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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018, pp. 2521~2530
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i4.pp2521-2530  2521
Journal homepage: http://iaescore.com/journals/index.php/IJECE
Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for Online
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Classification
Bushra Mohammed Ali Abdalla1
, Mosab Hamdan2
, Mohammed Sultan Mohammed3
Joseph Stephen Bassi4
, Ismahani Ismail5
, Muhammad Nadzir Marsono6
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Borno state, Nigeria
Article Info ABSTRACT
Article history:
Received Apr 12, 2018
Revised Jul 20, 2018
Accepted Jul 26, 2018
Identification of bandwidth-heavy Internet traffic is important for network
administrators to throttle high-bandwidth application traffic. Flow features
based classification have been previously proposed as promising method to
identify Internet traffic based on packet statistical features. The selection of
statistical features plays an important role for accurate and timely
classification. In this work, we investigate the impact of packet inter-arrival
time feature for online P2P classification in terms of accuracy, Kappa
statistic and time. Simulations were conducted using available traces from
University of Brescia, University of Aalborg and University of Cambridge.
Experimental results show that the inclusion of inter-arrival time (IAT) as an
online feature increases simulation time and decreases classification accuracy
and Kappa statistic.
Features selection
Machine learning
Online features
Copyright © 2018 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author:
Muhammad Nadzir Marsono,
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering,
Faculty of Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Email: nadzir@fke.utm.my
Today, peer-to-peer (P2P) is as an architecture for sharing a wide range of media on the Internet.
P2P traffic represents about 27% to 60% of the total Internet traffic, depending on geographic location [1],
[2]. The high volume of P2P traffic is due to file sharing, video streaming, on-line gaming and other activities
that client-server architecture cannot accomplish as fast or as efficient as the P2P architecture. Rapid
progression of P2P traffic volume throughout the years have resulted in deteriorated network performance
and congestion due to the high bandwidth consumption of P2P applications [3]. Therefore, traffic
identification is required to improve traffic management.
First generation P2P application traffic were relatively easy to be identified due to the use of fixed
ports numbers. However, current P2P applications are able to circumvent port-based identification by using
anonymous port numbers or port disguise [4], [2]. Besides, methods that rely on inspecting application
payload signatures have also been proposed [5]. For privacy and impractical reasons, this method is
ineffective. The effectiveness of the port-based and payload-based methods prompted the use of flow
statistics as features for traffic identification. These strategies offer flexibility to detect P2P traffic compared
to using signature-based and port-based methods.
Several techniques have been proposed over the last two decades that focused on the attainable
identification accuracy using several machine learning (ML) algorithms. However, the impact of exploring
the effect of distinct sets of statistical features has not been researched in-depth. Work in [6] has reported that
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530
feature selection is a vital task to improve the classification and identification performance compared to
selection of the classification algorithm. Presently, several feature selection algorithms have been introduced,
e.g., [7]-[11]. However, most of the introduced methods do not consider the impact of integrating online
features with inter-arrival time (IAT) for online P2P classification.
This paper proposes an approach based on analytic methods one-way analysis of variance and
incremental traffic classification algorithm. One-way analysis of variance is implemented using KNAME
tool and Hoeffding Tree incremental machine learning algorithm is implemented using MOA (Massive On-
line Analysis) tool in order to investigate the impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P classification.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces related works including
ML concepts, traffic classification and feature selection. Section 3 discusses the methodology to investigate
the impact of packet inter-arrival time feature for online P2P classification. The experimental setup, result
and discussion are discussed in Section 4. Section 5 presents the conclusion.
Machine learning (ML) is apromising technique that has been used for data mining and knowledge
discovery [12]. Unsupervised learning strategies basiclly clusters flows with similar parttern behaviour.
Supervised learning needs a set of labeled data to train its model in advance for identification and
classification of data [12].
Classification using flow features mainly deploys machine learning to perform training and
classification. From the extracted flow features, the classifier predicts the class of new flow. This process is
called a data mining problem. The first work using this technique was by [13]. Generally, classification can
be performed in three steps, extracting the features, selection of feature and generating classifier [14].
Moore et al. [15] has suggested 249 features that can be potentially used in ML traffic identification.
However most of these features can only be obtained in an off-line mode. Off-line features such as maximum
and minimum bytes in packet only can be obtained with complete flows. Work in [16] employed all 249
features suggested in [15] derived from packet streams consisting of one or more packet headers. Most of
these features cannot be extracted online from live traffic for online traffic identification.
