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1© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Beyond ETL: How to Build
Continuous Ingestion for IOT
Sean Anderson | Product Marketing, Cloudera
Kirit Basu | Director of Product Management,
2© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Internet of Things
I. Driving Data Growth
II. Real-time Capabilities
III. An IOT Data Platform
IV. Cloudera Enterprise for IOT
The IOT Use Case
I. Packaged Goods
II. Sensor Data
III. Real-time Processing
Streamsets Platform
I. Data Collector
II. Data KPI’s
III. Containerized Architecture
IV. Real-time Analytics with
3© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Are you currently collecting sensor data?
• Yes
• No
• Plan to in the future
4© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Internet of Things (IoT) – A Revolution In The Making
In Value
Annual Growth
30 Billion
Connected Vehicles
Source - IDC & Gartner Estimates
Internet of
IoT Markets - 2020
5© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
IoT Will Drive An Explosion of Data…
Data expected to explode to
44 ZB by 2020
Source: IDC
44 Trillion GB!80% of data will be
6© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Value is Maximized when Data is combined from
other sources
Value of Data is multiplied when you combine
and correlate it with other data from relevant
Improvement in value that can be
unlocked by combining data from
multiple IoT applications and sources
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
“Interoperability would significantly improve performance by
combining sensor data from different machines and systems to provide
decision makers with an integrated view of performance across an
entire factory or oil rig.”
7© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
The IoT Ecosystem
IoT Gateway
Data Center
Data Analytics
Sensors/ Things
8© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
The IoT Ecosystem
IoT Gateway
Data Center
Data Analytics
Sensors/ Things
Data Characteristics
• Un-structured
• Intermittent
• Volume & Variety
• Data Routing
• Edge-Processing
• Edge-Storage
Sensors/ Things
•To grow by 50X
•Drop in prices by
70% in last 5 years
Data Storage, Processing & Analytics
IOT Data Characteristics
• More processing in the
• Analytics on the cloud
IOT Data Analytics
• Key to Value Creation
• Combine data from multiple
sources & types
• Drive business insights
IOT Data Characteristics
• Distributed Data
• Cloud & On-Premise
9© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Attributes For Next Gen IoT Data Platform
Scale efficiently based on
your data growth
Effectively handle multiple
data-types and structures
Manage the complexity of
real-time IoT data ingest
Fundamentally Secure
Real-Time Analytics – Combine and
analyze data from multiple sources
Flexible deployment options
- Cloud & Distributed Data Processing
10© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cloudera Enterprise – Making Hadoop Fast, Easy, and Secure
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Director
Cloudera Navigator
Encrypt and KeyTrustee
Kafka, Flume
Sentry, RecordService
Spark, Hive, Pig
11© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cloudera Enterprise – The Data & Analytics Platform for IoT
Sensors/ IoT
Data Sources
Internal Systems External Sources
BI Solutions Real-Time AppsSearch EDWDiscove
Data Center
Sensor/ IoT Data
IoT Gateway
• Data Storage
• Data Processing
• Machine Learning
• Real-time Analytics
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Director
Cloudera Navigator
Encrypt and KeyTrustee
Kafka, Flume
Sentry, RecordService
Spark, Hive, Pig
12© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cloudera Enterprise – Real Time Analytics for IoT
BI Solutions Real-Time AppsSearch EDWDiscover Machine
Spark Streaming
Leadership in Spark
Integrated with EDH
Flexible Storage
Store any and all Data.
Kudu - Fast Analytics on
Fast Data
Real-Time Data
Data Security
Four pillars of security: Perimeter,
Access, Visibility, and Data
+ Record Service
Streaming Ingest
Kafka & Flume - Real-Time
Data Ingest for streaming,
high volume data
Sensor/ IoT Data Internal Systems External Sources
Centralized Mgmt.
