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Make Your Site W k H d
M k Y     Si Work Harder
Simple Tips to Get More From Your Google Analytics Account
                                     g       y

                      Jeff Sauer
               Three Deep Marketing
Why Google Analytics?
www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
It s
It s
It s
It s
        It’s on 50% of the world’s websites*
                           world s
*According to Google, Google Analytics is on 50% of the Alexa top 1 Million Websites
What can I do with Google Analytics?
    •   Track Social Media
    •   Track E il
        T k Emails
    •   Customize Your Dashboards
    •   Block Internal Traffic
    •   Set Up Goals and Goal Funnels
    •   Website and URL Structure
    •   Link Adwords with Analytics
    •   Improve Site Search
    •   Segment Traffic
    •   Track Events
www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Track Social Media
Is Social Media Working?

        Problem: W know we need to do Social
        P bl        We k              dt d S i l
        Media, so we have a presence on
        Facebook and T itt
        F    b k d Twitter… but I have no
                                  b t h
        idea if this generates incremental visitors,
        l d or sales on my website
                     l            b it

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Social Media Tracking
       How Do I Track the Social Media Traffic To My Website?

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Step 1: Building a Tracking URL

                                             Facebook or
                                             Twitter or

Google Analytics URL Builder: bit.ly/GAURLBuilder
Step 2: Use Your Tracking URL
Add your Tracking URL to each message

Step 3: Segment Social Media Traffic
    Create advanced segments to track social media visits

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Social Media Tracking in Action

                                                       Social Media
                                                              had 15
                                                         this month!

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Benefits of Tracking Social Media
     Tracking Social Media in GA will:
         •     Help you understand how social media
               visitors behave on your website
         •     Allow you to fine tune your messages to
               match your goals
         •     Establish
               E t bli h accountability f your social media
                                  t bilit for     i l   di
               campaigns and allow them to be compared
               to other traffic sources

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Track Emails
Are emails generating revenue?

         Problem: I know all about the open and
         interaction rates of the emails I’m sending,
         but I don’t know how much money they’re

         How can I track the ROI of individual
         emails, and my entire email program?

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Improperly Coded Email Traffic
    Why does my email traffic show up as a referral or a
    direct visit?

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Step 1: Add tracking to URLs

Using the URL builder, generate a unique tracking string for all URLs in your email. Add these to
your email as you would all URLs.

*If you link to a domain other than one you own, and you do not have access to that site’s
analytics, you do not need to add tracking to those URLs (i.e. Facebook, YouTube).

Google Analytics URL Builder: bit.ly/GAURLBuilder
Step 2: Filter site traffic by email
     Select Campaigns from Traffic Sources

                                     Filter by Medium

                                     Look for ‘Email’ in the list

                                      Select the Ecommerce tab to see revenue, goals tab to see goals
                                      *Make sure ecommerce tracking is set up properly beforehand

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Properly Attributed Email Reports
I can see exactly which email campaign performed the best
Benefits of Email Tracking

Tracking Email Marketing will:
  •   Assist in measurement of the ROI of your email
      program in online retail
  •   Allow you to start determining the effectiveness of
      your email campaigns RIGHT NOW
  •   Will not replace the reports provided by your ESP
      (Email Service Provider), but it can enhance and
      inform your email program with respect to:

         • A/B testing
         • Geographic campaign traction and penetration
         • Consumer interest and preference
Customize Your Dashboards
Right Metrics, Right Time

        Problem: Wh I installed G
        P bl       When i t ll d Google    l
        Analytics, they created a dashboard for
        me, b t th t d hb d d
             but that dashboard doesn’t show me
                                       ’t h
        the information that matters for MY
        business and I d ’t h
        b i          d don’t have ti
                                   time t di i
                                         to dig in
        and find what I need

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Typical Dashboard View
    This information is easy to read, but what does it mean?
    Is this good? Bad? Average?
            g                  g

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Step 1: Add Reports to Dashboard
   You can add any report or views to your custom dashboard!

