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Andy Coughlin and Ting Ting
20 May 2024
Session 3 High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager
Session Outcomes
Get to know more about:
• Maintaining clarity intensity and accuracy
under pressure
• Using tools to support you zooming out,
resetting your focus and zooming in
• Using Red2Blue with your team
Red2Blue Mindset 3
Red2BlueSkill: Control of Attention
Prepare Perform
Recognise and accept when you are diverted
Zoom out / Reset / Zoom in
Red2Blue Mindset 4
Today’s To Do List
• Plan for team meeting
• Check on system tasks completed by team
• Sort invoicing problems
• Check on new team member onboarding
• Do assigned tasks for next training session
• Re calibrate numbers on forecast and find the
• Manage the new campaign
• Learn new corporate marketing strategy and
share with team
• Remember birthday
• Close off unanswered emails
• Confirm rescheduled 1:1s
High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager
Main Priorities – Where to Start?
• Sanjay is a good performer but almost every piece of work
he completes requires ‘exceptional ’ sign-off with unusually
high levels of input needed from others.
• Rob is known as the ‘big project king’ in the team, yet he
hasn’t fully delivered on one yet! He has some very large
projects he is involved with but his reporting on progress is
vague. You are unsure if it’s his skill in understanding the
scope or if he is fabricating things under pressure.
• Erica promises a lot and consistently delivers less than
expected. She confirms that new focus areas will be
implemented but they then slip to next month and the
pattern continues.
• Antonio and Tina are regular good performers and were also
consistent deliverers last year, however, you have the strong
feeling they are performing within themselves as indicated
by them only working with limited numbers of projects
compared to the others. You know they are strong members
of your team, but is it possible to get more out of them?
• Peter usually hits his KPI targets, but ascertaining how to
help him improve or get more out of him is difficult as he
fails to routinely update data into your reporting system. You
feel with a bit more attention to detail, he could improve his
perception in the business dramatically.
• A newly launched corporate planning tool is creating
challenges for you as you know you will be expected to
ensure the team are using it and completing and updating it
regularly. You are concerned that this will be perceived as
more “reporting admin” by the team and will be another
complaint or excuse as to why they aren’t getting things
done. You suspect it will be overly complicated for your
region anyway and is just another short-term initiative
• You also feel that you just don’t have the activity and
performance data needed to address the different
requirements of the team and business as a whole.
• The remote nature of your team also makes it very difficult
to find quality time with the team and individual team
High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager
Sustained attention on…
• Clarity
• Intensity
• Accuracy
High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 7
• One page overview helps you zoom out under pressure
High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 8
Purpose and Priorities:
Clear or cloudy?
Breakout Room
Priority Planner
In pairs, discuss:
• How would you define your purpose?
• What are your top 3 priorities?
High Performance Mindset R2B 3 Managers.pptx
Plans Change
• ‘No plan survives the first contact with the
• How good are you at adapting to the
situation when conditions change?
High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 11
What triggers you?
Complete the following sentences:
• I must always… I must never…
• They must always… They must never…
Filters are a product of a conditioning process
which takes place throughout our lives.
Whatever you have written to complete the
sentences is essentially your rule book.
When our rules are broken (our view of the
world is challenged) we tend to go into the
High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 12
Red2Blue: Decision making
• Distorted / Selective /
Biased information
• Over-react /
Under react
• Disconnect or freeze
• Seek accurate
• Consider Options /
• Commit
High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 13
Zoom out
Zoom in
Red2Blue Mindset 14
Developing mindset as a skill: Recognise: Accept: Choose
Do you prepare mindset? Do you manage from the Red or the Blue?
Do you review mindset?
Chat input
• How can you encourage and review
Red2Blue with your team?
How could you use Red2Blue in that situation?
• It’s a process
• Widely applicable
• The shared common language helps make it easier
• The focus on the process reduces heat
• The methodical steps help clear cloudy minds
How could you use Red2Blue in that situation?
• What is / was the performance issue / goal?
How are they doing / feeling?
Their thoughts / Your observations
Broaden the dialogue and focus
• What are the various issues / what role did mindset play?
Structure / Skillset / Mindset
Clarity? / Accuracy?/ Red or Blue?
