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Shifting Mindsets & Momentum

Customer Journey Mapping
About Shift
Business Strategy
Successful businesses are able to step outside of their
internal motivations to recognize the human needs of both
their customers, and their workforce. Shift helps businesses
identify the right opportunity and isolate the right change.
Ways we help.
Product & 

Service Design
Whether you are crafting a physical product or environment,
a digital product, or a full service experience, Shift applies
proven human-centered methods to drive momentum and
assure positive business outcomes.
No matter your strategy, you can't change
organizations' behaviors without buy-in from your
employees. We have tested training programs to transfer our
knowledge of Human-Centered Design to your workforce. 
Shift’s Human-Centered Framework
Journey Mapping
tom er jour ney mapcus
“A diagram that illustrates the steps your customer(s)
go through in engaging with your company, whether
it be a product, an online experience, retail
experience, or a service, or any combination.” 
— Adam Richardson, Harvard Business Review, 2010
For both, understanding the ecosystem is key
Digital Product
Experience Strategy
& Service Design
Why use Journey
Create empathetic
understanding within teams
Drive alignment across the
Understand the big picture in
order to isolate true needs
Note: Context can’t be found in a website or an app, it needs to come from the broader
human experience
“If I had an hour to solve a
problem, I’d spend 55 minutes
framing the problem, and 5
minutes thinking about solutions.”
— Attributed to Albert Einstein
3 Questions Before
You Start
Do I need a Journey Map?
Journey Maps aren’t a silver bullet. They should be considered
another tool in your toolkit. Never force a tool because it’s new or
exciting to you.
What should I communicate?
In order to craft an effective Journey Map you’ll need to know
what elements are most important to communicate. We call this
having the “end in mind.”
Who am I
communicating with?
Levels of depth and polish will vary based on the individuals your
map is intended to communicate with. Are you speaking to
executives? Delivery teams? The company as a whole?
How to create
Journey Maps
Journey Mapping is about
telling a story
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to storytelling. It’s
important to recognize that this is a creative process. There are no
templates or tools that can automate creativity.
Empathy-Driven Journey
Graphical Journey
Shopper Marketing Journey
One common approach
- Experience Stages
- Customer attitudes / objectives
- Customer pain points
- Storyboard
- Emotional arc
- Experience Steps
- Touchpoints
- Channels
- Frontstage / backstage
- Tools / Technology used
- Currently serving
- Opportunity (ideas)
- Budget allocation
- Responsible individuals /
- Problem / hypothesis
Start with your existing knowledge
where possible (then invalidate)
Note: It is important to cross silos so that going into customer research, all voices have been heard
Prospective Patient

A potential patient is seeking a
new Primary Care Physician.
Before any of that…
Spend a few minutes filling in the broad stages
of the experience finding and selecting a new
Primary Care Physician.
Detail High-Level Stages
Be prepared to discuss
Realize Need Research Compare & Select Schedule Visit
User Research
• (In)Validate internal assumption & gain new insight
• Ideally through observational methods within the customer’s
Spend a few minutes filling in the customer
attitudes / objectives at each Stage.
Detail Customer Attitudes
Be prepared to discuss
Realize Need Research Compare & Select Schedule Visit
Something is wrong, I think I
need to see someone.
What are my options? How do I know which
Doctor is best for me?
None of my choices are even
accepting new patients I hope I like this Doctor
Affinitize insights
• One insight per sticky note
• Use color coding to denote note type (e.g. attitude, step, pain
point, etc.)
• Start thinking about the granular steps of the experience
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Within each stage, spend some time detailing
out the smaller steps that happen within.
Detail Granular Steps
Be prepared to discuss
Realize Need Research Compare & Select Schedule Visit
Something is wrong, I think I
need to see someone
What are my options? How do I know which
Doctor is best for me?
None of my choices are even
accepting new patients I hope I like this Doctor
(1) Illness or life event
(2) Online research (e.g.
(3) Accept the need for an
(4) Research insurance
(5) Look for online
(6) Friend & family
(7) Find a physician
(8) Compare
credentials and
(9) Narrow selection to
(10) Contact physician’s
office to find out of
accepting new
(11) Schedule an
(12) Find doctor’s office
(13) Checkin & waiting
(14) Meet with new
Assign pain
• For broad CX Strategy initiatives, this may justify qualitative as
well as quantitative data
• For design teams, clear areas of focus may be revealed through
qualitative insights
Methods to Illustrate Pain
Friction Emotional Impact Moments of Truth
Take the steps you created and assign positive
or negative emotional impact.
Emotional Arc
Be prepared to discuss
Realize Need Research Compare & Select Schedule Visit
(1) Illness or life event
(2) Online research (e.g.
(3) Accept the need for an
(4) Research insurance
(5) Look for online
(6) Friend & family
(7) Find a physician
(8) Compare
credentials and
(9) Narrow selection to
(10) Contact physician’s
office to find out of
accepting new
(11) Schedule an
(12) Find doctor’s office
(13) Checkin & waiting
(14) Meet with new
Something is wrong, I think I
need to see someone
What are my options? How do I know which
Doctor is best for me?
None of my choices are even
accepting new patients I hope I like this Doctor
13 14
Principles for creating
great Journey Maps
Keep it simple
Tip: Each model should tell one story. If you need to tell more, you may need a separate model.
You should be able to see from 15 feet away what you’re looking at
Scanlines matter
Scanlines matter
Collaborate outside of your silo
Strive to maintain your journey as a
living document
Tip: rapid prototyping tools work well for simple maps, and can include interactive layers
Tie in desired outcomes and
activate teams or individuals
Tip: With what we have done so far we already have a head start on Hypothesis Statements, a strong
activation tool
Action Action
ENABLED BY [Activation]
Attitude AttitudeAction
Hypothesis Statement
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Examples — Good,
Bad? Why?
Collateral Assessment
Stakeholder Interviews
Content Guidelines
Online Editorial Guide
Wireframe Design
Messaging, Voice
& Tone
Sitemap Design
Content Mapping
Tagging Strategy
Content Types Definitions
Website Operations/Management
Governance Plans
CMS Development
Communication &
Develop Content
Content Development & Migration
Content Migration
Content Migration Support
Editorial & Content Management
Editorial & Content Support
Community Management & Oversignt
Understanding the Business
Content Inventories
User Testing
Test Site
Persona Development
Technical Assessment
Develop Business Requirements
I Need a
Website or
Content Creation
Site Testing
Content Migration Planning
Content Creation PlanningOptimization Strategy
Engagement Strategy
Content Optimization
Choose CMS
Visual Design
User Task Flows
Stakeholder Interviews
Competitive Analysis
Heuristic Assessment
Functional Wireframes
Front End CMS Development
Look & Feel Discovery
Design Brief
Card Sorting
Back End CMS Development
Style Guide
User Interview
User Interviews
Competitive Analysis
Content Assessment
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
“When the Smith Barney side merged
to Morgan Stanley the atmosphere
became hostile and overbearing.”
“What kind of support do
you have for my business?” “Who has more resources?
I deal with a lot of products
and programs...”
“For me it was mainly
talking to managers or
regional guys or advisors
who have been there.”
“When we narrowed down to two,
Wells Fargo did that due-diligence
meeting where we were literally
listening to the directors of those
divisions.”“The recruitment firm had
a site that was really useful.”
“What types of restrictions?”
“I did go online - I wanted to
make sure they aren’t going to
“Because of the privacy, I would
rather go to somebody who
doesn’t know who I am.”
“What type of mindset do you
have currently and in the future?”
“I like the idea of actually
comparing competitors. What
makes the firm different?”
“That’s the greatest thing
about this company,you
have help if you want it,you
can call.”
“When it actually came
time to move it was a game
changer for them to be so
“Name is important to me;
hanging my own shingle wasn’t
as attractive to me.”
“Does the website look really
good or does it look kind of
cheap? Does it smell of money?”
Awareness Qualification Evaluation Contact Decision-Making
An experience map models a user’s complete experience with a company across a variety of interaction points.
This map is designed to help us focus on key opportunities to enhance consumer engagement.
Multi-channel presence
and subtle increase of
? ! !!
Clear path for immediate
Guidance to the right channel - then drill into
further detail
Help envision unique opportunities for now and in
the future - set stage for reconsideration later
Create a personal connection and
emphasize resources
Validate decision and/or allay remaining questions
about risk
Tess' Arrival Journey
Example: Public transport
07 June 2018
Trip From Denver to Paris (17 hours) Airport Logistics (2 hours) Train to Paris (1 hour) Arrival
Tess gets to the airport by
She gets on the train and
tries to enjoy the time.
She is woken up by the lights
in the cabin.
She waits in line for border
After landing Tess heads to
the baggage claim.
She waits in line to purchase
a RER ticket.
Zoom In: Ticket Experience
She follows the sign to Paris
She arrives at Gare du Nord
and changes trains.
Tess arrives at Place de la
Bastille one hour after
leaving the airport.
Tess checks into her airbnb.
Tess has always wanted to go to
Paris. For her 30th she heads to
Paris with her partner. She leaves
home early and arrives at the
airport on time.
On the plane, Tess plans the list of
things she'd like to do in the city.
"Why do they turn on the lights so
early? We still have two hours to
Tess just had her passport
renewed as her old passport.
"Hmm, I get my baggage after
going through security?"
"How does this work? A one day
ticket? A Visit Paris ticket? A week
ticket? This seems
Zoom in: Journey of Ticket
"I think this is the right way." "Pardon, I'm looking for the 5 line.
Can you help me?"
"Google Maps says the apartment
should only be a five minute walk
from here."
"Whew! Finally here."
RER sales / day: 3528 tickets / €
av. time at ticket machine: 1:12
passengers at station / day:
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
Guide to Customer Journey Mapping
4. Post Exam - Wrap Up3. During Exam2. Pre-Exam1. Enter Exam Room
I’m feeling anxious
about my exam.
Now how long will I have to wait here?
Will I have to leave this room to go to another?
Is this going to be uncomfortable? Is the doctor listening to me?
Will I be able to remember everything the doctor is telling me?
Am I supposed to leave yet?
I still have some questions...
DataPeople Tool ProcessSpace
App Email
Human to
Text Desktop Data Process
● Nurse who escorts patient to the exam room should be the same nurse who stays with the
patient throughout the visit to build a relationship.
● Making the exam room warm and inviting will help relieve stress for the patient, a window with
blinds could help with this, or even a mural of nature views if window access is not an option.
● Having a comfortable chair and a TV (with obvious and simple controls) would be ideal to take
the mind off of the medical visit.
