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How To Get More Followers on Twitter
How can you get more followers on Twitter? That’s the question that thousands of
Community Managers around the world ask every single day. You might be one of them,
or maybe you just want to reach more people from your personal account. Either way, get
ready! Because here you’ll find 16 tips for you, especially designed by the Postcron
team, prepared to help you get more followers on Twitter and keep the ones you
already have.
First of all, we want to clarify that there are no magic formulas to help you get more
followers. But,there are several things you should consider if your goal is to increase the
range of your tweets and get more followers. In this post, you’ll find 16 tips that will
help you achieve your goal. Let’s get started!
How to get more followers on Twitter: 16 fundamental tips
Check out our list of tips to help you get new followers on your Twitter account.
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1. Optimize your profile
Your profile, comprised of your name, your picture, your cover, 160 descriptive
characters and a link, is ALL that you have to introduce yourself to your audience.
So, make sure and use them well! When potential followers see this info they should
know who you are, what you do, and why they should follow you . That’s why you’ve got
to think hard about what you’re going to include!
Also, if you’re using your account to promote your brand, we suggest you put your logo as
the profile picture. That way you’ll provide a more professional image to your audience. If
you’re using your account for personal purposes, we suggest using your own picture to
“humanize” your identity. Remember that people look at your bio to decide whether or
not they’ll start following you. So, be clear and concise (and watch your spelling!).
2. Define your audience
A key step in knowing what type of messages to generate and later promote, is to clearly
define your audience. In other words, you have to know who you’re directing your
messages to. You should definitely address this point before you start tweeting. It will help
you come up with ideas for relevant content for your followers and determine the tone
you’ll set in your tweets.
3. Tweet relevant content (for your audience)
Once you’re clear who your Twitter audience is, you should be sure to share relevant
tweets, ie, messages that have to do with your identity, and with the profile and interests
of your followers. The idea is that your posts comply with the proposal made in your
profile information. For example, if your account is a clothing brand, it will be more
relevant to tweet about fashion, rather than on, let’s say, architectural news.
Tweeting relevant content will help your fans better understand who you are and be
able to identify with you. For ideas on what to share, you should look up references in
your field, follow them, and order them in lists for easy access. That way you’ll be up to
date with their content and can easily share it with your followers.
(BONUS TIP) How to create lists on Twitter: It’s actually super simple! From your
account, just go to “Profile and Settings“, which pops up after clicking on the thumbnail
of your profile picture (on the top right of the site). Then, click on the option Lists. You’ll
see the button “Create New List“. Once you click there, you can enter the name and
description of your list. Finally, just add the users who will make up the list, by using the
box “Find people to add to your list“. Voilà!
4. Be Active
If anything characterizes Twitter, it’s the fact that it’s so dynamic. Its active users are
constantly tweeting. They’re also connecting from their mobile devices at very specific
times of the day, depending on the public. For that reason, it’s important to stay active
and take advantage of those certain times when your users are connected to the network.
An outdated profile reduces the interest of viewers and lowers the odds of gaining
followers. What matters on Twitter is being fresh and new. That’s means your profile
must always be up to date.
To help you tweet every day and multiple times a day, we recommend using Postcron.
Our app allows you to schedule posts on Twitter that will be posted for weeks or even
months ahead of time. Thus, in one day of work you can make sure that you have tweets
for each and every day and even at different times throughout the day.
5. Set a successful tweet at the top of your profile
When a person sees a profile on Twitter, the first thing they see are the last two tweets
that were published on it. Fortunately, Twitter provides a feature that allows users to set a
representative or successful tweet at the top of their profile. This prevents people
from seeing recent tweets that didn’t represent the spirit of the brand or the owner of the
account. That’s why, we recommend setting a successful tweet on top of your profile.
It will definitely benefit your image and help the audience know what your Twitter proposal
is all about.
6. Use hashtags properly
As you know, hashtags are the labels of Twitter to index content and help users find the
conversations they’re looking for. It’s important that you use them in your tweets, but you
have to do it carefully, taking into consideration each of your objectives:
If you want to increase the reach and exposure of your brand, you can take
advantage of Trending Topics, which are the most used hashtags at a determined
time and place. You can consult them on the left side of the Twitter site, as shown in
the image below. You also have the possibility of establishing a country or city to
see what topic is most talked about there.
