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This project has received funding from
the European Union’s Horizon 20 20
research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 688403
Title :
Place :
Date :
Tulipp Workshop @ HIPEAC
Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platform –
project overview
HiPeac, Valencia, Spain
22nd of January 2019
Philippe Millet, Coordinator
Workshop Agenda
• 10:00 Opening Session
• 10:05 Philippe Millet, Thales
• Overall presentation of the project and the objectives
• 10:45 Magnus Peterson, Synective Labs
• The three use cases: description of the challenges + what’s hard to solve with current
• 11:00  11:30 Coffee Break
• 11:30 Magnus Peterson, Synective Labs (continued talk)
• 12:00 Invited Speaker Kofi Appiah, Sheffield Hallam University
• Real-Time Modelling of Visual Scenes with Biological Inspiration
• 12:25 Invited Speaker Paolo Burgio, UNIMORE
• Computer vision for autonomous driving using commercial-off-the-shelf platforms and the
Hercules framework
• 12:50 Diana Goehringer, TUD
• Conclusion
• 13:00 Lunch
What is TULIPP?
Goal: Safer driving experience
Goal: Bring intelligence to the drones
Goal: Reduce Radiation Dose by 75%
• Everything started with a common need for
• High performance
• Real-time
• Low-Power
• Embedded
• Image processing applications
What is TULIPP?
Tulipp: Bringing energy efficiency from chip level to system level
Intensive Image Processing Embedded
Time-to-market / Cost-
Source: http://www.lnci.org.au
The Reference Platform
What is TULIPP?
(the concept)
Methodology to select the
best suitable components
for build power-efficient
image-processing platforms
How we proceed
WP7: Management, Coordination
LABEL : Marketing, Ecosystem and Pre-normalisation
WP6: IP protection, Dissemination, Communication, Advisory Board
and Exploitation preparation
WP1: Reference platform definition
(Interfaces & implementation Rules)
Runtime, API,
Libraries & OS
feedback WP5 : Usecases description
and Integration and platform
The Reference Platform in a book
Methodology captured
in a book
Guidelines to provide
expert hints on common
issues & valuable
implementation clues
• A guideline is insights that occurred while working on the project.
It can be a result of:
• running experiments
• our expertise
• reading other documents
• teaching something to "a student"
• Do not use floating point computation on FPGA
• Avoid using heavy libraries while writing source code for
embedded systems
• …
TULIPP Guidelines, examples
The TULIPP reference platform Interfaces
The Starter kit: how it works
Project Applications
Platform Instance
Focus on the TULIPP Starter-Kit
Available during the final tutorial
• HW instance based on Xilinx Zynq U+
• Power aware RT operating system
• Toolchain support for efficient implementation
• Sample applications
• The TULIPP Handbook
The TULIPP hardware platform(s)
The TULIPP HW platform: the chip
The TULIPP HW platform: IOs & Module
The TULIPP HW platform:PC104 stackable
The TULIPP HW platform(s): versatile
The TULIPP HW platform(s): made for vision
The TULIPP Operating system: HIPPEROS Maestro
Maestro, an RTOS for Multi-cores
The TULIPP Operating system: Hipperos Maestro
Maestro is designed for hard Real-Time applications
• Determinism & bounded guarantees
• Checks & controls deadlines of tasks with Real-Time scheduling policies
• Resource usage is bounded and checked
The TULIPP Operating system: Hipperos Maestro
Maestro is a new micro-kernel
• No legacy from any former mono-core OS like “Linux”
• Designed to leverage the power of multi-core architectures
• Unlike other RTOS, Maestro is Multi-core at its very heart
The TULIPP Operating system: Hipperos Maestro
Maestro is designed for embedded application
• small memory footprint
• ported on embedded processors ARM (v7, v8) and PowerPC
• support FPGA
The TULIPP Operating system: Hipperos Maestro
Maestro is a full featured RTOS
• MMU support
• resource sharing
• usual OS services (timers, etc...)