Feature selection (FS) is used to select optimal subset features from the input which can efficiently
describe the input data while reducing effects from irrelevant or noise features yet still provide good
prediction of its class [7], [17]. Traffic identification can be improved with reference to computational
performance and accuracy by using the most relevant features [18].
Loo et al. [8] proposed 12 online features without features related time. Monemi et al. [19] has
proposed 35 real-time flow features that can be easily extracted from flow records. These flows include
number of packets, port address, protocol, overall Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) flags, average
volume in byte, volume in byte per packet, flow duration, payload volume in byte, flow duration, average
number of packet per second, average volume in byte per second, average payload volume in byte per
second, average payload volume in byte per packet, and average time interval. Erman et al. [16] has
performed backward greedy search on various datasets and found that the use of time-related features such as
duration, IAT and flow throughput are not useful in traffic classification.
Online features techniques have been proposed in [7], [20]. These works used Cambridge datasets
and Naive Bayes to evaluate two feature selection algorithms named Bias Coefficient Results (BFS) and
Selected Online Feature. These works achieved accuracy of 90.92% and 93.20%, respectively. Besides, the
work in [7] has considered IAT as one of the proposed on-line features.
Most researches have focused on online features with IAT as suggested in [7], [11], [19], [21].
However, the impact of packet inter-arrival time feature for online P2P classification still plays an important
role for accurate and timely classification.
Our proposed method to invisticate the impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P classification
consist of two main stages, test the signficance of packet IAT feature and investigate the impact of packet
IAT feature for online P2P identification with reference to accuracy, kappa statistic and time. The first stage
one-way analysis of variance analytics using KNAME tool to test the signficance of IAT. In the second stage,
Hoeffding Tree incremental machine learning algorithm is implemented in MOA tool. All stages will be
discussed in details in Section 3.1. Figure 1 shows the overview of the proposed method to investigate the
impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P classification.
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for ... (Bushra Mohammed Ali Abdalla)
Figure 1. Proposed method
3.1. Techniques for analyzing features
Konstanz Information Miner (Knime) is a recent open-source data analytics platform that allows for
undertaking complete statistics and data mining analysis. One-way ANOVA is implemented in KNIME
benchmark [22]. WEKA workspace tools also is used for classification [23]. One-way ANOVA is the most
effective method available for analyzing the more complex data sets [24]. In this work, we computed the F-
statistic using ANOVA. Equations (5) and (1) represents sum of square (SS) in ANOVA. While the sum of
squares for Treatment (SST) is given by Equation (2). Sum of squares for Error (SSE) is computed using
Equation (3). The Variance between Treatments (MST) is computed by Equation (4). The VarianceWithin
Treatments (MSE) is computed using Equation (5). F-statistic is obtained by dividing MST to MSE is given
by Equation (6). Using 95% confidence interval for mean difference, ANOVA is calculated as:
∑ ∑ ( ) (1)
∑ ∑ ( )
∑ ∑ ( ) ∑ ∑ ( )
∑ ∑ ( ) (2)
∑ ∑ ( ) (3)
Thus, with ANOVA test null hypothesis , which means that there are no treatment
effects. Where bar is the samples mean, is the sample size, is the specified population mean.
Massive Online Analysis (MOA) [25]: MOA is a data stream mining suite that was written in Java.
Userscan use MOA using Graphic User Interface (GUI) or through command lines. Different from WEKA
[23] whichis for batch data mining, MOA specializes on processing and analyzing data streams. The suite
includes evaluation tools such as concept drift evaluation, and interleave-test-then-train evaluation. It is also
built with a collection of data stream identification techniques such as Naive Bayes, Hoeffding Tree, Bagging
and Boosting techniques. In this paper, MOA is used to analyze the impact of integrating online features with
IAT for online P2P classification.
This section, presents and dicusses the network traffic datasets used and the evaluation method used
to evaluate the impact of integrating online features with inter-arrival time for online P2P classification.
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530
4.1. Dataset
Network traces are used to validate the performance of the proposed technique. These datasets are
PAM [26], UNIBS [27] and Cambridge [15]. Table 1 summarizes the used datasets, which the description of
each dataset as follows:
a. PAM traces was captured in Aalborg University from 25th February 2013 to 1st May 2013 and reported
in [26]. The label of the dataset was collected using Volunteer-Based System (VBS). A total of 1,262,022
flows were captured, where 535,438 flows were labeled as reported in [26]. However, only 339,061 flows
could be used as most flows have less than five packets and the netflow and feature extractor modules
only extract flows that contain five packets or more. By using the provided information files, the flows
are labeled into four classes: WEB, FTP, P2P, and Others.
b. The UNIBS datasets [27] were obtained from a series of workstations at the University of Bresciafrom
September 2016 to 2nd October 2016. The traces are collected on edge router, where the traffic was
generated by 20 workstations running GT toolset. In this work, the traces were processed using netflow
and feature extractor based on 1 minutes timeout and flows with a minimum of five packets are extracted.