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Step 2 (optional): Compare to Past
Add the “Compare to Past” feature for your analytics to
provide g
        greater depth to y
                  p      your reports

 Pro Tip: You can also apply advanced segments,
 report on goals and add e-commerce revenue to your
 dashboard if they are applied to your report
Step 3: Email Dashboards
     Once your dashboard is properly configured, you can share
     with members of your organizations by sending the dashboard
     directly to their inbox

                                                             Send as PDF to
                                                           Individuals, Other
                                                       Formats for automation

                                                       Send as often
                                                          as needed

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Customized Dashboard View

Compare last
analytics with
current to
growth and
     th d

See where
sales are                                    Discover if
coming from                                  revenue is
and h
  d how your                            increasing and
sales                                     when orders
conversions                             are most likely
are                                        to be placed
   f    i
Benefits of Custom Dashboards
     Customizing your dashboard will:
          • P id you a quick overview of th
            Provide             i k      i    f the
            performance of the metrics most important to
            you business
            your bus ess
          • Can be emailed to you daily, weekly, monthly
            and quarterly
          • Can provide comparisons to performance in
            previous days, weeks, months
          • All
            Allows for flexibility as your b i
                   f fl ibilit             business grows
            and changes

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Block Internal Traffic
Visitors Aren’t Really Visitors

        Problem: E
        P bl       Everybody i our company
                         b d in
        uses our corporate website as their
        homepage and I’ not sure if our t ffi
        h             d I’m t            traffic
        reports are accurate

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Filter Internal Traffic

     Is this really an accurate visitor count?

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Step 1: Find your IP address

     Whatismyip com

                                                       86 75 30 909

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Step 2: Filter out IP address


Choose the
profile you
want this
filter for
Properly Filtered Traffic

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Benefits of Traffic Filtering

     Filtering Internal Traffic will:
          • Allow you to see exactly who visited your site
          • Make reporting more actionable by showing a
            true picture of what happened on your site
          • Bring the best metrics to the forefront and
            keep reporting on track

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Set Up Goals and Goal Funnels
What is the Value of my Website?

        Problem: I have had this website for
        years and I’m not sure if it is generating
        new business for my company

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
What does it mean?
All of this information
and I don’t know what
       don t
it means!
Determine Your Goals

  Examples of common website g
      p                      goals include:
       • Ecommerce Transactions
       • Completion of a form (lead collection or
         newsletter opt-ins)
       • Visitors downloading a whitepaper or p
                               g        p p      product
       • Visitor engagement ( g comment, adding or
                   g g          (blog         ,      g
         editing a profile, time-on-site, pageviews)

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Step 1: Decide What to Measure
Product Locator Usage   Tool Usage    Time Spent on Site

                                      Page Views

Site Registration
                                     Sweepstakes Entry
Step 2: Map Conversion Process
Determine your path to success; your goal funnel

Paid Search Ad
We are offering 50% off on our 
site! Take a look! 
www ourcompany com

                                        Thank you! 
  Pro Tip: Make sure that each
  URL in the funnel is unique
Step 3: Configure Goals and Funnels

Registration Conversion
Step 4: See Results
Visitors entering funnel step
                                Visitors abandoning funnel step

                                                Where did
                                                 they go?

                                             Why did they
Let’s Make it a Success
        There is more than one path to success for
        your website!

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Benefits of Goal Tracking

     Defining and Tracking Goals will:
          • Assist you in setting up funnels to determine
            where visitors drop off on your site
          • H l you establish value f actions t k on
            Help         t bli h l for ti           taken
            your website
          • Allow you to report on the performance of
            each individual traffic driver to your site
          • Enable you to report on engagement metrics
                     y        p          g g
            like time on site and total page views
          • Let you report on up to 20 specific actions

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Website and URL Structure
Page URLs Not User Friendly

        Problem: Dynamic URLs don’t make any
        sense when they show up in my Analytics
        reports and it makes it really hard to do

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Step 1: Identify the Problem
   These all look the same, I have no idea which page
   is which?