INSIGHTS Mark, Jen and Kyle are all in the
exam rooms.
Actors involved:
● Gwen the Greeter
● Caren the Care
● Nurses Emma & Raj
● Doctor Scott
Mark is impatient and
sees a printer in the exam
room and is glad he won’t
have to wait for the nurse
to leave and come back
with printed information.
When Kyle enters the
exam room, he is glad he
doesn’t see an
intimidating exam room
● The nurse who is taking notes and is the advocate for the patient should be somebody that is
knowledgeable to build the trust and relationship with the patient, this should be an NP.
● Users like the partition with the translucent glass, the wall and door was too secluded.
● Doctors and nurses should all be dressed in scrubs to show a team mentality, but should not
include personalized attire.
● Members want the preference of being able to receive post-op instructions and extra research via email or printed out
● Members want to be able access notes from their portal but it is not top of mind. The portal is a tool that is used as an as
needed tool such as when a user needs to view their billing history or medical history.
● Patients wants to be informed of their health care next steps and want to be aware of possible hidden fees.
● Patients want the nurse to be able to set up their next appointment while still in the exam room and get answers to
insurance questions from Caren without having to leave their room.
5. Out Of Clinic Care
Do I have to go into the clinic?
Exam rooms
- family-friendly,
- consultation,
- procedure
- sick room.
educational or
medical toys in
kids exam room
Doctor enters
regarding Mark’s
visit into chosen
Greeter is
responsible for
member’s exam
area preferences
Based on Jen’s
preferences, she was
taken to a family-themed
exam room with
educational toys.
Back in exam room #1,
Nurse Raj finishes Kyle’s
flu inoculation and escorts
him to the checkout area
where Caren is waiting.
He sends Kyle on his way
with a friendly reminder to
contact the clinic with any
issues, or questions.
The exam rooms
will be equipped
with a computer
and printer
Exam room tables
will be modular
chairs that
convert to a table
● Nurse should review / clarify medical condition
with patient and inputs the information into their
tablet / laptop.
● It is important to minimize wait time in the exam
room and have the nurse complete as much as
possible until the doctor arrives.
● After the doctor has already review the member’s
file, and enters the exam room, the nurse will
provide additional information about medical
conditions from what was learned in the room.
Nurse is
responsible for
leading patient
from waiting room
to exam room
with a high-touch
level of service.
preference data
for exam rooms
are used to escort
them to the
appropriate area
Doctors and
nurses alike
should wear a
standard style of
scrubs (no
custom patterns)
Convertible exam
table / chair is
available in exam
Doctor is
responsible for
reviewing the
patient file ahead
of visit
Nurse will
administer full
treatment when it
is not necessary
to have a medical
Nurse will stay
with the member
through the entire
Nurse is
responsible for
“scribe” role,
asking probing
questions for the
member, and
providing overall
assistance during
the exam.
● User’s like to use telehealth when they
are traveling, and for other needs such
as: prescription renewals, treatment
monitoring, or other services that
would not require physical presence
with a doctor or care team.
Reasonable sized
screen is
accessible to the
doctor in exam
Doctor will use
visual aids and
content as much
as possible with
Nurse is
responsible for
escorting the
patient out, and
answering any
remaining medical
Member Advocate
will address
appointment, and
Doctor will handle
Nurse will escort
the member out of
the exam room
Jen will have the
opportunity to get
any lingering
Nurse will brief
Member Advocate
on decisions in
exam including
physical therapy,
Nurse or any care
member can
access system to
add notes, retrieve
information, etc.
Later while traveling, Kyle
feels like he might be
having an adverse
reaction to the Flu shot he
had been given.
Because he’s traveling, he
uses the telehealth option
to contact a doctor and
get advice.
Mark’s nurse wraps up the
exam by emailing Mark his
care plan summary, and
printing out the
information for the
support group according
to his preferences.
One week later, Jen gets a
call from Emma with the
results of her lab work.
She takes time to explain
what the numbers mean
and addresses any other
follow up questions from
the visit.
Emma brings Jen to Caren
and gives here a brief on
all of Jen’s questions.
Caren works with Jen to
answer her insurance
Nurse is
responsible for
creating a care
plan during the
exam and
delivering it to the
according to his
or her preference
Meanwhile, the nurse is
preparing Mark’s care plan
which includes the links to
the information the doctor
showed Mark during the
exam, and additional
information about
physical therapy support
groups in the area.
Mark receives
information from
his visit, per his
preferences to
have printed or
emailed content
Member has the
option to use
telehealth when it
is not feasible for
him/her to come
to the clinic, and a
phone call will not
Doctor uses
telehealth to
unnecessary clinic
Member will
receive a
follow-up call to
go over lab work
Nurses will be
responsible for
follow-ups on
labs. Interactions
with member will
include summary
of results
In Jen’s exam room, the
doctor is updating Jen’s
prescription. She has a
pricing question around
the change in medication.
Emma informs Caren that
they are about ready to
come visit her.
When the member
has questions
around plan costs,
Member Advocate
will be available
to provide clarity
In exam room #1, Kyle
quickly receives a flu shot
from Nurse Raj in the
exam room.
Meanwhile in exam room
#2, Doctor Scott is
examining Mark, he uses a
reasonable sized screen
to explain the causes of
Mark’s pain.
He also finds a video
online to inform Mark on
how to do physical
therapy for the issue.
Emma, Jen’s preferred
nurse asks how the kids
are doing and about Jen’s
general well being.
Down the hall, Kyle is
noticing that all the clinic
staff is in clean
pattern-free scrubs.
Kyle likes that the doctor
is also in scrubs because
it creates an impression of
a cohesive team.
Jen is in exam room #3
with her prefered nurse
Emma and doctor.
Emma stays with her
during the exam to
provide assistance, take
notes, and ask questions
that Jen might not have
thought of.
In exam room #2, Doctor
Scott enters to start
Mark’s exam. He knows
that Mark is in for back
The exam room is
equipped with a
convertible table/chair; in
which Mark is already
sitting. Doctor Scott
converts the chair to the
table setting and begins
the exam.
Review Environment
Retrospective on Business Plan
Based on the projected market landscape for the next 10 years, what are the agreed key strategic imperatives for the expected growth of my Hub?
Create Business Environment Outlook
Retrospect & Evaluation Receive A Global Decision Communicate the
Hub Strategic Direction
Socialize / Publish Agreement
MPM Business Planning Journey and Touchpoints
Task 1: Communicates to MPM leadership team, GCLT,
corp. Strategy and corp. Finance, and technology
Task 2: Delegate the list of improvements (ways to
make $, reduce costs, etc.) projects, assign to
functional groups; and make decision about what to
fund & how to fund it
Task 1: Receive data, KPI List, Assumptions & from RPO
& CS with their interpretations.
Task 2: Alignment with RPO, Finance & CS Lead to create
the interpretation of the actuals vs the KPIs (How we do
vs what we planned)
Task 3: Approve this year’s top priority learnings from
Retrospect and Evaluation
Review Year 1 & 2 LRP Approve Plans
“I receive notification of the global decision.” “I must communicate the definition of success
/ the results.”
Consolidate Hub Business Plan Integrated Business Planning
Bring Ideas Approved to the Plan
Provide the final
Hub Business Plan
Add revisions from Hub Business
Plan Approval & Add LRP Direction
Review Year 1 & 2 Plans
Recommend P&L for the Year 1+2
to the Hub Lead
Recommend Volume
Seed Applied Solutions
Communicate Year 1 & 2 LRP
Sponsoring the Development of
Operational Plans
Task 1: Gather the information from
the RPO and the CS (assumptions &
key imperatives, expected deviations
from previous year LRP and risks),
and SE Go To Market Strategy
Task 2: Integrate the retrospective
and its learnings
Task 3: Create a report “Big Picture”
How do we translate the strategy to financial numbers? What are the tactical plans to enable the strategy and the numbers associated with the tactical plans?
Task 1: Incorporate approved ideas
to the strategies or plans
Task 1: Provide the final version of the
Hub Plan to the Hub Lead to present at
the Global Commercial Forum
Task 2: Approval. Thumbs up or Changes
Task 1: Gathering GTM & Category from RPO
(Environmental Challenges & Opportunities)
Task 2: Gathering customer assumptions &
trends, brand changes from CS
Task 3: Determining SWOT based on last
year performance (Monsanto Capabilities at
the time)
Task 4: Prepares a presentation of the
information (key data and business drivers /
SWOT) into a summary for corp. Finance &
corp. Strategy
“What are the market trends? What are the customer
needs / insights? What do the macroeconomics look
like? Does the environment still look the same as
last review?”
“I must Identify success and failures and causes of
the key strategic imperatives defined last review
driving the expected growth.”
Task 1: Receive data, KPI List, Assumptions &
Strategy from RPO & CS with their
Task 2: Alignment with RPO, Finance & CS
Lead to create the interpretation of the
actuals vs the KPIs (How we do vs what we
“Communicate the definition of success / the
Task 1: Get a notification of the global
decision from the forum
Task 2: Tailoring the long term strategy
(actuals & targets, and environmental
projections & capabilities) for his/her HUB
Task 1: (What he will say) Create a
communication plan for the HUBs
‘downstream teams’ & messaging within a
specific timeframe that enables them to
make plans based on the guidelines
(Category strategy team, category planning
team, IBP team (monthly view), HUB
leadership team, Executive team
Task 2: Fields questions and feedback from
downstream teams; meetings
“I am synthesizing category and brand
strategies for a holistic Hub plan.”
“I must bring approved ideas from the
idea cultivator to the plan.”
Task 1: Compare the consolidated
plan with strategic direction
Task 2: Collaborate with all the peers
(Supply Chain Lead, SE Lead, Hub
Lead, Finance Lead, Commercial Opps
Lead) to make decisions, but possible
changes impacting Category and
Brand strategies will be made by RPO
and CS
“We need to be united in how we represent
our Hub approach for the next 5 years.”
“I need to explain the purpose for the Hub
Strategic Plan and how it's to be used.”
How do I prioritize imperatives and goals across categories and brands and markets across geographies in my Hub to
deliver the expected numbers.. what is the biggest impact on the Hub's success?
“I need to create a plan that tactically exceeds meeting Y1 LRP financials.”
“I need to govern the plans in 1-2 year span to
ensure alignment with the Hub Business Plan.”
“I need to ensure that my people involved in LRP
have the direction needed.”
“I need to understand how the tactical plan
translates in P&L numbers for the LRP.”