Their thoughts / Your observations
• What next? / Use the a Red2Blue tool
Agree specific next steps
Breakout Room
Have a coaching
conversation that
addresses mindset
Work in pairs with one person as a manager
the other as a team member. Briefly explain
the context of the conversation you want to
have so they can roleplay with you.
Practice the process and hear yourself using
the Red2Blue out loud:
• Performance line
• Structure, skillset, mindset
• Control Circles (or other tool)
• Specific next steps
Coaching Red2Blue
See it
Ensure the Red2Blue map
is visible around your
Hear it
Use the language
frequently and deliberately
Measure the
Share stories of use and
examples of success
What tools do you have?
High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 20
Next Steps
Coaches and Leaders
Selling with IMPACT: Red2Blue Sales Mindset 22
Thank You
Selling with IMPACT: Red2Blue Sales Mindset 23
LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of RELX Inc. ICIS, the ICIS logo, Cirium, the Cirium logo, XpertHR and EG are trademarks of LNRS Data Services Limited.
Nextens is a trademark of LNRS Data Services B.V. Other products or services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © 2024 LexisNexis Risk Solutions.

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2024 KWL Back 2 School Summer Conference

High Performance Mindset R2B 3 Managers.pptx

  • 1. Andy Coughlin and Ting Ting 20 May 2024 Session 3 High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager
  • 2. Session Outcomes Get to know more about: • Maintaining clarity intensity and accuracy under pressure • Using tools to support you zooming out, resetting your focus and zooming in • Using Red2Blue with your team
  • 3. Red2Blue Mindset 3 Red2BlueSkill: Control of Attention Prepare Perform Recognise and accept when you are diverted Zoom out / Reset / Zoom in Review
  • 5. 5 Today’s To Do List • Plan for team meeting • Check on system tasks completed by team • Sort invoicing problems • Check on new team member onboarding • Do assigned tasks for next training session • Re calibrate numbers on forecast and find the discrepancy • Manage the new campaign • Learn new corporate marketing strategy and share with team • Remember birthday • Close off unanswered emails • Confirm rescheduled 1:1s High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager
  • 6. Main Priorities – Where to Start? • Sanjay is a good performer but almost every piece of work he completes requires ‘exceptional ’ sign-off with unusually high levels of input needed from others. • Rob is known as the ‘big project king’ in the team, yet he hasn’t fully delivered on one yet! He has some very large projects he is involved with but his reporting on progress is vague. You are unsure if it’s his skill in understanding the scope or if he is fabricating things under pressure. • Erica promises a lot and consistently delivers less than expected. She confirms that new focus areas will be implemented but they then slip to next month and the pattern continues. • Antonio and Tina are regular good performers and were also consistent deliverers last year, however, you have the strong feeling they are performing within themselves as indicated by them only working with limited numbers of projects compared to the others. You know they are strong members of your team, but is it possible to get more out of them? • Peter usually hits his KPI targets, but ascertaining how to help him improve or get more out of him is difficult as he fails to routinely update data into your reporting system. You feel with a bit more attention to detail, he could improve his perception in the business dramatically. • A newly launched corporate planning tool is creating challenges for you as you know you will be expected to ensure the team are using it and completing and updating it regularly. You are concerned that this will be perceived as more “reporting admin” by the team and will be another complaint or excuse as to why they aren’t getting things done. You suspect it will be overly complicated for your region anyway and is just another short-term initiative • You also feel that you just don’t have the activity and performance data needed to address the different requirements of the team and business as a whole. • The remote nature of your team also makes it very difficult to find quality time with the team and individual team members. 6 High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager
  • 7. Sustained attention on… • Clarity • Intensity • Accuracy High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 7
  • 8. • One page overview helps you zoom out under pressure High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 8 Purpose and Priorities: Clear or cloudy?
  • 9. Breakout Room Priority Planner In pairs, discuss: • How would you define your purpose? • What are your top 3 priorities?
  • 11. Plans Change • ‘No plan survives the first contact with the enemy’ • How good are you at adapting to the situation when conditions change? High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 11
  • 12. What triggers you? Complete the following sentences: • I must always… I must never… • They must always… They must never… Filters are a product of a conditioning process which takes place throughout our lives. Whatever you have written to complete the sentences is essentially your rule book. When our rules are broken (our view of the world is challenged) we tend to go into the Red. High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 12
  • 13. Red2Blue: Decision making • Distorted / Selective / Biased information • Over-react / Under react • Disconnect or freeze • Seek accurate information • Consider Options / Consequences • Commit High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 13 Zoom out Zoom in
  • 14. Red2Blue Mindset 14 Developing mindset as a skill: Recognise: Accept: Choose Do you prepare mindset? Do you manage from the Red or the Blue? Do you review mindset?
