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Preliminary Benchmark
Evaluation of Japan’s High
Temperature Engineering
Test Reactor
John Darrell Bess
R&D Engineer – Reactor Physics

May 5, 2009
• The benchmark assessment of Japan’s High
  Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) is
  one of the high priority activities for the Next
  Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Project and Very
  High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) Program.

• Current efforts at the Idaho National Laboratory
  (INL) involve development of reactor physics
  benchmark models in conjunction with the
  International Reactor Physics Experiment
  Evaluation Project (IRPhEP) for use with verification
  and validation (V&V) methods.

IRPhEP Process

IRPhEP Handbook – 2009 Edition
•   15 Contributing Countries
•   Data from 36 Experimental
    Series – 21 Reactor Facilities
•   Data from 7 reactor types – Up
    to 8 types of measurements
•   Data from 33 out of the 36
    series are published as
    approved benchmarks
•   Data from 3 out of the 36 series
    are published in draft form
•   http://nuclear.inl.gov/irphep/

HTTR Primary Design Specifications - I
Thermal Power                     30 MW
Outlet Coolant Temperature        850/950 ºC
Inlet Coolant Temperature         395 ºC
Primary Coolant Pressure          4 MPa
Core Structure                    Graphite
Equivalent Core Diameter          2.3 m
Effective Core Height             2.9 m                                                                       Air cooler
Average Power Density             2.5 W/cm                                                                          Refueling
Fuel                              UO2
   Enrichment                     3 to 10 wt. %
                                                                                                                       Spent fuel
                                  6 wt. % (average)                                                                    storage pool
   Fuel Type                      Pin-in-Block Type
                                  Coated Fuel Particles
   Burn-Up Period (EFPD)          660 days                           Reactor
   Fuel Block                     Graphite Block                      vessel
Coolant Material                  Helium Gas                    Intermediate
                                                              heat exchanger
Flow of Direction in Core         Downward
Reflector Thickness                                             Pressurized
                                                                water cooler
   Top                            1.16 m
   Side                           0.99 m
   Bottom                         1.16 m
Number of Fuel Assemblies         150                                                  Reactor containment vessel
Number of Fuel Columns            30
Number of Pairs of Control Rods
   In Core                        7
   In Reflector                   9
Plant Lifetime                    20 years

HTTR Primary Design Specifications - II

Fuel Specifications of the HTTR - I
Fuel Kernel                                                             Fuel Rod
  Material                                        UO2                     Outer Diameter (cm)                                      3.4
  Diameter (µm)                                                           Sleeve Thickness (mm)                                   3.75
  Density (g/cm3)                                10.41                    Length (cm)                                             54.6
                                                                          Number of Fuel Compacts                                  14
Coated Fuel Particle
                                                                          Number of Rods in a Block                              31 / 33
  Type / Material                               TRISO
                                                                          Graphite Sleeve
  Diameter (µm)
                                                                             Type                                                Cylinder
  Impurity (ppm)                         <3 (Boron Equivalent)
                                                                             Material                                        IG-110 Graphite
Fuel Compact
                                                                             Impurity (ppm)                               <1 (Boron Equivalent)
  Type                                      Hollow Cylinder
                                                                             Length (cm)                                           58
  Material                             CFPs, Binder, and Graphite
                                                                             Gap Width between Compact and Sleeve (mm)            0.25
  Outer / Inner Diameter (m)                    2.6 / 1.0
                                                                        Graphite Block
  Length (cm)                                     3.9
                                                                          Type / Configuration                           Pin-in-Block / Hexagonal
  Packing Fraction of CFPs (vol. %)                30
                                                                          Material                                           IG-110 graphite
  Density of Graphite Matrix (g/cm3)              1.7
                                                                          Width across Flats (cm)                                  36
  Impurity in Graphite Matrix (ppm)     <1.2 (Boron Equivalent)
                                                                          Height (cm)                                              58
                                                                          Fuel Hole Diameter (cm)                                  4.1
                                                                          Density (g/cm )                                         1.75
                                                                          Impurity (ppm)                                  <1 (Boron Equivalent)

Fuel Specifications of the HTTR - II

Fuel and Burnable Poison Loading

  The top                   The bottom
 number of                    number
 each block                represents the
 represents                boron content
the uranium               in the burnable
enrichment.               poison pellets.