“I need to approve the current plan based on
direction from Hub Business Plan.”
“I need to build confidence that the plan built will deliver
the strategy and committed financials.”
“I will recommend year 1 & 2 LRP based on global prices
set up.”
Task 1: Gaining alignment with global Seed
Applied Services on price strategy by crop and
Task 2: Decide which volume scenario to be
used in the LRP according to the price strategy
“I must share the approved LRP assumptions and targets
with category teams involved in the planning process.”
“I need to provide direction on tactical operational
Task 1: Communicating the connection
between the Hub Plan and LRP
Task 2: Share the feedback from the Global
Commercial Team to my people
Task 3: Partner with finance to reconfirm
globally defined assumptions from the Hub
Business Plan and communicate financial
expectations by category.
Task 1: Provide oversight for each of the
“annual” plans for the 2 year plan
● Brand Plan
● Product Portfolio (life cycle mgmt)
● Dealer Mkt Fund plans
● Grower MF plans
● Distro Mkt focus plan
● Demand planning future season plan
● Crop planning plan
● Capabilities plan
● Price Targets
Task 2: Provide direction on volume and mix
for demand forecast and production
Task 1: Give feedback & lead
discussions to refine the numbers
related to the plans
Task 2: Partner with Finance and his/her
teams to create a P&L by Category and
total by Hub
Task 3: Validate the numbers against the
Hub Business Plan financial
Task 1: Approving and recommending:
plans below:
● Brand Plan
● Product Portfolio
● Dealer Market Funding
● Grower Market Funding
● Dist. Market Focus Plan
● Demand Planning Future Season
● Crop Plan Mix and Supply
● Capabilities plan
(Recommend to Hub lead)
● Price Targets
● Volume Targets
● Bottoms up LRP
Task 1: Consolidate the plans into one story
task 2: Anticipate questions with my team
(prepare to present to the Hub Lead)
Task 3: Recommends the P&L and cash flow,
includes volume and price targets
Task 1: Share with the RPO Task 1: Provide Inputs
Task 2. Provide a high level review ahead
of hub lead approval to cost to serve,
account plan processes and COL approval
for capabilities plan, distribution
development plan, training plan
Task 3. Provide feedback on the RPO / CS
portion of the operational plans
Task 4. Receiving feedback on his/her
portion of the operational plan
Approve Operational PlanPropose Operational Targets
“I need to assess the breakout opportunities
identified in the LRP exercise and recommend
targets to the Hub lead.”
Recommend and Approve
Volume Seed Applied Solutions
Task 1: Decide which volume scenario to be
used in the operational plan according to the
RPO price setting
“I will recommend & approve year 1 operational
volume allocations based on RPO prices set up.”
“I will formally sign off on the finalized operational
Task 1: Assess the opportunities by
category and its financial impacts
Task 2: Share with IBP the propose targets
and collect feedback from the IBP group
Task 1: Approve the final operational plan
Task 2: Formal sign off on the finalized
operational plan
Task 3: Share the approved plan with the
MPM team
Task 1: Looking at the shorter - 5 year horizon; any
Task 2: Respond accordingly (Changes/No change)
“I must work with the RPO & CS Leads and their inputs
on customer needs, macro, insights, and market
Hub Forum
“I must represent my hub's customer market
and competitive outlook for the 10 year
Task 1: Present Information & share
context around the data
Task 2: Give & Take Feedback from
corp. Finance & corp. Strategy & other
leadership attendees
Task 3: Generate a draft picture of the
next 3-5 years (Big Decision Point) & a
strategy for how to
Review Environment
“Have the business environment and
capabilities changed enough to change the
strategic direction?”
Task 1: Looking at current vs past environmental data;
any triggers?
Task 2: Respond accordingly (Changes/No change)
Supporting Roles
Finance Lead: Meeting in person w/MPM support
Hub Lead: People Strategy with HR
FTO situation analysis (regulatory)
Create Capabilities Plan: HR
Task 1: Receives an update of the Hub biz plan and
the LRP directions
Task 2: Make the changes to their Capabilities Plan
according to revisions recommended by the MPM
Crop Planning and Demand Planning:
Supply Chain Create Account Plans & responsible for making
recommendations: COL
COL: Cost to Serve, Capabilities Plan, Distributor
Development Plans, and Training Plans
Bottoms Up P&L: FInance
2 Yr HUB LRP Targets & Approvals: FInance
Create People Strategy (HR)
FTO Situation Analysis (Regulatory)
Data (Metrics & Context)
Collaboration (w/Decision Makers)
Communication (to Stakeholders)
Presentations (Summarizing
insights for stakeholders)
Awareness (i.e. Instant
Notification, Alerts)
Methodology used to collect MPM
information (i.e. HCD Approach)
Task 2 Make
Task 1: Collect data, KPI List,
Assumption List and Actuals
Create Category Outlook “Situation”
Create Customer / Brand Outlook “Situation”
Task 1: Meet with teams to
determine the data they need, and
how they’re going to get it.
(Actuals & Targets)
Task 1: Collect data, KPI List,
Assumption List and Actuals
Create Retrospective for Category
Create Retrospective for Brand
Refine Category Strategy
Task 2: Make
Refine Brand Strategy
Task 1: Meet with teams to
determine the data they need,
and how they’re going to get it.
(Actuals & Targets)
Task 2: Interpret the findings
Task 3: Suggest change and a
strategy for Hub Strategic
direction for customer insights &
market intelligence to MPM
Task 2: Having teams gather
Actuals & Targets data to create
their portion of the report
Task 3: Create communication
Task 4: Supplying the category
outlook to the MPM (product,
seed treatment) (Past work -
sales, production, pricing, market
Task 3: Create communication
Task 2: Having teams gather
Actuals & Targets data to create
their portion of the report
Task 4: Supplying the customer
outlook to the MPM (Customer
related work - customer insights,
market intelligence)
Task 2: Interpret the findings
Task 3: Suggest change and a
strategy for Hub Strategic
direction for customer insights
& market intelligence to MPM
Receive ideas approved to the plan
Task 1: Once
approved, add the
ideas to the correct
plan based on
overall value to the
Task 1: Once
approved, add the
ideas to the correct
plan based on
overall value to the
Receive ideas approved to the plan
Create GTM Strategy
Task 1: Review
Task 2: Assess
market and industry
trends for the
following 5-10 years
or the HUB
businesses and
Task 3: Review cost to
serve information of
current RTMs as well
as new alternative
RTMs in a 10 year
span per business and
Task 4: Review
customer insights
and brainstorm on
customers future
needs for business
and geography
Task 5: Propose
adjustments to the
GTM strategies
Task 6: Determine
new GTM strategy:
changes and
adjustments to
current GTM model
by business and
Task 1: partnering with
finance to run scenarios on
volume vs price by crop
Consolidating LRP for Category
Task 1: Pull in the
assumptions from the Hub
Business Plan and then the
tactical plans. and
coordinate with the plan
Task 2: Build into the
LRP the cost and return
aspects of the tactical
Task 3: Assess if there are
gaps between the LRP and
LRP direction given by the
Task 4: Identify
opportunities and
scenarios to address the
task 5: Connect with
tactical plan owners to
determine recommended
tactical plan changes
Creating the Volume Scenario
Task 1: Receives an update
of the Hub biz plan and the
LRP directions
Reviews HUB Plan
Reviews HUB Plan
Reviews HUB Plan
Future Opportunity
Current Capabilities
Activity SE
Activity CS
Activity RPO
MPM Touchpoint
Consolidating LRP for Category
Understand / Awareness of the Approved LRP
Understand / Awareness of the Approved LRP
Task 1: taking the approved
category LRP to the category
strategy team
Preparing and Approving Operational Plans
Creating Operational Plans
Task 1: Approves supply
allocation, price setting
and discretionary market
funding allocation by
Make Changes
Task 1: Collaborate
w/ MPM to make
changes to the
Make Changes
Task 1: Collaborate
w/ MPM to make
changes to the
Create 2 Year Tactical Plan
Task 1: Developing the
Tactical Plans for their
Create 2 Year Tactical Plan
Create 2 Year Tactical Plan
Task 6: Confirm
recommended scenarios
with MPM
Task 2: ALign with CS
and SE
Consolidated LRP for Category
Task 1: Provide
assumptions to the RPO
from their tactical plans
Task 2: Provide the
resourcing and return
numbers for the tactical
Task 3: Collaborate with
RPO to create scenarios
to address gaps
Task 4: Make changes
as necessary
Creating Operational Plans
Task 1: Recommend
Training Plans
Create Account Plan
Task 2: Recommend
capabilities Plan
Task 2: Recommend
distribution development
Task 2: Inform MPM
Task 1: Assess
previous account
planning cycle
Task 2: Plan service
level and touch points by
Task 3: Create Plan is
collaboration with CS
Task 4: Approve plan
with COL
Task 5: Propose plan /
targets to MPM
Initial Business Planning Hypothesis
[Doing this]
[For these people]
[the outcome]
[this feedback and metric]
Project Goals
● List them
● List
● List
● List
● List
“Identify success, and failures and causes of last year's
Hub Business Planning cycle driving the expected growth.”
Possible decision to support
The outcomes should show up in the
Consolidated Hub Business Plan.
Possible need for a screen level
deep dive: Who, What, When,
Where, Why, & How
Possible need for trigger that causes a
strategic review.
Sponsoring the Development of
the Category and Brand
Task 1: Provide critical input
Task 2: Provide a review ahead of it
going to IBP
Task 3: Responsible for sponsoring
at IBP
The outcomes from the annual
Retrospective on Business Plan
should show up in the
Consolidated Hub Business Plan.
There is also a need for
collaborative functionality and a
critical barrier. The MPM cannot
move forward until he/she is able
to tell the story.
Create Category Strategy
Task 1: Create the
portfolio, pricing
and market funding
strategies; and
Task 1: Retrieve
Create Brand Strategy
Task 1: Create the
strategic marketing
Task 1: Retrieve
information. H2T
Create Customer Strategy
Task 1: Market
assessment and
Functionality needed that would
allow a new learning to show up
automatically and be able to
compare to Retrospective.
Also a critical alignment moment.
Approval. Getting direction to go
into the LRP
Functionality needed that would
highlight the changes made to
the Hub Business Plan.
Task 2: Make the changes
to their Category Strategy
according to revisions
recommended by the MPM
Task 1: Receives an update
of the Hub biz plan and the
LRP directions
Task 2: Make the changes
to their Brand and Customer
Strategy according to
revisions recommended by
the MPM
Task 1: Receives an update
of the Hub biz plan and the
LRP directions
Task 2: Make the changes
to their Go To Market
Strategy according to
revisions recommended by
the MPM
Finance partners with MPM: Finance
confirms globally defined assumptions from
the Hub Business Plan to the MPM
“Does the plan make sense with the strategy?”