If, however, your goal is to drive traffic to your website, we recommend you to
think carefully before including clickable elements that distract the user, such as
hashtags and mentions.
7. Invite people to your Twitter account from other sites
To get more followers on Twitter, we suggest including access buttons on your blogs
and websites, as shown in the image below. The idea is that you promote your profile on
all your platforms and give your audience the opportunity to follow you on Twitter by
simply clicking a button.
To add the “Follow” option (which will guide visitors to your Twitter profile) all you have to
do is set the account to follow, language, and appearance of the button using this link.
Then copy and paste the resulting code into the desired sites. You can learn more about
how to do it here.
8. Include the “Share on Twitter” in your blog posts
A very practical way of promoting your account and your site is to include the (“Tweet
Button“) on your blog or website. That way, users who want to share your content with
their own Twitter followers, can do so by just pressing a button. As you can see, this is a
simple and effective way to promote your Twitter site and profile.
You must be sure to include the name of your account in the field Recommend that you’ll
find in the link below. Doing so is critical, as it will allow your users to be promoted in the
tweet that is generated when users press the button under the format “name-of-your-
article via @yourtwitteraccount“.
You can add this option by going to this link. Once there, you must configure it just like
we have described in the last tip. Then, you just copy the resulting code, given to you by
the site, and paste it into your blog or webpage.
9. Ask your followers questions
Keep in mind that Twitter’s slogan is “Join The Conversation”. So, that’s exactly what
you should do! We suggest asking your audience questions and proposing topics, with
the aim of stimulating the engagement of your followers. Once you’ve managed to
establish a relationship with them, make sure to take advantage of that interaction to
receive valuable feedback about your brand or product, and also invite them to perform
specific actions.
10. Retweet relevant content for your audience
Retweeting is a quick and simple way to share interesting information with your
followers. Through a retweet you can make your profile active in news and the latest
trends. For the most relevant news and check its relevance, we recommend following
influencers and experts in your field so that you can always count on quality content.
11. Interact with influential tweeters
A good way to draw the attention of users and increase the visibility of your profile is to
interact with influential tweeters. Where relevant, you can include references to people
and organizations who are related to the content you’re sharing, whether it’s a story,
article, or a comment related to your activity. You can also follow and retweet their content
when it’s relevant to your audience.
12. Use Twitter Cards
To improve the appearance of your tweets and make your links more clickable, there’s
nothing better than using Twitter Cards. When you use them to tweet a link, your
followers will see a photo, headline, and the first paragraph of shared content (instead of
just the URL). To use this feature, you simply have to add a few lines of code on the site
from which you’ll share the information. You can learn more about how to use them in
this official guide to Twitter.
In the following example, you can see how a tweet looks when Twitter Cards are used:
13. Pay attention to statistics
Statistics allow you to know which are your most successful tweets, by measuring
different variables. There are different ways to get the metrics of your own account. One
is to use tools like Twitter Analytics, where you can find out about visits to your profile,
tweets, prints, and even more aspects.
You can also use Bit.ly, the URL shortening service that also offers interesting statistics,
such as the number of clicks your links received Lastly, the simplest way to obtain data
is to look at the statistics button on Twitter available next to the Favorites button (as we
show in the image below).
14. Ask your followers to retweet
This tip is very simple: to achieve greater dissemination, ask users what you expect
from them. For example, you can add the initials “RT” at the end of your message, that’s
the Twitter code for “retweet“. That will let your audience know that you want to them to
retweet your content. That way you’ll increase your chances of reaching new readers and
eventually get new followers. In this regard, we suggest you put it on all your tweets, or at
least the ones that really deserve it.
15. Repeat your most popular tweets
When you consider the fact that the public is always being renewed, we recommend
repeating your most popular tweets. It’s likely that some of your new fans have not
seen your content yet, so sharing them again could mean new retweets, favorites, and
eventually followers.
16. Be careful: you’re not alone
Try to answer all the direct messages (DM) you receive and all the mentions you get.
Thank your audience retweets, bookmarking tweets, and greet your new followers
whenever you can. Show users you are attentive and sociable. This will help you retain
your followers and encourage the engagement of your audience.
We hope you can take advantage of our 16 tips on how to get more followers on
Twitter. Which one did you think was the best? What would you add to the list? Let us
know what you think!
