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How to optimize your Facebook Page for branding, engagement, fan growth, virality, and developing a network of influencers. Robin Frank beepbeep media [email_address] Facebook Page Strategy for 2011
Facebook Strategy Basics Goals Let customers tell their stories Let customers be your sales force Fans feel valued, respected, included Create a culture and experience consistent with your brand Create a page that is a source of info/experience Provide content that is regular, relevant, timely, fresh Give fans something to engage over
Facebook Engagement Strategies News feed Your page wall Apps Social plug-ins
News Feed Optimization News Feed content is determined by Facebook’s algorithms How often the user interacts with your fan page/content  Type of interaction (comments weighted more than likes) Your content recency + activity  The more popular your page/posts,  the more you’ll show in the news feeds of your fans = Great Content Strategy
Content Strategy Guidelines: What to Post Variety: share a mix of text, links, photos and videos Image posts more engaging (measured by fan responses, likes, shares,) than video, text Use humor in images  Incorporate regular calls to action Use questions/fill in the blanks/offer an opinion, i.e. What is your favorite healthy sleep ritual? Where do you go when your partner snores? Ask about a topic everyone is experiencing  Do this anytime you post OPC Drive fans to your site with free gifts, discounts, coupons Theme Days Question of the week Great Sleep: Tip of the week – short, easily applied tips Promo of the week Quote of the week on sleep/snoring Snore soundtrack/Video of the week Link to review or how/to – how to gift this to your partner, how to suggest, how it really feels, etc. Polls
Content Strategy: Timing The Science of timing Men/most of the population Posts made before noon get 65% more engagement  Friday posts generate most engagement, while sat/sun have least Moms Online after 6pm Low engagement on Fridays and weekends Key: testing
Editorial Guide Tone/Personality: Smart, educated, real, sense of humor. Age appropriate. Gender appropriate. Frequency: Post every day Mix up the media: including: links to other blogs and articles, videos, photos, and straight status updates (quotes, questions, updates without links). Ask Fans to Like/share your updates Encourage comments by asking yes/no questions Promos 2X/week – follow promo calendar – make it worth your fan’s while to look for your updates Monitor page Reply to everyone that posts on page – use first names and greet them as friends
Women Rule Facebook 62% of activity in terms of messages, updates and comments 71% of the daily fan activity 8% more Facebook friends on average than men Spend more time on the site Source: Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook
Who Should Post? More effective to let one person or small group of people manage your page Presenting one consistent, clear voice for your company  Reassures fans that they're interacting with an actual person from your company, not a generic blast of self-promotional updates
Promo/Conversion Strategies Include regular calls to action  Add sufficient value and you can easily intersperse with promotional content Iterative testing Create plan for testing and learning Coupons, discounts, giveaways, etc. Must use 3 rd  party to run these: Offerpop, Wildfire, Promoboxx, Involver, and Freepromos (free for <5K fans)
Rewarding Referrals Groupon, etc Facebook launching their own platform shortly Reward them when the friend purchases the product - tracked with a gift code in the shopping cart $10 off coupon for the friend $10 off for referring person on their next purchase    Can provide them with a gift code to send to someone who snores
Content: Where to Source Your Content Blog posts Articles Podcasts Video Photos Interviews Testimonials User experiences OPC – Other People’s Content Blog subscriptions – alltop.com, digg.com Ezine subscriptions Facebook friend lists Twitter lists
Content – Guidelines for Writing Keep updates short and to the point  Think in terms of headlines—grab their attention fast  End most posts with questions or engaging call to action Encourage comments with yes/no questions Ask fans to “like” your update Ask fans to “share” your update Use verbs Personify your brand
Design Strategy: Your Wall Settings Your wall is a place for customers to express themselves and tell you exactly how they feel about your product or service. Any feedback is useful feedback.  Fans allowed to write, post photos, post videos, and post links &quot;Can comment on posts&quot;  - set to “Everyone” Default view – change to all posts
Design Strategy: Wall View Big logo/avatar: 180 X 540 Company details section About us section Opt-in box for email Secure your username – with 25 fans Easy to use/find Users can join your page via SMS  Text: like yourusername to 32665
Design Strategy – Photos Upload photos Put up pictures of product and customers using the product.  The ideal dimensions to make sure the thumbnail size shows properly is:  970px by 680px. Facebook then makes the entire image the thumbnail size, which is 97px by 68px.  Organize into albums Testimonials Other ideas? Foster a closer connection between customers and your page by allowing fans to upload photos and videos 