Task 3: Submit plans to
category strategy team?
Task 4: Provide to MPM
for feedback.
Task 5: Make changes
based on MPM inputs
Task 1: Developing the
Tactical Plans for their
Task 2: ALign with RPO
and SE
Task 3: Submit plans to
category strategy team?
Task 4: Provide to MPM
for feedback.
Task 5: Make changes
based on MPM inputs
Task 1: Developing the
Tactical Plans for their
Go To Market Strategy
Task 2: ALign with CS
and RPO
Task 3: Submit plans to
category strategy team?
Task 4: Provide to MPM
for feedback.
Task 5: Make changes
based on MPM inputs
Functionality needed that would
allow a smooth and seamless
process for the gathering of
support data.
Additional considerations will be
needed regarding permission
control / access to systems that
allow the transfer of this data.
Task 7: communicate
changes to plan owners
Task 1: Provide
assumptions to the RPO
from their tactical plans
Task 2: Provide the
resourcing and return
numbers for the tactical
Task 3: Collaborate with
RPO to create scenarios
to address gaps
Task 4: Make changes
as necessary
Functionality consideration that
would allow an intuitive, or
partially automated process for
ranking programs., e.g. an
algorithmic function such as a
Strategy Index that could rank
the programs by any number of
selected criteria so as to lessen
the burden of time performing
manual calculations.
This is also a point where the
MPM will remind the team of the
Hub Strategic Plan. Functionality
may want to be considered that
would allow for triggers,
collaboration, commenting, etc
relative to the reviews that need to
take place.
Global Commercial Team Approval
Recommend P&L for the
Year 1+2 to the Hub Lead
This is a major decision point and a
critical dependency - the MPM has to
recommend the final financial
numbers for the next 2 years to the
hub lead, but is dependent upon
collaboration with other key
personas and dependent upon
finance partnering with cash flow to
enable the MPM’s decisions that
need to be made.
Collaborate on P&L
Collaborate on P&L
Collaborate on P&L
Task 1: Collaborate with
MPM on anticipated
Task 1: Collaborate with
MPM on anticipated
Task 1: Collaborate with
MPM on anticipated
Finance will partner with cash flow
This is a major decision point - the
final recommendation for volume to
be used in the LRP.
Task 1: collaborate with
RPO on volume analysis by
crop - bringing the brand
and customer perspective
Collaborate with RPO on Volume Scenario
Collaborate with RPO on Volume Scenario
Task 1: collaborate with
RPO on volume analysis by
crop - bringing the Go To
Market Perspective
Considerations will be needed
regarding transparency / permission
control / access of systems that
allow the transfer of the data to and
from supporting parties.
Task 1: Receiving the
approved LRP
Understand / Awareness of the Approved LRP
Task 1: Receiving the
approved LRP
Task 1 Recommend how
to allocate the
discretionary market
funding and programs
for the brands
Price Setting
Task 1: RPO sets prices to
meet operational targets
Pricing Recommendations
Task 1: gives perspective to
the RPO on the brand pricing
Finance: analysis and background work - impact
on the price to the P&L
Consolidate Operational Plan
Task 1: Consolidate
components of the
operational plan and
make the
recommendation for the
MPM to approve
Task 1: Review the full plan
to ensure it reflects the
right brand experience
Collaborate on Defining Operational Targets
Task 1: Partner with
finance to build numbers
for the opportunities
Task 2: Recommend to
MPM category
operational targets
Collaborate on Defining Operational Targets
Task 1: Collaborate with
RPO to build numbers for
the brand opportunities
Task 2: Collaborate on
defining the brands
operational targets
Collaborate on Defining Operational Targets
Task 1: Collaborate with
RPO to build numbers for
the Go To Market
Task 2: Collaborate on
defining the Go To
Market operational
Partner with Finance - Finance is an enabler
“The science is strong”
“My doctor recommended it… and the
online reviews look good.”
“My patients want data, not just my
“I’ve read bad things about zinc. What
options do I have?”
“I want to do what’s right for my
patients… as long as I don’t lose money.”
“I wanted to buy what the doctor
recommended, but it was expensive,
and he said I could still get results over
the counter, so I’ll give those a try.”
“This monthly ordering cycle is a hassle.”
“Ordering online is much more
convenient, but I don’t like being
charged shipping.
“Why am I still paying this lease? This
pisses me off.”
“Seeing improvement in my eye health
motivates me, but I don’t want to keep
paying for the test.”
Being “sold”
Patients are largely
unaware of
Doctors are much
more aware of the
...but would like
greater patient
Positive reviews
available to see
Otherwise minimal
brand trust
Positive reputation
for quality
Device space: not
Supplement space:
Doctors with greater
sales success tend
to focus on 1-2
Most doctors are
unaware of new
Knows to order
EyePromise, but not
which one
Negatives are being
spread peer-to-peer
...and through
Capabilities impacted
Open opportunities
Test is a minimal
part of doctor
revenue from
Largely unconcerned
about test time
Time to explain test
is important
Patients hesitate to
pay for a test
Variable results
prevent retesting
Desire to have
information to
respond to studies
and information
patients have found
Desire to be able to
talk to patients
better about the
need for
Being “sold”
options for
“Ease in”
Even doctors highly
successful selling
the product expect
to pay down the
lease eventually
If doctors are
unsuccessful it
leads to strong
brand detractors
Lack of sales rep
support in certain
When desiring to
return the device,
EyePromise “goes
Patient wants
information, not to
be “sold.” They need
to believe in the
value, and the
science is there
Doctors don’t want
to be “sold” either.
They want to find
partners who will
help them find value
for patients and their
doctors feel forced
to order cases they
don’t need
Successful doctors
will intentionally wait
until the next month
rather than order
earlier and lose
credit against the
lease cost
End of month hassle
is negative for all
Opportunity to
become a
thought leader
Partner, not
No indication of
negative service
Ability to easily sell
enough cases to not
pay lease isn’t
Doctors may shy
away because of
need to sell
Lack of visual aid
use (41% use no
visual aids, 43% only
use the macular
pigment screening
as an aid)
Turnover &
Lab space
for device
Device space: not
Doctors are often
doubtful about the
ability to easily sell 4
cases per month
Desire to have easier
entry options
Ability to
Ability to
Ability to measure is
a sales point for
and& doctors alike
Website is
hard to use
Hard to find product
Hard to order
High percentage of
valuable” and below
when asked “how
valuable is the
information on the
43% “ok” and below
on ease of checkout
Website is
hard to use
Doctors generally
don’t use and are
unconcerned with
the EyePromise
Opportunity to
make website
more useful for
Turnover may create
drop-off if not
re-trained well
Doctors view that as
being their issue
options (digital,
Training viewed
Help sell more,
rather than
services aren’t
promoted due to
perceived lack of
equal return to
Patients often
choose over the
counter options or
purchase at the
physician office over
online subscriptions
Of little concern
Need for data to
make decisions for
themselves on
relative value
EyePromise is not a
huge source of
revenue, which is
generally fine
Doctors who feel like
they are losing
money through the
deal become very
Other options do
work (diet change,
over the counter,
etc.) Patients need
to weigh which one
is the right value
Doctors will provide
options, unlike
Doctors don’t feel
rewarded for loyalty
Rewards are more of
a hassle than a
benefit for loyalty
Patients don’t have
the expectation of
rewards, but may
help with
Too many detractors
in the market at
present for
advocacy to really
make an impact
Patients aren’t
aware enough of
EyePromise to
leverage advocacy
Print mail
value in
patient value
Marketing Marketing
in-market to
in-market to
Clarify value
prop for
Make patient
easier (free
bottle, etc)
Sales Sales
marketing for
Clarify value
of each
Opportunity to
make website
more usable
for patients
Clarify the
value of online
shopping /
Offer retraining
when sales
Eliminate /
shipping costs
(for patient)
Offer ability to
purchase full
Revise the
ordering model
(end of month)
Get ahead of
the message
by responding
to / creating
Provide talking
proactively to
Education for
consistency of
(e.g. if this
then do that)
Provide talking
points to
that the test be
given for free
End never
ending lease
of lease
Restaff sales
Restructure &
redefine roles
needed & add
as appropriate
support to
Offer patients
incentives for
Simplify the
program for
doctors, and
make it more
about loyalty
Assess the
between regional
status, test
pricing, and
product sales
Change in daily
routine is the
greatest negative
impact on
Customers have the
strong belief that
they are purchasing
the right
supplements, but
often times are not
+1 (314) 827-5504
+1 (636) 295-0939

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Guide to Customer Journey Mapping

  • 1. SHIFT Contents Confidential and © Shift Consulting Group, LLC, Shifting Mindsets & Momentum
 Customer Journey Mapping
  • 3. Human-Centered Business Strategy Successful businesses are able to step outside of their internal motivations to recognize the human needs of both their customers, and their workforce. Shift helps businesses identify the right opportunity and isolate the right change. Ways we help. Product & 
 Service Design Whether you are crafting a physical product or environment, a digital product, or a full service experience, Shift applies proven human-centered methods to drive momentum and assure positive business outcomes. Training No matter your strategy, you can't change organizations' behaviors without buy-in from your employees. We have tested training programs to transfer our knowledge of Human-Centered Design to your workforce. 
  • 6. tom er jour ney mapcus “A diagram that illustrates the steps your customer(s) go through in engaging with your company, whether it be a product, an online experience, retail experience, or a service, or any combination.”  — Adam Richardson, Harvard Business Review, 2010 WHAT
  • 7. WHY For both, understanding the ecosystem is key Digital Product Design Experience Strategy & Service Design
  • 9. WHY Empathy Create empathetic understanding within teams Alignment Drive alignment across the business Context Understand the big picture in order to isolate true needs Note: Context can’t be found in a website or an app, it needs to come from the broader human experience
  • 10. “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes framing the problem, and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” — Attributed to Albert Einstein WHY
  • 12. QUESTION 1 Do I need a Journey Map? Journey Maps aren’t a silver bullet. They should be considered another tool in your toolkit. Never force a tool because it’s new or exciting to you.
  • 13. QUESTION 2 What should I communicate? In order to craft an effective Journey Map you’ll need to know what elements are most important to communicate. We call this having the “end in mind.”