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Step 2: Establish Page URL Structure

     Your Site should have a URL structure that
      reflects the pages, not query string ID's

          – www.example.com/Products/Product.aspx?ProductId

          – www.example.com /Total-

     Which is easier to read? Which URL would
      be easier to identify in Google Analytics?
                          y       g       y

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Step 3: Fix Your URLs
     There are many ways to fix your URLs
          • Ch
            Change URL structure i your CMS
                           t t     in
          • Custom Page Names (using
            pageTracker._trackPageview(“fixed rl")
            pageTracker trackPage ie (“fi ed url"); )
          • Friendly URL rewrites (.htaccess for Linux
            servers IIS for Windows servers)

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Easy to Read URLs
      I know exactly which page I am analyzing now

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Benefits of Easy to Read URLs

     Making your URLs easy to read will:
         •     Make page level analysis much easier and
         •     Help with Organic SEO (search engines
               don t
               don’t like to read dynamic URLs either!)
         •     Minimize opportunity for errors in analysis
         •     Allow for better grouping of pages in custom

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Link Adwords with Analytics
What is my paid search ROI?

       Problem: I think that my Google AdW d
       P bl        thi k th t    G    l AdWords
       is successful because I get leads from my
       website, b t I h
           b it but have no id what
                              idea h t
       keywords are the most valuable and ROI
       is t i
       i not in my vocabulary
                         b l

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Enhance Your Search Marketing
      Without Linking AdWords, my keyword reports
      can b b i
          be boring

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Step 1: Link Your AdWords to Analytics

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AdWords Reports in Google Analytics

         AdWords reporting provides standard analytics metrics at a 
                 campaign, ad group, and keyword level
                 campaign ad group and keyword level
                             (Traffic Sources > AdWords > Campaigns)
www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Day Parting AdWords in GA

                  Day Part reports shows AdWords performance 
                             based on the time of day. 
                              (Traffic Sources > AdWords > Day Parts)

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Position Analysis in Google Analytics

    Keyword Position report gives insight into how keywords perform at 
        different ad positions on the search engine results pages 
                         (Traffic Sources > AdWords > Keyword Positions)
                         (Traffic Sources > AdWords > Keyword Positions)

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Benefits of Linking AdWords with GA
     Linking AdWords to Analytics will:
          • Integrate standard AdWords metrics into the
            Google Analytics interface, including: Clicks,
            Impressions, Costs and ROI
                p        ,
          • Hold your AdWords keywords to a greater level of
          • All
            Allow you t i
                       to increase conversion rates and l
                                           i     t     d lower
          • Enable you to tightly control your ad budget by
            only bidding on keywords that produce positive

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Improve Site Search
What are they hoping to find?

       Problem: I have a search box on my
       website, yet I have no idea if people use
       it, why they use it, and how they use it

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What do they want? Are they finding it?
      What do people search for on my website?

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Step 1: Configure Site Search

   Pro Tip: All you need to configure is enter the search query parameter from your 
   search results page URL.  This is typically something like ?q=keyword or 
        h       l             hi i      i ll        hi lik ? k         d
www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Dig Into Site Search Data

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Benefits of Site Search Reports

     Configuring Site Search will:
     • Allow you to improve navigation of your
     • Get your visitors deeper into the content of
       your site
     • Help you measure how the search
       functionality effects the user’s experience
                                 user s
     • Identify low hanging fruit on your website
       design and information architecture

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Segment Traffic
Let’s Get Specific

        Problem: When I look at the reports for
        my website, the numbers rarely change
        and I wouldn’t know what to do with it if
              wouldn t
        they did

        “Don’t Puke Data… Focus your analytical and
        reporting efforts on ‘What's Changed’. “
        -Avinash Kaushik

            k   hik t/ i      h
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Step 1: Create an Advanced Segment

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Step 2: Enter Segment Criteria

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Example: Organic Search Twin Cities

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Example: Paid Facebook Ads

     •   Set up Multiple Profiles
     •   Use Analytics Intelligence
     •   Create Advanced S
         C t Ad          d Segments t
     •   Track E-Commerce Conversions
     •   Make Tracking SEO Friendly

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Apply Advanced Segments to Reports
     Even though it’s a small percentage of visits, Twin Cities
     Organic Traffic Performs Very Well!

