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Kile Niklawski
Ippon Technologies
Who am I?
• Software Engineer/Architect and technology enthusiast
• A decade of experience - mostly Java
• Worked with various start-ups and large insurance,
finance, and government clients
• Working for Ippon as a Software Architect
Ippon Technologies
• 200 software engineers in France and the US
➡ Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux
➡ Richmond (Virginia), Washington (DC)
• Expertise
➡ Digital, Big Data and Cloud
➡ Java, Open-source, Agile
• Open-source Projects :
➡ JHipster,
➡ Tatami …
• @ipponusa
• Job Board Site MVP
• Three types of users: Company, Recruiter, Candidate (job seeker)
• Company can register and then post jobs
• Recruiter can login and search for applicants
• User can login and search for jobs
• You have one week!
• 1 Product Owner
• 1 Developer
• 1 Scrum Master
What is JHipster?
• Open Source
• Yeoman app generator
• Creates a full stack Java based web app
• Uses Maven/Gradle, Grunt, Bower, Spring and AngularJS
• Spring Boot
• Responsive UI (HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap)
• Spring Data JPA backend
• Security is wired up
• Caching built-in, log management, monitoring, API docs
Generate the app, customize UI, and deploy to the cloud
Writing User Stories
• Candidate
• I want to log in, build a profile and be able to search and apply to
jobs easily
• Recruiter
• I want to log in, build a personal and company profile
• I want to be able to post jobs
• I want to be able to view the applicants for a job
• I want to search the candidate pool to find a good match
• SysAdmin
• I want to be able to monitor the status of the server, the application’s
services and be able to interact with the REST API
• I want to be able to change the log levels from the browser
• Partner
• I want to pull candidates, jobs and companies using a REST API
Generate the Base Project
Get it Running
• Created the UML diagram using Modelio
• Exported model in XMI
• Imported XMI using jhipster-uml tool
• Now run it!
• mvn clean install
• mvn spring-boot:run
Check out the Entities
CRUD + Search Built-in
Cloud Time
• Wanted to use heroku but had to install Elasticsearch to a
local server in order to keep it free
• Installed the heroku CLI
• One-time setup for deployment
• heroku login
• yo jhipster:heroku
• Every deployment
• mvn clean install –Pprod
• heroku deploy:jar –jar target/boardatjob.war
• Borrowed a few hours from a UI designer for a look-and-
• Chose to use the Compass CSS Authoring Framework
• Replaced the main.scss file with the custom CSS from the
• Modified some image paths and added images
• Copied the designer’s home page into the main.html
• Separated common elements into the navbar template and
created a new header template
Add Candidate Features
Candidate Features
• Added a new listing template for the front page, tied in
Elasticsearch, added the job and company detail pages
• Very little backend work required – mostly HTML and AngularJS
• Needed to sort the job listings
• Had to modify a date field on the job object and add a liquibase
• Modified the REST controller to pass the sort criteria to Spring Data
• Needed pagination (infinite scroll)
• JHipster provides infinite scrolling but we did not select it
• So we generated a new JHipster project with infinite scroll and
borrowed from that
Landing Page
Job Details
Company Details
Added code coverage analysis and built user profile
Coverage and Static Analysis
• Updated the Sonar version in the pom.xml
• Ignored library files during analysis
• Consolidated test reports in the same directory
• Added code coverage for Java using Jacoco
• Added code coverage for AngularJS using Karma
• Would like to see these generated by JHipster
• Run the analysis:
• mvn clean install
• grunt test
• mvn sonar:sonar
Faceted Search
• How do we implement this?
• Elasticsearch supports faceted search but not sure how to
get the information with the Spring Data Elasticsearch
library (display job counts by location)
• Let’s move on!
User Profile
• Added a user profile entity to support additional fields
• Design choice versus modifying the existing user entity generated
by JHipster
• User profile is related by unique login id to the user entity
• Modified registration to create a user profile
• Modified the settings page to support additional fields for
user profiles
• Found a minor bug in JHipster where refreshing the page
caused the user to lose his roles
• Already fixed!
• Added storing of résumés as a blob in the user profile
• Added a REST resource for upload/download requests
• Used an AngularJS library for drag-and-drop uploads
Recruiter pages, résumé upload, job application
Recruiter Features
• Created a company page for the recruiter
• Created pages to submit and review job listings
• Added a list of job applications for listings submitted by the
recruiter to the home page
• Added ability to review the cover letter and candidate
contact information
• Added ability to download a candidate’s résumé
Company Details
Create a Job
Jobs Created
Candidate Features
• Modified the user profile screen to add fields and support
résumé uploads
• Added screen for applying for a job and adding a cover
User Profile
Apply for Job
Went to the beach
• Signed up for a free SendGrid account and configured the
sendmail settings in the application.yml file
• Focused most of the day on fixing bugs
• Believe it or not, some bugs still exist
What Did We Get?
• How long does it take to get a new project up and running?
• Started adding features on Day 1
• Scaffolding was generated
• Deployed initial app to the cloud on Day 1
• Can we modify the generated code?
• Modern and clean organization
• Easily added 3rd party libraries with bower and maven
• A prototype that can be turned into a real, scalable
production application
• JHipster Site
• https://jhipster.github.io/
• White Paper
• http://www.ipponusa.com/whitepaper/jhipster-for-techies-hipster-
• JHipster Demo
• http://www.ipponusa.com/blog/jhipster-demo/

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Fix Production Bugs Quickly - The Power of Structured Logging in Ruby on Rail...

