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Green csr-conference-backgrounder -indian powersector.com
In context of growth and development of any nation, energy forms the backbone of the economy, and to support the
development of the economy the energy needs are required to be addressed in the best possible manner.
IndianPowerSector.com is pleased to be the knowledge partner for the first ever conference on "EVOLVING THOUGHT
MNRE, Government of India.
The conference is a unique and excellent initiative to define the boundaries of green energy CSR and channelize the
potential funds for sustainable development. It will provide a platform to all the decision makers and stake holders in
various government agencies and corporate world to align and integrate their CSR verticals in a greener way-through
green energy.
The backgrounder covers the existing guidelines, amalgamation of CSR and Green energy at various levels and
recommendations suggesting a greener approach to be followed to fulfill CSR goals.
I wish to acknowledge the labor and extensive research work done by the research analysts at IPS; Mr. Abhishek
Amarnani and Mr. Kalyan Verma.
The support and expertise of Team Re-Mark as co-authors was also very critical to analyze the potential of the subject
and its very important conclusion.
Team IPS is extremely grateful to Sharp Developments to provide us with the opportunity to be a part of this great and
critical initiative.
Going forward we sincerely hope the recommendations and deliberations from this conference will pave the way for
defining the boundaries of Green Energy CSR. The outcome should be reflected in the enhanced uptake of renewable
energy and energy efficiency based CSR initiatives.
Alok Tripathi
1. Introduction
The rapid pace of industrialization has exposed the environment to higher
levels of risk. Pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and
depletion of ground water level are serious issues which cannot be
addressed with the Government’s interventions alone. CSR (Corporate
Social Responsibility) is the buzzword and it’s time for the Corporates to do
their bit for the environment which has been endangered with the industrial
“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business
to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while
improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as
of the local community and society at large.”
Corporate Social Responsibility is broadly categorised by corporates under
nine different segments as highlighted in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1: Segmentation of Corporate Social Responsibility
Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis
1.1 Organization Spending on CSR Activities
Currently, it is very difficult to find information on CSR activity in India. This
problem partially stems from the fact that a lot of current CSR activity is
donation‐based rather than project based, and as such there is only a small
amount of information on company websites and in financial reports. There
are very few project impact studies and long‐term studies detailing the kind
of positive impact CSR activity has on a given community. An additional
problem appears to be that very few companies are spending anywhere
near 2% of their average profit after tax (PAT).
Figure 1.2: Spending on CSR Activities by 100 Profitable
Companies in India 2012
Source: Forbes India Survey
According to a Forbes Study, the top 100 most profitable companies (based
on net sales in 2012) are only spending a total of ` 1763 crore on CSR
activity, whereas 2% of PAT would be ` 5665 crore. This accounts for a
difference of ` 3902 crore that should have been spent on CSR in the fiscal
year 2012. Important to note is that 47% of companies surveyed either did
not have CSR data or were not profitable. Therefore, the actual funds that
should have been spent on CSR activity could in fact be greater than the
stated ` 5665 crore.
1.2 Segment Wise CSR Spending
CSR in India has been slowly developing over the last forty years, but has
taken a great leap forward in the last five, and again has been increased
with the mandatory stipulations in the Companies Bill 2011. As of 2010,
approximately 49% of India's 500 largest companies are reporting on CSR.
The majority of this CSR expenditure appears to be donation‐based rather
than project‐ based, and unfortunately there is not much information on
the amounts being donated, nor measurable impact of said donations.
Figure 1.3: Segment Wise CSR Spending by Organizations in 2012
1.3 Sectors Contributing in CSR Activities
Based on an ASSOCHAM study, there are clear areas of improvement for
corporations to invest in CSR activities, as currently only half of the top 500
Indian corporations are reporting a measurable amount of CSR activity.
More reporting is clearly necessary if adequate data is to be collected on the
state of CSR activity in India. If corporations can partner with NGOs, there
should be a measurable increase in reporting of CSR activities, as well as
data collected regarding the success of CSR projects.
However, without good reporting standards in place it becomes very
difficult to measure both the scope and the effect of CSR across the country.
1. Eradicating Extreme Hunger and Poverty
2. Promotion of Education
3. Promoting Gender Equality and Empowering Women
4. Reducing Child Mortality, Improving Maternal Health
5. Combating Diseases Such as AIDS, Malaria
6. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability
7. Employment Enhancing Vocational Skills
8. Social Business Projects
9. Funds For Socio-economic Development
Spending less
than 2% PAT
Spending more
than 2% PAT
Spending 2% PAT
Unknown CSR
Among Top 100 Companies in
India, 92% of them spend less than
Most of CSR spending is Donation
Based rather than Project Based
In 2012 Spending on CSR, INR 1763
Crore, whereas 2% of PAT, INR 5655
With partnership between corporations, NGOs and the government,
reporting standards should increase and become more transparent, and
thus will result in greater sustainability both of projects and of profits.
Figure 1.4: Sectors Contributing in CSR Activities in 2012
1.4 Focussing on Environment and Sustainability
Sustainability, climate change, energy and energy efficiency, green
consumption and urban sustainable development are globally recognized
challenges for the 21st century. Tackling these challenges requires a strong
commitment from companies and private sectors, governments and
agencies, NGOs.
The managers and professionals of tomorrow will require knowledge to
understand the interconnectedness of economic, environmental and social
dimensions, and competencies to manage and contribute the change
towards a more sustainable world. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is
the way to achieve a greener world. CSR is not a new concept, but over the
past decade its focus has been shifting from labour issues and local
philanthropy toward environmental actions.
Numerous factors are driving this trend, including managerial altruism, cost‐
cutting efficiency improvements, the emergence of a new generation of
green consumers, and savvier business leaders who take pro‐active steps to
avert political conflict rather than reacting to public pressure after the fact.
Figure 1.5: Approaches towards Green CSR
Corporations are becoming more and more aware that they should be more
careful with the footprints we leave behind. Huge corporations such as Wal‐
Mart are selling organic products because it promotes a healthy lifestyle for
its customers and provides a positive image for the company worldwide.
Figure 1.6: Boundaries Defining Green CSR
2. Renewable Energy in Indian Energy Mix
At present, India has 27,541.71 MW of installed renewable capacity
excluding hydro power stations. India plans to double its renewable energy
capacity to 55,000 MW by 2017 as part of efforts to increase efficiency of its
energy use. The contribution of renewable energy to the total power
generation is estimated to be 4.7%, 5.5% and 6.4% during 2010‐11, 2011‐12
and 2012‐13 respectively. Renewable power generation capacity of 14,657
MW has been added in the country during the 11th Five Year Plan period.
A potential of over 2, 45,000 MW from various renewable energy sources
have been estimated in the country. So far 28,067 MW renewable power
generation capacities have been installed.
To encourage use of renewable energy sources, the Ministry encourages
private sector investment and offers incentives such as Capital Subsidy,
Generation Based Incentive, and Accelerated Depreciation for Renewable
Energy Projects.
Figure 2.1: All India Generating Installed Capacity (MW) (as on 31-
Source: Central Electricity Authority
The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) has taken into
consideration the renewable energy potential including wind power
potential in outlining the approach for the development of renewable
energy in the country.
In keeping with the objectives and approach of NAPCC, the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy has set a target of capacity addition of 30,000 MW
from renewable energy sources during 12th Plan period.
This includes 15,000 MW from wind, 10,000 MW from solar, 2,100 MW
from small hydro and 2,700 MW from biomass including waste to energy. A
Gross Budgetary Support of ` 19,113 crore has been allocated for the
renewable energy activities for the 12th Plan period.
Figure 2.2: Source-wise and Year-wise Breakup of Targets Set
During 12TH Plan Period (MW)
Source 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total
2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 15,000
350 400 400 450 500 2,100
Waste to
400 400 520 550 830 2,700
Solar Power 1000 1000 2000 2500 3500 10,000
Source: Ministry of Power
13.11% 11.71%
9.65% 8.82% 8.12%
FMCG and
Chemicals Software and
Textiles Construction Other
Investment in Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy Procurment - Renewable Energy Certificates
Energy Efficiency Measures
•A company's primary responsibility is to
owners, shareholders etc.Conceptual
•A Company must not confuse its role with
•A company has limited resources, expertise
and reachPractical
•What was a boundry a few years ago is now a
starting point
39623 27542
Thermal Nuclear Hydro Renewable
FMCG, Chemicals & IT Sectors Contribute 35% of
the Total Spending on CSR in 2012
2.1 Integration of Renewable Energy & CSR
Renewable energies, such as wind, solar, and geothermal energies, are no
longer considered to be merely complementary to thermal or nuclear
power generation. Rather, they are widely recognized to have a core role in
fulfilling our energy needs. Renewable energies such as wind, geothermal,
and hydraulic power emit very little CO2, one of the causes of global
warming. These energies, by definition, cannot be depleted and help
prevent the depletion of finite energy sources. Development and supply of
these energies, therefore, is a very rewarding activity that can greatly
contribute to global environmental conservation.
Businesses can make a very positive intervention in the society by adding
renewable energy projects to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
activities, which will help to improve the socioeconomic conditions of the
marginalized. Organization’s obligations are now extending beyond
maximizing shareholder value and now also include steps to improve the
quality of life of surrounding community and people. As a part of CSR a
business can set up Renewable Energy Technologies like Solar, Biogas to
serve energy needs.
Decentralized electricity generation using renewable and its distribution can
become the new frontiers for CSR activities. Such projects reduce load on
the grid, bridge the growing electricity deficit, provide regular electricity
supply and generate local employment. As part of a CSR initiative in
renewable space, organizations can set up renewable energy systems in
villages that will be maintained by villagers who have undergone training.
Installing a mix of solar panels, wind mills and biogas plants can make village
energy self‐sufficient or can opt for procuring renewable energy for their
self‐consumption from Renewable Energy Certificates of bilateral
arrangements with Renewable energy developer. By adding renewable
energy projects to their CSR activities, businesses will make a very positive
intervention that will go a long way in improving the socioeconomic lot of
Figure 2.3: Renewable Energy Initiatives under CSR Activities
Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis
2.1.1 Case for Renewable Energy Based CSR
2.2 Grid Connected: Renewable Energy is The
The growing energy needs of the emerging economics, specifically India,
risks enhanced environmental damage from conventional carbon based
sources of energy. Renewable Energy technologies are deployed to curb
the growing gap between the demand and supply of power, which is due to
increase in the per capita energy consumption and importantly, the climate
change concerns. The future of solar photovoltaic development in India
seems to be very bright. India’s solar mission envisages the promotion of
solar energy to harness and distribute environment‐friendly power,
available with high scalability, for sustainable economic growth by
empowering national energy security.
Accelerated growth is expected in renewable energy sector with favourable
conditions in terms of potential, technical support facilities, policy
framework and regulatory environment, robust manufacturing base and
investor’s confidence in the country.
2.2.1 Solar Energy
India is located within the equatorial belt and receives plentiful solar
radiation. Most parts of the country receive 250 to 300 days of bright days
in a year. The government and private sectors are currently busy with the
development of a large number of Solar Power Projects in India. Even
though the percentage of power generated through solar energy in India is
just a tiny fraction of its overall power production, it shares the number one
spot in solar power generation capacity along with the United States. One of
the major Solar Power Projects in India is an ambitious project undertaken
by the government where it plans to generate 20 GW of power from solar
energy by the year 2020. It further plans to increase this production to 200
GW by the year 2050. This project plans to increase the installed solar
power capacity by a gigantic level by the year 2030 so as to significantly
bring down the cost of electricity generation from solar power, almost at
par with the power generated from fossil fuels.
Figure 2.4: Planned Installed Capacity from Solar (MW)
2.2.2 Wind Energy
Historically, wind energy has met and often exceeded the targets set for it
under both the 10th Plan (2002‐2007) and 11th Plan (2007‐2012) periods.
During the 10th Plan period the target set was of 1,500 M W whereas the
actual installations were 5,427 MW. Similarly during the 11th Plan period
the revised target was for 9,000 MW and the actual installations were much
higher at 10,260 MW.
2.3 Off-Grid Solutions
Often remote areas or islands are not connected to the national power grid.
They generate their own power from a diverse range of small local
generators using both fossil fuels (diesel, gas) and locally available
renewable energy technologies (solar PV, wind, small hydro, biomass, etc.)
with or without its own storage (batteries) depending on the technologies
2.3.1 Solar Technologies - Solutions to Light Up and
Electrify Rural India
The rural solar off‐grid market has so far been driven mainly by government
and NGO efforts. Though there has been increasing interest from corporates
and investors (domestic and international) in exploring viable business
opportunities to serve India’s vast rural, un‐electrified population.
2013 2017 2022
Electricity forms the basis of infrastructure development and growth.
Of approximately 6,00,000 villages ; around 250,000 grid-connected
villages are impacted by frequent power outages. 33,060 villages are
unelectrified – where community tends to spend more on energy
needs (kerosene) than Grid-Connected (electricity)
Off-grid renewable energy applications present a viable alternative for
mitigating the country’s energy risk in the face of fuel scarcity.
In India, close to 40 million households in rural areas (approximately 33,000
villages) lack access to grid‐connected electricity. Electrified households in
the rural areas pay INR 106 a month on an average for electricity. This is less
than the INR150 which un‐electrified households spend for light from a
kerosene lantern. Assuming such households are able and willing to pay the
same as electrified households, the market potential is in the range of INR
90‐95 billion per year.
Around 250,000 grid‐connected villages with frequent power outages
further increase this potential.
There are three key options for providing rural, off‐grid, solar PV‐based
electricity solutions:
• Small applications with integrated power generation capacity
(e.g. solar lanterns and solar street lights)
• solar home systems (SHS)
• Mini‐grids.
Falling prices of photovoltaic cells in the last few years have increased the
viability of solar energy projects. Solar powered cell phone charging stations
where the villagers can charge their cell phones for a certain nominal
payment will also help boost the off‐grid solar PV market along with
supporting the rural enterprise.
“Babulal charges the cell phones of the villagers @ INR 5”
2.3.2 Solar - Hybrid Systems
With the advent of solar hybrid systems, urban India too is catching up. In
these systems, solar PV modules charge the battery during day time while
WEGs charge the battery during monsoon. Although current installed
capacity of these systems is very low, it is expected that these systems will
grow in areas with good wind potential.
2.3.3 Biomass
Around 87% of the off‐grid installed capacity in the country comes from
biomass (including Waste to Energy).Most of rural India is dependent on
biomass for fulfilling its energy needs. However, burning biomass comes
with several hazards to personal health and the environment. Off‐grid
renewable energy applications present a viable alternative for mitigating
the country’s energy risk in the face of fuel scarcity. In rural India, energy is
mainly required for cooking, lighting and agricultural activities. Biomass is
the main source of energy due to easy availability.
Figure 2.5: Off-Grid RE Capacity (MW)
Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
2.4 Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
2.4.1 About REC
Renewable Energy (RE) sources are not evenly spread across different parts
of the country. On the one hand there are States (like Delhi) where the
potential of RE sources is not that significant. On the other hand there are
States (like Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu) where there is very high potential of
RE sources. In such States there are avenues for harnessing the RE potential.
However, the high cost of generation from RE sources discourages the local
distribution licensees from purchasing RE generation beyond the mandated
Figure 2.6: Concept of Renewable Energy Certificates
Source: MNRE
It is in this context that the concept of Renewable Energy Certificates (REC)
assumes significance. This concept seeks to address the mismatch between
availability of RE sources and the requirement of the obligated entities to
meet their RPO. It is also expected to encourage the RE capacity addition in
the States where there is potential for RE generation as the REC framework
seeks to create a national level market for such generators to recover their
cost. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has notified
Regulation on Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) in fulfilment of its
mandate to promote renewable sources of energy and development of
market in electricity. The framework of REC is expected to give push to RE
capacity addition in the country.
‘Voluntary buyers can purchase RECs from trading platform of Power
Exchange of India Limited or Indian Energy Exchange, as part of CSR
activity or to market their product as Green Product.’