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Benefits of Advanced Segments

     Using Advanced Segments will:
     • Enable you to provide true insights instead
       of presenting data
     • Increase your chances of finding
       information th t will genuinely i
       i f     ti that ill       i l impact your
     • Allow you to drill down and go three levels

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Track Events
Can’t Track Clicks to Non-Pages

     Problem: Measuring page views is greatgreat,
     but we also want to track interactions with
     our flash elements video interactions
               elements,        interactions,
     outbound clicks and more

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Event Tracking
     Who interacted with this flash movie?

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Step 1: Plan Event Tracking Strategy

     1 Define the events you want to track
     2. Enable Event Tracking in your reporting
     3. For each set of events, create an event
        i t
     4. Call _trackEvent() in the web page
        source code

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Step 2: Configure Event Tracking

     For each event you’d like to track, add the
     following code:
     <a href="http://www.facebook.com/threedeepmarketing"
                 p                            p        g
     onClick="pageTracker._trackEvent(‘Social Links', 'Click',
     'Facebook');">Check us out on Facebook</a>

      Comprehensive guide to event tracking: bit.ly/GAEventTracking

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Event Tracking Results

     • Event Tracking is used to track events that
       cannot be tracked by the standard page
       view method of tracking
     • Examples of Event Tracking use cases
          – Items within a Flash element
          – AJAX or JavaScript functionality
          – PDF or other file downloads

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
Benefits of Event Tracking
     Configuring event tracking will:
       • Allow you to track events that happen on your
         site that don’t generate pageviews, like in
         Fl h moviesi
       • Give insight into who left your site to external
       • Allow you to report on downloads of content
         from your site like PDF files
       • Enable tracking of video views, plays, pauses
         and more

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
What can I do with Google Analytics?
    •   Track Social Media
    •   Track E il
        T k Emails
    •   Customize Your Dashboards
    •   Block Internal Traffic
    •   Set Up Goals and Goal Funnels
    •   Website and URL Structure
    •   Link Adwords with Analytics
    •   Improve Site Search
    •   Segment Traffic
    •   Track Events
www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
What Else Can I Do?

     • Set up Multiple Profiles Using Filters
     • Use Analytics Intelligence
     • Track E-Commerce Conversions
     • Make Tracking SEO Friendly using # in
     • Benchmark Your Site vs. Industry
     • A/B and Multivariate Tests with Google Website

www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep

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Google Analytics: Make Your Site Work Harder from MIMA Summit

