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Global Energy Technology Group Inc  Corporate Overview 2009
Global Energy Technology Group Acquire funding for the acquisition of up to (23) farms totaling approximately 3000 acres in Desert Center, CA to develop Renewable Energy Projects. Purchase or secure an additional 20,000 Acres of farms available for lease for Wind, Solar and Biodiesel utilizing Jatropha Curcas trees.  Objectives
JATROPHA Jatropha Curcas  is a drought resistant, disease resistant perennial, which grows well in marginal to poor soil. It is indigenous to soil, grows relatively quickly, it is not generally browsed by animals and livestock, producing seeds for up to 50 years. Depending on rainfall and soil quality, Jatropha trees begin producing oil bearing seeds two years after planting. Considering all the aspects available among non-edible Tree Bearing Oil (TBO) seeds, Jatropha curcas has been identified as the most suitable seed for extraction of oil and subsequent processing of Biodiesel. The Jatropha oil is to be obtained from Jatropha Curcas trees grown on plantations in CA. Jatropha is an oilseed tree that grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions, producing high yields of inedible vegetable oil that can be easily refined into high quality biodiesel.
Projected Growth
Available Properties in Desert Center, CA
1)100 AC | Farmland   $350,000.00 $3,500 per acre 100 acres 2) 300 AC | Farmland   $1,250,000.00 $4,166 per acre 300 acres 3) 179.00 AC | Fish and Date Farm $1,252,800.00 $6,998 per acre  179.00 acres 4) 640 AC | Farmland $2,240,000.00 $3,500 per acre 640 acres 5) 131 AC | Agriculture Acreage $589,500.00 $4,500 per acre 131 acres 6) 400AC | Farm $1,800,000.00 $4,500 per acre 400 acres 7) 112 AC | Fish/Palm Tree Farm $900,000.00 $8,035 per acre 112 acres All numbers are based on Best Case  Assumptions and are not ACTUAL numbers quoted above. Farm Purchase Opportunities $6,652,300.00 2478.32 Acres 3895.20 Per Acre
All  properties will be updated and  developed with the necessary buildings, irrigation, farm rows and fish farms  to propagate jatropha and other bio diesel crops in mass quantities.
Company Summary   Global Energy Technology Group, Inc. a Nevada Corporation, will concentrate its efforts in Desert Center, California The Company’s area of interest is located on Interstate 10 between the hottest “ Renewable Energy Triangle ” projects in the World. The properties are situated 60 Miles North of Warren Buffets, Imperial Valley Geothermal Plant (MidAmerican Energy Holdings), 50 Miles east of one of the largest Wind Farms in the US and 50 miles south of the World’s Largest Solar Facility.  Global also has plans that will include Solar and Wind Energy developments on the property.  Jatropha is the premier fuel-stock for bio-diesel that can be mass produced on the planet.  Jatropha Curcas  is a non-edible fuel stock. Its growth and use will not affect the price of food stocks, such as corn, grain, or sugar, which are currently being used to fuel cars today.  Jatropha is a drought and pest resistant perennial that can grow well in marginal to poor soil. It is easy to establish and can grow relatively quickly. Jatropha plants can produce seeds for up to 40 years and longer.
  Biodiesel Fuel   Biodiesel Fuel – Energy that you Grow The concept dates back to 1885 when Dr. Rudolph Diesel built the first diesel engine with the full intention of running it on a vegetative source. In 1970 scientists discovered that the viscosity of vegetable oil could be reduced in a simple chemical process called transesterification and that it could work well in the modern diesel engine.  This fuel is called Biodiesel. Biodiesel produces 37% less carbon monoxide, 78% less carbon dioxide, 100% less sulfur dioxide emissions and 84% less particulate matter. It provides a 90% reduction in cancer risks.  Biodiesel is cheaper than mineral oil diesel.  Biodiesel can be used alone or in any ratio with mineral oil diesel to fuel any diesel engine; the diesel engine does not need to be modified in any way to run on bio diesel.  Biodiesel extends the life of diesel engines.
