiring	managers	can	liq	this	burden	by	providing	an	onboarding	program	with		a	built-in	
structure	for	socializing	and	crea'ng	a	sense	of	community,	whether	it’s	through	an	
online	forum	reserved	just	for	new	employees	or	group	ac'vi'es.	Providing	the	opportunity	for		
employees	at	all	levels	of	an	organiza'on	to	readily	interact	online	quickly	and	easily	enables		everyone	
to	find	common	social	ground	that	easily	carries	over	into	the	real	world.	
It Empowers Employees to Seek Out Experts and Information
Any	onboarding	process	worth	its	salt	should	provide	tools	that	empower	employees	to		help	
themselves.	Not	that	asking	ques'ons	should	ever	be	discouraged,	but	equipping	new		employees	to	
find	informa'on	on	their	own	and	who	to	direct	what	ques'ons	to	can	save		everyone	'me	and	
make	newbies	feel	less	dependent	and	direc'onless.	A	social	intranet	
that	organizes	employees	into	spaces	and	topics	can	help	provide	structure	and	guidance	for		
employees	trying	to	become	acclimated	to	a	new	work	environment.	
How	a	Social	Intranet	is	the	Answer	
For	every	ques'on	there’s	an	answer,	and	a	social	intranet	proposes	a	robust	solu'on	to	the		
onboarding	and	rising	Millennial	workforce	challenge.	Social	intranet	use	is	con'nuing	to	grow		in	
popularity	as	employers	realize	a	paradigm	shiq	is	occurring	in	the	workplace	and	the	need		to	meet	
Millennial	employment	expecta'ons.	
This	socially	powered	and	collabora've	way	of	working	equips	your	workforce	with	the	tools		they	
need	to	excel,	while	also	helping	your	organiza'on	navigate	a	quickly	changing	employee		base.	It’s	a	
win-win	all	around,	and	the	perfect	solu'on	to	the	complexi'es	of	onboarding	that		meets	all	the	
criteria	of	a	great	onboarding	process.	
IP and Onboarding Materials All in OnePlace
The	Interna'onal	Data	Corpora'on	es'mates	that	the	average	professional	spends	roughly		15	to	30	
percent	of	his	or	her	'me	at	work	tracking	down	documents	and	informa'on.	What	a		loss	in	
produc'vity	and	efficiency!
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With	a	social	intranet	plasorm,	materials	and	IP	are	all	stored	in	one	centralized	and		consolidated	
loca'on.	This	saves	HR	managers	and	new	employees	alike	'me	searching	for		background	documents	
and	onboarding	materials	by	keeping	it	consolidated,	organized	and		easily	searchable	through	an	
intelligent	universal	search	func'on.	It’s	like	using	Google	search		on	your	company!	
This	empowers	employees	to	find	the	content	and	background	they	need	to	be	produc've		and	
contribute	to	their	teams,	while	also	condi'oning	them	to	work	in	a	manner	that	ensures		their	IP	is	
captured	and	retained	in	an	accessible	and	permanent	loca'on.	Losing	IP	when	
an	employee	leaves	can	be	incredibly	damaging	to	a	company,	but	with	social	intranet,	new		hires	have	
the	benefit	of	former	employees’	knowledge	at	their	disposal,	just	by	searching	the		collec've	
Moreover,	HR	and	hiring	managers	can	save	'me	and	provide	a	beeer	onboarding	experience		by	
keeping	important	documents	like	new	employee	paperwork	and	training	materials	in	an		easy-to-find	
loca'on.	Gone	are	the	days	of	scaeered,	mountainous	piles	of	paperwork	that		take	ages	to	find	or	are	
simply	permanently	lost.	Having	everything	organized	and	consolidated		creates	a	beeer	onboarding	
experience	for	everyone,	and	cloud-based	social	intranet		plasorms	enable	you	to	access	this	important	
informa'on	from	anywhere,	on	any	device.	
Social UX Appeals to the Millennial Generation
Because	Millennials	are	used	to	socially	powered	interfaces	and	connec'ng	online,	social		intranets	will	
help	them	more	easily	adjust	to	a	new	workplace	and	work	more	efficiently.	When		you	transi'on	at	
least	part	of	your	onboarding	process	to	a	social	intranet,	you	acknowledge		that	a	social	UX	is	important	
to	your	work	culture,	making	this	employee	demographic	feel		understood	and	valued.	