  • 14. QUESTION 3 Who am I communicating with? Levels of depth and polish will vary based on the individuals your map is intended to communicate with. Are you speaking to executives? Delivery teams? The company as a whole?
  • 16. HOW Journey Mapping is about telling a story There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to storytelling. It’s important to recognize that this is a creative process. There are no templates or tools that can automate creativity.
  • 21. HOW EMPATHY - Experience Stages - Customer attitudes / objectives - Customer pain points - Storyboard - Emotional arc EMPATHY LAYER ENGAGEMENT LAYER ACTIVATION LAYER
  • 22. HOW ENGAGEMENT - Experience Steps - Touchpoints - Channels - Frontstage / backstage interaction - Tools / Technology used EMPATHY LAYER ENGAGEMENT LAYER ACTIVATION LAYER
  • 23. HOW ACTIVATION - Currently serving - Opportunity (ideas) - Budget allocation - Responsible individuals / teams - Problem / hypothesis statement EMPATHY LAYER ENGAGEMENT LAYER ACTIVATION LAYER
  • 24. STEP 1 Start with your existing knowledge where possible (then invalidate) HOW Note: It is important to cross silos so that going into customer research, all voices have been heard
  • 26. PERSONA Prospective Patient SCENARIO
 A potential patient is seeking a new Primary Care Physician. Before any of that…
  • 27. Spend a few minutes filling in the broad stages of the experience finding and selecting a new Primary Care Physician. Detail High-Level Stages Activity Be prepared to discuss Example:
  • 28. Realize Need Research Compare & Select Schedule Visit
  • 29. HOW STEP 2 User Research • (In)Validate internal assumption & gain new insight • Ideally through observational methods within the customer’s environment
  • 30. Spend a few minutes filling in the customer attitudes / objectives at each Stage. Detail Customer Attitudes Activity Be prepared to discuss Example:
  • 31. Realize Need Research Compare & Select Schedule Visit Something is wrong, I think I need to see someone. What are my options? How do I know which Doctor is best for me? None of my choices are even accepting new patients I hope I like this Doctor
  • 32. HOW STEP 3 Affinitize insights • One insight per sticky note • Use color coding to denote note type (e.g. attitude, step, pain point, etc.) • Start thinking about the granular steps of the experience
  • 36. Within each stage, spend some time detailing out the smaller steps that happen within. Detail Granular Steps Activity Be prepared to discuss Example:
  • 37. Realize Need Research Compare & Select Schedule Visit Something is wrong, I think I need to see someone What are my options? How do I know which Doctor is best for me? None of my choices are even accepting new patients I hope I like this Doctor (1) Illness or life event (2) Online research (e.g. WebMD) (3) Accept the need for an expert (4) Research insurance coverage (5) Look for online reviews (6) Friend & family recommendations (7) Find a physician (8) Compare credentials and reviews (9) Narrow selection to 2-5 (10) Contact physician’s office to find out of accepting new patients (11) Schedule an appointment (12) Find doctor’s office (13) Checkin & waiting room (14) Meet with new doctor
  • 38. HOW STEP 5 Assign pain • For broad CX Strategy initiatives, this may justify qualitative as well as quantitative data • For design teams, clear areas of focus may be revealed through qualitative insights
  • 39. Methods to Illustrate Pain Friction Emotional Impact Moments of Truth
  • 40. Take the steps you created and assign positive or negative emotional impact. Emotional Arc Activity Be prepared to discuss Example:
  • 41. Realize Need Research Compare & Select Schedule Visit (1) Illness or life event (2) Online research (e.g. WebMD) (3) Accept the need for an expert (4) Research insurance coverage (5) Look for online reviews (6) Friend & family recommendations (7) Find a physician (8) Compare credentials and reviews (9) Narrow selection to 2-5 (10) Contact physician’s office to find out of accepting new patients (11) Schedule an appointment (12) Find doctor’s office (13) Checkin & waiting room (14) Meet with new doctor Something is wrong, I think I need to see someone What are my options? How do I know which Doctor is best for me? None of my choices are even accepting new patients I hope I like this Doctor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  • 43. Keep it simple Tip: Each model should tell one story. If you need to tell more, you may need a separate model. You should be able to see from 15 feet away what you’re looking at HOW
  • 46. Collaborate outside of your silo HOW
  • 47. Strive to maintain your journey as a living document Tip: rapid prototyping tools work well for simple maps, and can include interactive layers HOW
  • 48. Tie in desired outcomes and activate teams or individuals Tip: With what we have done so far we already have a head start on Hypothesis Statements, a strong activation tool HOW
  • 50. WE BELIEVE THAT Idea WILL SOLVE Action Action ENABLED BY [Activation] RESULTING IN Attitude AttitudeAction Hypothesis Statement
  • 55. D I S C O V E R D E S I G N D E V E L O P D E P L O Y Understandprojectneeds&goals Collateral Assessment Stakeholder Interviews CONTENT STRATEGY TASKS TECH TASKS Content Guidelines Online Editorial Guide CONTENT STRATEGY TASKS UX TASKS Wireframe Design CLIENT REVIEW Messaging, Voice & Tone Website Preparation Sitemap Design Content Mapping CONTENT STRATEGY TASKS Tagging Strategy Content Types Definitions Website Operations/Management Governance Plans CONTENT STRATEGY TASKS CMS Development Communication & Training CONTENT STRATEGY TASKS Develop Content CONTENT STRATEGY TASKS Content Development & Migration Content Migration CONTENT STRATEGY TASKS Content Migration Support Editorial & Content Management Editorial & Content Support Community Management & Oversignt Identifiesapproaches,process&strategiesImplementnewcontent,refineexisting content&prepareforlaunch Encoompasseslaunch& post-launchefforts Understanding the Business Content Inventories User Testing QA TASKS Test Site SITE IS LAUNCHED CLIENT REVIEW CLIENT REVIEW CLIENT REVIEW CLIENT APPROVAL UX TASKS Persona Development Technical Assessment Develop Business Requirements I Need a Website or Redesign Content Creation Site Testing Content Migration Planning Content Creation PlanningOptimization Strategy Engagement Strategy Content Optimization TECH TASKS Choose CMS VISUAL DESIGN TASKS Visual Design User Task Flows Stakeholder Interviews Competitive Analysis Heuristic Assessment Functional Wireframes TECH TASKS Front End CMS Development VISUAL DESIGN TASKS Look & Feel Discovery Design Brief Card Sorting Back End CMS Development VISUAL DESIGN TASKS Style Guide User Interview User Interviews Competitive Analysis Content Assessment
  • 59. PERSONA IMPACT WFA RECOMMENDED STRATEGY “When the Smith Barney side merged to Morgan Stanley the atmosphere became hostile and overbearing.” “What kind of support do you have for my business?” “Who has more resources? I deal with a lot of products and programs...” “For me it was mainly talking to managers or regional guys or advisors who have been there.” “When we narrowed down to two, Wells Fargo did that due-diligence meeting where we were literally listening to the directors of those divisions.”“The recruitment firm had a site that was really useful.” “What types of restrictions?” “I did go online - I wanted to make sure they aren’t going to collapse...” “Because of the privacy, I would rather go to somebody who doesn’t know who I am.” “What type of mindset do you have currently and in the future?” “I like the idea of actually comparing competitors. What makes the firm different?” “That’s the greatest thing about this company,you have help if you want it,you can call.” “When it actually came time to move it was a game changer for them to be so supportive.” “Name is important to me; hanging my own shingle wasn’t as attractive to me.” “Does the website look really good or does it look kind of cheap? Does it smell of money?” ADVISOR JOURNEY MAP KEY TASKS Awareness Qualification Evaluation Contact Decision-Making EVALUATE RISK/COSTMAILERS EMAIL FACE TO FACE CONTACT HIRING MANAGER WEBSITE DUE DILIGENCE PORTFOLIO TRANSITION ASSESSMENT & VALIDATION RECRUITMENT CALLS SIGN OFFER LETTER COULD RE-EVALUATE LATER OPPORTUNITIES An experience map models a user’s complete experience with a company across a variety of interaction points. This map is designed to help us focus on key opportunities to enhance consumer engagement. PRINT ADS CURSORY RESEARCH COMPARE COMPETITORS FRIENDS AND FAMILY COMMUNICATIONS TRANSITION PLANNING EXPERIENCE COMPENSATION LIFESTYLE RECRUITMENT CALLS RECRUITMENT CALLS CONVERSATIONS NARROW LISTSUNDERSTAND OFFERINGS CUSTOMER STATE Multi-channel presence and subtle increase of urgency NEUTRAL DISSATISFIED CURIOUS EXCITED ENGAGED STRESSED ? ! !! Clear path for immediate action Guidance to the right channel - then drill into further detail Help envision unique opportunities for now and in the future - set stage for reconsideration later Create a personal connection and emphasize resources Validate decision and/or allay remaining questions about risk
  • 60. Tess TESS’ JOURNEY Tess TESS’ STORYBOARD Tess EMOTIONAL JOURNEYS Tess TESS’ DETAILED DESCRIPTION Tess DRAMATIC ARC Tess KPIS Tess TESS’ FILE LANE Tess' Arrival Journey JOURNEY MAP Example: Public transport PROJECT 07 June 2018 EXPORT DATE -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Trip From Denver to Paris (17 hours) Airport Logistics (2 hours) Train to Paris (1 hour) Arrival Tess gets to the airport by Taxi. She gets on the train and tries to enjoy the time. She is woken up by the lights in the cabin. She waits in line for border control. After landing Tess heads to the baggage claim. She waits in line to purchase a RER ticket. Zoom In: Ticket Experience She follows the sign to Paris Ville. She arrives at Gare du Nord and changes trains. Tess arrives at Place de la Bastille one hour after leaving the airport. Tess checks into her airbnb. Tess has always wanted to go to Paris. For her 30th she heads to Paris with her partner. She leaves home early and arrives at the airport on time. On the plane, Tess plans the list of things she'd like to do in the city. "Why do they turn on the lights so early? We still have two hours to go!" Tess just had her passport renewed as her old passport. "Hmm, I get my baggage after going through security?" "How does this work? A one day ticket? A Visit Paris ticket? A week ticket? This seems overcomplicated." Zoom in: Journey of Ticket Purchase "I think this is the right way." "Pardon, I'm looking for the 5 line. Can you help me?" "Google Maps says the apartment should only be a five minute walk from here." "Whew! Finally here." RER sales / day: 3528 tickets / € 14.710 av. time at ticket machine: 1:12 minutes passengers at station / day: 80.000 Customer_Interviews PDF ticket_sales_gare_du_nord XLSX
