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Try It You’ll Like It While we are waiting for everyone to arrive select a lesser known fruit or veggie and make an advertising campaign. Use the resources around the room to help you create your masterpiece! www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Lesson from  The Growing Classroom
Joan Dye Gussow   – Teachers College Columbia University “ What real need do we have for new products given the availability of foods like oranges? Low in calories, no saturated fat, not transfatty acids, essentially no fats; no cholesterol, no added salt, no added sugar, lots of dietary fiber, no artificial colors, MSG or other additives, no pesticides, no pathogens, natural antioxidants and anticarcinogens, no growth hormones, no genetically modified components. And oranges – as an additional bonus - come already packed in a durable, sanitary – and biodegradable - peeling that perfumes the surrounds as a child strips it off.”
Serving Seasonal & Regional Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Educating in  a Garden Toward A Healthy School Environment Offering Nutrition Education Getting Greener with recycling,  composting,  resource use, etc. Connecting to Local Farms education procurement
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org 9:00  Try It, You’ll Like It Lesson Connecting Schools with Farms  Physical Activity Break Promoting Fall/Winter Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Snacks Successful Serving and Promotion Styles  Clean Fruits and Veggies: From the Garden to the Classroom  Update on Fresh Fruit and Veggie Program Grants Safe Culinary Skills in the Classroom 1:00  Closing and Evaluations DAY TWO: Farm to School Programs and Building FFVP Snack Programs
Farm to School www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Farm to School Provide healthful, sustainably  produced, local food for school meals & snacks Provide an alternative market for small and mid-scale family farmers
Farm to School Motivations Children’s health and well-being Viability & preservation of family farms Environmental consciousness Increasing awareness of food systems issues
Origins & History 1996 – 1997  Birth of Farm to School movement with Rodney Taylor in Santa Monica-Malibu USD Started as a Farmers’ Market program 2000 – 2001  USDA funds programs around the country Estimated 6 programs operational Mostly salad bar models
Moves to the National Arena 2004 Launch of national website:  www.farmtoschool.org   National survey shows ~ 400 Farm-to- School projects in 22 states 2005 – 2007  Establishment of National Farm to School Network with 8 Regional Centers
Moves into the Policy Arena 2008 – 2009  Farm Bill  Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act  Include Farm to School language & support USDA Supports local procurement
Traditional  Models for Produce Distribution & Delivery Full House Distributors Produce Distributors Commodity Dollars allocated to Department of Defense State Distribution System  Regional Cooperatives
Newer Procurement Models Non-Profit Collaborative Farmer Partners Directly from Farmers Farmer Cooperatives Farmers Market Farmer Field Stand Community Supported Agriculture
Refers to place-based food: produced within a region Mileage:  50 to 250 miles “ Within a day’s drive” Proximity  of producer to consumer Why?  F reshness & quality F2S Definitions: What does “local” mean?
Seasonality What’s available in your “locality” within  this seasonal window? Why?  Becoming familiar with growing seasons  & regionality
Sustainable practices E nvironmentally sound  reduced inputs to the environment E conomically viable fair prices for producers Socially  E quitable  fair wages, living conditions for worker E ducation
Direct Relationship with grower “ Know your farmer.”  Verifiable source (source identified) Why? Relationship building Trusting your food source
Connecting Schools With Farms  Field Trips to the Farm or Farmers Market Farmers Market at School Farmer in the Classroom Harvest of the Month- Cafeteria or Classroom Cafeteria Sourcing Local Produce Salad Bar or Garden Bar
Components of Farm to School Programs Offer local farm fresh foods from area farmers(source-identified) throughout school campus- fundraising, school meals, snacks and events.