Fully-Loaded Core Configuration

Control Rod Positions in Core

Virtual Representation of Core in MCNP

Uncertainty Analysis - I
• The uncertainty                 • All random
  analysis consisted of             uncertainties are
  the perturbation of the           treated as 25%
  benchmark model                   systematic
  parameters and a                   – The large number of
  comparison of the                    components in the
  computed eigenvalues                 reactor tend to
  to determine the                     reduce random
  effective uncertainty in             uncertainties to
  the model.                           negligible quantities
                                     – This preserves some
                                       of the uncertainty in
                                       the HTTR model

Uncertainty Analysis - II
•   Experimental measurements             •   Computational analyses
     – Isothermal temperature                  – Room return effects
     – Control rod positions                   – Stochastic modeling of TRISO
•   Geometric properties                       – Random number generation
     – Diameter                                – Instrumentation bias
     – Height
     – Thickness
     – Pitch
•   Compositional variations
     – Fuel enrichment
     – Material density
     – Impurity content
     – Boron absorber content
     – Isotopic abundance of boron
                                          Ordered Lattice      Uniformly-Filled
     – Clad composition
     – Fuel Mass                            Benchmark              Lattice

• The benchmark model eigenvalue, keff, for the fully-
  loaded core critical was determined: 1.0025 ± 0.0070.

                     Computed Eigenvalues for the HTTR Benchmark.
   Neutron Library     Ordered         Uniform        Difference    (C-E)/E
    ENDF/B-V.2          1.0233          1.0231          0.02%        2.1%
    ENDF/B-VI.8         1.0253          1.0237          0.16%        2.3%
    ENDF/B-VII.0        1.0260          1.0242          0.18%        2.3%
      JEFF-3.1          1.0271          1.0252          0.18%        2.5%
     JENDL-3.3          1.0216          1.0200          0.16%        1.9%

Systematic vs. Random Uncertainty

                                        Random         Systematic   Total
 Maximum Total Uncertainty






                                 0.00               0.25                    0.50            0.75        1.00
                                                 Fraction of Random Uncertainty Treated as Systematic

Points of Interest - I
•   The most significant contributions to the overall uncertainty
    include the impurities in the IG-110 graphite blocks and PGX
    graphite reflector blocks.
    – -0.0131 ± 0.0003 ∆keff/ppm – IG-110 graphite.
    – -0.0019 ± 0.0003 ∆keff/ppm – PGX graphite.
    – Other ICSBEP/IRPhEP benchmarks demonstrate similar
      sensitivities to graphite impurities.
•   The influence of random uncertainty is negligible: <0.0005 ∆keff
    – Dominant uncertainties are systematic in nature.
    – Better characterization of these parameters will reduce the
      overall uncertainty.

Points of Interest - II
• Calculated eigenvalues are 2 to 3% greater than
  expected benchmark experiment values.
   – Other ICSBEP/IRPhEP benchmarks have 1 to 2%
   – Previous Japanese HTTR benchmarking efforts
     also demonstrated 1 to 3% biases.
   – This model is based on available public HTTR
     data; much of the HTTR data is proprietary and
     unpublished because the reactor is currently in
   – The inclusion of more detailed HTTR data should
     reduce the computational bias in the benchmark.

Current Efforts – Annular Core Criticals

•   Current benchmark efforts include the analysis of the initial
    core critical geometries generated during the initial fuel
    loading of the HTTR.
     – These core configurations involved the replacement of
       dummy fuel graphite blocks with fueled assemblies.
     – Configurations include the initial critical with 19 fuel
       columns, a thin annular core with 21 fuel columns, two
       cores with 24 fuel columns (one controlled with the central
       control rods and the other with the reflector control rods),
       and a thick annular core with 27 fuel columns.
     – The fully-loaded configuration contains 30 fuel columns.
•   The most significant contributions to the overall uncertainty
    include the impurities in the IG-110 graphite blocks, PGX
    graphite reflector blocks, and IG-11 graphite dummy blocks.

19- and 21- Fuel-Column Cores

24- and 27- Fuel-Column Cores

Annular Core Benchmarking Effort
                              Comparison of keff for HTTR Start-Up Cores
                                       (MCNP5 with ENDF/B-VII.0)
                                   Case 2
                                                       Case 4
                         Case 1
                                                       Case 3
            1.025                                                                                      Full Core
                                                                              Case 5


keff ± 1σ




                                                   Uniformly-Filled Lattice     Ordered Lattice    Benchmark
                    18       20        22         24             26               28              30               32
                                            Number of Filled Fuel Zones

Future Benchmark Analyses
•   Reactivity measurements from the initial start-up core physics
     – Isothermal temperature coefficient
     – Axial reaction rate distribution
     – Kinetics measurements
     – Shutdown margin
     – Control rod worth
     – Excess reactivity
•   Hot zero-power critical
•   Rise-to-power tests
•   Irradiation tests
•   Radiation shielding
•   Safety demonstration tests

• Funding for the HTTR benchmark was provided by
  the INL VHTR Program.
• The author would like to acknowledge the time and
  expertise provided by N. Fujimoto from the Japan
  Atomic Energy Agency; Luka Snoj from the Jožef
  Stefan Institute; Atsushi Zukeran, acting as Senior
  Reactor Physics Consultant; and Blair Briggs,
  Barbara Dolphin, Dave Nigg, and Chris White from
  the INL, for review, preparation, and presentation of
  the HTTR benchmark.



