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VAST The vast lips inscribed with
Buddhist texts from the
sacred Fa-hwa-King, from the
chapters of the holy Ling-yen-
very great in size,
amount, intensity, or
especially in extent or
SHIVER All the little dragons on the
high-tilted eaves of the green
roofs shiver to the tips of their
gilded tails under that deep
wave of sound; all the
porcelain gargoyles tremble
on their carven perches; all
the hundred little bells of the
pagodas quiver with desire to
To break into small
WORSHIP the uplifted finger of Fo shakes
high over the heads of the
worshippers through the blue fog
of incense! KO-NGA
A person of importance
IMMENSE And after each huge shock, how
wondrous the multiple echo and
the great golden moan, and, at
last, the sudden sibilant sobbing in
the ears when the immense tone
faints away in broken whispers of
Marked by greatness
especially in size or
IMMEASURABLE Ko-Ngai: first with
stupendous clang, then with
immeasurable moan of gold,
then with silver murmuring of
Incapable of being
ORDAIN And he further ordained that
the voice of the bell should be
strengthened with brass, and
deepened with gold, and
sweetened with silver
To invest
The setting of The Soul Of The Great Bell was nearly five hundred years ago
in the City of Pecking now Beijing
1. Kouan-Yu
2. Ko-ngai
3. Yung-Lo
The water-clock marks the hour in the Tachung sz', in the Tower of the Great
Bell: now the mallet is lifted to smite the lips of the metal monster-the vast lips
inscribed with Buddhist texts from the sacred Fa-hwa-King, from the chapters of
the holyLing-yen-King! Hear the great bell responding!-how mighty her voice,
though tongueless! KO-NGAI! All the little dragons on the high-tilted eaves of the
green roofs shiver to the tips of their gilded tails under that deep wave of sound; all
the porcelain gargoyles tremble on their carven perches; all the hundred little bells
of the pagodas quiver with desire to speak. KO-NGAI-all the green-and-gold tiles
of the temple are vibrating; the wooden goldfish above them are writhing against
the sky; the uplifted finger of Fo shakes high over the heads of the worshippers
through the blue fog of incense! KO-NGAI!-What a thunder tone was that! All the
lacquered goblins on the palace cornices wriggle their fire-coloured tongues! And
after each huge shock, how wondrous the multiple echo and the great golden moan,
and, at last, the sudden sibilant sobbing in the ears when the immense tone faints
away in broken whispers of silver, as though a woman should whisper, "Hiai!"
Even so the great bell hath sounded every day for well-nigh five hundred years-Ko-
Ngai: first with stupendous clang, then with immeasurable moan of gold, then with
silver murmuring of "Hiai!" And there is not a child in all the many-coloured ways
of the old Chinese city who does not know the story of the great bell, who cannot
tell you why the great bell says Ko-Ngai and Hiai!
But when the metal had been cast, and the earthen mould separated from the
glowing casting, it was discovered that, despite their great labour and ceaseless
care, the result was void of worth; for the metals had rebelled one against the
other-the gold had scorned alliance with the brass, the silver would not mingle with
the molten iron. Therefore the moulds had to be once more prepared, and the fires
rekindled, and the metal remelted, and all the work tediously and toilsomely
repeated. The Son of Heaven heard and was angry, but spake nothing
. Then the father of Ko-Ngai, wild with his grief, would have leaped in after her,
but that strong men held him back and kept firm grasp upon him until he had
fainted away, and they could bear him like one dead to his home. And the serving-
woman of Ko-Ngai, dizzy and speechless for pain, stood before the furnace, still
holding in her hands a shoe, a tiny, dainty shoe, with embroidery of pearls and
flowers-the shoe of her beautiful mistress that was. For she had sought to grasp
Ko-Ngai by the foot as she leaped, but had only been able to clutch the shoe, and
the pretty shoe came off in her hand; and she continued to stare at it like one gone
But in spite of all these things, the command of the Celestial and August had to be
obeyed, and the work of the moulders to be finished, hopeless as the result might
be. Yet the glow of the metal seemed purer and whiter than before; and there was
no sign of the beautiful body that had been entombed therein. So the ponderous
casting was made; and lo! when the metal had become cool, it was found that the
bell was beautiful to look upon and perfect in form, and wonderful in colour above
all other bells. Nor was there any trace found of the body of Ko-Ngai; for it had
been totally absorbed by the precious alloy, and blended with the well-blended
brass and gold, with the intermingling of the silver and the iron. And when they
sounded the bell, its tones were found to be deeper and mellower and mightier than
the tones of any other bell, reaching even beyond the distance of one hundred li,
like a pealing of summer thunder; and yet also like some vast voice uttering a
name, a woman's name, the name of Ko-Ngai.