How we built a job board in one week with JHipster

  • 1. HOW WE BUILT A JOB BOARD IN ONE WEEK WITH JHIPSTER Kile Niklawski Ippon Technologies
  • 2. Who am I? • Software Engineer/Architect and technology enthusiast • A decade of experience - mostly Java • Worked with various start-ups and large insurance, finance, and government clients • Working for Ippon as a Software Architect kniklawski@ipponusa.com @KileNiklawski
  • 3. Ippon Technologies • 200 software engineers in France and the US ➡ Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux ➡ Richmond (Virginia), Washington (DC) • Expertise ➡ Digital, Big Data and Cloud ➡ Java, Open-source, Agile • Open-source Projects : ➡ JHipster, ➡ Tatami … • @ipponusa 3
  • 4. Requirements • Job Board Site MVP • Three types of users: Company, Recruiter, Candidate (job seeker) • Company can register and then post jobs • Recruiter can login and search for applicants • User can login and search for jobs • You have one week! • 1 Product Owner • 1 Developer • 1 Scrum Master
  • 5. What is JHipster? • Open Source • Yeoman app generator • Creates a full stack Java based web app • Uses Maven/Gradle, Grunt, Bower, Spring and AngularJS • Spring Boot • Responsive UI (HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap) • Spring Data JPA backend • Security is wired up • Caching built-in, log management, monitoring, API docs
  • 6. DAY 1 Generate the app, customize UI, and deploy to the cloud
  • 7. Writing User Stories • Candidate • I want to log in, build a profile and be able to search and apply to jobs easily • Recruiter • I want to log in, build a personal and company profile • I want to be able to post jobs • I want to be able to view the applicants for a job • I want to search the candidate pool to find a good match • SysAdmin • I want to be able to monitor the status of the server, the application’s services and be able to interact with the REST API • I want to be able to change the log levels from the browser • Partner • I want to pull candidates, jobs and companies using a REST API
  • 10. Get it Running • Created the UML diagram using Modelio • Exported model in XMI • Imported XMI using jhipster-uml tool • Now run it! • mvn clean install • mvn spring-boot:run
  • 11. Check out the Entities
  • 12. CRUD + Search Built-in
  • 13. Cloud Time • Wanted to use heroku but had to install Elasticsearch to a local server in order to keep it free • Installed the heroku CLI • One-time setup for deployment • heroku login • yo jhipster:heroku • Every deployment • mvn clean install –Pprod • heroku deploy:jar –jar target/boardatjob.war
  • 14. UI • Borrowed a few hours from a UI designer for a look-and- feel • Chose to use the Compass CSS Authoring Framework • Replaced the main.scss file with the custom CSS from the designer • Modified some image paths and added images • Copied the designer’s home page into the main.html • Separated common elements into the navbar template and created a new header template
  • 16. Candidate Features • Added a new listing template for the front page, tied in Elasticsearch, added the job and company detail pages • Very little backend work required – mostly HTML and AngularJS • Needed to sort the job listings • Had to modify a date field on the job object and add a liquibase changeset • Modified the REST controller to pass the sort criteria to Spring Data • Needed pagination (infinite scroll) • JHipster provides infinite scrolling but we did not select it • So we generated a new JHipster project with infinite scroll and borrowed from that
  • 20. DAY 3 Added code coverage analysis and built user profile
  • 21. Coverage and Static Analysis • Updated the Sonar version in the pom.xml • Ignored library files during analysis • Consolidated test reports in the same directory • Added code coverage for Java using Jacoco • Added code coverage for AngularJS using Karma • Would like to see these generated by JHipster • Run the analysis: • mvn clean install • grunt test • mvn sonar:sonar
  • 22. Faceted Search • How do we implement this? • Elasticsearch supports faceted search but not sure how to get the information with the Spring Data Elasticsearch library (display job counts by location) • Let’s move on!
  • 23. User Profile • Added a user profile entity to support additional fields • Design choice versus modifying the existing user entity generated by JHipster • User profile is related by unique login id to the user entity • Modified registration to create a user profile • Modified the settings page to support additional fields for user profiles • Found a minor bug in JHipster where refreshing the page caused the user to lose his roles • Already fixed! • Added storing of résumés as a blob in the user profile • Added a REST resource for upload/download requests • Used an AngularJS library for drag-and-drop uploads
  • 24. DAY 4 Recruiter pages, résumé upload, job application
  • 25. Recruiter Features • Created a company page for the recruiter • Created pages to submit and review job listings • Added a list of job applications for listings submitted by the recruiter to the home page • Added ability to review the cover letter and candidate contact information • Added ability to download a candidate’s résumé
  • 31. Candidate Features • Modified the user profile screen to add fields and support résumé uploads • Added screen for applying for a job and adding a cover letter
  • 34. DAY 5 Went to the beach
  • 35. 35
  • 36. MVP • Signed up for a free SendGrid account and configured the sendmail settings in the application.yml file • Focused most of the day on fixing bugs • Believe it or not, some bugs still exist
  • 38. What Did We Get? • How long does it take to get a new project up and running? • Started adding features on Day 1 • Scaffolding was generated • Deployed initial app to the cloud on Day 1 • Can we modify the generated code? • Modern and clean organization • Easily added 3rd party libraries with bower and maven • A prototype that can be turned into a real, scalable production application
  • 39. References • JHipster Site • https://jhipster.github.io/ • White Paper • http://www.ipponusa.com/whitepaper/jhipster-for-techies-hipster- developer-diary/ • JHipster Demo • http://www.ipponusa.com/blog/jhipster-demo/