A total of 77,303 flows are extracted and all flows features are extracted based on only the first five
packets of each flow. The accompanied groundtruth labels, were use to classify flows into five classes,
P2P, Skype,Web, Others, and Mail.
c. The Cambridge datasets were obtained from traces captured on the Genome Campus network in August
2003 in the University of Cambridge [15]. There are ten different datasets each from a different period of
the 24-hour day. These datasets consist of TCP flow. Furthermore, every flow sample is high dimensional
since it contains 248 features. The dataset applications with negligible classes such as games and
interactive were excluded as it is insufficient for training and testing. These include classes such as FTP-
Pasv, Attack, P2P, Database, Multimedia, Web, Mail, FTP-Control, and Services.
Tabel 1. Datasets Statistics
UNIBS PAM Cambridge
#Flow instances 77,303 339,061 397,030
#Classes 5 4 10
#Flow features extracted 9 9 9
4.1.1. Dataset preprocessing
Online features are extracted and online features with IAT and without IAT as suggested in our
previous work [28] are selected. For the UNIBS and PAM datasets, the features are extracted based on the
first five packets statistic of each flow. However, for the Cambridge dataset, the statistics of the first 5
packets are not available without access to the raw packets. Thus, for this dataset, the complete flow statistic
is used (not only first 5 packets). In order to have a fair comparison of all datasets, the mean features in
Cambridge dataset are modified to total features. Table 2 shows the list of feature that had been extracted.
Table 2. Online features with IAT
# Name Description
1 Port_a Source port number
2 Port_b Port b Destination port number
3 Ply_size_ba Total byte in IP packet(Downlink)
4 Ply_size Total byte in IP packet
5 Pck_size_ba Total byte in Ethernet packet(Downlink)
6 Pck_size Total byte in Ethernet packet
7 iat_ba Total packet inter-arrival time(downlink)
8 Iat Total packet inter-arrival time
9 Class Protocol
4.1.2. Evalution
Prequential evaluation using fading factors forgetting mechanism proposed by Gama et al. [29] is
adopted as the evaluation method. This method is suitable for evaluating incremental learning algorithm. The
prequential parameters used in our experiment are as stated below, unless specified otherwise:
a. Classifier to train: Hoeffding Tree
b. Stream to learn from: PAM, Cambridge and UNIBS dataset
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for ... (Bushra Mohammed Ali Abdalla)
c. Training and testing on a total of 250,000 samples for PAM and Cambridge, while UNIBS 50000
d. Testing every two hundred samples
e. Instances between memory bound checks: 193,000 samples for PAM and Cambridge, while UNIBS
40000 samples
f. Evaluate Prequential Parameters: Window Classification Performance Evaluator
g. Size of sliding is 1,000
The performance indicators used in this research are classification time , Kapaa statistic K = 1
and average accuracy (Acc). Average accuracy is the overall accuracy for a dataset. Let the total correct
identification in a dataset with (N) flow instances is η. The performance indicators used in this paper are:
while : classifier’s prequential accuracy is: probability of correct prediction. Kappa has preferable
properties such that value of 1 with perfect agreement ( ) is used. The value approximately zero when
the observed agreement is almost the same as would be expected by chance ( ). Furthermore, Kappa
statistic does not assume marginal probabilities to be the same for different observers.
4.2. One-way ANOVA test results
This subsection explains the significant of selected features by using ANOVA test with 95%
confidence interval for the mean difference. The result explains all selected features are significant because
after tested with ANOVA the P-value less than 0.05. Also, this test explains the IAT features are less
significant than other features as shown in Figure 2.
4.3. Online classification results
The experimental results presented in Figure 3 to Figure 8, illustrate the effect of IAT inclusion as
an online feature for P2P identification. The result as presented in Table 3 indicates that packet IAT feature
as online feature decreases identification accuracy and Kapaa statistic. Furthermore, packet IAT feature
increases the experimental evaluation time. This is as a result of packet IAT feature morphing which involves
alternation on direction pattern which is dependent on network locations. Also these results prove previous
offline studies that:
a. Time-related features do not help to distinguish among applications [20], [30].
b. The use and statistical features of application dependent only on inter-packet time is a challenging task
due to the time required by an application to generate and transfer packets to the transport layer is masked
by the fact that additional time is added due to the network conditions and the TCP layer [31].