And still, between each mighty stroke there is a long low moaning heard; and ever
the moaning ends with a sound of sobbing and of complaining, as though a
weeping woman should murmur, "Hiai!" And still, when the people hear that great
golden moan they keep silence, but when the sharp, sweet shuddering comes in the
air, and the sobbing of "Hiai!" then, indeed, do all the Chinese mothers in all the
many-coloured ways of Pe-King whisper to their little ones: "Listen! that is Ko-
Ngai crying for her shoe! That is Ko-Ngai calling for her shoe!"
The theme of the story is Life process because it is showed in the story the
experiences of Kouan- Yu and Ko- Ngai and what a child can do in order to save
his/her parents.
Learn to sacrifice and make right decision(s)
It is right to sacrifice everything to save your loving one.
The water-clock marks the hour in the Tachung sz', in the Tower of the Great Bell: now the
mallet is lifted to smite the lips of the metal monster-the vast lips inscribed with Buddhist
texts from the sacred Fa-hwa-King, from the chapters of the holyLing-yen-King! Hear the
great bell responding!-how mighty her voice, though tongueless! KO-NGAI! All the little
dragons on the high-tilted eaves of the green roofs shiver to the tips of their gilded tails under
that deep wave of sound; all the porcelain gargoyles tremble on their carven perches; all the
hundred little bells of the pagodas quiver with desire to speak. KO-NGAI-all the green-and-
gold tiles of the temple are vibrating; the wooden goldfish above them are writhing against
the sky; the uplifted finger of Fo shakes high over the heads of the worshippers through the
blue fog of incense! KO-NGAI!-What a thunder tone was that! All the lacquered goblins on
the palace cornices wriggle their fire-coloured tongues! And after each huge shock, how
wondrous the multiple echo and the great golden moan, and, at last, the sudden sibilant
sobbing in the ears when the immense tone faints away in broken whispers of silver, as
though a woman should whisper, "Hiai!" Even so the great bell hath sounded every day for
well-nigh five hundred years-Ko-Ngai: first with stupendous clang, then with
immeasurable moan of gold, then with silver murmuring of "Hiai!" And there is not a child
in all the many-coloured ways of the old Chinese city who does not know the story of the
great bell, who cannot tell you why the great bell says Ko-Ngai and Hiai!
But when the metal had been cast, and the earthen mould separated from the glowing
casting, it was discovered that, despite their great labour and ceaseless care, the result was
void of worth; for the metals had rebelled one against the other-the gold had scorned alliance
with the brass, the silver would not mingle with the molten iron. Therefore the moulds had to
be once more prepared, and the fires rekindled, and the metal remelted, and all the work
tediously and toilsomely repeated. The Son of Heaven heard and was angry, but spake
. Then the father of Ko-Ngai, wild with his grief, would have leaped in after her, but that
strong men held him back and kept firm grasp upon him until he had fainted away, and
they could bear him like one dead to his home. And the serving-woman of Ko-Ngai, dizzy and
speechless for pain, stood before the furnace, still holding in her hands a shoe, a tiny, dainty
shoe, with embroidery of pearls and flowers-the shoe of her beautiful mistress that was. For she
had sought to grasp Ko-Ngai by the foot as she leaped, but had only been able to clutch the
shoe, and the pretty shoe came off in her hand; and she continued to stare at it like one gone
But in spite of all these things, the command of the Celestial and August had to be obeyed,
and the work of the moulders to be finished, hopeless as the result might be. Yet the glow of the
metal seemed purer and whiter than before; and there was no sign of the beautiful body that
had been entombed therein. So the ponderous casting was made; and lo! when the metal had
become cool, it was found that the bell was beautiful to look upon and perfect in form, and
wonderful in colour above all other bells. Nor was there any trace found of the body of Ko-
Ngai; for it had been totally absorbed by the precious alloy, and blended with the well-
blended brass and gold, with the intermingling of the silver and the iron. And when they
sounded the bell, its tones were found to be deeper and mellower and mightier than the tones of
any other bell, reaching even beyond the distance of one hundred li, like a pealing of summer
thunder; and yet also like some vast voice uttering a name, a woman's name, the name of
And still, between each mighty stroke there is a long low moaning heard; and ever the
moaning ends with a sound of sobbing and of complaining, as though a weeping woman
should murmur, "Hiai!" And still, when the people hear that great golden moan they keep
silence, but when the sharp, sweet shuddering comes in the air, and the sobbing of "Hiai!"