Capital Markets Biofuels Capital Markets Climate change worries coupled with high oil prices and increasing government support top a set of drivers fueling soaring rates of investment in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, according to a trend analysis report from the UN Environment Programme. Investors Flock to Renewable Energy and Efficiency Technologies  The report says investment capital flowing into renewable energy climbed from $80 billion in 2005 to a record $100 billion in 2006. As well, the renewable energy sector's growth &quot;although still volatile ... is showing no sign of abating.“ Increasing investment in renewable energy is evidenced by $71 billion invested into companies and new sector opportunities in 2006, a 43% jump from 2005 (and up 158% over the last two years. The trend has continued in 2008 with investments estimated at $185 billion).  BP and D1 Oils Form Joint Venture to Develop Jatropha Biodiesel Feedstock  Under the terms of the agreement, BP and D1 Oils intend to invest around $160 million over the next five years. D1 Oils will contribute into the joint venture their 172,000 hectares of existing plantations  Virgin CEO Richard Branson, Pledges $3 Billion to Alternative Energy to Combat Global Warming -  Along with investing $3 billion in alternative fuels over the next four years, he's also hard at work developing a new kind of fuel.
Benefits of Jatropha Biodiesel Easy to Cultivate – Long Productive Life  – The Jatropha plant is undemanding of soil type and grows producing seeds and revenues for up to 50 years. Does Not Compete with Food –  Jatropha can be grown on land unsuitable for food crops. Lower Cost of Production  – Jatropha has a lower cost of production than many other oils because its chemical make-up is so close to diesel.  High Yield -  The oil yield per hectare is among the highest of tree born seeds.  Does Not Require Irrigation –  Jatropha is drought resistant, does not require irrigation and is able to improve soil quality and arrest desertification. Better than Other Vegetable Oils  – Tests demonstrate that out of various oils, including palm, groundnut, cottonseed, rapeseed, soy and sunflower, the lowest exhaust gas emissions were obtained with Jatropha oil.  Government Priority – US Government has interest in acquiring most all of the Jatropha Crude oil that we can produce. Does Not Compete with Rainforest.
Bio-diesel vs. Petroleum Fuel Fuel Comparison Bio-diesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health effects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act. The use of bio-diesel in a conventional diesel engine results in a substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter compared to emissions from diesel fuel. In addition, the exhaust emissions of sulfur oxides and sulfates (major components of acid rain) from bio-diesel are essentially eliminated compared to diesel. Of the major exhaust pollutants, both unburned hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are ozone or smog forming precursors. The use of bio-diesel results in a substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons. Emissions of nitrogen oxides are either slightly reduced or slightly increased depending on the duty cycle of the engine and testing methods used.  Based on engine testing, using the most stringent emissions testing protocols required by EPA for certification of fuels or fuel additives in the U.S., the overall ozone (smog) forming potential of the hydrocarbon exhaust emissions from bio-diesel is nearly 50 percent less than that measured for diesel fuel.
Market Overview The National Biodiesel Board has developed   a market guide entitled  “Biodiesel 2020: A Market Survey”  detailing medium and long-term trends and developments in the biodiesel sector. This study focuses on market fundamentals, emerging market trends, long-term forecasts and scenarios, and case studies of existing and up and coming biodiesel producers and distributors.  The market for Biodiesel growth in the USA is growing at an alarming rate. From 2004 to 2005, the market for biodiesel in the U.S. grew from 25 million gallons per year to 75 million gallons in 2005. Demand for biodiesel has grown so fast in the first half of 2006 that the existing major biodiesel plants can not keep up.  To meet this demand, over fifty new plants are in construction and are expected online in 2006 and 2008. This market growth is expected to continue and yield more production facilities over the long-term.