  • 64. Interaction DURING SERVICE BLUEPRINT 4. Post Exam - Wrap Up3. During Exam2. Pre-Exam1. Enter Exam Room I’m feeling anxious about my exam. Now how long will I have to wait here? Will I have to leave this room to go to another? Is this going to be uncomfortable? Is the doctor listening to me? Will I be able to remember everything the doctor is telling me? Am I supposed to leave yet? I still have some questions... MINIMUMVIABLE EXPERIENCE CUSTOMER GREETER Interaction Interaction Interaction MEMBER ADVOCATE NURSE Interaction DOCTOR Interaction OTHER DataPeople Tool ProcessSpace App Email Human to Human Text Desktop Data Process ● Nurse who escorts patient to the exam room should be the same nurse who stays with the patient throughout the visit to build a relationship. ● Making the exam room warm and inviting will help relieve stress for the patient, a window with blinds could help with this, or even a mural of nature views if window access is not an option. ● Having a comfortable chair and a TV (with obvious and simple controls) would be ideal to take the mind off of the medical visit. STRATEGY INSIGHTS Mark, Jen and Kyle are all in the exam rooms. Actors involved: ● Gwen the Greeter ● Caren the Care Advocate ● Nurses Emma & Raj ● Doctor Scott Mark is impatient and sees a printer in the exam room and is glad he won’t have to wait for the nurse to leave and come back with printed information. When Kyle enters the exam room, he is glad he doesn’t see an intimidating exam room table. Tablet ● The nurse who is taking notes and is the advocate for the patient should be somebody that is knowledgeable to build the trust and relationship with the patient, this should be an NP. ● Users like the partition with the translucent glass, the wall and door was too secluded. ● Doctors and nurses should all be dressed in scrubs to show a team mentality, but should not include personalized attire. ● Members want the preference of being able to receive post-op instructions and extra research via email or printed out ● Members want to be able access notes from their portal but it is not top of mind. The portal is a tool that is used as an as needed tool such as when a user needs to view their billing history or medical history. ● Patients wants to be informed of their health care next steps and want to be aware of possible hidden fees. ● Patients want the nurse to be able to set up their next appointment while still in the exam room and get answers to insurance questions from Caren without having to leave their room. Physical Space 5. Out Of Clinic Care Do I have to go into the clinic? Exam rooms types: - family-friendly, - consultation, - procedure - sick room. Provide educational or medical toys in kids exam room Doctor enters information regarding Mark’s visit into chosen information system. Greeter is responsible for tracking member’s exam area preferences Based on Jen’s preferences, she was taken to a family-themed exam room with educational toys. Back in exam room #1, Nurse Raj finishes Kyle’s flu inoculation and escorts him to the checkout area where Caren is waiting. He sends Kyle on his way with a friendly reminder to contact the clinic with any issues, or questions. The exam rooms will be equipped with a computer and printer Exam room tables will be modular chairs that convert to a table ● Nurse should review / clarify medical condition with patient and inputs the information into their tablet / laptop. ● It is important to minimize wait time in the exam room and have the nurse complete as much as possible until the doctor arrives. ● After the doctor has already review the member’s file, and enters the exam room, the nurse will provide additional information about medical conditions from what was learned in the room. Nurse is responsible for leading patient from waiting room to exam room with a high-touch level of service. Member preference data for exam rooms are used to escort them to the appropriate area Doctors and nurses alike should wear a standard style of scrubs (no custom patterns) Convertible exam table / chair is available in exam rooms Doctor is responsible for reviewing the patient file ahead of visit Nurse will administer full treatment when it is not necessary to have a medical doctor Nurse will stay with the member through the entire exam Nurse is responsible for performing “scribe” role, asking probing questions for the member, and providing overall assistance during the exam. ● User’s like to use telehealth when they are traveling, and for other needs such as: prescription renewals, treatment monitoring, or other services that would not require physical presence with a doctor or care team. Reasonable sized screen is accessible to the doctor in exam room Doctor will use visual aids and supporting content as much as possible with member Nurse is responsible for escorting the patient out, and answering any remaining medical questions Member Advocate will address insurance questions following appointment, and schedule appointments Doctor will handle prescriptions Nurse will escort the member out of the exam room Jen will have the opportunity to get any lingering insurance questions answered Nurse will brief Member Advocate on decisions in exam including prescriptions, physical therapy, etc. Nurse or any care member can access system to add notes, retrieve information, etc. Later while traveling, Kyle feels like he might be having an adverse reaction to the Flu shot he had been given. Because he’s traveling, he uses the telehealth option to contact a doctor and get advice. Mark’s nurse wraps up the exam by emailing Mark his care plan summary, and printing out the information for the support group according to his preferences. One week later, Jen gets a call from Emma with the results of her lab work. She takes time to explain what the numbers mean and addresses any other follow up questions from the visit. Emma brings Jen to Caren and gives here a brief on all of Jen’s questions. Caren works with Jen to answer her insurance questions. Nurse is responsible for creating a care plan during the exam and delivering it to the member according to his or her preference Meanwhile, the nurse is preparing Mark’s care plan which includes the links to the information the doctor showed Mark during the exam, and additional information about physical therapy support groups in the area. Mark receives printed information from his visit, per his preferences to have printed or emailed content Member has the option to use telehealth when it is not feasible for him/her to come to the clinic, and a phone call will not suffice. Doctor uses telehealth to preclude unnecessary clinic visits Member will receive a follow-up call to go over lab work results Nurses will be responsible for follow-ups on labs. Interactions with member will include summary of results In Jen’s exam room, the doctor is updating Jen’s prescription. She has a pricing question around the change in medication. Emma informs Caren that they are about ready to come visit her. When the member has questions around plan costs, Member Advocate will be available to provide clarity In exam room #1, Kyle quickly receives a flu shot from Nurse Raj in the exam room. Meanwhile in exam room #2, Doctor Scott is examining Mark, he uses a reasonable sized screen to explain the causes of Mark’s pain. He also finds a video online to inform Mark on how to do physical therapy for the issue. Emma, Jen’s preferred nurse asks how the kids are doing and about Jen’s general well being. Down the hall, Kyle is noticing that all the clinic staff is in clean pattern-free scrubs. Kyle likes that the doctor is also in scrubs because it creates an impression of a cohesive team. Jen is in exam room #3 with her prefered nurse Emma and doctor. Emma stays with her during the exam to provide assistance, take notes, and ask questions that Jen might not have thought of. In exam room #2, Doctor Scott enters to start Mark’s exam. He knows that Mark is in for back pain. The exam room is equipped with a convertible table/chair; in which Mark is already sitting. Doctor Scott converts the chair to the table setting and begins the exam.
  • 65. HIGH MEDIUM LOW 5 4 3 2 1 Review Environment HUB STRATEGIC DIRECTION HUB BUSINESS PLAN CONSOLIDATED LRP OPERATIONAL PLAN Retrospective on Business Plan MPM LEAD Based on the projected market landscape for the next 10 years, what are the agreed key strategic imperatives for the expected growth of my Hub? Create Business Environment Outlook Retrospect & Evaluation Receive A Global Decision Communicate the Hub Strategic Direction Socialize / Publish Agreement MPM Business Planning Journey and Touchpoints Task 1: Communicates to MPM leadership team, GCLT, corp. Strategy and corp. Finance, and technology Task 2: Delegate the list of improvements (ways to make $, reduce costs, etc.) projects, assign to functional groups; and make decision about what to fund & how to fund it Task 1: Receive data, KPI List, Assumptions & from RPO & CS with their interpretations. Task 2: Alignment with RPO, Finance & CS Lead to create the interpretation of the actuals vs the KPIs (How we do vs what we planned) Task 3: Approve this year’s top priority learnings from Retrospect and Evaluation Review Year 1 & 2 LRP Approve Plans “I receive notification of the global decision.” “I must communicate the definition of success / the results.” Consolidate Hub Business Plan Integrated Business Planning Forum Bring Ideas Approved to the Plan Provide the final Hub Business Plan Add revisions from Hub Business Plan Approval & Add LRP Direction Review Year 1 & 2 Plans Recommend P&L for the Year 1+2 to the Hub Lead Recommend Volume Seed Applied Solutions Communicate Year 1 & 2 LRP Sponsoring the Development of Operational Plans Task 1: Gather the information from the RPO and the CS (assumptions & key imperatives, expected deviations from previous year LRP and risks), and SE Go To Market Strategy Task 2: Integrate the retrospective and its learnings Task 3: Create a report “Big Picture” How do we translate the strategy to financial numbers? What are the tactical plans to enable the strategy and the numbers associated with the tactical plans? Task 1: Incorporate approved ideas to the strategies or plans Task 1: Provide the final version of the Hub Plan to the Hub Lead to present at the Global Commercial Forum Task 2: Approval. Thumbs up or Changes Task 1: Gathering GTM & Category from RPO (Environmental Challenges & Opportunities) Task 2: Gathering customer assumptions & trends, brand changes from CS Task 3: Determining SWOT based on last year performance (Monsanto Capabilities at the time) Task 4: Prepares a presentation of the information (key data and business drivers / SWOT) into a summary for corp. Finance & corp. Strategy “What are the market trends? What are the customer needs / insights? What do the macroeconomics look like? Does the environment still look the same as last review?” “I must Identify success and failures and causes of the key strategic imperatives defined last review driving the expected growth.” Task 1: Receive data, KPI List, Assumptions & Strategy from RPO & CS with their interpretations. Task 2: Alignment with RPO, Finance & CS Lead to create the interpretation of the actuals vs the KPIs (How we do vs what we planned) “Communicate the definition of success / the results.” Task 1: Get a notification of the global decision from the forum Task 2: Tailoring the long term strategy (actuals & targets, and environmental projections & capabilities) for his/her HUB Task 1: (What he will say) Create a communication plan for the HUBs ‘downstream teams’ & messaging within a specific timeframe that enables them to make plans based on the guidelines (Category strategy team, category planning team, IBP team (monthly view), HUB leadership team, Executive team Task 2: Fields questions and feedback from downstream teams; meetings “I am synthesizing category and brand strategies for a holistic Hub plan.” “I must bring approved ideas from the idea cultivator to the plan.” Task 1: Compare the consolidated plan with strategic direction Task 2: Collaborate with all the peers (Supply Chain Lead, SE Lead, Hub Lead, Finance Lead, Commercial Opps Lead) to make decisions, but possible changes impacting Category and Brand strategies will be made by RPO and CS “We need to be united in how we represent our Hub approach for the next 5 years.” “I need to explain the purpose for the Hub Strategic Plan and how it's to be used.” How do I prioritize imperatives and goals across categories and brands and markets across geographies in my Hub to deliver the expected numbers.. what is the biggest impact on the Hub's success? 