The Department of Public Enterprise (DPE) recently expanded the scope of
the Energy management Program of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) by
including renewable energy as a specific activity to be pursued by public
enterprises. The Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises has
asked all Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) to set up renewable
energy projects or voluntarily purchase Renewable Energy Certificates
2.4.2 Voluntary REC Market
RECs have been traded in India for 25 months now (since March 2011), and
the market has grown in its value and depth. However, one aspect of the
REC market that is common internationally, still to pick up in India – the
procurement of RECs on a voluntary basis to meet Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) / Green Marketing.
The procurement of RECs on a voluntary basis can help corporates meet
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mandate without actually
implementing the renewable energy power projects. Any corporate entity
can use RECs to offset their carbon footprint.
Following is the list of Voluntary REC buyer in the country:
I. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
II. Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited
VII. EKI Energy Services Limited
VIII. Neo Remark Marketing Services LLP (RE-Mark)
IX. Green Portal: IndianPowerSector.com
X. Green Conference: Evolving Thought Leadership on GREEN CSR
Interventions Conference
2.4.3 Registered Capacity under Rec Mechanism
There is total of 3,615 MW (by 09 June 2013) of renewable energy capacity
registered under REC mechanism.
Figure 2.7: Registered Capacity (MW)
Recently, Neo Remark Marketing Services LLP (RE-Mark), India’s first
labelling program which identify product, organizations and events which
utilize renewable energy in their operations. RE-Mark assisted
IndianPowerSector.com in procuring RECs and provided label making them
India’s First Green Website utilizing 35% of Renewable Energy.
2.4.5 Market Sizing
As per the latest amendments to the Companies Bill by the Union Cabinet,
based on recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on
Finance and inter-ministerial discussions, CSR has been made obligatory on
part of companies. The qualifying criterion that would make the CSR
mandatory is: Companies having a minimum net worth of INR 500 crore or
turnover of INR 1000 crore or a net profit of INR 5 crore during any financial
year. Regarding the amount of expenditure on CSR activities, it has been
stipulated that at least 2 per cent of the average net profits of the company
during three preceding financial years shall be spent on CSR every year.
Further, the companies have been mandated to formulate a CSR policy and
to disclose the activities undertaken and the related spending.
Model I
With the CSR budget as a driving factor for investment in voluntary
renewable energy, average of last three years profit of companies of top
500 Indian companies have been taken into account to estimate the market
potential. Consequently, average of last three year profits of companies has
been calculated as INR 326637 crore (Economic Times, ET 500 List, 2009,
2010, 2011). Author believes 80 per cent of the demand will come from top
500 companies (having turnover of greater than 500 crore) and they would
act as sustainability leaders and would procure voluntary renewable energy
for branding and to differentiate themselves from competitors This would
be in line with the voluntary renewable energy market in USA where the
Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of US has a list of Fortune 500
partners, which contains 79 companies and which contributes to majority of
voluntary renewable purchase. (United States Environment Protection
Agency Green Power Partnership, 2012)
Hence, considering 2 per cent of the average profit of 500 companies as
funding available for CSR budget, a sum of INR 6532 crore is calculated.
Further, owing to limitations of data, it is assumed that 10 per cent of the
total CSR fund would be set aside for voluntary renewable energy purchase,
which amounts to 653 crore.
Moreover, as mentioned earlier, 20 per cent of voluntary renewable energy
purchase would be through corporates, which are not included in top 500
list, and with same percentage of allocation of fund for CSR, the total
amount that could come is INR 163 crore. Adding both the sum, a market
potential for voluntary REC purchase of INR 816 crore is estimated.
However, it is important to note that since no study has been done for
estimating market potential for voluntary renewable purchase market
across the globe and given the fact of absence of its market in India, due
to various reasons like new market of renewable energy certificates lack of
awareness among corporates regarding benefits of voluntary purchase;
the market size arrived in first paragraph is only a preliminary estimate
and is prone to errors.
Model II
Owing to the fact of a very preliminary estimate of voluntary renewable
energy market size, one another way of estimating the market size is
devised through assuming a fixed percentage of a corporate expense on RE
requirement of its total revenue. As per a study by Bloomberg New Energy
Finance and Vestas on Global Corporate Renewable Energy Index (CREX)
2012, using data from the Bloomberg terminal, it has been calculated that
total cost of renewable energy is a small proportion of the publically listed
companies’ revenue on average i.e. 0.02 per cent. Hence estimating market
potential of voluntary renewable purchase through this figure, by assuming
it as a standard and replicable for Indian market, a market size of INR 745
crore is obtained (excludes 20 per cent component). Again utilizing 80:20
principle, an overall market size of voluntary renewable purchase of INR 931
crore is obtained.
Figure 2.8: Market Potential Estimation of Unrestricted Voluntary
REC Market in India (INR Crore)
1. Lower Bound Market Size Estimation of Voluntary REC purchase
Profit After Tax
on REC
Purchase by
ET 500^^
by Non ET
500 on REC
2009 260298 326637 6532 653 163 816
2010 308316
2011 411298
2. Upper Bound Estimation of Voluntary REC Purchase
Revenues Average
Expenditure on REC
Purchase by ET 500^^^
by Non ET
500 on REC
2009 3329277 372655
745 186 931
2010 3531540
2011 4318850
Source: RE-MARK Analysis
*PAT corresponds to sum of total PAT of top 500 companies as per ET list
for a particular year
^ 2% of Average PAT
^^ 10% of CSR Budget
^^^ 0.02% of Average Revenue
^^^^ 20% of Expenditure on REC Purchase by ET 500
#Revenue corresponds to sum of total revenue of top 500 companies as per
ET list for a particular year
2.4.6 Issues and the Way Forward
The developing structure of the REC market is dependent on the policies
and regulations that define it. The current regulation on meeting yearly RPO
compliance has resulted in a liquidity loss with active REC trading being
postponed to the last few months of the financial year. The compliance
window thus needs to be shortened to a quarter or half year to ensure
continuous procurement by the obligated entities, leading to a robust and
vibrant REC market. Subsequently price discovery would be better with
sellers receiving sufficient bid prices across the year and buyers being able
to purchase certificates at low prices.
The lack of long-term visibility on floor and forbearance prices beyond five
years impacts the financial planning of renewable energy developers. The
double-sided closed auction design for RECs does not suit the nature of the
product as there is no fundamental cost basis for REC trading.
Wind Bio-Fuel Cogen Biomass Small Hydro
VI. Manikaran Power Trading
IEX: Conferences
There is also a need to increase awareness about voluntary REC purchase
among corporates, individuals and non‐governmental organizations. The
declining REC market must be given a push by its mandatory enforcement
by the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions.
2.5 Energy Efficiency Measures
Energy efficiency is a way of managing and restraining the growth in energy
consumption. Energy efficiency offers a powerful and cost‐effective tool for
achieving a sustainable energy future.
Improvements in energy efficiency can reduce the need for investment in
energy infrastructure, cut energy bills, improve health, increase
competitiveness and improve consumer welfare. Environmental benefits
can also be achieved by the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and
local air pollution.
Energy security – the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an
affordable price – can also profit from improved energy efficiency by
decreasing the reliance on imported fossil fuels.
Figure 2.9: Various Energy Efficiency Measures
Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis
Figure 2.10: Electrical Energy Savings In Terms of Equivalent
Avoided Capacity in (MW)
Source: powermin.nic.in
It is estimated that National energy Conservation Award Scheme would help
in motivating the other energy consumers in joining and promotion of a
nationwide energy conservation movement.
“1 unit energy saved = 1.5 units energy generated”
3 Role and performance of PSUs and Corporate
3.1 Guidelines for Public Sector Utilities
In the context of public sector enterprises Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) should be viewed as a way of conducting business, which enables the
creation and distribution of wealth for the betterment of its stakeholders,
through the implementation and integration of ethical systems and
sustainable management practices.
Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) issued new ‘Guidelines on Corporate
Social Responsibility and Sustainability for Central Public Sector Enterprises
on 12th April 2013. In the revised guidelines, the thrust of CSR and
Sustainability is clearly on capacity building, empowerment of communities,
inclusive socio‐economic growth, environment protection, promotion of
green and energy efficient technologies, development of backward regions,
and up lifting of the marginalized and under‐privileged sections of the
Making it mandatory in the revised guidelines for CPSEs to take up at least
one major project for development of a backward district has the potential
of contributing significantly in the long run to socio‐economic growth in all
the backward regions of the country.
3.1.1 Directions for CPSEs to Undertake CSR Projects
• CPSEs are encouraged to take up long gestation, high impact
projects from the budget allocated for CSR and Sustainability
• In the selection or choice of CSR and Sustainability projects,
companies should avoid taking up ad hoc, one time,
philanthropic activity, which does not contribute in any way to
social value creation, environment protection or sustainable
• Priority should be accorded to activities pertaining to –
Figure 3.1: Priorities of CPSEs towards CSR
1. In the first category of activities mentioned above, CSR and
Sustainability initiatives should focus on capacity building, skill
development and infrastructural development. Each CPSE will
have to select one such backward district for initiating CSR and
Sustainability projects with a‐prior assessment of the expected
level of beneficial impact on the largest number of stakeholders
from the budget and other resources at its disposal for such a
2. In the second category of activities mentioned above, CPSEs will
have to plan for environmental sustainability and take up
projects for water, waste or energy management, promotion of
renewable sources of energy, biodiversity conservation, etc.
3. Reputed and recognised, not‐for‐profit institutions which have
the expertise and professional competence for conducting
training, skill development and other capacity building activities
that promote inclusive growth and sustainable development can
be supported by CPSEs through CSR and Sustainability initiatives.
n Building
State Energy
n Fund
Efficiency in
Small and
n Awards
100 90
252 245
308 325
359 357
Development of
weaker sections
of the society Environment
3.1.2 Budgetary Allocation by CPSEs for CSR
Every year, each CPSE shall with the approval of its Board of Directors make
a budgetary allocation for CSR and Sustainability activities / projects for the
year. The budgetary allocation will be based on the profitability of the
company. More specifically, it will be determined by the Profit after Tax
(PAT) of the company in the previous year as shown here under:
Figure 3.2: Range of Budgetary Allocation for CSR for CPSEs
PAT of CPSE’s (2012) Range of budgetary allocation (%PAT)
Less than ` 100 crore 3% ‐ 5%
` 100 crore to ` 500 crore. 2% ‐ 3%
` 500 crore and above 1% ‐ 2%
• The budget allocated for CSR and Sustainability activities /
projects planned for each financial year is expected to be spent
within that year. If due to some reason, the budget of a year
remains unutilised, the same would not lapse, instead it would
be carried forward to the next year.
• At least 80% of the annual budget earmarked for CSR and
Sustainability activities shall have to be spent on implementation
of activities in the project mode as explained earlier.
• Up to 5% of the annual budget for CSR and Sustainability
activities has to be earmarked for Emergency needs, which
would include relief work undertaken during natural calamities /
disasters, and contributions towards Prime Minister’s / Chief
Minister’s Relief Funds and/or to the National Disaster
Management Authority.
Generally, the employees of a CPSE should not be the direct beneficiaries of
the activities undertaken with the budget allocated for CSR and
Sustainability initiatives in any given year.
However, an exception can be made in case of schools, hospitals, training
institutes etc. provided they do not constitute more than 25% of the total
number of beneficiaries of such facilities.
3.1.3 Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure
Recently, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has made
mandatory for the top 100 companies in terms of market capitalisation to
submit their Business Responsibility Reports. For the others, it is still a
voluntary disclosure and reporting at this stage.
For CPSEs, sustainability reporting and disclosure of all CSR and
Sustainability activities undertaken by a CPSE is mandatory and is to be
reported annually, this reporting can be done by CPSEs, as per the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines.
Figure 3.3: Mandatory Projects for CPSEs
By reporting transparently and with accountability, public sector companies
can gain and reinforce the trust of the stakeholders. This, in turn, would
provide a powerful stimulus to their CSR and Sustainability policies and
agenda, and motivate them to pursue them with greater vigour.
Figure 3.4: CSR of Ten Largest PSUs*
Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis
#data for BHEL not included
With the New Companies Bill 2012 almost certain to pass soon, the
government is trying to coax private companies to spend more money in
fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities but public sector
undertakings remain laggards.
“Ten large PSUs, which were together mandated to spend ` 1,3703 crore
in FY12, managed to disburse only 504 Crore, 36% of the funds allocated
for CSR”
PSUs are still identifying projects to comply with the norms on CSR spends
laid out by Department of Public Enterprises (DPE).
Some PSUs struggle for want of dedicated CSR professionals who can
direct the money well, others for an insular mind‐set and lack of
partnerships with the NGOs, yet others for inability to identify good social
projects or, simply put, lack of a top management vision for CSR.
3.2 Salient Features of Companies Bill, 2012 on
As per the new Companies Bill 2012, which is yet to be passed by Rajya
Sabha; CSR spending has been made obligatory for designated CPSE’s.
Mandatory for CPSE's
One project for
the development
of any one
backward district
of the country
One project on
One additional
project for
Wide Responsibility Gap(FY'11)
Amount allocated Amount Spent
Every company having:
1. Net worth of rupees five hundred crore or more, or
2. Turnover of rupees one thousand crore or more or
3. A net profit of rupees five crore or more during any financial
Shall constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board
consisting of three or more directors, out of which at least one director shall
be an independent director.
• The Board's report under sub-section (3) of section 134 shall
disclose the composition of the Corporate Social Responsibility
The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee shall:
a. Formulate and recommend to the Board, a Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy which shall indicate the activities to be
undertaken by the company as specified in Schedule VII;
b. Recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the
c. Monitor the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the
company from time to time.
The Board of every company shall ensure that the company spends, in every
financial year, at least two per cent of the average net profits of the
company made during the three immediately preceding financial years, in
pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.
The company shall give preference to the local area and areas around it
where it operates, for spending the amount earmarked for Corporate Social
Responsibility activities.
3.3 Existing National and International Guidelines
There exists various national and international guidelines on CSR for the
Indian companies; almost all guidelines are broadly based on Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI). While some guidelines give step by step
procedures for implementation of CSR in the company others give broad,
loose guidelines for CSR to be based on.
Following given are one national CSR guideline - FICCI Voluntary CSR
Guidelines and two international CSR guidelines - Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
3.3.1 FICCI Voluntary CSR Guidelines
1. The company shall have CSR as an integral part of overall
business policy driven by vision and philosophy that includes
definition of CSR and how it aligns it with its business goals.
2. The company shall formulate a CSR policy to guide its strategic
planning and providing a roadmap to its CSR initiatives.
3. The policy may broadly cover caring for employees, community ,
climate & environment, (including skill development and
livelihood, health, safety, education, minimizing carbon
footprint, protection of environment, inclusion of disadvantaged
& vulnerable sections of the society), non-discrimination,
transparency, anti-corruption and human rights.
4. The company may have a CSR Advisory Committee led by a CSR
expert and endeavour to involve various levels of executive
participation in formulation and integration of CSR Policy.
5. The company shall specify a time period after which the CSR
policy shall be put up for strategic review and gauge the impact,
relevance of its components and fine tune/augment it in tandem
with the changing times/business/societal needs.
6. The company shall have a structure for the implementation of
CSR policy and involvements of external partnerships.
7. The company shall earmark specified resources or a proportion
of their Post Tax Profit for activities related to corporate social
responsibility initiatives.
8. To ensure optimum utilization of resources and maximum impact
the company shall set measurable target, wherever possible and
review the progress internally. Periodically the company may get
external evaluation as may be considered appropriate by it.
9. The company shall be producing and disseminating information
on CSR policy and activities, as well as progress to all their
stakeholders and the public at large through their website,
annual reports, and other communication media.
10. The company shall endeavour to create a spirit of volunteerism
among the employees and encourage the employees to
volunteer for community development initiatives.
11. The company shall endeavour to influence the supply chain in
adopting and adhering to best CSR practices.
12. The company shall have an explicit strategy to focus on CSR
issues of immediate concern in the areas that they operate in.
The company may work through partnerships or leveraging
Government's schemes to undertake CSR activities. The company
shall endeavour to partner and network with civil society
organizations to carry forward the agenda of CSR.
13. The company shall endeavour to build the image as a socially
responsible company.