Food & Nutrition Education Provide experiential nutrition education and culinary arts highlighting connections between growing, preparing food, make healthy food choices  and wellness.    School gardens Cooking in the classroom Jr Chef
Agricultural Literacy and Academic Connections Link academic standards with practical learning labs-  school gardens and cafeteria Composting & recycling to develop an understanding of environmental stewardship. Facilitate understanding of food and farming systems and appreciation of people who grow food.  - Farm tours - Farmer in the classroom - Trip to Farmers Market
Farm to School Resources www.healthyschoolenvironment.org www.cafarmtoschool.org www.caff.org
Farmer in the Classroom Clearly discuss in advance the setting, time guidelines , location, topics etc will make it a pleasurable experience for all!  Are they bringing produce? Is it for tasting? Has it already been washed, prepped? Check their schedule and your calendar.  How many classrooms to visit?  Can you arrange for one class after another? (try not to leave gaps in their schedule.) www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Farmer in the Classroom Give them an overview of what you would like them to cover- for example: How long have you been a farmer?  Did you have to go to school? Where is your farm located? How big is it (put it in child language) What do you grow?  They should stick to information they are comfortable presenting, not topics they aren’t versed in.  www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Promoting & Serving Fruits & Vegetables
Harvest of the Month Seasonal Produce www.healthyschoolenvironment.org www.harvestofthemonth.com
Sourcing Fresh Fruits and Veggies www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Fruits & Vegetables Galore  is a tool for school foodservice professionals packed with tips on planning, purchasing, protecting, preparing, presenting and promoting fruits and vegetables.  Order as hard copy or download as PDF   Fruits & Vegetables Galore: Helping Kids Eat More
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Promoting Fruits & Vegetables
Promoting Fruits & Vegetables www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Promoting Vegetable Snacks www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
FFVP Schools  Promotion In Action www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Fruity Girls at Balboa Highschool Fruity Girls - Balboa High School NOTE: I have edited down the 5 minute video to about 2 minutes to share their unique program. This video will be in an easy to view format (no internet needed) www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Successful Serving Styles www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
FFVP Schools In Action www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
FFVP Schools In Action www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Serving F&V Video Wake up to Fresh Fruits and Veggies www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Healthy Schools Project Ventura Unified School District Child Nutrition Services
Components Farm-to-School Salad Bar Breakfast Bar Classroom Nutrition Garden-Based Learning Coordinated School Health Council (WP)
Healthy Schools Project “ Build life-long attitudes and skills that foster healthy food choices Promote the National School Lunch program  Increase awareness of the relationship between agriculture, nutrition, the environment and  food  Create connections among the schools, the community and farmers Develop a Healthy School Environment, supported by Board Policy and adult behavior
Farm to School Salad Bar Provides fresh, locally grown produce Meets USDA nutritional requirements Builds skills needed for making healthy choices
Enhanced Nutrition Education Aligns Nutrition Education with core  curriculum  Integrate cafeteria experience with classroom learning Learn the connection between the food we eat, where it comes from, and how we get it
Garden Enhanced Learning/Ag Literacy  Provides interactive learning about nutrition and agriculture Utilizes the  garden to link math, language arts and science curriculum with “hands on”  experience.
Watch Us Grow HSP Project Team at each school - Teacher, Café Manager, Garden Coordinator, Nutrition Educator, Parent/PTA, physical activity instructor Child Nutrition Staff Training Integration of nutrition competencies into State standards
Working Together to Grow Healthy Kids, Schools and Communities!
Share a Successful Serving Style/Promotion www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Audience share out.
Clean Veggies from Garden to Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Clean Veggies from Garden to Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
School Garden Questions and Answers www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Q1.  Can the school food service use funds from the nonprofit school food service account to purchase seeds for a school garden? A1.  Yes, with the understanding that the garden is used within the context of the program, i.e. selling the food or providing food in the classroom as part of an educational lesson.  Q2.  Can the school food service use funds from the nonprofit school food service account to purchase items for the school garden such as fertilizer, watering cans, rakes, etc.? A2.  Yes, as long as the items are used for the purpose of starting and maintaining the garden. Q3.  Can a school sell food grown in their school garden that was funded using the nonprofit school food service account? A3.  Yes, as long as the revenue from the sale of the food accrues back to the nonprofit school food service account. Schools can serve the produce as part of a reimbursable meal or sell it a la carte, to parents, to Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members, at a roadside stand, etc.