Table 3. Classification Results
Cambridge Online features without IAT Online features with IAT
Accuracy mean 98.86 98.80
Kappa statistic mean 59.46 59.46
CPU total time per second mean 1.41 2.28
UNIBS dataset Online features without IAT Online features with IAT
Accuracy mean 94.13 93.15
Kappa statistic mean 87.87 86.16
CPU total time per second mean 0.51 0.74
PAM dataset Online features without IAT Online features with IAT
Accuracy mean 92.42 92.22
Kappa statistic mean 17.71 15.42
CPU total time per second mean 1.56 1.82
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530
Figure 2. Screen shot of test statistic ANOVA
Figure 3. UNIBS dataset mean classification accurcay
Figure 4. UNIBS dataset mean kapaa statistic
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for ... (Bushra Mohammed Ali Abdalla)
Figure 5. UNIBS dataset evalution time
Figure 6. PAM dataset mean classification accurcay
Figure 7. PAM dataset mean kapaa statistic
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530
Figure 8. PAM dataset evalution time
In this paper, we investigated the impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P classification with
reference to accuracy, kappa statistic and evaluation time. The simulation results indicate that the packet IAT
features for online P2P classification decrease accuracy and Kappa statistic, and also increase evaluation
time. These results because IAT morphing usually involves alternation on direction pattern and depend on
different network locations. The acknowledgment section is optional. The funding source of the research can
be put here.
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Bushra Mohammed Ali, is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia. He obtained B.Sc. and M.Sc.in Computer Engineering and Networks-Faculty of
Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira, Sudan. He is a lecturer at the faculty of Computer
and Statistics Studies, University of Kordofan. His research interests include computer architecture,
Network Traffic classification and control, Artificial Intelligence and optimization techniques.
Mosab Hamdan is a PhD student at Vecad research group in University Technology Malaysia
(UTM). He obtained Bachelor degree in Electronic and Electrical engineering from University of
Science and Technology (Sudan) in 2010, and Msc in computer architecture and networking at
University of Khartoum (Sudan) in 2014. His current research interests are Software Defined
Networking, Load Balancing, Traffic Classification, and Future Network.
Mohammed Sultan Mohammed received his BSc in Computer Engineering from Hodeidah
University (Yemen) in 2005. He received the MSc in Computer Engineering and Networks from the
University of Jordan (Jordan) in 2015. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. study at Univesiti Teknologi
Malaysia. His research interests are parallel processing, multi-core embedded systems, System-on-
Chip (SoC).
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530
Joseph Stephen Bassi received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, in 2017, M.Eng. degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Electronics)
from University of Maiduguri, Nigeria in 2012 and B.Tech degree in Computer Science &
Mathematics from Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria in 2000. He is currently a
Lecturer with the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of
Maiduguri, Nigeria. His research interests are in Network algorithmic, Artificial Intelligence &
optimization techniques and computer communication networks.
Ismahani Ismail received her PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia in 2013. She is a Senior Lecturer with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Her fields are in digital systems and network algorithmic.
Muhammad Nadzir Bin Marsono received the PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
University of Victoria, Canada in 2007. He is now an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, Univeristi Teknologi Malaysia. His research interests in system level integration,
working in multiple areas of embedded systems, specialized computer architectures, VLSI design,
network algorithmic, network-on-chip, and network processor architectures.