14. To share experiences and network with other organizations the
company may engage with well-established and recognized
programmes / platforms such as the FICCI-ADITYA BIRLA CSR
CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE, UN Global Compact and the like,
which encourage Responsible Business Practices and CSR
3.3.2 The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organization that
promotes economic sustainability. It produces one of the world's most
prevalent standards for sustainability reporting. The GRI aims to harmonize
reporting standards for all organizations, of whatever size and geographical
origin, with the aim of elevating the status of environmental reporting with
that of, for example, financial auditing. Environmental transparency is one
of the main areas of business under the scope of the GRI.
GRI encourages participants to report on their environmental performance
using specific criteria. The standardized reporting guidelines concerning the
environment are contained within the GRI Indicator Protocol Set. The
Performance Indicators (PI) includes criteria on energy, biodiversity and
emissions. There are 30 environmental indicators ranging from materials
used by weight to total environmental expenditures by type of investment.
GRI also gives principles designed to be used in combination to define the
sustainability report content, the principles are:
• STAKEHOLDER INCLUSIVENESS: The organization should identify
its stakeholders, and explain how it has responded to their
reasonable expectations and interests. The reasonable
expectations and interests of these stakeholders should still be
acknowledged in decisions about the content of the report. It is
important that the process of stakeholder engagement is capable
of identifying direct input from stakeholders as well as
legitimately established societal expectations.
• SUSTAINABILITY CONTEXT: The report should present the
organization’s performance in the wider context of sustainability.
This concept is often most clearly articulated in the
environmental arena in terms of global limits on resource use
and pollution levels. However, it may also be relevant with
respect to social and economic objectives such as national or
international socio-economic and sustainable development
• MATERIALITY: The report should cover Aspects that: Reflect the
organization’s significant economic, environmental and social
impacts; or substantively influence the assessments and
decisions of stakeholders Materiality for sustainability reporting
is not limited only to those Aspects that have a significant
financial impact on the organization. Determining materiality for
a sustainability report also includes considering economic,
environmental and social impacts that cross a threshold in
affecting the ability to meet the needs of the present without
compromising the needs of future generations.
• COMPLETENESS: The report should include coverage of material
Aspects and their Boundaries, sufficient to reflect significant
economic, environmental and social impacts, and to enable
stakeholders to assess the organization’s performance in the
reporting period. For example, ensuring that compiled data
includes results from all entities within the organization and
entities, groups of entities, or elements outside the organization
where significant.
3.4 OECD - A Step By Step Approach to Drafting a CSR
Figure 3.5: OECD Framework for CSR
3.5 Companies with Highest Level CSR Rating
With the enforcement of Companies Bill, 2012, corporate social
responsibility spending to the tune of 2% of profit will become compulsory
but there are certain private companies that understand their responsibility
towards the society and already are doing their bit towards the society.
Some prominent examples of private companies in CSR are given below ( in
alphabetic order)
Figure 3.6: Companies CSR Activity
Company Name Industry
Three CSR Areas
Ballarpur Industries
Paper Livelihood creation,
Education, Empowerment of
Corporation Ltd.
Financial Services Community welfare, Children,
Technologies Ltd.
Software and ITES
Social Rehabilitation and Rural
Upliftment, Learning and
Education, Art and Culture,
Kansai Nerolac
Paints Ltd.
Paints Community Welfare,
Healthcare, Education
Larsen & Toubro
Engineering and
Healthcare, Education,
Vocational Training
Mahindra &
Mahindra Ltd.
Automobiles Environment, Education, Girl
Moser Baer (India)
Engineering and
Livelihoods and Training,
Education, Environment
Tata Consultancy
Services Ltd.
Software and ITES
Energy, Community welfare,
Tata Steel Ltd. Metals and
Environment, Community
welfare, Rural development
Titan Industries Ltd. FMCG and
Education, Physically
Challenged, Women
Wipro Ltd. Information
Software and ITES
Environment, Education,
Source: Karamayog.org
4 Industry wise breakup: opportunities and
4.1 Information Technology (IT)
With the IT sector contributing 7.5 % towards India’s GDP in the financial
year 2012
, environmental sustainability and climate change will present
substantial opportunities and risks for all stakeholders in the IT industry. In
this reference, Green IT is defined as:
“Optimal use of information and communication technology (ICT) for
managing the environmental sustainability of enterprise operations and
the supply chain, as well as that of its products, services, and resources,
throughout their life cycles”.
A report entitled “Green IT: The New Industry Shock Wave” released in 2007
by Gartner Inc., surprised all across the IT circles as it was the first to reveal
that the ICT industry accounted for 2% of worldwide carbon dioxide
emissions, equivalent to the airlines industry, which had long been
perceived as the single largest contributor. The emissions came primarily
from data centres housing monitors, servers and other components, which
were integral to the operations of IT companies. The report estimating IT's
total CO2 emissions to be approximately 600 mega tonnes.
Also, the report points out that the IT industry is strategically positioned as
it could bring down 98% of CO2 emissions caused by non‐IT industries. This
could be possible as the influence of computing and communications
technologies that IT commands would help non‐IT companies in myriad
industries to bring down their carbon footprints. For example, the non‐IT
companies could substitute travel with teleconferencing, reduce employee
commutes with telecommuting and minimise transactional delays with e‐
governance. Green IT is thus not about IT industry alone, it is a lot about
non‐IT industries discovering ways of sustainable business. At its simplest,
Green IT helps IT companies reduce their own carbon footprint while
enabling them to reduce the carbon footprint of their clients.
According ‘India Green IT survey’
, close to 69% of the respondents
admitted that they were aware of the Green IT. Not surprisingly the
awareness levels were higher in the MNCs with some 77% admitting to
know about the issue. Also a note worth taking is the high awareness levels
among the PSUs, some 76% of them said that they were aware of Green
IT. Also, the awareness level was the highest among the companies with
annual revenues of ` 50‐100 crore, around 79%. Big companies, with annual
revenues of over ` 500 crore, came next.
Figure 4.1: Awareness level of Green IT in India
Source: www.continuityandresilience.com
4.1.1 Opportunities
Data centres: Data centres consume an enormous amount of energy, the
energy consumed by data centres represents a financial burden on the
organizations that operate them, and an infrastructure burden on power
utilities. For example, the energy used by 10 megawatt data centre each
year in India is equivalent to the energy consumption of 73,000 typical
Indian urban houses or equivalent to energy consumed by 17,520 typical
Indian cars
. Due to such high energy consumption, we are starting to see
many “green” data centres powered (at least partially) by renewable
sources of energy. These green data centres either draw directly from a
nearby renewable power plant or generate their own electricity. Among
other advantages, these types of ‘green’ data centre reduce the energy
losses involved in power conversion and transmission over long distances.
Solar and wind are two of the most promising sources of green energy for
data centres, as they are clean and broadly available.
Set Goals
Indian private ltd…
However, solar and wind has three main limitations today: the space they
require, their capital costs and location constraints. Fortunately, predicted
improvements in efficiency and reductions in Cost/Watt will alleviate these
problems significantly in the future For example, improvements in
photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and new PV technologies are expected to
triple today’s efficiencies until 2030
. Over the same period, the Cost/Watt
of PV panels is expected to become less than half of what it is today. For
example, according to Central Electricity Regulatory Commission of India,
the standard cost of 1 Megawatt solar plant has come down from ` 12
crore/MW to ` 8 MW/crore and is sliding further.
In addition, governments currently provide incentives for green energy
generation, for example, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE)
Government of India, provides a capital subsidy of 30% on solar thermal
. If these incentives continue, cost factor may not be a significant
one in the future. These trends suggest that solar and/or wind power will
become increasingly attractive, especially for small and medium data centre
as they require smaller and cheaper installations. Moreover, solar panels
and/or wind turbines can be deployed in small increments for these data
Services: Encompasses using information and communication technology
(ICT) to improve the environmental sustainability of the products, activities
and processes of the enterprise and includes its energy and material
efficiency. This involves designing and providing stewardship of products
and services while managing and optimizing these resources in an
environmentally sensitive way as well as considering how ICT can be used to
improve environmental sustainability.
Life cycle is particularly important in this, demanding consideration or
stewardship from cradle to grave of those things over which the enterprise
could reasonably be considered to have influence or choice. That may
include managing the full life cycle of the enterprise products, and would
certainly include considering the life cycle of the IT equipment being
Cooling: Cooling requirement in the IT industry is required for almost all
process ranging from data centres, products & services to air conditioning.
Use of renewable energy for cooling purposes of the enterprise utilising the
CSR fund of the company has the potential to bring down costs as well as
reducing CO2 emissions in a big way leading to sustainable business by the
enterprise while also fulfilling its CSR obligations.
Figure 4.2: CO2 emissions reduction due to 5 % reduction in
cooling requirements
Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis
But the Indian data centres show lower chiller plant efficiency – higher
MWh/ton (the lower the MWh/ton the more the efficient is the cooling
system), this may be caused by hot and humid conditions and greater use of
air cooled chillers rather than water cooled with a cooling tower. Thus
improvements in cooling systems for IT industry can provide substantial
energy saving.
4.2 Telecom
As per the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI) around 1 % of the
total GHG emissions in India is from the telecom sector which is around 20
million tonnes of CO2 a year, in contrast the Global GHG emissions from
telecom sector is only 0.7 %. Also, the average CO2 emissions per subscriber
is India is around 21 Kg when compared to the global average of 8 Kg of CO2
emissions per subscriber.
To reduce these emissions, TRAI and the Department of
Telecommunications’ (DoT)have issued directives on green telecom, that
service providers must ensure at least 50 per cent of telecom towers in rural
areas and 20 per cent in urban areas should run on hybrid power – a
combination of renewable energy and grid power – by 2015. This should
increase to 75 per cent and 33 per cent respectively by 2020.
Also, telecom operators have to declare their carbon footprint adopting the
formulae and procedures as prescribed by TRAI. The formula is,
Figure 4.3: TRAI Formula for Calculation of Carbon Footprint
P = consumption of power of the Network element, in KW, grid power is
for ‘x’ hrs. , the power from ‘z’ KVA Diesel Generator is for ‘y’ hrs and the
efficiency of the generator is ‘η’.
The declaration of the carbon footprints is to be half yearly, with the first
half yearly report to be submitted by 15th November and the succeeding
half yearly report to be submitted by 15th May each year.
Also, based on the details of the carbon footprints declared by all telecom
operators, operators should aim at carbon emission reduction targets for
the mobile network as shown in the graph.
Further, all products, equipment and services in the telecom network
should be energy and performance assessed and certified “Green
Passport” by 2015
. TRAI has stated that the Telecommunication
Engineering Centre will certify telecom products, equipment and services
on the basis of their energy consumption ratings. The directions given by
the telecom regulator and approved by DoT have thus necessitated the
use of green energy by telecom operators.
Figure 4.4: Year wise Carbon emission Reduction aim for telecom
Source: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI)
4.2.1 Opportunities
1 Infrastructure Sharing:
a. Operators can jointly roll out telecom tower sites –both passive
and active sharing – which could typically achieve a 30% CAPEX
saving accumulated over five years. This will also reduce OPEX by
15% per year by the fifth year
b. Active sharing of network infrastructure, which involves the
sharing of antennae systems, backhaul transmission systems and
base station equipment, will allow operators to save an
additional 40% on top of available savings from passive
infrastructure sharing.
c. Sharing also results in reduction of number of generator sets and
telecom masts installed, which leads to reduction in noise, air
and visual pollution.
•30% of 10MW =
26280 MWh of
for cooling
•5 % reduction =
1314 MWh of
electricity saved
CO2 emmissions
•1024 tonnes of
reduction in
CO2 emissions
2012-13 2014-15 2016-17 2018-19
C = 0.365 [0.84Px + (0.528 yz /η)] in Tonnes
d. For example, Indus Towers, which owns over 120,000 towers, is
a three‐way joint venture between Vodafone India, Idea Cellular
and Bharti Infratel that owns passive infrastructure shared by the
three partners in the 15 circles where the three firms have
overlapping operations.
2 Use of Renewable sources of energy: The directives of TRAI and DoT
make use of Renewable energy eminent, but even without these
directives it makes economic sense for telecom operators to use
Renewable energy as the following table illustrates.
Figure 4.5: Cost economics for use solar energy in telecom towers
Year of reference 2013 2016
Number of towers 480000 55000
Percentage of towers that are off‐grid 33.3% 33.3%
Percentage of towers that are on‐grid 66.6% 66.6%
Number of towers to be converted to hybrid
196800 34100
Number of tower that are on‐grid 131069 22710
Number of tower that are off‐grid 65534 11355
Prices to be compared (in INR)
Diesel remote 24.31 32.36
Solar without storage 9.81 7.15
Grid (30%) + Diesel remote (70%) 18.79 24.63
Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis
4.2.2 Bottlenecks
1 Regulatory issues: TRAI’s recommendation has defined hybrid power
as “renewable energy technology and grid”, with no mention of
battery as backup, but no technology is sufficient to ensure 24x7
power supplies for telecom operations. Also, the formula used by
TRAI for carbon footprint calculations is complex and erratic. For
example, the efficiency of a DG set changes over time, usage and
loading factor. There is no way to determine the change in efficiency
of the DG set. However, since the proposed formula uses the
efficiency factor as constant, it would lead to erroneous carbon
footprint values.
2 Site constraints and natural resource availability: Not all locations
make green power feasible or economical. In most cases, some type
of green power supply can be deployed. However, there are areas
where this is not an option or the ROI is too high to justify.
Furthermore, seasonality variations in temperature and changing
meteorological conditions can make it difficult for operators to
predict performance and output.
3 Network needs: Renewable energy base stations are primarily
deployed in areas where the grid is inconsistent or non‐existent.
Under these circumstances, it makes sense for operators to deploy
green base stations, as they are the only or most efficient way to
provide service to consumers. However, for larger sites in more
populated areas where load requirements are high, renewable may
not perform as needed.
4 Lack of consistency and global standards: Since the topic of green
telecom is broad and encompasses all regions and numerous of
ecosystem players, action is being taken on a variety of fronts. While
such diverse actions may be useful and may move the ball faster, they
also create a challenge in that there is no industry standard for all
vendors and operators to meet.
5 Upgrade timeframe: Operators have invested in existing
infrastructure, and although it will be replaced over time, they want
to get the most out of their investment. Therefore, while upgrading to
more efficient equipment may be appealing, it may not be
immediately possible.
6 Absence of subsidies for solar telecom towers: MNRE does not grant
subsidy to telecom sector for solar installations, which needs to be
7 Distributed application/site locations hence the cost of installation
goes high.
4.3 Real Estate
Internationally there are many examples of mandatory green building
standards being used to require a compulsory minimum environmental
standard that all new development must meet. International evidence
suggests that a combination of regulation and incentivizing best practice is
the most effective way to drive rapid improvement in the building sector.
Mandatory standards for green building usually set a minimum standard
and are not intended to outline best practice. In most cases it is important
to consider mandatory standards for green building as a baseline that raises
the standard from normal practice whilst also providing a platform that we
must improve from.
In India, the building sector represents about 33% of electricity consumption
in Indian, with commercial and residential sector accounting for 8% and 25%
respectively. Estimates based on computer simulation models indicate that
energy efficient buildings can use 40% to 60% less energy than conventional
buildings. It is estimated that the nationwide mandatory enforcement of
building efficiency code will yield annual savings of approximately 1.7 billion
The future trend of building sector in India can be seen in the graph and in
line with this the electricity consumption is expected to grow at 11‐12 per
cent per annum
Figure 4.6: Future Trends of Real Estate Sector in India
Source: “Growth of Indian building sector”, 2010
2005 2030
Future Trends in Real Estate
Commercial and
Figure 4.7: Green Buildings in India
Source: CII
Keeping in mind the growth, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), India
launched the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) to provide
minimum requirements for energy‐efficient design and construction of
buildings and their systems. The code is applicable to buildings or building
complexes that have a connected load of 500 kW or greater or a contract
demand of 600 kVA or greater.