School Garden Questions and Answers www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Q4.  Are there health/safety issues involved with school gardens? A4.  Yes. School Food Authorities (SFAs) need to familiarize themselves with the Federal, State, and local requirements regarding health and sanitation issues. Q5.  Can the school food service purchase produce from another school organization that is maintaining and managing the garden, such as Future Farmers of America (FFA)? A5.  Yes, the school food service may purchase produce from a garden run by a school organization such as FFA, which is an agricultural education program for students. Q6.  Can funds received through the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program (FFVP) be used to purchase seeds/tools/equipment for a school garden? A6.  No. FFVP funds may  not  be used for the purchase of any materials for school gardens.  Q7.  What if there is excess produce from the garden left over at the end of the school year? A7.  The school should first see if the excess food can be used to benefit another program such as the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). If that is not possible, they could try selling the food (as always, the profit must accrue back to the nonprofit school food service account) or donate it in accordance with State and local health/safety regulations. 
Cooking in the Garden and Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
Baking Box Stir Fry Box Salad Box Crock Pot Box Smoothie Box
Safe Culinary Skills in the Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Name some ways to prevent passing germs – Germ Toss Activity
Safe Culinary Skills in the Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
FOOD SAFETY— It’s in your hands © 2009 National Pasteurized Eggs, Inc.  www.SafeEggs.com
Quality + Safety =  Quality of Life Hand Washing Standard Operating Procedure customer Hand- washing Bacteria  & Viruses
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Food safety is in your hands!
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org How many germs are on your hands?
76,000,000 illnesses 325,000 hospitalizations 5,000 deaths Foodborne illness  Bacteria  & Viruses Source: www.CDC.gov/nicodid/eidvovl5no5.mead.htm
Hand- washing  Wash Hands Stop infections Break chain of  infection spreading Stops growth of germs Removes bacteria & viruses What can you do?
Hand- washing  What germs are on your hands?
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org When do you wash your hands? Hand- washing
Hand Washing  Hand- washing  When do you wash your hands?
SOP Rings and Things
SOP Where do you wash your hands?
Step 1. Rinse hands and wrists
Step 2. Liquid soap
Step 3. Generate heavy lather
Step 4. Rinse well
Step 5. Dry hands with paper towel
Step 6. Use paper towel to turn off faucet
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org SOP SOP Gloves SOP Gloves SOP
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org 10 deadly weapons
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Keeping up with safety procedures
Quality + Safety =  Quality of Life Standard Operating Procedure Patient  or Resident Hand- washing Bacteria  & Viruses
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Safe Knife Skills
www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Safe Knife Skills
Before You Leave Please complete an evaluation for today and leave it in the container on your way out. Thanks for joining us Join us again on March 17-18, 2010 for a Spring FFVCHSE Workshop www.healthyschoolenvironment.org

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  • 1. Try It You’ll Like It While we are waiting for everyone to arrive select a lesser known fruit or veggie and make an advertising campaign. Use the resources around the room to help you create your masterpiece! www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Lesson from The Growing Classroom
  • 2. Joan Dye Gussow – Teachers College Columbia University “ What real need do we have for new products given the availability of foods like oranges? Low in calories, no saturated fat, not transfatty acids, essentially no fats; no cholesterol, no added salt, no added sugar, lots of dietary fiber, no artificial colors, MSG or other additives, no pesticides, no pathogens, natural antioxidants and anticarcinogens, no growth hormones, no genetically modified components. And oranges – as an additional bonus - come already packed in a durable, sanitary – and biodegradable - peeling that perfumes the surrounds as a child strips it off.”