Using Photo Viewer for Marketing Create at least 5 photos with special offers and clear calls to action (CTAs) right on the images Click Here, or Click Here for Details  Include a short narrative with a hyperlink to that offer in the photo description When your fans click the image, it pops up in the lightbox where they can then see the description and link  Any images of links (URLs) will, of course, not actually click through to the web page.  BUT, when anyone clicks on the five images at the top of your Page (or anytime you share an image on your wall, load to an album, etc), they will see the image pop up in the lightbox where you then have your compelling offer
Design Strategy: Welcome Tab Also known as a Facebook Landing Page Explain what your page is about, who it’s for, and why they should become members Non fans land on a unique tab #1 way to increase conversions (to “like” your page) Provide an incentive to “like” Why Visitors immediately feel in the right place  Inviting, compelling  Makes it fun, entertaining, and interactive Provides an “experience” – not just a static page Keep it fresh What content do we have?  Infomercial? Graphics?
Fan Gate Before Like After Like
Design Strategy: Apps Use custom tabs to integrate apps into your page to create more engagement Unique, quizzes, games, and other interactive features This is where you can get really creative  Sets your page apart from your competitors (not so hard to do at this point…)
Recommended Apps Blog  Networked blogs – will autopublish blog articles to your FB page Yelp by NorthSocial FAQs Page – for answering common questions FanAppz polls and quizzes Provides the option for voters to share (on their personal profiles) and also to share on their Fan pages! Scheduling – Schedulicity or GenBook
Ecommerce – Direct Purchase Pros and Cons Pros:  Your page can be a one-stop shop for customers to interact, engage and buy your product  This has proven to be extremely beneficial for companies Adds a product tab to your page so fans can view products and easily purchase without having to leave Facebook and visit a website that they are potentially unfamiliar with Cons: May not be able to do this for some companies such as medical devices due to regulations.
Managing Your Page Assign specific, trusted, trained Admins to your Page  Have set times for who checks the wall  Agree upon your in-house policies  - these are the ones I recommend: Acknowledge fans at every opportunity Every (legitimate) fan post gets a reply or like Join their page and call them out by name if relevant Spot your superfans They answer questions from other fans, leave comments, @tag your page, tweet, blog, etc. Reward them! Spam is flagged/deleted Others are not allowed to promote their content and products on your page Fan is warned on first offense; banned permanently on second offense Assign an arbitrary scale of severity for problems as to who should be alerted and when: 1-4 Admin handles; 5-6 Senior staff alerted; 7-10 Management alerted
Handling Spam and Negativity Strip out  promptly  Handle criticism / negative comments courteously and appropriately Ban the fan: Click Flag > Report > select reason > check “Permanently ban” > click Submit  Set a positive culture – instill a sense of “neighborhood watch”
Remember It’s not just about FB, it’s about a multichannel deep and wide engagement If its not related to building sales, it doesn’t belong  Enhance the user experience Educate about all you do Let your customers sell for you Create a community of passionate customers
Getting More Fans Focus on building organically by providing consistent quality content and engagement over time Keep in mind it's better to have a smaller, highly-targeted, qualified and engaged audience than a large audience who doesn't pay much attention to you
And More Fans Embed Facebook Like Box on your website and your blog posts Displays number of fans  Shows people their friends who are fans of your page Powerful socialproof Found here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box
And Many More Fans Email Send out an invite to email list – describe page and provide an incentive to join Do this several times, over time Make sure your Facebook badge appears in HTML newsletters “ Join our FB Community” or “Add your snoring video” or “Write on our wall” Add Facebook profile link to email signatures Check out wisestamp.com Make a compelling Welcome Video (Landing Tab) Create fan-only offers for the landing page and beyond Use Facebook apps Promos and contests that reward sharing