BEE has also developed a Star Rating program for buildings which is based
on the actual performance of a building in terms of its specific energy usage
in kWh/sq. m/year. This program rates office buildings on a 1‐5 Star scale,
with 5 Star labelled buildings being the most efficient. The scheme is
propagated on a voluntary basis and the label provided under it is applicable
for a period of 5 years from the date of issue. However, since the ratings are
limited to only energy efficiency, it cannot be considered a comprehensive
green rating program.
4.3.1 Opportunities
Sourcing: Green energy procurement should be mandated for all
commercial buildings and large residential complexes. For example, under
ECBC it is mandatory for all upcoming new hotels, hospitals and large
residential complexes to have solar water heating for at least 1/5th of their
hot water requirements.
Heat recovery systems should also be encouraged for buildings using
heating or cooling processes. For example, heat is rejected from the air
conditioners condenser to the atmosphere, this waste heat can be
recovered and utilized to heat water wherever feasible.
“Infosys has employed a mini‐wind farm of 5 turbines of rating 5KW each at
its Mangalore campus and also has solar plant installations of 127 KW and
252 KW at its Trivandrum and Jaipur campuses respectively”
Investor Demand: Investors are now recognizing the opportunity to profit
from green building investments. Pushing investors into this arena have
been the same societal forces propelling socially conscious investing – the
desire among an increasing share of investors to feel good about the uses to
which their capital are devoted. The Responsible Property Investing (RPI)
movement advocates “triple bottom line” accounting that tracks
environmental and social impacts, as well as the traditional financial
returns. RPI is becoming especially common with public pension funds,
which account for a large share of real estate ownership in the country.
Despite an on‐going debate as to whether green buildings should be viewed
as a distinct investment product, the rising prevalence of green real estate
funds suggests that a specialized market does indeed exist – close to $2
billion in announced plans worldwide already. Following are the few
examples in India.
ITC Green Centre, Gurgaon
4.4 FMCG
The expected market size for FMCG in India will be 1.7 trillion by 2015 and
the industry is expected to grow at the rate of 12% to 17% until 2020
The development of energy‐ efficient manufacturing, environmentally
conscious supply chain, ecologically safe products and green marketing are
all part of ‘green’ growth for FMCG sector which also leads to sustainable
4.4.1 Opportunities
Supply Chain: Competition in the global competitive environment has
diverted the firms to shift from traditional supply chain to a resourceful and
environmental conscious supply chain to sustain effective competitive edge.
The sugar industry, for example, has great potential to contribute to our
national power grid through the burning of cane fibre, called bagasse, which
is a renewable energy source. This industry has a power‐generation
potential of 18 GW
. Apart from its ability to generate electricity, this
industry also have the resources to produce ethanol, which can be used in
conjunction with petrol to fuel vehicles and locomotives in our transport
and freight industries.
Also, a recent survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, showed
the increased level of awareness as well as the operational changes taking
place as more companies go ‘green’. According to it, 52% of the companies
report that they are implementing some form of green‐minded supplier
qualification. An additional 39% say that they have plans in the near future.
Manufacturing: Manufacturing plants are certified to Environmental
Management Systems (ISO 140001) by independent registrars, upon
meeting the requirements stated in the ISO Management System standard.
Implementing an environmental management system (EMS) is a process by
which an organization’s management identifies regulated and unregulated
environmental aspects and impacts of its operations, assesses current
performance, and develops targets and plans to achieve both significant and
incremental environmental improvements. Environmental aspects are
human or industrial activities, products, or services that can interact with
the environment.
Project City Area Rating Hik
e in
on cost
m (in
Godrej GBC
Hyderabad 20,000 Platinum 18 7
ITC Green
Gurgaon 170,000 Platinum 15 6
Noida 15,000 Platinum 8 4
Wipro Gurgaon 175,000 Platinum 8 5
Technopolis Kolkata 72,000 Gold 6 3
A green manufacturing model can be like:--
Figure 4.8: Green Manufacturing Model
Source: Author’s analysis
“ITC Ltd plans to invest ` 100 crore in renewable energy over the next
two years. Renewable energy, which currently accounts for about 38 per
cent of ITC’s total manufacturing consumption, is estimated to meet up to
50 per cent of its total energy requirement in the next five years. The
company has installed close to 70 MW of wind power projects across India
and a 90 tonne-per-hour biomass fire boiler at a total investment of
approximately ` 400 crore.”
Marketing: Green marketing may refer to selling product or rendering
services based on environmental benefit. Green Marketing begins with
‘green design’. Most buyer decisions are influenced by the labelling, (green
labelling) that states all that makes the product green compliant. Also, the
price of green product has to be affordable for the customer to encourage
purchase. Industrial differentiation works only when products reduce
client’s cost.
Most buyers are influenced by advertisement that reflects a company’s
commitment to environment. Companies that do green advertisement that
tend to portray an image of environmental friendliness, influences their
customer purchase decisions. Consumers love to associate themselves with
companies that are environmental stewards. When a company
communicates this through their advertisements, promotions, publicity and
corporate social responsibilities, they are sure to get many loyal customers.
According to a study on perception of consumers towards Green FMCG
Products, the following results stated in the graph were obtained. Thus
inference of the study is clearly in favour of going green for the FMCG
Figure 4.9: Awareness of green FMCG products
Source: http://academia.edu
Green marketing should not be considered as just one more approach to
marketing, but has to be pursued with much greater vigour, as it has an
environmental and social dimension to it. With the threat of global warming
looming large, it is extremely important that green marketing becomes the
norm rather than an exception or just a fad.
5 Role of NGOs - Be the Bridge
NGOs have, in particular, played an important role in raising environmental
concerns, developing awareness of environmental issues and promoting
sustainable development. The encouragement of public participation in
environmental management through legislation in recent years has also
enhanced the role of NGOs and Major Groups.
They now undertake a much wider range of activities than simply raising
environmental awareness and/or acting as pressure groups. Their activities
now include environmental monitoring; promoting environmental
education, training and capacity‐building; implementing demonstration
projects; conducting advocacy work in partnership with the government;
and the promotion of regional and international cooperation on
5.1 NGOs Supporting Green Energy
As per the latest data (2.7.2013) out of a total of 49342 NGOs/VOs only
6034 NGOs/VOs are supporting the cause of Renewable energy.
“If the potential funds need to be channelized for sustainable
development of the nation, NGOs need to evolve innovative ways to
support the causes of CSR in a greener way.”
Figure 5.1: Share of NGO’s Supporting Green Energy
Source: ngo.india.gov.in
As mentioned in the New Companies Bill 2012, it has provision of
mandatory spending of 2% of the profits of the companies on Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR).
The procedure for this CSR spending makes the participation of NGOs vital.
The New Companies Bill 2012 stipulates all CSR funds to be channelized
through a registered NGO.
NGOs to act as the facilitator to achieve the goals of CSR
5.2 Role of NGOs
NGO describes a range of groups and organizations from watchdog activist
groups and aid agencies to development and policy organizations. Usually
defined as organizations that pursue a public interest agenda, rather than
commercial interests.
•Use of Renewable
•Years ISO14001
Waste Reduction
•Process & Product
•Reduce & Recycling
•Consume Internally
•Prolong Use
•Low Costs
•Lead Times
•Hih Quality
•Product Design
•Process Waste
•Int’l Sales
Purchased a
only once
Product Awareness Survey
New & Renewable energy NGOs All other NGOs
5.2.1 Traditional perceived roles
5.2.2 Going Forward in a Greener Way: Recommended Ways
for NGOs
Going forward, to support the development of the nation in a sustainable
way, the roles of NGOs need to be modified and be integrated with the aim
of Green Energy CSR.
Figure 5.2: Recommended Ways for NGOs for Going Forward
5.3 Suggested Model for Sustainable Development
5.4 Green Energy CSR for Sustainable Development:
Be Green in Every Aspect
1. Need to establish institutional framework/mechanism which will
facilitate government agencies such as MNRE, MCA, DPE, IICA
and Industry Associations: to align with corporate entities which
will to define leadership role for NGOs/VOs
2. NGOs/VOs to enhance their skill and competency levels which
include technical, financial and regulatory understanding.
3. Sensitization for microfinance and other financial institutions
such as SIDBI; towards evolving role of NGOs
4. Ranking system/award to motivate the result oriented good
practices of NGO’s
6 Way Forward for Green Energy based CSR
• Build awareness among the CEOs and designated CSR Heads regarding
best practices for Greener approach to achieving the proposed CSR
• Such sustainable approach should integrate renewable and energy
efficiency based CSR interventions with other specified sub‐sectors for
CSR such as Education; Heath; Rural Enterprise; Employment etc.
• Bringing together the CSR funds and funds from development partner
agencies such as World Bank; UNDP, UNDIO, ADB, JICA and others to
make a substantial pool for green energy development for the society
• Government agencies like MNRE, BEE, EESL, MOCA, CERC, CEA ,
Renewable development agencies to provide regulatory framework
for green CSR projects to make them viable technically and
• Adoption of international best practices and standards, and carry
forward the on‐going dialogue with agencies like GIZ to a fruitful
• Joint effort of renewable energy development companies to provide
required services to build green energy projects
• NGOs and VOs from all fields for operation should integrate green
energy technologies in their agenda as solution to other verticals of
• Need of investment not only in the projects for green power, but also
in the R&D of new technology which are required for decentralized
generation of quality green power
Figure 5.3: CSR Vertical: Need & Impact
CSR Vertical Impact Need
Through E‐classes, proper
lit schools, evening schools
for working elderly
Need Electricity
Better health Hospitals and moving super
specialty hospitals, use of
solar cookers to avoid
smoke, drinking water
Need Electricity
Employment Generation of local
employment to stop
migrations, providing
vocational training to make
semi‐skilled and skilled
Renewable energy
projects are labour
intensive and can
provide very good local
Better irrigation facility,
drainage systems, street
lighting, supply of power to
households, developing
small scale business in rural
and semi‐urban areas
Need Electricity: Off
Grid Solutions
Save forest, reduce carbon
foot print
Usage of green power
Setting agendas
Negotiating outcomes
Conferring Legitimacy
Implementing solutions
Implementing Sustainable Solutions
Fascilitating adoption of greener solutions
Conferring Legitimacy
Exploring Regulatory Framework Alligning CSR goals with regulations
Negotiating Effective Outcomes
Funding needed Impact on society
Setting CSR Agenda
Green Energy Energy Effeciency
• Understanding the fact that in electronic age, growth and prosperity of
society in a sustainable way is dependent on the source of energy we
are using. The energy requirements should be fulfilled through green
technologies for better future and sustainable growth of society.
• Green CSR will be the major driver for all the CSR activities as energy is
the backbone of any activity in this electronic age.
Figure 6.1: Potential Green Energy NGOs
IPS estimates by adopting greener ways of CSR the existing 12% of
Green Energy NGOs can be increased to as high as 70%
6.1 RECs – Another Potential Mechanism
• The REC model if flexible enough to give the option of investing any
amount as low as INR 1500
• RECs can be brought from power exchanges (like IEX) and in a way the
buyer of REC is supporting the developer based out in some remote
• Hence REC is a readily available hassle free medium of going green and
supporting the nation’s sustainable development.
A new innovative idea is not required to find new things it can simply finding
a way in the current system and utilize it for benefit of all.
Promotion of Voluntary REC Market:
• CERC and SERC should allow off‐grid small scale renewable projects to
be considered eligible for REC (should include 1 NGO, 1 corporate
house under CSR and end users as stake holders). This will make micro
– grids more viable and self‐sustainable
• Promoting the voluntary REC market can provide the following social
benefits to India
o The renewable sector growth will be fuelled by the demand ,
which somewhat slowed down after failure of implementation of
o If REC as a market becomes mature, this will provide a new
sustainable model to provide green power to people who need it
most. The corporate can install renewable projects in rural areas
or where there is no availability of grid power at all or only for
few hours a day as their CSR. The projects can be made
sustainable by providing cheap power to the consumers and
claiming RECs on it.
o Projects done under CSR should be exempted from paying all
kinds of taxes (even on REC income). The profits from such
projects should in turn be used for other 9 verticals of CSR.
o The REC mechanism already in place with few changes can be a
game changer for both corporates willing to do CSR more
effectively and also for the society
o Allowing corporates to buy REC directly from Re‐Generators,
who are supplying power to rural or under –privileged area at a
subsidized rate. This will reduce the burden of government from
subsidy and also attract more private investment in rural and un‐
electrified areas of country.
Disclaimer: We endeavour to provide accurate and updated information;
team IPS however does not guarantee that such information is accurate as
of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future.
IPS endorses the analysis done on the data provided through public domain.
However no one should act on the report alone without detailed analysis of
the domain.
NASSCOM, http://www.nasscom.in
By Continuity and Resilience (CORE) organisation in 2010;
ECO3 project of BEE & USAID of 2009,
Technology Roadmap – Solar Photovoltaic Energy,
International Energy Agency, 2010. http://www.iea.org.
ECO3 project of BEE & USAID of 2009.
“Growth of Indian building sector”, 2010.
Schneider ElectricTM
MNRE, Government of India.
NGO break-up
Green Energy
Other NGOs
"Corporate social responsibility is a
hard-edged business decision. Not
because it is a nice thing to do or because
people are forcing us to do it... because it
is good for our business" - Niall Fitzerald,
Former CEO, Unilever
"A good company delivers excellent
products and services, and a great
company does all that and strives to
make the world a better place." - William
Ford Jr., Chairman, Ford Motor Co.
“The business of business should not be
about money. It should be about
responsibility. It should be about public
good, not private greed” – Anita Roddick,
Founder, Body Shop
IPS is a young and dynamic organisation
promoted by alumni of National Power
Training Institute (Ministry of Power).The
website is maintained by the parent company
Power Plus Consultants.
In its three years of operation since 2010, it has
become India’s premier knowledge portal for
360 degrees coverage of power sector. The
portal provides free for all knowledge, also it
reaches to the subscribers through daily
The core expertise of the team of Power
Managers lies in regulatory advisory and market
Services offered under the banner of Power
Plus Consultants include
• Renewable Market Analysis
• Renewable Project Development
• Regulatory Advisory
• Power Sector Analysis
• Energy Portfolio Management
• Market Intelligence
• Strategic Alliances
Team IPS believes in educating and updating all
the stake holders in the energy sector with the
latest national and international news updates
and market analysis.
In the continuous effort to promote and
generate awareness about power sector IPS has
multiple strategic alliances with national and
international knowledge portals and
Team IPS consists of young dynamic power
managers and retired government officials as
mentors to support the vision of IPS.
IPS plans to conduct workshops on solar
awareness, Voluntary REC markets, and Off-
Grid solutions in the future.
IPS is associated to team RE-Mark for promoting
the Green awareness amongst corporate and its
consumers and bring RE-Change to the world.
RE-Mark is India’s first RE label that
communicates a company’s dedication to
renewable energy in a way that is simple and
intuitive enough to guide consumer behavior.
About Sharp Developments
SD is a non-governmental development
organisation registered (1993) under the
Societies Registration Act 1860. For nearly two
decades, SD has been a leading NGO working in
the following areas-
• Low Carbon Technologies
• Energy Efficiency
• Renewable Energy
• Energy and Environmental
• Rural Development
• Technology Transfer
• Capacity Building and Training
• Corporate Social Responsibility.
SD is deeply committed to objectives of
sustainable development in India and its
organizational objectives are fully aligned to
support Government of India’s mandate to
ensure equitable growth objectives balancing
environmental and economic development. SD
supports national objectives as laid out in the
Five Year Plan document and is currently
focused on various programs being undertaken
by respective agencies and ministries such as
the Planning Commission; Ministry of
Environment and Forests; Ministry on New and
Renewable Energy; Ministry of Power; Ministry
of Science & Technology; Ministry of Water
Resources and various state governments.
Equally focused are organizational objectives to
support such sustainable growth through
education; training and capacity building.
International Centre for Innovation, Learning
and Development (ICfILD)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at SD is
implemented through the International Centre
for Innovation, Learning and Development
(ICfILD). Our multi-disciplinary team of advisors
brings together global experience and best
practices which help us recommend relevant
CSR interventions.