  • 3. Serving Seasonal & Regional Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Educating in a Garden Toward A Healthy School Environment Offering Nutrition Education Getting Greener with recycling, composting, resource use, etc. Connecting to Local Farms education procurement
  • 4. www.healthyschoolenvironment.org 9:00 Try It, You’ll Like It Lesson Connecting Schools with Farms Physical Activity Break Promoting Fall/Winter Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Snacks Successful Serving and Promotion Styles Clean Fruits and Veggies: From the Garden to the Classroom Update on Fresh Fruit and Veggie Program Grants Safe Culinary Skills in the Classroom 1:00 Closing and Evaluations DAY TWO: Farm to School Programs and Building FFVP Snack Programs
  • 5. Farm to School www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 6. Farm to School Provide healthful, sustainably produced, local food for school meals & snacks Provide an alternative market for small and mid-scale family farmers
  • 7. Farm to School Motivations Children’s health and well-being Viability & preservation of family farms Environmental consciousness Increasing awareness of food systems issues
  • 8. Origins & History 1996 – 1997 Birth of Farm to School movement with Rodney Taylor in Santa Monica-Malibu USD Started as a Farmers’ Market program 2000 – 2001 USDA funds programs around the country Estimated 6 programs operational Mostly salad bar models
  • 9. Moves to the National Arena 2004 Launch of national website: www.farmtoschool.org National survey shows ~ 400 Farm-to- School projects in 22 states 2005 – 2007 Establishment of National Farm to School Network with 8 Regional Centers
  • 10. Moves into the Policy Arena 2008 – 2009 Farm Bill Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act Include Farm to School language & support USDA Supports local procurement
  • 11. Traditional Models for Produce Distribution & Delivery Full House Distributors Produce Distributors Commodity Dollars allocated to Department of Defense State Distribution System Regional Cooperatives
  • 12. Newer Procurement Models Non-Profit Collaborative Farmer Partners Directly from Farmers Farmer Cooperatives Farmers Market Farmer Field Stand Community Supported Agriculture
  • 13. Refers to place-based food: produced within a region Mileage: 50 to 250 miles “ Within a day’s drive” Proximity of producer to consumer Why? F reshness & quality F2S Definitions: What does “local” mean?
  • 14. Seasonality What’s available in your “locality” within this seasonal window? Why? Becoming familiar with growing seasons & regionality
  • 15. Sustainable practices E nvironmentally sound reduced inputs to the environment E conomically viable fair prices for producers Socially E quitable fair wages, living conditions for worker E ducation
  • 16. Direct Relationship with grower “ Know your farmer.” Verifiable source (source identified) Why? Relationship building Trusting your food source
  • 17. Connecting Schools With Farms Field Trips to the Farm or Farmers Market Farmers Market at School Farmer in the Classroom Harvest of the Month- Cafeteria or Classroom Cafeteria Sourcing Local Produce Salad Bar or Garden Bar
  • 18. Components of Farm to School Programs Offer local farm fresh foods from area farmers(source-identified) throughout school campus- fundraising, school meals, snacks and events.
  • 19. Food & Nutrition Education Provide experiential nutrition education and culinary arts highlighting connections between growing, preparing food, make healthy food choices and wellness. School gardens Cooking in the classroom Jr Chef
  • 20. Agricultural Literacy and Academic Connections Link academic standards with practical learning labs- school gardens and cafeteria Composting & recycling to develop an understanding of environmental stewardship. Facilitate understanding of food and farming systems and appreciation of people who grow food. - Farm tours - Farmer in the classroom - Trip to Farmers Market
  • 21.  
  • 22. Farm to School Resources www.healthyschoolenvironment.org www.cafarmtoschool.org www.caff.org
  • 23. Farmer in the Classroom Clearly discuss in advance the setting, time guidelines , location, topics etc will make it a pleasurable experience for all! Are they bringing produce? Is it for tasting? Has it already been washed, prepped? Check their schedule and your calendar. How many classrooms to visit? Can you arrange for one class after another? (try not to leave gaps in their schedule.) www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 24. Farmer in the Classroom Give them an overview of what you would like them to cover- for example: How long have you been a farmer? Did you have to go to school? Where is your farm located? How big is it (put it in child language) What do you grow? They should stick to information they are comfortable presenting, not topics they aren’t versed in. www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 25. www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Promoting & Serving Fruits & Vegetables
  • 26. Harvest of the Month Seasonal Produce www.healthyschoolenvironment.org www.harvestofthemonth.com
  • 27. Sourcing Fresh Fruits and Veggies www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Fruits & Vegetables Galore is a tool for school foodservice professionals packed with tips on planning, purchasing, protecting, preparing, presenting and promoting fruits and vegetables. Order as hard copy or download as PDF Fruits & Vegetables Galore: Helping Kids Eat More