Even More Fans Embed videos on your Fan Page You can load video content to your Facebook fan page, then take the source code and embed on your blog/website.  Embedded videos display a white watermark hotlink of the FB name in upper left corner of video player. This clickable link toes to the original video page on your fan page If If the visitor to your site clicks through to Facebook from your video, and they are logged into Facebook at the time, they will see a Like button at the top left corner of the video player  Facebook Ads More effective when you have a fan base – as users can see friends who like you, which creates social proof.  Link to Twitter You have 420 characters on the Facebook publisher and 140 on Twitter. In the tweet that goes out, Facebook truncates your post past a certain character count and inserts a bit.ly link back to your fan page To track click-through stats on that link, just paste the bit.ly link that Facebook created for you in your browser’s address bar and add a “+” sign to the end. This works for any bit.ly link! Also recommend you promote your Facebook fan page on your Twitter background and possibly in your Twitter bio/URL field too
And Even More Fans Get fans to join via SMS To join your fan page, Facebook users just send a text message to 32665 (FBOOK) with the words  “like yourusername” (without the quotes). This feature is ideal when you’re addressing a live audience Use Print Media too – on business cards , letterhead, brochures, ads, products, product packaging and info leaflets, etc. Friends Periodically suggest to friends/share and add a compelling comment along the lines of exciting news, special incentives, etc. Use with discretion Autograph other fan pages by using the @tag other pages to give them a shout out and to gain even more exposure for yours – also use with discretion
Videos Funny, engaging video content Develop yourself Take top virals on Youtube and other sites, then compile segments from each (make sure you aren’t violating copyright laws) At the end of each video, prompt the viewer to become a fan and explain to them how to mouse over the top of the video Share the video and encourage others to share the video as well
Metrics To Follow #1: Using Facebook Insights to measure your daily engagement to make sure the content you are sharing with your fans if being consumed and engaged with. Which posts are generating the most interactions, and at what time #2: Measuring external growth metrics- ie sales, clickable links, coupons redeemed, blog activity, etc.
Using Facebook Insights Top measurement: Daily engagement rate  Fans engaging with your page content Post likes, comments, hides, unlikes and media consumption Daily page activity Posts by fans on your walls + @mentions of you Impressions – number of times your content has been rendered in stream – wall, news feed, social plugin Page growth rate New likes (- unlikes) External referrers – where is traffic coming from Page views and active users Hits from Logged in users = Total + Unique (look at uniques) Active users - #fans + non-fans who have viewed/interacted with your page Tab views – which tabs are getting most activity
External Growth Metrics Clickthrough rate (trackable links) Traffic to website/blog Blog activity Subscribers, comments, length of time on site, number of pages visited, number of social shares Email opt-ins – use a unique form code from FB Coupons redeemed Phone calls/sales inquiries – unique phone number/extension from Facebook SMS/mobile opt-ins Sales Per sale value – increase with FB Like button Brand sentiment
Measurement Tools - Summary Facebook Insights Weekly summary from Facebook – all arrows up and green  Twentyfeet.com – daily emails Track FB, Twitter, Google analytics, YouTube, etc. all in on place Custom rating system Socialbakers.com – compare with other pages – engagement rating Hootsuite.com
Scheduling Tools Increase Efficiency Hootsuite Can schedule posts in advance Can post to both Facebook and Twitter simultaneously Hootlet bookmark – easily share content from the web to your fan page or Twitter account Dashboard integrates more than one FB/Twitter account – you can see multiple brands. Tweetdeck Seesmic desktop

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Facebook Fan Page Strategy - Complete Guidelines for Creating and Optimizing your Page

  • 1. How to optimize your Facebook Page for branding, engagement, fan growth, virality, and developing a network of influencers. Robin Frank beepbeep media [email_address] Facebook Page Strategy for 2011
  • 2. Facebook Strategy Basics Goals Let customers tell their stories Let customers be your sales force Fans feel valued, respected, included Create a culture and experience consistent with your brand Create a page that is a source of info/experience Provide content that is regular, relevant, timely, fresh Give fans something to engage over
  • 3. Facebook Engagement Strategies News feed Your page wall Apps Social plug-ins
  • 4. News Feed Optimization News Feed content is determined by Facebook’s algorithms How often the user interacts with your fan page/content Type of interaction (comments weighted more than likes) Your content recency + activity The more popular your page/posts, the more you’ll show in the news feeds of your fans = Great Content Strategy