The	added	bonus?	Checking	in	with	new	hires	via	instant	message	or	video	chat	is	right		up	their	
alley	and	will	make	them	feel	comfortable	and	at	ease	during	what	is	a	poten'ally		unnerving	
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Company Values are Front andCenter
When	a	company	employs	a	social	intranet,	it	says,	“We	understand	the	new	and	changing		digital	
workplace,	and	we’re	onboard!”	
It	implies	your	organiza'on	is	aeuned	to	shiqs	that	are	occurring	in	workplaces	and	isn’t		resistant	
to	change,	but	is	instead	concerned	with	mee'ng	new	employee	needs.	Using	a		social	intranet	for	
onboarding	communicates	this	message	up	front	and	conveys	that	your		organiza'on	is	suppor've	
of	social	and	collabora've	environments,	cross-func'onal	teams		and	of	everyone	being	able	to	
contribute	input	and	ideas.	
With	enterprise	social	collabora'on,	siloed	informa'on	and	inefficient	hierarchies	and	barriers		are	
broken	down,	empowering	any	employee	to	contribute	and	drive	innova'on.	Your		onboarding	process	
has	the	power	to	make	a	big	splash	in	terms	of	first	impressions,	and	a		social	intranet	plasorm	enables	
you	to	start	off	on	the	right	foot.	
Community is Baked RightIn
A	Gullup	poll	recently	found	that	when	employees	feel	like	they	have	good	friends	and		community	at	
work,	they	are	35	percent	more	likely	to	have	a	“commitment	to	quality,”	among		other	boeom-line	
business	benefits.	Aside	from	all	of	its	other	features	and	func'ons,	a	social		intranet	enables	you	to	
organize	people	into	groups	or	‘spaces,’	host	group	chats	and	facilitate		community	building.	
Much	in	the	same	way	that	universi'es	and	colleges	“host”	Facebook	groups	for	members		of	each	
new	incoming	class	to	establish	a	sense	of	community,	companies	can	use	social		intranets	in	a	
similar	fashion	to	ease	integra'ng	new	hires	into	the	current	employee	base.	
Casual	instant	messaging	is	a	lot	less	in'mida'ng	for	a	new	hire	than	striking	up	a	conversa'on		with	a	
random	employee	and	provides	a	low	barrier	means	for	new	team	addi'ons	to	get	to		know	other	
employees.	Public	employee	profiles	are	the	perfect	place	to	express	likes	and		hobbies	and	find	other	
employees	with	shared	interests.
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Makes Experts and Information EasilyDiscoverable
The	Aberdeen	Group	found	that	89	percent	of	new	hires	report	that	they	don’t	have	enough	of		the	
ideal	knowledge	necessary	to	do	their	job.	One	of	the	greatest	challenges	a	new	hire	faces		in	a	new	
workplace	is	knowing	where	to	look	and	who	to	ask	for	what	informa'on.	An	efficient		onboarding	
process	will	empower	new	employees	to	seek	out	this	informa'on	on	their	own		instead	of	relying	on	
others	as	a	crutch.	The	sooner	they	can	become	self-sufficient	and	easily		find	relevant	materials,	the	
sooner	they’ll	be	contribu'ng	to	the	organiza'on	and	become		valued	team	members,	func'oning	at	full	
A	social	intranet	makes	it	easy	for	team	leads	and	HR	managers	to	equip	new	hires	to	know		exactly	
where	to	find	what	informa'on.	Instead	of	having	materials	spread	across	various		siloed	desktop	
folders,	social	intranet	enables	teams	to	catalog,	store	and	collaborate	on		documents	in	a	centralized	
and	easily	searchable	loca'on.	With	an	intelligent	search	func'on,		new	employees	can	search	for	
informa'on	or	even	subject	maeer	experts	in	the	company	by		keyword,	document	'tle	or	topic.	