  Industry Overview According to the  National Biodiesel Board , there are presently sixty-five companies that have invested millions of dollars into the development of biodiesel manufacturing plants and are actively producing biodiesel.  The annual production capacity from these plants is 395 million gallons per year.  As of May, 2006 the NBB reports fifty plants are currently under construction and are scheduled to be completed within the next 18 months.  The additional capacity from new plants and eight new plant expansion amounts to approximately 715 million gallons per year of biodiesel production coming online in the next two years.  The financing of these plants is occurring at a feverish pace. Most analysts expect gasoline prices in the U.S. to remain above $2.50 a gallon and over $50 a barrel oil for decades. At these rates, and along with federal tax incentives for biodiesel production, the outlook for the biodiesel industry is very promising - especially for investors, producers, farmers, and distributors.
Renewable Fuel Requirements Energy Policy Act (EPA Act) of 2005 stipulates that a specific amount of renewable fuel has to be used in the nationwide gasoline pool, which is likely to increase every year to reach 7.5 billion gallons in 2012,&quot; says Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst .
Economic Summary Why Jatropha Trees? Many industry experts predict that in the next 10 years Jatropha will become the major biodiesel oil feedstock. In order to accelerate our company's acquisition of market share, we are offering individuals and corporations the opportunity to purchase Jatropha trees which we will plant, cultivate and manage on our farm located in California. The trees will produce seeds which are harvested annually, processed into oil and sold to biodiesel refineries. This level of purchase may provide a method to help ensure an above average rate of return on your purchase. This is because investors will see income as early as the second year after planting, and a total return of their purchase costs within as little as 3 years. Compared to other &quot;green investments&quot; buyers receive income from their trees equal to their purchase price in about half the time and cash flow is created far sooner. As the price of diesel fuel increases so does the price paid to tree owners.
Global will take advantage of the following Financial Programs,   USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Federal State Biodiesel Rebate program United Nations Carbon Credit   Monies from government rebates are not included in the financials and are a booked as accordingly. Grant, Rebate and Credit Programs
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service   Pays 50% of all new well, irrigation, seed and livestock. Federal / State Biodiesel Rebate Program $0.50 to $1.00 per gallon of bio diesel produced.  United Nations Carbon Credit  Depends on area planted paid every six months.   INDUSTRY DATA
The Need to Produce Fuel “ Power Park Concept” Fuel Production Distribution Storage
Corporate Mission Our goal at Global will be to research, develop and acquire affordable technologies and properties that significantly reduce our country's dependency on foreign oil with  renewable energy in the three technologies of focus; Wind, Solar and Biodiesel. The Goals: -Bring together a wealth of energy expert experience from around the world.  -Push the long-established principles of physics, practicality and common sense.  -Developed, implement, acquire, produce and joint venture energy technologies    The Future: Global future goals will strive to influence energy use around the world for years to come. To establish ourselves as a worldwide provider of incomparable energy-saving technologies that offer tremendous pay-back opportunities for all the shareholders. Biodiesel is the best alternative to petrol diesel fuel.
DISCLAIMER Statements in this Power Point Executive Summary are not historical facts and are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its Management. Such statements reflect management's current views, are based on certain assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results, events, or performance may differ materially from the above forward-looking statements due to a number of important factors, and will be dependent upon a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, our ability to obtain additional financing and access funds from our existing financing arrangements that will allow us to continue our current and future operations and whether demand for our products and services in domestic and international markets will continue to expand. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof or to reflect any change in the Company's expectations with regard to these forward-looking statements or the occurrence of unanticipated events.
GLOBAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC. This information provided by Global Energy Technology Group Inc.  This presentation is confidential; therefore, viewer agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of Global Energy Technology Group Inc.   Global Energy Technology Group Inc. 15950 Dallas Parkway Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75248 USA Tel: 972.361.8117 Fax: 972.361.8005 www.globalenergymngt.com

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Global 2009

  • 1. Global Energy Technology Group Inc Corporate Overview 2009
  • 2. Global Energy Technology Group Acquire funding for the acquisition of up to (23) farms totaling approximately 3000 acres in Desert Center, CA to develop Renewable Energy Projects. Purchase or secure an additional 20,000 Acres of farms available for lease for Wind, Solar and Biodiesel utilizing Jatropha Curcas trees. Objectives
  • 3. JATROPHA Jatropha Curcas is a drought resistant, disease resistant perennial, which grows well in marginal to poor soil. It is indigenous to soil, grows relatively quickly, it is not generally browsed by animals and livestock, producing seeds for up to 50 years. Depending on rainfall and soil quality, Jatropha trees begin producing oil bearing seeds two years after planting. Considering all the aspects available among non-edible Tree Bearing Oil (TBO) seeds, Jatropha curcas has been identified as the most suitable seed for extraction of oil and subsequent processing of Biodiesel. The Jatropha oil is to be obtained from Jatropha Curcas trees grown on plantations in CA. Jatropha is an oilseed tree that grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions, producing high yields of inedible vegetable oil that can be easily refined into high quality biodiesel.
  • 5. Available Properties in Desert Center, CA
  • 6. 1)100 AC | Farmland $350,000.00 $3,500 per acre 100 acres 2) 300 AC | Farmland $1,250,000.00 $4,166 per acre 300 acres 3) 179.00 AC | Fish and Date Farm $1,252,800.00 $6,998 per acre 179.00 acres 4) 640 AC | Farmland $2,240,000.00 $3,500 per acre 640 acres 5) 131 AC | Agriculture Acreage $589,500.00 $4,500 per acre 131 acres 6) 400AC | Farm $1,800,000.00 $4,500 per acre 400 acres 7) 112 AC | Fish/Palm Tree Farm $900,000.00 $8,035 per acre 112 acres All numbers are based on Best Case Assumptions and are not ACTUAL numbers quoted above. Farm Purchase Opportunities $6,652,300.00 2478.32 Acres 3895.20 Per Acre
  • 7. All  properties will be updated and  developed with the necessary buildings, irrigation, farm rows and fish farms  to propagate jatropha and other bio diesel crops in mass quantities.
  • 8. Company Summary Global Energy Technology Group, Inc. a Nevada Corporation, will concentrate its efforts in Desert Center, California The Company’s area of interest is located on Interstate 10 between the hottest “ Renewable Energy Triangle ” projects in the World. The properties are situated 60 Miles North of Warren Buffets, Imperial Valley Geothermal Plant (MidAmerican Energy Holdings), 50 Miles east of one of the largest Wind Farms in the US and 50 miles south of the World’s Largest Solar Facility. Global also has plans that will include Solar and Wind Energy developments on the property. Jatropha is the premier fuel-stock for bio-diesel that can be mass produced on the planet. Jatropha Curcas is a non-edible fuel stock. Its growth and use will not affect the price of food stocks, such as corn, grain, or sugar, which are currently being used to fuel cars today. Jatropha is a drought and pest resistant perennial that can grow well in marginal to poor soil. It is easy to establish and can grow relatively quickly. Jatropha plants can produce seeds for up to 40 years and longer.
  • 9. Biodiesel Fuel Biodiesel Fuel – Energy that you Grow The concept dates back to 1885 when Dr. Rudolph Diesel built the first diesel engine with the full intention of running it on a vegetative source. In 1970 scientists discovered that the viscosity of vegetable oil could be reduced in a simple chemical process called transesterification and that it could work well in the modern diesel engine. This fuel is called Biodiesel. Biodiesel produces 37% less carbon monoxide, 78% less carbon dioxide, 100% less sulfur dioxide emissions and 84% less particulate matter. It provides a 90% reduction in cancer risks. Biodiesel is cheaper than mineral oil diesel. Biodiesel can be used alone or in any ratio with mineral oil diesel to fuel any diesel engine; the diesel engine does not need to be modified in any way to run on bio diesel. Biodiesel extends the life of diesel engines.
