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Philip Saxon
(Corvinus University, IATEFL BESIG)
Budapest, 24 January 2015
Your presenter’s background
• Business English trainer and HE teacher since 2009.
• Previously worked for IT companies for 9 years.
• MA in ELT (ICT/Multimedia) with distinction from
University of Warwick (2014).
• Now speak regularly at IATEFL-Hungary and other
events. Growing following as a blogger, too:
– English for Authentic Purposes:
– Teaching English with Technology:
Facebook: what do our learners use it for?
Here are some of the better uses:
• Connect and interact with family and “friends”.
• Share news, content or opinions – and invite the
audience to respond or “like” it.
• Post engaging pictures/videos – or look at/respond to
those posted by friends and family.
• Join communities of interest and follow discussions, or
content shared there.
People interact because they want to!
So what if we could replicate
these effects in our language
teaching? Is there a way?
As language teachers we
certainly want our learners to:
• Be “willing to
• Interact and “negotiate
for meaning”.
So what can be gained by learners online?
Potentially, a great deal:
• Practice can be extended;
• Students can share what
they want to;
• Interaction can be
meaningful and authentic;
• Speaking homework can be
• Feedback can be
Provided, of course, that the environment is safe and closed.
Who this talk is for
If you’re interested in:
• Giving learners opportunities to practise English
meaningfully outside class; or
• Discovering what online environments, tools and tasks
best facilitate this; or
• Making better use of the time you have…
…then this talk is for you!
By the end of this talk
you should understand:
1) How to set up a
virtual classroom on
2) How to get students
to use it
3) How to set speaking
homework and
deliver feedback
Today’s Overview
1. What the Internet offers
2. Enter Edmodo!
3. Activities you can try
4. Speaking homework
5. Why it’s worth it
Our learners’ main problem:
how can they practise outside class?
• Their L1 may be everywhere!
• On your own, who can you
interact with?
• Videos or apps can’t have a
proper conversation with you.
• Not enough exposure = not
enough practice.
Enter the Internet! We are now living in
a “Web 2.0” era. The
Internet is now an
interactive medium,
thanks to social
media in particular.
Our learners know
this – but may never
have been offered
the chance to learn
or practice languages
this way. Isn’t it time
we let them?
Over 46 million users can’t be wrong!
Impressive. So what’s it all about?
“Devil’s Advocate”
What you get with Edmodo
1) Essentially, it’s a “stripped down version of Moodle”
(Russell Stannard). It’s a simple, user-friendly virtual
learning environment (VLE).
2) It’s free, free from ads, secure and requires no
technical support.
3) Straight away, your students can share ideas and
collaborate together.
4) You can create quizzes, polls, add important dates to
the calendar, run discussions and share links, videos,
articles etc.
Some nice features there. But how
can it help me and my students?
Fair question. You’re no doubt
wondering how much time this
requires, and how much students
will appreciate it.
Like most things, technology is what
you make of it. Edmodo can help
you in two main ways:
1) Managing courses is easier.
2) There is more opportunity for
skills practice and feedback.
So we can use it to help manage courses?
Absolutely. As a VLE, you can use Edmodo to:
• List what happened in class and the homework;
• Give notice of what is planned for the next lesson;
• Upload any relevant material (answer keys, PowerPoint
summaries, scanned handouts, links to dictionaries,
online activities, video clips, etc).
The benefits: a record of everything and no more
redundant student e-mails or claims they were unaware
of requirements!
(Many thanks to Marjorie Rosenberg for pointing all this out)
Okay, I get that. But no way is
Edmodo Facebook!
True, despite similarities Edmodo is
NOT Facebook. It’s still a
classroom: students will all be
waiting for instructions.
If we want students to post or
interact on Edmodo, the
responsibility lies with the
teacher, same as in the physical
But that’s more work, surely?
Not necessarily. If tasks are well
designed, all you do is pose
questions/give instructions, and
then watch the learners post!
Moreover, you can achieve genuine
productivity gains if you’re smart.
All right, but I still want to see the
skills work you mentioned.
No problem!
A quick tour of Edmodo
Your presenter has made extensive use of Edmodo in his
classes at Corvinus University.
The next few slides will display screen shots illustrating:
• How to get started on Edmodo;
• Specific uses your presenter has made with one class.
Edmodo – how to get started
How to set up a class
How students can register
A recent class!