  • 5. Content Strategy Guidelines: What to Post Variety: share a mix of text, links, photos and videos Image posts more engaging (measured by fan responses, likes, shares,) than video, text Use humor in images Incorporate regular calls to action Use questions/fill in the blanks/offer an opinion, i.e. What is your favorite healthy sleep ritual? Where do you go when your partner snores? Ask about a topic everyone is experiencing Do this anytime you post OPC Drive fans to your site with free gifts, discounts, coupons Theme Days Question of the week Great Sleep: Tip of the week – short, easily applied tips Promo of the week Quote of the week on sleep/snoring Snore soundtrack/Video of the week Link to review or how/to – how to gift this to your partner, how to suggest, how it really feels, etc. Polls
  • 6. Content Strategy: Timing The Science of timing Men/most of the population Posts made before noon get 65% more engagement Friday posts generate most engagement, while sat/sun have least Moms Online after 6pm Low engagement on Fridays and weekends Key: testing
  • 7. Editorial Guide Tone/Personality: Smart, educated, real, sense of humor. Age appropriate. Gender appropriate. Frequency: Post every day Mix up the media: including: links to other blogs and articles, videos, photos, and straight status updates (quotes, questions, updates without links). Ask Fans to Like/share your updates Encourage comments by asking yes/no questions Promos 2X/week – follow promo calendar – make it worth your fan’s while to look for your updates Monitor page Reply to everyone that posts on page – use first names and greet them as friends
  • 8. Women Rule Facebook 62% of activity in terms of messages, updates and comments 71% of the daily fan activity 8% more Facebook friends on average than men Spend more time on the site Source: Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook
  • 9. Who Should Post? More effective to let one person or small group of people manage your page Presenting one consistent, clear voice for your company Reassures fans that they're interacting with an actual person from your company, not a generic blast of self-promotional updates
  • 10. Promo/Conversion Strategies Include regular calls to action Add sufficient value and you can easily intersperse with promotional content Iterative testing Create plan for testing and learning Coupons, discounts, giveaways, etc. Must use 3 rd party to run these: Offerpop, Wildfire, Promoboxx, Involver, and Freepromos (free for <5K fans)
  • 11. Rewarding Referrals Groupon, etc Facebook launching their own platform shortly Reward them when the friend purchases the product - tracked with a gift code in the shopping cart $10 off coupon for the friend $10 off for referring person on their next purchase   Can provide them with a gift code to send to someone who snores
  • 12. Content: Where to Source Your Content Blog posts Articles Podcasts Video Photos Interviews Testimonials User experiences OPC – Other People’s Content Blog subscriptions – alltop.com, digg.com Ezine subscriptions Facebook friend lists Twitter lists
  • 13. Content – Guidelines for Writing Keep updates short and to the point Think in terms of headlines—grab their attention fast End most posts with questions or engaging call to action Encourage comments with yes/no questions Ask fans to “like” your update Ask fans to “share” your update Use verbs Personify your brand
  • 14. Design Strategy: Your Wall Settings Your wall is a place for customers to express themselves and tell you exactly how they feel about your product or service. Any feedback is useful feedback. Fans allowed to write, post photos, post videos, and post links &quot;Can comment on posts&quot; - set to “Everyone” Default view – change to all posts
  • 15. Design Strategy: Wall View Big logo/avatar: 180 X 540 Company details section About us section Opt-in box for email Secure your username – with 25 fans Easy to use/find Users can join your page via SMS Text: like yourusername to 32665
  • 16. Design Strategy – Photos Upload photos Put up pictures of product and customers using the product. The ideal dimensions to make sure the thumbnail size shows properly is:  970px by 680px. Facebook then makes the entire image the thumbnail size, which is 97px by 68px. Organize into albums Testimonials Other ideas? Foster a closer connection between customers and your page by allowing fans to upload photos and videos 
  • 17. Using Photo Viewer for Marketing Create at least 5 photos with special offers and clear calls to action (CTAs) right on the images Click Here, or Click Here for Details Include a short narrative with a hyperlink to that offer in the photo description When your fans click the image, it pops up in the lightbox where they can then see the description and link Any images of links (URLs) will, of course, not actually click through to the web page. BUT, when anyone clicks on the five images at the top of your Page (or anytime you share an image on your wall, load to an album, etc), they will see the image pop up in the lightbox where you then have your compelling offer
  • 18. Design Strategy: Welcome Tab Also known as a Facebook Landing Page Explain what your page is about, who it’s for, and why they should become members Non fans land on a unique tab #1 way to increase conversions (to “like” your page) Provide an incentive to “like” Why Visitors immediately feel in the right place Inviting, compelling Makes it fun, entertaining, and interactive Provides an “experience” – not just a static page Keep it fresh What content do we have? Infomercial? Graphics?