  • 29. Promoting Fruits & Vegetables www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 30. Promoting Vegetable Snacks www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 31. FFVP Schools Promotion In Action www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 32. Fruity Girls at Balboa Highschool Fruity Girls - Balboa High School NOTE: I have edited down the 5 minute video to about 2 minutes to share their unique program. This video will be in an easy to view format (no internet needed) www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 33. Successful Serving Styles www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 34. FFVP Schools In Action www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 35. FFVP Schools In Action www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 36. Serving F&V Video Wake up to Fresh Fruits and Veggies www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 37. Healthy Schools Project Ventura Unified School District Child Nutrition Services
  • 38. Components Farm-to-School Salad Bar Breakfast Bar Classroom Nutrition Garden-Based Learning Coordinated School Health Council (WP)
  • 39. Healthy Schools Project “ Build life-long attitudes and skills that foster healthy food choices Promote the National School Lunch program Increase awareness of the relationship between agriculture, nutrition, the environment and food Create connections among the schools, the community and farmers Develop a Healthy School Environment, supported by Board Policy and adult behavior
  • 40. Farm to School Salad Bar Provides fresh, locally grown produce Meets USDA nutritional requirements Builds skills needed for making healthy choices
  • 41. Enhanced Nutrition Education Aligns Nutrition Education with core curriculum Integrate cafeteria experience with classroom learning Learn the connection between the food we eat, where it comes from, and how we get it
  • 42. Garden Enhanced Learning/Ag Literacy Provides interactive learning about nutrition and agriculture Utilizes the garden to link math, language arts and science curriculum with “hands on” experience.
  • 43. Watch Us Grow HSP Project Team at each school - Teacher, Café Manager, Garden Coordinator, Nutrition Educator, Parent/PTA, physical activity instructor Child Nutrition Staff Training Integration of nutrition competencies into State standards
  • 44. Working Together to Grow Healthy Kids, Schools and Communities!
  • 45. Share a Successful Serving Style/Promotion www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Audience share out.
  • 46. Clean Veggies from Garden to Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 48. Clean Veggies from Garden to Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 49. School Garden Questions and Answers www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Q1. Can the school food service use funds from the nonprofit school food service account to purchase seeds for a school garden? A1. Yes, with the understanding that the garden is used within the context of the program, i.e. selling the food or providing food in the classroom as part of an educational lesson. Q2. Can the school food service use funds from the nonprofit school food service account to purchase items for the school garden such as fertilizer, watering cans, rakes, etc.? A2. Yes, as long as the items are used for the purpose of starting and maintaining the garden. Q3. Can a school sell food grown in their school garden that was funded using the nonprofit school food service account? A3. Yes, as long as the revenue from the sale of the food accrues back to the nonprofit school food service account. Schools can serve the produce as part of a reimbursable meal or sell it a la carte, to parents, to Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members, at a roadside stand, etc.
  • 50. School Garden Questions and Answers www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Q4. Are there health/safety issues involved with school gardens? A4. Yes. School Food Authorities (SFAs) need to familiarize themselves with the Federal, State, and local requirements regarding health and sanitation issues. Q5. Can the school food service purchase produce from another school organization that is maintaining and managing the garden, such as Future Farmers of America (FFA)? A5. Yes, the school food service may purchase produce from a garden run by a school organization such as FFA, which is an agricultural education program for students. Q6. Can funds received through the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program (FFVP) be used to purchase seeds/tools/equipment for a school garden? A6. No. FFVP funds may not be used for the purchase of any materials for school gardens. Q7. What if there is excess produce from the garden left over at the end of the school year? A7. The school should first see if the excess food can be used to benefit another program such as the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). If that is not possible, they could try selling the food (as always, the profit must accrue back to the nonprofit school food service account) or donate it in accordance with State and local health/safety regulations. 
  • 51. Cooking in the Garden and Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 52.  
  • 53.  
  • 54.  
  • 55. Baking Box Stir Fry Box Salad Box Crock Pot Box Smoothie Box
  • 56.  
  • 57.  
  • 58. Safe Culinary Skills in the Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org Name some ways to prevent passing germs – Germ Toss Activity
  • 59. Safe Culinary Skills in the Classroom www.healthyschoolenvironment.org
  • 60. FOOD SAFETY— It’s in your hands © 2009 National Pasteurized Eggs, Inc. www.SafeEggs.com
  • 61. Quality + Safety = Quality of Life Hand Washing Standard Operating Procedure customer Hand- washing Bacteria & Viruses
  • 63. www.healthyschoolenvironment.org How many germs are on your hands?