We need to manage the power
•We have
• a power optimised and tuneable hardware
• a power efficient operating system
• optimised image processing libraries
Embedded  Control the energy
• Heterogeneous platform  tasks mapping
• How to make sure we did the best mapping? (energy)
Intensive Image Processing Embedded
Time-to-market / Cost-
Source: http://www.lnci.org.au
Power consumption probe
The LynSyn board : the probe
Probe attached to the board
STHEM: The TULIPP Tool-chain
Support uTilities for Heterogeneous EMbedded image
processing (STHEM)
• Significant effort has been invested into the
development of vendor tools
• STHEM fills the productivity gaps between existing tools
STHEM: The TULIPP Tool-chain
• Supports development for all platform components
• Maps source files of the application to the
appropriate tool chain
• Retrieves OS configuration from the developer
Development and Mapping
STHEM: The TULIPP Tool-chain
• Boots OS with selected configuration (if needed due to
changed configuration)
• Updates files (binaries, bitfiles, etc.)
• Initialises the reconfigurable logic (if needed)
• Starts the application with the requested instrumentation
STHEM: The TULIPP Tool-chain
• Analyses performance results and presents
findings to the developer
The Generic Development Process
Connect and
uTilities for
Embedded image
Support for TULIPP
platform instances
The toolchain
The power consumption analyser
Design Space Exploration tool
end product
Several Instances from same reference
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
• Pedestrian detection for collision avoidance
• Based on Viola-Jones object detection
• Operates on 640x480 24-bit images
Accelerated on the
Tulipp Platform
(Xilinx ZU3)
PC platform
150 W
10 s/frame
15 W
66 ms/frame
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
𝐼left, 𝐼right
Accelerated on the
Tulipp Platform
(Xilinx ZU3)
15 W
29 frame/s
29ms latency
Medical Use Case
Accelerated on the
Tulipp Platform
(Xilinx ZU3)
15 W
29 frame/s
29ms latency
• X-ray video for surgery
• Embedded on the sensor
• Lower radiation doses by factor 4
• Image denoise & enhancement
• 1024x1024 24-bit images
Medical UC
Noisy input
+ rotation
Everything available as a bundle
Join the handbook Effort
Leave a legacy !
That's all folks!

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HiPEAC 2019 Workshop Overview

  • 1. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 20 20 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688403 www.tulipp.eu TULIPP Title : Place : Date : Tulipp Workshop @ HIPEAC Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platform – project overview HiPeac, Valencia, Spain 22nd of January 2019 Philippe Millet, Coordinator
  • 2. Workshop Agenda • 10:00 Opening Session • 10:05 Philippe Millet, Thales • Overall presentation of the project and the objectives • 10:45 Magnus Peterson, Synective Labs • The three use cases: description of the challenges + what’s hard to solve with current solutions • 11:00  11:30 Coffee Break • 11:30 Magnus Peterson, Synective Labs (continued talk) • 12:00 Invited Speaker Kofi Appiah, Sheffield Hallam University • Real-Time Modelling of Visual Scenes with Biological Inspiration • 12:25 Invited Speaker Paolo Burgio, UNIMORE • Computer vision for autonomous driving using commercial-off-the-shelf platforms and the Hercules framework • 12:50 Diana Goehringer, TUD • Conclusion • 13:00 Lunch
  • 3. What is TULIPP? Goal: Safer driving experience Goal: Bring intelligence to the drones Goal: Reduce Radiation Dose by 75% • Everything started with a common need for • High performance • Real-time • Low-Power • Embedded • Image processing applications
  • 4. What is TULIPP? Tulipp: Bringing energy efficiency from chip level to system level Intensive Image Processing Embedded Constraints Time-to-market / Cost- sensitive Source: http://www.lnci.org.au
  • 5. The Reference Platform Processor IO Memory Component tools Operating System Toolchain CPU What is TULIPP? (the concept) Methodology to select the best suitable components for build power-efficient image-processing platforms
  • 6. How we proceed WP7: Management, Coordination LABEL : Marketing, Ecosystem and Pre-normalisation WP6: IP protection, Dissemination, Communication, Advisory Board and Exploitation preparation WP1: Reference platform definition (Interfaces & implementation Rules) Instantiations WP2: Hardware WP4: Programming Toolchain WP3: Runtime, API, Libraries & OS feedback WP5 : Usecases description and Integration and platform validation