then, indeed, do all the Chinese mothers in all the many-coloured ways of Pe-King whisper to
their little ones: "Listen! that is Ko-Ngai crying for her shoe! That is Ko-Ngai calling for her
WIDOWED Long, long ago there lived at
the foot of the mountain a
poor farmer and his aged,
widowed mother
A woman who has lost her
husband by death and usually
has not remarried
DESPOTIC Shining was governed by a
despotic leader who though a
warrior, had a great and
cowardly shrinking from
anything suggestive of failing
health and strength
Of relating or characteristics
of despot
REVERENCE The poor farmer loved his
aged mother with tender
reverence, and the order
filled hisheart with sorrow
Honor or respect
MANDATE But no one ever thought a
second time about obeying
the mandate of thegovernor,
so with many deep hopeless
sighs, the youth prepared for
what at that time
wasconsidered the kindest
mode of death
An authoritative command
MINGLE some place, they mingled in a
confused puzzled, but he
gave no heed
To bring or mix together
At the foot of the mountain shinano
the characters of the story are the farmer, governor, and the mother,the daimio ,
aged mother and the son of aged mother
Shining was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great and
cowardlyshrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This
caused him to send out acruel proclamation. The entire province was given strict
orders to immediately put to death all agedpeople. Those were barbarous days, and
the custom of abandoning old people to die was notcommon. The poor farmer
loved his aged mother with tender reverence, and the order filled hisheart with
sorrow. But no one ever thought a second time about obeying the mandate of
thegovernor, so with many deep hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at
that time wasconsidered the kindest mode of death.
The eyes of the old mother were not so dim but that they noted the reckless
hastening from one path to another, and her loving heart grew anxious. Her son did
not know the mountain’s many paths and his return might be one of danger, so she
stretched forth her hand and snapping the wigs from brushes as they passed, she
quietly dropped a handful every few steps of the way so that they climbed, the
narrow path behind them was dotted at frequently intervals with tiny piles of twigs.
At last the summit was reached. Weary and heart sick, the youth gently released
his burden and silently prepared a place of comfort as his last duty to the loved
one. Gathering fallen pine needle, he made a soft cushion and tenderly lifting his
old mother therein, he wrapped her padded coat more closely about the stooping
shoulders and with tearful eyes and an aching heart said farewell
The trembling mother’s voice was full of unselfish love as she gave her last
injunction. “Let not thin eyes be blinded, my son. A” She said. “The mountain road
is full of dangers. LOOK carefully and follow the path which holds the piles of
twigs. They will guide you to the familiar way farther down”. The son’s surprised
eyes looked back over the path, then at the poor old, shriveled hands all scratched
and soiled by their work of love. His heart smote him and bowing to the grounds,
he cried aloud: “oh, Honorable mother, thy kindness thrusts my heart! I will
not leave thee. Together we will follow the path of twigs, and together we will
Once more he shouldered his burden (how light it seemed no) and hastened down
the path,through the shadows and the moonlight, to the little hut in the valley.
Beneath the kitchen floor wasa walled closet for food, which was covered and
hidden from view. There the son his mother,supplying her with everything needful
and continually watching and fearing. Time passed, and hewas beginning to feel
safe when again the governor sent forth heralds bearing an unreasonableorder,
seemingly as a boast of his power. His demand was that his subject should present
him witha rope of ashes. The entire province trembled with dread. The order must
be obeyed yet who in allShining could make a rope of ashes?
Mother and Son relationship.
We must love our mother even though she's old and take care of them at old aged
Loving our parents is only the best gift we can give to them.