Enables Personalized Monitoring andEngagement
An	added	benefit	of	making	a	social	intranet	the	basis	for	your	onboarding	program	is	that		it	allows	
HR	managers	to	track	how	well	an	employee	is	assimila'ng	into	the	new	work	
environment	and	provide	'mely	and	relevant	feedback	on	employee	performance.	Managers		can	
easily	monitor	which	new	hires	are	engaging	and	where.	Are	some	spending	less	'me	in		chats,	making	
wikis	and	blogs	or	pos'ng	content?	
If	a	manager	no'ces	engagement	is	low,	it	might	be	an	indica'on	that	a	new	hire	doesn’t	yet		feel	
welcomed	or	comfortable,	is	confused	about	his	or	her	role	or	doesn’t	have	adequate		background	to	
be	a	contribu'ng	team	member.	By	monitoring	and	pinpoin'ng	these	pain		points	and	areas	of	
poten'al	struggle,	managers	can	provide	customized	assistance	and		training	for	new	hires,	thereby	
increasing	engagement	and	ensuring	that	the	employees	are		made	to	feel	more	like	part	of	the	
www.incen've-inc.com		|	13
Keeping	up	With	the	Changing	Times	
A	recent	study	found	that	71	percent	of	companies	surveyed	were	in	the	process	of	upda'ng		their	
onboarding	process.	
In	the	same	study,	the	use	of	technology	in	onboarding	was	iden'fied	as	a	characteris'c	of		a	good	
onboarding	program,	yet	only	67	percent	of	respondents	are	actually	currently	using		technology	for	
any	part	of	their	onboarding	process.	
As	more	and	more	Millennials	dominate	the	workforce	and	office	landscapes	con'nue	to		evolve,	
companies	that	are	unwilling	to	adapt	will	get	leq	behind.	The	best	and	brightest	talent		will	defect	or	
gravitate	to	companies	that	make	an	effort	to	align	themselves	with	new	hire		expecta'ons	and	values	
and	acknowledge	that	a	social	UX	is	the	way	of	the	future.	
Organiza'ons	that	are	open	to	change	and	update	their	onboarding	programs	on	a	con'nual		basis	are	
in	a	beeer	place	to	uncover	and	act	on	industry	and	employee	trends,	placing	them	 	ahead	of	their	
compe''on	in	securing	–	and	keeping	–	top	talent	and	innovators.	
Ready.	Set.	Get	Started!	
If	you’re	wondering	where	to	begin	in	incorpora'ng	a	social	intranet	into	your	onboarding		process,	
look	no	further.	Incen've’s	social	intranet	plasorm	offers	an	array	of	features	and		integra'ons	that	are	
perfect	for	onboarding.	From	wikis,	blogs	and	document	collabora'on,	to		private	and	video	chat	and	
enterprise	social	networking,	it	offers	everything	you	need	to	meet		the	expecta'ons	of	a	changing	
On	top	of	a	complete	and	consolidated	set	of	features,	Incen've	is	completely	secure	with	on-		site	or	
cloud-based	deployment	op'ons,	and	affordable	for	any	sized	team.
www.incen've-inc.com		|	14
Freemium offer
If	you’re	not	quite	sure	a	social	intranet	is	right	for	you,	we	invite	you	to	take	Incen've	for	a	test	drive.	
Our	freemium	offer	is	available	for	up	to	15	users	,	no	strings	aeached.		
ü  Document	Collabora'on	
ü  Wiki’s	&	Blogs	
ü  Enterprise	file	sharing	
ü  Task	Management	
ü  Powerful	Search	
ü  Microblogging		A.K.A	Status	Updates	
ü  Enterprise	Social	Networking	
ü  Mee'ng	Notes	
ü  Desktop	&	Mobile	Apps	
ü  Polls	
ü  Image	Galleries	
Sign	up	here:	hep://incen've-inc.com.	
Want ahelping hand?
Do	you	any	have	ques'ons	about	more	effec've	onboarding	or	gecng	started?	Contact	us,	and		we	can	
answer	any	ques'on	you	might	have	or	get	you	connected.	Email	me	:	David@Incen've-Inc.com	
12575	Beatrice	Street,	Los	Angeles,	CA	90066		|	Tel	+1(310)	752-9954		|	info@incen've-inc.com		|	L @Incen'veInc	

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