  • 15. Chat input Question: • How can you encourage and review Red2Blue with your team?
  • 16. Page 16 How could you use Red2Blue in that situation? • It’s a process • Widely applicable • The shared common language helps make it easier • The focus on the process reduces heat • The methodical steps help clear cloudy minds
  • 17. How could you use Red2Blue in that situation? Page 17 • What is / was the performance issue / goal? How are they doing / feeling? Their thoughts / Your observations Broaden the dialogue and focus • What are the various issues / what role did mindset play? Structure / Skillset / Mindset Clarity? / Accuracy?/ Red or Blue? Their thoughts / Your observations • What next? / Use the a Red2Blue tool Agree specific next steps
  • 18. Breakout Room Have a coaching conversation that addresses mindset Work in pairs with one person as a manager the other as a team member. Briefly explain the context of the conversation you want to have so they can roleplay with you. Practice the process and hear yourself using the Red2Blue out loud: • Performance line • Structure, skillset, mindset • Control Circles (or other tool) • Specific next steps
  • 19. Coaching Red2Blue See it Ensure the Red2Blue map is visible around your workspace Hear it Use the language frequently and deliberately Measure the impact Share stories of use and examples of success
  • 20. What tools do you have? High Performance Mindset: How to Use and Apply Red2Blue as a Manager 20
  • 22. Questions Selling with IMPACT: Red2Blue Sales Mindset 22
  • 23. Thank You Selling with IMPACT: Red2Blue Sales Mindset 23
  • 24. LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of RELX Inc. ICIS, the ICIS logo, Cirium, the Cirium logo, XpertHR and EG are trademarks of LNRS Data Services Limited. Nextens is a trademark of LNRS Data Services B.V. Other products or services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © 2024 LexisNexis Risk Solutions. 24

Editor's Notes

  1. 3rd session – warm welcome Andy and Ting Ting
  2. Maintaining and sustaining focus can be hard Especially with lots of competing priorities. These resources are here to support you, so please think of them as something you build into your every day, to support performance, for you and your team. This session aims to help you focus by giving you a tool to help you zoom out – those blue head words, clarity. How you can use it, get red2blue going, have mindset conversations with team. Break outs x 2, individual exercises – in fact we will be asking you to use Red2Blue in conversation with each other in the second breakout so it will help to have a review scenario in mind ready for that later This is all about application today Pen and paper…
  3. Slide timing – We recognise there are pressures, behind on target? We or team members not delivering? Pressure. Just quickly as a recap  In the moment – using Red2Blue can simply be a mental reference ‘am I in the Red am I in the Blue’ You can use the concept to get better at recognizing in the moment that you need to re-set. You should work on having good ways to re-set (animate 1) and a clear useful focus using the Control Circles (animate 2) Most pressure is predictable and can be prepared for. (animate 4)  And an important part of getting better is debriefing / reviewing performance – was I in the Red or in the Blue – the Recognition radar can be a good tool to use in debriefs.  (animate 3) Any questions? How have you got on using them?
  4. Slide timing –  Are there any questions or observations anyone would like to share? (keep this to a minimum if possible and use it as a spur into the topic for today)  Great! Let us have a closer look now at how Red2Blue helps you as a manager. Some points that might help with any questions that come up Red Head is not just about the big moments, massive emotional melt down. It describes anytime when our focus is distracted or cloudy.  It is normal. As animals we go Red to keep us safe – defence mode! It is just not very helpful for performance. It is better to work from the Blue side Red head happens when the Blue side isn’t working for us. The process is not clear, or the outcome is not significant, and we move our attention away from what is happening or what we are required to do  - big part of the managers job is to provide clarity Is it the same as Chimp Paradox/ Inner Game/ (* or whatever model they mention)? Yes. Its pretty much the same – built on same psychological principles –Red2Blue is just a map/ tools approach – designed to be accessible to everyone (CEOs to 6year olds), practical (used in the pressure moments) and transferrable (can share with others easily in a non intrusive way)  CIA…how do you achieve that as a manager? R2B looks simple, but how to do it?