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SOM Social Media Marketing Trends Micro Influencers.pptx

How To Get More Followers on Twitter

  • 1. How To Get More Followers on Twitter How can you get more followers on Twitter? That’s the question that thousands of Community Managers around the world ask every single day. You might be one of them, or maybe you just want to reach more people from your personal account. Either way, get ready! Because here you’ll find 16 tips for you, especially designed by the Postcron team, prepared to help you get more followers on Twitter and keep the ones you already have. First of all, we want to clarify that there are no magic formulas to help you get more followers. But,there are several things you should consider if your goal is to increase the range of your tweets and get more followers. In this post, you’ll find 16 tips that will help you achieve your goal. Let’s get started! How to get more followers on Twitter: 16 fundamental tips Check out our list of tips to help you get new followers on your Twitter account. Grow on twitter and increase followers using writing tools Click here:
  • 2. 1. Optimize your profile Your profile, comprised of your name, your picture, your cover, 160 descriptive characters and a link, is ALL that you have to introduce yourself to your audience. So, make sure and use them well! When potential followers see this info they should know who you are, what you do, and why they should follow you . That’s why you’ve got to think hard about what you’re going to include! Also, if you’re using your account to promote your brand, we suggest you put your logo as the profile picture. That way you’ll provide a more professional image to your audience. If you’re using your account for personal purposes, we suggest using your own picture to “humanize” your identity. Remember that people look at your bio to decide whether or not they’ll start following you. So, be clear and concise (and watch your spelling!). 2. Define your audience
  • 3. A key step in knowing what type of messages to generate and later promote, is to clearly define your audience. In other words, you have to know who you’re directing your messages to. You should definitely address this point before you start tweeting. It will help you come up with ideas for relevant content for your followers and determine the tone you’ll set in your tweets. 3. Tweet relevant content (for your audience) Once you’re clear who your Twitter audience is, you should be sure to share relevant tweets, ie, messages that have to do with your identity, and with the profile and interests of your followers. The idea is that your posts comply with the proposal made in your profile information. For example, if your account is a clothing brand, it will be more relevant to tweet about fashion, rather than on, let’s say, architectural news. Tweeting relevant content will help your fans better understand who you are and be able to identify with you. For ideas on what to share, you should look up references in your field, follow them, and order them in lists for easy access. That way you’ll be up to date with their content and can easily share it with your followers. (BONUS TIP) How to create lists on Twitter: It’s actually super simple! From your account, just go to “Profile and Settings“, which pops up after clicking on the thumbnail of your profile picture (on the top right of the site). Then, click on the option Lists. You’ll see the button “Create New List“. Once you click there, you can enter the name and description of your list. Finally, just add the users who will make up the list, by using the box “Find people to add to your list“. Voilà!
  • 4. 4. Be Active If anything characterizes Twitter, it’s the fact that it’s so dynamic. Its active users are constantly tweeting. They’re also connecting from their mobile devices at very specific times of the day, depending on the public. For that reason, it’s important to stay active and take advantage of those certain times when your users are connected to the network. An outdated profile reduces the interest of viewers and lowers the odds of gaining followers. What matters on Twitter is being fresh and new. That’s means your profile must always be up to date.
  • 5. To help you tweet every day and multiple times a day, we recommend using Postcron. Our app allows you to schedule posts on Twitter that will be posted for weeks or even months ahead of time. Thus, in one day of work you can make sure that you have tweets for each and every day and even at different times throughout the day. 5. Set a successful tweet at the top of your profile When a person sees a profile on Twitter, the first thing they see are the last two tweets that were published on it. Fortunately, Twitter provides a feature that allows users to set a representative or successful tweet at the top of their profile. This prevents people from seeing recent tweets that didn’t represent the spirit of the brand or the owner of the account. That’s why, we recommend setting a successful tweet on top of your profile. It will definitely benefit your image and help the audience know what your Twitter proposal is all about. 6. Use hashtags properly As you know, hashtags are the labels of Twitter to index content and help users find the conversations they’re looking for. It’s important that you use them in your tweets, but you have to do it carefully, taking into consideration each of your objectives: If you want to increase the reach and exposure of your brand, you can take advantage of Trending Topics, which are the most used hashtags at a determined time and place. You can consult them on the left side of the Twitter site, as shown in the image below. You also have the possibility of establishing a country or city to see what topic is most talked about there.