  • 64. 76,000,000 illnesses 325,000 hospitalizations 5,000 deaths Foodborne illness Bacteria & Viruses Source: www.CDC.gov/nicodid/eidvovl5no5.mead.htm
  • 65. Hand- washing Wash Hands Stop infections Break chain of infection spreading Stops growth of germs Removes bacteria & viruses What can you do?
  • 66. Hand- washing What germs are on your hands?
  • 67. www.healthyschoolenvironment.org When do you wash your hands? Hand- washing
  • 68. Hand Washing Hand- washing When do you wash your hands?
  • 69. SOP Rings and Things
  • 70. SOP Where do you wash your hands?
  • 71. Step 1. Rinse hands and wrists
  • 73. Step 3. Generate heavy lather
  • 75. Step 5. Dry hands with paper towel
  • 76. Step 6. Use paper towel to turn off faucet
  • 80. Quality + Safety = Quality of Life Standard Operating Procedure Patient or Resident Hand- washing Bacteria & Viruses
  • 83. Before You Leave Please complete an evaluation for today and leave it in the container on your way out. Thanks for joining us Join us again on March 17-18, 2010 for a Spring FFVCHSE Workshop www.healthyschoolenvironment.org

Editor's Notes

  1. The goal we need to keep our sights on is the whole system/ comprehensive school environment. Not just nutrition education, or PE…
  2. Distance between farmer and eater: what if a farmer sells to a LOCAL distributor who then sells to DISTANT institutions/eaters?
  3. Welcome the employees. Please remember to sign in so that we can ensure that 100% of the staff have been trained on the proper techniques in handwashing. The Centers for Disease Control, the Food &amp; Drug Administration, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are constantly updating guidelines in order to ensure that we are practicing safe standards for our own safety and the safety of the patients or residents that we are serving.
  4. We have a unique job. We are trying to prepare high quality food for our patients/residents and staff. At the same time we have to always be sure and follow the procedures that are in place at _________ that help us keep our food safe to eat. Our goal is to provide quality of life for our clients. In our kitchens there are many things that we do to make sure we serve a quality food product. We follow safe procedures and safe food handling practices to make the lives of our clients more pleasant. What we are doing is creating the quality of life that brings a smile to the faces of those we serve. There are many things that can happen in our department that affect quality of life . Some of these factors are out of our control, but we can take steps to eliminate or reduce risks or factors that can make people sick or that can be potentially harmful. Look at this chart: SOP – standard operating procedures, bacteria or viruses – and handwashing can all affect our clients. Bacteria and viruses are on our hands and even in our food. This can be dangerous for our clients and for each other. (Did you know foodservice workers who practice poor hygiene can make each other sick, too?) But we can follow SOPs to help eliminate or reduce bacteria and viruses. One way to do that is to wash your hands. So all three of these factors are related to client care and food safety.
  5. What that means is that the safety of food served at ______________is in our hands. Today we are going to take a look at our standard operating procedures for washing hands; and why that is important in keeping our kitchen and food safe from bacteria and viruses.
  6. But first: Take a guess here! How many germs do you think are in that little box? [let everyone guess] The answer is about: 650,000. Now, how many germs would you guess it takes to make any one of us ill? The answer is: As few as 10! These are invisible threats, but they’re serious.
  7. So now you know why we have Standard Operating Procedures. These are our routines we always follow to keep our patients healthy and our food safe to eat. Handwashing is an important procedure for many reasons. Bacteria and viruses that are present on our hands can be the cause or a factor in what is called foodborne illness. A foodborne illness occurs when certain germs from our hands touch food, and people eat the food. Our hands touch other things, too, like clean dishes, cooking utensils, and more. Germs can travel from our hands through these things to food… to our clients. When germs travel through food, people can get sick and even lose their lives. The Centers for Disease Control offer some quick facts to explain why this is so important. Over 76 million people become sick from foodborne illness every year.
  8. The good news is YOU can make a difference! Germs can accumulate on your hands when you touch an object, touch your mouth, touch your nose or when you touch your eyes. The best thing you can do is wash your hands FREQUENTLY and EFFECTIVELY.