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Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for Online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Classification

  • 1. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018, pp. 2521~2530 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i4.pp2521-2530  2521 Journal homepage: http://iaescore.com/journals/index.php/IJECE Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for Online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Classification Bushra Mohammed Ali Abdalla1 , Mosab Hamdan2 , Mohammed Sultan Mohammed3 , Joseph Stephen Bassi4 , Ismahani Ismail5 , Muhammad Nadzir Marsono6 1,2,3,5,6 Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor Bahru, Malaysia 4 Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Borno state, Nigeria Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Apr 12, 2018 Revised Jul 20, 2018 Accepted Jul 26, 2018 Identification of bandwidth-heavy Internet traffic is important for network administrators to throttle high-bandwidth application traffic. Flow features based classification have been previously proposed as promising method to identify Internet traffic based on packet statistical features. The selection of statistical features plays an important role for accurate and timely classification. In this work, we investigate the impact of packet inter-arrival time feature for online P2P classification in terms of accuracy, Kappa statistic and time. Simulations were conducted using available traces from University of Brescia, University of Aalborg and University of Cambridge. Experimental results show that the inclusion of inter-arrival time (IAT) as an online feature increases simulation time and decreases classification accuracy and Kappa statistic. Keyword: Features selection Machine learning Online features P2P Copyright © 2018 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. Corresponding Author: Muhammad Nadzir Marsono, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Email: nadzir@fke.utm.my 1. INTRODUCTION Today, peer-to-peer (P2P) is as an architecture for sharing a wide range of media on the Internet. P2P traffic represents about 27% to 60% of the total Internet traffic, depending on geographic location [1], [2]. The high volume of P2P traffic is due to file sharing, video streaming, on-line gaming and other activities that client-server architecture cannot accomplish as fast or as efficient as the P2P architecture. Rapid progression of P2P traffic volume throughout the years have resulted in deteriorated network performance and congestion due to the high bandwidth consumption of P2P applications [3]. Therefore, traffic identification is required to improve traffic management. First generation P2P application traffic were relatively easy to be identified due to the use of fixed ports numbers. However, current P2P applications are able to circumvent port-based identification by using anonymous port numbers or port disguise [4], [2]. Besides, methods that rely on inspecting application payload signatures have also been proposed [5]. For privacy and impractical reasons, this method is ineffective. The effectiveness of the port-based and payload-based methods prompted the use of flow statistics as features for traffic identification. These strategies offer flexibility to detect P2P traffic compared to using signature-based and port-based methods. Several techniques have been proposed over the last two decades that focused on the attainable identification accuracy using several machine learning (ML) algorithms. However, the impact of exploring the effect of distinct sets of statistical features has not been researched in-depth. Work in [6] has reported that
  • 2.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530 2522 feature selection is a vital task to improve the classification and identification performance compared to selection of the classification algorithm. Presently, several feature selection algorithms have been introduced, e.g., [7]-[11]. However, most of the introduced methods do not consider the impact of integrating online features with inter-arrival time (IAT) for online P2P classification. This paper proposes an approach based on analytic methods one-way analysis of variance and incremental traffic classification algorithm. One-way analysis of variance is implemented using KNAME tool and Hoeffding Tree incremental machine learning algorithm is implemented using MOA (Massive On- line Analysis) tool in order to investigate the impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P classification. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces related works including ML concepts, traffic classification and feature selection. Section 3 discusses the methodology to investigate the impact of packet inter-arrival time feature for online P2P classification. The experimental setup, result and discussion are discussed in Section 4. Section 5 presents the conclusion. 2. RELATED WORK Machine learning (ML) is apromising technique that has been used for data mining and knowledge discovery [12]. Unsupervised learning strategies basiclly clusters flows with similar parttern behaviour. Supervised learning needs a set of labeled data to train its model in advance for identification and classification of data [12]. Classification using flow features mainly deploys machine learning to perform training and classification. From the extracted flow features, the classifier predicts the class of new flow. This process is called a data mining problem. The first work using this technique was by [13]. Generally, classification can be performed in three steps, extracting the features, selection of feature and generating classifier [14]. Moore et al. [15] has suggested 249 features that can be potentially used in ML traffic identification. However most of these features can only be obtained in an off-line mode. Off-line features such as maximum and minimum bytes in packet only can be obtained with complete flows. Work in [16] employed all 249 features suggested in [15] derived from packet streams consisting of one or more packet headers. Most of these features cannot be extracted online from live traffic for online traffic identification. Feature selection (FS) is used to select optimal subset features from the input which can efficiently describe the input data while reducing effects from irrelevant or noise features yet still provide good prediction of its class [7], [17]. Traffic identification can be improved with reference to computational performance and accuracy by using the most relevant features [18]. Loo et al. [8] proposed 12 online features without features related time. Monemi et al. [19] has proposed 35 real-time flow features that can be easily extracted from flow records. These flows include number of packets, port address, protocol, overall Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) flags, average volume in byte, volume in byte per packet, flow duration, payload volume in byte, flow duration, average number of packet per second, average volume in byte per second, average payload volume in byte per second, average payload volume in byte per packet, and average time interval. Erman et al. [16] has performed backward greedy search on various datasets and found that the use of time-related features such as duration, IAT and flow throughput are not useful in traffic classification. Online features techniques have been proposed in [7], [20]. These works used Cambridge datasets and Naive Bayes to evaluate two feature selection algorithms named Bias Coefficient Results (BFS) and Selected Online Feature. These works achieved accuracy of 90.92% and 93.20%, respectively. Besides, the work in [7] has considered IAT as one of the proposed on-line features. Most researches have focused on online features with IAT as suggested in [7], [11], [19], [21]. However, the impact of packet inter-arrival time feature for online P2P classification still plays an important role for accurate and timely classification. 3. OVERVIEW OF THE METHODS Our proposed method to invisticate the impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P classification consist of two main stages, test the signficance of packet IAT feature and investigate the impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P identification with reference to accuracy, kappa statistic and time. The first stage one-way analysis of variance analytics using KNAME tool to test the signficance of IAT. In the second stage, Hoeffding Tree incremental machine learning algorithm is implemented in MOA tool. All stages will be discussed in details in Section 3.1. Figure 1 shows the overview of the proposed method to investigate the impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P classification.