Cloudera Manager for
centralized cluster
Manage Multiple Clusters – On
Premise or Cloud environment
- On Premise or Cloud
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Director
Cloudera Navigator
Encrypt and KeyTrustee
Kafka, Flume
Sentry, RecordService
Spark, Hive, Pig
13© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Cloudera Difference
Powerful Cluster Ops
Trusted by the pros
Cloud & Hybrid deployment
Integrated with AWS & Azure
Expert Support
Dedicated prescriptive help, just a click away
Real-Time IoT Analytics
The most experience with Spark
The Fastest Analytic SQL
Lowest latency, best concurrency
Fast, Updateable Analytic Storage
High throughput, low latency, and updates
Easy to ManageFast for Business Security without Compromise
Enterprise Encryption
Protects everything transparently
Access Policy Enforcement
Full-stack row/column-based RBAC & dynamic masking
Automated Data Management
Full-stack audit, lineage, discovery, and lifecycle
Secure Operations
Separation of duties, log data redaction
14© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Continuous Data Ingestion with Cloudera & StreamSets
StreamSets enables easy onboarding and effortless data ingest into all
components of CDH
Reliable, Scalable, Always-
on Data Ingest
IoT for Consumer Packaged Goods
Gathering Sensor Data from IoT Devices
Gathering Sensor Data from Freight Containers
The StreamSets Data Collector
Design Debug Execute
StreamSets Deployment Models
Where are you in your development effort for bringing IoT data into Hadoop?
• In Production
• Test and Development
• Planning (Already decided on the architecture)
• Not there yet (Need to decide on an architecture)
• Current Architecture doesn’t work, need a better way to do things
Challenges with IoT Data
• Multitude of Sensors
• Real-Time Streaming
• Multiple Firmware versions
• Bad data from damaged sensors
• Regulatory Constraints
• Data Quality
Demo – Evolving DataSets
23© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Getting Started is Easy
Watch the
Beyond ETL
Download the
Data Collector
Contact Us to
start a POC
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How to Build Continuous Ingestion for the Internet of Things

  • 1. 1© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Beyond ETL: How to Build Continuous Ingestion for IOT Sean Anderson | Product Marketing, Cloudera Kirit Basu | Director of Product Management, Streamsets
  • 2. 2© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Agenda The Internet of Things I. Driving Data Growth II. Real-time Capabilities III. An IOT Data Platform IV. Cloudera Enterprise for IOT The IOT Use Case I. Packaged Goods II. Sensor Data III. Real-time Processing Streamsets Platform I. Data Collector II. Data KPI’s III. Containerized Architecture IV. Real-time Analytics with Cloudera Demo
  • 3. 3© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Poll Are you currently collecting sensor data? • Yes • No • Plan to in the future
  • 4. 4© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Internet of Things (IoT) – A Revolution In The Making $1.7 Trillion In Value 20% Annual Growth 30 Billion Things 250 Million Connected Vehicles Source - IDC & Gartner Estimates Internet of Things IoT Markets - 2020
  • 5. 5© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. IoT Will Drive An Explosion of Data… Data expected to explode to 44 ZB by 2020 Source: IDC 44 Trillion GB!80% of data will be unstructured
  • 6. 6© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Value is Maximized when Data is combined from other sources Value of Data is multiplied when you combine and correlate it with other data from relevant sources Improvement in value that can be unlocked by combining data from multiple IoT applications and sources SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis “Interoperability would significantly improve performance by combining sensor data from different machines and systems to provide decision makers with an integrated view of performance across an entire factory or oil rig.” 40%
  • 7. 7© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. The IoT Ecosystem Consumer Industrial IoT Gateway Cloud Data Center Data Analytics Sensors/ Things
  • 8. 8© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. The IoT Ecosystem Consumer Industrial IoT Gateway Data Center Data Analytics Sensors/ Things Data Characteristics • Un-structured • Intermittent • Volume & Variety Gateway • Data Routing • Edge-Processing • Edge-Storage Sensors/ Things •To grow by 50X •Drop in prices by 70% in last 5 years Data Storage, Processing & Analytics IOT Data Characteristics • More processing in the cloud • Analytics on the cloud IOT Data Analytics • Key to Value Creation • Combine data from multiple sources & types • Drive business insights IOT Data Characteristics • Distributed Data Processing • Cloud & On-Premise Cloud