  • 19. Fan Gate Before Like After Like
  • 20. Design Strategy: Apps Use custom tabs to integrate apps into your page to create more engagement Unique, quizzes, games, and other interactive features This is where you can get really creative  Sets your page apart from your competitors (not so hard to do at this point…)
  • 21. Recommended Apps Blog Networked blogs – will autopublish blog articles to your FB page Yelp by NorthSocial FAQs Page – for answering common questions FanAppz polls and quizzes Provides the option for voters to share (on their personal profiles) and also to share on their Fan pages! Scheduling – Schedulicity or GenBook
  • 22. Ecommerce – Direct Purchase Pros and Cons Pros: Your page can be a one-stop shop for customers to interact, engage and buy your product This has proven to be extremely beneficial for companies Adds a product tab to your page so fans can view products and easily purchase without having to leave Facebook and visit a website that they are potentially unfamiliar with Cons: May not be able to do this for some companies such as medical devices due to regulations.
  • 23. Managing Your Page Assign specific, trusted, trained Admins to your Page Have set times for who checks the wall Agree upon your in-house policies - these are the ones I recommend: Acknowledge fans at every opportunity Every (legitimate) fan post gets a reply or like Join their page and call them out by name if relevant Spot your superfans They answer questions from other fans, leave comments, @tag your page, tweet, blog, etc. Reward them! Spam is flagged/deleted Others are not allowed to promote their content and products on your page Fan is warned on first offense; banned permanently on second offense Assign an arbitrary scale of severity for problems as to who should be alerted and when: 1-4 Admin handles; 5-6 Senior staff alerted; 7-10 Management alerted
  • 24. Handling Spam and Negativity Strip out promptly Handle criticism / negative comments courteously and appropriately Ban the fan: Click Flag > Report > select reason > check “Permanently ban” > click Submit Set a positive culture – instill a sense of “neighborhood watch”
  • 25. Remember It’s not just about FB, it’s about a multichannel deep and wide engagement If its not related to building sales, it doesn’t belong Enhance the user experience Educate about all you do Let your customers sell for you Create a community of passionate customers
  • 26. Getting More Fans Focus on building organically by providing consistent quality content and engagement over time Keep in mind it's better to have a smaller, highly-targeted, qualified and engaged audience than a large audience who doesn't pay much attention to you
  • 27. And More Fans Embed Facebook Like Box on your website and your blog posts Displays number of fans Shows people their friends who are fans of your page Powerful socialproof Found here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box
  • 28. And Many More Fans Email Send out an invite to email list – describe page and provide an incentive to join Do this several times, over time Make sure your Facebook badge appears in HTML newsletters “ Join our FB Community” or “Add your snoring video” or “Write on our wall” Add Facebook profile link to email signatures Check out wisestamp.com Make a compelling Welcome Video (Landing Tab) Create fan-only offers for the landing page and beyond Use Facebook apps Promos and contests that reward sharing
  • 29. Even More Fans Embed videos on your Fan Page You can load video content to your Facebook fan page, then take the source code and embed on your blog/website. Embedded videos display a white watermark hotlink of the FB name in upper left corner of video player. This clickable link toes to the original video page on your fan page If If the visitor to your site clicks through to Facebook from your video, and they are logged into Facebook at the time, they will see a Like button at the top left corner of the video player Facebook Ads More effective when you have a fan base – as users can see friends who like you, which creates social proof. Link to Twitter You have 420 characters on the Facebook publisher and 140 on Twitter. In the tweet that goes out, Facebook truncates your post past a certain character count and inserts a bit.ly link back to your fan page To track click-through stats on that link, just paste the bit.ly link that Facebook created for you in your browser’s address bar and add a “+” sign to the end. This works for any bit.ly link! Also recommend you promote your Facebook fan page on your Twitter background and possibly in your Twitter bio/URL field too