  • 6. If, however, your goal is to drive traffic to your website, we recommend you to think carefully before including clickable elements that distract the user, such as hashtags and mentions. 7. Invite people to your Twitter account from other sites To get more followers on Twitter, we suggest including access buttons on your blogs and websites, as shown in the image below. The idea is that you promote your profile on all your platforms and give your audience the opportunity to follow you on Twitter by simply clicking a button. To add the “Follow” option (which will guide visitors to your Twitter profile) all you have to do is set the account to follow, language, and appearance of the button using this link. Then copy and paste the resulting code into the desired sites. You can learn more about how to do it here.
  • 7. 8. Include the “Share on Twitter” in your blog posts A very practical way of promoting your account and your site is to include the (“Tweet Button“) on your blog or website. That way, users who want to share your content with their own Twitter followers, can do so by just pressing a button. As you can see, this is a simple and effective way to promote your Twitter site and profile. You must be sure to include the name of your account in the field Recommend that you’ll find in the link below. Doing so is critical, as it will allow your users to be promoted in the tweet that is generated when users press the button under the format “name-of-your- article via @yourtwitteraccount“. You can add this option by going to this link. Once there, you must configure it just like we have described in the last tip. Then, you just copy the resulting code, given to you by the site, and paste it into your blog or webpage.
  • 8. 9. Ask your followers questions Keep in mind that Twitter’s slogan is “Join The Conversation”. So, that’s exactly what you should do! We suggest asking your audience questions and proposing topics, with the aim of stimulating the engagement of your followers. Once you’ve managed to establish a relationship with them, make sure to take advantage of that interaction to receive valuable feedback about your brand or product, and also invite them to perform specific actions. 10. Retweet relevant content for your audience Retweeting is a quick and simple way to share interesting information with your followers. Through a retweet you can make your profile active in news and the latest trends. For the most relevant news and check its relevance, we recommend following influencers and experts in your field so that you can always count on quality content. 11. Interact with influential tweeters A good way to draw the attention of users and increase the visibility of your profile is to interact with influential tweeters. Where relevant, you can include references to people and organizations who are related to the content you’re sharing, whether it’s a story,
  • 9. article, or a comment related to your activity. You can also follow and retweet their content when it’s relevant to your audience. 12. Use Twitter Cards To improve the appearance of your tweets and make your links more clickable, there’s nothing better than using Twitter Cards. When you use them to tweet a link, your followers will see a photo, headline, and the first paragraph of shared content (instead of just the URL). To use this feature, you simply have to add a few lines of code on the site from which you’ll share the information. You can learn more about how to use them in this official guide to Twitter. In the following example, you can see how a tweet looks when Twitter Cards are used:
  • 10. 13. Pay attention to statistics Statistics allow you to know which are your most successful tweets, by measuring different variables. There are different ways to get the metrics of your own account. One is to use tools like Twitter Analytics, where you can find out about visits to your profile, tweets, prints, and even more aspects. You can also use Bit.ly, the URL shortening service that also offers interesting statistics, such as the number of clicks your links received Lastly, the simplest way to obtain data is to look at the statistics button on Twitter available next to the Favorites button (as we show in the image below).
  • 11. 14. Ask your followers to retweet This tip is very simple: to achieve greater dissemination, ask users what you expect from them. For example, you can add the initials “RT” at the end of your message, that’s the Twitter code for “retweet“. That will let your audience know that you want to them to retweet your content. That way you’ll increase your chances of reaching new readers and eventually get new followers. In this regard, we suggest you put it on all your tweets, or at least the ones that really deserve it. 15. Repeat your most popular tweets
  • 12. When you consider the fact that the public is always being renewed, we recommend repeating your most popular tweets. It’s likely that some of your new fans have not seen your content yet, so sharing them again could mean new retweets, favorites, and eventually followers. 16. Be careful: you’re not alone Try to answer all the direct messages (DM) you receive and all the mentions you get. Thank your audience retweets, bookmarking tweets, and greet your new followers whenever you can. Show users you are attentive and sociable. This will help you retain your followers and encourage the engagement of your audience. We hope you can take advantage of our 16 tips on how to get more followers on Twitter. Which one did you think was the best? What would you add to the list? Let us know what you think! Comments Grow on twitter and increase followers using writing tools Click here: