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Presented by Elisabeth Swan
Managing Partner & Executive Advisor
at GoLeanSixSigma.com
How to Set Up and Run
Hypothesis Tests
Our Expert: Elisabeth
• Managing Partner &
Executive Advisor at
• Master Black Belt
• Certified Executive Coach at
Burnham Rosen Group
• BA in English Literature from
Columbia University/Barnard
• Born in the UK
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We’ve Helped People From…
• What Are Hypothesis Tests?
• Why Do We Need Them in Process Improvement?
• When Should We Use Them?
• How Do We Setup and Run Them?
• Any Words of Advice?
Today’s Agenda
What Are Hypothesis Tests?
Hypothesis: Educated Guess or Theory
• Something that requires further investigation
• There are many ways to test theories
• Hypothesis Testing is a formal way to test theories
What Can Be Tested?
Prevagen improves
memory in 90 Days
Swiffer 3 X more
effective than a broom
Sketchers Sneakers
make you lose weight
Is There a Difference?
Are These Things Related?
Two Types of Testing
Applying to Process Improvement
Speed of
Menu Item
X Ambience
Applying to Process Improvement
A way of making sure that your theories about the
root causes of process issues are worth pursuing
Y = ƒ(x1, x2…xn)
e root
Determine if
solutions made
the difference
Did that
When Should We Run Them?
Poll #1:
How have you used
Hypothesis Tests?
A. To verify a root cause
B. To verify that the solution made a difference
C. To test the guarantee made by a vendor
D. I haven’t tried to use one yet
The Testing Process
1. Practical
5. Practical
2. Statistical
3. Analysis
4. Statistical
General Hypothesis
• What’s the
• What type of data?
• What is the statistic
of interest?
1. Practical
Bahama Bistro Example
• Problem – Cannot keep up
with hot sauce demand. 16%
of the time, customers cannot
get the hot sauce they want
• General Hypothesis – the
average hot sauce sales are
higher at the Downtown
location which is causing the
hot sauce stock-outs
I swear the
Downtown location
is part of this.
Let’s find out!
If Continuous – Is It Normal?
• Data Shape – Bell Curve is Normal
• Anderson Darling Test on each Data Set
• Listed under “Basic Statistics”
• Non-Normal if P-Value < .05 (More on P-Value Shortly)
If Continuous – Test For Normality
Both Data Sets Are Normal
Formal Hypothesis Statements
• What’s the Null
• What’s the
1. Practical
2. Statistical
Why Null and Alternative?
• Theory: “All swans are white”
• Proof: hmmm – can’t get all swans together in one place
• BUT: If we find one black swan…we can prove our theory is
• We can use falsification – so we set up the
Null Hypothesis and try to disprove it
Null and Alternative Theories
A HA! - There’s a
Ho Hum - There’s
no difference
Try to “reject”
the Null
Then we can pursue
the Alternative
Formal Hypothesis Statements
Null: There is no difference between the average hot
sauce sales at the Downtown location and the
Beachfront location
• μ1 = μ2
Alternative: The average hot sauce sales at the
Downtown location are not equal to the average
sales at the Beachfront location
•μ1 ≠ μ2
Hypothesis Testing
• Select the test
• Gather the data
• Perform the test
1. Practical
2. Statistical
3. Analysis
Select the Appropriate Test
Poll #2:
What are you testing?
A. Comparing two or more defect rates
B. Comparing two or more cycle times
C. Checking if 2 things correlate
D. Other
E. Not sure yet
Gather The Hot Sauce Sales Data
Perform the Test
Test Results
Accept or Reject the Null
• Interpret the P-Value
• Accept or Reject the
Null Hypothesis
1. Practical
2. Statistical
3. Analysis
4. Statistical
What is it?
• P stands for Probability
• Can be between 0 and 1
• Boils down to the probability
of the Null Hypothesis being
“High” P-Values
• If P = .84 then there is very
little reason to doubt the Null
(there’s no difference)
“Low” P-Values
• If P = .015 then there is very
little probability the Null
Hypothesis is true (reject the
“Low” is < .05
Poll #3 Mini-Quiz:
In which case would you
reject the Null Hypothesis?
A. P-Value = .210
B. P-Value = .061
C. P-Value = .045
D. P-Value = .500
Confidence & Risk
Confidence Level
• 95% Confidence
Risk of being wrong?
• 5%
What happens if you’re wrong?
• You might reject the Null when there really is no difference
• It’s possible since you’re working with samples
“I’m 95% confident that the inferences I’m
making based on testing these samples are correct”
Statistical Conclusion
If the P is low
– the Null
must go –
Practical Conclusion
1. Practical
2. Statistical
3. Analysis
4. Statistical
5. Practical
• Convert
into a
Update The Hypothesis Testing Plan
Verifying Results
• Have you ever fixed a root cause that was not the culprit?
• Have you been part of in improvement effort that failed to
have an impact? Proof matters.
• If you’re claiming your project reduced costs, increased
customer satisfaction or reduced cycle time – you have to be
able to prove it.
Poll #4:
Who here has ever:
A. Addressed a root cause that was not a critical “x”?
B. Fixed a process and saw no positive results?
C. Watched as others based fixes on assumptions?
D. Experienced some combination of the above?
E. Experienced none of the above?
Why Use Tests?
Root Cause: Examples
• Are defects higher at one location? – Find out what’s different
• Are a higher proportion of late shipments coming from a
particular supplier? – Investigate
• Are the portion weights the same across all meals? – Could
lead to mistake-proofing solutions like standard scoops
Verifying Standards: Example
• Is the average delivery time as advertised? – Renegotiate the
Verify Solutions: Example
• Did the changes reduce defects, cycle time, etc.? – Confirm
and spread the news – build trust, confidence and
Any Words of Advice?
• Clarify the practical problem you are addressing
• Use the Decision Tree to choose the right test
• Spend time setting up your Null and Alternative Hypotheses
• Remember you are looking for:
• A difference between particular strata (Who, What, Where,
• Correlation between the Y and a particular X
• The P-Value is your guide – “If the P is low…”
• Hypothesis Tests are helpful when determining potential “Xs”
for root cause, but they can also prove your solutions made a
Today We Covered
• What Are Hypothesis Tests?
• Why Do We Need Them in Process Improvement?
• When Should We Use Them?
• How Do We Setup and Run Them?
• Any Words of Advice?
Q & A
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How to Set Up and Run Hypothesis Tests

  • 1. 9/10/2017 Presented by Elisabeth Swan Managing Partner & Executive Advisor at GoLeanSixSigma.com How to Set Up and Run Hypothesis Tests 1
  • 2. Our Expert: Elisabeth 2 • Managing Partner & Executive Advisor at GoLeanSixSigma.com • Master Black Belt • Certified Executive Coach at Burnham Rosen Group • BA in English Literature from Columbia University/Barnard College • Born in the UK
  • 3. 9/10/2017 How to Interact • Ask a question • Answer polls 3
  • 4. 9/10/2017 Let’s Interact! Where are you from? Share your location in the Questions area in your Control Panel! 4
  • 5. 9/10/2017 Who Is GoLeanSixSigma.com? GoLeanSixSigma.com makes it easy for everyone everywhere to build their problem-solving muscles. We provide the most practical, easy to understand and enjoyable Lean and Six Sigma resources available. 5
  • 7. • What Are Hypothesis Tests? • Why Do We Need Them in Process Improvement? • When Should We Use Them? • How Do We Setup and Run Them? • Any Words of Advice? 7 Today’s Agenda
  • 8. What Are Hypothesis Tests? Hypothesis: Educated Guess or Theory • Something that requires further investigation • There are many ways to test theories • Hypothesis Testing is a formal way to test theories 8
  • 9. What Can Be Tested? 9 Prevagen improves memory in 90 Days Swiffer 3 X more effective than a broom Sketchers Sneakers make you lose weight https://pixabay.com/p-161087/?no_redirect http://www.staples-3p.com/s7/is/image/Staples/s0267615_sc7?$splssku$ https://www.pinterest.com/BSAIllustration/shane-finegan/
  • 10. Is There a Difference? 10http://www.clipartkid.com/images/156/sneaker-free-stock-photo-illustration-of-a-sneaker-8312-VYCtyg- clipart.png http://stockpictures.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/10785-pills-yellow-round-gray-vitamin-medical-drug-medication- tablet-medicine-pill-free-vector-graphics-free-illustrations-free-images-royalty-free-768x606.png
  • 11. Are These Things Related? 11 http://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/vector-logo-wineglass-vector- id489977208?k=6&m=489977208&s=170667a&w=0&h=ZDHvj3XRaO1qkLumrTyLmNoZaAaXFx16qo5aEGa UUSA= http://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/mortar-board-or-graduation-cap-education-symbol-vector- id510514259?k=6&m=510514259&s=170667a&w=0&h=te9MsaGfDc5q5Nml61OjKHly7FX3w2lOyy73EAaJ3sM= Life Expectancy Good Cholesterol
  • 12. Two Types of Testing Differences Correlation 12
  • 13. Applying to Process Improvement 13 Speed of Service Menu Item Availability Food Freshness Order Accuracy Customer Satisfaction Y X X X X X Ambience
  • 14. Applying to Process Improvement A way of making sure that your theories about the root causes of process issues are worth pursuing 14 Y = ƒ(x1, x2…xn) ?