  • 7. The Reference Platform in a book Methodology captured in a book + Guidelines to provide expert hints on common issues & valuable implementation clues
  • 8. • A guideline is insights that occurred while working on the project. It can be a result of: • running experiments • our expertise • reading other documents • teaching something to "a student" Like: • Do not use floating point computation on FPGA • Avoid using heavy libraries while writing source code for embedded systems • … Guidelines
  • 10. The TULIPP reference platform Interfaces
  • 11. The Starter kit: how it works Goal-oriented Advice Instantiation Recommended Implementation Methods Project Applications Platform Instance
  • 12. Focus on the TULIPP Starter-Kit Available during the final tutorial • HW instance based on Xilinx Zynq U+ • Power aware RT operating system • Toolchain support for efficient implementation • Sample applications • The TULIPP Handbook
  • 13. The TULIPP hardware platform(s)
  • 14. The TULIPP HW platform: the chip
  • 15. The TULIPP HW platform: IOs & Module
  • 16. The TULIPP HW platform:PC104 stackable
  • 17. The TULIPP HW platform(s): versatile
  • 18. The TULIPP HW platform(s): made for vision
  • 19. The TULIPP Operating system: HIPPEROS Maestro M A E S T R O Maestro, an RTOS for Multi-cores
  • 20. The TULIPP Operating system: Hipperos Maestro Maestro is designed for hard Real-Time applications • Determinism & bounded guarantees • Checks & controls deadlines of tasks with Real-Time scheduling policies • Resource usage is bounded and checked
  • 21. The TULIPP Operating system: Hipperos Maestro Maestro is a new micro-kernel • No legacy from any former mono-core OS like “Linux” • Designed to leverage the power of multi-core architectures • Unlike other RTOS, Maestro is Multi-core at its very heart
  • 22. The TULIPP Operating system: Hipperos Maestro Maestro is designed for embedded application • small memory footprint • ported on embedded processors ARM (v7, v8) and PowerPC • support FPGA
  • 23. The TULIPP Operating system: Hipperos Maestro Maestro is a full featured RTOS • MMU support • resource sharing • usual OS services (timers, etc...)
  • 24. We need to manage the power •We have • a power optimised and tuneable hardware • a power efficient operating system • optimised image processing libraries
  • 25. Embedded  Control the energy • Heterogeneous platform  tasks mapping • How to make sure we did the best mapping? (energy) Intensive Image Processing Embedded Constraints Time-to-market / Cost- sensitive Source: http://www.lnci.org.au
  • 27. The LynSyn board : the probe
  • 28. Probe attached to the board
  • 29. STHEM: The TULIPP Tool-chain Support uTilities for Heterogeneous EMbedded image processing (STHEM) Insights: • Significant effort has been invested into the development of vendor tools • STHEM fills the productivity gaps between existing tools
  • 30. STHEM: The TULIPP Tool-chain • Supports development for all platform components • Maps source files of the application to the appropriate tool chain • Retrieves OS configuration from the developer Development and Mapping
  • 31. STHEM: The TULIPP Tool-chain • Boots OS with selected configuration (if needed due to changed configuration) • Updates files (binaries, bitfiles, etc.) • Initialises the reconfigurable logic (if needed) • Starts the application with the requested instrumentation Runner
  • 32. STHEM: The TULIPP Tool-chain • Analyses performance results and presents findings to the developer Analyser
  • 33. The Generic Development Process Connect and abstract STHEM = Supporting uTilities for Heterogeneous Embedded image processing platforms Support for TULIPP platform instances
  • 38. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems • Pedestrian detection for collision avoidance • Based on Viola-Jones object detection • Operates on 640x480 24-bit images Original C/C++ code Adapted C/C++ code Accelerated on the Tulipp Platform (Xilinx ZU3) PC platform 150 W 10 s/frame 15 W 66 ms/frame
  • 39. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 𝐼left, 𝐼right Obstacle avoidance Disparity estimation 𝐷 Original C/C++ code Adapted C/C++ code Accelerated on the Tulipp Platform (Xilinx ZU3) 15 W 29 frame/s 29ms latency
  • 40. Medical Use Case Original C/C++ code Adapted C/C++ code Accelerated on the Tulipp Platform (Xilinx ZU3) 15 W 29 frame/s 29ms latency • X-ray video for surgery • Embedded on the sensor • Lower radiation doses by factor 4 • Image denoise & enhancement • 1024x1024 24-bit images sensor
  • 43. Join the handbook Effort Leave a legacy !