  • 3. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for ... (Bushra Mohammed Ali Abdalla) 2523 Figure 1. Proposed method 3.1. Techniques for analyzing features Konstanz Information Miner (Knime) is a recent open-source data analytics platform that allows for undertaking complete statistics and data mining analysis. One-way ANOVA is implemented in KNIME benchmark [22]. WEKA workspace tools also is used for classification [23]. One-way ANOVA is the most effective method available for analyzing the more complex data sets [24]. In this work, we computed the F- statistic using ANOVA. Equations (5) and (1) represents sum of square (SS) in ANOVA. While the sum of squares for Treatment (SST) is given by Equation (2). Sum of squares for Error (SSE) is computed using Equation (3). The Variance between Treatments (MST) is computed by Equation (4). The VarianceWithin Treatments (MSE) is computed using Equation (5). F-statistic is obtained by dividing MST to MSE is given by Equation (6). Using 95% confidence interval for mean difference, ANOVA is calculated as: ∑ ∑ ( ) (1) ∑ ∑ ( ) ∑ ∑ ( ) ∑ ∑ ( ) ∑ ∑ ( ) (2) ∑ ∑ ( ) (3) Then (4) (5) (6) Thus, with ANOVA test null hypothesis , which means that there are no treatment effects. Where bar is the samples mean, is the sample size, is the specified population mean. Massive Online Analysis (MOA) [25]: MOA is a data stream mining suite that was written in Java. Userscan use MOA using Graphic User Interface (GUI) or through command lines. Different from WEKA [23] whichis for batch data mining, MOA specializes on processing and analyzing data streams. The suite includes evaluation tools such as concept drift evaluation, and interleave-test-then-train evaluation. It is also built with a collection of data stream identification techniques such as Naive Bayes, Hoeffding Tree, Bagging and Boosting techniques. In this paper, MOA is used to analyze the impact of integrating online features with IAT for online P2P classification. 4. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section, presents and dicusses the network traffic datasets used and the evaluation method used to evaluate the impact of integrating online features with inter-arrival time for online P2P classification.
  • 4.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530 2524 4.1. Dataset Network traces are used to validate the performance of the proposed technique. These datasets are PAM [26], UNIBS [27] and Cambridge [15]. Table 1 summarizes the used datasets, which the description of each dataset as follows: a. PAM traces was captured in Aalborg University from 25th February 2013 to 1st May 2013 and reported in [26]. The label of the dataset was collected using Volunteer-Based System (VBS). A total of 1,262,022 flows were captured, where 535,438 flows were labeled as reported in [26]. However, only 339,061 flows could be used as most flows have less than five packets and the netflow and feature extractor modules only extract flows that contain five packets or more. By using the provided information files, the flows are labeled into four classes: WEB, FTP, P2P, and Others. b. The UNIBS datasets [27] were obtained from a series of workstations at the University of Bresciafrom 30th September 2016 to 2nd October 2016. The traces are collected on edge router, where the traffic was generated by 20 workstations running GT toolset. In this work, the traces were processed using netflow and feature extractor based on 1 minutes timeout and flows with a minimum of five packets are extracted. A total of 77,303 flows are extracted and all flows features are extracted based on only the first five packets of each flow. The accompanied groundtruth labels, were use to classify flows into five classes, P2P, Skype,Web, Others, and Mail. c. The Cambridge datasets were obtained from traces captured on the Genome Campus network in August 2003 in the University of Cambridge [15]. There are ten different datasets each from a different period of the 24-hour day. These datasets consist of TCP flow. Furthermore, every flow sample is high dimensional since it contains 248 features. The dataset applications with negligible classes such as games and interactive were excluded as it is insufficient for training and testing. These include classes such as FTP- Pasv, Attack, P2P, Database, Multimedia, Web, Mail, FTP-Control, and Services. Tabel 1. Datasets Statistics UNIBS PAM Cambridge #Flow instances 77,303 339,061 397,030 #Classes 5 4 10 #Flow features extracted 9 9 9 4.1.1. Dataset preprocessing Online features are extracted and online features with IAT and without IAT as suggested in our previous work [28] are selected. For the UNIBS and PAM datasets, the features are extracted based on the first five packets statistic of each flow. However, for the Cambridge dataset, the