  • 15. Determin e root cause Determine if solutions made the difference Did that really work? When Should We Run Them? 15 http://media.istockphoto.com/illustrations/clock-or-time-symbol-illustration- id503308718?k=6&m=503308718&s=170667a&w=0&h=F0ZGHQQzDRfoeQBQfvZu-Y356TDNSgFoX0gvrweHEFw= http://cdn.xl.thumbs.canstockphoto.com/canstock20536225.jpg http://wikiclipart.com/person-thinking-clipart_9239/
  • 16. Poll #1: How have you used Hypothesis Tests? A. To verify a root cause B. To verify that the solution made a difference C. To test the guarantee made by a vendor D. I haven’t tried to use one yet 16
  • 17. The Testing Process 17 1. Practical Problem 5. Practical Conclusion 2. Statistical Problem 3. Analysis 4. Statistical Conclusion
  • 18. General Hypothesis • What’s the problem? • What type of data? • What is the statistic of interest? 18 1. Practical Problem
  • 19. Bahama Bistro Example • Problem – Cannot keep up with hot sauce demand. 16% of the time, customers cannot get the hot sauce they want • General Hypothesis – the average hot sauce sales are higher at the Downtown location which is causing the hot sauce stock-outs 19 I swear the Downtown location is part of this. Let’s find out!
  • 20. If Continuous – Is It Normal? • Data Shape – Bell Curve is Normal • Anderson Darling Test on each Data Set • Listed under “Basic Statistics” • Non-Normal if P-Value < .05 (More on P-Value Shortly) 20
  • 21. If Continuous – Test For Normality 21 Both Data Sets Are Normal
  • 22. Formal Hypothesis Statements • What’s the Null Hypothesis? • What’s the Alternative Hypothesis? 22 1. Practical Problem 2. Statistical Problem
  • 23. Why Null and Alternative? • Theory: “All swans are white” • Proof: hmmm – can’t get all swans together in one place • BUT: If we find one black swan…we can prove our theory is false! • We can use falsification – so we set up the Null Hypothesis and try to disprove it 23
  • 24. Null and Alternative Theories A HA! - There’s a difference! 24 Ho Hum - There’s no difference Try to “reject” the Null Then we can pursue the Alternative
  • 25. Formal Hypothesis Statements Null: There is no difference between the average hot sauce sales at the Downtown location and the Beachfront location • μ1 = μ2 Alternative: The average hot sauce sales at the Downtown location are not equal to the average sales at the Beachfront location •μ1 ≠ μ2 25
  • 26. Hypothesis Testing • Select the test • Gather the data • Perform the test 26 1. Practical Problem 2. Statistical Problem 3. Analysis
  • 28. Poll #2: What are you testing? A. Comparing two or more defect rates B. Comparing two or more cycle times C. Checking if 2 things correlate D. Other E. Not sure yet 28
  • 29. Gather The Hot Sauce Sales Data 29
  • 32. Accept or Reject the Null • Interpret the P-Value • Accept or Reject the Null Hypothesis 32 1. Practical Problem 2. Statistical Problem 3. Analysis 4. Statistical Conclusion
  • 33. P-Value? What is it? • P stands for Probability • Can be between 0 and 1 • Boils down to the probability of the Null Hypothesis being true “High” P-Values • If P = .84 then there is very little reason to doubt the Null (there’s no difference) “Low” P-Values • If P = .015 then there is very little probability the Null Hypothesis is true (reject the Null) 33 “Low” is < .05
  • 34. Poll #3 Mini-Quiz: In which case would you reject the Null Hypothesis? A. P-Value = .210 B. P-Value = .061 C. P-Value = .045 D. P-Value = .500 34
  • 35. Confidence & Risk Confidence Level • 95% Confidence Risk of being wrong? • 5% What happens if you’re wrong? • You might reject the Null when there really is no difference • It’s possible since you’re working with samples 35 Standard “I’m 95% confident that the inferences I’m making based on testing these samples are correct”
  • 36. Statistical Conclusion 36 If the P is low – the Null must go – AHA!