A homework assignment
Classwork, plus teacher feedback
Benefits for language learning (1)
1) Students can practice writing for a real audience. Let
them write their own questions, and respond!
2) Students can upload content here with ease! Or
provide links to it.
3) You can use Edmodo to give feedback, possibly
focusing on error correction.
Benefits for language learning (2)
4) Speaking homework is possible – about which more
soon. Ideal if students have an exam coming!
5) You can ask more advanced learners to
summarize/critique articles they’ve read on Edmodo,
and afterwards respond. This teaches critical thinking.
6) You can form sub-groups and co-ordinate project-
based learning this way, too.
Okay, I’ve said enough for now. Let’s
see what the audience has to say.
Audience: over to you!
In groups of 4 or so, be ready to review the activities
described on the next two slides.
In particular, consider:
• What are the benefits for learners?
• What is the teacher’s role?
• Compared with the ordinary classroom, what
difference does Edmodo make?
• Can you anticipate any problems?
Activity 1: Content sharing, discussion
Level: Upper Intermediate/Advanced
Aim: Students will engage in meaningful discussion about
online content. They will also practise sharing opinions.
Invite learners to post a link to interesting content, briefly
also explaining why they think it’s interesting, and offering
an opinion. They can invite others to respond, too.
Students respond to each other as they see fit. The
discussion continues on each thread until exhausted.
Source: Lizzie Pinard (2014), adapted.
Activity 2: A grammar video
Level: Intermediate
Aim: Learners will be able to distinguish between “say”
and “tell” and form correct sentences using them. Also,
those who do homework ahead of class will start in a
stronger position.
Post the following Vicki Hollett video on Edmodo – and
invite students to watch it ahead of class:
You can repeat the video during your lesson, too.
You’re kidding me! Is this really
Yes, it is. Here are two tools teachers can use:
Vocaroo: it’s easy!
Vocaroo is very simple to use.
Here’s a recording I made
Students should get the hang of
it quickly. Just remind them that
they must pay attention to
recording quality.
MyBrainshark: an introduction
This is a really powerful tool, which allows your students to add
voice-over to PowerPoint slides, documents etc.
And in its basic form, it’s free to use! Using a microphone,
students narrate their presentations, slide by slide.
Used well, the results can be impressive. Here is one of my
students’ efforts, shared with his permission:
Audience: over to you again!
Can you think of ways to use
Vocaroo or MyBrainshark with
your students?
Discuss with a partner. We’ll
reconvene in a couple of minutes.
Tips for speaking homework (1)
1) Demonstrate the technology properly first.
2) Reassure learners their content is private and won’t be
shared outside the group without their consent.
3) Make tasks relevant to your learners and the benefits
obvious. You have to motivate them.
4) Offer students choices. You don’t always have to
prescribe a topic, for example.
5) Make your expectations clear – a rubric can be helpful.
6) Give encouragement in your feedback. Praise what’s
good, and suggest practical ways to improve.
Tips for speaking homework (2)
1) Forget to remind students to activate MyBrainshark
presentations before sharing! No one can view them
unless they do.
2) Encourage uploading audio/video files. Encourage
students to share links instead.
3) Forget to remind students to record themselves where
there is little background noise, and to test their sound
quality before making longer recordings.
4) Get stressed! Expect “teething problems” to begin
with. With time, the benefits ought to justify the effort.
It’s worth it because:
• Meaningful, authentic practice is extended!
• More personalized feedback is possible.
• Students can get ready for speaking tests or
presentations in a shorter timeframe.
• Students can see you are helping them – if you make
the right choice of tasks.
• Students can go back and repeat videos or re-read posts
if they wish to.
All right, I give in! I’m sold!
So, audience: why not give it a go?
Hollett, V. (2015). Vicki Hollett: Business English Teaching and Video.
Pinard, E. (2014). Reflections of an English Language Teacher.
Stannard, R. (2015). Teacher Training Videos: Free Online Technology and
ICT Tutorials for Use in Education.
Walker, A. & White, G. (2013). Technology Enhanced Language Learning:
Connecting theory and practice. Oxford Handbooks for Language
Teachers – Oxford University Press.