We serve as a competent CSR advisory and
partner to companies across all sectors. Our
team specializes in creating and implementing
sustainable CSR strategies that are aligned to
evolving business needs and objectives of our
Green csr-conference-backgrounder -indian powersector.com
Green csr-conference-backgrounder -indian powersector.com
Thank You
Green csr-conference-backgrounder -indian powersector.com

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Green csr-conference-backgrounder -indian powersector.com

  • 2. Preface In context of growth and development of any nation, energy forms the backbone of the economy, and to support the development of the economy the energy needs are required to be addressed in the best possible manner. IndianPowerSector.com is pleased to be the knowledge partner for the first ever conference on "EVOLVING THOUGHT LEADERSHIP ON GREEN CSR INTERVENTIONS S D MNRE, Government of India. The conference is a unique and excellent initiative to define the boundaries of green energy CSR and channelize the potential funds for sustainable development. It will provide a platform to all the decision makers and stake holders in various government agencies and corporate world to align and integrate their CSR verticals in a greener way-through green energy. The backgrounder covers the existing guidelines, amalgamation of CSR and Green energy at various levels and recommendations suggesting a greener approach to be followed to fulfill CSR goals. I wish to acknowledge the labor and extensive research work done by the research analysts at IPS; Mr. Abhishek Amarnani and Mr. Kalyan Verma. The support and expertise of Team Re-Mark as co-authors was also very critical to analyze the potential of the subject and its very important conclusion. Team IPS is extremely grateful to Sharp Developments to provide us with the opportunity to be a part of this great and critical initiative. Going forward we sincerely hope the recommendations and deliberations from this conference will pave the way for defining the boundaries of Green Energy CSR. The outcome should be reflected in the enhanced uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency based CSR initiatives. Alok Tripathi Co-Founder IndianPowerSector.com
  • 3. 1. Introduction The rapid pace of industrialization has exposed the environment to higher levels of risk. Pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and depletion of ground water level are serious issues which cannot be addressed with the Government’s interventions alone. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is the buzzword and it’s time for the Corporates to do their bit for the environment which has been endangered with the industrial activities. “Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.” Corporate Social Responsibility is broadly categorised by corporates under nine different segments as highlighted in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.1: Segmentation of Corporate Social Responsibility Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis 1.1 Organization Spending on CSR Activities Currently, it is very difficult to find information on CSR activity in India. This problem partially stems from the fact that a lot of current CSR activity is donation‐based rather than project based, and as such there is only a small amount of information on company websites and in financial reports. There are very few project impact studies and long‐term studies detailing the kind of positive impact CSR activity has on a given community. An additional problem appears to be that very few companies are spending anywhere near 2% of their average profit after tax (PAT). Figure 1.2: Spending on CSR Activities by 100 Profitable Companies in India 2012 Source: Forbes India Survey According to a Forbes Study, the top 100 most profitable companies (based on net sales in 2012) are only spending a total of ` 1763 crore on CSR activity, whereas 2% of PAT would be ` 5665 crore. This accounts for a difference of ` 3902 crore that should have been spent on CSR in the fiscal year 2012. Important to note is that 47% of companies surveyed either did not have CSR data or were not profitable. Therefore, the actual funds that should have been spent on CSR activity could in fact be greater than the stated ` 5665 crore. 1.2 Segment Wise CSR Spending CSR in India has been slowly developing over the last forty years, but has taken a great leap forward in the last five, and again has been increased with the mandatory stipulations in the Companies Bill 2011. As of 2010, approximately 49% of India's 500 largest companies are reporting on CSR. The majority of this CSR expenditure appears to be donation‐based rather than project‐ based, and unfortunately there is not much information on the amounts being donated, nor measurable impact of said donations. Figure 1.3: Segment Wise CSR Spending by Organizations in 2012 Source: ASSOCHAM 1.3 Sectors Contributing in CSR Activities Based on an ASSOCHAM study, there are clear areas of improvement for corporations to invest in CSR activities, as currently only half of the top 500 Indian corporations are reporting a measurable amount of CSR activity. More reporting is clearly necessary if adequate data is to be collected on the state of CSR activity in India. If corporations can partner with NGOs, there should be a measurable increase in reporting of CSR activities, as well as data collected regarding the success of CSR projects. However, without good reporting standards in place it becomes very difficult to measure both the scope and the effect of CSR across the country. 1. Eradicating Extreme Hunger and Poverty 2. Promotion of Education 3. Promoting Gender Equality and Empowering Women 4. Reducing Child Mortality, Improving Maternal Health 5. Combating Diseases Such as AIDS, Malaria 6. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability 7. Employment Enhancing Vocational Skills 8. Social Business Projects 9. Funds For Socio-economic Development 45% 6% 1% 47% Companies Spending less than 2% PAT Companies Spending more than 2% PAT Companies Spending 2% PAT Unknown CSR Spending Among Top 100 Companies in India, 92% of them spend less than 18.83% 15.65% 12.72% 9.05% 5.16% 37.59% Most of CSR spending is Donation Based rather than Project Based In 2012 Spending on CSR, INR 1763 Crore, whereas 2% of PAT, INR 5655
  • 4. With partnership between corporations, NGOs and the government, reporting standards should increase and become more transparent, and thus will result in greater sustainability both of projects and of profits. Figure 1.4: Sectors Contributing in CSR Activities in 2012 Source: ASSOCHAM 1.4 Focussing on Environment and Sustainability Sustainability, climate change, energy and energy efficiency, green consumption and urban sustainable development are globally recognized challenges for the 21st century. Tackling these challenges requires a strong commitment from companies and private sectors, governments and agencies, NGOs. The managers and professionals of tomorrow will require knowledge to understand the interconnectedness of economic, environmental and social dimensions, and competencies to manage and contribute the change towards a more sustainable world. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the way to achieve a greener world. CSR is not a new concept, but over the past decade its focus has been shifting from labour issues and local philanthropy toward environmental actions. Numerous factors are driving this trend, including managerial altruism, cost‐ cutting efficiency improvements, the emergence of a new generation of green consumers, and savvier business leaders who take pro‐active steps to avert political conflict rather than reacting to public pressure after the fact. Figure 1.5: Approaches towards Green CSR Corporations are becoming more and more aware that they should be more careful with the footprints we leave behind. Huge corporations such as Wal‐ Mart are selling organic products because it promotes a healthy lifestyle for its customers and provides a positive image for the company worldwide. Figure 1.6: Boundaries Defining Green CSR 2. Renewable Energy in Indian Energy Mix At present, India has 27,541.71 MW of installed renewable capacity excluding hydro power stations. India plans to double its renewable energy capacity to 55,000 MW by 2017 as part of efforts to increase efficiency of its energy use. The contribution of renewable energy to the total power generation is estimated to be 4.7%, 5.5% and 6.4% during 2010‐11, 2011‐12 and 2012‐13 respectively. Renewable power generation capacity of 14,657 MW has been added in the country during the 11th Five Year Plan period. A potential of over 2, 45,000 MW from various renewable energy sources have been estimated in the country. So far 28,067 MW renewable power generation capacities have been installed. To encourage use of renewable energy sources, the Ministry encourages private sector investment and offers incentives such as Capital Subsidy, Generation Based Incentive, and Accelerated Depreciation for Renewable Energy Projects. Figure 2.1: All India Generating Installed Capacity (MW) (as on 31- 05-13) Source: Central Electricity Authority The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) has taken into consideration the renewable energy potential including wind power potential in outlining the approach for the development of renewable energy in the country. In keeping with the objectives and approach of NAPCC, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has set a target of capacity addition of 30,000 MW from renewable energy sources during 12th Plan period. This includes 15,000 MW from wind, 10,000 MW from solar, 2,100 MW from small hydro and 2,700 MW from biomass including waste to energy. A Gross Budgetary Support of ` 19,113 crore has been allocated for the renewable energy activities for the 12th Plan period. Figure 2.2: Source-wise and Year-wise Breakup of Targets Set During 12TH Plan Period (MW) Source 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total Wind Power 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 15,000 Small Hydro Power 350 400 400 450 500 2,100 Bio‐Power (including Waste to Power) 400 400 520 550 830 2,700 Solar Power 1000 1000 2000 2500 3500 10,000 Source: Ministry of Power 13.11% 11.71% 9.65% 8.82% 8.12% 48.59% FMCG and Consumer Durables Chemicals Software and ITES Textiles Construction Other Investment in Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Procurment - Renewable Energy Certificates Energy Efficiency Measures •A company's primary responsibility is to owners, shareholders etc.Conceptual •A Company must not confuse its role with othersIdeological •A company has limited resources, expertise and reachPractical •What was a boundry a few years ago is now a starting point Changing Boundries 153188 4780 39623 27542 Thermal Nuclear Hydro Renewable Sources MegaWatt(MW) FMCG, Chemicals & IT Sectors Contribute 35% of the Total Spending on CSR in 2012
  • 5. 2.1 Integration of Renewable Energy & CSR Renewable energies, such as wind, solar, and geothermal energies, are no longer considered to be merely complementary to thermal or nuclear power generation. Rather, they are widely recognized to have a core role in fulfilling our energy needs. Renewable energies such as wind, geothermal, and hydraulic power emit very little CO2, one of the causes of global warming. These energies, by definition, cannot be depleted and help prevent the depletion of finite energy sources. Development and supply of these energies, therefore, is a very rewarding activity that can greatly contribute to global environmental conservation. Businesses can make a very positive intervention in the society by adding renewable energy projects to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, which will help to improve the socioeconomic conditions of the marginalized. Organization’s obligations are now extending beyond maximizing shareholder value and now also include steps to improve the quality of life of surrounding community and people. As a part of CSR a business can set up Renewable Energy Technologies like Solar, Biogas to serve energy needs. Decentralized electricity generation using renewable and its distribution can become the new frontiers for CSR activities. Such projects reduce load on the grid, bridge the growing electricity deficit, provide regular electricity supply and generate local employment. As part of a CSR initiative in renewable space, organizations can set up renewable energy systems in villages that will be maintained by villagers who have undergone training. Installing a mix of solar panels, wind mills and biogas plants can make village energy self‐sufficient or can opt for procuring renewable energy for their self‐consumption from Renewable Energy Certificates of bilateral arrangements with Renewable energy developer. By adding renewable energy projects to their CSR activities, businesses will make a very positive intervention that will go a long way in improving the socioeconomic lot of disempowered. Figure 2.3: Renewable Energy Initiatives under CSR Activities Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis 2.1.1 Case for Renewable Energy Based CSR Solutions 2.2 Grid Connected: Renewable Energy is The Future The growing energy needs of the emerging economics, specifically India, risks enhanced environmental damage from conventional carbon based sources of energy. Renewable Energy technologies are deployed to curb the growing gap between the demand and supply of power, which is due to increase in the per capita energy consumption and importantly, the climate change concerns. The future of solar photovoltaic development in India seems to be very bright. India’s solar mission envisages the promotion of solar energy to harness and distribute environment‐friendly power, available with high scalability, for sustainable economic growth by empowering national energy security. Accelerated growth is expected in renewable energy sector with favourable conditions in terms of potential, technical support facilities, policy framework and regulatory environment, robust manufacturing base and investor’s confidence in the country. 2.2.1 Solar Energy India is located within the equatorial belt and receives plentiful solar radiation. Most parts of the country receive 250 to 300 days of bright days in a year. The government and private sectors are currently busy with the development of a large number of Solar Power Projects in India. Even though the percentage of power generated through solar energy in India is just a tiny fraction of its overall power production, it shares the number one spot in solar power generation capacity along with the United States. One of the major Solar Power Projects in India is an ambitious project undertaken by the government where it plans to generate 20 GW of power from solar energy by the year 2020. It further plans to increase this production to 200 GW by the year 2050. This project plans to increase the installed solar power capacity by a gigantic level by the year 2030 so as to significantly bring down the cost of electricity generation from solar power, almost at par with the power generated from fossil fuels. Figure 2.4: Planned Installed Capacity from Solar (MW) 2.2.2 Wind Energy Historically, wind energy has met and often exceeded the targets set for it under both the 10th Plan (2002‐2007) and 11th Plan (2007‐2012) periods. During the 10th Plan period the target set was of 1,500 M W whereas the actual installations were 5,427 MW. Similarly during the 11th Plan period the revised target was for 9,000 MW and the actual installations were much higher at 10,260 MW. 2.3 Off-Grid Solutions Often remote areas or islands are not connected to the national power grid. They generate their own power from a diverse range of small local generators using both fossil fuels (diesel, gas) and locally available renewable energy technologies (solar PV, wind, small hydro, biomass, etc.) with or without its own storage (batteries) depending on the technologies 2.3.1 Solar Technologies - Solutions to Light Up and Electrify Rural India The rural solar off‐grid market has so far been driven mainly by government and NGO efforts. Though there has been increasing interest from corporates and investors (domestic and international) in exploring viable business opportunities to serve India’s vast rural, un‐electrified population. Green Energy CSR Grid Connected Solutions Off-Grid Solutions Renewable Energy Certificates Energy Effeciency 1000 10000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 2013 2017 2022 MegaWatt(MW) Electricity forms the basis of infrastructure development and growth. Of approximately 6,00,000 villages ; around 250,000 grid-connected villages are impacted by frequent power outages. 33,060 villages are unelectrified – where community tends to spend more on energy needs (kerosene) than Grid-Connected (electricity) Off-grid renewable energy applications present a viable alternative for mitigating the country’s energy risk in the face of fuel scarcity.