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Home reading rep. english

  • 1. HOME READING REPORT THE SOUL OF THE GREAT BELL I. VOCABULARY WORD SENTENCE WHERE IT WAS USED MEANING VAST The vast lips inscribed with Buddhist texts from the sacred Fa-hwa-King, from the chapters of the holy Ling-yen- King very great in size, amount, intensity, or especially in extent or range SHIVER All the little dragons on the high-tilted eaves of the green roofs shiver to the tips of their gilded tails under that deep wave of sound; all the porcelain gargoyles tremble on their carven perches; all the hundred little bells of the pagodas quiver with desire to speak. To break into small pieces WORSHIP the uplifted finger of Fo shakes high over the heads of the worshippers through the blue fog of incense! KO-NGA A person of importance IMMENSE And after each huge shock, how wondrous the multiple echo and the great golden moan, and, at last, the sudden sibilant sobbing in the ears when the immense tone faints away in broken whispers of silver, Marked by greatness especially in size or degree IMMEASURABLE Ko-Ngai: first with stupendous clang, then with immeasurable moan of gold, then with silver murmuring of “Hiai! Incapable of being mearused ORDAIN And he further ordained that the voice of the bell should be strengthened with brass, and deepened with gold, and sweetened with silver To invest
  • 2. II. SETTINGS The setting of The Soul Of The Great Bell was nearly five hundred years ago in the City of Pecking now Beijing III. CHARACTERS 1. Kouan-Yu 2. Ko-ngai 3. Yung-Lo IV.PLOT EXPOSITION: The water-clock marks the hour in the Tachung sz', in the Tower of the Great Bell: now the mallet is lifted to smite the lips of the metal monster-the vast lips inscribed with Buddhist texts from the sacred Fa-hwa-King, from the chapters of the holyLing-yen-King! Hear the great bell responding!-how mighty her voice, though tongueless! KO-NGAI! All the little dragons on the high-tilted eaves of the green roofs shiver to the tips of their gilded tails under that deep wave of sound; all the porcelain gargoyles tremble on their carven perches; all the hundred little bells of the pagodas quiver with desire to speak. KO-NGAI-all the green-and-gold tiles of the temple are vibrating; the wooden goldfish above them are writhing against the sky; the uplifted finger of Fo shakes high over the heads of the worshippers through the blue fog of incense! KO-NGAI!-What a thunder tone was that! All the lacquered goblins on the palace cornices wriggle their fire-coloured tongues! And after each huge shock, how wondrous the multiple echo and the great golden moan, and, at last, the sudden sibilant sobbing in the ears when the immense tone faints away in broken whispers of silver, as though a woman should whisper, "Hiai!" Even so the great bell hath sounded every day for well-nigh five hundred years-Ko- Ngai: first with stupendous clang, then with immeasurable moan of gold, then with silver murmuring of "Hiai!" And there is not a child in all the many-coloured ways of the old Chinese city who does not know the story of the great bell, who cannot tell you why the great bell says Ko-Ngai and Hiai! RISING ACTION:
  • 3. But when the metal had been cast, and the earthen mould separated from the glowing casting, it was discovered that, despite their great labour and ceaseless care, the result was void of worth; for the metals had rebelled one against the other-the gold had scorned alliance with the brass, the silver would not mingle with the molten iron. Therefore the moulds had to be once more prepared, and the fires rekindled, and the metal remelted, and all the work tediously and toilsomely repeated. The Son of Heaven heard and was angry, but spake nothing
  • 4. CLIMAX: . Then the father of Ko-Ngai, wild with his grief, would have leaped in after her, but that strong men held him back and kept firm grasp upon him until he had fainted away, and they could bear him like one dead to his home. And the serving- woman of Ko-Ngai, dizzy and speechless for pain, stood before the furnace, still holding in her hands a shoe, a tiny, dainty shoe, with embroidery of pearls and flowers-the shoe of her beautiful mistress that was. For she had sought to grasp Ko-Ngai by the foot as she leaped, but had only been able to clutch the shoe, and the pretty shoe came off in her hand; and she continued to stare at it like one gone mad. But in spite of all these things, the command of the Celestial and August had to be obeyed, and the work of the moulders to be finished, hopeless as the result might be. Yet the glow of the metal seemed purer and whiter than before; and there was no sign of the beautiful body that had been entombed therein. So the ponderous casting was made; and lo! when the metal had become cool, it was found that the bell was beautiful to look upon and perfect in form, and wonderful in colour above all other bells. Nor was there any trace found of the body of Ko-Ngai; for it had been totally absorbed by the precious alloy, and blended with the well-blended brass and gold, with the intermingling of the silver and the iron. And when they sounded the bell, its tones were found to be deeper and mellower and mightier than the tones of any other bell, reaching even beyond the distance of one hundred li, like a pealing of summer thunder; and yet also like some vast voice uttering a name, a woman's name, the name of Ko-Ngai. FALLING ACTION: And still, between each mighty stroke there is a long low moaning heard; and ever the moaning ends with a sound of sobbing and of complaining, as though a weeping woman should murmur, "Hiai!" And still, when the people hear that great golden moan they keep silence, but when the sharp, sweet shuddering comes in the air, and the sobbing of "Hiai!" then, indeed, do all the Chinese mothers in all the many-coloured ways of Pe-King whisper to their little ones: "Listen! that is Ko- Ngai crying for her shoe! That is Ko-Ngai calling for her shoe!" V. THEME