  • 9. 9© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Key Attributes For Next Gen IoT Data Platform Scale efficiently based on your data growth Effectively handle multiple data-types and structures Manage the complexity of real-time IoT data ingest Fundamentally Secure Real-Time Analytics – Combine and analyze data from multiple sources Flexible deployment options - Cloud & Distributed Data Processing
  • 10. 10© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. FILESYSTEM RELATIONAL Cloudera Enterprise – Making Hadoop Fast, Easy, and Secure OPERATIONS Cloudera Manager Cloudera Director DATA MANAGEMENT Cloudera Navigator Encrypt and KeyTrustee Optimizer BATCH Sqoop REAL-TIME Kafka, Flume PROCESS, ANALYZE, SERVE UNIFIED SERVICES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT YARN SECURITY Sentry, RecordService FILESYSTEM HDFS RELATIONAL Kudu NoSQL HBase STORE INTEGRATE BATCH Spark, Hive, Pig MapReduce STREAM Spark SQL Impala SEARCH Solr SDK Partners CLOUDERA ENTERPRISE
  • 11. 11© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Cloudera Enterprise – The Data & Analytics Platform for IoT Sensors/ IoT Data Sources Internal Systems External Sources BI Solutions Real-Time AppsSearch EDWDiscove r Machine Learning Data Center Cloud Sensor/ IoT Data IoT Gateway • Data Storage • Data Processing • Machine Learning • Real-time Analytics OPERATIONS Cloudera Manager Cloudera Director DATA MANAGEMENT Cloudera Navigator Encrypt and KeyTrustee Optimizer BATCH Sqoop REAL-TIME Kafka, Flume PROCESS, ANALYZE, SERVE UNIFIED SERVICES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT YARN SECURITY Sentry, RecordService FILESYSTEM HDFS RELATIONAL Kudu NoSQL HBase STORE INTEGRATE BATCH Spark, Hive, Pig MapReduce STREAM Spark SQL Impala SEARCH Solr SDK Partners
  • 12. 12© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Cloudera Enterprise – Real Time Analytics for IoT BI Solutions Real-Time AppsSearch EDWDiscover Machine Learning Deployment Flexibility Spark Streaming Leadership in Spark Integrated with EDH Flexible Storage Store any and all Data. Kudu - Fast Analytics on Fast Data Real-Time Data Processing Data Security Four pillars of security: Perimeter, Access, Visibility, and Data + Record Service Streaming Ingest Kafka & Flume - Real-Time Data Ingest for streaming, high volume data Sensor/ IoT Data Internal Systems External Sources Centralized Mgmt. Cloudera Manager for centralized cluster management Manage Multiple Clusters – On Premise or Cloud environment - On Premise or Cloud OPERATIONS Cloudera Manager Cloudera Director DATA MANAGEMENT Cloudera Navigator Encrypt and KeyTrustee Optimizer BATCH Sqoop REAL-TIME Kafka, Flume PROCESS, ANALYZE, SERVE UNIFIED SERVICES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT YARN SECURITY Sentry, RecordService FILESYSTEM HDFS RELATIONAL Kudu NoSQL HBase STORE INTEGRATE BATCH Spark, Hive, Pig MapReduce STREAM Spark SQL Impala SEARCH Solr SDK Partners
  • 13. 13© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. The Cloudera Difference Powerful Cluster Ops Trusted by the pros Cloud & Hybrid deployment Integrated with AWS & Azure Expert Support Dedicated prescriptive help, just a click away Real-Time IoT Analytics The most experience with Spark The Fastest Analytic SQL Lowest latency, best concurrency Fast, Updateable Analytic Storage High throughput, low latency, and updates Easy to ManageFast for Business Security without Compromise Enterprise Encryption Protects everything transparently Access Policy Enforcement Full-stack row/column-based RBAC & dynamic masking Automated Data Management Full-stack audit, lineage, discovery, and lifecycle Secure Operations Separation of duties, log data redaction
  • 14. 14© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Continuous Data Ingestion with Cloudera & StreamSets StreamSets enables easy onboarding and effortless data ingest into all components of CDH Reliable, Scalable, Always- on Data Ingest
  • 15. IoT for Consumer Packaged Goods
  • 16. Gathering Sensor Data from IoT Devices
  • 17. Gathering Sensor Data from Freight Containers
  • 18. The StreamSets Data Collector Design Debug Execute
  • 20. Poll Where are you in your development effort for bringing IoT data into Hadoop? • In Production • Test and Development • Planning (Already decided on the architecture) • Not there yet (Need to decide on an architecture) • Current Architecture doesn’t work, need a better way to do things
  • 21. Challenges with IoT Data • Multitude of Sensors • Real-Time Streaming • Multiple Firmware versions • Bad data from damaged sensors • Regulatory Constraints • Data Quality
  • 22. Demo – Evolving DataSets
  • 23. 23© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Getting Started is Easy Watch the Beyond ETL Series Download the Streamsets Data Collector Contact Us to start a POC 1 2 3
  • 24. 24© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Thank You