  • 1. Make Your Site W k H d M k Y Si Work Harder Simple Tips to Get More From Your Google Analytics Account g y Jeff Sauer Three Deep Marketing www.threedeepmarketing.com 651-789-7701 @jeffsauer @threedeep #mimasummit
  • 6. It s It’s on 50% of the world’s websites* world s *According to Google, Google Analytics is on 50% of the Alexa top 1 Million Websites
  • 7. What can I do with Google Analytics? • Track Social Media • Track E il T k Emails • Customize Your Dashboards • Block Internal Traffic • Set Up Goals and Goal Funnels • Website and URL Structure • Link Adwords with Analytics • Improve Site Search • Segment Traffic • Track Events www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 9. Is Social Media Working? Problem: W know we need to do Social P bl We k dt d S i l Media, so we have a presence on Facebook and T itt F b k d Twitter… but I have no b t h idea if this generates incremental visitors, leads l d or sales on my website l b it www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 10. Social Media Tracking How Do I Track the Social Media Traffic To My Website? www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 11. Step 1: Building a Tracking URL Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn Google Analytics URL Builder: bit.ly/GAURLBuilder
  • 12. Step 2: Use Your Tracking URL Add your Tracking URL to each message /?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=so cialmedia&utm_campaign=Twitterfeed &utm_content=Twitter
  • 13. Step 3: Segment Social Media Traffic Create advanced segments to track social media visits www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 14. Social Media Tracking in Action Social Media had 15 conversions this month! www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 15. Benefits of Tracking Social Media Tracking Social Media in GA will: • Help you understand how social media visitors behave on your website • Allow you to fine tune your messages to match your goals • Establish E t bli h accountability f your social media t bilit for i l di campaigns and allow them to be compared to other traffic sources www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 17. Are emails generating revenue? Problem: I know all about the open and interaction rates of the emails I’m sending, but I don’t know how much money they’re generating. How can I track the ROI of individual emails, and my entire email program? www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 18. Improperly Coded Email Traffic Why does my email traffic show up as a referral or a direct visit? www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 19. Step 1: Add tracking to URLs Using the URL builder, generate a unique tracking string for all URLs in your email. Add these to your email as you would all URLs. *If you link to a domain other than one you own, and you do not have access to that site’s analytics, you do not need to add tracking to those URLs (i.e. Facebook, YouTube). Google Analytics URL Builder: bit.ly/GAURLBuilder
  • 20. Step 2: Filter site traffic by email Select Campaigns from Traffic Sources Filter by Medium Look for ‘Email’ in the list Select the Ecommerce tab to see revenue, goals tab to see goals *Make sure ecommerce tracking is set up properly beforehand www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 21. Properly Attributed Email Reports I can see exactly which email campaign performed the best
  • 22. Benefits of Email Tracking Tracking Email Marketing will: • Assist in measurement of the ROI of your email program in online retail • Allow you to start determining the effectiveness of your email campaigns RIGHT NOW • Will not replace the reports provided by your ESP (Email Service Provider), but it can enhance and inform your email program with respect to: • A/B testing • Geographic campaign traction and penetration • Consumer interest and preference
  • 24. Right Metrics, Right Time Problem: Wh I installed G P bl When i t ll d Google l Analytics, they created a dashboard for me, b t th t d hb d d but that dashboard doesn’t show me ’t h the information that matters for MY business and I d ’t h b i d don’t have ti time t di i to dig in and find what I need www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 25. Typical Dashboard View This information is easy to read, but what does it mean? Is this good? Bad? Average? g g www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 26. Step 1: Add Reports to Dashboard You can add any report or views to your custom dashboard! www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 27. Step 2 (optional): Compare to Past Add the “Compare to Past” feature for your analytics to p provide g greater depth to y p your reports p Pro Tip: You can also apply advanced segments, report on goals and add e-commerce revenue to your dashboard if they are applied to your report
  • 28. Step 3: Email Dashboards Once your dashboard is properly configured, you can share with members of your organizations by sending the dashboard directly to their inbox Send as PDF to Individuals, Other Formats for automation Send as often as needed www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 29. Customized Dashboard View Compare last month’s th’ analytics with current to determine growth and th d change See where sales are Discover if coming from revenue is and h d how your increasing and sales when orders conversions are most likely are to be placed performing f i