  • 5. The theme of the story is Life process because it is showed in the story the experiences of Kouan- Yu and Ko- Ngai and what a child can do in order to save his/her parents. VI. LESSON Learn to sacrifice and make right decision(s) VII.REACTION It is right to sacrifice everything to save your loving one.
  • 6. IV.PLOT EXPOSITION: The water-clock marks the hour in the Tachung sz', in the Tower of the Great Bell: now the mallet is lifted to smite the lips of the metal monster-the vast lips inscribed with Buddhist texts from the sacred Fa-hwa-King, from the chapters of the holyLing-yen-King! Hear the great bell responding!-how mighty her voice, though tongueless! KO-NGAI! All the little dragons on the high-tilted eaves of the green roofs shiver to the tips of their gilded tails under that deep wave of sound; all the porcelain gargoyles tremble on their carven perches; all the hundred little bells of the pagodas quiver with desire to speak. KO-NGAI-all the green-and- gold tiles of the temple are vibrating; the wooden goldfish above them are writhing against the sky; the uplifted finger of Fo shakes high over the heads of the worshippers through the blue fog of incense! KO-NGAI!-What a thunder tone was that! All the lacquered goblins on the palace cornices wriggle their fire-coloured tongues! And after each huge shock, how wondrous the multiple echo and the great golden moan, and, at last, the sudden sibilant sobbing in the ears when the immense tone faints away in broken whispers of silver, as though a woman should whisper, "Hiai!" Even so the great bell hath sounded every day for well-nigh five hundred years-Ko-Ngai: first with stupendous clang, then with immeasurable moan of gold, then with silver murmuring of "Hiai!" And there is not a child in all the many-coloured ways of the old Chinese city who does not know the story of the great bell, who cannot tell you why the great bell says Ko-Ngai and Hiai! RISING ACTION: But when the metal had been cast, and the earthen mould separated from the glowing casting, it was discovered that, despite their great labour and ceaseless care, the result was void of worth; for the metals had rebelled one against the other-the gold had scorned alliance with the brass, the silver would not mingle with the molten iron. Therefore the moulds had to be once more prepared, and the fires rekindled, and the metal remelted, and all the work tediously and toilsomely repeated. The Son of Heaven heard and was angry, but spake nothing
  • 7. CLIMAX: . Then the father of Ko-Ngai, wild with his grief, would have leaped in after her, but that strong men held him back and kept firm grasp upon him until he had fainted away, and they could bear him like one dead to his home. And the serving-woman of Ko-Ngai, dizzy and speechless for pain, stood before the furnace, still holding in her hands a shoe, a tiny, dainty shoe, with embroidery of pearls and flowers-the shoe of her beautiful mistress that was. For she had sought to grasp Ko-Ngai by the foot as she leaped, but had only been able to clutch the shoe, and the pretty shoe came off in her hand; and she continued to stare at it like one gone mad. But in spite of all these things, the command of the Celestial and August had to be obeyed, and the work of the moulders to be finished, hopeless as the result might be. Yet the glow of the metal seemed purer and whiter than before; and there was no sign of the beautiful body that had been entombed therein. So the ponderous casting was made; and lo! when the metal had become cool, it was found that the bell was beautiful to look upon and perfect in form, and wonderful in colour above all other bells. Nor was there any trace found of the body of Ko- Ngai; for it had been totally absorbed by the precious alloy, and blended with the well- blended brass and gold, with the intermingling of the silver and the iron. And when they sounded the bell, its tones were found to be deeper and mellower and mightier than the tones of any other bell, reaching even beyond the distance of one hundred li, like a pealing of summer thunder; and yet also like some vast voice uttering a name, a woman's name, the name of Ko-Ngai. FALLING ACTION: And still, between each mighty stroke there is a long low moaning heard; and ever the moaning ends with a sound of sobbing and of complaining, as though a weeping woman should murmur, "Hiai!" And still, when the people hear that great golden moan they keep silence, but when the sharp, sweet shuddering comes in the air, and the sobbing of "Hiai!" then, indeed, do all the Chinese mothers in all the many-coloured ways of Pe-King whisper to their little ones: "Listen! that is Ko-Ngai crying for her shoe! That is Ko-Ngai calling for her shoe!"