statistics of the first 5 packets are not available without access to the raw packets. Thus, for this dataset, the complete flow statistic is used (not only first 5 packets). In order to have a fair comparison of all datasets, the mean features in Cambridge dataset are modified to total features. Table 2 shows the list of feature that had been extracted. Table 2. Online features with IAT # Name Description 1 Port_a Source port number 2 Port_b Port b Destination port number 3 Ply_size_ba Total byte in IP packet(Downlink) 4 Ply_size Total byte in IP packet 5 Pck_size_ba Total byte in Ethernet packet(Downlink) 6 Pck_size Total byte in Ethernet packet 7 iat_ba Total packet inter-arrival time(downlink) 8 Iat Total packet inter-arrival time 9 Class Protocol 4.1.2. Evalution Prequential evaluation using fading factors forgetting mechanism proposed by Gama et al. [29] is adopted as the evaluation method. This method is suitable for evaluating incremental learning algorithm. The prequential parameters used in our experiment are as stated below, unless specified otherwise: a. Classifier to train: Hoeffding Tree b. Stream to learn from: PAM, Cambridge and UNIBS dataset
  • 5. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for ... (Bushra Mohammed Ali Abdalla) 2525 c. Training and testing on a total of 250,000 samples for PAM and Cambridge, while UNIBS 50000 samples. d. Testing every two hundred samples e. Instances between memory bound checks: 193,000 samples for PAM and Cambridge, while UNIBS 40000 samples f. Evaluate Prequential Parameters: Window Classification Performance Evaluator g. Size of sliding is 1,000 The performance indicators used in this research are classification time , Kapaa statistic K = 1 and average accuracy (Acc). Average accuracy is the overall accuracy for a dataset. Let the total correct identification in a dataset with (N) flow instances is η. The performance indicators used in this paper are: (7) (8) while : classifier’s prequential accuracy is: probability of correct prediction. Kappa has preferable properties such that value of 1 with perfect agreement ( ) is used. The value approximately zero when the observed agreement is almost the same as would be expected by chance ( ). Furthermore, Kappa statistic does not assume marginal probabilities to be the same for different observers. 4.2. One-way ANOVA test results This subsection explains the significant of selected features by using ANOVA test with 95% confidence interval for the mean difference. The result explains all selected features are significant because after tested with ANOVA the P-value less than 0.05. Also, this test explains the IAT features are less significant than other features as shown in Figure 2. 4.3. Online classification results The experimental results presented in Figure 3 to Figure 8, illustrate the effect of IAT inclusion as an online feature for P2P identification. The result as presented in Table 3 indicates that packet IAT feature as online feature decreases identification accuracy and Kapaa statistic. Furthermore, packet IAT feature increases the experimental evaluation time. This is as a result of packet IAT feature morphing which involves alternation on direction pattern which is dependent on network locations. Also these results prove previous offline studies that: a. Time-related features do not help to distinguish among applications [20], [30]. b. The use and statistical features of application dependent only on inter-packet time is a challenging task due to the time required by an application to generate and transfer packets to the transport layer is masked by the fact that additional time is added due to the network conditions and the TCP layer [31]. Table 3. Classification Results Cambridge Online features without IAT Online features with IAT Accuracy mean 98.86 98.80 Kappa statistic mean 59.46 59.46 CPU total time per second mean 1.41 2.28 UNIBS dataset Online features without IAT Online features with IAT Accuracy mean 94.13 93.15 Kappa statistic mean 87.87 86.16 CPU total time per second mean 0.51 0.74 PAM dataset Online features without IAT Online features with IAT Accuracy mean 92.42 92.22 Kappa statistic mean 17.71 15.42 CPU total time per second mean 1.56 1.82
  • 6.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530 2526 Figure 2. Screen shot of test statistic ANOVA Figure 3. UNIBS dataset mean classification accurcay Figure 4. UNIBS dataset mean kapaa statistic
  • 7. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  Impact of Packet Inter-arrival Time Features for ... (Bushra Mohammed Ali Abdalla) 2527 Figure 5. UNIBS dataset evalution time Figure 6. PAM dataset mean classification accurcay Figure 7. PAM dataset mean kapaa statistic