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From tools to pedagogy: extending language learning using the Internet

  • 2. Your presenter’s background • Business English trainer and HE teacher since 2009. • Previously worked for IT companies for 9 years. • MA in ELT (ICT/Multimedia) with distinction from University of Warwick (2014). • Now speak regularly at IATEFL-Hungary and other events. Growing following as a blogger, too: – English for Authentic Purposes: http://englishforauthenticpurposes.blogspot.hu – Teaching English with Technology: http://techieenglishteacher.blogspot.hu
  • 3. Facebook: what do our learners use it for?
  • 4. Here are some of the better uses: • Connect and interact with family and “friends”. • Share news, content or opinions – and invite the audience to respond or “like” it. • Post engaging pictures/videos – or look at/respond to those posted by friends and family. • Join communities of interest and follow discussions, or content shared there.
  • 5. People interact because they want to! So what if we could replicate these effects in our language teaching? Is there a way? As language teachers we certainly want our learners to: • Be “willing to communicate”; • Interact and “negotiate for meaning”.
  • 6. So what can be gained by learners online? Potentially, a great deal: • Practice can be extended; • Students can share what they want to; • Interaction can be meaningful and authentic; • Speaking homework can be set; • Feedback can be personalized. Provided, of course, that the environment is safe and closed.
  • 7. Who this talk is for If you’re interested in: • Giving learners opportunities to practise English meaningfully outside class; or • Discovering what online environments, tools and tasks best facilitate this; or • Making better use of the time you have… …then this talk is for you!
  • 8. Aim By the end of this talk you should understand: 1) How to set up a virtual classroom on Edmodo; 2) How to get students to use it interactively; 3) How to set speaking homework and deliver feedback online.
  • 9. Today’s Overview 1. What the Internet offers 2. Enter Edmodo! 3. Activities you can try 4. Speaking homework 5. Why it’s worth it
  • 11. Our learners’ main problem: how can they practise outside class? • Their L1 may be everywhere! • On your own, who can you interact with? • Videos or apps can’t have a proper conversation with you. • Not enough exposure = not enough practice.
  • 12. Enter the Internet! We are now living in a “Web 2.0” era. The Internet is now an interactive medium, thanks to social media in particular. Our learners know this – but may never have been offered the chance to learn or practice languages this way. Isn’t it time we let them?
  • 14. Over 46 million users can’t be wrong!
  • 15. Impressive. So what’s it all about? “Devil’s Advocate”
  • 16. What you get with Edmodo 1) Essentially, it’s a “stripped down version of Moodle” (Russell Stannard). It’s a simple, user-friendly virtual learning environment (VLE). 2) It’s free, free from ads, secure and requires no technical support. 3) Straight away, your students can share ideas and collaborate together. 4) You can create quizzes, polls, add important dates to the calendar, run discussions and share links, videos, articles etc.
  • 17. Some nice features there. But how can it help me and my students? Fair question. You’re no doubt wondering how much time this requires, and how much students will appreciate it. Like most things, technology is what you make of it. Edmodo can help you in two main ways: 1) Managing courses is easier. 2) There is more opportunity for skills practice and feedback.
  • 18. So we can use it to help manage courses? Absolutely. As a VLE, you can use Edmodo to: • List what happened in class and the homework; • Give notice of what is planned for the next lesson; • Upload any relevant material (answer keys, PowerPoint summaries, scanned handouts, links to dictionaries, online activities, video clips, etc). The benefits: a record of everything and no more redundant student e-mails or claims they were unaware of requirements! (Many thanks to Marjorie Rosenberg for pointing all this out)
  • 19. Okay, I get that. But no way is Edmodo Facebook! True, despite similarities Edmodo is NOT Facebook. It’s still a classroom: students will all be waiting for instructions. If we want students to post or interact on Edmodo, the responsibility lies with the teacher, same as in the physical classroom.
  • 20. But that’s more work, surely? Not necessarily. If tasks are well designed, all you do is pose questions/give instructions, and then watch the learners post! Moreover, you can achieve genuine productivity gains if you’re smart.
  • 21. All right, but I still want to see the skills work you mentioned. No problem!
  • 22. A quick tour of Edmodo Your presenter has made extensive use of Edmodo in his classes at Corvinus University. The next few slides will display screen shots illustrating: • How to get started on Edmodo; • Specific uses your presenter has made with one class.
  • 23. Edmodo – how to get started
  • 24. How to set up a class
  • 25. How students can register
  • 29. Benefits for language learning (1) 1) Students can practice writing for a real audience. Let them write their own questions, and respond! 2) Students can upload content here with ease! Or provide links to it. 3) You can use Edmodo to give feedback, possibly focusing on error correction.