  • 6. In India, close to 40 million households in rural areas (approximately 33,000 villages) lack access to grid‐connected electricity. Electrified households in the rural areas pay INR 106 a month on an average for electricity. This is less than the INR150 which un‐electrified households spend for light from a kerosene lantern. Assuming such households are able and willing to pay the same as electrified households, the market potential is in the range of INR 90‐95 billion per year. Around 250,000 grid‐connected villages with frequent power outages further increase this potential. There are three key options for providing rural, off‐grid, solar PV‐based electricity solutions: • Small applications with integrated power generation capacity (e.g. solar lanterns and solar street lights) • solar home systems (SHS) • Mini‐grids. Falling prices of photovoltaic cells in the last few years have increased the viability of solar energy projects. Solar powered cell phone charging stations where the villagers can charge their cell phones for a certain nominal payment will also help boost the off‐grid solar PV market along with supporting the rural enterprise. “Babulal charges the cell phones of the villagers @ INR 5” 2.3.2 Solar - Hybrid Systems With the advent of solar hybrid systems, urban India too is catching up. In these systems, solar PV modules charge the battery during day time while WEGs charge the battery during monsoon. Although current installed capacity of these systems is very low, it is expected that these systems will grow in areas with good wind potential. 2.3.3 Biomass Around 87% of the off‐grid installed capacity in the country comes from biomass (including Waste to Energy).Most of rural India is dependent on biomass for fulfilling its energy needs. However, burning biomass comes with several hazards to personal health and the environment. Off‐grid renewable energy applications present a viable alternative for mitigating the country’s energy risk in the face of fuel scarcity. In rural India, energy is mainly required for cooking, lighting and agricultural activities. Biomass is the main source of energy due to easy availability. Figure 2.5: Off-Grid RE Capacity (MW) Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 2.4 Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) 2.4.1 About REC Renewable Energy (RE) sources are not evenly spread across different parts of the country. On the one hand there are States (like Delhi) where the potential of RE sources is not that significant. On the other hand there are States (like Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu) where there is very high potential of RE sources. In such States there are avenues for harnessing the RE potential. However, the high cost of generation from RE sources discourages the local distribution licensees from purchasing RE generation beyond the mandated level. Figure 2.6: Concept of Renewable Energy Certificates Source: MNRE It is in this context that the concept of Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) assumes significance. This concept seeks to address the mismatch between availability of RE sources and the requirement of the obligated entities to meet their RPO. It is also expected to encourage the RE capacity addition in the States where there is potential for RE generation as the REC framework seeks to create a national level market for such generators to recover their cost. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has notified Regulation on Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) in fulfilment of its mandate to promote renewable sources of energy and development of market in electricity. The framework of REC is expected to give push to RE capacity addition in the country. ‘Voluntary buyers can purchase RECs from trading platform of Power Exchange of India Limited or Indian Energy Exchange, as part of CSR activity or to market their product as Green Product.’ The Department of Public Enterprise (DPE) recently expanded the scope of the Energy management Program of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) by including renewable energy as a specific activity to be pursued by public enterprises. The Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises has asked all Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) to set up renewable energy projects or voluntarily purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). 2.4.2 Voluntary REC Market RECs have been traded in India for 25 months now (since March 2011), and the market has grown in its value and depth. However, one aspect of the REC market that is common internationally, still to pick up in India – the procurement of RECs on a voluntary basis to meet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Green Marketing. The procurement of RECs on a voluntary basis can help corporates meet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mandate without actually implementing the renewable energy power projects. Any corporate entity can use RECs to offset their carbon footprint. 106 396 153 2 97 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 MegaWatt(MW)
  • 7. Following is the list of Voluntary REC buyer in the country: I. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited II. Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited VII. EKI Energy Services Limited VIII. Neo Remark Marketing Services LLP (RE-Mark) IX. Green Portal: IndianPowerSector.com X. Green Conference: Evolving Thought Leadership on GREEN CSR Interventions Conference 2.4.3 Registered Capacity under Rec Mechanism There is total of 3,615 MW (by 09 June 2013) of renewable energy capacity registered under REC mechanism. Figure 2.7: Registered Capacity (MW) Recently, Neo Remark Marketing Services LLP (RE-Mark), India’s first labelling program which identify product, organizations and events which utilize renewable energy in their operations. RE-Mark assisted IndianPowerSector.com in procuring RECs and provided label making them India’s First Green Website utilizing 35% of Renewable Energy. 2.4.5 Market Sizing As per the latest amendments to the Companies Bill by the Union Cabinet, based on recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance and inter-ministerial discussions, CSR has been made obligatory on part of companies. The qualifying criterion that would make the CSR mandatory is: Companies having a minimum net worth of INR 500 crore or turnover of INR 1000 crore or a net profit of INR 5 crore during any financial year. Regarding the amount of expenditure on CSR activities, it has been stipulated that at least 2 per cent of the average net profits of the company during three preceding financial years shall be spent on CSR every year. Further, the companies have been mandated to formulate a CSR policy and to disclose the activities undertaken and the related spending. Model I With the CSR budget as a driving factor for investment in voluntary renewable energy, average of last three years profit of companies of top 500 Indian companies have been taken into account to estimate the market potential. Consequently, average of last three year profits of companies has been calculated as INR 326637 crore (Economic Times, ET 500 List, 2009, 2010, 2011). Author believes 80 per cent of the demand will come from top 500 companies (having turnover of greater than 500 crore) and they would act as sustainability leaders and would procure voluntary renewable energy for branding and to differentiate themselves from competitors This would be in line with the voluntary renewable energy market in USA where the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of US has a list of Fortune 500 partners, which contains 79 companies and which contributes to majority of voluntary renewable purchase. (United States Environment Protection Agency Green Power Partnership, 2012) Hence, considering 2 per cent of the average profit of 500 companies as funding available for CSR budget, a sum of INR 6532 crore is calculated. Further, owing to limitations of data, it is assumed that 10 per cent of the total CSR fund would be set aside for voluntary renewable energy purchase, which amounts to 653 crore. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, 20 per cent of voluntary renewable energy purchase would be through corporates, which are not included in top 500 list, and with same percentage of allocation of fund for CSR, the total amount that could come is INR 163 crore. Adding both the sum, a market potential for voluntary REC purchase of INR 816 crore is estimated. However, it is important to note that since no study has been done for estimating market potential for voluntary renewable purchase market across the globe and given the fact of absence of its market in India, due to various reasons like new market of renewable energy certificates lack of awareness among corporates regarding benefits of voluntary purchase; the market size arrived in first paragraph is only a preliminary estimate and is prone to errors. Model II Owing to the fact of a very preliminary estimate of voluntary renewable energy market size, one another way of estimating the market size is devised through assuming a fixed percentage of a corporate expense on RE requirement of its total revenue. As per a study by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and Vestas on Global Corporate Renewable Energy Index (CREX) 2012, using data from the Bloomberg terminal, it has been calculated that total cost of renewable energy is a small proportion of the publically listed companies’ revenue on average i.e. 0.02 per cent. Hence estimating market potential of voluntary renewable purchase through this figure, by assuming it as a standard and replicable for Indian market, a market size of INR 745 crore is obtained (excludes 20 per cent component). Again utilizing 80:20 principle, an overall market size of voluntary renewable purchase of INR 931 crore is obtained. Figure 2.8: Market Potential Estimation of Unrestricted Voluntary REC Market in India (INR Crore) 1. Lower Bound Market Size Estimation of Voluntary REC purchase Profit After Tax (PAT) Average PAT CSR Budget^ Expenditure on REC Purchase by ET 500^^ Expenditure by Non ET 500 on REC purchase^^^ ^ Market Size 2009 260298 326637 6532 653 163 816 2010 308316 2011 411298 2. Upper Bound Estimation of Voluntary REC Purchase Revenues Average Revenue Expenditure on REC Purchase by ET 500^^^ Expenditure by Non ET 500 on REC Purchase^^^ ^ Market Size 2009 3329277 372655 6 745 186 931 2010 3531540 2011 4318850 Source: RE-MARK Analysis *PAT corresponds to sum of total PAT of top 500 companies as per ET list for a particular year ^ 2% of Average PAT ^^ 10% of CSR Budget ^^^ 0.02% of Average Revenue ^^^^ 20% of Expenditure on REC Purchase by ET 500 #Revenue corresponds to sum of total revenue of top 500 companies as per ET list for a particular year 2.4.6 Issues and the Way Forward The developing structure of the REC market is dependent on the policies and regulations that define it. The current regulation on meeting yearly RPO compliance has resulted in a liquidity loss with active REC trading being postponed to the last few months of the financial year. The compliance window thus needs to be shortened to a quarter or half year to ensure continuous procurement by the obligated entities, leading to a robust and vibrant REC market. Subsequently price discovery would be better with sellers receiving sufficient bid prices across the year and buyers being able to purchase certificates at low prices. The lack of long-term visibility on floor and forbearance prices beyond five years impacts the financial planning of renewable energy developers. The double-sided closed auction design for RECs does not suit the nature of the product as there is no fundamental cost basis for REC trading. Wind Bio-Fuel Cogen Biomass Small Hydro III. POSOCO IV. IREDA V. VI. Manikaran Power Trading IEX: Conferences
  • 8. There is also a need to increase awareness about voluntary REC purchase among corporates, individuals and non‐governmental organizations. The declining REC market must be given a push by its mandatory enforcement by the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions. 2.5 Energy Efficiency Measures Energy efficiency is a way of managing and restraining the growth in energy consumption. Energy efficiency offers a powerful and cost‐effective tool for achieving a sustainable energy future. Improvements in energy efficiency can reduce the need for investment in energy infrastructure, cut energy bills, improve health, increase competitiveness and improve consumer welfare. Environmental benefits can also be achieved by the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and local air pollution. Energy security – the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price – can also profit from improved energy efficiency by decreasing the reliance on imported fossil fuels. Figure 2.9: Various Energy Efficiency Measures Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis Figure 2.10: Electrical Energy Savings In Terms of Equivalent Avoided Capacity in (MW) Source: powermin.nic.in It is estimated that National energy Conservation Award Scheme would help in motivating the other energy consumers in joining and promotion of a nationwide energy conservation movement. “1 unit energy saved = 1.5 units energy generated” 3 Role and performance of PSUs and Corporate houses 3.1 Guidelines for Public Sector Utilities In the context of public sector enterprises Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) should be viewed as a way of conducting business, which enables the creation and distribution of wealth for the betterment of its stakeholders, through the implementation and integration of ethical systems and sustainable management practices. Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) issued new ‘Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability for Central Public Sector Enterprises on 12th April 2013. In the revised guidelines, the thrust of CSR and Sustainability is clearly on capacity building, empowerment of communities, inclusive socio‐economic growth, environment protection, promotion of green and energy efficient technologies, development of backward regions, and up lifting of the marginalized and under‐privileged sections of the society. Making it mandatory in the revised guidelines for CPSEs to take up at least one major project for development of a backward district has the potential of contributing significantly in the long run to socio‐economic growth in all the backward regions of the country. 3.1.1 Directions for CPSEs to Undertake CSR Projects • CPSEs are encouraged to take up long gestation, high impact projects from the budget allocated for CSR and Sustainability activities. • In the selection or choice of CSR and Sustainability projects, companies should avoid taking up ad hoc, one time, philanthropic activity, which does not contribute in any way to social value creation, environment protection or sustainable development. • Priority should be accorded to activities pertaining to – Figure 3.1: Priorities of CPSEs towards CSR 1. In the first category of activities mentioned above, CSR and Sustainability initiatives should focus on capacity building, skill development and infrastructural development. Each CPSE will have to select one such backward district for initiating CSR and Sustainability projects with a‐prior assessment of the expected level of beneficial impact on the largest number of stakeholders from the budget and other resources at its disposal for such a project. 2. In the second category of activities mentioned above, CPSEs will have to plan for environmental sustainability and take up projects for water, waste or energy management, promotion of renewable sources of energy, biodiversity conservation, etc. 3. Reputed and recognised, not‐for‐profit institutions which have the expertise and professional competence for conducting training, skill development and other capacity building activities that promote inclusive growth and sustainable development can be supported by CPSEs through CSR and Sustainability initiatives. Energy Efficiency Measures Standards and Labelling Programme Demand Side Management Energy Conservatio n Building Code Bachat Lamp Yojana State Energy Conservatio n Fund Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises Professional Certification School Education Programme Energy Conservatio n Awards 45 100 90 122 103 155 252 245 308 325 359 357 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 MegaWatt(MW) Development of weaker sections of the society Environment sustainability
  • 9. 3.1.2 Budgetary Allocation by CPSEs for CSR Every year, each CPSE shall with the approval of its Board of Directors make a budgetary allocation for CSR and Sustainability activities / projects for the year. The budgetary allocation will be based on the profitability of the company. More specifically, it will be determined by the Profit after Tax (PAT) of the company in the previous year as shown here under: Figure 3.2: Range of Budgetary Allocation for CSR for CPSEs PAT of CPSE’s (2012) Range of budgetary allocation (%PAT) Less than ` 100 crore 3% ‐ 5% ` 100 crore to ` 500 crore. 2% ‐ 3% ` 500 crore and above 1% ‐ 2% • The budget allocated for CSR and Sustainability activities / projects planned for each financial year is expected to be spent within that year. If due to some reason, the budget of a year remains unutilised, the same would not lapse, instead it would be carried forward to the next year. • At least 80% of the annual budget earmarked for CSR and Sustainability activities shall have to be spent on implementation of activities in the project mode as explained earlier. • Up to 5% of the annual budget for CSR and Sustainability activities has to be earmarked for Emergency needs, which would include relief work undertaken during natural calamities / disasters, and contributions towards Prime Minister’s / Chief Minister’s Relief Funds and/or to the National Disaster Management Authority. Generally, the employees of a CPSE should not be the direct beneficiaries of the activities undertaken with the budget allocated for CSR and Sustainability initiatives in any given year. However, an exception can be made in case of schools, hospitals, training institutes etc. provided they do not constitute more than 25% of the total number of beneficiaries of such facilities. 3.1.3 Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure Recently, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has made mandatory for the top 100 companies in terms of market capitalisation to submit their Business Responsibility Reports. For the others, it is still a voluntary disclosure and reporting at this stage. For CPSEs, sustainability reporting and disclosure of all CSR and Sustainability activities undertaken by a CPSE is mandatory and is to be reported annually, this reporting can be done by CPSEs, as per the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. Figure 3.3: Mandatory Projects for CPSEs By reporting transparently and with accountability, public sector companies can gain and reinforce the trust of the stakeholders. This, in turn, would provide a powerful stimulus to their CSR and Sustainability policies and agenda, and motivate them to pursue them with greater vigour. Figure 3.4: CSR of Ten Largest PSUs* Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis #data for BHEL not included With the New Companies Bill 2012 almost certain to pass soon, the government is trying to coax private companies to spend more money in fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities but public sector undertakings remain laggards. “Ten large PSUs, which were together mandated to spend ` 1,3703 crore in FY12, managed to disburse only 504 Crore, 36% of the funds allocated for CSR” PSUs are still identifying projects to comply with the norms on CSR spends laid out by Department of Public Enterprises (DPE). Some PSUs struggle for want of dedicated CSR professionals who can direct the money well, others for an insular mind‐set and lack of partnerships with the NGOs, yet others for inability to identify good social projects or, simply put, lack of a top management vision for CSR. 3.2 Salient Features of Companies Bill, 2012 on CSR As per the new Companies Bill 2012, which is yet to be passed by Rajya Sabha; CSR spending has been made obligatory for designated CPSE’s. Mandatory for CPSE's One project for the development of any one backward district of the country One project on Environmental Sustainability One additional project for Maharatna companies 7.36 121.08 49.4 82 82.7 61 26.5 72.1 3 30.9 456.5 182.4 217.3 148.9 98.1 30.8 82 2.4 BPCL ONGC NTPC CIL IOCL SAIL HPCL SBI MMTC Wide Responsibility Gap(FY'11) Amount allocated Amount Spent
  • 10. Every company having: 1. Net worth of rupees five hundred crore or more, or 2. Turnover of rupees one thousand crore or more or 3. A net profit of rupees five crore or more during any financial year Shall constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board consisting of three or more directors, out of which at least one director shall be an independent director. • The Board's report under sub-section (3) of section 134 shall disclose the composition of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee shall: a. Formulate and recommend to the Board, a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which shall indicate the activities to be undertaken by the company as specified in Schedule VII; b. Recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities c. Monitor the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the company from time to time. The Board of every company shall ensure that the company spends, in every financial year, at least two per cent of the average net profits of the company made during the three immediately preceding financial years, in pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. The company shall give preference to the local area and areas around it where it operates, for spending the amount earmarked for Corporate Social Responsibility activities. 3.3 Existing National and International Guidelines There exists various national and international guidelines on CSR for the Indian companies; almost all guidelines are broadly based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). While some guidelines give step by step procedures for implementation of CSR in the company others give broad, loose guidelines for CSR to be based on. Following given are one national CSR guideline - FICCI Voluntary CSR Guidelines and two international CSR guidelines - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 3.3.1 FICCI Voluntary CSR Guidelines 1. The company shall have CSR as an integral part of overall business policy driven by vision and philosophy that includes definition of CSR and how it aligns it with its business goals. 2. The company shall formulate a CSR policy to guide its strategic planning and providing a roadmap to its CSR initiatives. 3. The policy may broadly cover caring for employees, community , climate & environment, (including skill development and livelihood, health, safety, education, minimizing carbon footprint, protection of environment, inclusion of disadvantaged & vulnerable sections of the society), non-discrimination, transparency, anti-corruption and human rights. 4. The company may have a CSR Advisory Committee led by a CSR expert and endeavour to involve various levels of executive participation in formulation and integration of CSR Policy. 5. The company shall specify a time period after which the CSR policy shall be put up for strategic review and gauge the impact, relevance of its components and fine tune/augment it in tandem with the changing times/business/societal needs. 6. The company shall have a structure for the implementation of CSR policy and involvements of external partnerships. 7. The company shall earmark specified resources or a proportion of their Post Tax Profit for activities related to corporate social responsibility initiatives. 8. To ensure optimum utilization of resources and maximum impact the company shall set measurable target, wherever possible and review the progress internally. Periodically the company may get external evaluation as may be considered appropriate by it. 9. The company shall be producing and disseminating information on CSR policy and activities, as well as progress to all their stakeholders and the public at large through their website, annual reports, and other communication media. 10. The company shall endeavour to create a spirit of volunteerism among the employees and encourage the employees to volunteer for community development initiatives. 11. The company shall endeavour to influence the supply chain in adopting and adhering to best CSR practices. 12. The company shall have an explicit strategy to focus on CSR issues of immediate concern in the areas that they operate in. The company may work through partnerships or leveraging Government's schemes to undertake CSR activities. The company shall endeavour to partner and network with civil society organizations to carry forward the agenda of CSR. 13. The company shall endeavour to build the image as a socially responsible company. 14. To share experiences and network with other organizations the company may engage with well-established and recognized programmes / platforms such as the FICCI-ADITYA BIRLA CSR CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE, UN Global Compact and the like, which encourage Responsible Business Practices and CSR activities. 3.3.2 The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organization that promotes economic sustainability. It produces one of the world's most prevalent standards for sustainability reporting. The GRI aims to harmonize reporting standards for all organizations, of whatever size and geographical origin, with the aim of elevating the status of environmental reporting with that of, for example, financial auditing. Environmental transparency is one of the main areas of business under the scope of the GRI. GRI encourages participants to report on their environmental performance using specific criteria. The standardized reporting guidelines concerning the environment are contained within the GRI Indicator Protocol Set. The Performance Indicators (PI) includes criteria on energy, biodiversity and emissions. There are 30 environmental indicators ranging from materials used by weight to total environmental expenditures by type of investment. GRI also gives principles designed to be used in combination to define the sustainability report content, the principles are: • STAKEHOLDER INCLUSIVENESS: The organization should identify its stakeholders, and explain how it has responded to their reasonable expectations and interests. The reasonable expectations and interests of these stakeholders should still be acknowledged in decisions about the content of the report. It is important that the process of stakeholder engagement is capable of identifying direct input from stakeholders as well as legitimately established societal expectations. • SUSTAINABILITY CONTEXT: The report should present the organization’s performance in the wider context of sustainability. This concept is often most clearly articulated in the environmental arena in terms of global limits on resource use and pollution levels. However, it may also be relevant with respect to social and economic objectives such as national or international socio-economic and sustainable development goals. • MATERIALITY: The report should cover Aspects that: Reflect the organization’s significant economic, environmental and social impacts; or substantively influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders Materiality for sustainability reporting is not limited only to those Aspects that have a significant financial impact on the organization. Determining materiality for a sustainability report also includes considering economic, environmental and social impacts that cross a threshold in affecting the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. • COMPLETENESS: The report should include coverage of material Aspects and their Boundaries, sufficient to reflect significant economic, environmental and social impacts, and to enable stakeholders to assess the organization’s performance in the reporting period. For example, ensuring that compiled data includes results from all entities within the organization and entities, groups of entities, or elements outside the organization where significant.