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HTTR - M&amp;C 2009

  • 1. Preliminary Benchmark Evaluation of Japan’s High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor John Darrell Bess R&D Engineer – Reactor Physics May 5, 2009
  • 2. Objective • The benchmark assessment of Japan’s High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) is one of the high priority activities for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Project and Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) Program. • Current efforts at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) involve development of reactor physics benchmark models in conjunction with the International Reactor Physics Experiment Evaluation Project (IRPhEP) for use with verification and validation (V&V) methods. 2
  • 4. IRPhEP Handbook – 2009 Edition • 15 Contributing Countries • Data from 36 Experimental Series – 21 Reactor Facilities • Data from 7 reactor types – Up to 8 types of measurements • Data from 33 out of the 36 series are published as approved benchmarks • Data from 3 out of the 36 series are published in draft form • http://nuclear.inl.gov/irphep/ 4
  • 5. HTTR Primary Design Specifications - I Thermal Power 30 MW Outlet Coolant Temperature 850/950 ºC Inlet Coolant Temperature 395 ºC Primary Coolant Pressure 4 MPa Core Structure Graphite Equivalent Core Diameter 2.3 m Effective Core Height 2.9 m Air cooler Crane 3 Average Power Density 2.5 W/cm Refueling machine Fuel UO2 Enrichment 3 to 10 wt. % Spent fuel 6 wt. % (average) storage pool Fuel Type Pin-in-Block Type Coated Fuel Particles Burn-Up Period (EFPD) 660 days Reactor pressure Fuel Block Graphite Block vessel Coolant Material Helium Gas Intermediate heat exchanger Flow of Direction in Core Downward Reflector Thickness Pressurized water cooler Top 1.16 m Side 0.99 m Bottom 1.16 m Number of Fuel Assemblies 150 Reactor containment vessel Number of Fuel Columns 30 Number of Pairs of Control Rods In Core 7 In Reflector 9 Plant Lifetime 20 years 5
  • 6. HTTR Primary Design Specifications - II 6
  • 7. Fuel Specifications of the HTTR - I Fuel Kernel Fuel Rod Material UO2 Outer Diameter (cm) 3.4 600 Diameter (µm) Sleeve Thickness (mm) 3.75 Density (g/cm3) 10.41 Length (cm) 54.6 Number of Fuel Compacts 14 Coated Fuel Particle Number of Rods in a Block 31 / 33 Type / Material TRISO Graphite Sleeve 920 Diameter (µm) Type Cylinder Impurity (ppm) <3 (Boron Equivalent) Material IG-110 Graphite Fuel Compact Impurity (ppm) <1 (Boron Equivalent) Type Hollow Cylinder Length (cm) 58 Material CFPs, Binder, and Graphite Gap Width between Compact and Sleeve (mm) 0.25 Outer / Inner Diameter (m) 2.6 / 1.0 Graphite Block Length (cm) 3.9 Type / Configuration Pin-in-Block / Hexagonal Packing Fraction of CFPs (vol. %) 30 Material IG-110 graphite Density of Graphite Matrix (g/cm3) 1.7 Width across Flats (cm) 36 Impurity in Graphite Matrix (ppm) <1.2 (Boron Equivalent) Height (cm) 58 Fuel Hole Diameter (cm) 4.1 3 Density (g/cm ) 1.75 Impurity (ppm) <1 (Boron Equivalent) 7
  • 8. Fuel Specifications of the HTTR - II 8
  • 9. Fuel and Burnable Poison Loading The top The bottom number of number each block represents the represents boron content the uranium in the burnable enrichment. poison pellets. 9
  • 11. Control Rod Positions in Core 11
  • 12. Virtual Representation of Core in MCNP 12
  • 13. Uncertainty Analysis - I • The uncertainty • All random analysis consisted of uncertainties are the perturbation of the treated as 25% benchmark model systematic parameters and a – The large number of comparison of the components in the computed eigenvalues reactor tend to to determine the reduce random effective uncertainty in uncertainties to the model. negligible quantities – This preserves some of the uncertainty in the HTTR model 13
  • 14. Uncertainty Analysis - II • Experimental measurements • Computational analyses – Isothermal temperature – Room return effects – Control rod positions – Stochastic modeling of TRISO • Geometric properties – Random number generation – Diameter – Instrumentation bias – Height – Thickness – Pitch • Compositional variations – Fuel enrichment – Material density – Impurity content – Boron absorber content – Isotopic abundance of boron Ordered Lattice Uniformly-Filled – Clad composition – Fuel Mass Benchmark Lattice Configuration 14