  9. Germs can accumulate on your hands when you touch an object, touch your mouth, touch your nose or when you touch your eyes. Hundreds of different bacteria and viruses are in our world… and many are on our hands. Unfortunately, they’re not easy to see like dirt. … So the handwashing habit is crucial.
  10. When do you need to wash your hands? Wash hands when you arrive at work. Wash hands before you start to prepare any foods. Wash hands before and after eating or drinking. Wash hands after smoking. Wash hands after you have used the bathroom.
  11. Wash hands after you have sneezed. Wash hands after cleaning or handling garbage. Wash hands after taking off gloves and before putting on a new pair of gloves. Wash hands after handling dirty equipment. Wash hands after handling dishes or utensils. Wash hands after touching raw meats, fish or poultry. Wash hands anytime you change tasks to go from one thing to another.
  12. Part of hand hygiene is to remove all jewelry. Jewelry is lovely but does not belong in an area where food is being prepared. Why? Because germs can hide under rings and in little cracks. You should remove jewelry before you come to work. A plain wedding band is the only acceptable piece of jewelry that may be worn. You also need to keep fingernails short, with clear nail polish only. Artificial nails and painted nails can chip and fall into food. That’s dangerous.
  13. There are designated places to wash our hands. In our operation, we have _______ handwashing sinks. These are the only places where you can wash your hands. Why not in the dishwashing area? Why not in a food preparation sink? Because germs from your hands – and the soap you use – can enter food and make our clients sick.
  14. Proper Handwashing begins with: Step 1: Rinse or wet your hands with running water.
  15. Step 2: Use liquid soap. Rub hands together with soap and lather well, covering all surfaces.
  16. Step 3: Lather the soap. Weave fingers and thumbs together and vigorously rub all surfaces of the hands. Wash under ring bands, cuticles, and fingernails. You need to do this for 10 to 15 seconds to loosen up any soil and germs. Count to at least 10!
  17. Step 4: Rinse. Rinse hands under a stream of clean, running water until all of the soap is removed. Notice how the fingers are pointing down. This is so that water, dirt, and germs won’t drip towards the elbow.
  18. Step 5: Dry hands with a disposable towel or air dry hands. Do not use a dish towel or your apron.
  19. Step 6: Turn off taps with a dry paper towel. This is so you don’t get new germs onto your hands form the faucet handle.
  20. Gloves are also part of the standard operating procedure in making sure that food is safe. Gloves separate hands from food. We use gloves or utensils instead of bare hands any time we’re touching food that’s ready to be served. But gloves can create false security. You think you’re being safe as long as gloves are on. Well…. Gloves can carry germs, too— like hands. So, you need to change them frequently throughout the day. Here are some tips: Before you put on a pair of gloves, wash your hands. After you take off your gloves, wash your hands. Change gloves when they are torn or soiled. Any time you would wash your hands (like after sneezing, using the bathroom, handling trash, handling raw meats, etc.) – Now you need to change your gloves.
  21. Remember, our hands can be the 10 most deadly weapons in our kitchen. So, we need to wash our hands often and frequently. Anytime you are getting ready to handle food, wash your hands! Let’s do a quick review of the standard operating procedure for handwashing: Moisten – get your hands wet. Rub – liquid soap Lather – 10-15 seconds Rinse – rinse with the fingers pointing down. Dry – dry with a paper towel or air dry Use the paper towel to turn off the faucet.
  22. It is so easy to get busy during the day and forget that what we do in this kitchen can greatly affect our clients. In long-term care or hospitals, we’re often helping people who can get sick easily. When we remember to wash our hands – and wash our hands using the standard operating procedures discussed—we are helping our residents maintain and build their quality of life. Healthcare is going through a culture change, and that means we work harder to keep the people we serve at the center of everything we do. Clients need our help in making sure that we provide them with the highest quality of food and safety standards that we can so that we are providing them with the quality of life they deserve.
  23. Do you ever think SIMPLE things in life are the best? Our simple standard operating procedure …Moisten Rub Lather Rinse Dry……….. can eliminate germs and keep clients safe. It can mean the difference between suffering and joy. Safe food means our residents or patients enjoy Quality of Life. Now it’s in YOUR hands!