  • 30. And Even More Fans Get fans to join via SMS To join your fan page, Facebook users just send a text message to 32665 (FBOOK) with the words “like yourusername” (without the quotes). This feature is ideal when you’re addressing a live audience Use Print Media too – on business cards , letterhead, brochures, ads, products, product packaging and info leaflets, etc. Friends Periodically suggest to friends/share and add a compelling comment along the lines of exciting news, special incentives, etc. Use with discretion Autograph other fan pages by using the @tag other pages to give them a shout out and to gain even more exposure for yours – also use with discretion
  • 31. Videos Funny, engaging video content Develop yourself Take top virals on Youtube and other sites, then compile segments from each (make sure you aren’t violating copyright laws) At the end of each video, prompt the viewer to become a fan and explain to them how to mouse over the top of the video Share the video and encourage others to share the video as well
  • 32. Metrics To Follow #1: Using Facebook Insights to measure your daily engagement to make sure the content you are sharing with your fans if being consumed and engaged with. Which posts are generating the most interactions, and at what time #2: Measuring external growth metrics- ie sales, clickable links, coupons redeemed, blog activity, etc.
  • 33. Using Facebook Insights Top measurement: Daily engagement rate Fans engaging with your page content Post likes, comments, hides, unlikes and media consumption Daily page activity Posts by fans on your walls + @mentions of you Impressions – number of times your content has been rendered in stream – wall, news feed, social plugin Page growth rate New likes (- unlikes) External referrers – where is traffic coming from Page views and active users Hits from Logged in users = Total + Unique (look at uniques) Active users - #fans + non-fans who have viewed/interacted with your page Tab views – which tabs are getting most activity
  • 34. External Growth Metrics Clickthrough rate (trackable links) Traffic to website/blog Blog activity Subscribers, comments, length of time on site, number of pages visited, number of social shares Email opt-ins – use a unique form code from FB Coupons redeemed Phone calls/sales inquiries – unique phone number/extension from Facebook SMS/mobile opt-ins Sales Per sale value – increase with FB Like button Brand sentiment
  • 35. Measurement Tools - Summary Facebook Insights Weekly summary from Facebook – all arrows up and green Twentyfeet.com – daily emails Track FB, Twitter, Google analytics, YouTube, etc. all in on place Custom rating system Socialbakers.com – compare with other pages – engagement rating Hootsuite.com
  • 36. Scheduling Tools Increase Efficiency Hootsuite Can schedule posts in advance Can post to both Facebook and Twitter simultaneously Hootlet bookmark – easily share content from the web to your fan page or Twitter account Dashboard integrates more than one FB/Twitter account – you can see multiple brands. Tweetdeck Seesmic desktop

Editor's Notes

  1. Facebook removed this feature for all Pages and instead encourages users to use the Share button found at the bottom left of all Pages. See this entry in Facebook’s Help Center: How can people suggest my Page to their friends? However, the Suggest to Friends feature does still appear for Admins and has been moved to the top right of your Page now in the Admins area. I have heard reports that, since the Page Upgrades, the form is very buggy and that the friends don’t always receive the invites. Hopefully this is being resolved. Keep an eye on Facebook’s Known Issues Page.