  • 11. 3.4 OECD - A Step By Step Approach to Drafting a CSR Policy Figure 3.5: OECD Framework for CSR 3.5 Companies with Highest Level CSR Rating With the enforcement of Companies Bill, 2012, corporate social responsibility spending to the tune of 2% of profit will become compulsory but there are certain private companies that understand their responsibility towards the society and already are doing their bit towards the society. Some prominent examples of private companies in CSR are given below ( in alphabetic order) Figure 3.6: Companies CSR Activity e Company Name Industry Category Three CSR Areas Ballarpur Industries Ltd Paper Livelihood creation, Education, Empowerment of women Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Financial Services Community welfare, Children, Healthcare Infosys Technologies Ltd. Information Technology, Software and ITES Social Rehabilitation and Rural Upliftment, Learning and Education, Art and Culture, Healthcare Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd. Paints Community Welfare, Healthcare, Education Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Engineering and Machinery Healthcare, Education, Vocational Training Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Automobiles Environment, Education, Girl Child Moser Baer (India) Ltd. Engineering and Machinery Livelihoods and Training, Education, Environment Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Information Technology, Software and ITES Energy, Community welfare, Education Tata Steel Ltd. Metals and Minerals Environment, Community welfare, Rural development Titan Industries Ltd. FMCG and Consumer Durables Education, Physically Challenged, Women Wipro Ltd. Information Technology, Software and ITES Environment, Education, Energy Source: Karamayog.org 4 Industry wise breakup: opportunities and bottlenecks 4.1 Information Technology (IT) With the IT sector contributing 7.5 % towards India’s GDP in the financial year 2012 1 , environmental sustainability and climate change will present substantial opportunities and risks for all stakeholders in the IT industry. In this reference, Green IT is defined as: “Optimal use of information and communication technology (ICT) for managing the environmental sustainability of enterprise operations and the supply chain, as well as that of its products, services, and resources, throughout their life cycles”. A report entitled “Green IT: The New Industry Shock Wave” released in 2007 by Gartner Inc., surprised all across the IT circles as it was the first to reveal that the ICT industry accounted for 2% of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to the airlines industry, which had long been perceived as the single largest contributor. The emissions came primarily from data centres housing monitors, servers and other components, which were integral to the operations of IT companies. The report estimating IT's total CO2 emissions to be approximately 600 mega tonnes. Also, the report points out that the IT industry is strategically positioned as it could bring down 98% of CO2 emissions caused by non‐IT industries. This could be possible as the influence of computing and communications technologies that IT commands would help non‐IT companies in myriad industries to bring down their carbon footprints. For example, the non‐IT companies could substitute travel with teleconferencing, reduce employee commutes with telecommuting and minimise transactional delays with e‐ governance. Green IT is thus not about IT industry alone, it is a lot about non‐IT industries discovering ways of sustainable business. At its simplest, Green IT helps IT companies reduce their own carbon footprint while enabling them to reduce the carbon footprint of their clients. According ‘India Green IT survey’ 2 , close to 69% of the respondents admitted that they were aware of the Green IT. Not surprisingly the awareness levels were higher in the MNCs with some 77% admitting to know about the issue. Also a note worth taking is the high awareness levels among the PSUs, some 76% of them said that they were aware of Green IT. Also, the awareness level was the highest among the companies with annual revenues of ` 50‐100 crore, around 79%. Big companies, with annual revenues of over ` 500 crore, came next. Figure 4.1: Awareness level of Green IT in India Source: www.continuityandresilience.com 4.1.1 Opportunities Data centres: Data centres consume an enormous amount of energy, the energy consumed by data centres represents a financial burden on the organizations that operate them, and an infrastructure burden on power utilities. For example, the energy used by 10 megawatt data centre each year in India is equivalent to the energy consumption of 73,000 typical Indian urban houses or equivalent to energy consumed by 17,520 typical Indian cars 3 . Due to such high energy consumption, we are starting to see many “green” data centres powered (at least partially) by renewable sources of energy. These green data centres either draw directly from a nearby renewable power plant or generate their own electricity. Among other advantages, these types of ‘green’ data centre reduce the energy losses involved in power conversion and transmission over long distances. Solar and wind are two of the most promising sources of green energy for data centres, as they are clean and broadly available. Explore Scrutnize Set Goals Policy Plan CSR Policy 77.40% 65.10% 76% 68.80% 22.60% 34.90% 24% 31.30% MNC Indian private ltd… PSU Overall No Yes
  • 12. However, solar and wind has three main limitations today: the space they require, their capital costs and location constraints. Fortunately, predicted improvements in efficiency and reductions in Cost/Watt will alleviate these problems significantly in the future For example, improvements in photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and new PV technologies are expected to triple today’s efficiencies until 2030 4 . Over the same period, the Cost/Watt of PV panels is expected to become less than half of what it is today. For example, according to Central Electricity Regulatory Commission of India, the standard cost of 1 Megawatt solar plant has come down from ` 12 crore/MW to ` 8 MW/crore and is sliding further. In addition, governments currently provide incentives for green energy generation, for example, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) Government of India, provides a capital subsidy of 30% on solar thermal systems 5 . If these incentives continue, cost factor may not be a significant one in the future. These trends suggest that solar and/or wind power will become increasingly attractive, especially for small and medium data centre as they require smaller and cheaper installations. Moreover, solar panels and/or wind turbines can be deployed in small increments for these data centre. Services: Encompasses using information and communication technology (ICT) to improve the environmental sustainability of the products, activities and processes of the enterprise and includes its energy and material efficiency. This involves designing and providing stewardship of products and services while managing and optimizing these resources in an environmentally sensitive way as well as considering how ICT can be used to improve environmental sustainability. Life cycle is particularly important in this, demanding consideration or stewardship from cradle to grave of those things over which the enterprise could reasonably be considered to have influence or choice. That may include managing the full life cycle of the enterprise products, and would certainly include considering the life cycle of the IT equipment being procured. Cooling: Cooling requirement in the IT industry is required for almost all process ranging from data centres, products & services to air conditioning. Use of renewable energy for cooling purposes of the enterprise utilising the CSR fund of the company has the potential to bring down costs as well as reducing CO2 emissions in a big way leading to sustainable business by the enterprise while also fulfilling its CSR obligations. Figure 4.2: CO2 emissions reduction due to 5 % reduction in cooling requirements Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis But the Indian data centres show lower chiller plant efficiency – higher MWh/ton (the lower the MWh/ton the more the efficient is the cooling system), this may be caused by hot and humid conditions and greater use of air cooled chillers rather than water cooled with a cooling tower. Thus improvements in cooling systems for IT industry can provide substantial energy saving. 4.2 Telecom As per the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI) around 1 % of the total GHG emissions in India is from the telecom sector which is around 20 million tonnes of CO2 a year, in contrast the Global GHG emissions from telecom sector is only 0.7 %. Also, the average CO2 emissions per subscriber is India is around 21 Kg when compared to the global average of 8 Kg of CO2 emissions per subscriber. 6 To reduce these emissions, TRAI and the Department of Telecommunications’ (DoT)have issued directives on green telecom, that service providers must ensure at least 50 per cent of telecom towers in rural areas and 20 per cent in urban areas should run on hybrid power – a combination of renewable energy and grid power – by 2015. This should increase to 75 per cent and 33 per cent respectively by 2020. Also, telecom operators have to declare their carbon footprint adopting the formulae and procedures as prescribed by TRAI. The formula is, Figure 4.3: TRAI Formula for Calculation of Carbon Footprint P = consumption of power of the Network element, in KW, grid power is for ‘x’ hrs. , the power from ‘z’ KVA Diesel Generator is for ‘y’ hrs and the efficiency of the generator is ‘η’. The declaration of the carbon footprints is to be half yearly, with the first half yearly report to be submitted by 15th November and the succeeding half yearly report to be submitted by 15th May each year. Also, based on the details of the carbon footprints declared by all telecom operators, operators should aim at carbon emission reduction targets for the mobile network as shown in the graph. Further, all products, equipment and services in the telecom network should be energy and performance assessed and certified “Green Passport” by 2015 7 . TRAI has stated that the Telecommunication Engineering Centre will certify telecom products, equipment and services on the basis of their energy consumption ratings. The directions given by the telecom regulator and approved by DoT have thus necessitated the use of green energy by telecom operators. Figure 4.4: Year wise Carbon emission Reduction aim for telecom operators Source: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI) 4.2.1 Opportunities 1 Infrastructure Sharing: a. Operators can jointly roll out telecom tower sites –both passive and active sharing – which could typically achieve a 30% CAPEX saving accumulated over five years. This will also reduce OPEX by 15% per year by the fifth year 8. b. Active sharing of network infrastructure, which involves the sharing of antennae systems, backhaul transmission systems and base station equipment, will allow operators to save an additional 40% on top of available savings from passive infrastructure sharing. c. Sharing also results in reduction of number of generator sets and telecom masts installed, which leads to reduction in noise, air and visual pollution. Total Consumption •30% of 10MW = 26280 MWh of electricity for cooling Reduction •5 % reduction = 1314 MWh of electricity saved CO2 emmissions •1024 tonnes of reduction in CO2 emissions 5% 8% 12% 17% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 2012-13 2014-15 2016-17 2018-19 C = 0.365 [0.84Px + (0.528 yz /η)] in Tonnes
  • 13. d. For example, Indus Towers, which owns over 120,000 towers, is a three‐way joint venture between Vodafone India, Idea Cellular and Bharti Infratel that owns passive infrastructure shared by the three partners in the 15 circles where the three firms have overlapping operations. 2 Use of Renewable sources of energy: The directives of TRAI and DoT make use of Renewable energy eminent, but even without these directives it makes economic sense for telecom operators to use Renewable energy as the following table illustrates. Figure 4.5: Cost economics for use solar energy in telecom towers Year of reference 2013 2016 Number of towers 480000 55000 0 Percentage of towers that are off‐grid 33.3% 33.3% Percentage of towers that are on‐grid 66.6% 66.6% Number of towers to be converted to hybrid systems 196800 34100 0 Number of tower that are on‐grid 131069 22710 6 Number of tower that are off‐grid 65534 11355 3 Prices to be compared (in INR) Diesel remote 24.31 32.36 Solar without storage 9.81 7.15 Grid (30%) + Diesel remote (70%) 18.79 24.63 Source: IndianPowerSector.com Analysis 4.2.2 Bottlenecks 1 Regulatory issues: TRAI’s recommendation has defined hybrid power as “renewable energy technology and grid”, with no mention of battery as backup, but no technology is sufficient to ensure 24x7 power supplies for telecom operations. Also, the formula used by TRAI for carbon footprint calculations is complex and erratic. For example, the efficiency of a DG set changes over time, usage and loading factor. There is no way to determine the change in efficiency of the DG set. However, since the proposed formula uses the efficiency factor as constant, it would lead to erroneous carbon footprint values. 2 Site constraints and natural resource availability: Not all locations make green power feasible or economical. In most cases, some type of green power supply can be deployed. However, there are areas where this is not an option or the ROI is too high to justify. Furthermore, seasonality variations in temperature and changing meteorological conditions can make it difficult for operators to predict performance and output. 3 Network needs: Renewable energy base stations are primarily deployed in areas where the grid is inconsistent or non‐existent. Under these circumstances, it makes sense for operators to deploy green base stations, as they are the only or most efficient way to provide service to consumers. However, for larger sites in more populated areas where load requirements are high, renewable may not perform as needed. 4 Lack of consistency and global standards: Since the topic of green telecom is broad and encompasses all regions and numerous of ecosystem players, action is being taken on a variety of fronts. While such diverse actions may be useful and may move the ball faster, they also create a challenge in that there is no industry standard for all vendors and operators to meet. 5 Upgrade timeframe: Operators have invested in existing infrastructure, and although it will be replaced over time, they want to get the most out of their investment. Therefore, while upgrading to more efficient equipment may be appealing, it may not be immediately possible. 6 Absence of subsidies for solar telecom towers: MNRE does not grant subsidy to telecom sector for solar installations, which needs to be addressed. 7 Distributed application/site locations hence the cost of installation goes high. 4.3 Real Estate Internationally there are many examples of mandatory green building standards being used to require a compulsory minimum environmental standard that all new development must meet. International evidence suggests that a combination of regulation and incentivizing best practice is the most effective way to drive rapid improvement in the building sector. Mandatory standards for green building usually set a minimum standard and are not intended to outline best practice. In most cases it is important to consider mandatory standards for green building as a baseline that raises the standard from normal practice whilst also providing a platform that we must improve from. In India, the building sector represents about 33% of electricity consumption in Indian, with commercial and residential sector accounting for 8% and 25% respectively. Estimates based on computer simulation models indicate that energy efficient buildings can use 40% to 60% less energy than conventional buildings. It is estimated that the nationwide mandatory enforcement of building efficiency code will yield annual savings of approximately 1.7 billion kWh 9 . The future trend of building sector in India can be seen in the graph and in line with this the electricity consumption is expected to grow at 11‐12 per cent per annum 10 . Figure 4.6: Future Trends of Real Estate Sector in India Source: “Growth of Indian building sector”, 2010 0 50000 100000 150000 2005 2030 MillionSq.Ft. Year Future Trends in Real Estate Retail Hospitality Commercial and office Residential