3yr “I need to create a plan that tactically exceeds meeting Y1 LRP financials.” “I need to govern the plans in 1-2 year span to ensure alignment with the Hub Business Plan.” “I need to ensure that my people involved in LRP have the direction needed.” “I need to understand how the tactical plan translates in P&L numbers for the LRP.” “I need to approve the current plan based on direction from Hub Business Plan.” “I need to build confidence that the plan built will deliver the strategy and committed financials.” “I will recommend year 1 & 2 LRP based on global prices set up.” Task 1: Gaining alignment with global Seed Applied Services on price strategy by crop and brand Task 2: Decide which volume scenario to be used in the LRP according to the price strategy “I must share the approved LRP assumptions and targets with category teams involved in the planning process.” “I need to provide direction on tactical operational plans.” Task 1: Communicating the connection between the Hub Plan and LRP Task 2: Share the feedback from the Global Commercial Team to my people Task 3: Partner with finance to reconfirm globally defined assumptions from the Hub Business Plan and communicate financial expectations by category. Task 1: Provide oversight for each of the “annual” plans for the 2 year plan ● Brand Plan ● Product Portfolio (life cycle mgmt) ● Dealer Mkt Fund plans ● Grower MF plans ● Distro Mkt focus plan ● Demand planning future season plan ● Crop planning plan ● Capabilities plan ● Price Targets Task 2: Provide direction on volume and mix for demand forecast and production purposes Task 1: Give feedback & lead discussions to refine the numbers related to the plans Task 2: Partner with Finance and his/her teams to create a P&L by Category and total by Hub Task 3: Validate the numbers against the Hub Business Plan financial assumptions Task 1: Approving and recommending: plans below: (Accountable) ● Brand Plan ● Product Portfolio ● Dealer Market Funding ● Grower Market Funding ● Dist. Market Focus Plan ● Demand Planning Future Season ● Crop Plan Mix and Supply ● Capabilities plan (Recommend to Hub lead) ● Price Targets ● Volume Targets ● Bottoms up LRP Task 1: Consolidate the plans into one story task 2: Anticipate questions with my team (prepare to present to the Hub Lead) Task 3: Recommends the P&L and cash flow, includes volume and price targets Task 1: Share with the RPO Task 1: Provide Inputs Task 2. Provide a high level review ahead of hub lead approval to cost to serve, account plan processes and COL approval for capabilities plan, distribution development plan, training plan Task 3. Provide feedback on the RPO / CS portion of the operational plans Task 4. Receiving feedback on his/her portion of the operational plan MONTHLY FORECASTING Review Approve Operational PlanPropose Operational Targets “I need to assess the breakout opportunities identified in the LRP exercise and recommend targets to the Hub lead.” Recommend and Approve Volume Seed Applied Solutions Task 1: Decide which volume scenario to be used in the operational plan according to the RPO price setting “I will recommend & approve year 1 operational volume allocations based on RPO prices set up.” “I will formally sign off on the finalized operational plan.” Task 1: Assess the opportunities by category and its financial impacts Task 2: Share with IBP the propose targets and collect feedback from the IBP group Task 1: Approve the final operational plan Task 2: Formal sign off on the finalized operational plan Task 3: Share the approved plan with the MPM team 1yr 3yr Task 1: Looking at the shorter - 5 year horizon; any triggers? Task 2: Respond accordingly (Changes/No change) “I must work with the RPO & CS Leads and their inputs on customer needs, macro, insights, and market trends.” Hub Forum “I must represent my hub's customer market and competitive outlook for the 10 year horizon.” Task 1: Present Information & share context around the data Task 2: Give & Take Feedback from corp. Finance & corp. Strategy & other leadership attendees Task 3: Generate a draft picture of the next 3-5 years (Big Decision Point) & a strategy for how to accomplish/execute Review Environment 1yr “Have the business environment and capabilities changed enough to change the strategic direction?” Task 1: Looking at current vs past environmental data; any triggers? Task 2: Respond accordingly (Changes/No change) Decision MPMOPPORTUNITIES&GAPS AreasinMPMBusinessPlanningEcosystemwhereissuesand/orambiguitymightbepresent. Supporting Roles Finance Lead: Meeting in person w/MPM support Hub Lead: People Strategy with HR FTO situation analysis (regulatory) Create Capabilities Plan: HR Task 1: Receives an update of the Hub biz plan and the LRP directions Task 2: Make the changes to their Capabilities Plan according to revisions recommended by the MPM Crop Planning and Demand Planning: Supply Chain Create Account Plans & responsible for making recommendations: COL COL: Cost to Serve, Capabilities Plan, Distributor Development Plans, and Training Plans Bottoms Up P&L: FInance 2 Yr HUB LRP Targets & Approvals: FInance Create People Strategy (HR) FTO Situation Analysis (Regulatory) Data (Metrics & Context) Collaboration (w/Decision Makers) Communication (to Stakeholders) Presentations (Summarizing insights for stakeholders) Awareness (i.e. Instant Notification, Alerts) Methodology used to collect MPM information (i.e. HCD Approach) HCD INSIGHTS/HUMANTHEMES Task 2 Make Changes Task 1: Collect data, KPI List, Assumption List and Actuals Create Category Outlook “Situation” Create Customer / Brand Outlook “Situation” Task 1: Meet with teams to determine the data they need, and how they’re going to get it. (Actuals & Targets) Task 1: Collect data, KPI List, Assumption List and Actuals Create Retrospective for Category Create Retrospective for Brand Refine Category Strategy Task 2: Make Changes Refine Brand Strategy Task 1: Meet with teams to determine the data they need, and how they’re going to get it. (Actuals & Targets) Task 2: Interpret the findings Task 3: Suggest change and a strategy for Hub Strategic direction for customer insights & market intelligence to MPM Task 2: Having teams gather Actuals & Targets data to create their portion of the report Task 3: Create communication report Task 4: Supplying the category outlook to the MPM (product, seed treatment) (Past work - sales, production, pricing, market funding) Task 3: Create communication report Task 2: Having teams gather Actuals & Targets data to create their portion of the report Task 4: Supplying the customer outlook to the MPM (Customer related work - customer insights, market intelligence) Task 2: Interpret the findings Task 3: Suggest change and a strategy for Hub Strategic direction for customer insights & market intelligence to MPM Receive ideas approved to the plan Task 1: Once approved, add the ideas to the correct plan based on overall value to the business Task 1: Once approved, add the ideas to the correct plan based on overall value to the business Receive ideas approved to the plan Create GTM Strategy Task 1: Review retrospective information Task 2: Assess market and industry trends for the following 5-10 years or the HUB businesses and geographies Task 3: Review cost to serve information of current RTMs as well as new alternative RTMs in a 10 year span per business and geography Task 4: Review customer insights and brainstorm on customers future needs for business and geography Task 5: Propose adjustments to the GTM strategies Task 6: Determine new GTM strategy: changes and adjustments to current GTM model by business and geography Task 1: partnering with finance to run scenarios on volume vs price by crop Consolidating LRP for Category Task 1: Pull in the assumptions from the Hub Business Plan and then the tactical plans. and coordinate with the plan owners Task 2: Build into the LRP the cost and return aspects of the tactical plans Task 3: Assess if there are gaps between the LRP and LRP direction given by the MPM Task 4: Identify opportunities and scenarios to address the gaps task 5: Connect with tactical plan owners to determine recommended tactical plan changes Creating the Volume Scenario Task 1: Receives an update of the Hub biz plan and the LRP directions Reviews HUB Plan Reviews HUB Plan Reviews HUB Plan Future Opportunity Current Capabilities Activity SE Activity CS Activity RPO Tasks MPM Touchpoint Consolidating LRP for Category Understand / Awareness of the Approved LRP Understand / Awareness of the Approved LRP Task 1: taking the approved category LRP to the category strategy team Preparing and Approving Operational Plans Creating Operational Plans Task 1: Approves supply allocation, price setting and discretionary market funding allocation by category Make Changes Task 1: Collaborate w/ MPM to make changes to the plan. Make Changes Task 1: Collaborate w/ MPM to make changes to the plan. Create 2 Year Tactical Plan Task 1: Developing the Tactical Plans for their category Create 2 Year Tactical Plan Create 2 Year Tactical Plan Task 6: Confirm recommended scenarios with MPM Task 2: ALign with CS and SE Consolidated LRP for Category Task 1: Provide assumptions to the RPO from their tactical plans Task 2: Provide the resourcing and return numbers for the tactical plan Task 3: Collaborate with RPO to create scenarios to address gaps Task 4: Make changes as necessary Creating Operational Plans Task 1: Recommend Training Plans Create Account Plan Task 2: Recommend capabilities Plan Task 2: Recommend distribution development Plan Task 2: Inform MPM Task 1: Assess previous account planning cycle Task 2: Plan service level and touch points by account Task 3: Create Plan is collaboration with CS Task 4: Approve plan with COL Task 5: Propose plan / targets to MPM MPM LEAD MOMENT OF TRUTH HUB FORUM RPO LEAD CS LEAD SE LEAD MOMENT OF TRUTH CONSOLIDATE HUB BUSINESS PLAN MOMENT OF TRUTH INTEGRATED BUSINESS PLANNING FORUM MOMENT OF TRUTH ADD REVISIONS FROM HUB BUSINESS PLAN APPROVAL & ADD LRP DIRECTION MOMENT OF TRUTH REVIEW YEAR 1 & 2 PLANS Initial Business Planning Hypothesis WE BELIEVE THAT … [Doing this] [For these people] WILL RESULT IN … [the outcome] WE WILL KNOW WE HAVE SUCCEEDED WHEN... [this feedback and metric] COETOUCHPOINTS&INSIGHTS AreasinMPMBusinessPlanningEcosystemwhereKeyTasksIntersectwithotherCOE Leads;insightsandopportunitiesaredescribedinHumanThemes AreasinMPMBusinessPlanningEcosystem Project Goals TASKS ● List them ● List ● List ● List ● List H2H H2P H2T H2T H2T H2T H2T H2P H2P RPO LEAD CS LEAD SE LEAD MOMENT OF TRUTH PROPOSE OPERATIONAL TARGETS “Identify success, and failures and causes of last year's Hub Business Planning cycle driving the expected growth.” Insight Possible decision to support interface The outcomes should show up in the Consolidated Hub Business Plan. Possible need for a screen level deep dive: Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How Possible need for trigger that causes a strategic review. Sponsoring the Development of the Category and Brand Strategies Task 1: Provide critical input Task 2: Provide a review ahead of it going to IBP Task 3: Responsible for sponsoring at IBP The outcomes from the annual Retrospective on Business Plan should show up in the Consolidated Hub Business Plan. There is also a need for collaborative functionality and a critical barrier. The MPM cannot move forward until he/she is able to tell the story. Create Category Strategy Task 1: Create the portfolio, pricing and market funding strategies; and category/business strategy Task 1: Retrieve Retrospective information. H2T Create Brand Strategy Task 1: Create the strategic marketing plan Task 1: Retrieve Retrospective information. H2T Create Customer Strategy Task 1: Market segmentation assessment and