  • 8. THE STORY OF THE AGED MOTHER I.VOCABULARY WORD SENTENCE WHERE IT WAS USED MEANING WIDOWED Long, long ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged, widowed mother A woman who has lost her husband by death and usually has not remarried DESPOTIC Shining was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great and cowardly shrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength Of relating or characteristics of despot REVERENCE The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, and the order filled hisheart with sorrow Honor or respect MANDATE But no one ever thought a second time about obeying the mandate of thegovernor, so with many deep hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time wasconsidered the kindest mode of death An authoritative command MINGLE some place, they mingled in a confused puzzled, but he gave no heed To bring or mix together
  • 9. II. SETTINGS At the foot of the mountain shinano III.CHARACTERS the characters of the story are the farmer, governor, and the mother,the daimio , aged mother and the son of aged mother IV.PLOT EXPOSITION: Shining was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great and cowardlyshrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This caused him to send out acruel proclamation. The entire province was given strict orders to immediately put to death all agedpeople. Those were barbarous days, and the custom of abandoning old people to die was notcommon. The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, and the order filled hisheart with sorrow. But no one ever thought a second time about obeying the mandate of thegovernor, so with many deep hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time wasconsidered the kindest mode of death. RISING ACTION: The eyes of the old mother were not so dim but that they noted the reckless hastening from one path to another, and her loving heart grew anxious. Her son did not know the mountain’s many paths and his return might be one of danger, so she stretched forth her hand and snapping the wigs from brushes as they passed, she quietly dropped a handful every few steps of the way so that they climbed, the narrow path behind them was dotted at frequently intervals with tiny piles of twigs. At last the summit was reached. Weary and heart sick, the youth gently released his burden and silently prepared a place of comfort as his last duty to the loved one. Gathering fallen pine needle, he made a soft cushion and tenderly lifting his old mother therein, he wrapped her padded coat more closely about the stooping shoulders and with tearful eyes and an aching heart said farewell CLIMAX: The trembling mother’s voice was full of unselfish love as she gave her last injunction. “Let not thin eyes be blinded, my son. A” She said. “The mountain road is full of dangers. LOOK carefully and follow the path which holds the piles of twigs. They will guide you to the familiar way farther down”. The son’s surprised eyes looked back over the path, then at the poor old, shriveled hands all scratched and soiled by their work of love. His heart smote him and bowing to the grounds,
  • 10. he cried aloud: “oh, Honorable mother, thy kindness thrusts my heart! I will not leave thee. Together we will follow the path of twigs, and together we will die!”
  • 11. FALLING ACTION: Once more he shouldered his burden (how light it seemed no) and hastened down the path,through the shadows and the moonlight, to the little hut in the valley. Beneath the kitchen floor wasa walled closet for food, which was covered and hidden from view. There the son his mother,supplying her with everything needful and continually watching and fearing. Time passed, and hewas beginning to feel safe when again the governor sent forth heralds bearing an unreasonableorder, seemingly as a boast of his power. His demand was that his subject should present him witha rope of ashes. The entire province trembled with dread. The order must be obeyed yet who in allShining could make a rope of ashes? V. THEME Mother and Son relationship. VI. LESSON We must love our mother even though she's old and take care of them at old aged VII.REACTION Loving our parents is only the best gift we can give to them.