  • 15. Results • The benchmark model eigenvalue, keff, for the fully- loaded core critical was determined: 1.0025 ± 0.0070. Computed Eigenvalues for the HTTR Benchmark. Neutron Library Ordered Uniform Difference (C-E)/E ENDF/B-V.2 1.0233 1.0231 0.02% 2.1% ENDF/B-VI.8 1.0253 1.0237 0.16% 2.3% ENDF/B-VII.0 1.0260 1.0242 0.18% 2.3% JEFF-3.1 1.0271 1.0252 0.18% 2.5% JENDL-3.3 1.0216 1.0200 0.16% 1.9% 15
  • 16. Systematic vs. Random Uncertainty 0.014 Random Systematic Total 0.012 Maximum Total Uncertainty 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Fraction of Random Uncertainty Treated as Systematic 16
  • 17. Points of Interest - I • The most significant contributions to the overall uncertainty include the impurities in the IG-110 graphite blocks and PGX graphite reflector blocks. – -0.0131 ± 0.0003 ∆keff/ppm – IG-110 graphite. – -0.0019 ± 0.0003 ∆keff/ppm – PGX graphite. – Other ICSBEP/IRPhEP benchmarks demonstrate similar sensitivities to graphite impurities. • The influence of random uncertainty is negligible: <0.0005 ∆keff – Dominant uncertainties are systematic in nature. – Better characterization of these parameters will reduce the overall uncertainty. 17
  • 18. Points of Interest - II • Calculated eigenvalues are 2 to 3% greater than expected benchmark experiment values. – Other ICSBEP/IRPhEP benchmarks have 1 to 2% biases. – Previous Japanese HTTR benchmarking efforts also demonstrated 1 to 3% biases. – This model is based on available public HTTR data; much of the HTTR data is proprietary and unpublished because the reactor is currently in operation. – The inclusion of more detailed HTTR data should reduce the computational bias in the benchmark. 18
  • 19. Current Efforts – Annular Core Criticals • Current benchmark efforts include the analysis of the initial core critical geometries generated during the initial fuel loading of the HTTR. – These core configurations involved the replacement of dummy fuel graphite blocks with fueled assemblies. – Configurations include the initial critical with 19 fuel columns, a thin annular core with 21 fuel columns, two cores with 24 fuel columns (one controlled with the central control rods and the other with the reflector control rods), and a thick annular core with 27 fuel columns. – The fully-loaded configuration contains 30 fuel columns. • The most significant contributions to the overall uncertainty include the impurities in the IG-110 graphite blocks, PGX graphite reflector blocks, and IG-11 graphite dummy blocks. 19
  • 20. 19- and 21- Fuel-Column Cores 20
  • 21. 24- and 27- Fuel-Column Cores 21
  • 22. Annular Core Benchmarking Effort Comparison of keff for HTTR Start-Up Cores (MCNP5 with ENDF/B-VII.0) 1.035 Case 2 Case 4 Case 1 1.030 Case 3 1.025 Full Core Case 5 1.020 1.015 keff ± 1σ 1.010 1.005 1.000 0.995 Uniformly-Filled Lattice Ordered Lattice Benchmark 0.990 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Number of Filled Fuel Zones 22
  • 23. Future Benchmark Analyses • Reactivity measurements from the initial start-up core physics tests – Isothermal temperature coefficient – Axial reaction rate distribution – Kinetics measurements – Shutdown margin – Control rod worth – Excess reactivity • Hot zero-power critical • Rise-to-power tests • Irradiation tests • Radiation shielding • Safety demonstration tests 23
  • 24. Acknowledgments • Funding for the HTTR benchmark was provided by the INL VHTR Program. • The author would like to acknowledge the time and expertise provided by N. Fujimoto from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency; Luka Snoj from the Jožef Stefan Institute; Atsushi Zukeran, acting as Senior Reactor Physics Consultant; and Blair Briggs, Barbara Dolphin, Dave Nigg, and Chris White from the INL, for review, preparation, and presentation of the HTTR benchmark. 24