multi-brand positioning Functionality needed that would allow a new learning to show up automatically and be able to compare to Retrospective. Also a critical alignment moment. MOMENT OF TRUTH PROVIDE THE FINAL HUB BUSINESS PLAN Approval. Getting direction to go into the LRP Functionality needed that would highlight the changes made to the Hub Business Plan. Task 2: Make the changes to their Category Strategy according to revisions recommended by the MPM Task 1: Receives an update of the Hub biz plan and the LRP directions Task 2: Make the changes to their Brand and Customer Strategy according to revisions recommended by the MPM Task 1: Receives an update of the Hub biz plan and the LRP directions Task 2: Make the changes to their Go To Market Strategy according to revisions recommended by the MPM Finance partners with MPM: Finance confirms globally defined assumptions from the Hub Business Plan to the MPM “Does the plan make sense with the strategy?” Task 3: Submit plans to category strategy team? Task 4: Provide to MPM for feedback. Task 5: Make changes based on MPM inputs Task 1: Developing the Tactical Plans for their brand Task 2: ALign with RPO and SE Task 3: Submit plans to category strategy team? Task 4: Provide to MPM for feedback. Task 5: Make changes based on MPM inputs Task 1: Developing the Tactical Plans for their Go To Market Strategy Task 2: ALign with CS and RPO Task 3: Submit plans to category strategy team? Task 4: Provide to MPM for feedback. Task 5: Make changes based on MPM inputs Functionality needed that would allow a smooth and seamless process for the gathering of support data. Additional considerations will be needed regarding permission control / access to systems that allow the transfer of this data. Task 7: communicate changes to plan owners Task 1: Provide assumptions to the RPO from their tactical plans Task 2: Provide the resourcing and return numbers for the tactical plan Task 3: Collaborate with RPO to create scenarios to address gaps Task 4: Make changes as necessary Functionality consideration that would allow an intuitive, or partially automated process for ranking programs., e.g. an algorithmic function such as a Strategy Index that could rank the programs by any number of selected criteria so as to lessen the burden of time performing manual calculations. This is also a point where the MPM will remind the team of the Hub Strategic Plan. Functionality may want to be considered that would allow for triggers, collaboration, commenting, etc relative to the reviews that need to take place. Global Commercial Team Approval MOMENT OF TRUTH Recommend P&L for the Year 1+2 to the Hub Lead This is a major decision point and a critical dependency - the MPM has to recommend the final financial numbers for the next 2 years to the hub lead, but is dependent upon collaboration with other key personas and dependent upon finance partnering with cash flow to enable the MPM’s decisions that need to be made. Collaborate on P&L Collaborate on P&L Collaborate on P&L Task 1: Collaborate with MPM on anticipated questions Task 1: Collaborate with MPM on anticipated questions Task 1: Collaborate with MPM on anticipated questions Finance will partner with cash flow This is a major decision point - the final recommendation for volume to be used in the LRP. Task 1: collaborate with RPO on volume analysis by crop - bringing the brand and customer perspective Collaborate with RPO on Volume Scenario Collaborate with RPO on Volume Scenario Task 1: collaborate with RPO on volume analysis by crop - bringing the Go To Market Perspective Considerations will be needed regarding transparency / permission control / access of systems that allow the transfer of the data to and from supporting parties. Task 1: Receiving the approved LRP Understand / Awareness of the Approved LRP Task 1: Receiving the approved LRP Task 1 Recommend how to allocate the discretionary market funding and programs for the brands Price Setting Task 1: RPO sets prices to meet operational targets Pricing Recommendations Task 1: gives perspective to the RPO on the brand pricing Finance: analysis and background work - impact on the price to the P&L Consolidate Operational Plan Task 1: Consolidate components of the operational plan and make the recommendation for the MPM to approve Task 1: Review the full plan to ensure it reflects the right brand experience Collaborate on Defining Operational Targets Task 1: Partner with finance to build numbers for the opportunities Task 2: Recommend to MPM category operational targets Collaborate on Defining Operational Targets Task 1: Collaborate with RPO to build numbers for the brand opportunities Task 2: Collaborate on defining the brands operational targets Collaborate on Defining Operational Targets Task 1: Collaborate with RPO to build numbers for the Go To Market opportunities Task 2: Collaborate on defining the Go To Market operational targets Partner with Finance - Finance is an enabler
  • 66. Product Reputation PRODUCT EXPOSURE DECISION TO BUY PURCHASE & ONBOARDING SERVICE EXPERIENCE RETENTION & COMPLIANCE “The science is strong” 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 PATIENT DOCTOR “My doctor recommended it… and the online reviews look good.” FRICTION HIGH LOW LOW HIGH Awareness Marketing Service Reputation “My patients want data, not just my opinion.” “I’ve read bad things about zinc. What options do I have?” “I want to do what’s right for my patients… as long as I don’t lose money.” “I wanted to buy what the doctor recommended, but it was expensive, and he said I could still get results over the counter, so I’ll give those a try.” “This monthly ordering cycle is a hassle.” “Ordering online is much more convenient, but I don’t like being charged shipping. “Why am I still paying this lease? This pisses me off.” “Seeing improvement in my eye health motivates me, but I don’t want to keep paying for the test.” Awareness Product Reputation Service Reputation Being “sold” Patients are largely unaware of EyePromise Doctors are much more aware of the product ...but would like greater patient awareness Positive reviews available to see Otherwise minimal brand trust established Positive reputation for quality Carrying supplement Device space: not significant Supplement space: marginally significant Supplement Options Supplement Options Doctors with greater sales success tend to focus on 1-2 supplements Most doctors are unaware of new options Knows to order EyePromise, but not which one Negatives are being spread peer-to-peer ...and through professional organizations Capabilities impacted Open opportunities ZEAVISION Running Test Test is a minimal part of doctor revenue from EyePromise Largely unconcerned about test time Time to explain test is important Running Test Patients hesitate to pay for a test Variable results prevent retesting FRICTION Thought Leadership Thought Leadership Desire to have information to respond to studies and information patients have found Desire to be able to talk to patients better about the need for supplements Being “sold” Discomfort Selling Trial options for doctors “Ease in” case commitment Contract Rewards Even doctors highly successful selling the product expect to pay down the lease eventually If doctors are unsuccessful it leads to strong brand detractors Expense Underserved Doctors Lack of sales rep support in certain regions When desiring to return the device, EyePromise “goes dark” Patient wants information, not to be “sold.” They need to believe in the value, and the science is there Doctors don’t want to be “sold” either. They want to find partners who will help them find value for patients and their practice Monthly Ordering Unsuccessful doctors feel forced to order cases they don’t need Successful doctors will intentionally wait until the next month rather than order earlier and lose credit against the lease cost End of month hassle is negative for all Opportunity to become a thought leader Partner, not pester No indication of negative service reputation Ability to easily sell enough cases to not pay lease isn’t trusted Doctors may shy away because of need to sell Lack of visual aid use (41% use no visual aids, 43% only use the macular pigment screening as an aid) Training Turnover & Retraining Lab space for device Device space: not significant Case commitment Doctors are often doubtful about the ability to easily sell 4 cases per month Desire to have easier entry options Ability to measure Ability to Measure Ability to measure is a sales point for patients and& doctors alike Website is hard to use Hard to find product information Hard to order High percentage of “somewhat valuable” and below when asked “how valuable is the information on the website” 43% “ok” and below on ease of checkout Website is hard to use Doctors generally don’t use and are unconcerned with the EyePromise website Opportunity to make website more useful for doctors Turnover may create drop-off if not re-trained well Doctors view that as being their issue Improve retraining options (digital, etc.) Training viewed positively Help sell more, rather than cross-sell Subscription Service Subscription services aren’t promoted due to perceived lack of equal return to doctors Subscription Service Patients often choose over the counter options or purchase at the physician office over online subscriptions Machine Updates Of little concern Need for data to make decisions for themselves on EyePromise’s relative value Expense EyePromise is not a huge source of revenue, which is generally fine Doctors who feel like they are losing money through the deal become very discontented Other options do work (diet change, over the counter, etc.) Patients need to weigh which one is the right value Doctors will provide options, unlike prescriptions Doctors don’t feel rewarded for loyalty Rewards are more of a hassle than a benefit for loyalty Rewards Patients don’t have the expectation of rewards, but may help with compliance Advocacy Too many detractors in the market at present for advocacy to really make an impact Advocacy Patients aren’t aware enough of EyePromise to leverage advocacy Print mail campaign Television marketing Marketing Reframe business value in marketing Reframe patient value (science) marketing Marketing Marketing React in-market to negative experiences React in-market to competitor attacks Clarify value prop for patients Make patient adoption easier (free bottle, etc) Sales Sales Reduce product options Target marketing for niche products Business Marketing Promote new products Clarify value of each product IT Opportunity to make website more usable for patients Sales Clarify the perceived value of online shopping / subscription Offer retraining when sales dips Sales Eliminate / embed shipping costs (for patient) Offer ability to purchase full year Sales Revise the ordering model (end of month) Sales Marketing Get ahead of the message by responding to / creating studies Provide talking points proactively to doctors Education for consistency of measurement (e.g. if this then do that) Provide talking points to hasten explanation time Sales Consider recommending that the test be given for free Business End never ending lease Create transparency of lease structure Restaff sales team Sales Restructure & redefine roles needed & add as appropriate Provide comprehensive support to struggling doctors Sales Offer patients incentives for compliance Business Simplify the rewards program for doctors, and make it more about loyalty Opportunity analysis Business Assess the relationship between regional economic status, test pricing, and product sales Routine Change in daily routine is the greatest negative impact on compliance Erroneous Purchases Customers have the strong belief that they are purchasing the right supplements, but often times are not