  • 10. Capital Markets Biofuels Capital Markets Climate change worries coupled with high oil prices and increasing government support top a set of drivers fueling soaring rates of investment in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, according to a trend analysis report from the UN Environment Programme. Investors Flock to Renewable Energy and Efficiency Technologies The report says investment capital flowing into renewable energy climbed from $80 billion in 2005 to a record $100 billion in 2006. As well, the renewable energy sector's growth &quot;although still volatile ... is showing no sign of abating.“ Increasing investment in renewable energy is evidenced by $71 billion invested into companies and new sector opportunities in 2006, a 43% jump from 2005 (and up 158% over the last two years. The trend has continued in 2008 with investments estimated at $185 billion). BP and D1 Oils Form Joint Venture to Develop Jatropha Biodiesel Feedstock Under the terms of the agreement, BP and D1 Oils intend to invest around $160 million over the next five years. D1 Oils will contribute into the joint venture their 172,000 hectares of existing plantations Virgin CEO Richard Branson, Pledges $3 Billion to Alternative Energy to Combat Global Warming - Along with investing $3 billion in alternative fuels over the next four years, he's also hard at work developing a new kind of fuel.
  • 11. Benefits of Jatropha Biodiesel Easy to Cultivate – Long Productive Life – The Jatropha plant is undemanding of soil type and grows producing seeds and revenues for up to 50 years. Does Not Compete with Food – Jatropha can be grown on land unsuitable for food crops. Lower Cost of Production – Jatropha has a lower cost of production than many other oils because its chemical make-up is so close to diesel. High Yield - The oil yield per hectare is among the highest of tree born seeds. Does Not Require Irrigation – Jatropha is drought resistant, does not require irrigation and is able to improve soil quality and arrest desertification. Better than Other Vegetable Oils – Tests demonstrate that out of various oils, including palm, groundnut, cottonseed, rapeseed, soy and sunflower, the lowest exhaust gas emissions were obtained with Jatropha oil. Government Priority – US Government has interest in acquiring most all of the Jatropha Crude oil that we can produce. Does Not Compete with Rainforest.
  • 12. Bio-diesel vs. Petroleum Fuel Fuel Comparison Bio-diesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health effects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act. The use of bio-diesel in a conventional diesel engine results in a substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter compared to emissions from diesel fuel. In addition, the exhaust emissions of sulfur oxides and sulfates (major components of acid rain) from bio-diesel are essentially eliminated compared to diesel. Of the major exhaust pollutants, both unburned hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are ozone or smog forming precursors. The use of bio-diesel results in a substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons. Emissions of nitrogen oxides are either slightly reduced or slightly increased depending on the duty cycle of the engine and testing methods used. Based on engine testing, using the most stringent emissions testing protocols required by EPA for certification of fuels or fuel additives in the U.S., the overall ozone (smog) forming potential of the hydrocarbon exhaust emissions from bio-diesel is nearly 50 percent less than that measured for diesel fuel.
  • 13. Market Overview The National Biodiesel Board has developed a market guide entitled “Biodiesel 2020: A Market Survey” detailing medium and long-term trends and developments in the biodiesel sector. This study focuses on market fundamentals, emerging market trends, long-term forecasts and scenarios, and case studies of existing and up and coming biodiesel producers and distributors. The market for Biodiesel growth in the USA is growing at an alarming rate. From 2004 to 2005, the market for biodiesel in the U.S. grew from 25 million gallons per year to 75 million gallons in 2005. Demand for biodiesel has grown so fast in the first half of 2006 that the existing major biodiesel plants can not keep up. To meet this demand, over fifty new plants are in construction and are expected online in 2006 and 2008. This market growth is expected to continue and yield more production facilities over the long-term.