  • 30. Benefits for language learning (2) 4) Speaking homework is possible – about which more soon. Ideal if students have an exam coming! 5) You can ask more advanced learners to summarize/critique articles they’ve read on Edmodo, and afterwards respond. This teaches critical thinking. 6) You can form sub-groups and co-ordinate project- based learning this way, too.
  • 31. Okay, I’ve said enough for now. Let’s see what the audience has to say.
  • 33. Audience: over to you! In groups of 4 or so, be ready to review the activities described on the next two slides. In particular, consider: • What are the benefits for learners? • What is the teacher’s role? • Compared with the ordinary classroom, what difference does Edmodo make? • Can you anticipate any problems? .
  • 34. Activity 1: Content sharing, discussion Level: Upper Intermediate/Advanced Aim: Students will engage in meaningful discussion about online content. They will also practise sharing opinions. Instructions: Invite learners to post a link to interesting content, briefly also explaining why they think it’s interesting, and offering an opinion. They can invite others to respond, too. Students respond to each other as they see fit. The discussion continues on each thread until exhausted. Source: Lizzie Pinard (2014), adapted.
  • 35. Activity 2: A grammar video Level: Intermediate Aim: Learners will be able to distinguish between “say” and “tell” and form correct sentences using them. Also, those who do homework ahead of class will start in a stronger position. Instructions: Post the following Vicki Hollett video on Edmodo – and invite students to watch it ahead of class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efhYDTP6A8k. You can repeat the video during your lesson, too.
  • 37. You’re kidding me! Is this really possible?
  • 38. Yes, it is. Here are two tools teachers can use: VOCAROO MYBRAINSHARK
  • 39. Vocaroo: it’s easy! Vocaroo is very simple to use. Here’s a recording I made earlier: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0yTFEC9 nXQX Students should get the hang of it quickly. Just remind them that they must pay attention to recording quality.
  • 40. MyBrainshark: an introduction This is a really powerful tool, which allows your students to add voice-over to PowerPoint slides, documents etc. And in its basic form, it’s free to use! Using a microphone, students narrate their presentations, slide by slide. Used well, the results can be impressive. Here is one of my students’ efforts, shared with his permission: http://my.brainshark.com/The-customer-is-NOT-always-right- 552969432
  • 41. Audience: over to you again! Can you think of ways to use Vocaroo or MyBrainshark with your students? Discuss with a partner. We’ll reconvene in a couple of minutes.
  • 42. Tips for speaking homework (1) DO: 1) Demonstrate the technology properly first. 2) Reassure learners their content is private and won’t be shared outside the group without their consent. 3) Make tasks relevant to your learners and the benefits obvious. You have to motivate them. 4) Offer students choices. You don’t always have to prescribe a topic, for example. 5) Make your expectations clear – a rubric can be helpful. 6) Give encouragement in your feedback. Praise what’s good, and suggest practical ways to improve.
  • 43. Tips for speaking homework (2) DON’T 1) Forget to remind students to activate MyBrainshark presentations before sharing! No one can view them unless they do. 2) Encourage uploading audio/video files. Encourage students to share links instead. 3) Forget to remind students to record themselves where there is little background noise, and to test their sound quality before making longer recordings. 4) Get stressed! Expect “teething problems” to begin with. With time, the benefits ought to justify the effort.
  • 44. 5) WHY IT’S WORTH IT
  • 45. It’s worth it because: • Meaningful, authentic practice is extended! • More personalized feedback is possible. • Students can get ready for speaking tests or presentations in a shorter timeframe. • Students can see you are helping them – if you make the right choice of tasks. • Students can go back and repeat videos or re-read posts if they wish to.
  • 46. All right, I give in! I’m sold!
  • 47. So, audience: why not give it a go?
  • 49. References Hollett, V. (2015). Vicki Hollett: Business English Teaching and Video. http://www.vickihollett.com. Pinard, E. (2014). Reflections of an English Language Teacher. http://reflectiveteachingreflectivelearning.com/2014/02/20/5-ways-of- using-edmodo-with-language-learners-part-2/. Stannard, R. (2015). Teacher Training Videos: Free Online Technology and ICT Tutorials for Use in Education. http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com. Walker, A. & White, G. (2013). Technology Enhanced Language Learning: Connecting theory and practice. Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers – Oxford University Press.