  • 8.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530 2528 Figure 8. PAM dataset evalution time 5. CONCLUSION In this paper, we investigated the impact of packet IAT feature for online P2P classification with reference to accuracy, kappa statistic and evaluation time. The simulation results indicate that the packet IAT features for online P2P classification decrease accuracy and Kappa statistic, and also increase evaluation time. These results because IAT morphing usually involves alternation on direction pattern and depend on different network locations. The acknowledgment section is optional. The funding source of the research can be put here. REFERENCES [1] D. L. Johnson, E. M. Belding, and G. Van Stam, “Network traffic locality in a rural african village,” in Proceedings of the fifth international conference on information and communication technologies and development. ACM, 2012, pp. 268-277 . [2] J. S. Bassi, L. H. Ru, I. Ismail, B. M. Khammas, and M. N. Marsono, “Online peer-to-peer traffic identification. based on complex events processing of traffic event signatures,” Journal TEKNOLOGI, vol. 78, no. 7, pp. 9-16, 2016. [3] R. D. Torres, M. Y. Hajjat, S. G. Rao, M. Mellia, and M. M. Munafo, “Inferring undesirable behavior from p2p traffic analysis,” booktitle is ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol. 37, no. 1. ACM, 2009, pp. 25-36. [4] C. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. Ye, and H. Chen, “A p2p traffic identification approach based on svm and bfa,” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 2833-2842, 2014. [5] A. W. Moore and K. Papagiannaki, “Toward the accurate identification of network applications,” in International Workshop on Passive and Active Network Measurement. Springer, 2005, pp. 41-54. [6] P. Van Der Putten and M. Van Someren, “A bias-variance analysis of a real world learning problem: The coil challenge 2000,” Journal of Machine Learning, vol. 57, no. 1-2, pp. 177-195, 2004. [7] H. A. Jamil, A. Mohammed, A. Hamza, S. M. Nor, and M. N. Marsono, “Selection of on-line features for peer-to- peer network traffic classification,” in Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics. Springer, 2014, pp. 379-390. [8] H. R. Loo and M. N. Marsono, “Online network traffic classification with incremental learning,” Journal of Evolving Systems, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 129-143, 2016. [9] H. Zhang, et al., “Feature selection for optimizing traffic classification,” Journal of Computer Communications, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 1457-1471, 2012. [10] S. Joseph, et al., “Cooperative learning for distributed in-network traffic classification,” in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 190, no. 1. IOP Publishing, 2017, p. 012010. [11] J.-j. Zhao, et al., “Real-time feature selection in traffic classification,” Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, vol. 15, pp. 68-72, 2008. [12] T. T. Nguyen and G. Armitage, “A survey of techniques for internet traffic classification using machine learning,” Journal IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 56-76, 2008. [13] M. G. Schultz, et al., “Data mining methods for detection of new malicious executables,” in Security and Privacy, 2001. S&P 2001. Proceedings. 2001 IEEE Symposium on. IEEE, 2001, pp. 38-49. [14] G. Tahan, et al., “Mal-id: Automatic malware detection using common segment analysis and meta-features,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 13, no. Apr, pp. 949-979, 2012.
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  • 10.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2018 : 2521 – 2530 2530 Joseph Stephen Bassi received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, in 2017, M.Eng. degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Electronics) from University of Maiduguri, Nigeria in 2012 and B.Tech degree in Computer Science & Mathematics from Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria in 2000. He is currently a Lecturer with the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. His research interests are in Network algorithmic, Artificial Intelligence & optimization techniques and computer communication networks. Ismahani Ismail received her PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2013. She is a Senior Lecturer with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Her fields are in digital systems and network algorithmic. Muhammad Nadzir Bin Marsono received the PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of Victoria, Canada in 2007. He is now an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Univeristi Teknologi Malaysia. His research interests in system level integration, working in multiple areas of embedded systems, specialized computer architectures, VLSI design, network algorithmic, network-on-chip, and network processor architectures.