  • 14. Industry Overview According to the National Biodiesel Board , there are presently sixty-five companies that have invested millions of dollars into the development of biodiesel manufacturing plants and are actively producing biodiesel. The annual production capacity from these plants is 395 million gallons per year. As of May, 2006 the NBB reports fifty plants are currently under construction and are scheduled to be completed within the next 18 months. The additional capacity from new plants and eight new plant expansion amounts to approximately 715 million gallons per year of biodiesel production coming online in the next two years. The financing of these plants is occurring at a feverish pace. Most analysts expect gasoline prices in the U.S. to remain above $2.50 a gallon and over $50 a barrel oil for decades. At these rates, and along with federal tax incentives for biodiesel production, the outlook for the biodiesel industry is very promising - especially for investors, producers, farmers, and distributors.
  • 15. Renewable Fuel Requirements Energy Policy Act (EPA Act) of 2005 stipulates that a specific amount of renewable fuel has to be used in the nationwide gasoline pool, which is likely to increase every year to reach 7.5 billion gallons in 2012,&quot; says Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst .
  • 16. Economic Summary Why Jatropha Trees? Many industry experts predict that in the next 10 years Jatropha will become the major biodiesel oil feedstock. In order to accelerate our company's acquisition of market share, we are offering individuals and corporations the opportunity to purchase Jatropha trees which we will plant, cultivate and manage on our farm located in California. The trees will produce seeds which are harvested annually, processed into oil and sold to biodiesel refineries. This level of purchase may provide a method to help ensure an above average rate of return on your purchase. This is because investors will see income as early as the second year after planting, and a total return of their purchase costs within as little as 3 years. Compared to other &quot;green investments&quot; buyers receive income from their trees equal to their purchase price in about half the time and cash flow is created far sooner. As the price of diesel fuel increases so does the price paid to tree owners.
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  • 19. Global will take advantage of the following Financial Programs,   USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Federal State Biodiesel Rebate program United Nations Carbon Credit Monies from government rebates are not included in the financials and are a booked as accordingly. Grant, Rebate and Credit Programs
  • 20. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service   Pays 50% of all new well, irrigation, seed and livestock. Federal / State Biodiesel Rebate Program $0.50 to $1.00 per gallon of bio diesel produced. United Nations Carbon Credit Depends on area planted paid every six months. INDUSTRY DATA
  • 21. The Need to Produce Fuel “ Power Park Concept” Fuel Production Distribution Storage
  • 24. Corporate Mission Our goal at Global will be to research, develop and acquire affordable technologies and properties that significantly reduce our country's dependency on foreign oil with renewable energy in the three technologies of focus; Wind, Solar and Biodiesel. The Goals: -Bring together a wealth of energy expert experience from around the world. -Push the long-established principles of physics, practicality and common sense. -Developed, implement, acquire, produce and joint venture energy technologies   The Future: Global future goals will strive to influence energy use around the world for years to come. To establish ourselves as a worldwide provider of incomparable energy-saving technologies that offer tremendous pay-back opportunities for all the shareholders. Biodiesel is the best alternative to petrol diesel fuel.
  • 25. DISCLAIMER Statements in this Power Point Executive Summary are not historical facts and are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its Management. Such statements reflect management's current views, are based on certain assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results, events, or performance may differ materially from the above forward-looking statements due to a number of important factors, and will be dependent upon a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, our ability to obtain additional financing and access funds from our existing financing arrangements that will allow us to continue our current and future operations and whether demand for our products and services in domestic and international markets will continue to expand. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof or to reflect any change in the Company's expectations with regard to these forward-looking statements or the occurrence of unanticipated events.
  • 26. GLOBAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC. This information provided by Global Energy Technology Group Inc. This presentation is confidential; therefore, viewer agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of Global Energy Technology Group Inc. Global Energy Technology Group Inc. 15950 Dallas Parkway Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75248 USA Tel: 972.361.8117 Fax: 972.361.8005 www.globalenergymngt.com