  5. Management pressure is seldom about big critical moments In our LNR context it can be about: overwhelm, urgency of tasks, unexpected tasks, managing whilst feeling under resourced ‘side of the desk’ tasks that get no extra time for you to complete To do list taken in part from interviews we did as part of prep The prime focus, delivering the expected results and supporting your team is clouded by an endless list of other things to do and manage. For example, admin and reporting on results instead of focussing what will help deliver them, or managing important restructures or having difficult conversations. All require your attention.  Not just about the big things…. How do you prioritise when everything is important and urgent?
  6. Here is a typical management context …read this short scenario (2 minutes) and answer the question – where would you start if this was your team? What is your main priority? (ASK QUESTION OF TEAM) Allow for one or two answers…. …there is no right answer for this scenario (review calendar and make time for whole team meeting/ get data sorted/ park what is not urgent etc) …but if we go back to the concept of the line the challenge is to keep moving, not get stuck and putting attention on things that will move us forward the is critical Take control around deliberate, informed choices. Where to put attention, zoom out. To be blue, we need to know what to do – where to put focus (Sully). Lack of direction leads to lack of accuracy.
  7. As we have discussed already the prime issue is maintaining control of attention… shifting between the overview and the detail – therefore it is critical to have absolute clarity around what to put your attention on. You can’t be Blue if you don’t know what to do Every one can show intensity by being busy but without clarity of intent and deliberate intention it is not effective or sustainable. Rather than just being busy or going hard towards a problem…its more useful to step back…clarify…and truly orientate your focus - ultimately this will improve the quality of what you're doing When we lack intensity / or are over hyped it is usually because our intent / purpose / outcome is not clear. Likewise, when we are inaccurate, bumbling through or making mistakes Sometimes we get wrapped up completely in the detail –going from one task to the next, making to do lists and ticking them off - and it could be argued that it’s easier to do that than spend time on a clear overview. Finding time is difficult, but important. It might be a nano second process, or a deliberate set aside time …but zooming out is critical. And establishing your Zoom out base is important work. Even if you have already worked on your yearly or quarterly plan and objectives or have an established process in place it is useful to reflect and review on an ongoing basis… How clear are we around our purpose and priorities? Clarity drives intensity. Be disciplined in ensuring you have established your purpose and priorities. Zoom out to be clear and use this in the big moments to reset, make better decisions and to be more accurate / effective
  8. The example here is a one-page overview – does anyone recognize it? Its Montgomery’s plan for DDay landing The most complex military operation from WW2 - on one page! What is your overview? Take some time now to reflect on that –how would you describe it so that it has meaning for you? Is it compelling enough to keep you engaged, how could you describe your purpose so that it connects with you as an individual ….(you could frame it as a goal setting exercise – what are we trying to achieve – where will we be this time next year?) If your purpose is connected to your passion its easier to stay on task If its really important to us, we tend to be more resilient to walk towards it…to embrace the pressure Once you’ve done that…think about your big picture focus and primary core role What are your top 3 priorities? We are more likely to stay engaged and do well if we are clear about what we main building blocks help us navigate.