  • 37. Practical Conclusion 37 1. Practical Problem 2. Statistical Problem 3. Analysis 4. Statistical Conclusion 5. Practical Conclusion • Convert statistical application into a practical application
  • 38. Update The Hypothesis Testing Plan 38
  • 39. Verifying Results • Have you ever fixed a root cause that was not the culprit? • Have you been part of in improvement effort that failed to have an impact? Proof matters. • If you’re claiming your project reduced costs, increased customer satisfaction or reduced cycle time – you have to be able to prove it. 39 https://www.pinterest.com/BSAIllustration/shane-finegan/ http://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/vector-logo-wineglass-vector- id489977208?k=6&m=489977208&s=170667a&w=0&h=ZDHvj3XRaO1qkLumrTyLmNoZaAaXFx16qo5aEGaUUSA = http://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/mortar-board-or-graduation-cap-education-symbol-vector- id510514259?k=6&m=510514259&s=170667a&w=0&h=te9MsaGfDc5q5Nml61OjKHly7FX3w2lOyy73EAaJ3sM=
  • 40. Poll #4: Who here has ever: A. Addressed a root cause that was not a critical “x”? B. Fixed a process and saw no positive results? C. Watched as others based fixes on assumptions? D. Experienced some combination of the above? E. Experienced none of the above? 40
  • 41. Why Use Tests? Root Cause: Examples • Are defects higher at one location? – Find out what’s different • Are a higher proportion of late shipments coming from a particular supplier? – Investigate • Are the portion weights the same across all meals? – Could lead to mistake-proofing solutions like standard scoops Verifying Standards: Example • Is the average delivery time as advertised? – Renegotiate the contract Verify Solutions: Example • Did the changes reduce defects, cycle time, etc.? – Confirm and spread the news – build trust, confidence and momentum 41
  • 42. Any Words of Advice? • Clarify the practical problem you are addressing • Use the Decision Tree to choose the right test • Spend time setting up your Null and Alternative Hypotheses Statements • Remember you are looking for: • A difference between particular strata (Who, What, Where, When) • Correlation between the Y and a particular X • The P-Value is your guide – “If the P is low…” • Hypothesis Tests are helpful when determining potential “Xs” for root cause, but they can also prove your solutions made a difference. 42
  • 43. 9/10/2017 Today We Covered • What Are Hypothesis Tests? • Why Do We Need Them in Process Improvement? • When Should We Use Them? • How Do We Setup and Run Them? • Any Words of Advice? 43
  • 45. 9/10/2017 Getting Started Learn more by starting some more training! • Yellow Belt training is FREE at GoLeanSixSigma.com • Green Belt Training & Certification • Black Belt Training & Certification • Lean Training & Certification 45
  • 46. 9/10/2017 Upcoming Webinars Register today at GoLeanSixSigma.com/webinars We’ll select upcoming webinars based on your feedback, so please share your feedback on the survey at the end of close of this webinar. 46
  • 47. 9/10/2017 Just-In-Time Podcast Tune in at GoLeanSixSigma.com/cafe for the latest Lean Six Sigma news, easy ways to apply Lean Six Sigma and interviews with process improvement leaders like you! 47
  • 49. 9/10/2017 Thank you for joining us! More Questions? Ask us at contact@goleansixsigma.com! Click here to download free tools, templates, infographics and more! 49