  • 14. Figure 4.7: Green Buildings in India Source: CII Keeping in mind the growth, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), India launched the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) to provide minimum requirements for energy‐efficient design and construction of buildings and their systems. The code is applicable to buildings or building complexes that have a connected load of 500 kW or greater or a contract demand of 600 kVA or greater. BEE has also developed a Star Rating program for buildings which is based on the actual performance of a building in terms of its specific energy usage in kWh/sq. m/year. This program rates office buildings on a 1‐5 Star scale, with 5 Star labelled buildings being the most efficient. The scheme is propagated on a voluntary basis and the label provided under it is applicable for a period of 5 years from the date of issue. However, since the ratings are limited to only energy efficiency, it cannot be considered a comprehensive green rating program. 4.3.1 Opportunities Sourcing: Green energy procurement should be mandated for all commercial buildings and large residential complexes. For example, under ECBC it is mandatory for all upcoming new hotels, hospitals and large residential complexes to have solar water heating for at least 1/5th of their hot water requirements. Heat recovery systems should also be encouraged for buildings using heating or cooling processes. For example, heat is rejected from the air conditioners condenser to the atmosphere, this waste heat can be recovered and utilized to heat water wherever feasible. “Infosys has employed a mini‐wind farm of 5 turbines of rating 5KW each at its Mangalore campus and also has solar plant installations of 127 KW and 252 KW at its Trivandrum and Jaipur campuses respectively” Investor Demand: Investors are now recognizing the opportunity to profit from green building investments. Pushing investors into this arena have been the same societal forces propelling socially conscious investing – the desire among an increasing share of investors to feel good about the uses to which their capital are devoted. The Responsible Property Investing (RPI) movement advocates “triple bottom line” accounting that tracks environmental and social impacts, as well as the traditional financial returns. RPI is becoming especially common with public pension funds, which account for a large share of real estate ownership in the country. Despite an on‐going debate as to whether green buildings should be viewed as a distinct investment product, the rising prevalence of green real estate funds suggests that a specialized market does indeed exist – close to $2 billion in announced plans worldwide already. Following are the few examples in India. ITC Green Centre, Gurgaon 4.4 FMCG The expected market size for FMCG in India will be 1.7 trillion by 2015 and the industry is expected to grow at the rate of 12% to 17% until 2020 11 . The development of energy‐ efficient manufacturing, environmentally conscious supply chain, ecologically safe products and green marketing are all part of ‘green’ growth for FMCG sector which also leads to sustainable development. 4.4.1 Opportunities Supply Chain: Competition in the global competitive environment has diverted the firms to shift from traditional supply chain to a resourceful and environmental conscious supply chain to sustain effective competitive edge. The sugar industry, for example, has great potential to contribute to our national power grid through the burning of cane fibre, called bagasse, which is a renewable energy source. This industry has a power‐generation potential of 18 GW 12 . Apart from its ability to generate electricity, this industry also have the resources to produce ethanol, which can be used in conjunction with petrol to fuel vehicles and locomotives in our transport and freight industries. Also, a recent survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, showed the increased level of awareness as well as the operational changes taking place as more companies go ‘green’. According to it, 52% of the companies report that they are implementing some form of green‐minded supplier qualification. An additional 39% say that they have plans in the near future. Manufacturing: Manufacturing plants are certified to Environmental Management Systems (ISO 140001) by independent registrars, upon meeting the requirements stated in the ISO Management System standard. Implementing an environmental management system (EMS) is a process by which an organization’s management identifies regulated and unregulated environmental aspects and impacts of its operations, assesses current performance, and develops targets and plans to achieve both significant and incremental environmental improvements. Environmental aspects are human or industrial activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment. Project City Area Rating Hik e in cost (in %) Payback period on cost premiu m (in years) Sohrabji Godrej GBC Hyderabad 20,000 Platinum 18 7 ITC Green Centre Gurgaon 170,000 Platinum 15 6 Spectral Services Noida 15,000 Platinum 8 4 Wipro Gurgaon 175,000 Platinum 8 5 Technopolis Kolkata 72,000 Gold 6 3
  • 15. A green manufacturing model can be like:-- Figure 4.8: Green Manufacturing Model Source: Author’s analysis “ITC Ltd plans to invest ` 100 crore in renewable energy over the next two years. Renewable energy, which currently accounts for about 38 per cent of ITC’s total manufacturing consumption, is estimated to meet up to 50 per cent of its total energy requirement in the next five years. The company has installed close to 70 MW of wind power projects across India and a 90 tonne-per-hour biomass fire boiler at a total investment of approximately ` 400 crore.” Marketing: Green marketing may refer to selling product or rendering services based on environmental benefit. Green Marketing begins with ‘green design’. Most buyer decisions are influenced by the labelling, (green labelling) that states all that makes the product green compliant. Also, the price of green product has to be affordable for the customer to encourage purchase. Industrial differentiation works only when products reduce client’s cost. Most buyers are influenced by advertisement that reflects a company’s commitment to environment. Companies that do green advertisement that tend to portray an image of environmental friendliness, influences their customer purchase decisions. Consumers love to associate themselves with companies that are environmental stewards. When a company communicates this through their advertisements, promotions, publicity and corporate social responsibilities, they are sure to get many loyal customers. According to a study on perception of consumers towards Green FMCG Products, the following results stated in the graph were obtained. Thus inference of the study is clearly in favour of going green for the FMCG sector. Figure 4.9: Awareness of green FMCG products Source: http://academia.edu Green marketing should not be considered as just one more approach to marketing, but has to be pursued with much greater vigour, as it has an environmental and social dimension to it. With the threat of global warming looming large, it is extremely important that green marketing becomes the norm rather than an exception or just a fad. 5 Role of NGOs - Be the Bridge NGOs have, in particular, played an important role in raising environmental concerns, developing awareness of environmental issues and promoting sustainable development. The encouragement of public participation in environmental management through legislation in recent years has also enhanced the role of NGOs and Major Groups. They now undertake a much wider range of activities than simply raising environmental awareness and/or acting as pressure groups. Their activities now include environmental monitoring; promoting environmental education, training and capacity‐building; implementing demonstration projects; conducting advocacy work in partnership with the government; and the promotion of regional and international cooperation on environment. 5.1 NGOs Supporting Green Energy As per the latest data (2.7.2013) out of a total of 49342 NGOs/VOs only 6034 NGOs/VOs are supporting the cause of Renewable energy. “If the potential funds need to be channelized for sustainable development of the nation, NGOs need to evolve innovative ways to support the causes of CSR in a greener way.” Figure 5.1: Share of NGO’s Supporting Green Energy Source: ngo.india.gov.in As mentioned in the New Companies Bill 2012, it has provision of mandatory spending of 2% of the profits of the companies on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The procedure for this CSR spending makes the participation of NGOs vital. The New Companies Bill 2012 stipulates all CSR funds to be channelized through a registered NGO. NGOs to act as the facilitator to achieve the goals of CSR 5.2 Role of NGOs NGO describes a range of groups and organizations from watchdog activist groups and aid agencies to development and policy organizations. Usually defined as organizations that pursue a public interest agenda, rather than commercial interests. Green Manufacturing •Use of Renewable energy. •Environmental Management System. •Years ISO14001 Certified. Waste Reduction Techniques •Process & Product redesign •Substitution •Reduce & Recycling •Remanufacturing •Consume Internally •Prolong Use •Returnable Packaging Results •Low Costs •Lead Times •Hih Quality •Reputation •Product Design •Process Waste •Int’l Sales 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Purchased Green Products Never purchased Green Products Purchase Preen Products regularly Purchased a Green Product only once Product Awareness Survey New & Renewable energy NGOs All other NGOs NGOs Government Agencies Corporates Financing Institutions
  • 16. 5.2.1 Traditional perceived roles 5.2.2 Going Forward in a Greener Way: Recommended Ways for NGOs Going forward, to support the development of the nation in a sustainable way, the roles of NGOs need to be modified and be integrated with the aim of Green Energy CSR. Figure 5.2: Recommended Ways for NGOs for Going Forward 5.3 Suggested Model for Sustainable Development 5.4 Green Energy CSR for Sustainable Development: Be Green in Every Aspect 1. Need to establish institutional framework/mechanism which will facilitate government agencies such as MNRE, MCA, DPE, IICA and Industry Associations: to align with corporate entities which will to define leadership role for NGOs/VOs 2. NGOs/VOs to enhance their skill and competency levels which include technical, financial and regulatory understanding. 3. Sensitization for microfinance and other financial institutions such as SIDBI; towards evolving role of NGOs 4. Ranking system/award to motivate the result oriented good practices of NGO’s 6 Way Forward for Green Energy based CSR • Build awareness among the CEOs and designated CSR Heads regarding best practices for Greener approach to achieving the proposed CSR target. • Such sustainable approach should integrate renewable and energy efficiency based CSR interventions with other specified sub‐sectors for CSR such as Education; Heath; Rural Enterprise; Employment etc. • Bringing together the CSR funds and funds from development partner agencies such as World Bank; UNDP, UNDIO, ADB, JICA and others to make a substantial pool for green energy development for the society • Government agencies like MNRE, BEE, EESL, MOCA, CERC, CEA , Renewable development agencies to provide regulatory framework for green CSR projects to make them viable technically and commercially. • Adoption of international best practices and standards, and carry forward the on‐going dialogue with agencies like GIZ to a fruitful conclusion. • Joint effort of renewable energy development companies to provide required services to build green energy projects • NGOs and VOs from all fields for operation should integrate green energy technologies in their agenda as solution to other verticals of CSR • Need of investment not only in the projects for green power, but also in the R&D of new technology which are required for decentralized generation of quality green power Figure 5.3: CSR Vertical: Need & Impact CSR Vertical Impact Need Better Education Through E‐classes, proper lit schools, evening schools for working elderly Need Electricity Better health Hospitals and moving super specialty hospitals, use of solar cookers to avoid smoke, drinking water purifiers Need Electricity Employment Generation of local employment to stop migrations, providing vocational training to make semi‐skilled and skilled workforce Renewable energy projects are labour intensive and can provide very good local employment opportunities Socio- Economic Development Better irrigation facility, drainage systems, street lighting, supply of power to households, developing small scale business in rural and semi‐urban areas Need Electricity: Off Grid Solutions Environment sustainability Save forest, reduce carbon foot print Usage of green power Setting agendas Negotiating outcomes Conferring Legitimacy Implementing solutions Implementing Sustainable Solutions Fascilitating adoption of greener solutions Conferring Legitimacy Exploring Regulatory Framework Alligning CSR goals with regulations Negotiating Effective Outcomes Funding needed Impact on society Setting CSR Agenda Green Energy Energy Effeciency NGOs/VOs Ministry/ Government Agencies Financing institutions Foundations Corporates
  • 17. • Understanding the fact that in electronic age, growth and prosperity of society in a sustainable way is dependent on the source of energy we are using. The energy requirements should be fulfilled through green technologies for better future and sustainable growth of society. • Green CSR will be the major driver for all the CSR activities as energy is the backbone of any activity in this electronic age. Figure 6.1: Potential Green Energy NGOs IPS estimates by adopting greener ways of CSR the existing 12% of Green Energy NGOs can be increased to as high as 70% 6.1 RECs – Another Potential Mechanism • The REC model if flexible enough to give the option of investing any amount as low as INR 1500 • RECs can be brought from power exchanges (like IEX) and in a way the buyer of REC is supporting the developer based out in some remote area. • Hence REC is a readily available hassle free medium of going green and supporting the nation’s sustainable development. A new innovative idea is not required to find new things it can simply finding a way in the current system and utilize it for benefit of all. Promotion of Voluntary REC Market: • CERC and SERC should allow off‐grid small scale renewable projects to be considered eligible for REC (should include 1 NGO, 1 corporate house under CSR and end users as stake holders). This will make micro – grids more viable and self‐sustainable • Promoting the voluntary REC market can provide the following social benefits to India o The renewable sector growth will be fuelled by the demand , which somewhat slowed down after failure of implementation of RPO o If REC as a market becomes mature, this will provide a new sustainable model to provide green power to people who need it most. The corporate can install renewable projects in rural areas or where there is no availability of grid power at all or only for few hours a day as their CSR. The projects can be made sustainable by providing cheap power to the consumers and claiming RECs on it. o Projects done under CSR should be exempted from paying all kinds of taxes (even on REC income). The profits from such projects should in turn be used for other 9 verticals of CSR. o The REC mechanism already in place with few changes can be a game changer for both corporates willing to do CSR more effectively and also for the society o Allowing corporates to buy REC directly from Re‐Generators, who are supplying power to rural or under –privileged area at a subsidized rate. This will reduce the burden of government from subsidy and also attract more private investment in rural and un‐ electrified areas of country. Disclaimer: We endeavour to provide accurate and updated information; team IPS however does not guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. IPS endorses the analysis done on the data provided through public domain. However no one should act on the report alone without detailed analysis of the domain. 1 NASSCOM, http://www.nasscom.in 2 By Continuity and Resilience (CORE) organisation in 2010; Continuityandresilience.com 3 ECO3 project of BEE & USAID of 2009, http://www.eco3.org/downloads/equivalentmatrix.pdf 4 Technology Roadmap – Solar Photovoltaic Energy, International Energy Agency, 2010. http://www.iea.org. 5 http://mnre.gov.in/file- manager/UserFiles/subsidies_solar_thermal_systems_device s.pdf. 6 http://www.itu-apt.org/gtas11/robert.pdf 7 http://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/CSIII%20NLD%204%201 %2012_0.pdf 8 http://www.itu-apt.org/gtas11/robert.pdf 9 ECO3 project of BEE & USAID of 2009. 10 “Growth of Indian building sector”, 2010. 11 Schneider ElectricTM 12 MNRE, Government of India. NGO break-up Green Energy NGOs Other NGOs "Corporate social responsibility is a hard-edged business decision. Not because it is a nice thing to do or because people are forcing us to do it... because it is good for our business" - Niall Fitzerald, Former CEO, Unilever "A good company delivers excellent products and services, and a great company does all that and strives to make the world a better place." - William Ford Jr., Chairman, Ford Motor Co. “The business of business should not be about money. It should be about responsibility. It should be about public good, not private greed” – Anita Roddick, Founder, Body Shop
  • 18. About INDIANPOWERSECTOR.COM IPS is a young and dynamic organisation promoted by alumni of National Power Training Institute (Ministry of Power).The website is maintained by the parent company Power Plus Consultants. In its three years of operation since 2010, it has become India’s premier knowledge portal for 360 degrees coverage of power sector. The portal provides free for all knowledge, also it reaches to the subscribers through daily newsletters. The core expertise of the team of Power Managers lies in regulatory advisory and market analysis. Services offered under the banner of Power Plus Consultants include • Renewable Market Analysis • Renewable Project Development • Regulatory Advisory • Power Sector Analysis • Energy Portfolio Management • Market Intelligence • Strategic Alliances Team IPS believes in educating and updating all the stake holders in the energy sector with the latest national and international news updates and market analysis. In the continuous effort to promote and generate awareness about power sector IPS has multiple strategic alliances with national and international knowledge portals and associations. Team IPS consists of young dynamic power managers and retired government officials as mentors to support the vision of IPS. IPS plans to conduct workshops on solar awareness, Voluntary REC markets, and Off- Grid solutions in the future. Re-Mark IPS is associated to team RE-Mark for promoting the Green awareness amongst corporate and its consumers and bring RE-Change to the world. RE-Mark is India’s first RE label that communicates a company’s dedication to renewable energy in a way that is simple and intuitive enough to guide consumer behavior. About Sharp Developments SD is a non-governmental development organisation registered (1993) under the Societies Registration Act 1860. For nearly two decades, SD has been a leading NGO working in the following areas- • Low Carbon Technologies • Energy Efficiency • Renewable Energy • Energy and Environmental Management • Rural Development • Technology Transfer • Capacity Building and Training • Corporate Social Responsibility. SD is deeply committed to objectives of sustainable development in India and its organizational objectives are fully aligned to support Government of India’s mandate to ensure equitable growth objectives balancing environmental and economic development. SD supports national objectives as laid out in the Five Year Plan document and is currently focused on various programs being undertaken by respective agencies and ministries such as the Planning Commission; Ministry of Environment and Forests; Ministry on New and Renewable Energy; Ministry of Power; Ministry of Science & Technology; Ministry of Water Resources and various state governments. Equally focused are organizational objectives to support such sustainable growth through education; training and capacity building. International Centre for Innovation, Learning and Development (ICfILD) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at SD is implemented through the International Centre for Innovation, Learning and Development (ICfILD). Our multi-disciplinary team of advisors brings together global experience and best practices which help us recommend relevant CSR interventions. We serve as a competent CSR advisory and partner to companies across all sectors. Our team specializes in creating and implementing sustainable CSR strategies that are aligned to evolving business needs and objectives of our clients.