  • 30. Benefits of Custom Dashboards Customizing your dashboard will: • P id you a quick overview of th Provide i k i f the performance of the metrics most important to you business your bus ess • Can be emailed to you daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly • Can provide comparisons to performance in previous days, weeks, months • All Allows for flexibility as your b i f fl ibilit business grows and changes www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 32. Visitors Aren’t Really Visitors Problem: E P bl Everybody i our company b d in uses our corporate website as their homepage and I’ not sure if our t ffi h d I’m t traffic reports are accurate www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 33. Filter Internal Traffic Is this really an accurate visitor count? y www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 34. Step 1: Find your IP address Whatismyip.com Whatismyip com 86 75 30 909 www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 35. Step 2: Filter out IP address Company‐block.com Choose the profile you want this filter for CompanyNo‐Block.com Company‐Block.com
  • 37. Benefits of Traffic Filtering Filtering Internal Traffic will: • Allow you to see exactly who visited your site • Make reporting more actionable by showing a true picture of what happened on your site • Bring the best metrics to the forefront and keep reporting on track www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 38. Set Up Goals and Goal Funnels
  • 39. What is the Value of my Website? Problem: I have had this website for years and I’m not sure if it is generating new business for my company www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 40. What does it mean? All of this information and I don’t know what don t it means!
  • 41. Determine Your Goals Examples of common website g p goals include: • Ecommerce Transactions • Completion of a form (lead collection or newsletter opt-ins) • Visitors downloading a whitepaper or p g p p product brochure • Visitor engagement ( g comment, adding or g g (blog , g editing a profile, time-on-site, pageviews) www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 42. Step 1: Decide What to Measure Product Locator Usage Tool Usage Time Spent on Site Page Views Site Registration Sweepstakes Entry
  • 43. Step 2: Map Conversion Process Determine your path to success; your goal funnel Paid Search Ad We are offering 50% off on our  site! Take a look!  www.ourcompany.com www ourcompany com Thank you!  Pro Tip: Make sure that each p URL in the funnel is unique
  • 44. Step 3: Configure Goals and Funnels Registration Conversion
  • 45. Step 4: See Results Visitors entering funnel step Visitors abandoning funnel step Where did they go? Why did they leave?
  • 46. Let’s Make it a Success There is more than one path to success for your website! www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 47. Benefits of Goal Tracking Defining and Tracking Goals will: • Assist you in setting up funnels to determine where visitors drop off on your site • H l you establish value f actions t k on Help t bli h l for ti taken your website • Allow you to report on the performance of each individual traffic driver to your site • Enable you to report on engagement metrics y p g g like time on site and total page views • Let you report on up to 20 specific actions www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 48. Website and URL Structure
  • 49. Page URLs Not User Friendly Problem: Dynamic URLs don’t make any sense when they show up in my Analytics reports and it makes it really hard to do www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 50. Step 1: Identify the Problem These all look the same, I have no idea which page is which? www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 51. Step 2: Establish Page URL Structure Your Site should have a URL structure that reflects the pages, not query string ID's – www.example.com/Products/Product.aspx?ProductId =46116ccf-816b-4c09-a7e0-1b3oc1aech – www.example.com /Total- Stage/Preschooler/Education-Materials.aspx Which is easier to read? Which URL would be easier to identify in Google Analytics? y g y www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 52. Step 3: Fix Your URLs There are many ways to fix your URLs • Ch Change URL structure i your CMS t t in • Custom Page Names (using pageTracker._trackPageview(“fixed rl") pageTracker trackPage ie (“fi ed url"); ) • Friendly URL rewrites (.htaccess for Linux servers, servers IIS for Windows servers) www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 53. Easy to Read URLs I know exactly which page I am analyzing now www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 54. Benefits of Easy to Read URLs Making your URLs easy to read will: • Make page level analysis much easier and effective • Help with Organic SEO (search engines don t don’t like to read dynamic URLs either!) • Minimize opportunity for errors in analysis • Allow for better grouping of pages in custom reporting www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 55. Link Adwords with Analytics
  • 56. What is my paid search ROI? Problem: I think that my Google AdW d P bl thi k th t G l AdWords is successful because I get leads from my website, b t I h b it but have no id what idea h t keywords are the most valuable and ROI is t i i not in my vocabulary b l www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 57. Enhance Your Search Marketing Without Linking AdWords, my keyword reports can b b i be boring www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 58. Step 1: Link Your AdWords to Analytics www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 59. AdWords Reports in Google Analytics AdWords reporting provides standard analytics metrics at a  campaign, ad group, and keyword level campaign ad group and keyword level (Traffic Sources > AdWords > Campaigns) www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 60. Day Parting AdWords in GA Day Part reports shows AdWords performance  based on the time of day.  (Traffic Sources > AdWords > Day Parts) www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 61. Position Analysis in Google Analytics Keyword Position report gives insight into how keywords perform at  different ad positions on the search engine results pages  (Traffic Sources > AdWords > Keyword Positions) (Traffic Sources > AdWords > Keyword Positions) www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 62. Benefits of Linking AdWords with GA Linking AdWords to Analytics will: • Integrate standard AdWords metrics into the Google Analytics interface, including: Clicks, Impressions, Costs and ROI p , • Hold your AdWords keywords to a greater level of accountability • All Allow you t i to increase conversion rates and l i t d lower expenses • Enable you to tightly control your ad budget by only bidding on keywords that produce positive ROI www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 64. What are they hoping to find? Problem: I have a search box on my website, yet I have no idea if people use it, why they use it, and how they use it www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 65. What do they want? Are they finding it? What do people search for on my website? www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 66. Step 1: Configure Site Search Pro Tip: All you need to configure is enter the search query parameter from your  search results page URL.  This is typically something like ?q=keyword or  h l hi i i ll hi lik ? k d &search=keyword www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 67. Dig Into Site Search Data www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 68. Benefits of Site Search Reports Configuring Site Search will: • Allow you to improve navigation of your site • Get your visitors deeper into the content of your site • Help you measure how the search functionality effects the user’s experience user s • Identify low hanging fruit on your website design and information architecture www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 70. Let’s Get Specific Problem: When I look at the reports for my website, the numbers rarely change and I wouldn’t know what to do with it if wouldn t they did “Don’t Puke Data… Focus your analytical and reporting efforts on ‘What's Changed’. “ -Avinash Kaushik www.kaushik.net/avinash k hik t/ i h www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 71. Step 1: Create an Advanced Segment www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 72. Step 2: Enter Segment Criteria www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 73. Example: Organic Search Twin Cities www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 74. Example: Paid Facebook Ads • Set up Multiple Profiles • Use Analytics Intelligence • Create Advanced S C t Ad d Segments t • Track E-Commerce Conversions • Make Tracking SEO Friendly www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 75. Apply Advanced Segments to Reports Even though it’s a small percentage of visits, Twin Cities Organic Traffic Performs Very Well! www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 76. Benefits of Advanced Segments Using Advanced Segments will: • Enable you to provide true insights instead of presenting data • Increase your chances of finding information th t will genuinely i i f ti that ill i l impact your t business • Allow you to drill down and go three levels deep www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 78. Can’t Track Clicks to Non-Pages Problem: Measuring page views is greatgreat, but we also want to track interactions with our flash elements video interactions elements, interactions, outbound clicks and more www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 79. Event Tracking Who interacted with this flash movie? www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 80. Step 1: Plan Event Tracking Strategy 1. 1 Define the events you want to track 2. Enable Event Tracking in your reporting profile 3. For each set of events, create an event instance i t 4. Call _trackEvent() in the web page source code www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 81. Step 2: Configure Event Tracking For each event you’d like to track, add the following code: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/threedeepmarketing" p p g onClick="pageTracker._trackEvent(‘Social Links', 'Click', 'Facebook');">Check us out on Facebook</a> Comprehensive guide to event tracking: bit.ly/GAEventTracking www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 82. Event Tracking Results • Event Tracking is used to track events that cannot be tracked by the standard page view method of tracking • Examples of Event Tracking use cases include: – Items within a Flash element – AJAX or JavaScript functionality – PDF or other file downloads www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 83. Benefits of Event Tracking Configuring event tracking will: • Allow you to track events that happen on your site that don’t generate pageviews, like in Flash Fl h moviesi • Give insight into who left your site to external websites • Allow you to report on downloads of content from your site like PDF files site, • Enable tracking of video views, plays, pauses and more www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 84. What can I do with Google Analytics? • Track Social Media • Track E il T k Emails • Customize Your Dashboards • Block Internal Traffic • Set Up Goals and Goal Funnels • Website and URL Structure • Link Adwords with Analytics • Improve Site Search • Segment Traffic • Track Events www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep
  • 85. What Else Can I Do? • Set up Multiple Profiles Using Filters • Use Analytics Intelligence • Track E-Commerce Conversions • Make Tracking SEO Friendly using # in campaigns • Benchmark Your Site vs. Industry • A/B and Multivariate Tests with Google Website Optimizer www.threedeepmarketing.com | @jeffsauer | @threedeep