  9. Start to complete the Priority Planner in pairs (Breakouts 2’s and 3’s) (upload tool to the chat – but they can use paper without inputting into actual tool)
  10. Debrief: This will not be the first time you’ve spent time on goal setting, planning prioritising. The point of the Priority Planner is to ensure whatever you do write down has the sort of clarity that can drive your focus under pressure. That it is meaningful for you when you need to zoom out. That is helps you re- orientate and make good decisions about what you need to spend time on. It is unlikely that you will have completed this adequately or in a meaningful way in such a short session. Please do keep this work so that you can continue it later with your coach or Senior leader
  11. Even when the plan and intent is clear there will always be times when we need to adapt Sometimes even when that is obvious, we struggle to let go of what we ‘should be doing’ ‘want to be doing’ – everyone talks about being agile. And even though we might change our focus, we execute it reluctantly or from the Red side. We let our mindset get in the way of our performance / potential
  12. Complete the sentences As a personal reflection complete the following sentences (the answers can remain private, and you can write down the first thing that comes to mind) ‘they’ can refer to anyone you like. We tend to defend what we think… Whatever you have written is essentially a myth. Its not true – its just your truth. This is what defines you and what defines your response to events and situations. It is fine to act to protect and defend your rules. But its not always helpful for what you need to do in a certain moment or for a certain task. Being aware of that can help make you more adaptable and help you avoid getting stuck. These rules and values drive you forward. They are important for you. Being aware of them allows you to maintain perspective and not always slide down the mental strength scale when you feel they are under threat. We all wear different hats and have different identities in different situations. This is a useful exercise to reflect on why you went into the Red at certain times and to mitigate for future It is what it is and so what? and who cares? HOW WE SEE THE WORLD CAN BE LIMITING
  13. Why is this important? We want to be making decisions from the blue side. Sometimes we stop listening. Even though most pressure is predictable sometimes we do not respond well, and our mindset can affect our execution and decision making ANIMATE AND AGAIN It is important as a manager to be operating from the Blue side – to pause, get more information, to consider options to ask question Sometimes we set ourselves a difficult goal, or must do something unexpected and unplanned for at short notice Like the kayaker ready for the rapids Red2Blue is a choice We can be prepared, able to zoom out and make good decisions to navigate the rough waters, by training our mental skills Trust the process – Red Blue decide do – what’s happening? What is the real issue? How do I feel about it / how important is it? What will I do next? Zoom out, re-set, zoom in process to get us through – no matter what the situation
  14. The Red2Blue concept is designed to help you recognize and accept where your head is If you practice staying Blue as a manager this will have a big impact on your team environment The tools can help you and help your teams get your ‘head back to where your feet are’, own your mindset and lean into what is happening and not disconnect It is also a much better way to operate to enjoy your work But it will only help if you use it….so how can we use it frequently and often?
  15. As a manager you will be critical in supporting sustained use and impact with your teams How (and when?) can you most easily start using this? (Agree with all answers – should include having maps visible / using the tools/ asking questions ‘were you red or blue’ etc ) Could be around performance conversations. Could be just dealing with an issue.
  16. New language can feel a bit odd, (been on a course!) which is why we spent so long with the team. Any time you are reviewing a process or outcome or considering an upcoming performance where there is pressure is a chance to reference Red2Blue. What part did mindset play and how can we improve? You will find your own rhythm with specific questions that work for your team members, but we have provided some some dialogue prompts in your manager’s guide. What happened? What did you want to happen? How did you feel? Were you Red or Blue? How did it impact? What will you do next time? There is however no magic script – every conversation can go awry. What you assume will be an easy review can turn into defensiveness and feedback is considered criticism. In these times you need a structure to Keep Blue….slow is smooth It helps to use the process we all know already – they know it / you know it. And it slows the discussion down – BACK TO SESSION 1. Performance line, triangle, circles.
  17. Draw the line – keep perspective, ask questions and engage in dialogue – what happened/ what is likely to happen / how do they feel about it? Pictures will be an easy way in….either literally or figuratively this helps you structure your Red2Blue conversations Broaden the perspective – draw the SSM triangle - what part did mindset play? Red head? Blue head? How did that impact accuracy and intensity? DIALOGUE VS ONE-WAY What can they do next? Use any of the tools – control circles – what ifs – priority planner – or help them with specific advice or give them a task to work on their rituals. Don’t rush to the control circles.
  18. It can feel awkward / funny to start referencing it so we are going to get over that now with a little bit of ‘saying it out loud’ now in 2’s and 3’s. Think of a conversation you have just had or one you need to have to address mindset Set them into pairs (or 3s) to have a go at saying it out loud Make sure (even though you are virtual) you draw the line / triangle circles.
  19. How do we know if we are becoming a more ‘blue’ environment. There should be nothing to stop you to get started with your team as they know the language and concept In fact they will expect you to reference it How will we know your team is a Red2Blue team? We will literally see it around the place – maps, tools, wrist bands stickers We will hear it being referenced and will hear the language in reviews and planning We will be able to collect impact stories through the coaches.
  20. You will find some tools work better for you, but mix them up to keep it fresh. All comes back to: am I red, am I blue?
  21. Slide timing – Feel free to link also to @gazingred2blue to hear more users share their experiences Coaches will be selected to keep reinforcing and supporting Managers and teams with ongoing use and application These coaches will be key to embedding and sustaining Red2Blue into our ways of working, for good. And have a family pack
  22. Elicit any final questions
  23. Thank you for your attention Best wishes